Connecting social network services mts. MTS Networks is a service for unlimited use of social networks. How to disable "On the Web" from MTS

At the moment, not a single MTS tariff, including Smart for Friends, has an "unlimited" use of social networks. However, there is an “On the Web” option, and it provides just such an “unlimited” option. In this article, we will consider what kind of service it is, how to connect it and what nuances it has.

What is the service "Vseti"

The “Online” option came to replace the service “ Social media", which was sent to the archive. When connected, you can communicate without restrictions in most social networks and instant messengers - the Internet traffic from the package in your tariff will not be spent. The "On the Web" service applies to the following messengers: WhatsApp, Viber, FB Messenger, Skype, OK Live, TamTam. And on social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Odnoklassniki. You can chat, view photos, listen to music and watch videos without spending the main traffic package.

  • Distribution of the Internet in MTS - connection, description and nuances of the Unified Internet service
  • "Tariffishche" from MTS - features and nuances of the tariff with unlimited Internet
  • SMART for their 2016, description of changes and connection to the tariff
  • How much does it cost to use the "On the Web" option

    On two tariffs, Smart Unlimited and Smart Zabugorishche, the On the Net service is provided absolutely free of charge (it is connected automatically), on all other tariffs (except for the Hype tariff, it is not provided on it), its use will cost 4 rubles per day, or approximately 120 rubles per month.

    How to connect the "Online" option

    You can connect VSeti, like other services, in four ways:

    • With a short command, this case *345# and call send key;
    • Using the application "My MTS";
    • Through a personal account on the MTS website;
    • By contacting the contact center at 0890.

    The nuances of the "On the Net" service in MTS

    In order for your Internet traffic to be free, you must use only official applications and sites of social networks and instant messengers.

    It is not allowed to use the traffic compression mode (applies to the Opera browser) or private browsing (incognito mode) in any browser.

    Please note that pages on social networks may contain content that is actually located on other sites. That is, while on the VKontakte website, you can watch a video, for example, from YouTube. Naturally, this traffic will be charged outside the "On the Web" option.

    And the last thing - the "Online" option does not work in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

    If you have any questions - or write in the comments on this page, we will be happy to help you!

    It is difficult now to find a person who is not registered in one of the many social networks. Many of them are available as handy apps for mobile devices. Therefore, it is enough to have a smartphone and an Internet connection to freely communicate with friends and share photos with them.

    Since a large share of Internet traffic is accounted for by browsing social networking sites, mobile operators have decided to provide more comfortable and favorable conditions for using the Internet to their subscribers. This is how the “Social Networks” service from MTS, one of the most popular mobile operators in Russia, appeared.

    The popularity of social networks among smartphone owners

    What is a social network service?

    All those who like to spend numerous hours chatting in social networks such as Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki will be delighted with this service.

    Now you do not have to pay for Internet traffic, which is calculated for the use of mobile browser versions of sites and special applications of social networks. You just need to order "Social Networks" and connect it to enjoy endless communication.

    You should know that only official applications and mobile versions social networking sites will save on the Internet.

    Service cost for subscribers

    This service for Smart tariffs has been operating on a paid basis since the beginning of autumn 2016. For a month, the subscriber needs to pay only 50 rubles. But it should be borne in mind that in some regions of the Russian Federation this cost may differ.

    Activation and deactivation of the "Social network" service

    The service is available for MTS subscribers who subscribed to the tariff plan of the Smart or Ultra series after June 1, 2016. For those who do not own an MTS SIM card, you can purchase it at any company store.


    If the subscriber has previously used the services of MTS (before June 1, 2016), and the tariff plan is not included in one of the above series, you can take the following steps:


    There are several ways to disable the service:

    • Choosing a different tariff package that does not apply to the Smart or Ultra line.
    • Using mobile app MTS or by finding the appropriate option in personal account on the company's website.
    • Using code *111*345*2# in a USSD request.

    Of course, the benefits that this service provides to subscribers cannot be underestimated. But after all, Ultra and Smart tariffs already provide Internet without restrictions for MTS subscribers! What is the meaning of the "Social Network" in this case? Of course, savings still take place, but how realistic is it?

