Knitting for the home. Ideas for home and cottage Crochet ideas for giving

Today we will tell you how to make your home more comfortable with the help of knitted products with your own hands.
There was a desire of the daughter's family to make not just a dacha, but a cozy holiday home and where everything would remind of a village house. Itself is built of timber and may resemble a hut if it were not for heating and a gas stove. The solution is a decor item, at least as close as possible to this - all kinds of rugs and rugs with which our grandmothers tried to make comfort in the house. Photo.

Blanket for a homemade bed made of wool. For him, and a pillow in the same style. Photo.

I answer the question - where so many threads come from. When friends and acquaintances found out my desire, they began to give me all the leftovers, they brought them in bags. (Whoever knits knows that something always remains from the manufacture). It was knitted without any patterns, like, like a swallow makes a nest. The other bed in the same room is made in a different style - squares. Crochet with semi-columns, hook 6 mm. Each colored element was tied with a dark thread after manufacturing, and the next colored fragment was made from this strapping. From time to time, knitting was tried on and the next element for manufacturing was outlined. Large photo.
For the bedroom, I made rugs-tracks using the same technique. Photo.
And just bedside rugs in other rooms.
It was warm and cozy in the house. The neighbors loved it and so did we.

Sometimes the soul requires changes in a cozy, but already painfully familiar interior. And quite a bit of time has passed after the repair, everything is done with high quality and monumental and there is no reason to start all over again. But do not be upset to bring a new symphony into the familiar environment enough for a curtain-arch for the kitchen to appear.

Excursion to the past . Everything new is the long forgotten old. And this is the truth. Remember the kitchens of your grandmothers and mothers. The windows were decorated with lovely arched curtains. After all, this is a stylish textile decoration of our windows, which has passed the test of time and returned to the modern interior, thanks to the simplicity of lines and restraint of style. Curtain-arch reminds us of arcade buildings, because it completely duplicates their shape. Like our mothers Like our mothers The forerunner of these curtains can be observed in Spain, Portugal, Holland. They can also be found in the design of country-style design.

Material selection .What is required to create such a masterpiece with your own hands: The fabric should be chosen soft, easily draped and flowing in folds. It is better to opt for organza, viscose, silk or any other material with synthetic fibers to make it easy to care for. Decorative elements (ruffles, tiebacks). Ruffles or an assembly for decorating the edges of curtains can be purchased ready-made, or you can make it yourself from a finishing fabric. The same material is suitable for the manufacture of pickups. Advice! When choosing fabrics, rely on the identical composition and weight of the main and finishing fabrics so that they look harmonious and drape with equal ease.

We perform miracles ourselves Of course, you can always buy a ready-made version. But in this case, no one guarantees you originality. In addition, making such curtains yourself is not at all difficult, and our simple instructions will help you with this.

curtain top

1. To begin with, we need a loose soft fabric about one meter wide.

2. Fold it in half.

3. We measure the width of the window and divide the resulting number by three.

4. On the fold of the fabric from the top point, draw a semicircle with a radius of 1/3 of the width of the window.

5. Cut out. The cut line is equal to a straight line. We process the edge and sew textile Velcro to it or curtain tape with eyelets for hooks. The top edge is done.

Pattern curtains-arches for the kitchen (we do in real size)

Curtain bottom

1. Calculate the length. To do this, multiply the height of the window by 2 and add twice the size of the previously measured radius. Thus, we get the length of the curtain-arch from the beginning of the cornice to the window sill.

2. In order for the ends of the curtain to be uniform, the canvas must be folded in half.

3. Along the line that connects the folded edges, measure up 25 cm and connect the resulting point with the lowest mark of the fabric fold. Thus, we get a diagonal line connecting the lower ends of the folded curtain. Cut off the edge.

4. We unfold the curtain and process it. Our curtain-arch is ready.

Curtain trim We cut out all the details on the canvas, cut them out, and it remains for us to process their edge. To do this, you can use the finishing fabric from which we made the tiebacks. And you can use glass beads or just put it in a scar. Braid or fringe will also look good - it all depends on your imagination. Photo of ruffle trim and silver braid.

Do you, dear needlewomen, have a lot of knitted things with which you can diversify your home environment? We present to your attention the ideas of interesting and beautiful patterns for crocheting for the home.

