Leonov's antigravity engine how it works. The simplest anti-gravity engine. Principle of operation. As a result, three types of voltage are created for

Russian scientist, laureate of the Russian Government Prize Vladimir Leonov created the fundamental theory of Superunification, which brings Russian fundamental science to the world leaders.

The scientist shared with us the results of tests of a quantum engine with a horizontal thrust of 50 kg of force per impulse, conducted in 2009. More than five years have passed, and we asked about the current state of affairs:

Vladimir Semenovich, on your blog there are videos of tests of the 2009 apparatus with a quantum engine inside. There is no wheel drive, however, the device moves horizontally due to internal forces. Your opponents argue that it's all about the friction of the wheel bearings, and in zero gravity it will not work.

To remove the existing skepticism, over the years I have improved the quantum engine and made a device with a vertical take-off to remove the “bearing factor”. In June 2014, its bench tests were successfully carried out. With the apparatus mass of 54 kg, the vertical thrust impulse was 500...700 kgf (kg of force) with the consumed electric power of 1 kW. The device takes off vertically along the rails with an acceleration of 10 ... 12g. These tests convincingly prove that gravity is conquered experimentally, confirming the Super Unification theory.

- Can you give comparative characteristics of a quantum engine and a modern rocket engine?

On the basis of bench tests, such characteristics were obtained. For comparison: a modern rocket engine (hereinafter - RD) for 1 kW of power creates a thrust of 1 Newton (0.1 kgf). A prototype quantum engine (QD) of 2014 for 1 kW of power creates a thrust of 5000 Newtons (500 kgf) per impulse.
Of course, in continuous mode, the specific traction characteristics of the CD decrease. However, in the pulsed mode, CD is already 5000 times more efficient than RD. This is explained by the fact that SP, unlike RD, does not heat the atmosphere and space with the products of fuel combustion. CD is powered by electrical energy.

- But this is a revolution in engine building. And how will it affect the space industry?

Today, spacecraft jet engines (RD) have reached their technical limit. For 50 years, the time impulse of their work has been increased from 220 seconds (V-2) by only 2 times to 450 seconds (Proton). The momentum of quantum engines is not hundreds of seconds, but years. A rocket with a RD weighing 100 tons at best carries 5 tons (5%) of payload.
A device with a quantum engine of 100 tons will have a quantum engine with a reactor of 10 tons, that is, the payload is 90 tons, this is already 90% versus 5% for RD.

- And what will be the speed characteristics of interplanetary spacecraft of a new generation?

The maximum speed of a spacecraft with a quantum engine can reach 1000 km/s versus 18 km/s for a rocket. But most importantly, having a long thrust impulse, a device with a CD can move with acceleration. Thus, a flight to Mars on a new generation spacecraft with a quantum engine in the ±1g acceleration mode will take only 42 hours, and with full weightlessness compensation, to the Moon - 3.6 hours. Coming new era in space technologies.

- And what energy source do you plan to use to power the quantum engine?

The most promising source of energy is a cold fusion reactor (CNF), for example, according to the scheme of the Italian engineer Andrea Rossi, working on nickel. The energy efficiency of fuel, the same nickel in the nuclear cycle, is a million times higher than that of chemical fuel, that is, 1 kg of nickel in the CNS mode releases energy like 1 million kg of gasoline.
But Russia also has its own developments. I wrote about this in the article "Commission on pseudoscience and cold fusion will bury Russia's resource-based economy." Today we are reaping the fruits of this in the form of falling prices for hydrocarbon energy sources (Read “Russia is going to be strangled by cold fusion”)

Cold fusion is a separate big topic, and returning to the quantum engine, I would like to know about its application in aviation.

The creation of a universal engine that could simultaneously operate in space, in the atmosphere, on earth and under water is the primary task of fundamental science.
Only one engine satisfies this requirement - quantum. For example, in a passenger aircraft, the fuel consumption of a turbojet engine goes to overcome air resistance at altitudes of 10 ... 12 km, it does not fly higher. Installing a CD on an aircraft will allow it to fly at altitudes of 50 ... 100 km, where resistance is reduced by orders of magnitude, and, accordingly, the consumption of traditional fuel, the aircraft flies essentially by inertia.
When switching to CNS fuel, the aircraft will be able to fly for years without refueling. By increasing the speed, for example, on the Moscow-New York route, the flight time can be reduced from 10 hours to 1 hour.

- Well, it's fantastic. And what will happen to the car?

Yes, there is no fantasy, there is a fundamental theory of Superunification, which determines physical foundations new CNS reactors and a quantum engine operating on new physical principles.
The current level of development of science and technology a hundred years ago would have been perceived as a fantasy, when aviation and automobiles were just emerging. And what will happen in a hundred years?
Even now, the installation of a quantum engine on a car radically changes its scheme. We have a car body on wheels and a power plant with CD. No transmission needed. The traction is provided by CD, the permeability is colossal, the wheels do not slip. Filling 1 kg of nickel into the CNS reactor will allow a passenger car to run 10 million kilometers without refueling, this is 25 distances to the moon.
The car will be almost "eternal" - 50 ... 100 years of service life. There will be flying cars with an anti-gravity pillow capable of overcoming water obstacles through the air.

