Inflict a strong curse. How to put a curse on someone. Kick annoying neighbors out of your house

How to spoil a needle

To cause damage you will need a needle; its size does not matter. Buy it without haggling. Also, when buying an igloo, you cannot take change, so give money for payment. If possible, do not talk to the seller. It’s better not to talk to him at all, as well as to other people.

While you are going for the needle, mentally concentrate on the goal. Accumulate and increase within yourself the desire to punish your enemy. It is advisable that the ritual be performed on the same day that the needle is purchased.

Time of the ritual.

Damage needle , like other rituals designed to impose a negative program, are done on the waning moon. For greater effect, you can accurately determine the day of the week and hour. You can read about how to determine the exact time for performing magical operations in the article - “Time for witchcraft.”

The hex should be pronounced 3-5 times. While pronouncing the hex, it is necessary that your breath touches the needle. When you say the name of the victim, mentally visualize his image.

Once everything is done, stick the needle into the victim's door frame or place it under the threshold. This needs to be done as quickly as possible. Ideally on the same night. Try to do everything so that the needle is not noticed. Remember, if the needle is thrown away by anyone, damage needle will lose its power.

If you find a needle near the entrance to your home, you need to do the following. Take it, but not with your bare hands, then break it with a curse:

How to cast a curse on a person Part 2 - practical methods

Attention! Article " How to cast a curse on a person"is for informational purposes only and is published as information about one of the esoteric practices of black magic. The site administration and the author of the article do not bear any responsibility for the consequences that occur as a result of applying this information in practice (read the legal disclaimer for more details).

So, in the first part of the article - “How to send a curse” we looked at theoretical issues. In the second part we will look at purely practical methods of placing a curse on a person. As you remember, at the end of the first part of the article three types of curses were identified - contact, non-contact and ritual curse. Since ritual curse is a separate, rather large topic, which also requires great qualifications from the master, we will not consider it, but we will dwell on the contact and non-contact methods in more detail.

Before reading the second part of the article, we strongly recommend reading the first, otherwise you may not understand many points related to the techniques of cursing a person - “How to send a curse Part 1».

How to cast a curse on a person - a general approach

In a practical sense, the curse of a person is presented as a process consisting of several elements. The first element is a psychological attack, which allows you to convey a negative program to the victim and awaken in him a worldview of a curse. The second element is the affirmation in the victim’s mind of the ideological picture of the curse on a conscious and subconscious level, as if the victim is aware of the fact that he is cursed, accepting this as a given. The third element is the direct action of the negative program in the consciousness of the victim. At the same time, the negative program receives energy for destruction directly from the ideological picture of the curse in a person’s head, i.e. subsequently, the magician’s energy is not required; it is necessary only at the first stage. And finally, the fourth element is finishing. In order for you, dear reader, to understand what I am talking about, I will give an example.

Imagine that you cast a curse on a person, let’s say it was a curse to the face (more on this below), then to use finishing, about a week later you call the victim by phone or send an SMS, an email (the method is not important) and say “ You are cursed, remember that!

Why is finishing necessary? The fact is that each person’s susceptibility to curses is different, there are more and there are less susceptible people. So, finishing off, as it were, reactivates the worldview of the curse in the victim’s head, not allowing him to get rid of it. Such an element of a person’s curse as finishing is not always used and is not a mandatory element, however, when used, it can greatly enhance its effects.

In general, the process of placing a curse on a person looks like this:

A person who is about to impose a curse should think about the consequences of such a step. After all, a curse is a conscious negative impact, committed with the help of special magic phrases, which can lead to illness, collapse of material well-being, and even death of the one to whom it is addressed.

The history of curses goes back to the ancient world, when there were many Gods, each ancient tribe lived according to its own way of life and turned to shamans and sorcerers on all life issues. To maintain their power, the priests and wise men cursed those who disobeyed on behalf of the Gods, expelled them from the tribe and deprived them of all communication. Naturally, it was almost impossible for the exile himself to survive, and the death that befell him was considered confirmation of the effect of the curse.

Later, with the advent of Christianity, the church also continued to use the tool of curses in order to assert its supremacy over the world. Anathema was imposed on all non-believers. The heretic faced excommunication from the church and denial of the salvation of his soul after death.

At the same time, folk beliefs, preserved from the times of paganism, spread knowledge about the power of witchcraft, tribal and curses of individual nationalities (for example, gypsies).

Natural sciences, which discovered the concept of the materiality of thought, confirmed the theory about the action of curses as thoughts and word forms energetically enhanced by negativity, which can affect the life of a guilty person and accelerate his death.