The advantage of crocheting for the interior is that, firstly, it is easy, and secondly, absolutely everything can be crocheted - any shape, various textures, numerous patterns and completely different sizes. Using knitting patterns and master classes in crocheting products for the home, any craftswoman can literally tie the whole house without much difficulty. And it's okay if there are very few ideas on how to use this very crochet. As you know, the main desire!

Let's think together how you can decorate your home environment with knitwear. And we will not only think, but also bring to life the ideas of crocheting for the home interior - our authors offer interesting master classes with diagrams and a detailed description of the work.

Rules for using knitted things in decor

  • the most important rule is to make products so that they do not look like you inherited from your grandmother (of course, if there is no such idea);
  • in the interior, it is not only possible, but also necessary to arrange a lot of knitted items to decorate the house - but with one caveat: you should stick to one style, and the color and texture can be completely different;
  • the knitting technique can be completely ordinary, but the material and knitting tool will give a highlight to the products - namely, very thin or very thick yarn - our crochet workshops for the home are just about such unusual products;
  • the way to use knitted things can be completely unusual, for example, covers for lamps or even watches - such gizmos will surprise and will surely cause an attack of envy among girlfriends.

Blankets, pillows, bedspreads

Of course, this is the first thing that comes to mind when there is a desire to knit something for the home. Of course, they also bring a touch of idyll to the home environment and, in addition, these interior items are functional. Agree, it is much more pleasant to hide behind a one-of-a-kind, hand-knitted blanket than a serial Chinese one!

Covers for armchairs and ottomans

These covers, knitted from thick threads, in addition to changing the size of the chairs and ottomans themselves, also make large-scale changes to the decor of the room. Such covers will make the atmosphere even more cozy and homely. Yes, and they fit simply, they are easy to change and create a feeling of novelty in the decor of the room.

All kinds of knitted things

Potholders, hot pads, teapot covers, napkins, fruit baskets... you name it! These are not just some trinkets, these are real helpers for the hostess.

Decoration of interior items

This is quite an interesting direction of modern home design. A competent combination of knitwear and interior items will not only bring zest to your home, but will make it truly unique. Have you seen a lot of knitted clocks or flowerpots? Be the first, surprise and make the hearts of your loved ones beat stronger! Dare!

The desire to be special and unique is inherent in people by nature. Human actions are always aimed at creating oneself as an irreplaceable person. This quality also manifests itself in the desire to transform the environment into something individual. Crocheting for the interior is one of the very fashionable ways to make your home design unique.

Unlike knitting, which is easily replaced by machine knitting, crocheting can only be done by hand, which makes this type of needlework especially appreciated. By the way, there are techniques that imitate knitting. There are interesting ways where hands are used instead of a hook, this method is very simple, everyone can master it.
It is interior crochet that is very popular, because with its help you can create unusual furniture, carpets, pillows, blankets, curtains, various little things to decorate an apartment with your own hands.

Knitted furniture, why not

The simplest thing that can be created from upholstered furniture is a pouffe. It can be of different sizes, colors, textures. Such an item, made by hand, is sure to become a characteristic highlight in the decor.

If you knit a plain pouffe from fashionable thick yarn, you get an original thing for a modern one. Replacing the threads with thinner and more colorful ones, an accessory suitable for boho will come out.

For a high-tech room, tied chairs and chairs will be appropriate, if these are abstract forms, fancy patterns, bright colors.

Having a great desire, you can knit a full-fledged cover for a soft sofa, turning it into expensive designer furniture. Such an element in the interior will definitely determine the mood of the whole artistic idea. A "knitted" sofa is ideal for a loft-style apartment.

Covers, pillows, rugs

There are styles where you can afford to load the house with a fairly large number of knitted things. Such directions will be, for example, eco or ethno. Here it is permissible to place woolen pillows, a voluminous blanket, a carpet made with a wooden hook in one room at the same time. You can create sets with a common pattern, or elements independent of each other. But still, you need to know the measure in everything and not get carried away, trying to tie everything you see.


Shabby chic is simply impossible to imagine without lace tablecloths, napkins, curtains. Those same classic grandmother crafts are simply made for this sophisticated gentle style. , will also be filled with special warmth if supplemented with it.

