Relief of Eurasia. I choose geography - a comprehensive guide Main landforms of the mainland Eurasia



Educational: formation of ideas about the relief of Eurasia; show the features of the relief of Eurasia (general amplitude of heights, ancient platforms, mountain building); consider the main stages in the formation of the relief of the mainland; establish the features of the placement of large landforms;

Educational: the formation of emotional and sensory perception of the surrounding world, the development visual memory

Developing: developing the ability to work with various sources of geographic information

Equipment:Physical map of continents and oceans, physical map mainland Eurasia, map "Structure earth's crust”, textbooks, atlases, contour maps, computer, projector, interactive whiteboard.

During the classes:

1. Organizing moment (30 sec.)

The topic of our lesson is the relief of Eurasia, in order to start studying it. we need to remember geographical position mainland.

2. Survey (10 min.)


Card 1

Arabian Peninsula, Bay of Bengal, Laptev Sea, Kamchatka Peninsula, Yamal Peninsula, Hindustan Peninsula, Red Sea, Caspian Sea, Black Sea, English Channel, Kara Sea, Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Baltic Sea, Norwegian Sea, Apeninsky Peninsula

Card 2

Mark the place names on the outline map

Balkan Peninsula, Balkan Peninsula, Kola Peninsula, East China Sea, Bay of Bengal, Red Sea, Bay of Biscay, Norwegian Sea, Sea of ​​Japan, Arabian Sea, Scandinavian Peninsula.

Card 3

Find the extreme points of Eurasia and determine their coordinates

oral questioning

A) Characterize the g.p. mainland (5 students)

B) List the main features of the mainland (1 student or more)

C) Into what parts is Eurasia divided? Where is the border?

D) Name the scientists who explored the continent of Eurasia (Semenov Tyan-shansky, Przhevalsky) (1 student)

E) What contribution did P.P. Semenov-Tyanshansky? Why did he get the prefix to the surname - Tyanshansky? (1 student)

E) What contribution did Przhevalsky make to the study of the mainland? (1 student)

3. Learning new material (20 min)

The topic of our lesson is the relief of Eurasia

Recall the concepts of "relief", "slab", "platform", "landforms", "seismically active zone".

Relief - a set of irregularities of the earth's surface

A plate is a large region of the lithosphere
The platform is a vast tectonic structure with relatively low mobility.

Landforms - mountains and plains

A seismically active zone is a zone in which intense movements of the earth's crust occur, accompanied by earthquakes and volcanism.

The diversity and complexity of the relief of Eurasia are primarily explained by the history of its formation. Eurasia is part of the ancient continent of Pangea, which split into two large parts. The northern part was called Laurasia, the southern - Gondwana. Laurasia then split into North America and Eurasia, and Gondwana split into a number of smaller landmasses.

At the base of the Eurasian continent lies the Eurasian lithospheric plate, which borders the Pacific Plate in the east, the North American Plate in the west, and the African and Indo-Australian Plates in the south. Along the entire line of their collision, the longest belt of Alpine folding (young folded mountains) on Earth is formed, stretching across the entire mainland: Pyrenees - Alps - Carpathians - Crimea - Caucasus - Pamir - Tien Shan - Himalayas (Alpine-Himalayan seismic belt). The belt stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in a latitudinal direction to the Pacific. We see a further manifestation of the interaction of two plates in the form of island arcs - Japanese, Kuril, Marquesas, Philippine. The islands are of volcanic origin. The island arcs, as well as the bottom floor, are characterized by earthquakes and volcanism accompanied by tsunamis. Volcanoes: Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Fujiyama on about. Honshu, Apo in the Philippine Islands, Etna, Vesuvius, Kazbek, Elbrus.

Young folding - (30 million years)

Pyrenees, Alps, Carpathians, Caucasus, Himalayas, Apennines, Pamirs, Tibet, Altai, Iranian Highlands.

