What is the Deposit Insurance Agency and how does it work? What is DIA and how does the bank deposit insurance system work in Russia

More than three hundred Russian banks are currently in the process of liquidation - such data was published in November. Almost every one of these credit institutions attracted deposits individuals and individual entrepreneurs. The deposit insurance system that has existed in the Russian Federation since 2004 made it possible to return to depositors a total of 1.7 trillion rubles. This state program not only provides protection against the possible loss of funds for, but also significantly increases the public's confidence in banking structures and the savings institution as a whole. What is a deposit insurance system (DIS) and how is it organized?

The deposit insurance system in the Russian Federation is based on the fact that in the event of a bank bankruptcy or revocation of its license, the state guarantees a quick return to individual clients and individual entrepreneurs of the deposit amount up to 1.4 million rubles. According to the Association of Russian Banks, in the first half of 2017 the average size the contribution of a resident of the country amounted to 163.1 thousand rubles, the share of deposits of less than 1.4 million rubles is approaching 60%. Therefore, the parameters of the deposit insurance system (DIS) include most of savings of the population.

How relevant the CER is can be judged at least by the fact that during its existence more than 3.6 million depositors have used the opportunity to receive compensation. In total, during this period, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation deprived the licenses of over 400 banks ( full list can be viewed here: https://www.asv.org.ru/insurance/insurance_cases/). In 2017, 45 credit institutions stopped working, including members of the TOP-30 Russian banks (for example, Yugra).

Maximum size compensation on deposits in closed banks since the beginning of the program has increased 14 times. From 2004 to 2008, it was 100 thousand rubles, then increased to 700 thousand. Since the end of 2014, this figure has been at the level of 1.4 million rubles.

History of changes in the amount of insurance compensation:

  • from January 2004 to August 9, 2006 - 100 thousand rubles;
  • from August 10, 2006 to March 25, 2007 - 190 thousand rubles;
  • from March 26, 2007 to October 1, 2008 - 400 thousand rubles;
  • from October 2, 2008 to December 28, 2014 - 700 thousand rubles;
  • from December 29, 2014 to the present - 1.4 million rubles.

History from life

I “got” back in the early 2010s with the Holding-credit bank, where I kept a decent amount. It simply evaporated, and the database of contributors was literally restored bit by bit, according to individual surviving files. Fortunately, I ended up being written into one of the files, and the procedure went without a hitch. 4 days after the announcement of the start of payments, I came to the Sberbank branch near Gorbushka and turned to the first employee I came across. He invited a special manager, who took me to a special window, where I signed the application and almost immediately received the deposit itself (fortunately, it was 370 thousand, less than the maximum) and interest. Finally they said: “They don’t owe you anything anymore”.

Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA): what is it and why was it created?

The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) is a state organization established under the law “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation”. The tasks of the DIA include monitoring the contributions of banks to a special fund from which payments are made to depositors who have suffered as a result of bankruptcy or revocation of a bank license

Since the deposit insurance system is a special state program, a corporation with 100% state participation was created in 2004 to implement it. The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) acts as a liquidator and bankruptcy trustee of banks with revoked licenses, and most importantly, manages the fund compulsory insurance deposits, from which the depositors are compensated.

The volume of the fund as of October 1, 2017 was about 40 billion rubles. However, this figure in itself says little: the process of returning deposits from closed banks is ongoing, this year alone, the DIA has attracted more than 600 billion rubles in loans from. The repayment of these loans occurs due to the inflow of deductions from Russian banks into the fund under the deposit insurance system.

Available funds The Agency invests mainly in government securities and deposits of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, it is prohibited by law to invest the money of the insurance fund in bank shares.

The Board of Directors of the DIA is headed by the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, this body includes six more members of the government of the country, as well as five representatives of the Central Bank, which emphasizes the official status of the Agency and its reliability, provided by public funds.

The safety of the deposit in the event of a bank failure is guaranteed by federal law No. 177-FZ “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation”.

Now the insurance system covers two categories of depositors: individuals and individual entrepreneurs.

The CER scheme is very similar to the algorithm of any compulsory insurance, only the role of insurers here is played not by citizens, but by banks. Credit institutions allocate to the Deposit Insurance Agency a share of attracted financial resources. From this money, an insurance fund is formed in the DIA, which is then spent on compensation for depositors of banks with a revoked license.