Types of curses, characteristics

Interested in how to curse a person, an inexperienced person is faced with many options for magical effects. This diversity made it possible to build a certain classification of curses according to the subject (the one who applies them):

  • Witchcraft curse. This type is done by practicing magicians and sorcerers.
  • Ancestral curse. It is also called parental, when the effect of magic extends to the entire family or a specific branch (a direct relative curses - mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, etc.)
  • Religious curse. The fate prepared for non-believers and those who do not comply with the tenets of religion (in different beliefs).
  • The curse of the "evil ones". When a person is cursed by an offended beggar or wretched person. This also includes gypsy curses.
  • Household curses. Voiced in conflicts and quarrels between people connected by everyday life (relatives, spouses, neighbors).
  • Self-curses. Constant negative self-talk that triggers a program of self-destruction. Only constant work on yourself and seeking help from a specialist (psychologist, psychotherapist) will help here.

In a fit of strong negative emotions, anyone can impose an effective curse: a wife on her unlucky husband: “You ruined my whole life, so you should die!”, a mother on her disobedient daughter: “It would be better if you weren’t born!” “I don’t have a daughter anymore, damn you!”, to friends in the heat of a quarrel, “May you be empty!” Angry, cursing phrases fly out of the mouth unconsciously, but the threat from the words is great.

Much stronger are magical spells that are specially prepared and used consciously, as do black magicians, witches, and gypsies who are aware of the consequences. Equal to them in power are perhaps curses expressed by a person on his deathbed.

Curses also include such forms of negativity as damage, evil eye, conspiracy, love spell. They all use words charged with dark energy, enhanced by specially selected magical attributes (photos, candles, needles, pieces of clothing, hair, blood of the victim).

How to avoid a boomerang when casting a curse

Interfering with energetically charged words in someone else's fate often entails a backlash when the negative wish intensifies and returns to its sender (boomerang effect). Then a carelessly expressed curse turns against the person who gave birth to it. You can avoid “return” (a term in occultism) if you control your emotions and prevent an outburst of negativity towards other people.

There is no protection against the return of negativity as such, even among magicians. But they are protected from someone else’s negative energy when casting a curse on someone if they themselves do not seek revenge against the recipient (they are simply doing the job). Indeed, often deceived wives, angry at their husband for cheating, take his photograph and take it to the sorcerers, asking to punish the infidel and his passion.

If you really regret the curse and do not have malicious intent, forgiving the person against whom the cursing words were spoken will help get rid of the opposite effect.

You just have to apologize sincerely and clarify what exactly you are asking for forgiveness for.

Finally, I would like to help those who suffer from the effects of the curse or may suffer in the future. Words spoken with anger towards you will have no effect if in response you do not support the quarrel. Smile at the person and wish him happiness and health - you will see how all the negativity will immediately dry up, or the one spewing curses will fall silent mid-sentence.

To protect against gypsy damage, a strong swear word is well suited: swearing prevents the introduction into a state of trance, which is often practiced by people of this nationality, and gives strength to resist the onslaught of a verbal stream in an incomprehensible language.

If the conflict has already taken place, and you are very worried about the words you heard, do not even think about contacting your opponent in the coming days, much less letting him into the house and giving him any of your things - this way you will only consolidate the curse placed on you and help the enemy avoid the “return”. It’s better to go to church, temple, light candles for this person’s health, confess and pray.

All rituals are of varying complexity, so even novice sorcerers can cope with some. Most often, such rituals consist of only 1 action. The magician should take the image of the victim and place it in the coffin of the deceased.

This does not require additional attributes or spells. As a result, the deceased will not calm down until he takes the victim of damage to himself - to the next world. You can place a photograph under the head or clothing of the dead person. But the damage will work best if the image of the victim is placed next to the heart.

Often, an icon is used as a lining, which previously lies between the palms of the deceased. The sorcerer's task is to remove it and place it under the victim's bed.

In this case, the dead person will also come to the person, trying to return what belongs to him. The soul of the deceased will not be able to go to another world until it takes with it the one to whom it was attached.

Carrying out such a ritual is quite risky. If the victim finds an icon in his bed and takes it back to the dead man, then the entire magical curse will fall on the one who made it.
You can strengthen the ritual by choosing a deceased person with the same name as the victim.

If the magician uses the thread with which the hands of the deceased were tied and throws it to the living namesake, then the deceased will not just come for the victim. As the corpse decomposes, the victim's vitality will also fade.

Even an inexperienced magician can do damage to death. But for this you need to have a sufficient supply of energy. There are at least two fairly simple rituals that an inexperienced magician can do. In order for them to work, you need to concentrate all your hatred towards a certain person and the desire to harm him.

Black magic - damage to death using dead water

People call dead water the water with which the deceased was previously washed. Picking it up won't be difficult if there are a lot of people in the house. The main thing is that no one notices that you poured this liquid into a vessel and took it for yourself.

If it is not possible to get the necessary liquid, take plain water and wash the 3 crosses in the cemetery with it. Then collect it in a container.

Along with this article they read: conspiracy to death.

The victim should be given this liquid for three days. During this period, you need to use up all the collected water. And at the funeral of the deceased, who was washed with the water used for the ritual, take a loaf of bread and, plunging a knife into it, whisper:

I change Nav to Yav. You, dead man, find a victim, and turn Yav to Nav.

The knife must be rotated in the bread 3 times counterclockwise. In order for the curse on death to act faster, take a tablecloth from the funeral and shake off all the debris from it onto the back of the person who has been cursed.

Ritual with a black rooster

For the ritual, the sorcerer needs a T-shirt or shirt from the victim. It is advisable to get the one that he wears most often. At midnight, lay the shirt on the ground, take a live black rooster and slaughter the bird right above the victim's clothes. The blood of the bird must drench the grunt. The more blood, the better. Then whisper:

Just as a black rooster summons unclean spirits, so its blood attracts demons to the name of the river.

Place a killed rooster and a ritual knife on your shirt, tie everything tightly in a knot. Now go to the intersection of paths and bury the package there, accompanying the action with already known words. You need to leave the place of the ceremony without turning around and without talking to anyone.

A curse or damage involves the use of energy to destroy a person’s habitual way of life on the part of ill-wishers. And if you can jinx someone unconsciously, then inducing any damage is a conscious process, which involves performing special rituals. An offended or disappointed person, in a fit of emotion, may wonder how to damage a person.

And not everyone understands the power of such a ritual and its negative side. Therefore, before making a decision and choosing a ritual, it is best to once again weigh the pros and cons of this ritual, because its consequences can affect all participants, and not just the victim. Methods of negative magical influence In most cases, a person who wonders how to damage death, impose a curse, or at least put the evil eye on a person, dreams of one thing - revenge.

Moral harm, physical injuries or financial troubles - revenge is dictated by rather strong emotions, which are very difficult to fight. However, it should be remembered that damage must be carried out either by a professional magician or a person familiar with this area.

Errors and inaccuracies in the ritual can contribute to the opposite result. And sometimes even a ritual performed correctly can be accompanied by side effects and consequences for the performer. The most common methods of inducing negativity on a person: curse or damage from a photo. A fairly popular and very affordable way is to use photography.

This is due to the fact that the photograph, if taken no earlier than a year before the ritual, is a strong link between the ritual performer and the victim. It is not difficult to damage a photograph and, depending on your intentions, the impact can be on various areas of a person’s life. using genetic material. Among magicians, it is considered great luck to possess the genetic material of a person.

This is explained by the fact that in this case, controlling the owner of hair or nails becomes a simple process. Using particles from the human body to induce a negative effect is an option that is highly effective. Additionally, a curse can also be made using the victim's hair or nails. using needles, nails and other piercing objects. Damage can be carried out using piercing objects on which the plot is read.

Usually the last stage of the ritual is driving or threading a charmed nail or needle into the doorframe of the victim or burying it in a place where the person on whom you want to apply negativity usually walks. using water. To cast a spell on an unwanted person, you may need water. As a rule, the water you need is not ordinary. Most often, water is used after washing the deceased or swamp liquid. The use of this composition can also be used when a curse is made. using cemetery items. Earth from the cemetery, elements of the grave and other similar attributes can be used to cause damage or impose a curse. damage to the figure. This ritual is similar to voodoo corruption.

To perform it, you will need a figurine that will be identified with the victim. To create it, depending on the ritual, you will need to use either a photograph or human genetic material. The difference between the two negative influences Before you begin choosing the necessary ritual to punish the offender, you need to clearly understand the difference between damage and the evil eye. The main difference is intentionality. If hexing is a purposeful and conscious process, then you can jinx a person unconsciously. The evil eye is a negative bioenergetic effect of one person on another. You can put the evil eye on almost anyone, you can be quite envious, or you can just look askance. It is believed that it is impossible to control such exposure.

