Medicinal plants in folk medicine. Herbs of traditional medicine, the use of herbs in traditional medicine Medicinal plants - Recipes of traditional medicine

In the book of Tibetan medicine "Chzhud-Shi" about medicinal herbs and plants, the time of their collection and places of growth, the following is said:

The time will come, the last five hundred years will remain, and then everything that comes before our eyes will have to be used for the preparation of medicines, since potent drugs will become a great deficit, and even if they are found, the poor will not be able to buy, and they will wander around the bazaar destitute without money. Therefore, this book is a gift for poor people.

The power of herbs growing on our Earth is great. They can stop up even camphor, and you will not find a place on Earth where grass does not grow.

There are seven main requirements for herbs with healing properties: a good place to grow, to be harvested on time, carefully and properly dried, unspoiled, fresh, neutralized, and, finally, mild action in combination with other herbs.

The place of growth of herbs is extremely important. The place should be clean and blissful, where the foot of the Buddha stepped, those places where from time immemorial have been marked with signs of obvious grace.

When to collect herbs?

Three "wood": stem, branch and root cure diseases of tissues and bones; they need to be collected when the sap flow is stopped (the juices dry up).

Three "leaves": young shoots, milk and leaves treat the bone marrow and hollow organs; they should be collected during the period of maximum growth - during heavy rains.

Three "fruits": the ends of the shoots, fruits and flowers cure diseases of the head, dense organs and eyes; it is better to collect them in the fall, at a time when they turn yellow and ripen.

Three "bast": resin, bast and peel treat tendons, skin and limbs. It is better to collect them during bud break - in the spring.

It is very important to follow the above medicinal plant collection calendar

Laxatives should be collected in the fall, when the flow of sap has stopped, and the strength of the herbs is directed downward. Vomiting - during the swelling of the kidneys, when the force of the herbs is directed upwards. It is even better to ensure the collection of herbs during the appearance of the moon. It is wonderful when innocent children, pure and sinless, dressed smartly and decorated, will gather herbs, reading prayers addressed to God during the collection.

How to prevent poisons from getting into plant collections? In the roots and stems, the poison is contained in the inner stem and skin, in the branches - in the nodes, in the leaves - in the petioles, in flowers - in the sepals, in the fruits - in the seeds. There is never any poison in the stems, resin and milk. In the peel, the poison is contained in the outer coating, and in the bast - in the pulp from the inside.

Plants can be considered fresh for one year, after this period the strength is lost, so they must be used within a year. For the preparation of infusions and decoctions, snow water is the best. Despite the fact that it is better than any liquid absorbed by the body.

With an unknown diagnosis and high temperature, water, evaporated by 2/3 and in a warm form, should be used for these purposes. In case of continuous heat, it is better to use cold water, and in case of chronic heat, boiled and cooled water.
Suppress artificial poisons odorous shield, thick-leaved bergenia and variegated wrestler.

A variegated wrestler, madder and motherwort are cured of fever with diarrhea. Remannia, sedum and patrinia have a hemostatic, accelerating wound healing action. treat seeds, barberry bast and. In inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, marshmallow, marshmallow and juniper have a beneficial effect.

Traditional medicine - treatment, recipes, herbs.

Traditional medicine is a treatment with herbs, plants, using ancient recipes that have been created over many millennia. Modern clinics, chemical pills, qualified doctors - this was not always the case. Looking back, you can see that just a couple of centuries ago, even the kings were content with the services of healers from the people. And they lived happily ever after! We cough - drink a decoction, pneumonia - that's the ointment is ready, a tooth hurts - put the right herb and that's it.

Traditional medicine is, in fact, many thousands of years old. Since the time of the nomads, people already had sufficient knowledge to treat most of the known diseases. Folk wisdom passed from generation to generation and now you have the opportunity to comprehend knowledge that for a long time was inaccessible to most people.

It is enough to open the page of our website and hundreds of the most diverse, time-tested folk recipes will be at your service. Every minute spent with us is priceless for a person who wants to maintain health.

Folk recipes and methods of treatment have some contraindications. Preferably, before using this or that decoction, herbal tincture, consult your doctor. Perhaps you have an allergy or side effects from eating a certain type of plant. Precaution is never superfluous.

Nowadays, doctors often use their knowledge of traditional medicine and try to advise the patient not on chemical, but on natural methods of treatment. This is especially true for pediatricians. But adults also should not forget about their health. Instead of taking a dozen cough drops, it is better to drink a few cups of tea with raspberries or sea buckthorn.

Traditional medicine exists and will continue to exist. There are no prerequisites for its disappearance. Mankind has always valued natural methods of treatment, as they do not harm, but rather strengthen the body.

Nature has a real treasure in store for us, but not many are able to find it. We invite you to plunge into the world of traditional medicine and find information of interest.

Recipes: herbal treatment

This section contains folk recipes for curing various diseases with the help of medicinal plants. Before using the above recipes of traditional medicine, you should consult with a herbalist or an intelligent healer. Do not forget also that each medicinal plant has contraindications for use and it is very important to familiarize yourself with them before using the recipes given in this section.

