Work for a rich lady. How to meet a wealthy woman. Examples of happy relationships - so what kind of women do successful men like

We decided to see what the richest women in the world look like. And you know what surprised us? With their truly limitless possibilities, some of them do not bother at all about their own appearance: they do not spend money on plastic surgery and do not try to deceive their age.

Christy Walton

The widow of the son of the founder of the world's largest Wal-Mart chain, Christy Walton, is one of the richest women in the world. After the death of her husband, she not only inherited all his fortune, but also doubled it. A couple of years ago, Christy was in her seventies and, to be honest, she looks her age. And why waste time on plastic surgery and youth injections when you have about $40 billion in your account?

Gina Rinehart


Gina Rinehart is Australia's richest woman. Gina inherited the iron ore company from her father. Thanks to her iron grip, the Australian managed not only to bring the company out of the crisis, but also to significantly increase her fortune. Today, the businesswoman is 63 years old, she is full of energy and continues to earn her millions.

Jacqueline Mars

Mars heiress Jacqueline Mars is America's richest woman. The status of the "queen of chocolate bars" is estimated at more than 20 billion dollars. In addition to business, Jacqueline does a lot of charity work and tries to spend more time with her family.

Suzanne Klatten

Susanne Klatten is the richest woman in Germany. She owns a 51% stake in a large pharmaceutical company and a 50% stake in the BMW automaker. Charming blonde with a short haircut "like a boy" continues to increase her fortune and at the same time looks good for her 57 years.

Lauren Powell Jobs

Lauren Powell Jobs, widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs, is the sixth richest woman in the world. Today, this sweet and charming blonde is raising three children and continues to increase the fortune that she inherited from her husband.

Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken

The name of the next member of our selection speaks for itself: meet Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken, the richest woman in Holland and the owner of a 25% stake in the famous brewing giant. In addition to business, Charlene is interested in photography, music, architecture and skiing.

Sheikha Moza

Sheikha Mozah bin Nasser al-Misned is the second of the three wives of the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, the mother of seven children, one of the most stylish first ladies on the planet and, no matter how surprising it may sound, a political and public figure. Moza's fortune is estimated at about $ 7 billion, and, according to rumors, Sheikha spent about 2 million on plastic (she has 12 plastic surgeries on her account).

Charlotte Casiraghi

Charlotte Casiraghi is the Crown Princess of Monaco, granddaughter of Grace Kelly, journalist and businesswoman. Thanks to her spectacular appearance, Charlotte has received the unspoken status of the sexiest royal person.

Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump is the daughter of the President of the United States and his first wife, supermodel Ivana. From childhood, Ivanka was prepared for an independent life, without relying on her father's billions. As a result, Ivanka graduated with honors from business school, built a career and has already managed to earn her own millionth fortune.

Elena Baturina

This selection would be incomplete without our compatriot, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, Elena Baturina. And it doesn’t matter that her fortune is a “drop in the ocean” compared to the billions of other participants in our review! But it is ours, "native".

Never wanted to live at the expense of men. Since childhood, I wanted to achieve everything myself. It never even crossed my mind that the prince would rush on a white horse and give me everything. So I plow like a horse. And sometimes you want to relax and not think about tomorrow. Well, to bring everything on a silver platter. After all, it happens. No wonder they say that you need to form your desires correctly and accurately ...

But there is another type of women. There are many such ladies among my friends. They realize their material needs exclusively at the expense of men. They didn't work for a single day. And those who worked never took money from the card. Gifts from husbands or cohabitants are very significant - cars worth two or more million rubles, business class apartments in Moscow, travel around the world, etc. I will make a reservation right away, they are not prostitutes. And not lazy. Just got along well. You even wonder...

After another trip with Irka in her brand new "jaguar", I thought about it ... Why are rich and generous men attracted to some women, but not to others?

After all, outwardly, both those and other ladies are young, educated and pretty! What's the secret? One of my very wealthy friends answered this question like this: “I have always dreamed of material well-being. I wanted to get a second degree at Moscow State University and drive a new long big Mercedes. I closed my eyes and imagined it all in great detail. I knew that I would definitely have what I wanted. I didn't know how, but it will. Later she met her husband. He made my dreams come true. The main thing is to feel as if you already have it.

And I think I understood something... For my girlfriends, material wealth is really important. Expensive gifts make them truly happy. And wealthy men intuitively feel it. And they spend money on them, positioning themselves as heroes. They know that their generosity will definitely be appreciated and there will be no limit to delight.

What is the point of showering diamonds on a woman who does not really need these diamonds? She is quite happy without them! Or wants to make money on her own!?

That is, the more helpless a woman is in the eyes of a man, the more a man wants to spend money on her ... But "helpless" does not mean "humiliated" or "pathetic"! I analyzed the character and behavior of all the "well-established" girlfriends and came to the conclusion: they have a lot in common.

  • They know how to love themselves. And this love is unshakable. And they love themselves not for something, but just like that. At the same time, they are calm and confident. And self-digging, like me, is not engaged.
  • They never, even in times of famine, denied themselves "new shoes." Always looked expensive. But in the presence of your man, you never bought anything for yourself with your money! Yes, and psychologists say that you should not pay for expensive purchases with your own money in front of men. They are supposedly primitive creatures. And on a subconscious level, they understand that if you are able to pamper yourself, then why should they spend money on you.
  • They do not ask directly, but only admire the thing they see. The man himself “catches up” and buys. The phrase “But Mashka’s husband bought a fur coat!” humiliating for them. And their husbands know it. After all, if you reproach your man for not giving you gifts, but at the same time staying with him, he understands that you can not give gifts, you won’t get anywhere without them.
  • Expensive gifts they accept with joyful delight. As children. And sincerely thank you. And the self-esteem of a man jumps up. Everyone is happy.
  • They are not fixated on the house. They have their own interests and hobbies. They are constantly evolving and improving themselves. Stay well-groomed and attractive.
  • They think about tomorrow and how not to be left with nothing. Postponed for a rainy day.
  • And here's another interesting feature... Almost all of the "well settled" were brought up in incomplete families, grew up without fathers. And their current men are more like dads than husbands. They are older and treat their wives not so much as daughters, but with great care.
  • I think the qualities listed above really attract wealthy men. But one thing is secure, and another thing is generous. Rich specimens that count every penny are also a dime a dozen. And they need a certain approach. Psychologists believe that you can’t change a miserly man, but if you happen to marry him, you will have to defend your interests as well. The main thing to remember is that a miserly man understands only the language of mathematics. He needs to write down on a piece of paper how much and on what he needs to spend this month. The list of potential expenses must be argued. This is the only way to build a family budget. And there is a big plus in greedy people: hunters for money are too tough for them.

In general, in order to attract a wealthy man, you need to get rid of the stereotype “I myself!” from your head. You need to learn to accept help and not reproach yourself for it.

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 10 minutes


The loneliness of a rich man is rare. As a rule, businessmen and oligarchs are surrounded by female attention so much that the criteria that a life partner must meet rise to astronomical heights.

What kind of wives are successful men looking for? , and what awaits them in such a relationship?

The ideal woman of a wealthy man - what is she like?

Of course, each person is individual. But rich and successful people live by other "laws": status - it obliges. This also applies to the choice of a life partner.

What kind of an ideal woman is she for a rich man?

  • Age. First of all, the girl must be much younger. To not be ashamed to bring her out into the world and show her friends that she was healthy enough to give birth to his heirs. That is, the younger, the better (as life shows, even a difference of 50 years no longer bothers anyone).
  • Household skills and talents. This criterion is usually not even considered. A rich man has a servant in charge of household affairs, so such abilities of the chosen one as baking pies, cleaning the house, bleaching shirts, etc., do not matter. He can't, and that's fine.
  • Education. Again, an insignificant criterion. A woman can look into the neckline, into her pedigree, and even into her mouth (are the teeth good?), But no one will look into the diploma.
  • IQ level. "Full fool" is good for entertainment on the side. No one will marry a stupid woman. But a too smart wife is a blow to a man's ego, so a wise woman always looks a little dumber than her husband.
  • Appearance. Well, of course, a woman should be breathtakingly beautiful, well-groomed, stylish and smelling delicious. Even if she just crawled out of bed or, conversely, just crawled into it after a hard working business day. A beautiful wife is like a business card for a successful man.
  • Children. Not every successful man is ready for children. Although, it is worth noting that most still strive to expand the family. An heir is one of the moments of self-affirmation, a profitable investment of money and another facet of status. True, governesses usually take care of children - dad simply has no time, and mom is not supposed to by status.
  • Job. Of course, in most cases, successful men choose women who will dutifully and patiently wait for them at home with warm hugs, tenderness and forgiveness in their eyes (upfront for the future, if that). The wife should blow dust off him, always be in a good mood, understand everything and agree with everything. He said that he was at the meeting until 3 a.m., which means he was. He said that there were no women in the sauna at a meeting with partners, which means there were none. Work is an unaffordable luxury. But it is worth noting that the wives of many successful famous men do not just work, but have their own business - and quite successful. So it all depends on the character and wishes of the man - there is no single requirement here. It is clear that a man is more likely to pay attention to a successful, accomplished and “expensive” woman than to a stupid, even pretty, girl who is nothing. Another question is whether he will then leave this successful woman the opportunity to work or put her at home with children.
  • Nobody likes a spender. Especially men who know how to count money. Passion for branded items and pointless purchases will not find a response in the heart of a successful man.
  • social status. Cinderella stories are still relevant today. But this is more the exception than the rule. Of course, status no longer matters as much as it used to, and even the word "misalliance" is forgotten as a relic of the past, but still a successful man is unlikely to look for a wife in a bakery around the corner. That is, a woman of a wealthy man must also have a certain status.
  • Alien children. This exception is even rarer than misalliance. Successful men bypass women with children, with divorce stamps, with a bunch of skeletons in the closet, etc. Be sure that by the time the relationship “starts”, he will already know everything about his chosen one.

