Games for children on the street in the summer: a large selection. Summer games for kids

For children from 3-4 years old to 10 years old

Summer is just around the corner, which means that the sea, a river, a forest, a cottage, a playground with games and fun are just around the corner! Outdoor games are games on the street, and educational, educational activities in the fresh air, and no matter where, as long as it is exciting and fun! And summer brings more opportunities for family games with children, which contributes not only to the development of children, but also to the maintenance of trusting relationships with parents.
Let yourself plunge into childhood with your children, playing and enjoying communication!

Activities in the water
(For preschoolers and children school age)

fish in the net

(mobile game in water)

Choose two leaders. Players go waist-deep into the water and spread out in different directions. At the signal of the counselor, the leaders, holding hands, begin to “catch fish”, i.e. try to catch one of the players. The caught player joins the leaders, there are 1 more of them, the size of the network increases. The game ends when all the fish are caught.


The leader stands in the center, spins a small, relatively light ball on a rope, and the rest, located in a circle, must dip in time so that the ball flies overhead without hitting it. Whoever fell for the bait, to lead.

Players stand in a circle at arm's length from the driver, who is located in the center. The driver, at the signal of an adult, begins to salt those who did not have time to dive into the water. Those who have surfaced cannot be salted.

outdoor games

(also suitable for kindergarten)

“Cones, acorns, nuts”

Children stand in threes and, holding hands, form a circle. Each of the three has a name: "cones", "acorns", "nuts". The leader is outside the circle. The host says the word "nuts" (or "bumps", "acorns"), and all the players who have this name change places, and the host tries to take someone's place. If he succeeds, then he becomes a nut ("acorn", "cone"), and the one who was left without a place becomes the leader.

Above leg

Before the game, children choose an area beyond which they cannot run out. Then one catcher is chosen. He starts to catch the players that run away. At the same time, children try to take their feet off the ground (to stand on a bench or a stone). In this position, the catcher has no right to touch them. If the catcher catches up with the player, they switch roles. The catcher is forbidden to lie in wait for the player, and the rest should not remain with their legs up for more than 20-30 seconds.

Traffic lights

Description of the game On the ground, two lines are marked 4-5 meters apart, the leader (traffic light) stands between these lines, and all the players must stand behind one of them. The host, turning away from the players, calls some color and all the players who have this color in their clothes move to another line. Those who do not have clothes of this color must run past the “traffic light”, and he, in turn, must touch one of the “violators”. "Intruder" becomes the leader.

ball games

At the beginning of the game, the guys sit in a circle. The host gives the ball to one player and turns on the music. While it sounds, the children roll the ball to each other. As soon as the music stops, whoever has the ball is out. At the end of the game, only one of the children remains, the most dexterous. He will receive the prize.

Hit the “target” Children stand behind the circle line. In the center of the circle is the leader. One of the players has a ball. Those outside the circle throw the ball at the leader, trying to hit him, or pass the ball to a friend to make a throw. The leader runs around dodging the ball. The player who did not hit the leader with the ball takes his place.

hoop game

Children throw a small ball from behind over their shoulder with their right or left hand, trying to hit the hoop (at a distance of 2m).

Summer games and activities for kids 2, 3, 4, 5 years old in the air

- Take a box and two balls. The kid, sitting on a chair, should get the ball into the box, pushed back half a meter. The ball must be grabbed from above and thrown into the box. One - right hand, the second one is on the left. Do not forget to reward the kid for accuracy after the game.

- you can still catch butterflies with a butterfly net or blow soap bubbles, water flower beds, garden beds together - kids love to mess with water, toy buckets and watering cans.

- “build” a small house-hut, halabuda from our childhood. Can be built from an ordinary tent, blankets, bedspreads, etc.

Playing with pebbles

Children love to collect stones. Dial stones different color and the size of a bucket, pour them into a bowl of water and wash. When you have washed the pebbles, you can start playing with them. You can put stones in a bucket and carry them to some place, you can do it with a spatula or a cup. Can be covered with stones flower bed, or a tree. You can draw some figure on the ground with a stick, and lay it out with stones along the contour.

Beach games for kids:

– construction of sand houses, garages or castles. and arrange a competition - whose house is higher. - if there is a pebble, you can collect a picture from it - the sun, an island, a flower, etc. simple pebbles are interesting to paint with crayons or paints.

- the construction of sand turrets from sandpipers (bees). Not only two-three-year-old kids will be carried away by this activity, even schoolchildren can compete in the competition: whose tower is taller and more beautiful. The construction of sand towers and sculptures not only helps pass the time, but also develops the child's imagination and creative skills.

- Ball games. The kid will like it, because the ball bounces so much fun. Ball games help to train the coordination of the child's movements, develop dexterity and reaction.