Application in different styles

Apparently, the above, knitted products are appropriate in any interior. After all, it is not necessary to make only lace napkins and tablecloths. The versatility of this hand-made direction lies in the ability to combine different techniques and types of yarn. If you think a little, you can not only make from scratch, but also transform almost any decor item.

Some stylistic directions, in principle, cannot do without knitted things, for example, shabby chic or country.

Knitting in every room

Knitted decor is very functional when placed in certain rooms.

To create a cozy romantic serenity, on the contrary, lace motifs are used, all kinds of voluminous flounces are knitted, and fantasy floral schemes are selected.

Freedom of fantasy

You can create a huge amount
By linking several canvases of different sizes with intricate patterns, you can enclose them in plain neutral frames and place these in the hallway. It is interesting to diversify such crafts with the help of dried flowers, fixing the flowers directly on the weave.

For those who are far from needlework, do not lose heart, because. there are very simple crochet techniques that are easy to learn from video tutorials available on the Internet, and based on these skills it will soon be possible to reach a higher level to create complex things. The only thing without which the knitting process will be impossible is perseverance and patience. Although it is always possible to order any products from experienced knitters.


Alas, the warm sunny summer has come to an end, and soon the mild autumn days will be replaced by gloomy skies, rain and wind, and the first frosts will follow. Nature, as you know, does not have bad weather, but if we can hide in warm houses and, wrapping ourselves in a cozy blanket with the cat, look out the window for bad weather, then this time becomes a real test for the birds wintering in our area. Many of them simply do not have enough strength and food to survive the winter cold. So why don't we help these tiny creatures? And at the same time decorate your yard or window with an original feeder.

grain wreath

You can, for example, make a grain wreath. It looks very sophisticated, and even a child can handle its manufacture.

You will need:

*vegetable oil;
*baking dish;
* ½ cup warm water;
* a bag of gelatin;
* ¾ cup flour;
* 4 cups of grain mixture;
* 3 tablespoons of sugar or corn syrup;

First you need to prepare a fastening base. To do this, dissolve gelatin in water, and then add flour and syrup to them, mix everything well. A grain mixture can be added to the bonding base. It is important to remember that birds should never be treated with roasted seeds and nuts, almonds, peeled millet, and rice. But not roasted nuts, pumpkin, sunflower, melon and watermelon seeds, as well as unshelled millet, oats, rye and dried fruits are great.

The mixture with the base must be mixed well. Next, grease the form with vegetable oil and put the finished mass into it. If you do not have a mold in the form of a ring, you can simply form a wreath from the mixture in a regular round shape.

Let the ring dry: this will take about a night. A dried out wreath should easily come out of the mold, if this does not happen, let it dry some more.

Thread a ribbon, braid or scarf into the finished wreath and hang it in a conspicuous place for the joy of yourself and the birds. And, of course, the final look of the wreath depends only on your imagination.

Toilet paper roll feeder

No less pretty is a toilet paper roll feeder.

You will need:

* peanut butter or other sticky base;
*grain mixture;
* sleeve from toilet paper;

Take a sleeve and coat it with peanut butter.

Dip the oiled sleeve into the grain mixture and roll it over the grains until the sleeve is tightly covered with seeds.

The feeder is almost ready, it remains only to let it dry, thread the rope inside and hang it up. The feeder can also be simply put on a branch.


In fact, treats for birds can be given any shape, for example, to make stars.

You will need:

*grain mixture;
* bonding mixture;
*sunflower oil;
* molds for cookies;
* Ribbons.

Just as with the wreath feeder, prepare the binder and grain mixes and mix them together. Now take a cookie cutter, grease it with oil and fill it tightly with the finished mixture. With a chopstick for Chinese food or any other, make a hole for the ribbon.

Let the decoration dry and thread the ribbons through the hole so that you can hang them.

Apple feeders

You can also pamper the birds with fruits, for example, apples, making feeders out of them.

You will need:

*grain and bonding mixtures;
* several apples;
* several screws;
* twine or other rope.

Cut the apples into halves lengthwise. Use a knife or spoon to make an indentation in the center of each half. Place the finished grain mass tightly into the resulting hole. Put the resulting feeders in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

When the grain mixture is fixed, you can hang a treat on the street. To do this, take the screws and screw them into each half.

For the head of the screw, the apple can be hung.

And a few more interesting and simple feeder ideas: