Alright let's go! Chernogolovskiy Nordic Walking Club. Nordic walking - benefits, technique, rules, equipment, reviews. Choosing and buying sticks for Nordic walking Nordic walking how long should the sticks be

Who do you think was the first to come up with such an interesting way of walking? Of course skiers! Finnish. In summer, skiingYou don’t look like forests, but it was necessary to keep your athletic shape. Before us, the fashion for Nordic walking, apparently,I also walked, and today Finnish walking is a craze among those who…

Because it turned out:

1. Walking with sticks is very useful!
2. Walking with sticks is easy! You just need to connect
arm and leg movements with your breath.
3. Walking with sticks is affordable! No long term required
training, no expensive equipment needed.
It is enough to buy special sticks.

What other advantages does Nordic walking have?
1. There are no age restrictions. On the contrary, the older the person, the more
will be useful. Pregnant women can too.
2. You can walk all year round: both in winter and summer, as well as in spring and autumn.
3. There are practically no contraindications.
4. You don’t need a gym to exercise, you can walk alone, you can
unite in a group. Parks, squares, forests, fields and mountains, river or sea coast - all
will do.
5. Rarely useful is pleasant. But not in this case. Walking tours with
sticks are both pleasant and useful both for general health and for weight loss.
If you go regularly, you will not notice how the volumes will go away.

What are the benefits of walking with sticks?

1. When walking, almost all muscles are involved. After all, you not only walk with your feet,
but also actively move your arms and shoulders, breathe deeply.
2. The distribution of the load on the upper and lower muscles occurs evenly.
3. Ordinary walking loses energy costs.
4. Breathing becomes stronger, shortness of breath disappears, pulse increases,
5. The load on the knees and spine is greatly reduced. For this reason, walking
spread among the elderly, among people with
solid weight, and among those who are prohibited from large physical exercises.

But that's not all!

Simple walks with special sticks will help improve coordination, form the correct posture, increase the endurance of the body, strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, chest and shoulders. It is very important that walking increases the strength of bone mass,
and this will certainly reduce the risk of fractures.

Fresh air gives pleasure and usefulness to classes. Hiking strengthens the nerves and improves the psyche.

With a normal walk it is easy to recover peace of mind.

When walking, in which the hands are involved, hormones are more actively produced that positively affect mood. Classes in a group of like-minded people fill with pleasant emotions.

Since the walks take place in nature, the beauty of landscapes has a beneficial effect on the psyche, the mood improves dramatically and there is an increase in working capacity.

In general, if your skis are worn out, then you are in trend! Being healthy is

Today in our country more and more people are passionate about a healthy lifestyle. The concept of "healthy lifestyle" includes many aspects. Young people are attracted by active types of recreation, physical culture and sports of high achievements. Older people are also not alien to the desire to be healthy. In this respect, they are even more motivated than young people.

This was told by residents of Yakimova Sloboda Irina Davidovich and Vera Rykova, who became interested in Nordic walking. Irina Davidovich has been doing this unusual sport since the fall of 2017. Its feature is walking with special poles, similar to ski poles.

- Initially, we carved ordinary sticks and walked with them.- says Irina Grigorievna. - They endured all the ridicule of the neighbors, but did not give up their occupation. On the contrary, we went to the city and bought ourselves special telescopic poles. The difference was felt right away. Walking was so hard that we endured 20 minutes a day. Gradually, the walking time increased, and today we walk for 2 hours - 8-10 kilometers without any problems. We walk towards Borovikov, along the canal, through the forest. We do not strive for world records, but we do it for our health. I had problems with the musculoskeletal system, now they have disappeared. I lost 5 kilograms, and I don’t follow any diets, my insomnia disappeared. We walk, enjoy nature, look at the birch trees, there is silence, calmness, physical activity is a joy for us. When I come home from work in the evening, I'm drawn to walk around. My neighbor is 72 years old, she suffered from angina pectoris, she had constant attacks, she was constantly in the hospital. Today it's completely new person. She walks every day and now we can't keep up with her.

Photo: Dmitry Khomitsevich, "SN"

Once upon a time, Lyudmila Akulich was the first of us to engage in Nordic walking. She had back problems. Ten people have already joined us today.

- I have always been a runner, - continues Vera Ivanovna. - Now I am 65 years old, it became difficult to run, so I switched to Nordic walking. Walking with sticks is a pleasure. It's so great that sometimes it is perceived as a "drug addiction". There is a big difference between walking with sticks and without them. Normal walking you will never walk 8-10 kilometers without getting tired. And with sticks, you not only don’t get tired, but you also get a surge of vivacity and energy.