You have given us an idealistic picture of the near future. But who will allow it? Transnational corporations whose business is based on gasoline and oil will not allow this. Yes, and 50% of the Russian budget before the sanctions of the West was filled with oil and gas exports.
- It's not like that at the root. Everything that now travels and flies is the last century. Believe me time will pass, and multinational corporations will race to master the production of new cars, aircraft and reactors. These are the rules of a successful business, and they are very strict. Whoever is late for the distribution will go bankrupt.
And Russia has no other way of development than the way of scientific and technological progress. The raw-material economy of Russia turned out to be vulnerable to the sanctions policy of the West, and this was not a secret. Now for the sanctions we have to thank the West for awakening Russia. We need literally 2-3 years to modernize and ensure economic growth at an accelerated pace. Deng Xiaoping was 74 years old when he began to modernize China and their economy was in the worst condition, Putin was 62.
- As far as we know, you have been working on the Superunification theory, quantum engine and CNS reactor for 20 years. But it turned out that the Italian Andrea Rossi was the first to launch a cold fusion reactor. The US and China are also working on a quantum engine. But are we late, and who in Russia hinders the development of new energy and space technologies?

Paradoxically, but the main opponent of cold fusion and research in the field of antigravity was and remains the leadership Russian Academy Sciences (RAS), or rather, the RAS commission on pseudoscience, which declared cold fusion and antigravity a terry pseudoscience.
It is not difficult to prove that the RAS Commission on Pseudoscience was a special project from the outside, when against the backdrop of the fight against sorcerers and false healers, all groups of enthusiastic scientists in the field of CNS were defeated in the RAS. Fortunately for us, experts in the field of CNS did not give up and continued to work in the "underground", organizing annual conferences on cold transmutation of nuclei on the initiative of one of the pioneers of CNS, Yuri Bazhutov. Now they are preparing for the 22nd conference. As for the Rossi reactor, he has no special secrets, and his reactor has already been repeated by the Russian scientist Alexander Parkhomov.
But the hands of the RAS commission on pseudoscience reached out to the military, to Roskosmos. Work in the field of creating artificial gravity apparatuses at the Research Institute of Space Systems (NIIKS) was stopped, and one of the pioneers of a new direction in space engine building, General Valery Menshikov, was dismissed.
The media campaign was blown out to discredit these works (read "The resumption of tests" Gravicapa "is a cannon volley at the Academy of Sciences"). As a result, time was lost, and Roskosmos could not participate in the modernization of the quantum engine.
I will add that there is no violation of Newton's third law in the work of the CD. CD creates thrust when interacting with quantized space-time. China and the US are also working on a quantum engine. But their achievements in terms of thrust are less than 1 gram compared to 500 kg for the Russian CD (read "The new American engine has refuted the laws of physics").

- Vladimir Semenovich, thank you very much for the interesting interview. And what about the Higgs boson?

As I argued, the Higgs boson and its search at the LHC is the biggest anti-scientific falsification. After the discovery of the Higgs boson, they promised to create new physics and solve the problems of quantum gravity. Haven't decided.
And the problems of quantum gravity and artificial control of gravity are successfully solved in the theory of Superunification, which is a new physics. The theory of Superunification is based on the discovery by me in 1996 of a quantum of space-time (quanton). The quanton is the zero missing element in the periodic table (vacuum atom Newtonium), without which other elements cannot be formed.

Thank you very much for your interview. Let's hope that Western sanctions will really push the development of domestic science in priority areas.

A quantum engine is a device that can perform work with absolutely no loss of energy, while avoiding frictional forces and heat exchange with the environment. In other words, such an engine has maximum efficiency. Modern engines do not have such properties, because the existing laws of physics limit their application. Part of the energy is necessarily lost.

Therefore, scientists have been struggling for decades to create “perpetual” engines that could allow sending spacecraft to other planets, accelerating them to record speeds. On the this moment prototypes of such engines are already being created and tested. These units operate on completely new principles, which in the future may lead to the creation of ultra-fast spaceships, flying machines and many other inventions.


Today, many countries are trying to create a quantum engine. Patents are being created, tests are being carried out, but there are practically no real results at the moment. Only a few countries have already made some progress.

This is primarily Russia, the USA, China and Germany.
  • In Germany, German scientists from Augsburg have created a model engine that works on the quantum principle. The operation of such a device is based on the fact that two atoms located in a gaseous optical lattice at fairly low negative temperatures are exposed to an external alternating magnetic field.

As a result, one of the atoms begins to move along the optical lattice. After a while, it reaches a constant speed. In turn, the second atom plays the role of a starter. It is thanks to him that the first atom receives acceleration. This design became known as a quantum atomic engine. However, such an engine is still far from testing and real application.