- a game of "horseshoes": a pole should be stuck in the sand, which can also serve as an ordinary stick. Plastic rings must be thrown onto the pole from a distance of 5-6 steps (or more, depending on age). The winner is the player who scores the largest number rings.

– in shallow water, children will enjoy playing “crocodile”: walking along the bottom on their hands, keeping the other part of the body on the water. Or a competition to raise the most spray

Let the summer become unforgettable for your family, filled with vivid impressions!

Outdoor activities are a great alternative to gadgets. Live communication, peer interaction skills are something that is useful to learn at any age. Recall the games that you can play in the yard, those that are familiar to more than one generation of children. Dear adults, take the initiative! Remember what you played as a child and tell your children about it. Games are like fairy tales, they need to be passed down from generation to generation.

In the yard, in the camp, on a hike, in the country - wherever a company of children gathers, you can organize team or collective games: calm or very active, on the grass or in the gazebo, with and without attributes. Sharing a BIG list of outdoor games for kids to play in the summer. We have chosen the MOST POPULAR ones that have been tested by more than one generation of children and still have not lost their relevance. We are sure you can continue this list - and your children will have enough entertainment for the whole summer!

1. Ring-ring

A leader is chosen, everyone else sits opposite him. As a "ring" you need to find a small object: a button, a pebble, a ring, etc. Players fold their palms in a "boat". The "ring" is hidden in the leader's "boat", and he runs his hands over the slightly open "boats" of the players, imperceptibly tossing the ring to one of them. The main thing is to do everything very professionally, like an actor, so that none of those sitting would guess at what exact moment the "ring" from the hands of the presenter migrated to the palms of the lucky player. The one who had the ring should also keep the intrigue ... After all the players go through the procedure, the leader says: “Ring-ring, go out on the porch.” At this moment, the one who really had the “ring” should quickly get up and run forward so that the others do not have time to catch him. If he succeeds, he becomes the new leader.

Warm childhood memories of this popular game take you back to a time when rings on the fingers of girls were very rare, holding someone else's ring in your hands is already cool in itself! This simple game can be played with both toddlers and school-age children and is almost universal for both boys and girls. A small car can also be used as a “ring”, for that matter.

2. Kalim-bam-ba

All players are divided into two teams. The players of each team join hands and become a chain facing the opponents at a distance of 10-12 meters. The teams begin to shout out the following words in turn:
- Kalim-bam-ba!
What's a servant for?
- Sew sleeves!
- What numbers?
- In the fifth or tenth, we Masha (Olya, Tanya, Sveta, Sasha, Andryukha ...) here!

The one whose name was called runs to the opposing team and tries to disengage the opponents' hands. If he succeeds, he can take either of the two guys who have unhooked their hands into his team, usually the one who is stronger. If the chain fails to break, then he goes to the opposing team. They play until one or two people remain in one of the teams (as agreed).

An analogue of this game is "Chains". The dialogue might look like this:
“The chains are forged, tear us apart!”
- Which one of us?

You may remember how "Ali Baba, sew on the sleeves":
- Ali Baba!
Why a servant?
- Sew on the sleeves!
- Which sides?
… etc.

Be sure to teach your kids how to play this game. She teaches us to stand up for each other, to act together.

3. Returns

You need a whistle to play. At the request of the leader, the children line up. On a signal, the players scatter in different directions within the agreed territory, run around the clearing, dance, take various poses. At the whistle, the players must return to their original place and again stand in line. You can, for example, count up to three: who did not have time - leaves. The game is repeated 3 times.

The idea is good for camp teachers when you need to quickly organize children, bring them all together.

4. Frog

Players stand opposite the wall (usually this is the end wall of the house, where there are no windows and doors) one after the other (in a column). A mark is drawn on the wall with chalk. Usually start with 1-1.5 meters.

You need to throw the ball above this line and while it flies back from the bounce, have time to jump over it. The ball must hit the ground and pass between the player's legs. If successful, the player moves to the end of the queue. If during the jump the ball was touched with their feet or they could not jump over it, the player goes to the end of the line, having received one letter from the word "frog". When everyone jumps once, the mark is set higher, the jumps start again. The game continues until one of the players collects the word "l-i-g-u-sh-k-a" in its entirety.

To be honest, in our childhood everyone was called by their proper names - “goat”. Perhaps it is under this code word that this game and the hysteria of the grandmother-neighbor, who was knocked on the wall by the restless yard children for days on end, will pop up in your memory.

Another version of this game (simplified) is suitable for younger children. The principle is the same, with the only difference that the one who could not jump over the ball stands against the wall. Over time, there will be a lot of such "penalty boxes". Their task is to try to catch the ball before it hits the wall. If it worked out, the “penalty box” gets in line and continues the game, and the one who threw the ball at that moment takes his place against the wall. The game ends when everyone but one (the winner) is at the wall.