- Oh, how they laughed at us at first, - Irina Grigorievna picks up the conversation, - but sitting on a bench or watching TV you will not find health. And today our neighbors are already asking us where to buy such sticks.

The idea of ​​walking with sticks belongs to Finnish skiers. It turned out that athletes who intensively trained in the summer with the help of walking with sticks received significantly better results in skiing competitions in winter.

What are the benefits of Nordic Walking? German doctors have published serious studies showing the high health potential of Nordic walking. The fact is that when walking with sticks, the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle are very well trained. During running, the muscles of the upper half of the body are little involved. Scientists have calculated that about 90% of all muscles of the human body receive an increased load during Nordic walking, and only 70% during normal walking. On the other hand, leaning on sticks reduces the load on the knee and hip joints, as well as on the heel bones.

This circumstance makes it possible to successfully apply Nordic walking in diseases of the joints of the lower extremities, heel spurs, gout, etc. Since Nordic walking uses more muscles, it burns almost one and a half times more energy than regular walking. Therefore, walking with sticks is recommended for people who tend to be overweight and/or obese. The high energy intensity of Nordic walking contributes to the training of the heart muscle: it increases the heart rate by 10-15 beats per minute.

So it turns out that Nordic walking is a real panacea. Good luck to you, Irina Grigorievna and Vera Ivanovna in your wonderful hobby!

Walking technique with Scandinavian sticks is a fundamental point in. Despite the seeming simplicity of this, it is important to strictly follow certain rules in order to achieve the desired effect. Many amateurs, using the technique incorrectly, learn to walk on their own, making numerous mistakes that do not eliminate health problems, but lead to them.

We will figure out how to walk correctly using the Nordic walking method, accurately select equipment for classes, and how much time to devote to them.

Let's analyze the mechanics of the "northern way"

The walking technique called is based on a special movement mechanics. Thanks to it, you can use almost the entire muscular frame of the body, the total number of which reaches 200 units. Analyzing the movements of Nordic walking, there are 3 factors:

  1. Physical load is a closed chain of "events": leg - a moving part of the body - an arm fixed on a support;
  2. 3 joints take part in the movement: pelvis, knee, ankle;
  3. The minimum load "falls" on the skeleton and other joints.

Particular attention is paid to the movement of the legs, which consists of two "stages": transfer and support. The first stage of "support" is a consistent emphasis on all parts of the foot: heel, midfoot, toe. Putting the other leg forward at this time, the athlete moves to the second point of support. Repeating the support stage, the load “starts” from the heel, then moves to the middle of the foot and toes. The body moves forward, and the other leg is taken back. This cycle is repeated during the entire walking process.

Let's analyze the movements

The Nordic walking technique is based on the usual stepping movement. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly use its main element - the step. To walk with sticks correctly, it is important to consolidate skills into muscle memory. This is done in 3 steps:

  1. The task is to "feel" the weight of the walking poles. To do this, you need to take them in the middle, and not by the handle. Walk like this around the room, slightly tilting your body forward. Coordinate the involuntary step so that the work of the arm matches the opposite leg.
  2. We are working on the rhythm. We repeat the movements of the previous stage, changing the position of the sticks: they need to be taken by the "lanyard". It is not necessary to push off from the ground, it is enough to “drag” them behind you at the moment of simulating Nordic walking. Devices move rhythmically, in time with the movements of the hands.
  3. Directly Nordic walking, in which sticks are used. At this point, the movement of the arms and legs should become habitual, so pushing off the ground with the help of devices will make it easier. At this time, the last stage of synchronization is being worked out: a simultaneous push of the heel and the stick in the opposite hand.

The Nordic walking technique instruction with sticks implies compliance with the following rules:

  • Support devices are used, holding them only at an angle;
  • You can not place the weight of the body immediately on the entire foot: it is important to “roll” it from heel to toe;
  • Taking a step, the legs are slightly bent at the knees;
  • Arms slightly bent, move up / down;
  • Walking is carried out only with a straight back;
  • You can not put much pressure on the devices: this will increase the load on the bones and joints;
  • Shoulders relax and drop down a little;
  • When the hand is pulled back, the hand is completely unclenched: the stick is held only by a special glove;
  • Hands when moving back and forth should be within forty-five degrees from the body.

After the basics of the technique are mastered, you can use walking by confidently increasing the pace of movement: increasing the amplitude of the swings of the hands, making the steps wider.

Nordic walking lessons for beginners include 3 techniques:

  1. Fast paced "triple" steps;
  2. Wide stride;
  3. Parallel movement of arms and legs (sliding of the left leg while relying on the left stick).

The “introduction” of each technique into technique training occurs gradually, as walking skills progress, in order to increase the load.

Proper breathing

Any physical exercise performed using breathing techniques. Breathing during Nordic walking also plays an important role. However, in this case There are no strict rules and regulations. Inhalation while walking with sticks is carried out through the nose, exhalation - through the mouth.

To understand how to breathe correctly during Nordic walking, you need to forget about all the rules, relying on the natural functions of the body. Natural breathing is the main condition for outdoor walks in Scandinavian style.


In order not to "bring down" the breath, we follow this rule: we inhale and take 2 steps, exhale - 3.4.

As breathing exercise use conversations, singing or reading poetry while moving. With their help, blood flow improves, which helps tissues and organs to be better saturated with oxygen, endurance appears.

Useful Video - A Complete Lesson on Nordic Walking Technique

Training preparation and completion

An important condition for obtaining a healing effect from Scandinavian movement is the use of a warm-up.

We list the exercises that are used at home. They are needed to warm up the muscles before training. Their task is to use the entire muscular frame of the body, which must work constantly.

  1. The stick acts as a projectile. She is lifted over her head. Slowly lean to the right, then to the left. Do 8-10 times in each direction.
  2. Put down the stick. Take a deep lunge with your right foot. Lean forward while pointing your arms back. Then change the position of the body: point your arms forward, and tilt your body back. After completing the exercise 10-15 times, change your leg for a lunge and repeat it 10-15 more times.
  3. Take sticks. Position them so that your arms are slightly back. Relying on them, do squats. Their number depends on the level of training of a novice athlete and varies from 3 to 15 squats.
  4. Lean on the walking aid with your right hand. Grab your left knee with your left hand. Standing on one right leg, gently try to bring the left leg, bent at the knee, to the buttocks. Stay in the achieved position for 10-15 seconds. Change the leg and support arm and repeat the exercise. Do 8-10 times.
  5. Slowly, without jerks, we raise our hands with support up, slightly spreading them to the sides 8-10 times.
  6. We put both sticks in front of us at a distance of straightened arms. We bend forward, arching the back. Repeat 8-10 times.
  7. With your right hand, take one end of the device and lay it behind your back. With your left hand, grasp the lower end of the stick in the region of the lower back, thighs. Slowly raise your right arm up until muscle tension reaches its maximum. Do 8-10 times with each hand.

Many Scandinavian walkers ask if they can supplement their workouts with their own exercises. The answer is definitely positive. Moreover, after long sessions, a person himself can choose exercises for warming up, because the needs of each “athlete” in warming up the muscles are different.

After warming up, Nordic walkers should check the poles and fastenings on them, adjust the length of the straps.

After the end of the training process, it is recommended to do exercises aimed at stretching the muscular frame of the back, hips and shoulder girdle. All movements after training are performed at the pace of "relaxation", slowly. Bath. or a hot bath filled with aromatic oils - all these water procedures will allow the muscles to relax and reduce pain after exercise to a minimum.

Selection of devices

Since the main "assistant" in Finnish walking is sticks, for the effectiveness of classes, their correct selection is as important as the technique of movements.

For the first time, special devices were released in 1997.

Their length is an important selection parameter. She is selected individually. To make it convenient to hold, carry out simple calculations. The growth of a beginner "athlete" is multiplied by a certain coefficient:

  • 0.66 - during recreational activities;
  • 0.68 - for fitness training;
  • 0.7 - for "serious" sports activities.

Since all devices are standard sizes, differing by 5 centimeters, the result is compared with the table and selected suitable option. If the number is in the interval between the presented sizes, the choice is made based on the physical fitness of the person. For example, if he has just started "sports activities" or has limitations due to illnesses, choose a lower value. For a trained person, you can choose equipment that is “higher”, since in this case the load on the spine increases.


Telescopic sticks are the best option for beginners. Their size is changed during training. In addition, 1 pair can be used by all family members.

When choosing fixtures, pay attention to the material from which they are made. Carbon is reliable, strong and expensive. Aluminum is lighter and cheaper. Any kit is not cheap, so its choice must be taken responsibly.

Duration of training

An important rule of Nordic walking is compliance with the training regime and the correct distribution of the load.