Also, before starting treatment, you need to understand that the expected healing effect from taking medicinal herbs does not occur immediately, treatment with folk remedies can take quite a long time. It is very important not to give up treatment and sincerely believe in a successful healing.

Medicinal herbs are one of the most widely available folk remedies. Possessing a wide and mild effect on the body, all medicinal herbs and names that will help cure many diseases without resorting to the use of chemicals that have many undesirable side effects.

A relatively small set of medicinal herbs allows you to prepare medicinal preparations used for a variety of diseases. For example, eye herbs such as eyebright and dandelion are widely recognized as some of the best herbs for the eyes.

Since time immemorial, people studying the properties of plants, used medicinal preparations, decoctions for healing. And today, folk, as well as scientific medicine, widely use natural resources, such as medicinal herbs, to heal many ailments.



St. John's wort


The bark of the tree is used. Shows antiviral action. In practice, it is used as an anti-febrile and analgesic.


cilantro (coriander)

Ancient herbalists, medical books and records of healers provide an opportunity to discover long-forgotten compositions, formulations, prescriptions for medicinal herbs and remedies. The study of ancient books will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the technologies and recipes for the preparation of medicines, which can be useful in our time, will open up an idea of ​​​​pharmacy and the level of development of medicine in the past.

Amazing feelings can be experienced by a modern reader of ancient herbalists. On the one hand, you understand the imperfection and naivety of methods and methods of treatment, a poor assortment of medicines, and on the other hand, you see the originality of technology and recipes, you regain forgotten medicinal recipes and substances. You are amazed at the persistence of healers and pharmacists of those years, who managed to successfully deal with various ailments with this simple arsenal, and sometimes work miracles.

Herbalists of medicinal plants.

In the modern world, medicinal plants continue to be used in folk recipes, as well as in scientific medicine. Popularization of this method of treatment is explained by its milder effect and the absence of side effects.

This site is addressed to doctors and lovers of herbal medicine or herbal medicine. Paying attention to this branch of medicine, known to the people, and show how many means of helping the sick can be taken from the plant world and how much has not yet been studied or insufficiently studied and therefore unused remains in folk medicine.

The site describes not only those plants that are not included in the State Pharmacopoeia, but also those that have long been included in it, but have not been fully studied, so many of the medicinal properties contained in these medicinal plants have not yet been used.

In addition, no matter how valuable all official preparations from plants are, they are the extraction of certain active substances, often very strong in their action, and therefore not every organism easily tolerates them, while a simple decoction or fresh juice from many plants, including a whole complex of medicinal substances, the body tolerates it more easily; in some cases, the doctor has to reckon with this.

In some medicinal plants, fresh juice is the most curative. Homeopaths are especially inclined to think about the therapeutic advantage of fresh juice, which is why they prefer to use fresh juice for treatment, and if extracts are used, then only from fresh, and not from dry plants.

I do not recommend using the materials of the site as a home remedy without strict medical supervision, especially when it comes to poisonous plants.

Medicinal plants and herbs

medicinal plants(herbs) have been used since ancient times, when herbal treatment was deeply rooted in the very history of mankind. During the period of its existence, a person, even against his will, had to experience the properties of only those plants that grew nearby. As a result of this, a person has gained good experience in the use of medicinal plants for medicinal purposes.

Despite the fact that the chemical and pharmaceutical industries have been actively developing recently, new highly effective drugs are being created, medicinal herbs also occupy an important place in the medical arsenal. They are most commonly used at home.

Medicinal herbs not only have a therapeutic effect, but also keep our body in good shape, increasing efficiency, are able to release the resources that our body will use to fight ailments and diseases, and they can also improve the quality of life of a modern person.

Healing herbs able to cure many types of illness, but you need to understand that they cannot cure all ills. For some cases, the greatest effect will be from herbal medicine, in others, traditional medicine is indispensable, and psychotherapy may even be needed. It happens that only the joint action of all methods will give a positive result from the treatment.

Only on our site you can find a description of the most needed medicinal plants and their photos, here you can find information about their chemical composition and application, as well as the necessary information on how to dry them and store them so that they do not lose their medicinal properties. You will also find the necessary information on the preparation of medical fees at home. In order to make it easier to search, the names of medicinal herbs are listed alphabetically.

Medicinal plants in medicine: application, properties, benefits and harms, popular plants

As practice shows, we do not always know how to competently and fully use the gifts of mother nature, which generously provided us with natural medicines, with the help of which our ancestors treated many diseases. It's time to remember the healing properties of herbs and plants, their role in medicine, the rules of admission, harm and benefits.

Medicinal plants in medicine

The fact is that plants are a biogenetically formed complex consisting of active substances and other (secondary) elements, including:

This kind of complex, which is formed in a living cell, is more similar to the human body than an active substance created chemically. Therefore, medicinal plants are more easily assimilated by the body and have fewer side effects.