Examples of happy relationships - so what kind of women do successful men like?

The well-known former "owner" of Chukotka met a new life partner at a football club party. The girl did not have to be brought out into the world - "Cinderella" turned out to be the daughter of an oil magnate and a completely successful business woman.

In 2009, the couple had a son, Aaron, and in 2013, a daughter, Leah. However, Mendelssohn's march never sounded. Why - history is silent.

Despite the absence of marriage stamps, the couple is quite strong and happy. There is no self-interest in the relationship - both are self-sufficient, rich and famous.

This alliance was whispered around the world: 27-year-old Miss Ukraine and an aging (approx. - 36 years older) business partner of Donald Trump.

It is not for us to judge what exactly connected this couple, but they live quite happily to this day and raise children. The billionaire (220th in the list of the richest suitors in the United States) noticed Sasha at a business dinner and made an offer.

Today, the girl hosts the Miss Ukraine contest, and also helps her husband in his business. Phil himself speaks flatteringly about both Sasha herself and her business acumen.

Yes, the well-known Dr. House. It is impossible to compare his wife with the on-screen lover Dr. Cuddy. Outwardly, Jo (a former theater administrator) is rude and unfeminine. That, however, does not prevent Hugh Laurie from loving her for many years for her “logical thinking”, her mind, the tests she passed and the accumulated experience of family life, which even the actor’s affair could not prevent.

The couple has three children. Joe did not immediately become his wife - the "young" were friends for a long time before realizing that they were connected by a much stronger feeling.

Today, Joe helps her husband in his career, supports him in all endeavors and, of course, provides a reliable home support.

She is a coach (known to everyone) in rhythmic gymnastics. He is one of those who are called oligarchs.

Their acquaintance took place in their youth, but fate was adamant - Irina got married, and Alisher went to study in Moscow. It was in the capital that they met again. Irina, who had already experienced a divorce, was in no hurry to go to the registry office, but gave up before Alisher's pressure.

A cloudless life together was interrupted by the "Cotton Affair" and the arrest of Usmanov. Irina did not give up and did not complain - she visited, waited, worked. While still behind bars, Alisher proposed to her.

After 6 years of waiting, they are together again. In 2000, Usmanov was rehabilitated, and the criminal case was recognized as fabricated. A marriage that can be set as an example for all young couples - honest, trusting and strong relationships, absolute respect, mutual understanding and trust in each other.

If your husband is not a millionaire,

Women love wealthy successful men - but are they ready to be with them?

Life with a rich man is not only expensive cars, dinners in restaurants, jewelry and parties. First of all, family life is life. Which, by the way, for rich people is very different from the life of "mere mortals."

What can wait for the chosen one of a wealthy person? Why be ready?