  • China and the US are also working on building their own quantum device. They jointly develop and test the EmDrive engine. China is investing a lot of money in space. Initially, EmDrive was invented in the UK, then the United States and China became interested in creating such engines. NASA at the moment has almost completely classified the tests of its EmDrive engine. The Chinese Academy of Sciences, in turn, quite often reports on its successes. At the moment, China is testing this engine.

The EmDrive invention is being tested in various conditions including vacuum. The device, as the inventors assure, really works. It can work indefinitely and does not require a supply of fuel. At the same time, for the operation of such an engine in space it will be quite enough. However, at the moment, such an engine stands out with a small payload. In the future, EmDrive will be able to accelerate rockets and spacecraft to incredible speeds, which will approach hundredths and tenths of the speed of light.

  • In Russia, the quantum engine is being developed by different groups of scientists. This is how the “perpetual motion machine” of the second degree is being developed at MIPT. Scientists create a machine in which the efficiency will be 100%. To do this, they use qubits, that is, elementary computing modules, as well as memory cells of quantum computers. They are interconnected at the quantum level. Qubits are able to absorb thermal energy, after which they transfer excess entropy to environment. As a result, the engine is in a state where it can run indefinitely.
  • Vladimir Leonov is engaged in the creation of another type of engine. A Russian scientist decided to use a cold fusion reactor for his engine, which runs on nickel. Thanks to this solution, the energy efficiency of such an engine will be incredibly high. So it will be about 1,000,000 times superior to the best currently known chemical fuel cells.

According to the calculations of the inventor, a spacecraft with such an engine will be able to accelerate to thousands of kilometers per second. It turns out that the flight to Mars will be only 41 hours. Vladimir Leonov in his engine used the theory of superunification, created by him. This theory is based on the fact of the existence of a quantum of space-time, that is, a quanton. The inventor believes that the quanton is the missing element of the periodic table. It is thanks to the quanton that all other elements are formed.


A quantum engine has a device depending on its type:

  • If we talk about the design of EmDrive, then it resembles a bucket of metal, which is sealed on both sides. Inside it is a magnetron that emits electromagnetic waves. Such a device is quite enough to create a small thrust.
  • Vladimir Leonov has already created several types of engines, they can be used for different purposes. One device is used for low-speed travel, but a completely different one for space travel at incredible speeds. In the latter, he intends to use a cold fusion reactor, which will allow reaching speeds of a thousand kilometers per second.

In the engines of Vladimir Leonov, non-uniform magnetic and electric fields are used for horizontal movement.

The design includes the following elements:
  • Frame.
  • Electric generator.
  • A disk that is mounted on a shaft.
  • Activators that are mounted on hinges.
  • Turn system.
  • Rechargeable battery.
  • Bearings.
  • Voltage transformer.
  • Control scheme.

The working body is made of a ferromagnetic dielectric. A gyromotor with a winding and a rotor is used as an electric motor.

Operating principle

The quantum engine has the following operating principle. The battery powers the electric generator and the voltage converter.

As a result, three types of voltage are created for:
  1. magnetic component.
  2. Providing power to the motor.
  3. Coils of the magnetic component.

As a result, systems of magnets and electrodes also create fields. These fields are distinguished by an orthogonal arrangement, which makes it possible to obtain the intensity vectors of the required direction. These inhomogeneous fields act on the working fluid, forming a polarization. The working body itself rotates around the axis. As a result, the distribution of quanta is observed in the working body. A traction force is generated, which is transmitted by the activator. The activators themselves are at an angle to the axis of the disk plane

Since the axis of the activator determines the direction of the thrust force, there is a division of forces into normal and tangential. The system interacts with the vacuum field, which leads to the creation of energy from the vacuum field. The resulting energy is spent on the rotation of the electric generator, which creates traction, and also provides power to the engine's hydraulic system.

The EmDrive engine, which the US and China are working on, works on a completely different principle. Its work is based on the pressure difference electromagnetic radiation, which are located at the ends of the engine. In a narrow place, the pressure is slightly less than in a wide one. As a result, a thrust is formed that is directed towards the narrow end. Skeptics have repeatedly argued that this is impossible. However, the presence of thrust was confirmed in the experiments.


The quantum engine can be applied in a wide variety of fields. However, first of all, these devices are necessary for space. In addition to spacecraft, this engine can be used for cars, flying cars, submarines, ships, rail vehicles and airplanes. At the same time, cars and aircraft will need a minimum of fuel. It will be enough to refuel the car once to drive it for years without knowing any problems. In addition, such machines will practically not break down.

Underwater vehicles with sufficient engine power will be able to rise above the water and even fly into space. In reality, they will be similar to modern unidentified flying objects, which are so often talked about in ufology. The full development of the solar system and the nearest planets of our universe will begin.

Also, the engine can be perfectly used to generate electricity, autonomous electrical supply of apartments and houses. Extracting energy from the engine on a quantum principle will allow us to abandon traditional chemical fuels, oil and gas, because energy will become practically free.

In the future, the quantum engine may find other applications. Improving technology will lead to the emergence of new engines. These will be miniature devices that can convert magnetic or electrical energy into mechanical energy. As a result, nanorobots can appear that can treat people. For example, such miniature robots will be able to fight cancer by safely removing affected tissues, destroy viruses and microbes.

In Russia, a large number of breakthrough projects related to the quantum engine are currently being worked out. They are interested in Russian space concerns. A power plant operating on a quantum principle can become the basis for the creation of a Russian space plane. Perhaps a quantum engine will be used to create a superheavy space rocket, which should appear in Russia before 2030.

Notes periodically appear in the press about the unknown development of the Bryansk scientist Vladimir Semenovich Leonov. The author of the Theory of Superunification essentially proposed a project for an anti-gravitational engine, which he calls QVD (quantum engine). It is significant that on March 3, 2018, a public commission chaired by the former Minister of General Machine Building of the USSR (space industry), Hero of Socialist Labor O.D. Baklanov (currently an adviser to RSC Energia, Roscosmos), control measurements of the parameters of the old model (2009) of the KVD were carried out.

The old sample was chosen in order to exclude the possibility of leakage of classified information. Leonov quantum engine showed the following - the specific traction force is more than 100 Newtons / kW (10 kg / kW), i.e. more than 100 times higher than the best LRE (0.7 N/kW). Thanks to the efforts of caring people, the issue reached the hearings in the State Duma and was supported by a number of high-ranking scientists and the military. However, there were opponents ...

Anyone who closely follows the news of cosmonautics over the next two and a half decades, most likely noticed how degraded this area is. During the 50-80s of the last century, breakthrough projects were really made, including the creation of orbital stations, the study of the Moon, Mars, Venus and other planets of the solar system. It should be noted that the projects were created from scratch - many questions were still completely unknown to scientists. There were no computers that even to a small extent could compare with modern computing devices. And scientists and engineers, despite this, were able to create such amazing systems as the Energia rocket and the Buran space plane, the Mir station and a series of automatic Luna vehicles. Already in the 60s, under the leadership of the outstanding general designer S.P. Korolev, the issue of creating a Martian manned spacecraft was seriously considered ...

LRE or quantum engine?

What do we see today. The endless development of Angara rockets, posing as know-how, an attempt to create a super-heavy rocket by 2028 at a time when it flew into space long ago back in 1988, the unrealized winged ship Clipper ... God forbid that the Federation reaches the finish line . As for the nuclear power plant, the deadlines are constantly shifting. It was first about 2018, and now it is about 2025. Reusable systems such as the Baikal accelerator and the single-stage Korona rocket cannot see the world either. There is always some kind of slurred conversation about the lunar program. All projects are constantly reviewed in the direction of reduction and simplification. That is, in fact - nothing fundamentally new! All the same technologies of the beginning of the space age with their rocket engines, from which almost everything has been squeezed out.

Against the backdrop of a frank stagnation in astronautics, Leonov's ideas should at least deserve close attention from Roscosmos, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the government. In 2016, things seemed to get off the ground - the Kvanton company, headed by V.S. Leonov, was promised state support. However, for unknown reasons, the funds were never allocated.

It should be noted that Quanton is a private company that, like Elon Musk, is engaged in breakthrough projects. Only the concept of Leonov's quantum engine Musk has nothing to oppose in principle. Its reusable rockets still use liquid propellant rocket engines, whose specific impulse is about twice that of the mid-20th century German V-2. QVD, proposed by Leonov, interacts with space, implementing the principles that Einstein spoke about. It is gratifying that the Russian Academy of Sciences has ceased to believe that the law of conservation of momentum is violated in Leonov's engine. Especially considering the fact that NASA is studying the Em-Drive and the WARP engine, which also implement the principle of interaction with space.

Mysterious KVD sabotage

What is the reason for the obvious sabotage, or, to be more precise, the attitude of officials that is subversive in relation to the national interests of Russia? Obviously the question lies in several planes. Some of them can be guessed. Firstly, according to Leonov himself, there are responsible persons who hold certain positions without any grounds for this. They have neither sufficient intellectual preparation, nor horizons, nor desire to delve into anything. Secondly, there is a category of people who do not want to violate the existing order of things, wanting to keep their chair at any cost, and therefore unconditionally fulfilling orders from above. Thirdly, there are people who understand everything very well, but being outspoken opponents of their homeland, they in every possible way prevent the introduction of the latest developments. It should be noted that they are not necessarily ideological opponents - most often it is about working off Western grants, keeping their assets abroad, or simply fear of losing personal profits. It is not difficult to guess that the world will completely change if quantum engines are introduced everywhere. Naturally, the services of oil corporations to the extent that they are now will no longer be needed.

It is important to recall that Leonov's quantum engine is at least 100 times more efficient than a traditional LRE. At the same time, it is capable of recuperation, which will significantly increase its capabilities. What does it mean? This means 90% of the payload when launched from the ground instead of 3-5% in existing rockets. This means interplanetary flights in a few days and weeks within the entire solar system in the near future. This means real flying cars, and not the misunderstandings that today are trying to develop around the world today. These are just some of the possibilities.

It seems incredible how one can refuse all this, even despite the three categories of people that were mentioned above? Alas, there is a high probability that despite all the efforts of the State Duma and even the president, the project will remain in the experimental stage. There is a serious reason for this fear, so to speak, "fourthly". There are supranational structures, which very few dared to disobey. It's about oh, or if you like, how its incarnation on this stage. There are tacit agreements about technologies that should be strictly classified and never made public without the knowledge of these people. undoubtedly belongs to the category of such technologies, and therefore the mysterious silence of high-ranking officials is likely to continue.

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Russia is on the way to implementing projects for the Energia-Buran spacecraft and a new super-heavy space rocket, Argumenty Nedeli reports.

The spaceplane project originated in Soviet time, a fully working version of Buran was made, which flew in unmanned mode in 1988. However, in 1993, the project was decided to freeze. One of the main difficulties faced by the developers was the engine. After all, the technologies of the Soviet era did not allow the most efficient use of the spaceplane. Now the situation has changed dramatically thanks to the development of the physicist Vladimir Leonov, who creates a quantum engine.

The publication reported that this power plant may be in the development of the Russian space plane. A feature of the development is the absence of the need for a huge amount of fuel. After all, the quantum engine works on completely different principles. It does not use fuel like solid propellant or liquid rocket engines. In the course of work, the KVD converts the energy of space. The emergence of such an installation is not in doubt.

In addition, the quantum engine will be particularly applicable to the creation of a new super-heavy space rocket, which Vladimir Putin ordered to be built before 2030. Russia needs a rocket that can deliver a huge amount of cargo into space. In Soviet times, a similar Energia rocket was launched, the launch weight of which was 2.5 thousand tons. This is really a super-heavy rocket, which made it possible to deliver up to 100 tons of cargo into space. In other words, the weight ratio was 25 to 1. After all, more than a thousand tons of take-off weight accounted for fuel. The quantum engine solves this problem.

This will make it possible to increase the transported weight several tens of times and save on launching rockets. Indeed, to deliver the necessary equipment and cargo, it will be enough to make only one flight. Experts compare the creation of Leonov's quantum engine with megaprojects in the nuclear or rocket industry of the 50s of the last century, which changed the scientific perception of the world.

Again I'm tormented by vague doubts...
Article dated 01/16/2015, Alexander Petrov:

Russia successfully tested Leonov's anti-gravity engine

Russia has no other way of development than the way of scientific and technological progress, Vladimir Leonov is sure

In an interview with a Russian scientist, laureate of the Russian Government Prize Vladimir Leonov, we reported on his creation of the fundamental theory of Superunification, which brings Russian fundamental science to world leaders.

At the same time, the scientist shared with us the results of tests of a quantum engine with a horizontal thrust of 50 kg of force per impulse, which took place in 2009. More than five years have passed, and we asked about the current state of affairs:

Vladimir Semenovich, on your blog there are videos of tests of the 2009 apparatus with a quantum engine inside. There is no wheel drive, however, the device moves horizontally due to internal forces. Your opponents argue that it's all about the friction of the wheel bearings, and in zero gravity it will not work.

To remove the existing skepticism, over the years I have improved the quantum engine and made a device with a vertical take-off to remove the “bearing factor”. In June 2014, its bench tests were successfully carried out. With the apparatus mass of 54 kg, the vertical thrust impulse was 500...700 kgf (kg of force) with the consumed electric power of 1 kW. The device takes off vertically along the rails with an acceleration of 10 ... 12g. These tests convincingly prove that gravity is conquered experimentally, confirming the Super Unification theory.

Can you give comparative characteristics of a quantum engine and a modern rocket engine?

On the basis of bench tests, such characteristics were obtained. For comparison: a modern rocket engine (hereinafter - RD) for 1 kW of power creates a thrust of 1 Newton (0.1 kgf). A prototype quantum engine (QD) of 2014 for 1 kW of power creates a thrust of 5000 Newtons (500 kgf) per impulse.
Of course, in continuous mode, the specific traction characteristics of the CD decrease. However, in the pulsed mode, CD is already 5000 times more efficient than RD. This is explained by the fact that SP, unlike RD, does not heat the atmosphere and space with the products of fuel combustion. CD is powered by electrical energy.

But this is a revolution in engine building. And how will it affect the space industry?

Today, spacecraft jet engines (RD) have reached their technical limit. For 50 years, the time impulse of their work has been increased from 220 seconds (V-2) by only 2 times to 450 seconds (Proton). The momentum of quantum engines is not hundreds of seconds, but years. A rocket with a RD weighing 100 tons at best carries 5 tons (5%) of payload.
A device with a quantum engine of 100 tons will have a quantum engine with a reactor of 10 tons, that is, the payload is 90 tons, which is already 900% against 5% for RD.