Current rates of bank contributions to the deposit insurance system

To become a member of the CER, the depositor does not need to conclude a separate agreement - the deposit is insured automatically when it is opened.

There are only two insured events in which the DIA compensates the deposit:

1 Revocation or cancellation of a bank license by the Central Bank. Occurs in case of detection of signs of insolvency (impending bankruptcy) or violation of the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Voluntary liquidation of a bank by its owners is not covered by the deposit insurance system - simply because the bank's owners can decide to close it only after full settlement with all creditors, including depositors.

If the owners decide to simply lock the doors of the office and go abroad, the bank will be liquidated by decision of the Central Bank - with the revocation of the license and compensation to customers under the deposit insurance system.

2 Moratorium. Prohibition to meet the requirements of bank creditors (imposed by the Bank of Russia). A moratorium is introduced when the bank itself allows a delay to its creditors due to a lack of funds in its accounts.

Example: banks, in order to issue loans to individuals, themselves take money on credit at a lower interest rate from other banks and organizations.

The essence of this measure is that the Central Bank suspends any bank payments for 3 months (payments on deposits, on enforcement orders, fines, penalties, etc.) except for current expenses (staff salaries, social benefits, utilities and other household payments).

During this period, the Central Bank checks the work of the credit institution and decides whether to revoke its license. Two weeks after the introduction of the moratorium and before its end, you can apply to the DIA with an application for compensation of the deposit. In the entire history of the Agency, the moratorium was introduced only twice: in Vneshprombank and Nota-Bank in 2015.

Central Bank of the Russian Federation

If the bank's license is revoked, the depositor can get back the invested amount (no more than 1.4 million rubles) without waiting for the procedure of the credit institution. The first payments are made already 14 days after the announcement of the license revocation (if the register of depositors is in order and submitted to the DIA on time).

The Deposit Insurance Agency works, as a rule, through agent banks, there are sixty-two of them in the DIA register. These are leading banks with state participation (for example, VTB24 carried out payments to customers of Yugra Bank), as well as large private credit organizations (Alfa-Bank, Binbank and others).

This was done to improve accessibility: as a rule, there are branches of agent banks in all major cities, it is easier for depositors to go there than to send documents by mail to the DIA.

The legislation does not provide for any priority in the payment of compensation: two weeks after the license is revoked, any depositor (both an individual and an individual entrepreneur) can contact the agent bank - the main thing is that information about him be in the register of depositors of the bank whose license was revoked . More details about cases when information about the contributor is not in the register and what to do in such situations are discussed at the end of this article.

The procedure for returning a deposit is simplified as much as possible: the depositor applies to the agent bank with a minimum number of documents. If everything is in order, the individual is transferred to the account indicated by him or issued in cash at the bank's cash desk. For an individual entrepreneur, the returned funds are transferred to an account in any bank (it is most advantageous to open an account with an agent bank - you will not have to pay a commission).

The revocation of a license, after which the bank stops working, must be distinguished from rehabilitation (financial recovery). In the second case, a temporary administration is introduced in the bank, the owner may change and there may be a hype in the media, but nothing changes for the depositor - work with deposits takes place in normal mode, the money can be withdrawn in full if desired. Usually, sanitation is applied in two cases:

  • The bank is important for the state of the country's economy, and its closure may lead to negative macroeconomic consequences;
  • The deterioration is temporary and is associated with the panic of depositors, and not with a real financial "hole" in the bank's capital.

In 2017, the Central Bank sanitized two credit institutions from the TOP-10 - Otkritie Bank and Binbank.

Which banks are included in the deposit insurance system

According to the DIA, as of November 13, 2017, the deposit insurance system includes 476 operating Russian banks, in which more than 24 trillion rubles of deposits of individuals and individual entrepreneurs are concentrated.

The law obliges all credit organizations that accept deposits from the public to participate in DIS. In order to be eligible to display the "Deposits are insured" banner on their website, banks must meet several requirements:

  • Reliable reporting (according to the norms of the Central Bank), errors and inaccuracies should not affect the assessment of the financial stability of the organization;
  • Fulfillment of the Central Bank's standards for reserves, the amount of capital, etc.;
  • The financial stability of the bank was recognized by the Central Bank as sufficient (primarily in terms of liquidity, quality of risk management and other similar parameters);
  • Timely provision of data on persons under whose control the bank is located.
  • Timely correction of identified violations.

