German at school as a second foreign language. "German as a second foreign language" elective course on the topic. The grammatical aspect in teaching

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 29", Kaluga

German Elective Course Program

German language teacher

Kuznetsova N.S.

Kaluga 2010

Basic provisions and program of the elective course

"German as a second foreign language"

The main goal of teaching a foreign language is to master foreign language communication in

foreign language at the basic level. In this regard, the content of the training includes:

language, speech, sociocultural knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the formation of elementary communicative competence, i.e. ability and willingness to use a foreign language in the process of intercultural interaction in typical situations of oral and written communication (speaking, listening, reading and writing).

In the light of the modern development of new technologies, there is an urgent need for knowledge of foreign languages. And this is facilitated by the study of the second language on the basis of the first. By studying German as a second foreign language, students acquire the basic socio-cultural knowledge concerning the peoples of our country and the country of the language being studied.

The study of a second foreign language involves the elimination of the difficulties of interlingual communication, accelerates the process of adaptation of students in various language situations.

Based on the foregoing, the course program includes consideration and development of the German language course in stages, starting with an introductory course. The course of study is intended

For students of the 6th grade, it is designed for one lesson per week and includes all the topics and the minimum necessary lexical and grammatical aspects of foreign language proficiency, helps to expand the range of knowledge of foreign languages ​​by students.

Goals and objectives of the course

  1. Mastering foreign language communication in a foreign language at a basic level. In this regard, the content of the training includes:
  • language,
  • speech,
  • sociocultural knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the formation

elementary communicative competence, i.e. ability and willingness to use a foreign language in the process of intercultural interaction in typical situations of oral and written communication (speaking, listening, reading and writing).

  1. Formation of reading skills:
  • with full understanding
  • based on conjecture
  • with a common understanding
  1. Formation of listening skills.
  2. Formation of writing skills.

Thematic planning

1. Introductory phonetic course (10 hours)

speech sample


Rhymes, counting rhymes, songs

Graphics, spelling

1. Let's get to know each other.

Auf Wiedersehen!

A, E, I.O, U– aus

A, E, I, O, U

2. Imagine at

acquaintance of others.

Das sind…und….

word order,

Verb - link ist, sind

H, D, F, C, S, ß,

3.How to clarify

Nein, …nicht … .

Word order in

interrogative sentence, negation nothing

1,2,3 - und du bist frei!

1,2,3 – Hurra!

Heute sind alle da!

M, R, L, B, W

4. Ask about the age and who is from where.

Wie alt bist du?

Ich bin … Jahre alt.

Woher kommst du?

Ich komme aus …

Diminutive - petting suffixes

- chen, - lein

1, 2, 3, 4 - alle, alle zählen wir.

1, 2, 3, 4 - Wer

fehlt heute? Sagt es mir!

P, K, J, V, au, eu, ck

5.How to tell about yourself?

Berlin ist gross und

East Berlin schön?


as a nominal part of the predicate

Ich heisse Evelin.

Z, Ä, Ö, Ü, ä, tz

6.How to characterize

anyone or


Waldi ist lustig.

X, Q, Y, eh, ah, oh, qu

7. We play and sing (generalization and repetition).

Ich bin fleissig,

8. So, who is what?

Wer ist fleissig?

Verb conjugation - copulas

th, pf, aa, äu

9. Getting ready for the teleconference.

sp, st, sch, tsch

10. The mail has arrived!

Die Postkarte ist

Use of articles

Main course (24 hours)

speech sample


Rhymes, counting rhymes, songs

1. Old German city.

What's in it?

3 hours

Was ist hier/dort?

Das hier ist eine/keine …


plural nouns,


nothing, kein(e)

Burg und schreiben eine kurze Geschichte.

2. Who lives in the city?

2 hours

jener ist Ingenieur.



derivatives and compound words

In der Stadt…

Mein Lieblingstier

3. Streets of the city. What kind

2 hours

Conjugation of verbs with an alternating vowel

4. Where and how do people live here?

3 hours

…ist vorn/in der

Question Wo?,

prepositions in, an, auf, Dative

5. Who works where?

2 hours

Conjugation of modal verbs

In der Schule lernen wir.

6. We are building our city.

5 o'clock


Ich will in meiner Stadt

fleissig gearbeitet.

Conjugation of verbs « nehmen,


infinitive turn (umzu

+Inf.), Akkusative,

bauen, basteln eine Stadt.

7. There are guests in our city.

2 hours

Question Wo? ,

Prepositions in, an, auf, zu, conjugation and use of verbs « waschen, tragen, gefallen»

8. We are celebrating a birthday.

5 o'clock

Ich wunsche mir

Double control of verbs,

conjugation of verbs « geben, Zeigen»

Geburtstag … .

Jeder malt/photographer

und schreibt über sie.

Competence level of students

During the course of study, students must:

  • master the main topics of the course;
  • under the guidance of a teacher, be able to conduct a short conversation on the topic;
  • learn to listen to elementary messages;
  • master the letter (learn how to sign a postcard, invitation);
  • learn to read with a general scope of content.

Self-educational activity of students

During the period of study, students must, in self-education mode, prepare and defend a project on one of the topics of the classes.

During the academic year, students must submit:

  1. Results of the workshops (4 topic lesson 3,6 topic lesson 3,5,8 topic lesson 3)
  2. Oral credits:
  • Mein Lieblingstier
  • Mein Traumberuf
  • Wir malen, basteln, bauen eine Stadt
  1. Project on one of the topics.


  1. UMK I.L. Bim "German language. Steps "M.," Enlightenment "1995
  2. EAT. Postnikov "Texts for reading in German", Kyiv ASC 2001
  3. I.A. Semikhin "42 oral topics in the German language", St. Petersburg "Trigon", 1996
  4. A.V. Ovchinnikov "German language tests", M. "List" 1997
  5. E.N. Bolshakov "Tests on the grammar of the German language", St. Petersburg "Parity" 2000
  6. E.V. Dyachkov "Tests. German language ”, M.,“ Bustard ”2002



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 29", Kaluga

German Elective Course Program

German language teacher

Kuznetsova N.S.

Kaluga 2010

Basic provisions and program of the elective course

"German as a second foreign language"

The main goal of teaching a foreign language is to master foreign language communication in

foreign language at the basic level. In this regard, the content of the training includes:

language, speech, sociocultural knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the formation of elementary communicative competence, i.e. ability and willingness to use a foreign language in the process of intercultural interaction in typical situations of oral and written communication (speaking, listening, reading and writing).