Ancient folding (460-230 million years)

Scandinavian mountains, Ural mountains


Basic forms


Areas of ancient


Highlands Tibet

Ural Mountains, Scandinavian Mountains

Areas of the new


Altai, Tien Shan

Pyrenees, Alps, Caucasus,

Apennines, Carpathians

Pamir Highlands, Iranian Highlands (Alpine-Himalayan Belt)

However, the mainland consists not only of mountainous areas, but also of platforms - East European, Siberian, Indian, Chinese-Korean, South China, African-Arabian. Indian and African joined much later. The platforms are characterized by a high position above sea level. The platforms are covered with a sedimentary cover, however, sometimes ledges of the crystalline basement are visible, for example, the Baltic, Voronezh, Putorana Plateau, Aldan shield.


Basic landforms

Eastern European

the East European Plain


Central Siberian Plateau




Great Plain of China

Plains and plateaus appear on the platforms in the external relief.

East European Platform - East European Platform

Siberian - Central Siberian platform

Indian - Deccan Plateau

Sino-Korean - Great Plain of China

There are ups and downs on the mainland. The coasts of the North and Baltic Seas are sinking, while the north of the Scandinavian Peninsula is rising.

Glaciation also played an important role, the surface leveled out, becoming hilly, and lakes formed.

Relief features

1. Eurasia is significantly higher than other continents

2. The highest mountain systems of the globe are located on the territory of Eurasia

3. The Eurasian Plains Are Huge

4. In Eurasia, altitude fluctuations are especially large.

In general, the surface of Eurasia is distinguished by contrast: here are the most high mountains Lands - Himalayan (peak - Everest, 8848 m) and the deepest on land depression of the Dead Sea (-402 m) - on the east coast mediterranean sea; as well as the most extensive of the Caspian lowlands lying below sea level.

We know that the highest mountains in the world, the Himalayas, are located on the mainland. The Himalayas are studied and admired not only by geographers, geologists, biologists. Many famous writers, poets admired the beauty of these majestic mountains, as for example, the young poetess Artemyeva Irena. Let's listen to her poem, which Anya Ivanova will tell us.

Verse "At the top of a mountain in the Himalayas"

Artemyeva Irena

If we knew what would beckon us into the distance,
If only we knew what the future holds for us.
On top of a mountain in the Himalayas
in the moonlight - a snow-covered grotto.

An angel in white stands at the entrance,
calling with a majestic gesture.
And shimmering, sparkling blue
amazing, secret entrance.

White light loomed in the distance,
suddenly flared up
we descend into the bowels of the mountain:
trembling in the knees, fear in the soul.

Touch stocks with these
alas, we have not yet!
At parting I will say there - a storehouse
secret knowledge, rare sciences!

Himalaya presentation (4 min.)

4. Fixing(5 minutes.)

1. What are the main features of the relief of the mainland.

2. What plate lies at the base of the Eurasian continent?

3. How does the interaction of lithospheric plates affect the relief?

4. What landforms are located on the platforms? List them.

5. Name the young mountains of Eurasia.

6. Name the old mountains of the mainland.

7. Name the greatest mountain system in the world located on the mainland and its highest point.

8. What is the total area of ​​the Himalayas? (650)

9. How the name Himalayas is translated (stronghold of snows, dwelling of snows)

10. Name three names of the highest point of the Himalayas (Chomolungma, Everest, Sagarmatha)

11. Which famous traveler, artist visited the Himalayas?

5. Grading a lesson (2 minutes.)

6. Homework: § 60-61, pp. 233-238 .
On the contour map, mark the following landforms of Eurasia:

plains: East European (Russian), West Siberian, Central Siberian plateau, Great Chinese, Decan plateau, Indo-Gangetic lowland, Mesopotamian lowland, Turan lowland;

mountains: Alps, Ural, Caucasus, Tibetan Plateau (Tibet), Himalayas, Pamir, Tien Shan, Iranian Plateau;

highest point: Mount Chomolungma (8848 m);

volcanoes: Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Fujiyama, Krakatoa, Elbrus;

the lowest point of the mainland : Dead Sea level.


Features of the relief of the mainland. Among other continents, Eurasia is distinguished by the most complex and diverse relief. Here are the highest mountain ranges on Earth, vast plateaus and lowlands, the deepest depressions.

The modern relief of the mainland was formed as a result of long-term processes that took place in the bowels of the Earth and on its surface.