How much to walk in Scandinavian style is determined individually. This parameter consists of the athlete's physical fitness, the presence or absence of diseases and the "experience" of classes. Average data, which recommend training for 40 minutes three times a week, cannot be taken into account: in each case, the “dosage” of classes will be different.

Video - 10 main mistakes of Finnish walking technique for beginners

Some rookie mistakes

Many lovers of sports movement try to start classes on their own, without joining Nordic walking clubs. This approach will significantly save your finances, however, without an experienced mentor, classes will not be effective.

We list the main problems of beginner athletes:

  • Poor-quality or improperly selected sticks quickly deform after a few workouts;
  • With the wrong position of the hands, the sticks “take up” the wrong position, going back;
  • Pressing on a stick with a brush leads to rapid fatigue with minimal energy consumption;
  • Uneven and incorrect load on the feet leads to the appearance of corns and rough skin on them;
  • Incorrectly selected or poor-quality shoes will lead to rapid leg fatigue.

Nordic walking is a useful sport that brings health improvement and a lot of positive emotions. They can be practiced in winter and summer, autumn and spring. Team training will help you find new friends, prevent depression from developing, keeping your good mood and well-being.

Nordic walking (Finnish, Nordic walking) is a popular type physical activity, based on a certain walking technique using special sticks that look like ski sticks. The technique has gained worldwide popularity since the late 90s. The principle of movement is based on the summer exercises of skiers.

The history of Nordic walking

Walking with sticks appeared a long time ago. Even pilgrims used similar supports, overcoming rough terrain. In the methods of physical therapy, sticks have been used for a long time in order to improve the state of health and rehabilitation after illness.

Close to the modern version of Nordic Walking, the form of walking first appeared in 1940 in Finland and was used by professional skiers to keep fit outside of training.

The primacy of the stick walking method as an independent, amateur sport is disputed by Mauri Rapo (his method is described in the article "Hiihdon lajiosa" in 1979) and Mark Kantan (similar article "Sauvakävely" in 1997). However, the name was patented by Mark Kantan, who wrote and published the first Nordic Walking guide.

In the late 90s, the walking technique was transformed into an independent sport and was popularized around the world.

An unusual sport came to Russia relatively recently, but has already become an effective alternative to running. The fact is that the movements involve almost all muscle groups (up to 90%, while normal walking does not exceed 70%), which leads to the strengthening of the body as a whole, the spine and joints in particular. Moreover, the muscles of the back and upper shoulder girdle are actively working, which does not happen during ordinary walks. Relying on inventory allows you to reduce the load on the hip and knee joints, as well as on the foot.

The benefits of Nordic walking have been proven and undeniable, meanwhile, the technique has its limitations associated with dosing and intensity of loads during various diseases therefore requires a doctor's consultation before starting classes.


There are a lot of indications for this type of amateur sport. For example, in Germany, Nordic walking is a mandatory element of all rehabilitation programs after surgical interventions on the musculoskeletal system. Patients of German clinics who have undergone hip arthroplasty, already a month after the operation, return to their usual pace of life thanks to walking with sticks.

The greatest efficiency is observed in the following conditions:

  • excess body weight;
  • mild pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, scoliosis in adults and children, and is also used as a prevention of osteoporosis;
  • vascular and heart diseases, as well as prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • depression, neuroses;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • sleep disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • recovery period after surgery.

According to the load, walking refers to cardio training, i.e., first of all, it strengthens the heart muscle, which means that it requires approval from the doctor for diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system. The technique has no age indications and is especially popular among people of retirement age.

Features of the choice of equipment and equipment for classes

In order to maximize the effectiveness of classes, you need:

  • comfortable sports uniform for the weather;
  • shoes for hiking or special for running;
  • sticks.

For winter activities, clothes that are used for skiing are suitable, for example, thin thermal underwear that will warm you in severe frost, and winter ski overalls. In summer, you can wear both a tracksuit and comfortable T-shirts and shorts. As for shoes, sneakers should fix the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot well and firmly, have a dense but flexible sole. You should also wear two pairs of cotton socks to avoid blisters.

Selection of sticks

The first special sticks were produced by Exel Oyj in 1997. The length of the sticks is selected individually by multiplying a person's height by a special coefficient of 0.7. All monolithic Nordic walking sticks have standard sizes with a difference of 5 cm. If the resulting number is intermediate, the result should be rounded depending on the person’s physical fitness:

  • a shorter length is preferable for beginners, as well as people with contraindications to significant stress on the spine;
  • longer poles put additional stress on the back and arms, so they are suitable for trained athletes.