    The news feed of the social network is broadcast free of charge to the application from MTS


    Without paying a penny, you can view photos, find out the news in the feed and read the messages that were received on the social network. But when watching videos, most of which are stored on servers belonging to such popular services as Vimeo, RuTube and YouTube, there will be funds for traffic.

    For any other third-party resources that are used in the social network or have a link to them, you will also be charged for Internet traffic, for example, for using the Yandex.Maps service.

    Paid content also includes:

    • Using the full browser version of the social network site.
    • Using push notifications.
    • Login to the global network via WAP.
    • Using an anonymous connection (incognito).
    • Using the Opera browser's ability to compress data.

    It is possible that many subscribers will immediately want to turn off the Social Network feature, but you should first think before making such a decision. You should not hope that you will be able to save a decent amount of money with this service, but it is still better than paying in full.

    Benefits of using the service

    Some people believe that communication in social networks will soon prevail over live. And there are reasons to believe this is true. Many Internet surfers, having barely heard an offer from operators about the free use of social networks, immediately seek to connect the service.

    Social network management on the MTS website

    If you take a more responsible approach to this issue, you can understand that subscribers do not receive significant benefits, but do not lose in general. Since it is difficult to imagine a modern smartphone that does not have Facebook, Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki applications installed, services like the Social Network will constantly appear.

    For a long time to come, mobile operators will use the tempting words "communication in social networks without paying for traffic" in the slogans of their advertising.

    Post Views: 194

    As you know, MTS, like most other mobile operators in Russia, offers its customers tariff packages with a really impressive amount of Internet traffic only for a fairly high price. Of course, this is unpleasant, because not everyone wants to spend too much on communication, and with modern content consumption, gigabytes on the Web fly away one after another.

    Convenient, necessary option?

    Yes!No, sir!

    Fortunately, MTS has developed a separate "On the Net" option, which allows you to almost completely solve this problem.

    A brief video review of the MTS "VSeti" option

    "VSeti" from MTS: a detailed description

    Perhaps, having heard the name of this option, you thought that it will activate additional traffic for the subscriber, which should be enough for the active use of the mobile Internet for a month.

    In reality, the “Networks” option provides subscribers who have connected it with the opportunity to use all popular social networks and instant messengers in unlimited mode.

    That is, when using social resources, traffic counting is simply disabled, and the quota provided within the tariff plan remains untouched.

    Someone will say that this service does not replace the real unlimited at all, however, according to statistics, the majority of subscribers spend the provided Internet traffic to a greater extent on viewing pages and content on social networks, as well as on chatting in instant messengers. Thus, by activating the "On the Net" service, the lion's share of the traffic that was previously used to view such resources will be saved, and, most likely, within a month, subscribers will not be able to use their available gigabytes at all.

    List of sites with unlimited access by "On the Web" option

    The list of services and sites to which MTS subscribers are provided with unlimited access as part of the "On the Net" option, it looks like this:

    By the way, for unlimited viewing of videos on YouTube, MTS has a separate option "Unlimited YouTube", and if you need a full unlimited, then you can use the service "A lot of Internet" or connect the tariff plan.

    The list of available services is impressive, and once again proves that when you connect the service, you can use the standard web-quota. However, you can even use a tariff plan without providing traffic or with a small amount of megabytes per month of use.

    By the way, since we are talking about tariffs, it should also be noted for which TP MTS subscribers can activate the VSeti service. The service is available for connection and use on all current MTS tariff plans, except for the "Hype" and "MTS Tablet" tariffs, and for subscribers of the "My Unlimited" and "Smart Zabugorishche" tariffs, it is activated by default and is provided completely free of charge.

    It is noteworthy that even if you watch videos or listen to audio recordings on social networks such as Vkontakte, for example, the user's traffic will not be charged. However, it is important to understand one thing - often on the Vkontakte website, content from YouTube, RuTube, etc. is embedded in the video windows. In the case of viewing such content, traffic will be calculated according to the terms of the tariff plan used.

    It is also worth noting that the terms of the “Online” option remain relevant only when using the services of Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, instant messengers, etc., through official optimized applications and full versions of browsers. That is, if you go to OK or VK, for example, through the Opera browser in data compression mode, the count of used megabytes will continue in the normal mode. In addition, traffic will be counted when updating official applications for using social networks and services, which is periodically made in the AppStore and Google Play stores.