Not all banks meet these requirements. 4 credit organizations are now deprived of the right to attract funds from the population. Thus, the Central Bank points out to banks about problems with accounting for deposits and suspicion of maintaining “notebook” accounts, when money is taken from depositors, but not carried out according to documents.

After the prohibition of attracting new deposits, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation begins checking for the presence of off-balance accounts - for example, about 800 depositors were identified at Miko-Bank, whose money (828 million rubles) did not pass through the bank's balance sheet and went in an unknown direction. As a rule, the restriction on accepting deposits ends with the revocation of the license.

There are several ways to check if your bank is in the CER. The simplest thing is to look at the website of the Deposit Insurance Agency (section "Member banks", sorted alphabetically: https://www.asv.org.ru/insurance/banks_list/). You can also clarify the information of interest by calling the free hotline : 8 800 200-08-05.

On the Internet resources of banks included in the deposit insurance system, a special sign developed by the DIA is posted. Also, this sign is placed on the glass at the box office and bank tellers.

How to return a deposit if the bank's license was revoked

The activity of a credit institution is terminated only by the Central Bank. The refund process starts immediately after the bank's license is revoked.

Within a week from the date of receipt of the register of debts to depositors, the Deposit Insurance Agency sends a message to the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia and the official city newspaper at the location of the bank.

The text indicates the place, time, form and procedure for accepting applications for the payment of compensation on deposits. Similar information is posted on the websites of the Agency and the bank itself. Then, within 30 days, the same messages are sent to contributors by mail.

Most often, depositors learn about the revocation of their bank's license from the media, usually they always talk about it in the news on central channels, write on major news sites and portals, such as Yandex, Mail, etc.

Finally, if you come to the bank and its office is suspiciously closed in the middle of the working day, then here's what you should do:

1 Go to the DIA website and then either call the hotline 8 800 200-08-05, or enter the name of your bank into the search bar. If it turns out that the bank's license has been revoked, you will find out which bank has been appointed as the DIA compensation agent. These data are posted on the website of the Deposit Insurance Agency, or ask a hotline specialist for this.

2 14 days after the announcement of the revocation of the bank's license (its date is indicated on the Agency's website), the depositor, his representative or heir writes an application in the DIA form. The form can be downloaded on the Agency's website (https://www.asv.org.ru/insurance/, section "Document Forms") or filled in at the agent bank. Rush is not required, but you need to be in time before the end of the bank bankruptcy procedure (this date will be announced on the websites of the DIA and the closed credit institution). If the depositor or his heir “blundered”, the term can be restored by proving that the applicant was prevented by force majeure circumstances, military service or a serious illness.

3 Documents are attached to the application. A passport is enough for the depositor, the representative also brings a notarized power of attorney. If the contributor is a minor, his parents or guardians provide his birth certificate. From adoptive parents, a document on adoption is required, from guardians, respectively, on the establishment of guardianship. If it is not possible to submit documents in person to the agent bank, they can be sent by mail by registered mail with notice.

4 According to the law, the agent bank must consider the depositor's application by the end of the next business day at the latest (if the register of depositors has already been received by the bank from the DIA). If the amount of compensation is small, immediately after receiving the application, it is paid through the cash desk (the limit depends on the rules of the agent bank - in some cases they can pay a million, but most often the amount is limited to one to two hundred thousand rubles). Otherwise, the depositor will be offered to come the next day, the required amount will be prepared. If in the application the depositor wished to receive money by bank transfer, the agent bank is given three working days for this.

5 Simultaneously with the money, the client is given a certificate of the amount paid/transferred. This document is especially important if your deposit exceeds 1.4 million and you plan to file a claim against the de-licensed bank in the future.

If the deposit compensation for some reason (not related to the refusal of the client) is not paid on time, the depositor has the right to go to court. You can request the following:

  • forfeit;
  • compensation for moral damage;
  • payment of interest for the use of other people's money from the first day of delay.