In the light of the modern development of new technologies, there is an urgent need for knowledge of foreign languages. And this is facilitated by the study of the second language on the basis of the first. By studying German as a second foreign language, students acquire the basic socio-cultural knowledge concerning the peoples of our country and the country of the language being studied.

The study of a second foreign language involves the elimination of the difficulties of interlingual communication, accelerates the process of adaptation of students in various language situations.

Based on the foregoing, the course program includes consideration and development of the German language course in stages, starting with an introductory course. The course of study is intended

For students of the 6th grade, it is designed for one lesson per week and includes all the topics and the minimum necessary lexical and grammatical aspects of foreign language proficiency, helps to expand the range of knowledge of foreign languages ​​by students.

Goals and objectives of the course

  1. Mastering foreign language communication in a foreign language at a basic level. In this regard, the content of the training includes:
  • language,
  • speech,
  • socioculturalknowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the formation

elementary communicative competence, i.e. ability and willingness to use a foreign language in the process of intercultural interaction in typical situations of oral and written communication (speaking, listening, reading and writing).

  1. Formation of reading skills:
  • with full understanding
  • based on conjecture
  • with a common understanding
  1. Formation of listening skills.
  2. Formation of writing skills.

Thematic planning

1. Introductory phonetic course (10 hours)


speech sample


Rhymes, counting rhymes, songs

Graphics, spelling

1. Let's get to know each other.

Guten Tag!

Ich heisse …

Und du?

Freut Mich!

Auf Wiedersehen!

A, E, I.O, U - aus

best du!

A, E, I, O, U,

G, T, N

2. Imagine at

acquaintance of others.


Das sind…und….

Wie heist du?

word order,

Verb - link ist, sind

H, D, F, C, S, ß,

ei, ch

3.How to clarify

ask again and

Ist das...?


Ja, ... .

Nein, …nicht… .

Word order in

interrogative sentence, negation nothing

1,2,3 - und du bist frei!

1,2,3 – Hurra!

Heute sind alle da!

M, R, L, B, W

4. Ask about the age and who is from where.

Wie alt bist du?

Ich bin … Jahre alt.

Woher kommst du?

Ich komme aus …

Diminutive - petting suffixes


1, 2, 3, 4 - alle, alle zählen wir.

1, 2, 3, 4 - Wer

fehlt heute? Sagt es mir!

P, K, J, V, au, eu, ck

5.How to tell about yourself?

Wie ist Berlin?

Berlin ist gross und


East Berlin schön?


as a nominal part of the predicate

Ich heisse Evelin.

Ich komme aus


Z, Ä, Ö, Ü, ä, tz

6.How to characterize

anyone or


Waldi ist lustig.


Nothing wahr?


X, Q, Y, eh, ah, oh, qu

7. We play and sing (generalization and repetition).

Ich bin Peter,

du bist Paul.

Ich bin fleissig,

du bist fail.


8. So, who is what?

Wer ist fleissig?

Verb conjugation - copulas


Das ABC Lied.

th, pf, aa, äu

9. Getting ready for the teleconference.

Wer best du?

Wer seid ihr?


sp, st, sch, tsch

10. The mail has arrived!

Hier ist eine


Die Postkarte ist


Use of articles



Main course (24 hours)


speech sample


Rhymes, counting rhymes, songs


1. Old German city.

What's in it?

3 hours

Was ist das?

Was ist hier/dort?

Das hier ist eine/keine …

Das dort sind

(keine) … .


plural nouns,


nothing, kein(e)

Wir malen eine

Burg und schreiben eine kurze Geschichte.

2. Who lives in the city?

2 hours

Dieser Mann

ist Arbeiter,

jener ist Ingenieur.



derivatives and compound words

In der Stadt…

Wer wohnt denn


Mein Lieblingstier

3. Streets of the city. What kind


2 hours

Conjugation of verbs with an alternating vowel

Stille Gassen,

laute Strassen.

4. Where and how do people live here?

3 hours


…ist vorn/in der


Question Wo? ,

prepositions in, an, auf, Dativ

Meine Stadt.

Wir male order




5. Who works where?

2 hours

was willst du


Conjugation of modal verbs

In der Schule lernen wir.

Mein Traumberuf

6. We are building our city.

5 o'clock



Ich will in meiner Stadt

einen Zoo


Wir haben

fleissig gearbeitet.

Conjugation of verbs"nehmen,


infinitive turn(um…zu

Inf.), Akkusativ,


Ich gehe mit

meiner Laterne.

Wir malen,

bauen, basteln eine Stadt.

7. There are guests in our city.

2 hours

Wer hilft wem?

Question Wo? ,

Prepositions in, an, auf, zu , conjugation and use of verbs"waschen, tragen, gefallen"

In meinem


8. We are celebrating a birthday.

5 o'clock

Ich wunsche mir

einen Teddy

zum Geburtstag.

Double control of verbs,

conjugation of verbs"geben, zeigen"


Geburtstag … .

Jeder malt/photographer

Seine Freunde

und schreibt über sie.

Competence level of students

During the course of study, students must:

  • master the main topics of the course;
  • under the guidance of a teacher, be able to conduct a short conversation on the topic;
  • learn to listen to elementary messages;
  • master the letter (learn how to sign a postcard, invitation);
  • learn to read with a general scope of content.

Self-educational activity of students

During the period of study, students must prepare and defend a project on one of the topics of the lesson in the mode of self-education.

During the academic year, students must submit:

  1. Results of the workshops (4 topic lesson 3,6 topic lesson 3,5,8 topic lesson 3)
  2. Oral credits:
  • Mein Lieblingstier
  • Mein Traumberuf
  • Wir malen, basteln, bauen eine Stadt
  1. Project on one of the topics.


  1. UMK I.L. Bim "German language. Steps "M.," Enlightenment "1995
  2. EAT. Postnikov "Texts for reading in German", Kyiv ASC 2001
  3. I.A. Semikhin "42 oral topics in the German language", St. Petersburg "Trigon", 1996
  4. A.V. Ovchinnikov "German language tests", M. "List" 1997
  5. E.N. Bolshakov "Tests on the grammar of the German language", St. Petersburg "Parity" 2000
  6. E.V. Dyachkov "Tests. German language ”, M.,“ Bustard ”2002

Basic general education

Line UMK I. L. Bim. German as FL 2 "Bridges" (5-9)

Line UMK I. L. Bim. German as FL 2 "Bridges" (10-11)


We teach a second foreign language: German based on English

The main provisions of the concept of teaching the German language. Analysis of the use of this concept in practice, with examples from the textbook "Brücken" (author of the series I.L. Beam). The initial stage of teaching the German language as laying the foundation for further stages (grades 7-9 and 10-11).