5. The sea worries once ...

The host turns his back on the players and says: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the marine figure freezes in place!” The rest at this time move randomly and depict the movement of waves with their hands. On the word "Freeze!" all the children freeze in their intended poses. The host turns around, approaches any of the players and touches him with the words “Otomri!”. The selected player must show the conceived figure in motion so that it can be guessed. If the host guesses the figure, he goes to the next player and continues to guess. The one whose figure is not unraveled becomes the new leader.

By the way, the figures do not have to be marine at all, choose and voice any topic before the start of the game.

6. Predators and Herbivores

Among the players, a predator is chosen: at will or by lot. The rest are herbivores. The predator draws a large circle (about 2-2.5 m in diameter). During the game, he needs to catch as many herbivores as possible and put them in his lair - in a circle. The captives can leave the circle only in one case - if one of the herbivores walking in the wild touches the outstretched hand of the captured with his hand. The task of a predator is not easy: he needs not only to catch new herbivores, but also not to allow the "free" to free those already captured. The game ends when all herbivores are in the circle, or all are free.

7. Cossacks-Robbers

Participants are divided into 2 teams and stipulate the territory for the game. The robbers, secretly from the Cossacks, come up with a password word. During the game, the Cossacks must try to find out this secret word.

The game begins with the fact that the Cossacks turn away and close their eyes. At this time, the Rogues should run away and hide somewhere in a secluded place. When fleeing, Rogues draw arrows on the road, curbs or trees indicating the exact direction of their movement, sometimes placing arrows in different directions to confuse their tracks.

While the Robbers run away and hide, the Cossacks outline a small area with chalk - a prison. After 10-15 minutes, the Cossacks go in search of the Robbers. The Cossack, who caught the Robber, takes him to prison and tries to find out the password using comic methods in the form of tickling. Rogues who are not caught can attack the prison in order to free the captured team member. The Cossacks will win if they find out the secret word of the Robbers or catch them all.

Ah, Childhood! With this game, we knew all the "hacks" in the vicinity and within the radius allowed for the development of mom. One of my favorite games and never got bored!

8. Hide and Seek

year of culture.rf

A leader is appointed, a place is negotiated where the players can “catch”. The driver turns away, closes his eyes and counts to ... (as agreed). The rest are hiding at this time. Having counted, the water goes in search. If he finds someone, he runs to the agreed place and “knocks” him: “Knock-knock for ...” (say the name). The one who was found may try to overtake the water and “catch” himself for himself. In this case, he is not considered caught. The game ends when everyone is caught. The new leader becomes the one who was "caught" the very first.

The game is good because even kids can participate. You can also play indoors if you wish.

A more complicated version is "Twelve Sticks". You need a plank and 12 sticks. The plank is placed on a stone to make a swing. 12 sticks are laid out at one end, and one of the players kicks the other end so that the sticks scatter. While the water collects the sticks, everyone hides. Further - according to the rules of ordinary hide and seek, only you need to “knock” with a stick in your hands on a plank.

9. Pioneerball

A ball, a field with a net or a high crossbar in the middle and 2 teams with an equal number of players (optimally 6-7 people). Players take positions on the playing field on both sides of the net. The game starts with the ball. Delivery is made from the corner of the field. The main thing is to throw hard enough so that the ball flies over the net to the opponent's side. He didn’t get stuck in the net, didn’t fall in his own half, didn’t fly over the line, but just hit the field on the opponent’s side. Further - as lucky. If the opponents do not beat off, the point and the right of the next serve are again yours. If the ball hits the net, the serving team receives a losing point. If the ball is touched or dropped in their own half of the field, then a loss point is counted.

The participant or members of the other team must catch the ball and throw it back over the net. It is allowed to take no more than 3 steps across the field with the ball in hand. A ball that has flown out of the opponent's field, which has not been touched in flight, allows you to serve to the opponent. The game lasts up to 15 goals.

Unlike volleyball, the option is simpler, under the power of those who are younger and weaker.

Interesting in the pioneer ball were the movements around the site of the teams - that is, after each point earned by the team, the team players certainly changed places, the movement went clockwise, and thus the server also changed. The whole team was concerned about the main thing - that everyone in it could serve, and, of course, catch.

The game of pioneer ball, as a rule, goes up to 25 points, and points are awarded to the team if the ball, after the opponent's serve, fell outside the playing area, while not hitting the players of the receiving team. If this happened, the opponent got a point.

10. Edible-Inedible

A ball and a sense of humor are what you need for this game. The host throws the ball to the player and names something edible or inedible. The player's task is to catch the ball only on the edible, and discard the inedible. If the player caught the inedible, he himself takes the place of the leader. Sometimes it turns out very funny.

11. Classics

Cells with numbers or a snail are drawn on the asphalt with chalk. The player must throw a pebble (bat) on the number 1, jump with one foot on a cell with a pebble, bend down, pick up a stone and then continue to jump over all the numbers to the end. It is important not to lose balance, not to step on the line with your foot. The other does the same. Then the first player throws the stone again, this time on the number 2. Now the player must immediately jump from the start to the cell with this number. This continues with all the prescribed numbers. If a thrown pebble or a jumper's foot hits the line, then you must skip the move and try again after the opponent from the place where you made a mistake. The winner is the one who first goes through all the numbers in this way.

The traditional hopscotch field consists of 10 numbered rectangles arranged in a column, pairs 3-4 and 6-7 are drawn side by side so that you can become two legs, a semicircle with 9-10 is at the exit for turning in the opposite direction. This is perhaps the most famous option, but there are others.

A variety of classics, not known to everyone, is the “Classics Names”.

The field is drawn. The first player jumps back and forth on one foot, stepping into each rectangle. If he does this without error, he can write his name on any rectangle. If he makes a mistake, it's the other player's turn. The point is that you need to jump over rectangles named after other players, but you can stand on your own (where your name is written) with two feet. The game continues when all the rectangles are occupied, but now, if someone makes a mistake, he leaves the game. The game ends when only one player remains - the winner.

12. I know five ...

The game teaches to perform several tasks at the same time, to concentrate. You need to hit the ball on the ground with the words: "I know five ...". After that, name five names of boys, girls, names of cities, flowers, countries, planets. If a player cannot think of a word, he passes the ball to the next player.

13. You go quieter - you will continue

Draw start and finish lines. All participants stand at the start, the driver - with his back to them at the finish line. The driver says: “You drive more quietly, you will continue, stop!”, You can at any pace. While he is talking, the participants try to run to him. After the word "stop", everyone freezes and does not move. If you move, you're out. The task of the participants is to run to the driver and touch him until he says “stop”.

14. Kiss-kiss-meow

Two people come forward and stand with their backs to each other, the rest of the players sit in one line. The one who is facing everyone (leader), points to one of the participants and asks: “Kis?” If the player back standing, will answer “Shoot!”, The driver continues to choose. When the player says "Meow!", the one on whom the choice fell is waiting for the "verdict" - what task to complete. The driver asks the one who has his back to him: “What color?” The player names a color and turns to face the others to complete the task with the participant they have chosen.

Each color involves the performance of certain actions (which are agreed in advance). For example, white - two people must go to the entrance together and stay there for 5 minutes. What they do there - history is always silent. Green - three questions that can only be answered with "yes". Usually the questions are tricky, like: “Do you love him?” Red - a kiss on the lips, pink - the same thing, but on the cheek, blue - kiss the hand. Yellow - three questions in private. Orange - walk under the arm, preferably past adults. Purple - step on the foot, etc.

In fact, the game is very good, popular in adolescence, when it is important to learn how to build relationships with the opposite sex.

15. I was born a gardener

Players choose the name of a flower and say it out loud. The driver, who is also a “gardener”, says a rhyme: “I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry. I'm tired of all the flowers, except for ... ”And he calls the name of the flower of one of the players. The participant whose flower was named must respond. If someone hesitated and did not react, mixed up the name of the flowers, he must give a fant (any of his things).

At the end of the game, forfeits are played out. The “gardener” turns away, they take out the thing and ask: “What should this player do?” The "gardener" assigns a task: jump on one leg, sing, squat, recite a poem, etc. The player takes his thing only after he completes the "gardener" task.

16. Traffic light

The “traffic light” is selected as a counting light - the driver. Two lines are drawn on the road at a distance of approximately 30 m from one another. The players stand in a row behind one line, and the “traffic light” is in the middle of the road, with their backs to the others. "Traffic Light" names any color and turns to face the others. Children must find on themselves (on clothes, shoes, hats) the named color. If you find it, then, holding on to it with your hand, you can safely cross the road. If there was no such color on yourself, you will have to quickly run across to another one so that the “traffic light” does not touch the “violator”. You can't run out of the way. The one who was caught became a "traffic light" himself.

Another version of this game is "Song traffic light". The difference is that "traffic light" does not name a color, but any letter. Players must remember and sing the lines from the song that begin with the named letter.

17. Pillar, stop!

Perhaps some of the adults will remember this game as "Let's go, let's go", "Camel".

