Quotes about winter forest. Beautiful statuses about winter

Date: 2016-12-04

Winter is a charming time of the year, bewitchingly pure nature, wrapped in snow-white clothes. It is this time that children and adults love because it is the embodiment of something new. What can we say about the upcoming holidays, festivities and fun. At this time, quotes about winter are in great demand.

There are many categories of different statements, having studied which you can select for yourself those that have sunk into the soul. At this time of the year, you can enjoy not only changes in nature, but also aphorisms, beautiful sayings and interesting quotes.


Winter is the favorite time of the year for most poets who created aphorisms, sayings that the people loved and are still popular today. This is not surprising, because the transformed nature leaves few people indifferent, and what else will help express emotions and feelings, if not the aphorisms of great poets.

In addition to sayings, there are beautiful quotes in the form of short poems that will sink into the soul at the first reading and provide a fabulous mood.

Winter Quotes

Very soon, quotes related to the winter theme will become relevant, because in a matter of days, we will be able to enjoy a wonderful time. Even though you need to dress warmer now, and the time for walking in the park will be reduced, the first snow will smooth it all out.

It is to this phenomenon that many sayings are devoted. Each person rejoices at the first fluffy snowflakes that fall on the palm and at the same time melt from its warmth.

Aphorisms dedicated to the coldest time of the year are the inspiration for something warm and sincere. The reason for this is that winter is a home time, which can be usefully spent in the circle of relatives and friends.

Friendly meetings become warmer in winter. Therefore, there are many sayings with which you can convey this spiritual mood. And very soon these statements will appear on the pages of most active users of social networks.

Beautiful aphorisms, reflections on the beautiful this winter will become more relevant than ever. Wrapped up in a warm blanket, with a cup of fragrant tea, it is divinely wonderful to while away the evenings in sincere company.

Funny winter sayings

Aphorisms on the theme of winter can be not only beautiful, but also funny, because this is the time for sledding, skiing, skating. All people, without exception, will be happy with these activities, so the main part of the statements is devoted to such an active pastime.

Beautiful sayings are dedicated to the celebration of the New Year, which has long become a symbol of new life. People prepare for this holiday very carefully, as they believe in its magic. Many sayings are devoted to the anticipation of something new, because each person has certain plans, and certainly believes that they are destined to come true in the coming year.

Festive festivities, outdoor activities - this is what winter is impossible not to love, as well as for the fact that it allows you to plunge into the world of magic.

You can talk about this time of the year endlessly, in the same way you can describe it in quotes, revise the statements of great poets about this beautiful time. Among the variety of lines, each person will be able to find exactly those words that are more consistent with his state, perception of winter.

Very soon it will be possible to enjoy not only the first snow, spending winter evenings in the company of loved ones, the warmth and crackle coming from the fireplace, but also beautiful winter quotes that will cheer you up, make you feel sad for a second, think about the beautiful and smile.


Winter. Snow is quietly falling outside the window... Weather created for hot tea, a cozy blanket and beautiful fairy tales...

I love these feelings, when the house is clean, quiet, the fire is burning in the stove, the cat is sitting on the windowsill, the snow is quietly falling, and in the evening there will be a bathhouse ...

May this winter be fabulously beautiful for everyone, may it smell of chocolate, sound like a violin, warm up with a warm blanket, a cup of tea, good films, books, pleasant meetings.

Winter is the time to drink cocoa☕, put on cozy things, decorate the Christmas tree together and keep each other warm❤

The wait is not long, soon there will be a Christmas tree!

If every day we share at least a small particle of warmth with those we meet on our way, winter will become much warmer. For all.

May everyone's most cherished wish come true this winter !!!)))

Warm YOU winter ..... in all respects ...

At the edge of the forest Winter lived in a hut...

What time to wake you up?

Summer please!

And even in the darkest and coldest time of the year, let each of us have enough light and warmth ... for ourselves and for loved ones.

I told you - we will not make snowmen.

And you talk less and ride more!

Winter is the season of miracles...


Take care of your inner cat!

It is very necessary in the cold!

The more wishes you have, the more they will come true.

Probability theory

The main thing... wish!

I love that feeling of anticipation. When you already imagine a Christmas tree sparkling with many lights, gifts and even the smell of tangerines and magic...