A flat relief of various heights formed within the platforms. Huge spaces in the east of Europe are occupied by the East European Plain, which was formed on the platform of the same name. The ancient Asian platforms correspond to the Central Siberian Plateau, the Great Chinese Plain, the Deccan Plateau, and the plain of the Arabian Peninsula.

Most mountain systems of Eurasia are confined to mobile fold belts. Large expanses of the mainland belong to the folded structures of the Paleozoic age. During this period, 800-300 million years ago, the Scandinavian and Ural mountains, the ridges of Altai, Sayaniv, Tien Shan, Kun-Lun formed. Under the influence of external forces, they subsequently collapsed, smoothed out, sometimes turned into rocky plains. However, as a result of new mountain-creating processes in subsequent geological epochs, many destroyed mountains were rejuvenated, rising as separate giant blocks. This is how high glibs and folded-block mountains of Central Asia arose. At the same time, subsidence occurred on the site of the modern West Siberian Plain and the Turan Lowland, which were filled with the waters of the seas, and the Paleozoic structures were destroyed and buried under a thick layer of sedimentary rocks.

A characteristic feature of Eurasia is the formation of mountain systems in the areas of Cenozoic folding. Mountain structures stretch across Eurasia from the Iberian Peninsula in the west to the Great Sunda Islands in the southeast: the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Apennine and Balkan mountains, the Carpathians, the Crimean mountains, the Caucasus, the Pamirs, the Himalayas. In some places, mountain ranges diverge and, alternating with plateaus, form large uplands - Asia Minor, Iranian, Tebet. These mountain systems arose several tens of millions of years ago at the site of a trough between Eurasia and Gondwana flooded by the sea, forming the Alpine-Himalayan fold belt.

The second fold belt - the Pacific - runs along the chain of islands - the Big and Small Sunda, Philippine, Japanese, Kuril, Sakhalin, Kamchatka Peninsula, and then passes to the mainland, capturing its northeastern outskirts. Island arcs are adjacent to deep ocean trenches: Mariana, Philippine, Kuril-Kamchatsky.

Folded areas correspond to giant seismic belts - the Pacific and Euro-Asian, where the largest number of earthquakes occur. In seismic belts are confined areas of volcanoes. In the belts of new folding, active tectonic movements continue to this day.

External forces play an important role in shaping the relief of Eurasia. In Eurasia, there are many glacial landforms formed during the period of ancient glaciation. Exogenous processes lead to zrіzanostі relief. In the interior regions of Eurasia, relief-forming wind and temperature fluctuations are serious factors.

This article will consider the largest continent - Eurasia. He received this name due to the combination of two words - Europe and Asia, which personify two parts of the world: Europe and Asia, which are united as part of this continent, and the islands also belong to Eurasia.

The area of ​​Eurasia is 54.759 million km2, which is 36% of the entire land area. The area of ​​the Eurasian islands is 3.45 million km2. The population of Eurasia is also impressive, as it accounts for 70% of the total population on the entire planet. As of 2010, the population of the Eurasian continent was already more than 5 billion people.

The continent of Eurasia is the only continent of the planet Earth, which is washed by 4 oceans at once. The Pacific Ocean washes the mainland in the east, the Arctic Ocean washes the north, the Atlantic Ocean washes the mainland in the west and the Indian Ocean in the south.

The dimensions of Eurasia are quite impressive. The length of Eurasia when viewed from west to east is 18,000 kilometers and 8,000 kilometers when viewed from north to south.

Eurasia has all the climatic zones, natural zones and climatic zones that exist on the planet.

The extreme points of Eurasia, which are located on the mainland:

There are four extreme continental points that Eurasia has:

1) In the north of the mainland, Cape Chelyuskin (77 ° 43′ N), which is located on the territory of the country of Russia, is considered the extreme point.

2) In the south of the mainland, Cape Piai (1°16′ N), which is located in the country of Malaysia, is considered the extreme point.

3) In the west of the mainland, the extreme point is Cape Roca (9º31′ W), which is located in the country of Portugal.

4) And finally, in the east of Eurasia, the extreme point is Cape Dezhnev (169°42′ W), which also belongs to the country of Russia.