The material is based on the webinar "The concept of teaching a second foreign language (German based on English) on the example of the Brücken EMC".

The authors of the concept of teaching a second foreign language (German) based on English - Inessa Bim and Lyudmila Sadomova - created a teaching method that meets psycholinguistic patterns in teaching a second foreign language. “He does not cause difficulties at the very beginning of training and motivates well in the future,” teachers say about Brücken. The textbook prepares for the delivery of the OGE in the second foreign language.

First, the problem of interference, both negative and positive, cannot be dismissed; both from transfers from the native language, and from the first foreign language. Negative interference is a source of errors; positive - helps to master a new language. The problem of interference turns into a resource if it is approached methodically correctly. This means taking it into account at all levels of language use: phonetic, lexical, grammatical... paying attention to interference in all types of speech activity (productive, receptive)... not ignoring the influence of the student's non-verbal behavior (tempo, intonation, gestures).

The textbook “knows” in advance about possible errors (mixing, substitutions, permutations) - and clearly explains, compares and, in training exercises, develops the necessary skills of graphics, phonetics, vocabulary, grammar. That is, it removes negative interference.

And a positive transfer is a reliance on speech-thinking actions, perceived first from the native language and fixed when studying the first foreign language: perception, choice, combination, rules for constructing a text, working with a dictionary ..

It is good when there is a time gap between the beginning of learning the first and second languages. Then one formed picture of the language will serve to create the second, positive interference will work.

Secondly, the EMC is aimed at the formation of awareness in language acquisition. The communicative-cognitive principle is the main one here. More explanations, solutions to specific problems, less working off. And one more thing: study as intensively as possible! This is helped by the use of comparisons and contrasts in the study of any aspect of the language.

A review of the textbook pages in the presentation showed that the alphabet is studied for a short time and in connection with the peculiarities of letter combinations in German. Vocabulary - quickly, based on familiar English and international words, but a lot of attention to complex words and word formation in German. Immediately - light texts from magazines. There are not so many training exercises and only for training the phenomenon itself (and not preparatory ones). The letter also begins immediately - like the correspondence of boys who know English, but agreed to write in German. In parallel, exercises are included to compare German with English.

And in general, the trust of the textbook to the student is enormous: “They themselves will notice, and draw conclusions, and guess,” the lecturer says, commenting on the pages. Yes, there are only topics in Russian. It remains to wish the textbook the same energetic, cheerful and quick teacher as he himself.

Textbooks in German as a second foreign language are intended for students of educational institutions and are the main component of the teaching and methodological package, which also includes a workbook, a teacher's book and an audio application that is available for download. Educational products comply with the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education.






Grade 5: 1st year of study (FSES)

(UMK "Horizons" M.M. Averin, F. Jean, L. Rohrman, M. Zbrankova)


Considered at the meeting

pedagogical council

Protocol No. _____

dated ______________ 2017

The working program of the training course "Second foreign language (German)" was developed for 5 classes (1st year of study) of the main general education school with the provision of paid services. The program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (FGOS LLC), based on an exemplary program for basic general education in a second foreign language.

The study of the course is focused on the use of textbooks of the TMC "Horizons" by M.M. Averin, F. Gina, L. Rohrman, M. Zbrankova.

The study of a foreign language in general and German in particular in the basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

1) development of a foreign language communicative competence in the aggregate of its components - speech, language, sociocultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive:

- speech competence- development of communication skills in four main types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing);

- language competence- mastering new language means (phonetic, spelling, lexical, grammatical) in accordance with the topics, areas and situations of communication selected for the main school; mastering knowledge about the linguistic phenomena of the target language, different ways of expressing thoughts in the native and target languages;

- sociocultural competence- introducing students to the culture, traditions and realities of the countries of the language being studied within the framework of topics, areas and situations of communication that correspond to the experience, interests, psychological characteristics of primary school students at its different stages; formation of the ability to represent one's country, its culture in the conditions of foreign language intercultural communication;

- compensatory competence- the development of skills to get out of the situation in the conditions of a lack of language means when receiving and transmitting information;

- educational and cognitive competence– further development of general and special training skills; familiarization with the methods and techniques available to students for independent study of languages ​​and cultures, including the use of new information technologies;

2) development and upbringing in schoolchildren of understanding the importance of learning a foreign language in the modern world and the need to use it as a means of communication, cognition, self-realization and social adaptation; education of the qualities of a citizen, patriot; the development of national self-consciousness, the desire for mutual understanding between people of different communities, a tolerant attitude towards manifestations of a different culture;

3) promotion of a conscious choice of future professional activity in the field of philology;

4) assistance in expanding one's horizons and developing tolerance;

5) promoting the development of linguistic competencies, the conscious use of language knowledge, skills and abilities.

Level of study - basic.

Planned development resultscourse"Second foreign language (German)"


Development of communication skills in four main types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing);

Mastering new language means (phonetic, spelling, lexical, grammatical) in accordance with the topics, areas and situations of communication selected for the basic school; mastering knowledge about the linguistic phenomena of the target language, different ways of expressing thoughts in the native and target languages;

Introducing students to the culture, traditions and realities of the countries / countries of the foreign language being studied within the framework of topics, areas and situations of communication that correspond to the experience, interests, psychological characteristics of primary school students at its different stages; formation of the ability to represent one's country, its culture in the conditions of foreign language intercultural communication;

Development and upbringing in schoolchildren of understanding the importance of learning a foreign language in the modern world and the need to use it as a means of communication, cognition, self-realization and social adaptation; education of the qualities of a citizen, patriot; the development of national self-consciousness, the desire for mutual understanding between people of different communities, a tolerant attitude towards manifestations of a different culture.