Winter is coming, the most beautiful and fabulous time of the year. Like if you are looking forward to it too ❤

Happiness is a winter night in a cozy house 🏡, snowfall outside the window ❄, the smell of spruce🎄, warm tea ☕ and favorite music 🎵🎶

Do not complain about the coldness of the world around you, if you yourself have not put a drop of warmth into it ...

Idea for next year: throughout the year, write down all the wonderful moments that make you smile. On New Year's Eve, open and reread pleasant memories)

Well, how are miracles already on the way?

It would be half darkness, and so that the garland would be like this - slowly, and then FAST-FAST-FAST, and then slowly again ...

New Year's mood is when I'm glad to see even those who have the wrong door!

Winter is magic, it is a fairy tale in which we are the main characters. You never know what will happen, but I am sure that adventures will bring only joy...

In such weather, you want to have a warm and cozy house outside the city, sit down with a book by the warm fireplace and enjoy the atmosphere, watching the snow fall quietly outside the window.

The most dangerous winter disease is under-hugging!

Strengthen your immunity - hug!

Tove Jansson. Magic Winter

Winter is a fabulous time of the year.

Snow, Christmas trees, lights all over the city and patterns on glass.

Like sparrows... let's sit down, puff ourselves up... and think that it's already warm!

Winter is the time of the year when people should keep each other warm. With your words, feelings, care. And then no cold is terrible.

Winter is the time for fluffy snowflakes, hot tea and good books... Be happy this winter.

Winter is a fairy tale: beautiful, white, pure, tender... Let your life be the same!

Christmas is not the season. Christmas is a feeling. Edna Ferber

Winter is a very soulful time of the year, because the stronger the frost, the warmer we become to each other.

Albert Camus

Skis, skates, sleds, snowballs, rosy cheeks and warm mittens... Winter is not made to be sad, but to taste some more kinds of happiness.

This is why winter was created in white colors to start your life with white sheet.

Is it possible to love the cold?

- Need! Cold teaches you to appreciate warmth...

Waiting for winter

It's getting cold. Winter is coming!
- Winter is not so important!
- What's important?
- It is important with whom.

Valiullin Rinat, "Where kisses lie"

The most fabulous, the most wonderful of all experiences available to a person is the anticipation of a miracle.

Waiting for a miracle

Will you have a tangerine?

What if I clean

You know, now I really want at least for an hour such a small pocket fairy, like from an old Disney cartoon about a sleeping beauty. So that she would say “bibidi-babodibum” and everything would work out, smooth out. Returned. Let not all, but the main thing.

Let's believe in miracles!

And it will be December. There will be blizzards whining at the threshold. And the windows will light up. And the light will be - warm copper. Probably, winter was invented by God for this - so that people would like to warm each other more often.

December is Friday :)

Decorate the Christmas tree, forget all the insults, hug those who are dear to you more often, and most importantly, remember that December is a little magic.

Always remain a little child, believe in the New Year's miracle....

Let everything be in your house;

Love, Peace, Comfort, Wealth,

May it always be warm

To want to come back.

— Doctor, I always want hot tea under the covers.

- It's December.

Winter gives you the opportunity to dream of magic and wonder. The main thing is not to miss the chance and make this winter fabulous.

In the last month of winter, a miracle will surely happen. You will understand this when you breathe in the gentle aroma of the morning air, or when you see off the sunset. Look around. Surprise the world.

Cats are actually the Santa Clauses of the magical world. And they do not meet by chance: white - for good news, red - for money, black - for happiness, gray - for health, and striped tiger cubs - for love. Best of all, of course, are tricolor cats: they bring a lot of good things at once, as in the “three in one” advertisement. And they even pull a gift on their tail for us. Nadia Yasminska "Marshmallow Signs"

I wish everyone this winter to get into this winter fairy tale and get a piece of happiness!!!

The most fabulous, the most wonderful of all experiences available to a person is the anticipation of a miracle.

Let in these magical and fabulous days in everyone's life there will be someone who will make this winter warmer with his love!

Each of us wants to be happy. Simple, quiet, bright... So, to snuggle up to your native shoulder, forgetting everything bad! Tell excitedly everything that hurts, or silently look into the infinity of your beloved eyes ...

Each of us really wants Tenderness ... Naive, like the first spring flowers, affectionate, like the sun's rays ... To all and without a trace! When a loved one gives this tenderness, I want to answer him the same. Not! A thousand times stronger!

Each of us really wants Vera - sometimes, it is so lacking! So that when it almost broke or broke, someone quietly whispered: "You can do it, you will succeed!" To fall asleep with confidence that Tomorrow will certainly come! ..

We all want love! And even to those who say that they will never be able to find it again. Love is equally needed by the poor, and the rich, and the smart, and not very ... Yes, everyone, everyone without exception, needs Love - that wonderful and tender feeling that makes us happy!

May all our dreams come true in these magical days, which will bring us love, faith, tenderness and happiness!

Best holidays to all! With cozy people, kind jokes, pleasant surprises, endless tangerines, understanding of loved ones, with small miracles of this big world!

One of the most "delicious" childhood memories is when you wake up with the anticipation of something very good and are happy all day... Happy not for some reason and not because of something, but just happy! In the noisy pre-New Year bustle, we wish you more of these warm "pieces" of childhood!


A week before the New Year, the little Angel puts on a snow-white apron and begins to cook a festive cake.

Instead of flour, he takes the most beautiful snowflakes, instead of yeast - a cheerful childish laughter. With such yeast, the dough for the pie rises very quickly, and the little Angel sends the pie to the magic oven, warmed by the warmth of kindness and love. He impregnates ready-made cakes with the aromas of Christmas trees and tangerines, sprinkles with moonlight powder, decorates with frosty crunch and pieces of northern lights.

On this day, a special aroma appears in the city - the aroma of the New Year ...

Might be worth a try?


Dog cold.

❄ Have a good January day everyone! ❄

wish Have a good mood, productive, useful pastime, meetings with interesting people.

Give each other warmth and smiles!


February is the month of hope

Sayfullina Azaliya, Kiryushkina Daria, Kurbanov Timur, Strizhakova Katya

In their work, the children depicted what is closest to them in spirit. These are pictures of native nature and winter entertainment for children. Katya in her poem described all 3 winter months, why they are attractive. Timur and Azalea have winter favorite time of the year. Only in winter can children go downhill and ski, play snowballs. Coming home after a walk, they decided to write about it. And Dasha asked herself the question of "permafrost" in order to winter fairy tale never ended.



I like winter.

ed. Sayfullina Azalia.

Winter, although cold, is a wonderful time of the year.

In winter, it's fun to ride down the big ice slide.

In winter I like to ski

And laugh out loud!

I love making snowmen

With orange carrots.

In winter it is great to ski, especially in the forest. The forest is quiet, beautiful, windless, tall pines are all around, and crisp snow glistens underfoot. On frosty days, the trees are dressed in silver frost. They are beautiful, like in a fairy tale.

I like winter!


Winter fairy tale.

ed. Kiryushkina Daria.

It was snowing outside. Large and fluffy flakes fell, covering the ground with a warm blanket. My sister Olya and I went outside to make a snowman. We tried very hard, and we got a kind, very cheerful grandmother. That's what we called it when we finished our work.

Girls, it's time to go home! Mom called us.

But we did not want to part with our snowy grandmother.

You go, and I'll stay, - said Olya. - I feel sorry for my grandmother. We'll leave, and the boys will break it.

You'll freeze. Yes, and my mother was already calling, - I shivered from the cold.

Let's take her with us! Olga suggested. - Do you remember, in a fairy tale, grandparents took the Snow Maiden home to their place?

But if you and I are not fabulous, how can we act like in a fairy tale, - I doubted.

Here we'll see. We must try, - Olya decided and shouted. - Let's sled!

We slowly drove her home.

That's such a miracle! She will melt! Mom exclaimed when she saw us with the snow grandmother.

She will live on the balcony, - Olya was not taken aback.

We ... we ... will try to invent permafrost, - I instantly realized.

Now our snow grandmother lives on our balcony. We play with her every day and even read fairy tales so that she does not get bored. Only permafrost has not yet been invented. Well, nothing, there is still time. No wonder we go to school. I think we'll be done in the spring.


Winter day.

ed. Timur Kurbanov

Again we have winter outside the window,

Everything was covered in white paint.

The fields and paths were covered with snow,

On the glasses, as in a fairy tale, pictures appeared.

As soon as it got cold outside

Everyone immediately became happy from the cold.

The kids went out to the yard for a walk,

Sledding, playing snowballs.

The street was fun and noisy.

The children played snowballs very friendly.

They built a fortress, rode a hill,

And they even made a snowman on a hillock.

Until late at night, laughter in the yard,

Frost does not prevent children from playing.

And only at the call of their dads or moms,

They reluctantly go home.



ed. Strizhakova Ekaterina

Woven patterns on the windows

The trees are like silver

Down with bolts and constipation!

I love nature in December!

And the forest? - what could be more wonderful!

And the silence sounds like a song...

Forest bewitched by winter

Covered in snow.

There are white feather beds on the trees,

Birches like ballerinas

Everyone lined up

Wearing your white outfit.

Here the New Year is in a hurry to our house,

And decorates the Christmas trees

And happy people all around

January changes to December.

Winter is in full swing!

Ski in hand!

We have no time to suffer from boredom!

Let's run forward!

And quickly down!

What surprise awaits us now?!

On the sled in a noisy crowd,

Winter is good

And on skates we fly with you,

So that the soul sings.

A blizzard howls outside the window,

February has come

Winter will end soon

It will be a pity!

Winter is very long, isn't it? - It seems long, but it won't last forever.

You can love winter and carry warmth in yourself, you can prefer summer, remaining a piece of ice.

"FROM. Lukyanenko"

It's not the weather that catches us off guard, it's the climate. We are never ready for winter.

In winter, all birds fly south, and hares change their coats ... Dear, am I a bunny or a bird?

I don't want winter at all, I just want to take a walk under the snow in my favorite fur coat and celebrate the New Year ... That's it. One day is enough.

I love winter because in winter you can stay at home without feeling guilty.

"Teresa Skelton"

I love winter only in March, when I know for sure that it is over.

"Rina the Green"

A cold winter is always followed by a sunny spring; only this law should be remembered in life, and the opposite - it is preferable to forget.

"Leonid Solovyov"

What difference does it make, summer or winter. Happiness is not seasonal.

Turn into children in winter and live like in childhood - without hiding feelings and emotions.

In winter, the line between night and day is blurred.

Winter fitness: until I got to the store ... 5 longitudinal twine ... 10 transverse ... side bends ... squats ... steeplechase ... Oh, the body cheered up!

God, I want snow so much! So that in winter the human soul warms itself with the expectation of happiness and miracles.

One must not have a soul in order not to love winter.

"Pyotr Kvyatkovsky"

And I love winter, there is a lot of joy in it, in it I met my happiness ...

The longest relationships are those who met in the winter. If he liked you in spite of a thick sweater, a clumsy down jacket, in a stupid hat and with a red nose - this is definitely love!

Why I like winter more summer? Yes, the fact that in the heat under 40, reluctance, embracing a loved one, watch TV.

Happy is he who does not notice whether it is summer or winter.

We are from the North - we see our dreams, Languishing all our lives with a premonition of winter.

"Alexander Gushchin"

When autumn stands opposite summer and smiles coldly, winter slowly digs a hole behind her back to bury her there.


Winter would come immediately on the first day of December. In the morning I got up, and the city was covered with snow, and there was no dank, dirty autumn.

Winter is like a ruble - he knows that it is inevitable, but still he tries something.

Winter is a good thing when it's a real winter - with ice on the rivers, hail, sleet, bitter frosts, blizzards and everything else, but spring is no good - continuous rains, mud, slush, one word - melancholy, and sooner it would end.

"Mark Twain"

When winter comes, even the mightiest oaks drop their leaves.

"Charles de Coster"

Scientists say that people tolerate heat worse than cold, and every summer I agree with this. But as soon as winter comes and thumps well in the cold, my body disputes the previous agreement.

"Miguel Grace"

Winter is when you walk down the street, and snowflakes climb to kiss you! I come home all kissed ...

The first day of winter reminds us that the New Year is coming soon.

And winter terrifies me, because winter is a time of comfort.

"BUT. Rimbaud

Contrary to appearances, winter is the season of hope.

"Gilbert Sesbron"

Winter is magic, it is a fairy tale in which we are the main characters. You never know what will happen, but I am sure that adventure will bring love.

Eh, winter, winter... The coldest time of the year. The time when the whole earth is covered with a white sheet of snowflakes. It becomes beautiful around, all the trees, mountains, houses, everything is covered in snow, and when you look around you, everything looks like a fairy tale. Sometimes you really want to fall into this snowy cotton wool and start frolicking like Small child. And pleases everything that surrounds. turn around! See how everyone is happy, or vice versa. Look how children make snowmen, how adults have fun, how old grandmothers are capricious because it's slippery... Yes, it's winter. Now look in front of you, and stretch out your palm. Do you see how white flakes of snow fall on your hand, and then melt, turning into water? These are snowflakes, winter's best friend. Now go into your house and look out the window. See what beautiful patterns on the glass? It was the work of an artist, frost. Beautiful, isn't it? This is such a winter. Now get dressed and go outside again. Oh how slippery! Be careful, it's ice, you have to be careful with it. There are also frozen puddles. And sometimes it's just fun to run up and ride with the breeze for a couple of seconds through an icy puddle. Now look the other way. Here are the children who are sledding down a small hill. Do you remember yourself as a child? Was everything the same? Well, maybe you are a child, and this is probably your favorite winter activity. Is it good to relax in the winter outside the city? Apparently yes. But don't be fussy. Winter is cold, but very beautiful. If the city has only asphalt and big houses, then outside the city you can go into the forest. Well, are you going? Of course! You need to step carefully, in addition to ice, there are also snowdrifts. The thing is not very nice. And here is the forest. Oh, what a beauty, there are simply no words! Everything is covered in white fluff. How hard the frost bites on the cheeks and nose! You have to be patient to see it all. And then you go out of the woods, you can play snowballs. And at night, before you go to bed, be sure to go outside and look at the sky. Indeed, there are a lot of stars, not like in summer. There are fewer in summer. And now they are shining. There are over a million of them! Marvelous! Here it is winter. The most beautiful, most interesting and mystical time of the year, and also festive, because it is in winter that they celebrate New Year. Holiday, with a beautiful elegant Christmas tree, gifts and sweets. At this time, an adult becomes a child. Indeed, winter is the most beautiful and interesting time of the year.

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Eh, winter, winter... The coldest time of the year. The time when the whole earth is covered with a white sheet of snowflakes. It becomes beautiful around, all the trees, mountains, houses, everything is covered in snow, and when you look around you, everything looks like a fairy tale. Sometimes you really want to fall into this snowy cotton wool and start frolicking like a small child. And pleases everything that surrounds. turn around! See how everyone is happy, or vice versa. Look how children make snowmen, how adults have fun, how old grandmothers are capricious because it's slippery... Yes, it's winter. Now look in front of you, and stretch out your palm. Do you see how white flakes of snow fall on your hand, and then melt, turning into water? These are snowflakes, winter's best friends. Now go into your house and look out the window. See what beautiful patterns on the glass? It was the work of an artist, frost. Beautiful, isn't it? This is such a winter. Now get dressed and go outside again. Oh how slippery! Be careful, it's ice, you have to be careful with it. There are also frozen puddles. And sometimes it's just fun to run up and ride with the breeze for a couple of seconds through an icy puddle. Now look the other way. Here are the children who are sledding down a small hill. Do you remember yourself as a child? Was everything the same? Well, maybe you are a child, and this is probably your favorite winter activity. Is it good to relax in the winter outside the city? Apparently yes. But don't be fussy. Winter is cold, but very beautiful. If the city has only asphalt and big houses, then outside the city you can go into the forest. Well, are you going? Of course! You need to step carefully, in addition to ice, there are also snowdrifts. The thing is not very pleasant. And here is the forest. Oh, what a beauty, there are simply no words! Everything is covered in white fluff. How hard the frost bites on the cheeks and nose! You have to be patient to see it all. And then you go out of the woods, you can play snowballs. And at night, before you go to bed, be sure to go outside and look at the sky. Indeed, there are a lot of stars, not like in summer. There are fewer in summer. And now they are shining. There are over a million of them! Marvelous! Here it is winter. The most beautiful, most interesting and mystical time of the year, and also festive, because it is in winter that they celebrate the New Year. Holiday, with a beautiful elegant Christmas tree, gifts and sweets. At this time, an adult becomes a child. Indeed, winter is the most beautiful and interesting time of the year.