The structure of the mainland Eurasia

The structure of the continent of Eurasia differs from all other continents. First of all, the fact that the mainland consists of several plates and platforms, as well as the fact that the continent in its formation is considered the youngest of all the others.

The northern part of Eurasia consists of the Siberian Platform, the East European Platform, and the West Siberian Plate. To the east, Eurasia consists of two plates: it includes the South China platform and also includes the Sino-Korean platform. In the west, the mainland includes plates of Paleozoic platforms and Hercynian folding. The southern part of the mainland consists of the Arabian and Indian platforms, the Iranian plate and part of the Alpine and Mesozoic folding. The central part of Eurasia consists of the Aleozoic folding and the Paleozoic platform plate.

Eurasian platforms that are located on the territory of Russia

The continent of Eurasia has many large cracks and faults, which are located on Lake Baikal, in Siberia, in Tibet and other regions.

Relief of Eurasia

Due to its size, Eurasia as a continent has the most diverse relief on the planet. The mainland itself is considered the highest mainland on the planet. Above the highest point of the continent of Eurasia, only the continent of Antarctica, but it is higher only due to the thickness of the ice covering the earth. The landmass of Antarctica itself does not exceed Eurasia in height. It is in Eurasia that the largest plains in terms of their area and the highest and most extensive mountain systems are located. Also on the territory of Eurasia there are the Himalayas, which are the highest mountains on planet Earth. Accordingly, the highest mountain in the world is located on the territory of Eurasia - this is Chomolungma (Everest - height 8,848 m).

Today, the relief of Eurasia is determined by intense tectonic movements. Many regions on the territory of the Eurasian continent are characterized by high seismic activity. There are also active volcanoes in Eurasia, which include volcanoes in Iceland, Kamchatka, the Mediterranean and others.

Climate of Eurasia

The continent of Eurasia is the only continent on which all climatic zones and climatic zones are present. In the north of the mainland there are arctic and subarctic belts. The climate here is very cold and harsh. To the south begins a wide strip of the temperate zone. Due to the fact that the length of the mainland from west to east is very huge, the following zones are distinguished in the temperate zone: maritime climate in the west, further temperate continental, continental and monsoonal climate.

South of the temperate zone is the subtropical zone, which is also divided into three zones from the west: Mediterranean climate, continental and monsoon climate. The very south of the mainland is occupied by the tropical and subequatorial belts. The equatorial belt is located on the islands of Eurasia.

Inland waters on mainland Eurasia

The continent of Eurasia differs not only in the amount of water space that washes it from all sides, but also in the size of inland water resources. This continent is the richest in terms of ground and surface water. It is on the mainland of Eurasia that the largest rivers of the planet are located, which flow into all the oceans washing the continent. These rivers include the Yangtze, Ob, Huang He, Mekong, Amur. It is on the territory of Eurasia that the largest and deepest reservoirs are located. These include the largest lake in the world - the Caspian Sea, the deepest lake in the world - Baikal. Underground water resources distributed on the mainland rather unevenly.

As of 2018, there are 92 independent states on the territory of Eurasia that are fully functioning. The largest country in the world - Russia is also located on Eurasia. By clicking on the link you can see full list countries by area and population. Accordingly, Eurasia is richest in the nationality of the people living on it.

Fauna and flora on the Eurasian continent

Since all natural zones are present on the Eurasian continent, the diversity of flora and fauna is simply enormous. The mainland is inhabited by a variety of birds, mammals, reptiles, insects and other representatives of the animal world. The most famous representatives of the animal world in Eurasia are the brown bear, fox, wolf, hares, deer, elk, squirrels. The list goes on and on as a wide variety of animals can be found on the mainland. Also birds, fish, which have adapted to both low temperatures and arid climates.

Mainland Eurasia video:

Due to the size and location of the mainland, vegetable world also very varied. On the mainland there are deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. There are tundra, taiga, semi-deserts and deserts. The most famous representatives of trees are birch, oak, ash, poplar, chestnut, linden and many others. Also a variety of species of herbs and shrubs. The poorest region on the mainland in terms of flora and fauna is the far north, where only mosses and lichens can be found. But the more you go south, the more diverse and rich flora and fauna on the mainland.