As a result of studying the course of German as a second foreign language in the 5th grade:

student will learn:

Section "Communication Skills"

speaking. Dialogic speech

    conduct a dialogue (dialogue of an etiquette character, dialogue - questioning) in standard situations of informal communication within the framework of the mastered topic, observing the norms of speech etiquette adopted in the country of the language being studied.


    conduct a dialogue-exchange of opinions;

    take and give interviews.

speaking. monologue speech

student will learn:

    build a coherent monologue statement based on visual clarity and / or verbal supports (key words, plan, questions) within the framework of the mastered topic;

    describe events based on visual clarity and / or verbal support (key words, plan, questions);

    give a brief description of real people and literary characters;

    convey the main content of the read text based on the text, key words / plan / questions;

    describe the picture / photo based on keywords / plan / questions.

student will have the opportunity to learn:

    make a message on a given topic based on what you read;

    speak briefly with preliminary preparation on a given topic in accordance with the proposed communication situation;

    speak briefly based on non-linear text (tables, charts, schedules, etc.)

    summarize the results of the project work performed.


student will learn:

    perceive by ear and understand the main content of simple authentic texts containing a number of unexplored linguistic phenomena;

    perceive by ear and understand the necessary / interesting / requested information in authentic texts containing both studied linguistic phenomena and a certain number of unexplored linguistic phenomena.

student will have the opportunity to learn:

    highlight the main theme in the text perceived by the ear;

    use contextual or linguistic guessing when listening to texts containing unfamiliar words.


student will learn:

student will have the opportunity to learn:

    establish a causal relationship of facts and events set forth in a simple authentic text;

    recover text from scattered paragraphs or by adding released snippets.

Written speech

student will learn:

    fill out questionnaires and forms, providing basic information about yourself (name, surname, gender, age, citizenship, nationality, address, etc.);

    write short congratulations on your birthday and other holidays, using the formulas of speech etiquette adopted in the country of the language being studied, express wishes.

    write a personal letter in response to a stimulus letter using speech etiquette formulas adopted in the country of the language being studied: provide brief information about yourself and request similar information about a pen friend; express gratitude, apology, request;

    write short written statements based on the sample / plan.

    student will have the opportunity to learn:

    make brief extracts from the text in order to use them in their own oral statements;

    write an e-mail (e-mail) to a foreign friend in response to an e-mail incentive

    draw up a plan / theses of an oral or written communication;

    write a short written statement based on non-linear text (tables, diagrams, etc.).

Section "Language skills and means of operating them"

Spelling and punctuation

student will learn:

    write the learned words correctly;

    correctly punctuate at the end of a sentence: a period at the end of a declarative sentence, a question mark at the end of an interrogative sentence, an exclamation point at the end of an exclamatory sentence;

    place punctuation marks in a personal letter, dictated by its format, in accordance with the norms adopted in the country of the language being studied.

student will have the opportunity to learn:

    compare and analyze letter combinations of the English language and their transcription.

Phonetic side of speech

student will learn:

    observe the correct stress in the studied words;

    distinguish communicative types of sentences by their intonation.

student will have the opportunity to learn:

    express modal meanings, feelings and emotions with the help of intonation.

The lexical side of speech

student will learn:

    to recognize the studied lexical units (words, phrases, clichés of speech etiquette) in the written and sounding text, including polysemantic ones within the subject of the main school;

    use in oral and written speech in their mostly studied lexical units (words, phrases, replicas-clichés of speech etiquette), including polysemantic ones, within the subject of the main school in accordance with the communicative task being solved;

    recognize and form related words using word composition and conversion within the subject of the main school in accordance with the communicative task being solved;

    recognize and form related words using affixation within the subject of the main school in accordance with the communicative task being solved:

    verbs with separable and inseparable prefixes and other words in the function of prefixes like: fern sehen;

    nouns with suffixes -ung (die Ordnung), -heit (die Freiheit), -keit (die Sauberkeit), -schaft (die Freundschaft), -or (der Proffessor), -um (das Datum), -ik ( die Music);

    nouns and adjectives with un- prefix (das Unglück, unglücklich);

    adjectives with affixes -ig (richtig), -lich (fröhlich), -isch (typisch), -los (fehlerlos);

    numerals with suffixes -zig, -βig.

student will have the opportunity to learn:

    to recognize and use in speech in several meanings polysemantic words studied within the scope of the main school;

    use language guesswork in the process of reading and listening (guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by context, by similarity with Russian / native language, by word-formation elements.

The grammatical side of speech

student will learn:

    recognize and use various communicative types of sentences in speech: narrative (in the affirmative and negative form), interrogative (general, special, alternative and disjunctive questions), incentive (in the affirmative and negative form) and exclamatory;

    recognize and use non-common and common sentences in speech;

    recognize and use impersonal sentences in speech;

    recognize and use in speech nouns in the singular and in the plural, formed according to the rule, and exceptions;

    recognize and use nouns with a definite / indefinite / zero article in speech;

    recognize and use pronouns in speech: personal, possessive;

    recognize and use adjectives in a positive degree in speech;

    recognize and use in speech adverbs of time and mode of action and words expressing quantity Viele, einige, wenige;

    recognize and use quantitative and ordinal numbers in speech;

    recognize and use in speech weak and strong verbs with separable and inseparable prefixes in Präsens;

    recognize and use modal verbs in speech Präsens;

    recognize and use prepositions .

student will have the opportunity to learn:

    to recognize in speech the phrases “Adjective + noun” of different types of declension (ein kleines Kind, das kleine Kind, kleines Kind).

Sociocultural knowledge and skills

student will learn:

    use in oral and written speech in situations of formal and informal communication the basic norms of speech etiquette adopted in the countries of the language being studied;

    represent their native country and culture in German;

    understand socio-cultural realities when reading and listening within the studied material.

student will have the opportunity to learn:

    use sociocultural realities when creating oral and written statements;

    find similarities and differences in the traditions of the native country and the country / countries of the language being studied.

Compensatory skills

student will learn:

    get out of the situation with a shortage of language means: use a repeat question when speaking.

student will have the opportunity to learn:

    use paraphrase, synonymic and antonymic means when speaking;

    use linguistic and contextual guessing in listening and reading.

Mastering the subject "Foreign Language (Second)" in primary school involves the use of a communicative approach in teaching a foreign language.

The subject "Foreign language (second)" provides the formation and development of foreign language communication skills and language skills that students need to continue their education at school or in the system of secondary vocational education.

Mastering the subject "Foreign Language (Second)" is aimed at achieving by students a pre-threshold level of foreign language communicative competence, which allows them to communicate in a foreign language in oral and written forms within the scope and language material of the main school, both with native speakers of a foreign language and with representatives of other countries who use a foreign language as a means of interpersonal and intercultural communication.