History from life

I had a deposit of 200 thousand rubles in the ever-memorable "Bank-T". I knew that the bank was dumb, but they offered interest that was unstoppable (about 12.5%, even at that time very cool). As time went on, I deduced interest on my card. And then I saw in Yandex that the bank's license was revoked. I went to the DIA website - in the first line of the news there was a message about the deadlines for appointing an agent bank. I waited a few days, went back to the site - Sberbank was chosen as the agent bank. Deposits were not paid everywhere, the list of branches was also posted on the DIA website. In the branch that was closest to me, the department that served Sber's VIP clients handled the return of deposits. But there was a queue there too - not from the brawler grannies, but there was. The first time I came here was just to ask. They said they didn't need anything other than a passport. According to him, they break through the status of accounts. They immediately found me in the register, signed the application drawn up by the manager - and that's it, you can go to the cashier. I didn’t go to the cashier because I had an account with Sberbank and asked to transfer money to it. The transfer came instantly. What was pleasantly surprised, even the interest for the last month of service was compensated. "Bank-T" paid interest on the last day of the month, and until November 30, he did not finalize. I thought that I would not receive anything in November or the maximum at the “on demand” rate, but they paid at the usual rate - another 1,700 rubles plus kopecks in addition to the body of the deposit.

DIA office in Moscow at the address: Vysotskogo street, 4


Are all types of bank deposits insured?

No, not all. The law establishes a clear list of deposits, the compensation of which the state guarantees:

  • on demand and urgent;
  • on salary, pension and scholarship bank accounts;
  • on IP accounts (in banks deprived of a license after January 1, 2014).
  • on accounts owned by guardians and custodians, but opened on minors or incapacitated (in banks whose license was revoked after December 23, 2014).
  • on special accounts () opened by individuals for settlements on real estate transactions (in banks that remained without a license after April 2, 2015).

And here are some banking products that do not fall into the deposit insurance system:

  • Funds on deposits of lawyers, notaries, etc., if these accounts are opened for professional activities.
  • Bearer deposits of individuals.
  • Funds transferred by individuals to banks for trust management.
  • Deposits opened in branches of Russian banks outside the Russian Federation (CERs do not apply to foreign countries).
  • Deposits in electronic money.
  • Funds in nominal and escrow accounts (other than those mentioned above).
  • Funds on unallocated metal accounts.

Are deposit interest insured?

Yes, they are insured, but only if they were added to the principal amount of the deposit before the start of the bankruptcy procedure. Let's look at a few examples for a better understanding:

Example #1

You have placed 100,000 rubles on a deposit for a year and accrue interest at the end of the term. Suppose that six months after the conclusion of the contract, the bank's license was revoked. Since your money has not lain on the deposit for a year, it means that interest has not been accrued to you, which means that they are not subject to insurance.

Example #2

You placed all the same 100,000 rubles on the deposit, for a year and interest at the end of each month. Six months later, the bank's license was revoked. In this case, you will receive your deposit + interest for six months, as they were accrued and due to the deposit amount every month.

Are debit card accounts included in the deposit insurance system?

Deposit insurance applies to debit card accounts, the compensation procedure for them is the same as for other types of deposits. The exception is prepaid bank cards. Their funds are not insured.

History from life

At one time I had a Svyaznoybank plastic card, I lay it to myself, on it there was an amount of 15 tr “for a rainy day”. Somehow, just before the New Year, I heard on the radio that the bank had closed a month ago. At first I decided that the "stash" was gone forever, but still got into the Internet to look for ends. On the bank's website, there was an instruction to apply for payments to Sberbank - with a passport. Knowing our bureaucracy, I took all the documents with me - the original and copies of the contract with the bank and much more. And at the same time the account number of another card to transfer money there if everything goes well. The branch of Sberbank that I needed to contact was on the other side of the city, but I went there in good faith, thinking that they would hardly help me at the nearest office. They took me in 10 minutes. The employee took the passport and filled out the application herself. I signed. The employee herself went to the cashier with a check and brought me my 15 thousand. It all took exactly 20 minutes.

When can a payment be denied?

There are only three grounds for which you will not be paid a refund on your deposit:

  • The registry does not contain information about you as a contributor.
  • You provided incorrectly executed documents or did not provide any paper.
  • The agent bank did not receive the register of depositors from the DIA.

The agent bank is obliged to provide you with a written explanation of the refusal to pay out the insurance indemnity.