Medicinal plants and their uses

When deciding to resort to the help of medicinal plants, it is necessary to take into account the important fact that among plants there are a large number of potent and poisonous species. Therefore, it is better to purchase herbs and fees in pharmacies.

In addition, you can collect medicinal plants yourself (this requires a good understanding of plants and herbs, since they are often similar in appearance, but have different properties) or purchased from experienced herbalists.

  • cold method - the crushed plant (or collection) is poured with cold boiled water, infused for 5-8 hours, after which the mixture is filtered through gauze,
  • hot way - the crushed plant (or collection) is poured with boiling water and put on fire for 20 minutes, while it is important not to bring the water to a boil, then the infusion is squeezed through cheesecloth.
  • The generally accepted ratio for the preparation of infusion is 1 tbsp. dry crushed plant in 250 ml of cold water or boiling water.

  • petrolatum,
  • lanolin,
  • unsalted pork fat,
  • fresh butter or vegetable oil.
  • Important! Ointment, the astringent of which is animal fat, is a rapidly perishable product.

    Properties of medicinal plants

    The medicinal properties of medicinal plants used in scientific and traditional medicine are due to the presence of biologically active substances in them, namely:

    The main plants of the alkaloid group:

  • digitalis,
  • lily of the valley,
  • Adonis.
  • Due to their high toxicity, cardiac glycosides, which are widely used in medical practice, are considered poisonous. In addition, they have a steroid structure, which makes them similar in properties to hormones.

  • buckthorn,
  • rhubarb,
  • cassia,
  • aloe.
  • This group of low-toxic glycosides has a laxative effect.

    They have the following effects on the body:

  • expectorant: istod roots, cyanosis and primrose roots,
  • diuretic: kidney tea herb,
  • choleretic: St. John's wort.
  • In addition, saponins:

  • lower blood pressure,
  • induce vomiting,
  • have a diaphoretic effect.
  • Properties of bitter glycosides:

  • increase the peristalsis of the stomach,
  • improve digestion,
  • I increase the secretion of gastric juice.
  • P-vitamin activity,
  • bactericidal action,
  • choleretic action,
  • removal of radioactive materials.
  • Coumarins and Furocoumarins

    Furocoumarins, which are a group of natural compounds, have the following properties:

  • vasodilator,
  • antispasmodic,
  • antitumor,
  • photosensitizing.
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antimicrobial,
  • antiviral,
  • antihelminthic,
  • soothing,
  • stimulating
  • painkiller,
  • vasodilator,
  • expectorant.
  • astringent,
  • bactericidal,
  • anti-inflammatory.
  • Also used for poisoning with alkaloids or salts of heavy metals.

    Reception of medicinal plants

    When taking herbal medicines, the following rules must be observed.

    2. Potent herbal preparations are taken for 7 to 20 days, then a ten-day break is made, after which the course of treatment is resumed.

    7. You can not take medicinal plants without indications, otherwise you can "undermine" the immune system. The body must learn to fight infection on its own. And only in the case when he cannot cope with the problem, you can help him by taking herbal preparations.

    The benefits of medicinal plants

  • low toxicity
  • the possibility of long-term use,
  • the complexity of the impact,
  • no significant side effects
  • easy absorption by the human body,
  • bioavailability,
  • infrequent cases of intolerance,
  • a wide range of activities,
  • a high degree of activity against strains of microorganisms, as well as viruses that have managed to acquire resistance to various synthetic drugs, including antibiotics, during their existence.
  • The following conditions are treated with the help of medicinal plants:

  • chronic diseases,
  • relapsing diseases,
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • urinary tract pathology,
  • respiratory pathology,
  • skin problems
  • functional disorders of the neuroendocrine system.
  • Herbs are often used in the treatment of chronic diseases in the elderly, children, pregnant women. The use of medicinal plants during the recovery period after surgical operations and severe debilitating diseases is shown.

    Harm of medicinal plants

    The plant can not only heal, but also harm health, which must be remembered when taking any medicinal plant. Therefore, it is extremely important to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations regarding the dosage, method and time of taking the drug.

    Yes, long-term use sweet clover can cause:

    St. John's wort long-term use leads to:

    • narrowing of blood vessels,
    • increase in blood pressure.
    • nettle cannot be used in the presence of the following conditions:

    • increased blood clotting,
    • hypertension,
    • atherosclerosis,
    • bleeding.
    • With prolonged use yarrow dizziness and a skin rash may occur.

      Poisonous medicinal plants

      Popular medicinal plants

      • moisturizes the skin
      • smoothes wrinkles
      • eliminates sunburn,
      • heals cuts and scrapes
      • relieves inflammation, providing a calming effect,
      • reduces itching and burning,
      • relieves swelling.
      • In addition, this plant is used for blood purification, as a diuretic and diaphoretic.

        A decoction or infusion of marigolds will help cure a chronic infection and relieve fever.

