Distance learning journalist. Journalism Courses Preparatory Courses in Journalism Online

The profession of a journalist allows you to interview famous people and be always in the center of events. If you don’t want to study theory for a long time, but immediately want to start practicing, then you can turn your attention to journalism courses. They teach applied knowledge that can be useful in the profession of a journalist.

Journalism courses are a great opportunity to reveal yourself both for young talents and for those who already have a calling in life. A journalist is not only fashionable, but also one of the most sought-after professions today. In this article, we will talk about where you can learn the basics of the printed word and what the cost of such courses is. Conventionally, all courses of young talents in the field of journalism can be divided into:

  • pre-university training courses;
  • school of young journalists;
  • introductory courses;
  • private schools.

There are a lot of courses. The output will also be different.

Courses are usually held in the evening, which allows them to be successfully combined with studies at the university and work. Journalism courses may be of interest to applicants who dream of entering the faculty of journalism, because many universities require publications in the media for admission.

If courses are held on the basis of well-known publications, then there is a chance to print your publications there. The courses may be of interest to people who wish to retrain as a journalist, having behind them work experience in another specialty. And there are courses to improve the skills of journalists.

Journalism courses - Moscow

You can take courses in journalism, which are based on the newspaper Izvestia. The school of journalism "Izvestia" is accepted from the age of fifteen. The courses last eight months. Runs on Wednesdays. The cost of training is 39 thousand rubles. For admission, you need to sign up for an interview and bring creative work(this can be a note, or an essay on any topic). The school of journalism "Izvestia" also has a course "Professional Photography".

On the basis of the publishing house "Arguments and Facts" the school of journalism and photography conducts its studies - MEDI-SCHOOL. The main area of ​​study is multimedia journalism. The following courses are held: "Print Journalism", "Film Review and Film Criticism", "Copywriting" and others. The course "Print Journalism" examines the types of journalistic work with text. Twenty-five classes are held within two months. The cost of training is 25 thousand rubles.

You can choose journalism courses at universities. For many years, the "School of a Young Journalist" has been operating at Moscow State University.

It is this university that is rightfully recognized as one of the leading higher educational institutions in our country. The Faculty of Journalism graduates many students here every year. There are also journalism courses at the faculty, designed for those who have not yet graduated from school and would like to try themselves as a journalist. The program of such courses is quite rich. Future journalists try themselves as writing masters of the word, try on the role of TV presenters, record educational radio broadcasts and much more. Courses are calculated for a year and their cost is about 15,000 rubles.

Classes at the school for young journalists are held weekly, it will take a whole day off. But the impressions received from the classes are worth it. Even if during the learning process you realize that journalism is not your field, the experience gained here will definitely come in handy in life. You will meet famous TV and radio hosts by attending their lectures, take the first interview in your life and visit famous TV channels.

There are also journalism courses at the Higher School of Economics.

At the Ostankino Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, you can study at advanced training courses or retraining courses. Upon admission, a higher education is required.

Journalism courses St. Petersburg

Similar journalism courses are held at St. Petersburg State University, as well as at the television school. The course program is similar to the one at Moscow State University with the only difference that you will not get to the main channels of the country and the cost of the courses will be a little cheaper. But if you are a resident of St. Petersburg, then the choice is small, since it is hardly convenient for anyone to travel to Moscow every week.

Journalism courses in Yekaterinburg

There are similar journalism courses in other cities of Russia, for example, at the Yekaterinburg State University and Nizhny Novgorod universities. It is best to give preference to journalism clubs at the faculties, since already at the stage of juniors, the teaching staff notices outstanding future journalists. They opened the way to the faculty.

Journalism courses remotely

If you have a desire to learn how to correctly formulate your thoughts and put them on paper, that is, to learn journalistic skills for yourself, you can take journalism courses remotely. The cost of such training lessons and lectures is much less, about 3,000 rubles, but you are not provided with guarantees for admission to any university.

Courses are held online at a convenient time for you, at the end you will even be given a certificate stating that you have attended a course of lectures. If you are a practicing journalist, but have a different education, such courses will be a good help in your work. You will be able to more competently navigate the writing of texts and learn the basics of the printed word.