The rules are simple. The players stand in a line, and the leader - with his back to them and slightly ahead. At the signal, everyone disperses. The leader shouts: “Pillar, stop!”, Everyone freezes. The driver calls out to one player, but does not turn around himself, i.e. he does not see how far this player is from him. Then he announces how many steps of a certain type are needed so that he can reach this player.

The driver turns and tries to get to the named player using the announced combination of steps. You can only move in a straight line. Having made all the steps, he tries to touch the player. If it works out, the driver and the player change roles. If not, then the whole procedure is repeated from the beginning.

18. Rubber bands

Favorite game of girls of all time. Eh, there were times when every girl carried a couple of meters of elastic in her pocket, and it doesn’t matter that it was pulled out of dad’s family underpants).

About 2-2, 5 meters of linen gum were knotted into a ring. Two stretched the elastic, putting it on their legs, the third jumped, performing various combinations. If they were wrong, they changed places. If you did, the level became more difficult and the whole combination was repeated there. And so on up to the most difficult level, which was called "up to the neck" - the elastic was kept on the necks. There was also a level “on the ears”, but few people reached it.)

The combinations of jumps were different: “wide” - when two legs were held in rubber bands; "narrow" - rubber band for those holding only one leg; three, two, one jump.

Yard games are something that should be inherited. It is not worth depriving our children of the Court, tying them to themselves for the sake of security and isolation from the bad influence of their peers. To avoid this very “bad influence”, you need to teach children to communicate in real life, and not in the chat of their favorite “shooter”. So many good fun games can be remembered by the past generation, so let our children learn about them too! Playful summer to you, our Fidgets!

Dear readers! Tell us in the comments what yard games your children play, what you yourself played as a child. Let's replenish the game piggy bank site so that our children's leisure time is useful, informative and varied. We are waiting for comments, we are happy to share nostalgia for the games of our childhood.

It's summer - the time of hellish heat, and we decided to choose the five best summer games, the most chilling and at the same time hot and fun - such that there is water, beaches, relaxation, and all that. Naturally, what kind of vacation is there without fishing, although many people continue to fish in the winter - in 20-degree frost, in felt boots, holes are drilled, and, in general, they are fine. Well, in video games there is where to fish - there are enough simulators, and they take fifth place.

At one time, the mega-popular simulator was Russian Fishing, which was released everywhere. In the game, you need to think a lot, choose baits, places, gear - in short, it’s very hardcore, and many people like it. Or let's say, the game Deep Sea Fishing 2: Offshore Angler / Deep Sea Fishing is very old and not at all popular, but you could catch a shark there.

But there are definitely dozens of different simulators in fishing on rivers and lakes - let's say Rapala Pro Fishing - here you can drive on a boat, and catch a fish, and the graphics are more or less decent. Moreover, all the same, uncles who are already over forty years old play such games, and for them the word grafon hardly means anything at all. So, fishing is in fifth place.

The fourth place is occupied by the game based on the movie "Jaws" - Jaws Unleashed, a shark simulator game, with different tasks, and even, if I may say so, with a storyline - although, what kind of storyline is there if you are a fish weighing a ton. Well, in general, it’s understandable: in outdated 3D graphics (the game, after all, released in 2006), we, in the form of a shark, using several buttons - like forward, backward and eat, grab, bite - we will swim in the sea and "wet" everything that catches your eye - people, boats, and even sometimes blow up gas stations.

The quality of the game, of course, leaves much to be desired, but damn it, it delivers! Let it be nothing more than fun for a couple of hours, download it - delete it, but the project is really hellishly fun, and really summery. Fourth place.

The third line is occupied by an old, but, therefore, no less cute tycoon - Beach Life - beach life, that is. In this simple business simulation, gamers become the manager, owner, and designer of a resort at the same time to satisfy all the needs of ever-whining tourists. We will have to do everything that is usually done in such tycoons - from building all the necessary buildings - houses, swimming pools - decorating all these crap with different trees, flowers, and ending with economic management - restoring the price of ice cream in a single tent.

In the scenario mode, we need to complete certain tasks on each map, and in the sandbox, please, you can build the tropical paradise of your dreams. Naturally, there are various cataclysms - for example, hurricanes, tornadoes, and even many fat tourists can easily be eaten by sharks. Beach Life also captivates the player with its graphics - although the game was released in the far, far 2002, it still looks pretty nice. And watching the animation of tourists splashing in the pool or dancing drunk, well, it's very nice - it's a pleasure. "Beach Life" in third place.

And the second line is occupied by the most kind, positive and positive dictator in the world - El Presidente and his Tropico series of games - especially since the fifth part has just been released. Here, the gamer is also given a huge island at his disposal - a real Banana Republic - well, please, correct it as you wish. Of course, you also need to take care of people, but not as tourists in Beach Life, but quietly, so that they do not have a desire to take a torch and come to you under the palace.