The study of the subject "Foreign language (second)" in terms of the formation of skills and the development of skills to generalize and systematize the existing language and speech experience is based on interdisciplinary connections with the subjects "Russian language", "Literature", "History", "Geography", "Physics" , "Music", "Fine Arts", etc.

Subject content of speech

My family. Family relationships. Conflict situations and ways to solve them.

My friends. Best friend / girlfriend. Appearance and character traits. Interpersonal relationships with friends and at school.

Free time. Leisure and hobbies (music, reading; visiting the theater, cinema, museum, exhibition). Types of recreation. Shopping. Pocket money. Youth fashion.

Healthy lifestyle. The mode of work and rest, sports, healthy eating, the rejection of bad habits.

Sport. Kinds of sports. Sport games. Sport competitions.

School. School life. School rules. Studied subjects and attitudes towards them. Extracurricular activities. Mugs. School uniform . Holidays. Correspondence with foreign peers.

Choice of profession. The world of professions. The problem of choosing a profession. The role of a foreign language in future plans.

Trips. Traveling around Russia and the countries of the studied language. Transport.

The world

Nature: plants and animals. Weather. Ecological problems. Environment protection. Life in the city / in the countryside

Mass media

The role of the media in the life of society. Mass media: press, television, radio, Internet.

Countries of the language being studied and home country

Countries, capitals, major cities. State symbols. Geographical position. Climate. Population. Attractions. Cultural features: national holidays, memorable dates, historical events, traditions and customs. Outstanding people and their contribution to science and world culture.

1st year of study

1. Acquaintance/Kennenlernen (12 hours)

student will learn: greet people; introduce themselves and say where they live; fill in the questionnaire; spell the name; say that they love, name the place of residence.

Grammar: personal pronouns: ich, du, Sie; Verbs: heißen, wohnen, mögen, sein; questions with a question word (wie, was, wo, woher) and answers to them; word order; intonation of a simple sentence.

They conduct an etiquette dialogue in a situation of everyday communication (they greet, say goodbye, find out how things are, get to know each other, ask about age); reproduce graphically and calligraphically correctly all letters of the German alphabet and basic letter combinations; distinguish by ear and adequately pronounce all the sounds of the German language; observe the correct stress in words and phrases, intonation in general; use verbs heißen, wohnen, mögen, sein in affirmative and interrogative sentences in the first, second person and polite form; fill out a questionnaire; read and write according to the model of the message in the chat; get acquainted with the sights and greeting formulas of the German-speaking countries.

2. My class / Meine Klasse (9 hours)

student will learn: name numbers from 0 to 1000; dictate telephone numbers; talk about people and things; say what they like and what they don't.

personal pronouns: er/sie, wir, ihr; G lags: kommen, heissen, mögen, sein; about limited and indefinite articles: der, das, die, ein, eine; possessive pronouns: mein, dein; prepositions: in, auf; numbers; school supplies; names of some school subjects ; stress in a sentence; intonation ; interrogative sentence; vocabulary stress.

Reading, speaking, listening, writing: conduct a dialogue-questioning (about which school subjects you like, which you don’t); talk about their friend / their girlfriend; operate with active vocabulary in the process of communication; reproduce by heart the texts of rhymes; understand by ear the speech of the teacher, classmates and small accessible texts in audio recordings, built on the studied language material: short dialogues, rhymes, songs; respond verbally or non-verbally to what they hear; understand by ear and pronounce numbers and groups of numbers; call telephone numbers; pronounce names and surnames by letters; expressively read aloud small texts built on the studied language material; write a short story about themselves, their friend / their girlfriend based on a sample; observe the correct stress in words and phrases, intonation in general; use the conjugation of known verbs in affirmative and interrogative sentences, definite and indefinite articles in units. number, possessive pronouns mein, dein, numerals (quantitative from 1 to 1000).

3. Animals/Tiere (11h)

student will learn: talk about animals conduct class interviews; understand the text about animals; describe animals; name colors, name animals.

Grammar, vocabulary, phonetics: conjugation of verbs haben, sein; questions without a question word; accusative; plural nouns; names of animals, flowers, continents and parts of the world; vocabulary stress, short and long vowels.

Reading, speaking, listening, writing: conduct a dialogue-questioning (about animals); tell (about their animals); operate with active vocabulary in the process of communication; understand by ear the speech of the teacher, classmates and small accessible texts in the audio recording; expressively read aloud small texts built on the studied language material; write a short story about themselves, their toys, what they can do, based on a sample; observe the correct stress in words and sentences, intonation in general; conduct interviews about favorite animals and reports based on the collected material; use the accusative case and the plural of nouns, questions without an interrogative word.

Little break / Kleine Pause (1 hour). Repetition.

 Make educational posters.

 Compose dialogues, operate with active vocabulary in the process of communication.

 Read and reproduce the poem.

 Play grammar games.

4. My day at school / Mein Schultag (9 hours)

student will learn: name the days of the week and time of day; describe your daily routine; understand and compose texts about the school.

Grammar, vocabulary, phonetics: indication of time; word order in sentences with time indication; prepositions: um, von ... bis, am; names of hours, time of day, days of the week, school subjects; short and long vowel.

Reading, speaking, listening, writing: talk about themselves, including information about school lessons, with the time; operate with active vocabulary in the process of communication; write an email about themselves according to the model; read, understand and draw up their own lesson schedule indicating the days of the week and time; understand by ear the speech of the teacher, classmates and small accessible texts in the audio recording, built on the studied language material, find the requested information; respond verbally or non-verbally to what they hear; observe the correct stress in words and sentences, intonation in general; listen and expressively read the poem; consume sentences with the indication of time, observing the correct word order and temporary prepositions; talk about the daily routine; get acquainted with regional information about the school in German-speaking countries.

5. Hobby/Hobbys (8 hours)

student will learn: talk about hobbies; make an appointment; say what they know and what they don't; ask permission; read and describe statistics.

Grammar, vocabulary, phonetics: verbs with inflected root vowel: fahren, lesen, sehen; m odal verb können; separable verbs, frame construction ; to short and long vowel.