  • Age difference. It just seems - where 10 years, there are 20, or even 30. "In our time, it doesn't matter!". An no. Not all the same. At first, the age difference is covered by the "benefits received." But over time, not only disagreements (quite logical) enter family life, but also a gradual physical distance from each other. A young beautiful woman begins to look at her husband's younger wealthy friends, and it is extremely rare for a marriage to last "To the grave." Usually it ends with a loud scandal and the division of property.
  • Jealousy. Of course, the husband will be jealous of his young beauty wife for every “pillar”. And the jealousy is completely justified.
  • A rare wife of an oligarch feels happy. Love awe is from another opera. And it’s good if there is simply no romance and this very “awe”. It is worse when a woman is treated like furniture. Which can not only be moved to another room when not needed, but also kicked in a fit of anger.
  • Risks. Wealth and success always go along with crime. Moreover, the risk here is double-edged: the wife (child) can be kidnapped for ransom, the husband can be removed as a competitor, or even put in jail if his well-being is by no means “honestly acquired”.
  • Bankruptcy. No one is immune from these risks. There are many cases when millionaires suddenly remained with nothing.
  • The free movement of the spouse is from the category of fantasy. The oligarch's wife is not only under the guns of the ubiquitous paparazzi, but also under the vigilant control of her husband.
  • Feeling of loneliness. You can't get away from him anywhere. Dear spouse, even if he is really loved and desired, spends most of his time at work, and even in another country. From hopelessness and longing, many wives of the rich find an outlet on the side (which then, of course, pops up) or in a bottle (which also does not end with anything good).
  • Even if the wife brings up the children without the help of a nanny, the husband still does not take part in this process. Because there is no time. The wife's task is to educate them, his task is to be proud of them (or to pull them out of troubles, in which "golden youth" often gets).
  • Equality is an empty phrase. If a woman cannot boast of her own business, acumen, fortune, then only the role of a “kept woman” shines for her, which sooner or later will become boring and humiliating. Dependence does not give you the opportunity to "dictate the terms."
  • Loss of girlfriends. No, of course, they will be - only new ones. Which will become "equal" in social status. Friendship with friends from a past “poor” life will end as soon as they feel the difference in status. This will happen automatically and cannot be changed.
  • A woman's interests and hobbies will be filtered and weeded out. according to the husband's opinion. Most often, the wives of oligarchs have to receive pleasure only within the framework of what is permitted.
  • Jealousy. And there's no getting away from her either. Young admirers of the spouse will curl around him almost around the clock. And the wife will either accept everything as it is and close her eyes to everything, or constantly drink valerian until the nervous system gives a final failure.

Of course, everything is relative. And there are successful wealthy men who carry their "Cinderellas" in their arms, and "the whole world" is thrown at their feet. But these are rather exceptions.

"simple" men, albeit not very wealthy, but promising, sincere and loving. As for, they are not among those. Their rich women determine very quickly, as a result of a serious relationship they will not see. However, because of such purse hunters, a wealthy lady goes to meet the average man with great apprehension.

According to opinion polls, wealthy women are most often met in fashionable restaurants and cafes, expensive hairdressers and luxury boutiques, car washes and perfume, jewelry, and flower shops.

A nightclub can also be a suitable place to meet a rich woman. As a rule, a business woman needs somewhere to unwind, take a break from everyday problems and fuss. It should be borne in mind that wealthy girls go exclusively to prestigious establishments.

As a rule, a rich woman loves herself, and therefore taking care of her body is one of her primary leisure activities. Thus, the most popular place to meet business women is the gym. This is a great option. You have common ground, it will be easier for you to approach her. If, by chance, you turned out to be an instructor of a wealthy woman, your task is simplified by 2 times.

Wealthy girls are usually not averse to attending some fashion show. In addition, they are often interested in art, so it will not be a problem for you to meet them at the exhibition of a famous sculptor or artist. It will be good if you are well versed in this area and can keep up the conversation on the topic of art direction or similar fashion exhibitions.

You can also meet a wealthy woman on the Internet. It may be hard for you to imagine that wealthy ladies can sit on dating sites or social networks. However, it is there that it is easier for them to find their true love, and not a mercantile person who wants to profit at her expense. On the Internet, such a lady can be recognized by her VIP account.

However, it is one thing to meet a wealthy woman, and another thing to interest and keep her close to you. A wealthy lady likes to communicate with smart and interesting people with whom she can speak the same language. It is worth thinking about what you can offer her so that she can see your rich inner world.

It is important to be self-confident, open, communicate with such a woman on an equal footing, and also surprise her with something, if not with gold and diamonds, but with creative, unusual presents. Take her to your favorite places, tell her stories that are of great importance to you. And most importantly, talk less to a rich lady about her money, because most of all she wants in her free time to feel defenseless and weak, just a woman.

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