    In addition, traffic counting will be enabled even if the resources are viewed through browsers with the Incognito mode enabled.

    The cost of the "Seti" service from MTS

    As we have already said, for subscribers using the Smart Zabugorishche tariff plan, this option is offered for use out of the box, or according to the standard, and it is available for use free of charge. But such a fate does not await all the operator's customers, and if you use a different package, you will have to pay. However, for those benefits that open from the moment the option is activated, price is 4 rubles per day doesn't seem that high.

    How to connect the MTS "VSeti" option

    Of course, having heard about the emergence of this new innovative option from MTS, as well as having read its description, you probably thought about connecting it. Fortunately, this procedure is very simple and almost instantaneous. The operator did not "bother" about the many connection options, and offers to do this by entering one simple USSD command: *345# . The option is activated instantly.

    However, after digging a little in the settings of your Personal Account (registration instructions) or the My MTS application, you can also find the coveted switch that activates this option.

    How to disable "On the Web" from MTS

    If later you think about deactivating the "On the Net" service, you can do this by USSD request *111*345*2# , in the My MTS application or the subscriber's personal account on the MTS website.

    Today, social networks occupy far from the last place in the life of every person. Not a single day goes by that we do not look at the phone and check what is happening on social networks, how our friends and relatives live, or just people we are interested in. MTS could not ignore such a moment, and therefore created an advantageous offer for its customers. The "Social Networks" service from MTS allows you to endlessly enjoy communicating with friends, because Internet traffic will not be spent when this option is connected. Such popular applications as Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook have become even more accessible thanks to the proposed service and communication through official pages.

    Description of the "Social networks" option

    Connecting this option allows you to use the following social networks for free:

    It should be noted that some devices equipped with the ability to connect to the Internet require periodic updates. Many apps are set to update automatically. Therefore, if your Internet traffic is spent only on social networks, you do not need to disable the main Internet option.

    Important: To ensure that Internet traffic is not consumed within the "Social Networks" option, use only official applications.

    If, when checking the rest of the traffic, you find that it has decreased a little, then do not worry. In any case, traffic will be spent on the following processes:

    • Switching to third-party resources such as YouTube, Vimeo, RuTube, Yandex.Maps and so on,
    • Notifications about new messages in social networks,
    • Application and software updates,
    • Downloading applications from online stores,
    • Using the above services through browsers,
    • Browsing in incognito mode,
    • Access to the network through a WAP point.

    You also need to pay attention to a number of rules set within the option:

    1. The action of the option is not limited and can be disabled only with the consent of the user,
    2. The service is spread across all regions Russian Federation, except for the Kamchatka Territory, the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Magadan Region and the city of Norilsk.

    How to connect the service "Social networks" MTS

    There are several ways to connect the option for MTS clients:

    1. Dial the command * 345 # on your mobile phone. This is the fastest and most convenient connection method. After sending the command, the service will be activated in the near future, and you will receive an SMS message notifying you of successful connection.
    2. Visit the Personal Account through the official website of the company by clicking on the link Enter your phone number and get a one-time password to enter the personal account. With the help of the Personal Account, you can manage any services.
    3. Use the phone application "My MTS". This is a mobile version of the Personal Account, which is much more convenient to use. By registering in the application, you can not only enable and disable any options, but also track information about the balance on the balance, the availability of packages, the amount of Internet traffic and much more.
    4. If you could not use the options described above, then simply call the operator of the company at 0890 or 8 800 250 08 90 (for subscribers of other operators) and inform the employee about which service you want to connect. The employee will not only assist in connecting, but also advise on any other issue related to the services of MTS.
    5. The last option is a personal visit to one of the MTS mobile communication salons. Contact any employee and inform about the desire to activate the service. A company employee may ask you to provide a passport.

    To check for the presented option, you need to dial the USSD command * 217 # on your mobile device. The balance can also be checked using the Personal Account or the My MTS service.

    The cost of the service "Social networks"

    Since the autumn of 2016, the service has become paid for tariffs of the "Smart" line. The cost of the service varies from 50 to 90 rubles depending on the regions of the country.

    For Moscow and the Moscow region, the price for the service is 90 rubles per month. Immediately after connection, the specified amount will be debited from the phone balance. Subsequent debiting of funds will occur every month on the day corresponding to the day of connection. If you activated the option on March 15, then the next debit will take place on April 15, and so on.