      • increase the secretory work of the digestive glands,
      • stimulate the process of bile secretion,
      • increase appetite,
      • relieve spasms localized in the abdominal organs,
      • reduce gas formation in the intestines,
      • relieve pain
      • eliminate inflammation,
      • regulate the menstrual cycle,
      • relieve itching,
      • increase perspiration.
      • In addition, chamomile has antimicrobial and antiallergic properties.

      • antiallergic,
      • antirheumatic,
      • immunomodulatory.
      • Echinacea is widely used in the treatment of such diseases:

      • cold,
      • flu,
      • otitis,
      • bladder disease,
      • mononucleosis,
      • blood poisoning,
      • liver disease,
      • chronic inflammatory processes,
      • diabetes,
      • eczema,
      • herpes,
      • hives,
      • burns,
      • insect and snake bites.
      • Echinacea is also prescribed after chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and also after antibiotic treatment.

      • reduces symptoms such as "irritable bowel",
      • eliminates digestive disorders,
      • relieves fever
      • normalizes the digestive process,
      • fights flatulence,
      • reduce nausea,
      • relieves headache,
      • reduces inflammation
      • dilates the vessels of the heart, lungs and brain.
      • acne,
      • various vaginal infections,
      • mycosis,
      • warts,
      • insect bites,
      • herpes,
      • burns
      • thrush.
      • chronic fatigue syndrome.
      • antiseptic bactericidal,
      • immunomodulatory,
      • antifungal,
      • antiviral.
      • calms the nervous system
      • reduces cholesterol levels
      • boosts immunity,
      • increases endurance,
      • improves appetite,
      • normalizes sleep
      • relieves pain in chronic gastritis,
      • normalizes bowel function.
      • Sage is indicated for the following disorders:

      • angina,
      • catarrh of the upper respiratory tract,
      • bronchitis,
      • pneumonia,
      • tracheitis,
      • laryngitis,
      • inflammation of the oral mucosa,
      • obesity,
      • articular rheumatism,
      • arthritis,
      • climax.
      • In addition, sage preparations increase blood pressure, as well as increase sexual activity and potency.

      • anti-inflammatory,
      • wound healing,
      • bactericidal,
      • choleretic,
      • sedative.
      • Calendula is used in the treatment of:

      • antibacterial,
      • painkiller,
      • hemostatic,
      • stimulating.
      • John's wort is widely used for:

        Medicinal plants, widely used in both scientific and folk medicine, can not only treat, but also support the functioning of the body, thereby increasing efficiency and endurance, improving the quality of human life.

        Medicinal Plants - Traditional Medicine Recipes

        The section will give descriptions of medicinal plants. The homeland and places of growth of plants are indicated. Their medicinal properties and use in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. It will also briefly talk about planting and growing medicinal plants.

        Large subsection - Ginger. All about ginger. Medicinal and beneficial properties, ginger treatment, ginger cooking.

        Subsection: Medicinal herbs and plants. Medicinal properties of medicinal herbs, roots, leaves, fruits and essential oils of medicinal plants.

        Medicinal herbs section menu

        Latest articles: Useful properties of oregano and oil from it. In the summer, in glades, in parks and meadows, you can see a pleasantly smelling plant with white or pink flowers, which is called oregano. This herb is chosen not only by bees, but also by people who have noticed the beneficial properties of oregano. Another name for this herb is oregano.

        Berries and berry juice in folk medicine. The use of berries and berry juices in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Indications and contraindications for grape juice, melon and melon juice, gooseberry and gooseberry juice, raspberry and raspberry juice, sea buckthorn oil and juice.

        Useful properties of mushrooms. Today, mushrooms are actively used in the manufacture of medicines. The medicinal properties of mushrooms help in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, in the prevention of atherosclerosis and other diseases.

        succulents. Some succulents, in addition to decorative qualities, also have healing properties. A striking example is aloe (agave), which was successfully used in folk medicine in the 19th century.

        What are the benefits of plants grown on your own plot? 10 healthy plants that you must plant on your site.

        Alphabet of medicinal plants: "F". It is very important that even before the advent of antibiotics, our ancestors were treated with decoctions and herbal tinctures.

        Golden mustache. Decoction, infusion and tincture. In the people it is also called living hair, Venus hair and corn. The recipe for decoction, infusion and tincture of the golden mustache.

        Archive for the Medicinal Plants Category

        The benefits and harms of daikon

        Useful properties of daikon for the body and its contraindications

        Daikon (Japanese or Chinese radish) This is a subspecies of the common radish, a root plant. Unlike radish, daikon does not contain mustard oils and has a quite moderate aroma. Daikon has useful properties, is a good prophylactic against high cholesterol, the root crop also has some contraindications.

        Several varieties of daikon are known: Japanese "Aokubi", similar in shape to a huge carrot, Kagoshima "Sakurajima" (has the shape of a turnip), "Emperor", "Tokinashi" (has a bright pink color) and others. Some varieties of Japanese radish grow up to 60 centimeters in length and reach a weight of several kilograms.

