Children's drawings of an airplane from 3 years old drawn. How to draw a military aircraft. Drawing planes flying through the clouds middle group

Now we will look at how to draw a military aircraft from the game “War Thunder”, and also draw the War Thunder icon (logo) with a pencil step by step. The drawing will not be at all complicated and will contain the plot of an attack on an airplane, military operations in the sky.

This is what the creation should look like.

Here is a screenshot from the game.

Using two lines we determine the direction of flight, the length of the aircraft and wings, and begin to draw the body. Click on images to enlarge.

Wings and tail of an airplane.

Draw the cockpit and propeller.

As a number, roughly draw a person in the cockpit, then the visible cannons under the wings. In the distance there are two attacking aircraft, as you can see they are not drawn at all, but only their silhouettes are drawn. Well, of course, we also draw traces of shells. You can, like the original, also draw traces of shells and war paint, but this is on your own.

This is what should happen. The next step is to look at the War Thunder badge.

Since, probably, only the word WAR from the logo confuses you, we will consider only drawing it; you will draw the word THUNDER yourself.

Take a piece of paper in a box, and we will draw on it accordingly. The word WAR took us two squares of 10 cells, well, another 1.5 on the left. Take a ruler, count the cells and draw the letters as shown.

Now in the middle of the letter “A” we draw the silhouette of an airplane, and in the “W” we draw the hull of a ship.

Erase all the side lines bordering the objects. We draw the silhouette of a tank with a star in the letter “R” and the silhouette of a mast with guns of a warship in the letter “W”.

Airplane. Coloring and Drawing (Step by Step Guide)

In this article we will continue to introduce you, dear parents, to such a useful and exciting way of spending time for a child’s development as children's coloring pages . To make it interesting for a child to color outline pictures, it is important to choose thematic options that might interest him. For girls, you can print out images of your favorite cartoon characters - fairies from the Winx Club, Disney princesses, little ponies from a fairyland, monster high, barbie dolls and other popular characters. Boys will be more interested coloring pages of cars and cars from the movie "Cars", tanks and ships. In this article you will find pictures for coloring in which airplanes are depicted - a great option for boys. All outline images can be expanded and printed on drawing paper.

If your child is still small (3-4 years old), then print out very simple pictures for him that he can color on his own. At this age, the baby begins to get acquainted with the names of this or that color, shows interest in drawing with colored pencils and paints . Try to pronounce the names of the drawn objects more often and colors that are used for coloring.

At the age of 5, the child begins to relate to drawn objects more consciously, tries to grasp the relationship between the main and secondary drawn objects, tries to choose more suitable colors for coloring individual details of the drawing.

Boys and girls aged 6-7 years are happy to transfer their children's role-playing games onto a sheet of paper. Girls love to draw or paint images of dolls and dresses , plush toys ( kittens and other animals ), and boys choose coloring books with outline drawings of their favorite cartoon characters and pictures of cars or military equipment. At this age boy you might be interested in coloring pages , which depict airplanes.

You can print out outline pictures or draw an airplane with your child, following the instructions:

How to draw a plane with a pencil:

Step 1:
Carefully draw two horizontal symmetrical lines, which taper at the ends and are slightly rounded. On the side opposite to this curve we draw a connecting straight line. the resulting figure is in the shape of a blade. Draw a straight horizontal line in the middle of the figure. The result was an airplane body;

Step #2:
Draw a slightly inclined quadrangle on the narrowed side of the figure in the form of an airplane tail. Now we carefully draw two inclined lines from the center line of the body up and down, and then connect each pair a little with a line, which we slightly round on both sides. These will be the wings of the airplane;

Step #3:

In the tail part of the body we will draw 2 wings. In the bow of the hull, draw a vertical line and draw a propeller consisting of several blades extending from a cone. Between the propeller and the upper part of the wing we draw the cockpit of the aircraft;

Step #4:

All that remains is to erase all unnecessary strokes with a soft eraser and clearly outline all other lines with a pencil or marker.


Click on the link from the list (below) and expand the picture for coloring.

Right-click and select from the list: Copy or Print.


♦ Print out an airplane (the easiest option). Coloring book for little children.

Good afternoon, we are often asked to draw something to draw together with children. And today we will show How to draw an airplane for children. This is a fairly simple drawing; every parent who does not have special knowledge and skills in drawing, as well as any child who is learning to draw, can draw it.

We will tell you and show you step-by-step instructions with detailed descriptions. We hope this lesson brings joy to you and your children. For the convenience of drawing lines at a certain step, the necessary lines are marked in red. Let's get started.

Step 1
First, let's draw a slightly curved line, the base of the plane as shown in the picture, and then a second line for the wings.

Step 3
Now you can draw the tail of the plane as shown in the picture. The tail of an airplane consists of small wing stabilizers and a vertical wing called the fin. Most Boeing 747 aircraft have the same shape. Then we design the wing and nose, and also draw the side line.

All boys love to play with cars, trains and other equipment. Anyone who enjoys doing artistic work may be interested in how to draw an airplane, steam locomotive, helicopter or tank. Using step-by-step methods for creating an image, decomposing a complex shape into several simple ones, you can easily complete any task.