And what will be the speed characteristics of interplanetary spacecraft of a new generation?

The maximum speed of a spacecraft with a quantum engine can reach 1000 km/s versus 18 km/s for a rocket. But most importantly, having a long thrust impulse, a device with a CD can move with acceleration. Thus, a flight to Mars on a new generation spacecraft with a quantum engine in the ±1g acceleration mode will take only 42 hours, and with full weightlessness compensation, to the Moon - 3.6 hours. A new era is dawning in space technology.

And what energy source do you plan to use to power the quantum engine?

The most promising source of energy is a cold fusion reactor (CNF), for example, according to the scheme of the Italian engineer Andrea Rossi, working on nickel. The energy efficiency of fuel, the same nickel in the nuclear cycle, is a million times higher than that of chemical fuel, that is, 1 kg of nickel in the CNS mode releases energy like 1 million kg of gasoline.
But Russia also has its own developments. I wrote about this in the article "Commission on pseudoscience and cold fusion will bury Russia's resource-based economy." Today we are reaping the fruits of this in the form of falling prices for hydrocarbon energy sources (Read “Russia is going to be strangled by cold fusion”)

Cold fusion is a separate big topic, and returning to the quantum engine, I would like to know about its application in aviation.

The creation of a universal engine that could simultaneously operate in space, in the atmosphere, on earth and under water is the primary task of fundamental science.
Only one engine satisfies this requirement - quantum. For example, in a passenger aircraft, the fuel consumption of a turbojet engine goes to overcome air resistance at altitudes of 10 ... 12 km, it does not fly higher. Installing a CD on an aircraft will allow it to fly at altitudes of 50 ... 100 km, where resistance is reduced by orders of magnitude, and, accordingly, the consumption of traditional fuel, the aircraft flies essentially by inertia.
When switching to CNS fuel, the aircraft will be able to fly for years without refueling. By increasing the speed, for example, on the Moscow-New York route, the flight time can be reduced from 10 hours to 1 hour.

Well, it's just fantastic. And what will happen to the car?

Yes, there is no science fiction, there is a fundamental theory of Superunification, which determines the physical foundations of new CNS reactors and a quantum engine operating on new physical principles.
The current level of development of science and technology a hundred years ago would have been perceived as a fantasy, when aviation and automobiles were just emerging. And what will happen in a hundred years?
Even now, the installation of a quantum engine on a car radically changes its scheme. We have a car body on wheels and a power plant with CD. No transmission needed. The traction is provided by CD, the permeability is colossal, the wheels do not slip. Filling 1 kg of nickel into the CNS reactor will allow a passenger car to run 10 million kilometers without refueling, this is 25 distances to the moon.
The car will be almost "eternal" - 50 ... 100 years of service life. There will be flying cars with an anti-gravity pillow capable of overcoming water obstacles through the air.

You have given us an idealistic picture of the near future. But who will allow it? Transnational corporations whose business is based on gasoline and oil will not allow this. Yes, and 50% of the Russian budget before the sanctions of the West was filled with oil and gas exports.

It's not like that at its core. Everything that now travels and flies is the last century. Believe me, time will pass, and transnational corporations will race to master the production of new cars, aircraft and reactors. These are the rules of a successful business, and they are very strict. Whoever is late for the distribution will go bankrupt.
And Russia has no other way of development than the way of scientific and technological progress. The raw-material economy of Russia turned out to be vulnerable to the sanctions policy of the West, and this was not a secret. Now for the sanctions we have to thank the West for awakening Russia. We need literally 2-3 years to modernize and ensure economic growth at an accelerated pace. Deng Xiaoping was 74 years old when he began to modernize China and their economy was in the worst condition, Putin was 62.

As far as we know, you have been working on the Superunification theory, quantum engine and CNS reactor for 20 years. But it turned out that the Italian Andrea Rossi was the first to launch a cold fusion reactor. The US and China are also working on a quantum engine. But are we late, and who in Russia hinders the development of new energy and space technologies?

Paradoxically, the main opponent of cold fusion and research in the field of antigravity has been and remains the leadership of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), or rather the commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences on pseudoscience, which declared cold fusion and antigravity to be terry pseudoscience.
It is not difficult to prove that the RAS Commission on Pseudoscience was a special project from the outside, when against the backdrop of the fight against sorcerers and false healers, all groups of enthusiastic scientists in the field of CNS were defeated in the RAS. Fortunately for us, experts in the field of CNS did not give up and continued to work in the "underground", organizing annual conferences on cold transmutation of nuclei on the initiative of one of the pioneers of CNS, Yuri Bazhutov. Now they are preparing for the 22nd conference. As for the Rossi reactor, he has no special secrets, and his reactor would already be repeated by the Russian scientist Alexander Parkhomov.
But the hands of the RAS commission on pseudoscience reached out to the military, to Roskosmos. Work in the field of creating artificial gravity apparatuses at the Research Institute of Space Systems (NIIKS) was stopped, and one of the pioneers of a new direction in space engine building, General Valery Menshikov, was dismissed.
The media campaign was blown out to discredit these works (read "The resumption of tests" Gravicapa "is a cannon volley at the Academy of Sciences"). As a result, time was lost, and Roskosmos could not participate in the modernization of the quantum engine.
I will add that there is no violation of Newton's third law in the work of the CD. CD creates thrust when interacting with quantized space-time. China and the US are also working on a quantum engine. But their achievements in terms of thrust are less than 1 gram compared to 500 kg for the Russian CD (read "The new American engine has refuted the laws of physics").