        Medicinal properties of sea buckthorn berries, oil, juice and their contraindications

        Sea buckthorn fruits are considered very useful berries. Sea buckthorn has a high yield: bright yellow berries literally stick to the branches of the tree, causing them to bend to the ground. The healing properties of sea buckthorn are used in traditional and folk medicine, and it also has contraindications. In some diseases, the use of sea buckthorn requires caution.

        Sea buckthorn fruits contain fatty acids, trace elements, glucose, fructose, flavonoids, betaine, carotenoids, vitamins PP, P, K, E, C, B.

        Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke, its contraindications and recipes for treatment

        Jerusalem artichoke or earthen pear is one of the most amazing plants. It absolutely does not require maintenance and costs, and the yield is high. But the Jerusalem artichoke plant is not famous for its high yield, but for its beneficial properties, although it also has some contraindications.

        The appearance of Jerusalem artichoke is not very presentable, but for all its unsightliness, the plant has strong medicinal properties.

        The name Jerusalem artichoke is due to the Tupinambus Indian tribe. It was from them that this interesting plant came to our latitudes and took root perfectly.

        The ground part of the plant is somewhat similar to a sunflower. Many gardeners and summer residents plant an earthen pear in plots and gardens as an ornamental plant. But it should be borne in mind that it is able to conquer large areas of land very quickly.

        The benefits and harms of bananas for the human body

        Bananas are the oldest food crop. In tropical countries, this fruit is an important food product. The use of bananas undoubtedly benefits the body, only immoderate eating of them can cause harm. Bananas are eaten all over the world, many dishes are prepared from the fruits. They are eaten not only fresh, in some countries bananas are fried or boiled, cooked in peeled and unpeeled form.

        Banana? one of the most common fruits, the price for them is not very high, but it brings a lot of benefits to the body.

        Useful properties of spices of cloves and its contraindications

        Who does not know the spice called "cloves"! But few people realize that the small dark fragrant buds are unopened buds of clove flowers. The clove tree reaches a height of more than ten meters, it grows in many tropical countries. The shape of the clove tree resembles a pyramid. Carnation buds have a lot of useful properties that are widely used in cooking and medicine, folk medicine. There are few contraindications for the use of cloves.

        Carnation trees bloom twice a year. This feature allows you to collect a large crop of unopened buds. The abundance of the harvest affects the cost of cloves, making them available for widespread use.

        Unopened buds, collected from trees at least six years old, are immersed in boiling water, and then dried. Quality cloves sink in water or float upside down.

        The benefits and harms of dill

        Useful properties of dill for the body and its contraindications

        Dill? unpretentious plant that does not require special care, but has a lot of useful properties. All parts of the plant have beneficial properties. For medicinal compositions, dill seeds are mainly used. However, with all the positive properties, the plant has some contraindications.

        Dill leaves are rich in ascorbic and nicotinic acids, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, flavonoids, carbohydrates, pectin, mineral salts.

        The fruits (seeds) of dill contain fatty oils and proteins, acids.

        All parts of the plant contain essential oil, which clearly distinguishes dill from other herbs.

        The use of dill improves the secretion of the digestive glands, improves the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, improves appetite and normalizes metabolism. Dill greens are recommended to be included in the diet for various forms of obesity, kidney disease, gall bladder, liver disease, flatulence, gastritis.

        Lemon - benefit and harm

        The benefits and harms of lemon for the body. Vitamin Recipes

        Who among us does not know what a lemon is? Everyone has seen it and used it more than once. It has also long been known about the beneficial properties of this fruit. Still, lemons should be used with caution. Along with the benefits, lemon can also harm the body if there are some health problems.

        The pulp of the fruit contains a large amount of citric, malic acid, pectin, carotene, phytoncides, many vitamins: vitamin C up to 0.085%, riboflavin, thiamine, rutin, flavonoids. Lemon seeds, branches and leaves contain fatty oil. The leaves contain vitamin C, the essential oil is present in various parts of the plant.

        Medicinal properties of tansy, its use and contraindications

        Tansy ordinary? It is a ubiquitous roadside weed. There are several types of tansy known for their medicinal properties. In addition, some types of plants are used in the food industry, for decorative and household purposes. The medicinal properties of common tansy make it possible to use this plant for the treatment of many diseases, and the main contraindication of tansy lies in its slight toxicity, therefore, it is necessary to use the plant for treatment very carefully and carefully.

        Tansy contains a high concentration of essential oil, the main component of which is thujone, which has high bactericidal properties. But its high concentration is toxic to humans and animals.

        Also, the plant is rich in tannins, flavonoids, phenolcarbolic acids, trace elements, especially manganese.

        Barberry ordinary

        Common barberry - useful properties and applications

        Barberry common? tall, prickly, branched shrub growing on edges, slopes, lawns, in mountainous areas, reaching a height of 2.5 meters. Cultivated in summer cottages and gardens. It has a beautiful rounded crown, blooms for about three weeks. It looks very colorful during the fruiting period. The shrub is often used as a hedge.