The series has already reached the fifth part, and let's briefly talk about it, especially since there have been some updates, innovations - starting from the fact that the graphics have been completely updated, everything has been redrawn again - well, everything also looks nice. A co-op has appeared, where now up to four players can engage in their dictatorial nasty things, and at the same time interact with each other. And, perhaps, the most interesting, the most extensive innovation is the change of times - of course, this is not a civilization, but still.

The game features seven centuries - from the 14th to the present day. All historical events, such as world wars, are included. If you have always dreamed of getting your own personal island, becoming a king, demanding money and women for yourself - Tropico is just for you. We hope that then small, bald Hitlers will not grow out of fans of this series.

Surf's Up

Well, in the first place is a game that should never have got anywhere at all - not in any Top. A game that no one should know about - and maybe it is. But, nevertheless, this is the best cartoon that Sony Pictures Animation has ever released. This is the soundtrack from Green Day, Linkin Park, Simple Plan. This is a game developed and published by Ubisoft. This is Surf's Up / "Catch the wave" - ​​just the most powerful, hurricane, summer arcade.

This is the best summer entertainment - with beaches, waves, music and penguins. Well, let's go in order: you, of course, saw the cartoon "Catch the Wave" or Surf's Up - about funny penguins who come to a warm island to participate in a super-cool surfing tournament. You can talk about the cartoon for a long time good words– he is magnificent: full of humor, Have a good mood and good heroes.

And the game did not let us down - so, after all, it was made by Ubisoft Quebec and Ubisoft Montreal, yes, the same Ubisoft Montreal, which is Assassin's Creed, Far Cry and Watch Dogs. We choose the heroes of our favorite cartoon, choose a board, and participate in the tournament or drive along the tracks for our own pleasure. The entourage of your favorite cartoon is, of course, a huge plus, but the most relish of the game is the gameplay. A wildly hurricane, driving and fun arcade game, one of the best arcade games in the gaming world that we have ever played.

Penguins rush on the board, cutting the waves, jumping on huge springboards, performing mind-blowing tricks - it's simply unrealistic to stop, you want to play, play and play. The only pity is that this game is not on Uplay, not on Steam, you can only order a box from Amazon. So, "Catch the Wave" is the most summer game - the first place.

Outdoor play is not only good for health, it also develops sociability in children. The children begin to understand what mutual assistance is, how important it is sometimes to subordinate their desires to common interests, and all this will be useful to them in adulthood.

Active outdoor games saturate the child's body with oxygen, and this improves both muscle work and brain activity. You can play on the playground in the yard, as well as in parks, recreation areas. So that children do not get tired quickly, it is better to alternate outdoor games with more calm ones.

1. Touch the ball

Children become in a circle, their task is to pass the ball on outstretched arms so that the driver, who is behind the circle, does not get the ball. Whoever has the ball “stained” in his hands becomes the driver instead. According to the rule: you cannot throw the ball to each other, and if someone drops the ball, then he is out of the game.

2. Train

Children stand behind each other, holding on to the one in front of them. At the head of the locomotive, the leader is the driver who leads him along his route. Children should follow the leader, repeat his movements. If he bounces, then the guys behind him should bounce one after the other, too, if he turns around the tree, then the “locomotive” follows him. According to the rule: children should not unhook from each other, while the leader is not allowed to run fast.

3. Bees

The kids stand in a line, in front of them, 15-20 meters away, a line is drawn with chalk. This is a bee house. Two or three people (bees) stand behind the line and, at the command of the leader, begin to slowly move towards the guys with the words: “We went out to the forest lawn, raising our legs higher, through bushes and bumps, through branches and stumps. Look - the hollow of a tall Christmas tree. Angry bees fly out! The bees start spinning. At this time, the players say the words: “We are not afraid of a swarm of bees, let's run home now” and try to run behind the line that is behind the bees. The same ones are trying to catch the guys, "sting". Whoever was "stung" by a bee, in the next horse becomes instead of her.

4. To the forest for berries

The leader is chosen - a bear. He "sleeps" in a designated place - a lair. Children go out of the house (draw a circle) into the forest for berries (any light objects can be used instead of berries). They say: The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries. The bear got cold, froze on the stove. At a sign from the leader, the bear suddenly wakes up and rushes to catch the children in the clearing. The winner is not only the one who ran away from the bear, but also brought home more berries. Whoever the driver caught first takes his place in the next horse.

5. Cat and mouse

Children stand in a circle, hold hands, in the center is a “mouse”. Behind the circle at a short distance is a "cat". The hands of the children are raised up, when the cat approaches, the hands fall - the gate closes. If the cat tries to get through the bottom, then the children squat, preventing the cat from climbing into the circle. If she manages to run through the barrier, the opposite side quickly releases the mouse from the circle, then closing the passage for the cat. This game is about attention and quick reaction.