How to Draw an Airplane for Kids

When choosing a sample to complete a task, you need to proceed from the level of training of the novice artist. Any object can be depicted flat (side view) or in volume, building a perspective. For schoolchildren and kindergarten children, the most basic picture with a minimum of details will be enough. The main thing is that the shape matches the real object. So, follow these steps:

1. Outline the general outline.

2. Add wings and tail elements.

3. Remove unnecessary lines.

4. Add realism with details.

How to draw an airplane step by step in volume

The second example is more difficult to perform, but the result looks much more realistic. To construct any shape, you can use the method of perspective or projection. In the first case, the parallel lines in the picture converge into one point on the horizon line, but in the second, they do not. Try to learn a simpler method - creating an image with parallel lines. This method is used in school drawing courses. So, in order to learn how to draw an airplane in volume, you first need to correctly perform auxiliary constructions. Your actions should be as follows:

1. Draw two intersecting axes as shown in the picture. Parallel to them, make the base of the rectangular part of the body. Bring the guides of the tail element to one point. Here all constructions will be geometric. Once you understand how to create this shape, rounding the edges is not difficult.

2. From the resulting corners, draw down the vertical edges of the object. Perform a tapered back. Approximately in the center of the resulting object, build a cabin.

3. Detail the image: add tail blades, wings, struts, landing gear.

4. Draw a propeller. A simplified picture of an airplane is ready.

Now you know how to draw an airplane in two ways. Choose any one that you find most simple and convenient for yourself. The resulting linear diagram can be used to perform work in watercolor, pencil, pen, or even as a basis for applique or plasticine relief.

Flight illusion

If you want to learn how to draw an airplane in motion, read and follow some simple tips:

1. Try to make the object diagonally, giving the impression of moving upward.

2. Position the image correctly on the sheet. More free space should be left in the direction where the plane is heading. This creates the illusion of the object moving. Our eyes are accustomed to perceiving text, reading from left to right, so the image enters the brain in the same way. It is better to make the tail part on the left side of the sheet, enhancing the effect of the perception of flight.

How to color a picture

Now you've learned how to draw an airplane step by step, but you might want to make more realistic drawings. They can be obtained using colored materials such as watercolors, gouache, pastels, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, and colored pencils. It's interesting to combine several techniques.

It is better for beginning artists not to try to completely fill the sheet with color. When the shade of the space behind the main subject is incorrectly selected, the main object will most likely get lost and merge with the background. If a child asks about how to draw a plane against a blue sky, this should be done very carefully. Having shown a bright shade along the contour of the object, you need to make a gradual transition to a white background towards the edges of the sheet. Another simple option is to take light blue tinted paper and paint the body of the aircraft with white gouache or pastel.

So, you have learned how to draw airplanes with a pencil. Regardless of the complexity of the image, the sequence of actions will be approximately the same in each case. By breaking down each object into its simple elements and drawing them step by step, you can make any illustration.

Drawing is a process that allows you to develop your creative abilities. It helps to show imagination, reflect the real or show a fictional world. For children it is a way to have fun, for adults it is a way to take a break from problems. Those who love the sky and flying want to learn how to draw an airplane with a pencil and then with paints.

Initial drawing stage

Children as young as 5 years old can draw an airplane step by step without much difficulty. You can also show a preschooler approximate outlines, and then complicate the drawing, bringing it to the finished result - an airplane that looks as close as possible to the real one.

Drawing steps:

  • Draw an oblong outline on paper (there is no need to press the pencil with force);
  • Draw the wings and tail in the appropriate places (on the left and right - the wings, in the back in the center - the tail);
  • Extra lines need to be removed.

The second way to draw an airplane

For children 7 years old and older, you can try to draw an aircraft using a more complex technology. Accordingly, the finished drawing will look more realistic, which will allow you to create images that are close to real aircraft. A small child will be interested not only in sketches, but also in drawing an airplane with complete immersion in work. To get started, you need to choose one of two methods: perspective or projection.

If the perspective method is chosen, then during drawing you should remember: parallel lines in the picture converge into one point, set (you can mentally) on the horizon line.

The projection method involves creating an image of an aircraft using parallel lines. This method is used by children as part of their school drawing program.

Volumetric image

In order to understand how to draw a classic airplane and create it in volume, you first need to correctly complete the initial stage described above, which can be considered as an auxiliary construction, a template that even a beginner can reproduce.

Basic actions:

  • Draw two intersecting lines or axes;
  • In parallel, they should draw the base of the rectangular part of the body of the future aircraft;
  • The tail is made in the figure by bringing all the guide elements to one point.

The peculiarity of the work is that it is necessary to make each element round, as close as possible to the real geometric shape. It will be difficult for a child to depict such a device, so the choice of method should be postponed until he is 6-8 years old. To obtain a three-dimensional picture, you need to draw down the vertical edges of the future aircraft from the obtained corners. Its back part should gradually taper. The aircraft cabin should be located in the middle.

  • tail blades;
  • wings (shape and length may vary);
  • turbines and signal lights;
  • racks;
  • chassis with wheels.

Also at this stage you can draw a propeller or modern engines, it all depends on the chosen aircraft. Having studied these elements, it becomes clear how to draw an airplane with a pencil step by step and achieve a volume effect. Using a picture created with a simple pencil as a basis, you can later color it with paints, felt-tip pens or colored pencils. If desired, a three-dimensional image can be used as a basis for applique or plasticine relief.

For work, it is best to use not a simple sheet of white paper, but take colored (blue, cyan) paper - this will be the background that will create the impression of flight. If you plan to fill the outline with paint, then it is best to paint on thick cardboard or a thick album sheet.

Thus, it became clear how to draw an airplane step by step by drawing lines. Using imagination, a person will be able to draw an airplane for children, create models that are close to real ones, and use them for complex crafts from plasticine, paper, cardboard, and plaster. After a year of training, the planes will look visually attractive, so they can be used for interior decoration. An image with a painted airplane will be an excellent addition to a child’s room or office. Fantasy will help complement the drawing, make it lively and pleasant for visual perception.