Also on sale are special telescopic sticks, which allows them to be used for all family members, and especially for children - the inventory will grow with them. best material- it's carbon. Aluminum alloy products are somewhat cheaper.

The inventory is expensive - a set of sticks costs from 3,000 rubles, so they should be bought in accordance with growth and physical capabilities, and treated with care, not transferred to third parties.

Benefits of Nordic Walking

Doctors have long proven the fact that walking is much more useful and safer for the body than running and strong physical exertion. Moving at the same, calm pace has a positive effect on both health and emotional state.

What hiking gives:

  • blood enrichment and internal organs oxygen;
  • strengthening blood vessels and heart muscle;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improved digestion;
  • activation of the excretion of toxic substances;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improvement of muscle tone;
  • fat burning;
  • improved balance and coordination;
  • rehabilitation of the joints and spine;
  • great mood and positivity.

The most important thing is the regularity of classes, which can only be skipped for health reasons.


Like any sport, before the start of the lesson, you should perform a warm-up - swinging your arms and legs, bending-extension of the body, lifting on tiptoe for 2-3 seconds, neat jumps from foot to foot and on both legs. You can use special exercises with sticks: tilts to the right and left with raised hands that hold the stick, forward bends with an emphasis on sticks, etc.

So, how to walk Nordic walking:

  • The main element of the lesson is the step.
  • Main rule: left hand with a stick - the right leg (heel), and vice versa: right hand- left leg, i.e. there should be an opposite.
  • The stick is on the side near the leg, slightly at an angle.
  • When the stick touches the ground, a step should be taken: the foot is placed on the heel, then rolled onto the toe. But you should not put your feet on the entire surface of the foot at once.
  • Legs during the step should be slightly bent at the knees.
  • Hands during movement are slightly bent at the elbows and move them up and down when pushing off the surface. The arm rises at an angle of 45 0 in the upper position, and the “lower” arm moves back to the level of the pelvis.
  • It is impossible to rely on sticks with considerable effort! This creates additional stress on the musculoskeletal system.

How to hold sticks

In fact, they themselves are kept on their hands thanks to special, very strong and reliable loops. The loops are similar in appearance to the bells of gloves and with the help of wide bands they cover the bases of the thumbs, which prevents incorrect movements of the hand. You need to keep inventory freely, without straining your hands, parallel to one another. During overcoming a hard surface, rubber tips are put on the sticks for convenience, soft areas are more convenient to pass, simply pushing off with a spike.

So, before class, you need to put your hand through the loop, adjust the diameter with the fastener and fasten the loop so that the wrist area is not pinched. Thus, the sticks will not fall out of your hands.

Contraindications and disadvantages of the technique

The disadvantages of this sport are some dependence on weather conditions. Walking is possible throughout the year, but in reality, heavy rain, blizzard or snowfall makes movement much more difficult and can adversely affect health. Walking in the gym is difficult, and skipping classes is not recommended.

How to walk correctly for maximum effect

It is recommended to find a companion or go with the whole family - this motivates, improves efficiency and mood in general. There are whole schools and clubs of Nordic walking fans who take daily walks.

  • You should eat an hour and a half before class.
  • You need to walk at a fast pace, but do not go for a run. The walk should be comfortable, not accompanied by abdominal pain, shortness of breath and rapid breathing.
  • Increase the load - only gradually.
  • While walking, you should not lower your head down, your shoulders should be relaxed and freely lowered, and your posture should be even. You need to try to think positive and smile.
  • Walks are best organized in an ecologically clean places where there is a lot of vegetation and no transport. The best option is hilly paths of parks and squares.
  • The duration of one lesson is at least 40 minutes. How long is the maximum walk? It depends on fitness, but you should definitely not exceed 60-90 minutes.
  • You can drink while walking clean water in small sips.
  • After the walk, you should do a couple of leisurely stretching exercises or just take a few deep breaths.

Nordic Walking and weight loss - how it works

Correct Nordic walking, carried out regularly, leads to a gradual loss of extra pounds. When walking at an average or fast pace, about 10 calories are burned in 1 minute. Almost all muscles are also pumped. While walking, you can “work” on problem areas. So, if you walk and keep the abdominal muscles moderately retracted, you can get rid of fat deposits in this area. Overcoming rough terrain with climbs perfectly pumps up the muscles of the legs. If you tighten your buttocks and try to mentally hold a coin between them, they will take on a beautiful shape.