6. Sparrows

A circle is outlined - with a diameter of 3-4 m, inside it is a driver - a "falcon". The rest of the children are "sparrows". Their task is to "peck the grains" that are inside the circle. So they jump in and out of the circle in such a way that the falcon does not spot them. Whom the falcon touches becomes the leader in the next round.

7. You go quieter, you will continue

Two lines are drawn at a distance of about 5 m. The leader is selected. At one line, the player becomes, at the second - the driver with his back to the player. The driver says: “You drive more quietly, you will continue. Stop" and turns around. At this time, the player moving in his direction must stop. If he did not have time to "freeze", then he becomes instead of the driver. Several people can take part in the game.

8. Lions and zebras

A place is chosen - the steppe, where zebras graze, the lines indicate the river. Children are zebras. The leader is selected - a lion, which stands on a hill (its lair) and says: “A lion went hunting, his anger is very terrible! One, two, three, start the game. The lion tries to catch "prey", the zebras run away. They can "jump" across the river, there is a safe place where the lion can't reach them. If a lion has caught a zebra, he takes it to his lair.

9. "The King loves"

The leader is chosen - the king. A line is drawn, on which the king stands with his back to the players and says two phrases: "The king loves ..." and "The king does not love ...", while naming two colors. For example, if the king says: "The king loves the color blue," then children dressed in blue shades walk calmly next to the king. If he says: “The king does not like red”, then the guys in clothes with red inserts or drawings should run past the king along the line so that he does not touch them.

Summer is a fun time when children spend most of their free time outdoors. Gathering in small companies, they sometimes cannot come up with an interesting activity. What can you play outside in the summer?

1. Ball chasing

The ball game is similar to the usual game of catch-up, where the driver must hit any player in order to switch roles with him. Only here you need to hit the player not with your hand, but with the ball. If the driver misses, then he takes the ball and again goes after his luck.

The task can be changed a little. The driver stands still and says: “One, two, three, stop!”. The players stop. The driver from the place tries to knock out any of them with the ball. If the ball touches the player, he becomes the driver. When the driver misses, he runs after the ball, counts to three again and again tries to knock out one of the stopped ones. Here the ability to analyze, to correctly calculate one's strength is trained.

2. Lucky number

Surely, many people know how to play "Potato", where the ball is thrown from one player to another. But what about small children who have not yet learned how to throw the ball properly, let alone hit it? For them, the rules are simplified: the ball is thrown in a circle to each other. The first, giving the ball to a neighbor, says aloud: "One." Further, the account is kept to oneself. The number nine is still pronounced aloud, and the player who will catch the ball ninth must hit it in the middle of the circle. If someone breaks the rules (does not say “one” or “nine” aloud, says any other number, does not hit the ball) - sits in the center of the circle. Those in the circle can be saved. To do this, the one who will hit the ball must hit them.

3. Tracks

An old Russian game that allows you to develop the ability to run fast, make unexpected turns, change the speed of movement. Its essence lies in the fact that on the road with chalk (you can use a stick on the ground) a path is drawn. The older the children, the more difficult and winding the path. The length can be any, but it is better from 5 m. First you need to practice: run along the path, trying not to step over the outlined lines. Then you can proceed to competitions, which can be different. For example, "Who will run faster": the time of each participant is taken into account and the winner is revealed.

  • "Bring the flag." At the end of the tracks, flags are set, the number of which is equal to the number of participants in the team. Children must, having run along the path in the forward and reverse direction, bring all the flags. The team that does it faster wins.
  • "Who quickly". It is necessary to pass the track as quickly as possible. You can’t run in this competition, and if a participant breaks the rules, he returns to the beginning and goes through the track again.
  • "Merry Caterpillar" Team members grab each other by the waist and walk the path, trying not to step over the lines. Whoever completes the task faster, wins.

The conditions for passing obstacles can be different: carry an egg in a spoon, holding the ball between the feet, run on toes or heels, overcome the required distance by jumping, and so on.

4. Treasure hunt

For the game, prepare the necessary props: notes, sweet prizes. Each note is a clue to the location of the next letter. For example, a note draws a tree with three branches. Children must find just such a tree, and on it is a note that can be hidden in a crack in the trunk, under some leaf, or in another inconspicuous place. The hint can be in the form of a riddle: “A young flower is like the sun, golden. Aged - covered with airy silver. This is a dandelion. So, you need to look for a note on the field with these colors. For older children, you can use complex puzzles: anagrams, charades, puzzles, puzzles, encrypted letters. The more work the guys put into the search, the greater the joy from the found treasure.