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  1. educational: to form knowledge about in general terms and features of the relief, the main stages of its formation and minerals of Eurasia;
  2. educational: to continue the formation of a scientific worldview when revealing the issue of the nature of the relief and minerals of Eurasia;
  3. developing: develop the ability to work with a textbook, additional material, interactive whiteboard, contour maps, computers.

Be able to:

  • compare and analyze maps in order to obtain new knowledge,
  • according to a typical plan, characterize the main landforms,
  • draw up sheets of reference signals (LOS), draw conclusions.

Equipment: Interactive whiteboard, multimedia installation, physical map of the hemispheres and Eurasia, computer, notebooks, didactic cards, handouts with a list of nomenclature.

Lesson progress (40 min.)

1. Org. moment (1 min.)

2. Testing knowledge and skills (5 min.)

A) individual cards -3 people.

B) The game "Tic-tac-toe"
Today I invite you to remember the game that your grandparents probably played many years ago. Yes, and some of you sometimes, at breaks, are addicted to this game. It is called "tic-tac-toe", and its conditions are known to everyone.

A grid for this game is drawn on the interactive whiteboard - nine cells.

The class is divided into 2 teams (team - "crosses", team - "toes"). In order for the players to be able to enter their badge in the box, you need to correctly answer geographical questions. The row can be any - horizontally, vertically and diagonally.

  1. What is the lithosphere? ( stone shell of the earth.)
  2. What is a rift? ( Fracture in the earth's crust.)
  3. Which plate is the African-Arabian platform a part of? ( African.)
  4. Why is the mainland of Australia called the most peaceful continent in geological terms? ( There are no active volcanoes and earthquake areas.)
  5. What do these numbers mean 1960, 1970, 1985? ( Earthquakes in South America, in the Andes.)
  6. Why is it said that there is an ice age in Antarctica?
  7. The highest peak in Africa? ( kilimanjaro.)
  8. The highest point in the Andes and the entire Western Hemisphere? ( Aconcagua - up to 6960 m.)
  9. What are the major landforms North America? (Cordillera, Appalachians, Central Plains, Great Plains, Mexican Low, Mississippi Low, Atlantic Low, Rocky Mountains).

3. Actualization of knowledge and skills (3 min.)

Task number 3. Volcanism is widely developed in folded areas. Using the maps of the atlas, match:

Answer: 1.D, 2.C, 3.B, 4.A, 5.D.

So, we examined the relief, the internal structure of the earth's crust. What component is missing in this logical chain?(Minerals.)

What can we already say about P/I Eurasia? (P - diverse, p / i - diverse.)

Working with the atlas page 6.

Task number 5. Eurasia is rich in minerals. Set match:

Answer: 1.V., 2.G, 3.A. 4.B,D, 5.E.,C.

Make a conclusion about the patterns of distribution of minerals in the territory of Eurasia.

(There is a regularity between the distribution of minerals and tectonic structures: the plains are dominated by sedimentary minerals, and the folded areas are dominated by igneous and metamorphic ones.)

5. Fixing (5 min.)

Test control

  1. The territory of Eurasia, unlike other continents, is formed by:
    1. one large ancient platform,
    2. several relatively small ancient platforms.
  2. The ancient platforms on the territory of Eurasia include:
    1. South American and Siberian
    2. Siberian and East European
    3. Eastern European and Australian
  3. Set match:
  1. Set match:

Grading norms:

  • No errors - score - "5"
  • 1 mistake - score - "4"
  • 2 mistakes - score - "3"
  • More than 2 errors - score - "2"

Returning to the question posed at the beginning of the lesson, what can be said: How can this diversity of the surface of Eurasia be explained? (reason: the history of the development of the mainland, a variety of landforms).

6. Homework

Mark the studied geographical objects on contour maps; D/Z briefing.

"3" - 60.61; c / c - sign the main landforms, be able to show on the wall map.

"4" - How does the relief of Eurasia differ from the relief of other previously studied continents?

What continent is Eurasia most similar in relief to?

"5" - The highest mountains of Eurasia, the Himalayas and other large mountain systems are located in the depths of the mainland, at some distance from the oceans, while on other continents the mountains are located on the coasts of the oceans. How can this be explained? Why are the Himalayas the highest mountains on Earth?