Journalism courses for schoolchildren

Journalism courses for schoolchildren and teenagers are a great opportunity to get to know the intended profession in a comprehensive way and figure out if it suits you. Do you want to be a journalist for the rest of your life?

This teaching method is also good because in addition to immersion in a practical environment, that is, constant participation in conferences, round tables, presence on film sets and visits to radio stations, and regular meetings with famous journalists are held.

They will tell you much more about the profession than Internet sites and will reveal all the nuances regarding the difficulties of the profession, stressful situations, the real level of wages of journalists and much more.

Have you always dreamed of working on radio or television, taking interviews and being aware of the main events? Pass distance learning in the specialty "Journalism", and you can rightfully consider yourself a qualified journalist! Getting an education at our institute will suit you if you are an active person and you do not have time to attend evening courses. Our training program is built in such a way that you will not be strictly limited in time and will be able to study and complete tasks when it is convenient for you. All you need is a computer with Internet access and access to email, which will send you educational materials by disciplines of the course. The Journalism program includes an introduction to the specialty, the history of journalism as a profession, the main journalistic genres, as well as disciplines related to economics and marketing.

Online application for training

Curriculum for the course "Journalism"

Disciplines specified in the diploma:

Discipline Number of hours
Introduction to journalism35
Fundamentals of journalism55
Legal basis of journalism and media35
Professional ethics of a journalist25
History of national journalism25
History of world journalism35
Main genres of television45
Psychology of journalism40
Sociology of Journalism50
Copyright and related law45
PR technologies in business25
Mass media as a tool of PR technologies45
Marketing and economics in the media55
Final Interdisciplinary Exam5
final examination10
Total: 620 hours

Cost and terms of training

Terms of study: 4 months

Start of study groups: 10th and 25th of every month

Cost of education: 4,000 rubles\month (16,000 rubles for the entire program)

Study schedule: remote form

Document at the end of training:

Diploma "On additional professional education" with the assignment of a new qualification.
Gives the right to introduce a new type of professional activity.

We recommend that you study at our institute if you want to clearly understand the specifics of the work of a journalist, know how to search, process and disseminate information, and feel comfortable in a creative team. In addition, the distance course "Journalist" allows you to spend a lot of time on practice, work in your specialty already in the first months of training. You will not need to be absent from work to get to couples at the institute, you will be able to be included in the internship to the fullest. At the end of the course, you will have an official document, a diploma "on additional professional education", confirming your professional knowledge. This will help you start a career in the editorial of print or online media, try yourself as a radio host, television editor, news agency employee.

Upon completion of training, a diploma "on additional professional education" is issued.
with the qualification "Journalist" (620 hours)

Living is interesting - what teenager does not dream about it? inquisitive child Since childhood, he wants to get on TV, radio.

Journalism courses for children and schoolchildren are an opportunity to try a future profession. Now it remains to choose where to study for a young journalist. The student can receive additional education in this specialty. Moscow is a city with a wide choice.

Where are the teen journalism courses held?

  • The Ostankino Television School will show the profession first-hand, and besides, the children will have the opportunity to visit the television center. This is interesting for those who dream of a career in TV.
  • Moscow Domzhur more often offers classes in print journalism, although there are many private schools based on them, where they study under various programs
  • Every year there are new programs - they deserve attention. Private schools invite interesting, bright teachers, unlike universities, academies, they are more flexible, it can captivate, the child will feel the profession for himself.
  • Moscow is a city where there is more than one free children's center where you can master the skills of a journalist

The basis of the program's success is not the curriculum, but the teacher's love for journalists and children. Studying with such teachers, a teenager will take the best.

How to choose journalism courses for schoolchildren in Moscow

  • Familiarize yourself with the program, find out the curriculum, so the teenager will receive theoretical knowledge.
  • A lot of time for practice - the child should get the maximum skills
  • Pay attention to the experience of the teacher. Plus, if the presenter is an active journalist and teacher.
  • You can get feedback from alumni about the school you want to choose.
Closer to graduation, a student can pay attention to the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, a program for future applicants is periodically held here. Often a student who dreams of becoming a journalist has several schools at once. And for good reason - everywhere you can take the best.