History from life

For a long time they chose a bank to place money there, which they planned to later spend on buying an apartment, but for now earn on interest. Deposit insurance was one of the main conditions. We live in Samara, it seemed most convenient to open a deposit in the Volga-Kama Bank. From time to time they came, replenished, took statements - everything was as usual. And then there was a rumor that the jar was a skiff. We just had to make a contribution to the purchase of an apartment, alarmed, ran to the bank. A kilometer-long queue, of course, they didn’t see the money, but almost by force they knocked out a bank statement with account balances marked with a bank. And they calmed down. We waited for a "letter of happiness" from the DIA - and fell into shock. We are not listed! But we have a release! We wrote a counter-application to the Agency, attached a copy, we are waiting for a decision. A reply came from the DIA: you are not in the register. Didn't even look at the listing! If it were not for the State Duma deputy and the prosecutor's office, they would not have received anything. As a result, they paid only after 6 months.

What to do if you are not in the register of depositors?

The reason for such an unpleasant situation may be the negligence of bank employees (lost or destroyed documents on part of the depositors, employees were fired, there is nowhere to look for ends) or the so-called "off-balance sheet deposits" - when money was taken from depositors, but not carried out according to the documents, issuing fake papers to customers. As a result, you have an agreement in your hands, but there is no information in the bank that you made a deposit. Accordingly, when applying to the agent bank for compensation, you will receive a refusal. This had to be experienced, for example, by depositors of Krossinvestbank, Miko-bank, Stella-bank, where the number of "notebook" deposits approached 100%.

Good afternoon. I carefully read your article, but did not find an answer to my question in it.

I am a client of the Moscow branch of Talmenka-Bank, whose license was revoked at the beginning of the year. I applied to the DIA, wrote a statement of disagreement at the agent bank, attached photocopies of the deposit agreement and the cash receipt order to it.

But the answer really surprised me. I simply did not appear in the register of contributors! How is this possible? How to protect yourself from such situations in the future? I have a deposit in Tinkoff Bank, maybe I'm not in the register there either?

And what should I do now? Look for other failed contributors? Go to court?

The DIA letter does not shed any light on the situation:

Hope you can help.

Michael, we sympathize with your situation.

Ekaterina Morozova

Tinkoff Bank lawyer

If the client of the bank does not agree with the amount of compensation for deposits, the procedure for his actions is prescribed in paragraphs. 7-10 Art. 12 of the law on insurance of deposits of individuals.

The situation when information about the client's deposit is not in the bank's register is not regulated by law. But in this case it makes sense to proceed by analogy. Disagreement with the amount of compensation is the same as disagreement with the absence of you as a depositor in the bank register and with the fact that you are entitled to a refund of 0 rubles.

The only way to get a deposit refund- make changes to the register of contributors. To do this, the victim or his representative must send an application to the DIA for inclusion in the register of contributors. All documents you have must be attached to the application, which confirm that you had a deposit in this bank. This includes bank statements, bank statements, SMS from the bank, and so on.

I advise you to send copies of documents certified by a notary to the DIA. Keep the originals for court.

DIA is obliged to forward your application to the bank that has lost its license. The bank, in turn, is obliged to consider your application within 10 days and, if it is justified, correct its register.


million rubles - the maximum amount of the deposit to be reimbursed by the DIA

Court. Since you have already received a refusal from the DIA, I advise you to go to court and file a lawsuit against the DIA and the bank (represented by the temporary administration) to establish the composition and amount of the relevant requirements, as well as the reimbursement payable on deposits. In this case, the DIA and the bank will act as co-defendants, that is, in the statement of claim, you ask the bank to include you in the register, and the DIA to pay out insurance. To this statement of claim, attach the originals of all documents that confirm the presence of a deposit in the bank, as well as the refusal of compensation that the DIA sent you.

Learn more about how to submit statement of claim, read the articles of Tinkoff magazine:

Timing. In accordance with Art. 7 of the law on insurance of deposits of individuals, you have the right to apply to the DIA from the day the insured event occurs until the day the bankruptcy proceedings are completed. If the Bank of Russia imposes a moratorium on satisfying the claims of creditors, then until the day the moratorium expires. If you missed this deadline, you can try to restore it on the grounds provided for in the law (clause 2, article 10 of the law on insurance of deposits of individuals). The term for applying to the court is 3 years from the date of the occurrence of the insured event.

deposits in other banks. Until the license is revoked, banks do not keep a register of depositors. Banks form various registries to work with depositors and do portfolio analysis, but these registries are not intended to be transferred to the DIA in case of license revocation. The register for the DIA is formed only after the occurrence of an insured event.

Therefore, you will not be able to check whether you are on the DIA registry at any other operating bank, despite having deposits.

In order to protect yourself from such situations in the future, I advise you to keep all bank documents until the end of the deposit term. Do not throw away account statements, do not erase SMS from the bank on your phone - all this can come in handy. Such documents play a key role when considering the inclusion of a contributor in the registry.

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The vast majority of citizens have no idea how the deposit insurance system (DIS) works, about the DIA, and also do not know about all the nuances related to this activity.

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DIA is a state organization whose purpose is to protect the funds of the population in credit institutions. In case of bank insolvency, the money on deposit is returned to customers.

How is the CER arranged?

DIS is a system for protecting finances held on deposits of individuals by means of their insurance.

CER parties:

  • Depositors placing savings in bank accounts are beneficiaries.
  • The insurer is DIA.
  • Banks that have a license and, accordingly, have an agreement with the agency, are DIS participants and insurers.
  • The Bank of Russia is a body authorized to exercise control over the activities of the DIA.
  • The Government of the Russian Federation controls the activities of the deposit insurance system, taking an active part in this system.

If the moment of occurrence of an insured event comes, the DIA undertakes to guarantee the payment of people's savings, regardless of the scale and number of such cases in general.

CER operating principles

First of all, all banks that provide for the maintenance of accounts of individuals in their activities must be participants in the DIS. Banks, in order to participate in CERs, must have financial stability, on the subject of this, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation conducts an audit of banks.

Participating banks undertake:

  • Pay insurance premiums to the CER Fund, penalties are imposed for late payments.
  • Openly notify clients about CERs, about the amount and procedure for payments in case of liquidation.
  • Have a list of obligations to deposit holders, as well as fulfill other requirements that are prescribed in the Law.
  • Indemnifications for insured events are subject to certain restrictions.
  • Payments must be made within a short period of time.

List of unprotected deposits and deposits subject to insurance

Only licensed banks can insure deposits. A list of such banks is available on the official website of the DIA. You need to know whether to trust the bank in which the client decided to open a deposit. After all, in the event of liquidation, the dubious bank will not reimburse the funds.

Most of the deposits are insured by the DIA, but there is also a list that indicates those that remain unprotected.

The following investments are covered by insurance:

  • Savings left for a certain period and at interest.
  • Current accounts.
  • Demand deposit.
  • Bank card accounts.
  • Special accounts opened by entrepreneurs who were not previously covered by insurance payments.
  • Funds of wards on the accounts of trustees and guardians.
  • Money in escrow accounts.

But there is a list of deposits that are not protected from possible risks, among them:

  • Bearer deposits (savings certificates).
  • (OMS) - accounts on which precious metals are kept.
  • Bearer deposits.
  • Funds in e-wallet accounts.
  • Deposits that are available in the branches of banks in Russia, but which are located abroad.
  • Funds in trust management of the bank.
  • Individual accounts opened by entrepreneurs before 2014.
  • Specialized accounts of notaries.

Individual deposit insurance

Initially, insurance of this kind appeared in America, and then this system was introduced in many countries, including Russia, where the DIA began its work in 2004.

Thanks to systematic deductions from DIS member banks, the insurance fund is replenished.
Previously, the amount that was subject to insurance had a limit of 700 thousand rubles, but now this value has doubled, amounting to 1.4 million rubles. This is the amount that is currently insured. The amount of these funds is guaranteed to be returned to citizens.

If banks do not fulfill their obligations, the client has the right to receive his funds, taking into account the accrued interest.

CER limits

These restrictions lie in the fact that not all savings fall under the Insurance Law, there are those that are unprotected in the situation if the bank can no longer carry out its activities for any reason. This also applies to the maximum amount of coverage on deposits - 1.4 million rubles. Simply put, more than this value cannot be paid to bank customers upon the occurrence of insured events.

License revocation fees

When a license is revoked due to the formation of CERs in the country, customers are guaranteed to receive their financial resources, which are available on deposits in banks.

This is necessary in order to provide protection to ordinary depositors, thereby increasing the level of customer confidence in banks. Payments are made by DIA.

Liquidation of insolvent credit institutions

The procedure for the liquidation of an insolvent credit organization and bankruptcy is carried out in case of impossibility of further fulfillment of financial obligations to creditors, as well as tax and other obligatory payments.

A credit organization is recognized as unable to continue its activities if it fails to fulfill its financial obligations within a period of up to two weeks from the time of their occurrence.

A characteristic feature in the bankruptcy procedure is the direct participation in this process of the regulator, that is, the Central Bank of Russia.


Reorganization, or otherwise the recovery of banks, is necessary in order to prevent bankruptcy. Only in the case when it is possible to avoid bankruptcy, this procedure will be considered successfully completed.

Grounds that give the right to conduct the procedure:

  • Non-compliance with capital adequacy standards set by the Bank of Russia.
  • Repeated non-fulfillment of monetary obligations to creditors over the past six months, non-payment of payments due to a shortage of funds within three days from the moment when payments should be made.
  • The risk of loss of solvency of the credit institution exceeded 10% in percentage terms.
  • There is a decrease in the absolute value of capital by more than 20% in comparison with the maximum value achieved over the past year.
  • The amount of capital for the reporting month was lower than the size of the authorized capital.

Bank reorganization entails the following frequently used measures

  • Providing financial assistance to the bank by its participants or other persons.
  • Changing the structure of the bank's assets and liabilities.
  • Acquisition of shares by DIA or financial assistance provided to investors who purchase shares in the amount of at least 75%.
  • Carrying out changes in the organizational structure of the bank.

Insurance payment process

In the event of liquidation, the DIA takes over the reimbursement of funds to the bank's customers. In such a bank, an interim management is appointed.

Within two weeks from the date of revocation of the license, the deposit insurance agency chooses where payments will be made. The client needs to contact the selected DIA bank with a specific list of documents.

It includes the following documents:

  • An application for the payment of a deposit, filled in a special form.
  • Identification document (passport). In the event of a change in passport data, supporting documents are required.
  • If the money on the deposit will be received by someone else, then a notarized power of attorney is also required.

After submitting an application with all the necessary documents within 3 days, the client has the right to receive a refund on the deposit, but 14 days must pass from the date of liquidation of the organization. Depositors have the right to immediately receive their funds in full, if they do not exceed 1.4 million rubles. Deposits can be in different currencies.

In the event that the deposit amount was greater, the client, after receiving the guaranteed return on the deposit, draws up an additional claim for the remainder of the amount, which can be paid during the period until the end of the complete liquidation of the bank. This process can be extended over several years.

The FD needs to draw up a list of the property of the credit institution and sell the property. Only after that, the bank's customers will be paid out funds in excess of the established limit. After the agent has made payments, he gives a certificate of receipt of compensation.

Actions in case of absence in the lists for compensation

Situations may arise when clients who have a deposit in a bank are not included in the lists for compensation. This can happen, for example, if a depositor opened a deposit a few days before the license was revoked from the bank.

In this case, the client needs to apply directly to the DIA with an application or certain credit organizations. In addition to the application, it is necessary to present an agreement concluded with the bank and credit orders. After that, the Agency must check and make corrections in the register. DIA after verification gives a written response to the applicant. It may also be that the DIA will refuse, in which case it is necessary to apply to the court.

If the client does not agree with the amount paid, then it is necessary to proceed according to the same scheme.

The DIA checks the Samara Fia-bank, the Saratov Econombank and the Moscow Russtroybank, a financier who knows this from people close to the state corporation told Vedomosti, and was confirmed by a person who knows the details of these checks. The agency is studying the financial position of banks, their assets and the proportionality of liabilities in order to understand whether they can be sanitized, one of Vedomosti's interlocutors clarifies.

The largest of the three, Russtroybank (113th in terms of assets, according to Interfax-CEA), has liquidity problems. At the end of October, the RAEX agency downgraded its rating from B to C (“default, default”) due to the failure to fulfill “part of the obligations under borrowed funds to private and corporate creditors for five business days or more. According to RAEX analyst Stanislav Volkov, the bank had a weak liquidity cushion, which quickly ended after a massive outflow of funds: Russtroybank invested in construction projects from which it is difficult to withdraw money quickly.

This is not clear from the bank's statements: as of October 1, it did not violate liquidity requirements. As of October 1, he had almost 22 billion rubles. funds of individuals, in September they increased by 186 million. True, 250 million rubles. other credit organizations were taken from the bank.

Employees of the Central Bank are conducting a scheduled inspection, which began at the end of September, said Russtroybank's lawyer Boris Fedosimov, which could result in the selection of a sanatorium bank that can help the bank and its depositors. Whether DIA employees are involved in the audit, he did not say.

Fia-bank (176th place) in August violated capital requirements for eight days, follows from its reporting on September 1. The capital adequacy ratio (H1) these days fell to 9.38% with a minimum of 10%. The adequacy ratios for basic (N1.1) and core (N1.2) capital fell to 4.65%, while the minimum allowed 5 and 6%. In September, Fia-Bank stopped violating the regulations. The bank broke through the standards for several days in a row due to the formation of reserves, says Karina Artemyeva, an analyst with the National Rating Agency (NRA, ratings the bank). From the bank's statements it follows that in September it increased the reserves for loans to companies by 22% (215.4 million rubles) and by another 115 million rubles. - in October. Fia-Bank had an order from the Central Bank to create additional reserves in a very short time, his counterparty knows.

The NRA downgraded Fia-Bank to BBB- in October due to "growth in reserves, increased pressure on reserves and a decrease in the ability of the main shareholder to provide assistance to the bank." The NRA drew attention to “significant balances on the account for accounting for interest claims, which, excluding already formed reserves, exceed 1 billion rubles. (more than 40% of the capital), while the quality of borrowers to which the bulk of these requirements are taken into account is assessed as low.” The bank took into account as income interest on loans of a number of borrowers, which it classified in the first and second quality categories, although in fact it did not receive these interest, its counterparty knows: such earnings provided about a third of the bank's interest income, without them the bank would be unprofitable. As of October 1, deposits of individuals in the bank amounted to 15.7 billion rubles.

Fia-Bank conducts a scheduled inspection of the Central Bank, it does not interfere with the work of the bank - all operations are carried out in the normal mode, according to a response to Vedomosti and. about. Chairman of the Board of Fia-Bank Roman Buzaev. Whether employees of the DIA participate in the audit, he did not say.

Econombank (214th) suffered from operations with securities Volkov says. In July, RAEX downgraded its rating to B+ due to significant "receivables with a low level of provisions created on them." Part of the claims on shares in the amount of 2.7 billion rubles. the bank transferred with a deferred payment, the debtors changed, says Volkov, noting that the bank's capital stock is small - 1.66 billion rubles. Individuals kept 10.5 billion rubles in the bank.

“Econombank's financial position did not undergo any drastic changes and, accordingly, did not require the intervention of the DIA and the Central Bank. The DIA audit was held in the bank on deposit insurance issues in October, following which the bank was given a high quality rating. The inspection of the Central Bank is scheduled and is being carried out according to a previously agreed schedule from September 30, ”said a representative of the bank.

The DIA cannot independently check banks, checks are always authorized by the Central Bank, says Tertychny Law partner Ivan Tertychny. The regulator invites the DIA to participate in inspections of banks on issues related to the size and structure of their obligations to depositors, the completeness and correctness of payment of insurance premiums. The purpose of the DIA during the verification is to find out whether the bank correctly calculated the amount of insured deposits and whether it is possible to promptly compile a register of obligations to depositors. If the Central Bank discovers that depositors' money has been withdrawn from the bank, then the Central Bank decides to reorganize or revoke the license.

Representatives of the Central Bank and the DIA did not answer Vedomosti's questions.

From the "City" do not let out

Moscow Bank Gorod (180th in the Interfax-CEA ranking) is “experiencing a liquidity shortage” due to “a significant outflow of deposits that has occurred over the past two weeks.” “As a result, the bank has significantly limited settlement operations on all accounts and deposits,” the bank said. The Board of Directors has already adopted a financial recovery program, including cost reduction, loan portfolio, as well as attracting a subordinated deposit, the bank said.