Reading, speaking, listening, writing: conduct dialogues about their hobbies, about what they can and cannot do; talk about their hobbies, operate with active vocabulary in the process of communication; arrange a meeting; ask permission using modal verbs; understand by ear the speech of the teacher, the statements of classmates; read sentences with the correct phrasal and logical stress; observe the correct stress in words and sentences, intonation in general; read and describe statistical information; use verbs with separable prefixes, observing the frame structure.

6. Myfamily/meine family (7h)

student will learn: describe the picture talk about family understand the text about the family; talk about professions.

Grammar, vocabulary, phonetics: possessive pronouns sein, ihr, unser; masculine and feminine professions, words denoting kinship; pronunciation of endings -er, -e.

Reading, speaking, listening, writing: talk about their family, including the names of professions; describe pictures; conduct dialogues about the family, make up mini-dialogues according to the model; read and understand small texts built on the studied language material; use possessive pronouns; read sentences with the correct phrasal and logical stress; understand by ear the speech of the teacher, classmates and small accessible texts in audio recordings, built on the studied language material; read and describe statistical information; get acquainted with regional information about families in Germany.

7. How much does it cost?/Was kostet das? (12 h)

student will learn: name the price; say what they would like to buy; talk about what they like and what they don't; find information in the text.

Grammar, vocabulary, phonetics: with verb conjugation essen, treffen, mochten, word order in a sentence: frame construction; phrases, diphthongs ei, au, e.

Reading, speaking, listening, writing: conduct dialogues based on the studied language material (name the price, ask how much it costs, say what they like, what they don’t, what they would like to buy, talk about pocket money); get acquainted with the German tradition of making a list of birthday gifts and write similar lists; discussing birthday gifts for friends, taking into account their cost and the wishes of friends; read texts and find the requested information; read texts with full understanding using a dictionary.

Big break/Große Pause (1 hour) Repetition.

Grammar aspect in teaching:

Students master grammatical material in unity with phonetics and vocabulary. The active grammatical minimum consists of the following grammatical phenomena: personal pronouns and possessive pronouns; verb haben in Prasen s, verb sein in Prasens, weak verbs wohnen, basteln, sammeln and others in Prasens, verbs with separable prefixes in Prasens, modal verb konnen in Prasens, verb machen in Prasens; nouns with a definite article, with an indefinite article, with a zero article (use of occupational names), with a negative article, plural nouns, nouns in the accusative case (Akkusative); Cardinal numbers; prepositions um, von ... bis, am. Word formation: nouns for masculine and feminine professions. Syntax: word order in a declarative sentence, word order in an interrogative sentence (interrogative words), negation forms in a sentence, affirmative forms in a sentence. Fundamental in the organization of work with structures is their functional application. Work on grammar fits into the context of the communicative activity of students and is subject to the solution of speech problems.

Thematic course planning"Second foreign language (German)"

Grade 5 (1st year of study)

Number of hours: 35 hours total, 1 hour per week

Textbook: "Horizons" M.M. Averin, F. Gina, L. Rohrman, M. Zbrankova.


Topic (subject content of speech)

Tutorial section

Number of hours

Countries of the language being studied


My class

The world


My day at school

Free time

My family

My family

Free time

How much is it?


Calendar-thematic planningcourse"Second foreign language (German)"Grade 5 (1st year of study)


Lesson topic

the date

per year

on topic



1. Acquaintance (6 h)

What is your name?

What do you like to do?

We greet each other.

Conjugation of verbs.

2. My class(4 h)


My friends

School subjects and accessories.

3. Animals(5 h)


Favorite animal.


Animals of Germany.

Animals of Russia

4. My day at school (5 hours)

Times of Day

schedule of lessons

W questions. My day at school

School day in Russia and Germany

5. Hobby(4 h)

Free time

What do you like to do?

This I can do.

Who has what hobbies?

6. My family (5h)

Family Description

Possessive pronouns.

Family in Germany


Russian families.

7. How much is it?( (6 h)

Price naming


Shopping at the kiosk

Pocket money

Make money, but how?

birthday gifts

Total: 35 h

The choice of German to study at school as a second foreign language (hereinafter FL2) is not accidental and is explained by the intensification of cooperation between Russia and Germany in commercial and professional life, increased personal mobility, increased contacts with German culture, and the opportunity to exchange students and teachers. German is typically a second foreign language. As practice shows, three out of four who study German as a FL2 studied English as their first foreign language and can use the experience, knowledge, skills and abilities that can be transferred to a second foreign language and greatly facilitate its learning.

When teaching German as a FL2 after English, it is necessary to rely on the general principles that apply when teaching any foreign language. Despite the fact that these principles have much in common, they still have some modification in relation to FL2, taking into account the specificity of the learning conditions, for example, the presence of three languages ​​​​contact in the learning process (native language, FL1 and FL2), extensive experience in learning a non-native language etc.

The most essential principles are the following:

1. As with teaching any foreign language, communicative goals predetermine the general methodological approach to learning. But since students already have experience in learning FL1, mastering FL2 is carried out by them more consciously, they can compare both certain linguistic phenomena of FL1 and FL2, and the organization of the learning process. Students studying FL1 and FL2 have more developed reflection (a look at themselves from the outside, the desire to give an account). That is why the general methodological principle in teaching FL2 can be defined as communicative-cognitive, where the cognitive aspect is subordinate to the communicative one, and it manifests itself where it is necessary to find any analogies that facilitate assimilation, or, conversely, to identify differences in order to avoid interference.

2. The entire educational process should be focused on the personality of the student, on his development, independence, on taking into account his capabilities, needs, interests.

In teaching FL2, there are even more prerequisites for this than in teaching FL1, due to the experience of learning a foreign language, a later start of studies (from the seventh grade of an school with in-depth study of English) and, thus, a more conscious approach to language learning. Thus, it is possible to take into account the individual characteristics of the student and differentiate learning, taking into account the level of learning of FL1. For some students, it is necessary to create conditions for faster progress, while others need to be given the opportunity for repetition and training.

3. The entire educational process should have a socio-cultural orientation, but there is a specificity here too: the early use of authentic materials (authentic texts are given from the first lesson and reliance on the mutual influence of three national cultures).

4. Work on mastering specific language means should turn into speech actions aimed at solving certain communicative tasks, which are indicated in the tables placed at the beginning of each chapter of the textbook and provide speech interaction (interactivity) of schoolchildren.

One of the means of enhancing verbal interaction and creating real or imaginary conditions for this is the use of project methodology and role-playing games. Education is active in nature.