Common Mistakes

Nordic walking with sticks is not easy for everyone, while some do not see any positive changes in their health status. This may be due to some bugs:

  • Using homemade sticks or equipment from other sports;
  • Incorrect holding of sticks (cross them behind the back);
  • Turning the body while raising the arm to make a repulsive movement;
  • Using the power of the hand, not the elbow, during the push;
  • Use of uncomfortable shoes.

Nordic Walking is a pleasant, accessible sport for everyone that has a positive effect on health, mood and appearance!

How to use Scandinavian walking sticks correctly: instructions for use

The effectiveness of training depends on the technique of the athlete. If you do everything right, Nordic walking affects the body as follows:

  • evenly loads the body: 90% of the muscles work;
  • burns 47 kcal more than other types of walking;
  • activates the metabolism for the next 24 hours;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system: the pulse grows by 10-15 beats;
  • with regular exercise - increases endurance;
  • helps to recover from injuries and operations.

The spine and knees are minimally loaded, so Nordic walking is practiced by older people and those who are overweight.

How to Walk with Nordic Walking Poles: Warm Up

Don't neglect your workout. It gives the initial load and protects against injuries: the effectiveness of classes increases.

The set of exercises includes:

  • head turns;
  • body slopes;
  • wave your hands;
  • countermovement;
  • a series of squats;
  • stretching.

Each exercise is performed 8-10 times.

Use equipment: then the efficiency will increase. Watch the video "How to use Scandinavian walking poles to warm up". The instructor will tell you why warm-up exercises are needed and why it is better to do them with sticks.

How to use Scandinavian sticks correctly: walking technique and training intensity

The basic element of walking is the step. It is this movement that will have to be perfected to automatism.

  • Slightly tilt the body in front of you: remember this position;
  • Walk 100-200 meters, holding sticks in your hands, parallel to the ground. Pay attention to the countermovement of movements: the left leg is forward, the right arm is forward; right leg - left hand;
  • Take the sticks as you need, but do not push them off, but simply drag them along. Walk another 200-300 meters. Let the body get used to it;
  • Start pushing back. Do it according to the rhythm. Push at the same time: right stick, left heel, then vice versa.

If you need to increase the intensity of your workout, take a wider step and push harder with your arms.

The longer the sticks, the harder the workout. The appropriate length is calculated as follows: the height of the athlete in centimeters is multiplied by the coefficient:

  • 0.66: for preventive walking;
  • 0.68: for people with an average level of physical fitness;
  • 0.7: For regular strength training.

Round the resulting number to the nearest multiple of 5: this will be the optimal length

How to walk with sticks for Nordic walking: adjusting the position of the hands

The equipment is equipped with a lanyard: this is the name of a special loop into which the athlete sticks his hand. It helps hold the stick and guides the movement. The lanyard resembles the bell of an ordinary glove with a hole for the thumb.

In the correct position, the loop does not press on the brush. The diameter is adjustable: if you feel discomfort, adjust the position with the clasp.

The hands work in the same way as when skiing. In the starting position, they are bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees. In the highest position, the arm stops at 45°, in the lowest position it is at the level of the pelvis.

How to walk correctly on Scandinavian sticks: instructions, recommendations, work on mistakes

Let's look at the mistakes that beginners usually make:

  • use sticks for other sports: trekking, mountain and skiing. You cannot do this - firstly, you will not achieve the correct technique, and secondly, you will be injured;
  • turn the body to push: in the starting position, the body is slightly tilted forward. Keep this in mind when the urge to turn around arises;
  • they put pressure on the stick with a brush: this puts a load on the wrist, and not on the shoulder girdle. Push off with the force of the elbow;
  • step synchronously: the right hand always moves simultaneously with the left foot. This is the basic rule.

Listen to your body: drink water as needed and do not limit yourself in food. Replenish lost energy with protein and complex carbohydrates.

During training, the athlete should not experience discomfort. Always dress for the weather. Ideally, use several layers of clothing: this will create a comfortable microclimate. Choose tried-and-tested shoes and wear two pairs of loose socks - corns that appear will ruin even a productive walk.

The last hearty meal should be 3-4 hours before training. All the calories consumed after will settle as an unpleasant ballast. Avoid caffeinated foods and drinks immediately after your walk.

The nutrition program is compiled individually, depending on what result you want to achieve.

The main rule is to volunteer. The maximum benefit will bring a walk that you enjoy. Calculate your strength, choose a scenic trail, and if necessary, take a few breaks. Enjoy!

How to walk with Scandinavian sticks: video