        The beneficial properties of the common barberry allow you to eat ripe fruits, young leaves, make tinctures, decoctions from them, which are then used to treat diseases. Also, the mature fruits of the common plant are used for dyeing wool, linen, and paper pink. The roots of the plant impart a yellow color to the coat and skin. Hardwood is used to make shoe nails and turnery. Due to the rust fungus Puccinia graminis, which settles on shrubs, growing barberries near cereal crops is not advisable.

        Another name for barberry? sour tree, sour.

        Itiula britanica L

        Asteraceae family - Compositae, or Asteraceae - Asteraceae.

        scrofula (Ulyanovsk region), forest jaundice (Gorky region), goldenrod (Urals), bitter gourd, bloodweed (Tatar ASSR), hogweed (Grodno region).

        Description. Perennial pubescent plant with soft hairs with a straight stem. The leaves are alternate, oblong-lanceolate, soft, pubescent, upper - with a heart-shaped base, amplexicaul. Flower baskets are yellow, not numerous, in a rare corymb. The leaflets of the involucre are linear, pointed. Marginal flowers in baskets are false-lingual, middle ones are tubular. Stamens five, pistil with lower ovary and bifid stigma. The fruit is a fluffy achene. Height 25-60 cm.

        Flowering time, August.

        Distribution is expected almost everywhere in the Pey part of the USSR.

        Habitat. along river banks, islands, water meadows, forests, occasionally along wastelands and along roads

        Applied Grass (stems, leaves, baskets).

        Collection time, August.

        Chemical composition. Not studied. The plant is known to contain essential oils. British elecampane has a slightly garlicky smell.

        Application. The plant has a diuretic, diaphoretic, astringent, hemostatic, antiseptic and wound-healing effect.

        An aqueous infusion of the herb is used for scrofula, diarrhea and bleeding.

        Crushed fresh leaves are applied to bleeding, purulent wounds and ulcers and to the bites of rabid animals.

        In the past, in some areas, the plant was used in bread baking instead of yeast.

        1 tablespoon dry herb de

        knitted british insist 1 -

        child. Take 1-2 tablespoons

        you spoons 3-4 times a day.

        Inula heienium L.

        Compositae family - Compositae, or aster - Asteraceae.

        Popular names: oman, ninesil, elecampane (most regions of the RSFSR), wild sunflower (Altai Territory), divosil (Ukrainian SSR), andyz (Azerbaijan SSR), khmukh (Armenian SSR), mziura (Georgian SSR).

        Description (see color insert). Perennial herbaceous plant with a large thick dark brown rhizome, large soft tomentose oblong-ovate crenate-serrated leaves. The flowers are golden yellow, collected in large baskets, the marginal flowers are reed, the middle flowers are tubular. Rhizomes and roots have a peculiar smell. Height 100-150 cm.

        Bloom time. July August.

        Distributed and e. It occurs in the forest-steppe and steppe zones of the European part of the USSR, in the Crimea, in the Urals, in Western Siberia.

        Habitat. It grows in damp places in floodplains, along river banks, near lakes, in wet meadows, in thickets of shrubs, in deciduous forests and pine forests.

        Applied Rhizomes with roots.

        collection time. autumn.

        Rhizomes and roots contain polysaccharides inulin (up to 44%) and inulenin, saponins, a small amount of alkaloids, vitamin E (25.5-31.75 mg%) and essential oil (about 1-3%). The composition of the essential oil includes gelenin, or alantoic camphor (alantolactone), and a small amount of allantol and prsazulene. The leaves contain the bitter substance lactone alantopicree. Rhizomes and roots have a peculiar aromatic smell and a spicy, bitter, burning taste. It is believed that the therapeutic effect of elecampane depends on gelenin.

        Elecampane stimulates appetite, improves digestion, especially with low acidity of the stomach, regulates the secretory function of the stomach and intestines and stimulates the overall metabolism in the body. The plant has a diuretic, diaphoretic, astringent, antihelminthic, expectorant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and sedative effect. Its good bile-forming and choleretic properties have been clinically established.

        In folk medicine, an infusion or decoction of rhizomes and roots is used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent for various diseases of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. An infusion or decoction is successfully taken with influenza bronchial catarrh, pulmonary tuberculosis, lack of appetite, sluggish digestion, diarrhea and rheumatism. Alcoholic tincture of rhizomes and roots in the form of drops is used for malaria.

        Outwardly concentrated infusion or decoction of rhizomes and roots is very effectively used in the form of baths, washings, compresses for various skin diseases (skin itching, rashes, scabies, eczema, lichen, etc.). Poultices from fresh rhizomes and roots are used for rheumatism.