However, people with a weak biofield and character or without energy protection are most susceptible to the evil eye. Therefore, it is impossible to specifically jinx anyone and there is no ritual for performing the evil eye. Hexing or cursing is done with the help of special rituals and is a method of negative influence that is completely subject to a person and controlled by him. Depending on the purpose of the ritual, you can perform various rituals: damage from a photo, a ritual with a needle, or a ritual in a cemetery - the choice is yours. Negative effects on health A fairly common ritual for weakening a person’s immunity and linking various diseases to it is considered photo damage.

It is very important to take a responsible approach to choosing a photograph. There should be only one victim on it. Try to use a relatively recent photo: the photo should not be more than a year old. On the waning moon, you need to go to the cemetery at night and find the grave of your enemy’s namesake, and then bury the photo in the grave soil with the words: “I’ll bury it, I’ll bury it, I’ll bring trouble, I’ll help to jinx it, So that health is not enough for a happy life, So that illnesses surround, grief accompanies ! After pronouncing the words, when the photograph is not visible under the layer of earth, you need to leave the cemetery without looking back. The damage from the photo begins to take effect immediately after the ritual is completed. Strong magical influence To impose a curse on a person, you will need his genetic material. After you have a few hairs or a piece of nail, you need to read the spell: “I conjure, I cast a spell, I help to cast the evil eye. I place a curse on the slave (name). So that life does not seem like honey, Misfortunes and troubles do not decrease, Diseases, worries and bad luck only increase. Don't live, don't enjoy it. So that all the illnesses would attack him, cast the evil eye on him, and so that everything would be bad!” After reading the plot, a nail or hair must be discreetly placed in the coffin of the deceased who is about to be buried. This must be done no later than three days after reading the plot. Otherwise, the curse will not be applied.

Ritual for failures To eliminate a competitor in business or to take revenge on an enemy, this ritual can be used. For this you will need the water that was used to wash the deceased. The text of the conspiracy is compiled in any form. But try to clearly formulate in it what you want and what you want for your enemy. Read this plot into the water and on the same day the liquid must be poured onto your enemy’s doorstep. The versatility of this ritual is that it can be used to influence various areas of the enemy’s life.

Now there are many ways to cause damage. We will look at the most famous of them:

Food spell. Here something edible is taken, special words are read over it, and then this food is placed on the person who is being negatively targeted. The charmed food is always thrown into the opponent's house unnoticed. It can also simply be placed close to the enemy’s house, for example, on the porch.

Damage based on photographs. In this case, damage can be caused at a distance. It doesn't matter where the enemy is at this moment. For example, if he lives in Cheboksary, and you are in Moscow, then you can still cause damage. But it is worth remembering that your energy must be several times stronger than that of your opponent, otherwise you will not be able to bring negativity to the offender through a photo.

Voodoo magic has greater destructive power. In this case, damage is caused by using the doll of the offender. A doll is sewn from any fabric, which will then be named after the enemy. It contains a special program aimed at destroying the enemy or inflicting on him a series of troubles, misfortunes and severe illnesses. This doll is pierced with a large number of needles and a special spell is read out.

Before choosing a method, you first need to decide on the purpose of inducing negativity. For example, in order to spoil death, you need to use some objects from the cemetery: earth from the graves, ropes from the deceased, or something like that. In most cases, they take soil from the graves and cast a special conspiracy on it. The rope used to bandage the legs and arms of a deceased person before burial has powerful negative energy. Such ropes are “hunted” by the worst magicians and sorcerers who are engaged in causing damage to death.

It is necessary to go outside at night on the 6th day of the waxing moon, while holding a small bag with a small amount of salt in your hands. This bag needs to be made from any fabric. The following words of the spell should be pronounced on the salt:


It is necessary to pronounce these words on the street, and not at home. If the plot is read in your home, then the negativity will not go to the enemy, but will remain with you. The contents of the bag must be placed on the enemy before the end of the day. If a day passes and you still have salt, you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible, for example, flush it down the toilet. Under no circumstances should you allow salt to remain in your house; this threatens that what you have planned against the enemy will certainly happen in your life.

For this ritual you need a photo of the enemy. Also, to perform this ritual you will need black paper, a black pen and a thread of the same color. Needed for the ritual are candles - 6 pieces. Damage can be caused using this method any day. You need to light the candles, draw a cross on the photo and say the following words:


After pronouncing the spell, you need to wrap a photograph of the enemy in a black piece of paper and tie it with thread. In this case, you need to tie 6 knots and drop six drops of wax from a burning candle on top. Then it all needs to be hidden, and after sixty-six days, burned in the fire of black candles.