Vladimir Semenovich, thank you very much for the interesting interview. And what about the Higgs boson?

As I argued, the Higgs boson and its search at the LHC is the biggest anti-scientific falsification. After the discovery of the Higgs boson, they promised to create new physics and solve the problems of quantum gravity. Haven't decided.
And the problems of quantum gravity and artificial control of gravity are successfully solved in the theory of Superunification, which is a new physics. At the heart of the theory
Superunification lies in the discovery by me in 1996 of a quantum of space-time (quanton). The quanton is the zero missing element in the periodic table (vacuum atom Newtonium), without which other elements cannot be formed.

Thank you very much for your interview. Let's hope that Zapal's sanctions will really push the development of domestic science in priority areas.

Books by Vladimir Leonov:

1. Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 pages.

2.V.S. Leonov. Quantum Energetics: Theory of Superunification. Viva Books, India, 2011, 732 pages.

Russian scientist, laureate of the Russian Government Prize Vladimir Leonov created the fundamental theory of Superunification, which brings Russian fundamental science to the world leaders.

The scientist shared with us the results of tests of a quantum engine with a horizontal thrust of 50 kg of force per impulse, conducted in 2009. More than five years have passed, and we asked about the current state of affairs:

Vladimir Semenovich, on your blog there are videos of tests of the 2009 apparatus with a quantum engine inside. There is no wheel drive, however, the device moves horizontally due to internal forces. Your opponents argue that it's all about the friction of the wheel bearings, and in zero gravity it will not work.

To remove the existing skepticism, over the years I have improved the quantum engine and made a device with a vertical take-off to remove the “bearing factor”. In June 2014, its bench tests were successfully carried out. With the apparatus mass of 54 kg, the vertical thrust impulse was 500...700 kgf (kg of force) with the consumed electric power of 1 kW. The device takes off vertically along the rails with an acceleration of 10 ... 12g. These tests convincingly prove that gravity is conquered experimentally, confirming the Super Unification theory.

- Can you give comparative characteristics of a quantum engine and a modern rocket engine?

On the basis of bench tests, such characteristics were obtained. For comparison: a modern rocket engine (hereinafter - RD) for 1 kW of power creates a thrust of 1 Newton (0.1 kgf). A prototype quantum engine (QD) of 2014 for 1 kW of power creates a thrust of 5000 Newtons (500 kgf) per impulse.
Of course, in continuous mode, the specific traction characteristics of the CD decrease. However, in the pulsed mode, CD is already 5000 times more efficient than RD. This is explained by the fact that SP, unlike RD, does not heat the atmosphere and space with the products of fuel combustion. CD is powered by electrical energy.

- But this is a revolution in engine building. And how will it affect the space industry?

Today, spacecraft jet engines (RD) have reached their technical limit. For 50 years, the time impulse of their work has been increased from 220 seconds (V-2) by only 2 times to 450 seconds (Proton). The momentum of quantum engines is not hundreds of seconds, but years. A rocket with a RD weighing 100 tons at best carries 5 tons (5%) of payload.
A device with a quantum engine of 100 tons will have a quantum engine with a reactor of 10 tons, that is, the payload is 90 tons, this is already 90% versus 5% for RD.

- And what will be the speed characteristics of interplanetary spacecraft of a new generation?

The maximum speed of a spacecraft with a quantum engine can reach 1000 km/s versus 18 km/s for a rocket. But most importantly, having a long thrust impulse, a device with a CD can move with acceleration. Thus, a flight to Mars on a new generation spacecraft with a quantum engine in the ±1g acceleration mode will take only 42 hours, and with full weightlessness compensation, to the Moon - 3.6 hours. A new era is dawning in space technology.

- And what energy source do you plan to use to power the quantum engine?

The most promising source of energy is a cold fusion reactor (CNF), for example, according to the scheme of the Italian engineer Andrea Rossi, working on nickel. The energy efficiency of fuel, the same nickel in the nuclear cycle, is a million times higher than that of chemical fuel, that is, 1 kg of nickel in the CNS mode releases energy like 1 million kg of gasoline.
But Russia also has its own developments. I wrote about this in the article "Commission on pseudoscience and cold fusion will bury Russia's resource-based economy." Today we are reaping the fruits of this in the form of falling prices for hydrocarbon energy sources (Read “Russia is going to be strangled by cold fusion”)

Cold fusion is a separate big topic, and returning to the quantum engine, I would like to know about its application in aviation.