        In German folk medicine, paste of rhizomes and roots is used to enhance the overall metabolism, as an appetizing agent and a stimulant for the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The infusion is taken for diarrhea, gastrointestinal diseases with mucus secretion, for women's diseases - painful menstruation and their absence, prolapse of the uterus, etc. Elecampane is also taken for high blood pressure, hemorrhoids and as a "blood-purifying" remedy for various skin diseases. A decoction of rhizomes is used for rinsing the throat and mouth in inflammatory processes and for local baths in skin diseases.

        In scientific medicine, rhizomes are used as an expectorant for various diseases of the respiratory tract, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and as a diuretic.

        The rhizomes used to produce blue dye.

        1) 1 teaspoon dry rhizomes

        with elecampane roots insist 8 hours

        owls in 1 cup of cold boiled water

        noah water, strain. Accept by

        half a glass 4 times a day for 20 minutes

        before meals as an expectorant and jelly

        2) 20 g of rhizomes with roots

        drink in 1 glass of water, insist

        4 hours, strain. Accept by

        1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day

        20 minutes before eating how to expectorate

        schee and gastric remedy.

        3) 12 g of fresh rhizomes with cor

        yami cook 10 minutes in!/g l port

        vein. Take 50 g 2-3 times a day

        a day before meals as a tonic,

        strengthening agent for general

        4) Powder of elecampane rhizomes

        take a small dose

        on the tip of the knife), washed down with water,

        2 times a day before meals.

        5) 1 part de rhizome powder

        vyasila mixed with 2 parts pork

        lard, or butter, or

        greenery, grind. Consume as

        ointment for skin diseases.

        6) 100 g of fresh rhizomes of 9

        strength boil in 1 liter of water, insist

        4 hours, strain. Broth used

        lyat for baths and washings at

        Inuia salicina L.

        Popular names: yellow eye, heart grass (Kirov region), Volozn eyes (Vologda region), Chistets (Ukrainian SSR)

        Description. Perennial rhizomatous herbaceous plant with a straight stem. The leaves are alternate, lanceolate, long, pointed, slightly leathery, rough along the edges, departing from the stem at a right angle. Flower baskets are yellow, solitary or in a sparse corymb. The marginal flowers in the basket are reed, the middle ones are tubular. Stamens five, pistil with lower ovary and bifid stigma. The fruits are seeds. Height 30-60 cm.

        Bloom time. June August.

        Spreading. It occurs in all areas of the forest, forest-steppe and steppe zones of the European part of the USSR.

        Habitat. Grows in forests, shrubs, forest meadows.

        Grass (stems, leaves, flower baskets).

        collection time. June August.

        Not studied. The plant is known to have essential oils containing gelenin.

        Application. The plant has a diuretic, diaphoretic, astringent, hemostatic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and sedative effect.

        A decoction and an aqueous infusion of the herb are used orally for poisonous snake bites, sore throats, diarrhea, bleeding, skin rashes, epilepsy, "kindred" in children and as a diaphoretic.

        Crushed fresh leaves are applied to purulent wounds, ulcers.

        Boil 1 tablespoon of dry herb elecampane for 5 minutes in 1 glass of water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals.

        Inuia conyza D. C. (Conyza squarrosa L.).

        Popular names: flea beetle, mosquito, flycatcher, mushnik.

        Description. A biennial herbaceous tomentose plant with a round, branched stem.

        The leaves are alternate, oblong-lanceolate, fluffy-thin-hairy, narrowed in petioles, the upper ones are sessile. Flower baskets are small, numerous, collected in a dense corymbose panicle. Involucre leaves lanceolate, pubescent, with a recurved grassy apex. Marginal flowers in baskets are narrow, reddish, multi-row, short, inconspicuous. Median flowers are tubular, brownish. The fruits are fluffy seeds. Height 50-120 cm.

        Spreading. It is found in the southern strip of the European part of the USSR, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus. Habitat. It grows along the banks of rivers, in forests and shrubs on calcareous and stony soil.

        collection time. June July.

        Not studied. The plant is known to contain an essential oil. Elecampane splayed has an unpleasant odor.

        Application. The plant has a diuretic, carminative, insecticidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound healing effect and the ability to increase menstrual bleeding.

        An aqueous infusion of the herb is taken for shortness of breath, chest pain, as a diuretic and carminative, and as a prophylactic for various infectious diseases.

        The crushed grass is applied to purulent wounds, ulcers, bruises, dislocations and fractures, and skin rashes are washed with water infusion.

        By fumigating with smoke, plants exterminate flies, mosquitoes and other harmful insects. It has a detrimental effect on insects and plant powder.

        1 tablespoon dry herb 9

        force splayed insist 1-

        2 hours in 1 glass of boiling water

        child. Take 1 tablespoon

        ke 3-4 times a day before meals.

        divukha (Kursk region), ammonia (Perm region), vorokhiya (Moscow region), tea grass (Kyiv region).

        Description. Perennial rough herbaceous plant with a simple, sometimes reddish stem. The leaves are alternate, oval-oblong, hard, rough, with a protruding network of veins. Flower baskets are large, solitary, yellow. Involucral leaves are rough, narrowly lanceolate. The marginal flowers in the basket are reed, the middle ones are tubular. Reed flowers are twice the size of the involucre. Stamens five, pistil with bifid stigma and lower ovary. The fruit is a seed. Height 20-30 cm.