5. All four main types of speech activity: listening, speaking, reading, writing - should be developed in conjunction with each other. Specific for teaching FL2 is that teaching to read from the very beginning is carried out on authentic texts and has a large share, because. schoolchildren know the Latin script, master the rules of reading faster, although there is a danger of interference with the German language. They know how to work with a foreign language text, they rely more on linguistic conjecture.

6. A comparative (contrastive) approach in teaching FL2 is also very important. Schoolchildren have the opportunity to identify differences between languages ​​and look for similarities in them. When studying FL2, it is of great help to rely on the native language and FL1, especially on English, since German and English belong to the same group of languages ​​- Germanic and have much in common.

7. The principles of economy and intensification of teaching FL2 are very important. The process of mastering FL2 can be significantly intensified if students have a high level of English proficiency.

What helps to save time and intensify the learning process:

1) knowledge of the Latin script reduces the period of alphabetization and reduces it to explaining and mastering the differences in sound-letter correspondences in German and English, the graphic and sound image of the word;
2) the presence of a significant potential vocabulary. Words of the English language that are similar to German, direct borrowings from English, internationalisms facilitate the process of learning to read and contribute to a faster mastery of German vocabulary;
3) rapid progress in the field of reading contributes to a more rapid development of socio-cultural competence;
4) when mastering all language tools, including grammatical ones, the orientation phase in teaching FL2 can be shortened and can be carried out independently, for example, using tasks like "Derive a rule".

The intensification of the very initial stage of training and the entire educational process as a whole is an important prerequisite for its success and effectiveness.

8. It is necessary to systematically monitor the successful progress in teaching FL2, to develop reflection in schoolchildren, the ability for self-control and self-esteem.

In our school German as FL2 has been taught since 1990. Students have the opportunity to choose which foreign language (French or German) they will study as FL2. FL2 training starts from the 7th grade and lasts 5 years. As practice has shown, such terms of teaching the German language as FL2 are the most effective and efficient. Already at the beginning of the study of FL2, students are convinced that German and English have a lot in common:

1) Latin script

2) In the field of vocabulary and word usage

3) In the structure of a simple sentence (the presence of a linking verb);

Deutsch CCC English
Mein Name ist Miller. My name is Miller.
Sie ist krauk.She is ill.
Erspricht Deutsch. He speaks German.

4) In the formation of temporary forms (from the three main forms of the verb and the use of the auxiliary verb haben = to have);

CCC English

Kommen - kam - gekommen come - came - come
Bringen - brachte-gebracht bring - brought - brought
Sprechen-sprach-gesprochen speak-spoken-spoken


müssen - must, to have to
konnen - can, to be able to
dürfen – may, to be allowed to
wollen - to want / wish to, be intended to
sollen - to be supposed to
mogen-to like to


the Clown = der Clown (m)
a clown = ein Clown
the car = das Auto(n)
a car = ein Auto
the garage = die Garage (f)
a garage = eine Garage

To organize knowledge, you can make the following table:

Der unbestimmte Artikel
CCC Der bestimmte Artikel
The indefinite article the definite article
ein clown der Clown
a/an ein Baby the das Baby
eine Hostess die Hostess


aufstehen: CCC get up:
Ich stehe gleich auf. I"ll get up in a minute.
Stehst du gleich auf? Will you get up soon?
Wann stehst du auf?When will you get up?
Steh auf! Get up!

the use of relative pronouns in complex sentences with attributive clauses;

Einige RelativpronomenCCCSome relative pronouns
Singular, Personen Persons (Singular)
die Frau, die… the woman,
der Mann, der… the man, who…
das kind, das… the child,
Plural, Personen Persons (Plural)
Die Leute, die… the people, who…
Singular, Sachen Things (Singular)
die Kiste, die… the box,
der Ball, der… the ball, that/which…
das Auto, das…the car,
Plural, Sachen Things (Plural)
die Spielsachen, die… the toys, that/which…


Hore das Gespäch!

Listen to the conversation!
Denk an deine Frau!
Think of your wife!
Helft euren Freunden!
Help your friends!


I will buy… CCC Ich werde… kaufen.
will = werden

formation of Perfect with the auxiliary verb haben.

I have done. CCC Ich habe getan.
You have asked. Du hast gefragt.
She has explained. Sie hat erklart. etc.

All this can serve as a support in mastering the German language as a FL2, especially at the initial stage of learning.

A large number of visually recognizable words provide effective help: internationalisms, borrowings, for example: die Donau, der Norden, der Süden, der Osten, der Westen, der Chef, die Ziffer, der Laborant, der Elektriker, der Soziologe, der Reporter etc. Sociocultural information can also serve as a subject for comparison.

We use UMK I.L. Bim and L.V. Sadomova “Brucken” (German after English), as it involves teaching German from the 7th grade; At the same time, teaching German as a FL2 is carried out based on English, which is very important in the conditions of our school. WMC meets the task; it is designed for middle-aged students, colorful, interesting, authentic, well thought out, supplemented with audio cassettes, which greatly simplifies the acquisition of German pronunciation. UMK itself is named very interestingly and with deep meaning. Already the beginning of the textbook gives students the opportunity to comprehend the name of the teaching materials. “Brucken! Was ist gemint? Bridges! What does it mean?” The answer to this question reveals the meaning of foreign languages:

    Fremdsprachen sind Brucken

    zur Verstandigung,

    zur Communication!

    Brucken von Kontinent zu Kontinent, von Land zu Land,

    von Volk zu Volk,

    von Mensch zu Mensch,

    zwischen culturen!

The grammatical and lexical exercises developed in it in an unobtrusive game form help to better assimilate new material, making the study of FL2 an interesting and exciting experience. The main advantage of the textbook is that teaching FL2 is based on the knowledge of FL1, using them as a language base. [I] This support not only facilitates the assimilation of new language material, but also stimulates the interest of children, gives confidence, showing them that learning a new foreign language is not such a difficult thing: if you know one, you just need to boldly rely on your knowledge.

It is necessary to encourage the student in every possible way to seek support in his own knowledge and experience, also using the tips given in the textbook and the recommendations of the authors, such as:

"Learning German will go faster and easier if:

    rely on similarities with FL1 - English, as well as find support in the native language;

    use a linguistic guess (about the meaning of a word, grammatical form), based on the context, on the familiar parts of the word;

    notice differences in linguistic phenomena and ways of expressing thoughts;

    transfer the ability to work into a new language (find the meaning of a word in a dictionary, use a paraphrase, perform various exercises, etc.)