The creation of a universal engine that could simultaneously operate in space, in the atmosphere, on earth and under water is the primary task of fundamental science.
Only one engine satisfies this requirement - quantum. For example, in a passenger aircraft, the fuel consumption of a turbojet engine goes to overcome air resistance at altitudes of 10 ... 12 km, it does not fly higher. Installing a CD on an aircraft will allow it to fly at altitudes of 50 ... 100 km, where resistance is reduced by orders of magnitude, and, accordingly, the consumption of traditional fuel, the aircraft flies essentially by inertia.
When switching to CNS fuel, the aircraft will be able to fly for years without refueling. By increasing the speed, for example, on the Moscow-New York route, the flight time can be reduced from 10 hours to 1 hour.

- Well, it's fantastic. And what will happen to the car?

Yes, there is no science fiction, there is a fundamental theory of Superunification, which determines the physical foundations of new CNS reactors and a quantum engine operating on new physical principles.
The current level of development of science and technology a hundred years ago would have been perceived as a fantasy, when aviation and automobiles were just emerging. And what will happen in a hundred years?
Even now, the installation of a quantum engine on a car radically changes its scheme. We have a car body on wheels and a power plant with CD. No transmission needed. The traction is provided by CD, the permeability is colossal, the wheels do not slip. Filling 1 kg of nickel into the CNS reactor will allow a passenger car to run 10 million kilometers without refueling, this is 25 distances to the moon.
The car will be almost "eternal" - 50 ... 100 years of service life. There will be flying cars with an anti-gravity pillow capable of overcoming water obstacles through the air.

You have given us an idealistic picture of the near future. But who will allow it? Transnational corporations whose business is based on gasoline and oil will not allow this. Yes, and 50% of the Russian budget before the sanctions of the West was filled with oil and gas exports.
- It's not like that at the root. Everything that now travels and flies is the last century. Believe me, time will pass, and transnational corporations will race to master the production of new cars, aircraft and reactors. These are the rules of a successful business, and they are very strict. Whoever is late for the distribution will go bankrupt.
And Russia has no other way of development than the way of scientific and technological progress. The raw-material economy of Russia turned out to be vulnerable to the sanctions policy of the West, and this was not a secret. Now for the sanctions we have to thank the West for awakening Russia. We need literally 2-3 years to modernize and ensure economic growth at an accelerated pace. Deng Xiaoping was 74 years old when he began to modernize China and their economy was in the worst condition, Putin was 62.
- As far as we know, you have been working on the Superunification theory, quantum engine and CNS reactor for 20 years. But it turned out that the Italian Andrea Rossi was the first to launch a cold fusion reactor. The US and China are also working on a quantum engine. But are we late, and who in Russia hinders the development of new energy and space technologies?

Paradoxically, the main opponent of cold fusion and research in the field of antigravity has been and remains the leadership of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), or rather the commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences on pseudoscience, which declared cold fusion and antigravity to be terry pseudoscience.
It is not difficult to prove that the RAS Commission on Pseudoscience was a special project from the outside, when against the backdrop of the fight against sorcerers and false healers, all groups of enthusiastic scientists in the field of CNS were defeated in the RAS. Fortunately for us, experts in the field of CNS did not give up and continued to work in the "underground", organizing annual conferences on cold transmutation of nuclei on the initiative of one of the pioneers of CNS, Yuri Bazhutov. Now they are preparing for the 22nd conference. As for the Rossi reactor, he has no special secrets, and his reactor has already been repeated by the Russian scientist Alexander Parkhomov.
But the hands of the RAS commission on pseudoscience reached out to the military, to Roskosmos. Work in the field of creating artificial gravity apparatuses at the Research Institute of Space Systems (NIIKS) was stopped, and one of the pioneers of a new direction in space engine building, General Valery Menshikov, was dismissed.
The media campaign was blown out to discredit these works (read "The resumption of tests" Gravicapa "is a cannon volley at the Academy of Sciences"). As a result, time was lost, and Roskosmos could not participate in the modernization of the quantum engine.
I will add that there is no violation of Newton's third law in the work of the CD. CD creates thrust when interacting with quantized space-time. China and the US are also working on a quantum engine. But their achievements in terms of thrust are less than 1 gram compared to 500 kg for the Russian CD (read "The new American engine has refuted the laws of physics").

- Vladimir Semenovich, thank you very much for the interesting interview. And what about the Higgs boson?

As I argued, the Higgs boson and its search at the LHC is the biggest anti-scientific falsification. After the discovery of the Higgs boson, they promised to create new physics and solve the problems of quantum gravity. Haven't decided.
And the problems of quantum gravity and artificial control of gravity are successfully solved in the theory of Superunification, which is a new physics. The theory of Superunification is based on the discovery by me in 1996 of a quantum of space-time (quanton). The quanton is the zero missing element in the periodic table (vacuum atom Newtonium), without which other elements cannot be formed.

Thank you very much for your interview. Let's hope that Western sanctions will really push the development of domestic science in priority areas.