        Bloom time. June July.

        Spreading. It occurs most often in the black earth zone of the European part of the USSR, outside it - much less frequently.

        Habitat. Grows in steppes, forests, shrubs, gardens, river banks on calcareous soil.

        Chemical Not studied. Known to contain essential oil.

        Application. The plant has a diuretic, diaphoretic, astringent, antiseptic, wound-healing effect.

        An aqueous infusion of the herb is drunk for colds and scrofula.

        Herbal baths are used for scrofula and rickets in children. Crushed fresh leaves are applied to wounds to heal them.

        1 tablespoon dry herb elecampane rough insist 1-2 hours in 1 cup boiling water, strain. Accept by! tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

        "Medicinal plants in folk medicine"

        Category: Medicinal plants

        Healing mint: use in traditional medicine recipes

        On planet Earth, a large number of plants are grown, among which almost every one has medicinal properties that are successfully used in traditional medicine. One of these extraordinary crops is peppermint, which has been used for a long time in many countries of the world to treat various types of diseases. The properties of peppermint are so unique that it is widely used in the preparation of both traditional and non-traditional medicines.

        The medicinal properties of this culture make it possible to achieve positive results in pancreatitis in men and various pathologies in women. However, there are some contraindications when this herb can harm the human body.

        Comfrey medicinal use for joints: "Repair of broken bones and frayed organs."

        There is one plant that has miraculous properties: it relieves pain from inflammation of the joints, heals fractures, promotes wound healing, has regenerating (restoring) properties, quickly restores damaged muscles, tendons and ligaments, an ointment from it increases mobility in osteoarthritis of the knee joint and spinal hernia. But if that doesn't seem enough, one of its names is knitbone(from English. knit bone- knit a bone). What is this wonderful plant?

        This is comfrey ( Symphytum officinale, lat.), also called viz-grass, borage, greasy or slippery root, bone breaker and larkspur. Recipes based on this plant are used in both traditional and folk medicine.

        What will help? Elecampane medicinal properties and contraindications

        Elecampane tall is a perennial plant with large elongated leaves, yellow flowers and a strong stem, reaching a length of 2 m. The beneficial properties of elecampane have been known for a long time, even ancient alchemists made medicinal decoctions and infusions from it. No wonder it is called the "plant of nine forces." The range of therapeutic action of this plant on the human body is truly wide.

    As the centuries-old practice of traditional medicine shows, there are no diseases in nature in the treatment of which medicinal plants cannot be used. However, there is no such plant that could not be used to combat certain ailments.

    Medicinal plants and preparations prepared on their basis are natural remedies that have a versatile effect on the human body. Unlike many chemical pharmacological preparations, when used correctly, they do not give negative side effects.

    In addition to being effective, herbal medicines are also quite easy to use and, due to their wide distribution, are available to almost everyone. Most representatives of the flora have several medicinal properties, so they often affect the body in a complex way, having a positive effect not only on diseased organs, but also on the general condition. However, despite the vast experience accumulated by hundreds of generations of healers, you should know that the properties of many plants have not been fully studied.

    So, for example, a multilateral effect on various functions of the organism of some plants, with improper selection and without taking into account many factors, can have a negative impact. In some cases, by healing one of the diseases, they can exacerbate an existing other disease or cause a new one. Therefore, you should not use medicinal plants, especially potent ones, on the advice of relatives and friends whom it has helped, because they have a completely different body.

    The same applies to the advice of non-professional people who do not have special training that allows them to correctly diagnose, determine the individual characteristics of the patient, etc.

    As a result of the use of medicinal preparations made on the basis of vegetable raw materials, it can not only not contribute to recovery, but also worsen the state of health. In order to properly use medicinal plants, it is necessary to know their properties well. It is important to remember that among medicinal plants there are many potent and poisonous ones.

    Treatment with such herbs should be carried out under the constant supervision of specialists. Even a small overdose or inept use can lead to the most serious negative consequences. Experts have long established that, depending on the growing conditions, plants of the same species can differ dramatically in their chemical composition. As a result of adverse conditions, the plant may even completely lose its medicinal properties.

    Drying and storage have a huge impact on the quality of medicinal raw materials. Errors in these processes can lead not only to the loss of useful properties, but also to the accumulation of substances harmful to the human body. Therefore, it is possible to use for self-treatment, without special training, only well-known harmless plants that are sold in pharmacies, as well as ordinary berry, fruit and vegetable crops. Before using the recipe for the preparation of a particular herbal preparation, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, as well as with a specialist phytotherapeutist. First of all, this applies to people with severe and chronic diseases.

    It is also not recommended to use books on the treatment of medicinal plants as a "self-instruction manual for a novice healer". Otherwise, irreparable harm may not be done. only to their own health, but also to the health of loved ones and acquaintances.