Training exercises task 8 exam in Russian

Task number 8 1 option

to ... ryst



pick on...

r...the hypothesis

2.8.. Identify the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing.


other ... whip

negative ... sli (hair)

R ... stov





ant ... gonism

k.. fell asleep

rest… lie

4. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.



stop ... horny






stop .barking


6. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

to ... pooping





7. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




tv ... rhenium

b ... yokot

8. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing.

Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

break up


prompt... read


vet… rinar

9. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

scatter ... sat


prik... dream

g ... barites

10. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

k... rosin


sorry ... sorry

op ... thief

g ... rnison

Task number 8 option 2

1.8.. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

guard ... take

burn ... burn

main diator

to ... nguru

mind ... army

irrelevant ... rims


deputy ... freezing


d ... fitit

3. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.



zap... natsya

to ... boiled

4. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




vyr... listen

set fire to ... gate

5. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

po... curled



d ... conduct


6. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


pl ... sonorous

to draw


r ... habilitation

7. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

scornfully ... scornfully



to ... tastrofa

to ... overalls

8. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.



p... front garden

p... shoot

sg ... tret


9. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




open... to sleep


10. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




t... up
l ... noleum

Task number 8 option 3

1.8.. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

prik... dream

... incompressible



2.8.. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

pl ... sonorous


rise ... rise



3. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.





experiment ... riment

4. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


r ... points


n ... norm


5. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


undivid... roll




6. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


float wok


po... pour

7. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

k... compliment

d ... lance-shaped

percent ... fool


8. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing.

Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




g ... horizon

to ... rnival
9. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

cuddle up


there is no one to rely on ...


with ... rhubarb
10. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


to ... liziya

on sk...ku


b ... cut


1 option

Option 2

3 option




grow old











locker room











dig out

take offense


fade away


Their writing is subject to different patterns. Read the rules, look at the examples.

To correctly complete the task, you need to be able to determine which of these three cases the examples in your version of KIM refer to.

The task involves knowing how words are spelled. For the correct answer, you need to be able to accurately identify the spelling. This action is similar to passing through passport control at the border: the border guard looked at you, looked at the photo in your passport, and the path is clear. Before you are 5 words and the wording of the task. First understand what to look for.

If the task is for checked vowels, this is one thing, if for alternating ones, then another.

Let's remember what is what.

Checked unstressed vowels in the root: goat´, goat - go´zy

In an unstressed position, the same vowel is written at the root of the word as under stress.

Why do we write a letter about, but not but in words: goats a, goat? Because - to ´ h s!

How to check?

Choose the same word but in a different form: goat´, goat - goat´ zy(plural) or a related word, that is, a word with the same root: goat´, goat - goat, goat´ zlik.

Do not confuse:

It is a mistake to select as test words:

  • words with different meanings: frequency - pure, purity - often
  • words with alternating vowels in the root: sunbathe - sunburn, dawn - dawns
  • other kinds of verbs: to be late - to be late, to assimilate - to assimilate

Unverifiable unstressed vowels in the root: dog´ ka, caraca´ titsa, camo´ rka

This is the most stupid of all rules, because it is not a rule at all! Why? Because there is no action that would help to decide which letter to write. The only thing you can do is look up the right word in the dictionary. That's what all textbooks say. But the dictionary may not be at hand. So, these words need to be memorized. The more of these words you know, the better. Gradually you will develop intuition, and words with unverifiable vowels will not create difficulties. So, despite the seeming stupidity, this rule is very useful!

If you can’t attribute the word to words with alternating vowels in the roots and pick up test words (by changing the form of the word or looking for single-root words), then you have a word with an unverifiable vowel.


After successfully passing the exam, you can return to advice number 1. It won't hurt your life.

Alternating vowels at the root

The alternation of vowels in the roots of Russian words is a systemic phenomenon. There are many roots with alternating vowels, but in school practice they study mandatory list. It includes 20 roots, which are presented below. They need to be remembered and firmly know the whole list. This will help you avoid many annoying mistakes.
Sometimes they ask me in letters: “Why don’t you give the root -log-? After all, in fact, the alternation is not - lag-//-false-, but -lag-//-log-//-false-
Everything is simple. I offer the option that is presented in most school textbooks. A unified exam is being prepared by FIPI, which promises that differences in programs will not affect the result of the exam. So far, this setting has been followed. BUT - log- don't worry about it: it happens only under stress! Forgery, pledge, pretense and others. And in the tasks you will only have words with unstressed roots. Therefore, I believe that you should not distract you with this and other similar cases.