The textbook is designed in such a way as to force students to analyze, compare and find common ground in these two languages. Characteristically, students find words of a common root in English and German that are not even listed in the textbook. So, for example, when studying the topic “Das Aussehen”, I suggested that the children, using a drawing of a girl with the inscriptions “das Haar, das Auge, die Nase”, etc., choose those words that have common roots in the two languages. After analysis, it turned out that only two words (das Bein and das Gesicht) do not have common roots in English and German.

A very interesting type of work is also the projects proposed in the textbook. For example, making collages about Germany and Russia increases students' interest in the country of the language being studied and allows them to learn more about it. The project “ZiS” – Zeitung in der Schule, the photo series “Der Gewalt – keine Chanse”, the project “Wandmalerei” – provide an opportunity to expand knowledge about Germany, about the life of young people in Germany, its problems.

In the chapter “Deutschkurs” there is a table that lists the types of activities performed by students, students must answer what they like to do when studying FL2. This type of work makes a meaningful approach to the study of a foreign language.

The peculiarity of the textbook is its plot construction and the inclusion of country-specific material in comparison with cultural information. Knowledge of the culture, traditions, customs of the country of the language being studied increases interest in it and helps to reveal its national characteristics. For example, from the text “Ein Hans in der Keplerstraße”, students learn that many young people in Germany live separately from their parents, renting a room (just like in England and the USA). This fact caused a debate among children about whether this is good or bad. The authors of the textbook use statistical data to develop interest in the country of the language being studied. For example, . Authentic texts from the mass media, from the youth press also contribute to the development of interest.

But it is also important to know that the study of each new foreign language is also a lot of difficulties, for example, when teaching German on the basis of English, students experience difficulties:

    when pronouncing;

    in the rules of reading;

    in intonation;

    some words in English and German look and sound similar, but have different meanings, are the so-called "translator's false friends";

    in word order;

    in the declension of articles;

    in verb conjugation;

    in complex grammatical constructions, etc.

It is known that the grammar of the German language is much more complicated than the grammar of other Germanic languages, so complex grammatical topics should be explained ahead of time. One student will need five hours to comprehend the topic, and another ten. For example, at the initial stage, the study of the topic “Plural of nouns” is not planned, but the teacher needs to familiarize students as early as possible with all five ways of forming the plural of nouns.

The table is quite simple and during the first year of study will be “overgrown” with examples. It is not for nothing that one of the methodological paradoxes says: “Learning a foreign language is more like marking time than moving forward.” And now, when this grammatical topic needs to be generalized and systematized, there will no longer be problems with it, because. the students have “trampled on the spot” enough, and now forward movement is guaranteed.

According to statistics, only 15% of success in language learning depends on the teacher, 50% - on the abilities and efforts of the students. The remaining 35% depend on motivation, which is based on interest. It is in the power of the teacher not to allow interest in a new language to dissolve in a complex system of grammatical paradigms. To do this, it is necessary to carefully select a system of exercises that would contribute to the comprehension of the grammar of the German language, the development of all types of memory and a sense of humor. At the initial stage of learning the German language, students are faced with the problem of the gender of nouns. Even Mark Twain in his article “On the Terrifying Difficulties of the German Language” wrote: “Each noun in the German language has its own gender, but do not look for either logic or system here; and therefore the gender of each noun separately must be learned by heart. There is no other way.” It is impossible to agree with this statement, because. there are a number of rules by which many nouns are distributed by gender. Along with the biological series (der Vater - die Mutter), there is also the so-called grammatical-semantic series.

One of the difficulties that should be overcome by preemptive teaching: the basic forms of strong verbs. Since this phenomenon also exists in the first foreign language - English, it does not cause any particular problems, but it requires considerable effort. The poem "Die poetischen Verben" helps to overcome this difficulty.

An adjective can be immediately given with its antonyms (gut - schlecht, groß - klein). But with colors (if it's not white - black) you can't work like that. For this purpose, it is better to use a coloring book with an indication of colors. It is important that students comment on their actions.

The declension of adjectives gave the American classic Mark Twain a lot of trouble: he tried to decline “my good friend” (“mein guter Freund”) and came to the conclusion: “In Germany, it’s better to have no friends at all than to mess around with them so much.”

The declension of adjectives, as well as the formation of the plural of nouns, the conjugation of strong verbs with a change in the root vowel in the second and third person singular, the conjugation of reflexive, modal verbs - all grammatical topics must be given ahead of time, because. without knowledge of these topics, it is impossible to read the simplest authentic texts, and without fascinating reading, it is impossible to maintain interest in the subject being studied.

Based on the foregoing, when studying IL2, it is necessary to take into account:

The degree of influence (both positive and negative) on the part of IL1. This degree is determined by the level of students' mastery of it.
With an appropriate level of skill formation in FL1, the probability of transferring them from this language increases, and the influence of the native language weakens.
The influence of the native language and FL1 appears differently at different language levels and in different types of speech activity.
When studying grammar and pronunciation, both positive and negative transfer from FL1 is more often manifested, although the influence of the native language is also significant. The interaction of languages ​​in this case depends not only on the degree of formation of skills in FL1, but also on the complexity of the compared phenomena.
In order to enhance the positive impact of FL2 and prevent interference from the native language at the grammatical and lexical levels, it is necessary to direct students' attention to finding similarities and differences in those languages.
When working on phonetics, in order to overcome the interference from FL1, differentiated exercises are necessary, accompanied by an explanation of the differences in the articulation of the compared sounds.


Bim I.L. The concept of teaching a second foreign language (German based on English). - Tver, Title, 2001.
Bim I.L. The concept of teaching a second foreign language (German based on English). - M., 1997.
Bim I.L., Sadomova L.V. Bridges (Brucken I., Brucken II. Deutsch nach Englisch). Textbook of German as a second foreign language based on English. - M .: March, 1997.
Bim I.L. German. Basic course. Concept, program. - M .: New School, 1995.
Bim I.L. Theory and practice of teaching German in secondary school.– M.: Education, 1988.
Britta Hufeisen. Englisch im Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache. – Munchen, Klett Edition Deutsch, 1994.
Roland Schapers, Renate Luscher, Manfred Gluck, Grund Kurs Deutsch.–Munchen: Verlag fur Deutsch, 1980.