5. King

One of the players is chosen as the king - the driver. On the ground, on one side, a circle is drawn - a palace. From the opposite platform, circles are also drawn according to the number of participants - the houses of princes and princesses - the children of the king. A line is drawn between the palace and the houses. Children first agree among themselves where they were and what they did. For example, they were in the field, sowing wheat. Then they come to the line and shout: “Hello, king!”. He answers them: “Hello, children! Where have you been?" They answer. The king asks: "What did they do there?" Children without words show the action that they have in mind. The king has three attempts to guess what they did. If he guesses correctly, the children scatter to their homes, and the king catches them. In the case when the king caught someone, he changes roles with the participant. If everyone managed to escape or the king does not guess the action, he leads again.

6. Fishermen and fish

Two players - fishermen - are blindfolded with a handkerchief. They should stand opposite each other so that, with their arms outstretched, they can touch their fingertips. The rest of the participants are fish. Their task is to swim past the fishermen without getting into their nets. The fishermen, in turn, try to catch as much prey as possible: they stretch out their arms and catch everyone who comes across. Caught participants become fishermen.

7. Firefighters

Players are divided into two teams that line up facing each other. Each player has a water tank. It is better to take safe disposable cups. The last players have water poured into a glass. At the leader's signal, they pour water to their neighbor, trying not to spill it, and run to the beginning of the line, standing next to the first participant. The one with water in the glass repeats the action of the previous player, pouring water to a neighbor and running to the beginning of the row. Thus, the water should return to the glass in which it was originally. Now the water level of both teams is compared: the one that retained the most is declared the winner.

8. Shooting games

Helium air balloons tied to a branch so that they are at different heights. Each participant receives several cones. The task of the players is to hit the ball with a cone from a certain distance. Whoever hits the most times wins. The game can be complicated for older children: you will need to hit the ball with your eyes closed.

9. Bowling

Needed to play plastic bottles filled with water and a ball (soccer, basketball or volleyball). Bottles - skittles are installed along the line close to each other. Children take turns pushing the ball - the core, trying to knock out as many pins as possible. You can compete in teams: the players of one team push the ball once, trying to knock down the pins with common efforts.

10. Edible - inedible

Participants line up. The driver throws the ball to everyone in turn, naming an edible or inedible object. Players must catch what is edible and discard what is inedible. The one who makes a mistake changes places with the driver.

11. School

First, a table is drawn on the asphalt, consisting of 11 lines - classes. The number of columns is equal to the number of participants. All players are on the first line - entered the first class. The driver takes turns throwing the ball, naming an edible or inedible object. Similarly to the previous game, the edible is caught, the inedible is discarded. If the participant performed the correct action, he moves to the next class. If he makes a mistake, he stays for the second year. The one who finishes school first becomes a teacher - driver, and the game starts anew.

12. Cook

4 lines are drawn on the asphalt at a distance of half a meter. The one who is on the first line is a private, on the second are sergeants, on the third are officers, on the fourth are generals. After the fourth line, at a distance of about 1.5 m, there is a skittle. The driver is chosen - the cook. He stands next to the skittles. The rest line up along the first line - they are still ordinary. Each participant has a small stick - a projectile. The guys take turns throwing it, trying to knock down the skittle.

As soon as the stick hits the pin, the one who threw it, and other participants who missed the target, run after their sticks, trying to dodge the driver. The driver raises and sets the pin. Only after that he can catch other participants. The one he catches becomes the driver, and the former cook becomes an ordinary.

Each hit on the pin is a way of gradually increasing the rank: the private who knocked down the pin and returned back with a stick, passing the role of the driver, becomes a sergeant, then an officer and a general. Important: hitting the pin does not give the right to re-throw, it only increases the rank! Throwing projectiles continues in turn. The one who knocks down the skittle as a general wins.

13. Jump ropes

Both boys and girls love jumping rope.

There are several jump rope games:

  • "Fishing". Participants - fish line up around the driver - the fisherman. The fisherman runs the rope along the ground so that it touches someone's legs. The one who was hit by the rope changes roles with the leader.
  • "Clock". This game is best played with three or four people. Two leaders hold the rope at opposite ends. One or two players stand in front of the rope. Drivers say: “The clock struck exactly one: one!” and twist the rope once. Those who stand in the middle must jump over it. This continues until the players stumble. Then they change roles with the leaders.
  • "Snake". This game can be played by the whole company. Two leaders hold a stretched rope - a snake. Everyone else should jump over it, trying not to hit it. At the same time, the actions gradually become more complicated: first, the snake sleeps (the rope lies on the ground), then wakes up (the rope is moved along the ground from side to side), gradually grows (lift the stretched rope a little higher). Those who, when jumping, touches the snake, are eliminated from the game, which continues until the winner is revealed.