    If the subscriber's number is temporarily blocked, the service will be activated and the payment will be charged only after the blocking is released.

    The cost of the option for other regions of Russia should be specified on the official website of MTS.

    How to disable the service "Social networks" MTS

    You can unsubscribe from the offer in the following ways:

    1. Dial the combination * 111 * 345 * 2 # on your phone. After sending the command, your phone will receive an SMS message about the disconnection.
    2. Visit your Personal Account, where you can both connect and disconnect any services.
    3. Use the application "My MTS" to disable.
    4. Call customer support at 0890 or 8 800 250 08 90 and inform the specialist that you want to disable the option.

    When switching to another tariff plan, the service of beneficial use of social services. networks will automatically turn off, for example, when switching to "Smart Top", "Smart +", "", "" and so on.

    It is difficult now to find a person who is not registered in one of the many social networks. Many of them are available as handy apps for mobile devices. Therefore, it is enough to have a smartphone and an Internet connection to freely communicate with friends and share photos with them.

    Since a large share of Internet traffic is accounted for by browsing social networking sites, mobile operators have decided to provide more comfortable and favorable conditions for using the Internet to their subscribers. This is how the “Social Networks” service from MTS, one of the most popular mobile operators in Russia, appeared.

    The popularity of social networks among smartphone owners

    What is a social network service?

    All those who like to spend numerous hours chatting in social networks such as Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki will be delighted with this service.

    Now you do not have to pay for Internet traffic, which is calculated for the use of mobile browser versions of sites and special applications of social networks. You just need to order "Social Networks" and connect it to enjoy endless communication.

    You should know that only official applications and mobile versions of social networking sites will save on the Internet.

    Service cost for subscribers

    This service for Smart tariffs has been operating on a paid basis since the beginning of autumn 2016. For a month, the subscriber needs to pay only 50 rubles. But it should be borne in mind that in some regions of the Russian Federation this cost may differ.

    Activation and deactivation of the "Social network" service

    The service is available for MTS subscribers who subscribed to the tariff plan of the Smart or Ultra series after June 1, 2016. For those who do not own an MTS SIM card, you can purchase it at any company store.


    If the subscriber has previously used the services of MTS (before June 1, 2016), and the tariff plan is not included in one of the above series, you can take the following steps:


    There are several ways to disable the service:

    • Choosing a different tariff package that does not apply to the Smart or Ultra line.
    • Using the MTS mobile application or by finding the appropriate option in your account on the company's website.
    • Using code *111*345*2# in a USSD request.

    Of course, the benefits that this service provides to subscribers cannot be underestimated. But after all, Ultra and Smart tariffs already provide Internet without restrictions for MTS subscribers! What is the meaning of the "Social Network" in this case? Of course, savings still take place, but how realistic is it?

    The news feed of the social network is broadcast free of charge to the application from MTS


    Without paying a penny, you can view photos, find out the news in the feed and read the messages that were received on the social network. But when watching videos, most of which are stored on servers belonging to such popular services as Vimeo, RuTube and YouTube, there will be funds for traffic.

    For any other third-party resources that are used in the social network or have a link to them, you will also be charged for Internet traffic, for example, for using the Yandex.Maps service.

    Paid content also includes:

    • Using the full browser version of the social network site.
    • Using push notifications.
    • Login to the global network via WAP.
    • Using an anonymous connection (incognito).
    • Using the Opera browser's ability to compress data.

    It is possible that many subscribers will immediately want to turn off the Social Network feature, but you should first think before making such a decision. You should not hope that you will be able to save a decent amount of money with this service, but it is still better than paying in full.

    Benefits of using the service

    Some people believe that communication in social networks will soon prevail over live. And there are reasons to believe this is true. Many Internet surfers, having barely heard an offer from operators about the free use of social networks, immediately seek to connect the service.

    Social network management on the MTS website

    If you take a more responsible approach to this issue, you can understand that subscribers do not receive significant benefits, but do not lose in general. Since it is difficult to imagine a modern smartphone that does not have Facebook, Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki applications installed, services like the Social Network will constantly appear.

    For a long time to come, mobile operators will use the tempting words "communication in social networks without paying for traffic" in the slogans of their advertising.

    Post Views: 194