The profession of a journalist is considered one of the oldest and goes back to the time of heralds who shouted out decrees and the most important messages to the people in city squares. In a sense, even scribes can be considered the first journalists, since it was they who wrote down the history that has come down to us in legends and annals. However, today, of course, completely different and rather high requirements are imposed on journalists. Specialized journalism courses will help you master all the necessary skills.

But for starters, it would be good to understand how ready you are, in general, to work as a journalist. What qualities should a future journalist have? Firstly, this is an active life position, thanks to which a journalist can only become a real journalist. Secondly, it is perseverance in order to extract facts, find interesting speakers, and achieve the attention of the authorities to the problem raised in your material. Thirdly, this is an analytical mindset, because any work of a journalist is, first of all, a constant analysis of the collected facts and correct conclusions. Fourth, it is the ability to find mutual language with people of various professions, social strata and status. Without this, no journalistic material simply can take place. You will have constant communication, thanks to which you will get the information you need. Therefore, if you are a naturally closed and uncommunicative person, think about it and consider other areas. It is very important to understand that no journalism course will teach you these qualities! You either have it or you don't. Of course, such training will help you to open up, get rid of natural clamps and master professional skills. But to turn from an introvert into an extrovert, alas, no. Not only that, in order to become not just a journalist, but to work on television, to be a TV correspondent or TV presenter, you will need such a quality as charisma. In other words, to work in the frame you need to be able to charm the interlocutor - courage, perseverance, self-confidence or something else.

If all these qualities are present in you, then feel free to choose courses for journalists. Moscow offers many options. Choose carefully, because journalists can work not only in newspapers and magazines, but also on the Internet, on radio, on TV, in news agencies. Everywhere has its own nuances. Journalism courses in Moscow can be attended not only by students with higher education, but also by those who are just getting their first higher education or even schoolchildren. By the way, children's journalism courses in Moscow Lately offers even more active than courses for adults. Compare prices, study the list of disciplines, sign up for a trial lesson, meet teachers, attend open days and master classes - in general, do not be lazy to choose the most suitable offer for you in this segment of educational services and let your life change for the better!

The Moscow School of Journalism "DOMZHUR" announces a RECRUITMENT of STUDENTS for the 2016/17 academic year! One of the oldest and most famous schools of journalism in Moscow will reopen its doors, and this year - in an updated format.

Over 12 years of work, hundreds of acting journalists, TV and radio hosts, screenwriters, media businessmen and PR specialists have graduated from the School. Our graduates are students of journalism faculties of Moscow State University, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow State Institute of International Relations and Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. The phrase "I'm a Domzhurovite!" is a brand, a sign of belonging not only to the profession of a journalist, but also to a large and friendly family under the name "Domzhur".

Main INNOVATIONS of 2016/17 academic year:

    There are separate courses for APPLICANTS (grades 9-11) and for ADULTS (from 18 years old)

    Classes are held at the DOMZHUR COWORKING, which has just opened in the same place, in the Central House of Journalists. Spacious lecture room with projection equipment, many rooms for individual lessons with masters,

library, printer, free tea/coffee and sweets, kitchen, patio, lounge.

    The main emphasis, as in previous years, is on PRACTICE - the students of the School publish their own newspaper and online media. Unlike previous years, "domzhurovtsy" will finally come to the CJ, as to their own 24-hour EDITORIAL!

    The culture of "WORKSHOPS" is being introduced, where a student of the School, in addition to attending general lectures, is engaged in a certain

teacher in a small group.

    A separate workshop is being introduced for 11th graders, whose students will be deeply engaged in PREPARATION FOR THE CREATIVE COMPETITION.

    Classes for applicants are held on Saturdays, from 12:00 to 17:00.

    Classes for adults are held on Wednesdays, from 19:00 to 22:30.

    The end time of classes is not standardized -

students can spend a whole day at school!

The school organizes MEETINGS WITH FAMOUS JOURNALISTS at the Central House of Journalists, which can be attended

both applicants and adult students of the School.


    Lectures and master classes on the theory and practice of journalism (informative note, reportage, criticism, interview, analytics, essay, author's column)

    Preparation for the creative competition of the faculties of journalism of Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, Russian State University for the Humanities and MGIMO.

    Lectures on the theory of art, media business and PR

    Acquaintance with all types of journalism (newspaper, TV, radio, criticism, media business)