For those who want to know not a short, school list, consisting of 20 roots, but full list of all roots with alternating vowels, I recommend the most authoritative source: "Complete Academic Reference" edited by V. Lopatin.

And here we will remember what you all studied at school.

1. Vowel alternation in roots ber//beer, lane//peer, measures//peace, burn//burn, ter//tyre, der//dir, h em//cheat, glitter//glitter, stele//steel: erase-erase

If in a word with roots: -ber-//-bir-, -per-//-feast-, -burned-//-burn-, -measures-//-peace-, -ter-//-shoot-, -der-//-dir-, -even-//-cheat-, - shine-//-blist-, -steel-//-style-

have a suffix but, write at the root And: at choose , shine ,
no suffix but, write e:ber et, glitter et.

2. Vowel alternation in roots kos//cas: touch - touch

If in a word

  • have a suffix but, write at the root but: touch, touch,
  • no suffix but , write about:touch, at weaving

3. Vowel alternation in roots mok//poppy: wet - dunk

If in words with roots -mok- //-poppy- meaning:

“pass liquid, absorb liquid”, then write o: you wet in the rain ,
"immerse in liquid", write but: poppy at .

4. Vowel alternation in roots equal//equal: equalize - equalize

If in words with roots -even-//-equal- meaning:

"smooth, smooth", write o: you take the road , behind even pits ,
equality, write but: at equal rights, equally sided.

5. Vowel alternation in roots mountains//gar, creation//creature, clone//clan: pancake burnt' l

If the roots -gar- //-mountain- , -creature- //-creative- , -clan- //-clone-

without stress, write about: mountains and´ t , clone , create and´ be ,
under stress, write as you hear: behind ha R , cla ´ n yatsya , yours R quality , you ´ p .

An exception:
at ´ cinder

6. Vowel alternation in roots zor//zar: dawn´

If the roots -zar- //-zor-

without stress, write a: dawn´, lightning´ tsy
under stress, write as you hear: zo´ ri.

An exception: dawn ´ t

7. Vowel alternation in roots pilaf//melt: float´ to- swimmers´(excl.)

If the roots -float- //-float-

without stress, write a: float to,
write under stress as you hear: pla ´ vat, pla ´ ing, heats in.

An exception: swimmers ´ , swimmer´ c, swimmers´ ha, quicksand´

8. Vowel alternation in roots grew//grow//grow, lag//lie, jump // jump: the plant has grown, term - addition, jump - upstart

If root consonants:

  • from, write about: grew up,
    st or SCH, then but: grow, grown,
  • well, write about: sentence ,
    G, then but: term ,
  • h, write about: upstart,
    to, then but: skipping rope.

An exception: growth ´ to, growth´ th, usurer´ to, you´ height, teenage´ (along with the literary normsubdro ´ stock ) and their derivatives: sprout, usurer and etc.

Typical cases of violation of syntactic norms

  1. Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

    thanks to (someone) friend
    contrary to (something) expectation
    according to (what?) schedule

    upon arrival in Kazan
    upon expiration
    upon arrival home

    • Remember that the prepositions THANK YOU, ACCORDING TO, DESPITE are used only with dative case:
    • The preposition "PO" governs the prepositional case.
  2. Negotiation violation
  3. An error in the construction of a complex sentence, which are of three types:
  4. Violation in the construction of a sentence with a separate definition
  5. Misuse of them. numeral
    To find a mistake, you need to know number declension rules:
    • For complex numbers, both parts of the word decline, and for ordinal numbers, only the last word;
    • The numeral "both" is only used with singular nouns;
    • The numerals "two", "three", etc. are not used with feminine nouns and with words denoting adult animals.
  6. Incorrect use of the pronoun.
  7. Incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech.
  8. Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
    To find an error, you need to be able to find homogeneous members in a sentence, and also know Basic Rules:
    • It is impossible to combine verbs and nouns, full and short forms of adjectives and participles, participial or participle turnover and a subordinate clause, generic and specific concepts, as well as concepts that are distant in meaning, into a homogeneous series.
    • It is impossible to use a common dependent word with homogeneous members that require different management. This error is also called "Violation of control with homogeneous members of the sentence."
    • Double conjunctions must not be distorted, and the correct word order must be observed when using double unions.
    • There should be no excessive use of unions.
  9. Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.
  10. Disruption of the connection between the subject and the predicate.
    To find a mistake, you need to be able to determine the subject and predicate in a sentence, and also know Basic Rules:
    • The predicate must agree with the subject, and not with the secondary members of the sentence.
    • If the subject is a masculine noun denoting a position or profession, then the gender of the predicate is determined from the context. If there is an indication of the female gender, the predicate must be feminine, otherwise it must be masculine.
    • If the subject is an abbreviated word, the gender of the predicate is determined by the main word from the phrase.
    • The pronoun "who" is used with the verb in the singular and masculine.
    • A separate turnover does not affect the form of the predicate.
    • If the numeral is the subject and ends in one, then the predicate must be in the singular.
  11. Violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover.
    To find a mistake, you need to be able to find the participle in the sentence, and also know Basic Rules:
    • The participial turnover must be consistent with the word being defined;
    • The participial turnover should not be removed from the word being defined;
    • The participial turnover should not be broken into parts by the word being defined.

USE. Russian language. How easy is task number 8?

Task number 8 has 3 options.

1 version of task number 8

Answer algorithm:

    Eliminate all words with alternating root vowel. How to determine them, read below (in this example, these are the words for MEP et and on CLONE ish)

    Eliminate all words with unverifiable root vowel. How to find them, read below. (In this example, this is the word F E DERAL)

    Do not confuse the letter missing in the root with the letter missing in suffix(in this example it is WRONG AND flax)

    Be sure to check the vowel in the root, which, in your opinion, has unstressed verifiable (approx. And ryat -m AND R).

    Hard. Do not confuse an alternating vowel with a checked one. The main difference between an alternating root is that such a root always has pair with a different letter, and these are words with the same root, so the meaning of the root is approximately the same.


at PEACE at-y MEP et is a pair of words with different letters in the root, in which the meaning of the root is approximately the same.

BUT!!! etc PEACE five friends - this root with the meaning "peace" will never be written with a vowel E.

    Hard. Find the right root. For example, in the word ON SLAZD ATS root is not messy(you could then easily write FALSE), and SLAZD, so there is no alternating root here. This is the checked vowel in the root of the words- SWEET uy.

    ANSWER in this example : to reconcile enemies.

    Write down the answer only when you were able to pick up a word in which this letter is under stress. Correctly found word, but spelled with an error, is incorrect unswer!

Option 2 task number 8

Answer algorithm:

    Eliminate all words with alternating root vowel (voz RAST, races STEL it)

    Eliminate words with verifiable root vowel (dr ABOUT beat - dr ABOUT b. unfold E waving flag-in E em)

    Remember that most often words with unverifiable vowel - these are foreign words, that is, their meaning needs to be explained, it may not be clear (to ABOUT institutional). However, there are words that are not of foreign origin (def. E divide)

    Answer : constitutional

3 option for task number 8

Answer algorithm:

    Eliminate words with verifiable root vowel (embedded E tea-built-in E cha)

    Eliminate all words with unverifiable root vowel (apl ABOUT wiping, art AND leria, d AND rector)

    alternating roots remember visually, just learn them and remember that they always have pair, root value in them about the same(with BIR at-so BER yet)

    In the task, it is necessary not only to find the given words, but also to write it CORRECTLY. So teach regulations, remember exceptions.

    Answer: collect

Remember alternating roots:

No accent - Oh


clone clan


No accent - A



Depends on the subsequent letter in the root




Depends on the suffix A after the root

cas + A - kos

Depends on value



Depends on the suffix A.

If the suffix A is after the root, then AND is written in the root


der dir


lane at


best bliss




Letters at the root them

(occupy - occupy)


(begin - start)

Remember exceptions and write them correctly

Let's look at examples

Example 1

Reasoning pattern

    I find checked roots: op AND sleigh-op AND shet, fun E value - rzvl E whose, vych AND fuck-h AND sla

    I find alternating roots: you creative yat

    Answer: l E pour

Example 2

Reasoning pattern

    I find checked roots(not available in this version)

    I find unverifiable roots (ek ABOUT lgia, g AND mnazist, with AND mpatiya, at AND ketka)

    I find alternating roots (beginning AND nay)

Example 3

Identify the word that is missing an unstressed checked vowel root. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.



dist.. lay

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