You can also follow the trail of your opponent, with whom you have developed hostile relations, and say special words. You need to take 6 steps and cast the following spell on each of them:


This ritual will make your enemy repent of what he has done. When performing the ritual, there is no need to walk steps directly behind the enemy’s back; it will be enough to walk along his daily route, known to you.

To carry out this ritual of damage, you should visit the cemetery on any Tuesday and always late in the evening. There you need to find a grave with the burial of a person whose name matches the name of your opponent. The following incantation is pronounced at the grave:


Then you need to take the earth from the grave and put it on the enemy’s threshold so that he comes into contact with it. In this case, the result will not be long in coming and the damage will immediately begin to take effect. If the enemy does not touch the ground with any part of his body, then it will be enough for him to simply step over it. But the effect will be weakened.

How to properly damage a photo?

Damage from a photo is a serious and powerful ritual with which you can inflict significant damage on your opponent. Many may underestimate this type of damage, but this should not be done. In fact, rituals performed with photographs have many nuances that should be observed.

Firstly, damage can only be done by an experienced sorcerer. A beginner should not take on such an undertaking. You may simply not be able to cope with the Higher Power that is invoked through the ritual. In the end, you will suffer more, not the victim.

Secondly, choose the right image. If there are other people or animals in the photo, the victim’s face is blurry, or the photo is old, then the ritual will not work. You won't have enough energetic material to really hurt the person that much. That's why:

the photo should be taken no more than 6 months ago (it is better to photograph the person yourself a week before the ceremony);

use an image in which the person is standing at full height;

Avoid other creatures appearing in the photo.

If in the ritual there is an opportunity to tell the Dark Forces in your own words what you want, try to formulate your desires clearly. Remember that many phrases have double meanings. It is better to prepare words of appeal to the forces of Darkness in advance.

Be aware of the consequences. Be sure to protect yourself from the effects of pullbacks. Otherwise, if the damage is eliminated, you will find yourself a victim of your own magic.

What is a curse (damage, evil eye, etc.)? I think in our time everyone can answer this question. Damage is a negative program that can affect health, luck, family relationships, work affairs and other areas of a person’s life and activity. In order to punish an enemy, you don’t have to be a magician; it’s enough just to wish something unkind at an inopportune hour.

There are certain planetary hours during which a powerful negative program will find its victim and cause harm to her. Of course, a magician (or, if you prefer, a sorcerer) has a much greater chance of achieving success in “inducing damage,” i.e. sending a negative destructive program, because he knows how to use his power. Unlike an ordinary person, a sorcerer will not waste energy on anger, hatred and other useless emotions, but instead will concentrate his intention on the task at hand - cursing his victim.

Methods of damage described by Gerard Encausse (Papus)

  1. We need to get the water that was used to wash the deceased. They pour this water on the door of their enemy and splash it on his back. Those around you will treat the spoiled one coldly and unfriendly, and avoid meeting with him. For the same purposes, soap is used, which was used to wash the deceased. You need to smear it on the doorknob of your enemy’s house, and also make sure that he washes his hands with them.
  2. Volt is a figurine representing the enemy. It should be made of wax in such a way that it is as similar as possible to the one who needs revenge. It is advisable to dress this figurine in a dress of the same style that the enemy prefers, as well as have his hair, nails and another mummy. Pieces of prosphora or a few drops of St. are added to the volt. oil The made figurine is baptized and named after its enemy. Then it is pricked, cut, burned or buried. Since the figurine is brought into rapport with the person, all damage it receives will be reflected on the subject. There are other ways to make a voodoo doll.
  3. On the day of Venus (Friday), you should get the hair of your enemy and tie one knot on it for nine days. To punish the enemy, on the ninth day he should be wrapped in virgin parchment (a blank sheet) and struck. The enemy will receive the blows.
  4. In the case when it is not possible to get the mummy of your enemy (hair, nails, blood, etc.), you can use the following method. Having noticed a mark left by an ill-wisher on the ground or in the snow, drive four nails into it in the shape of a cross. When hammering nails, you should focus on wishing the enemy various disasters. Another way of spoiling is to remove the trace left from the ground with a knife, take it home and burn it with appropriate wishes. The success of this operation depends entirely on the ability to focus on wishing the enemy illnesses, etc.
  5. Damage to the wind. You should stand at an intersection (the intersection of two paths) so that the wind blows towards the enemy’s home. The sorcerer takes a handful of dust, earth or snow and throws it into the wind with the appropriate spell. There are many formulas for such spells, but success depends on the concentration of your intention, and not on the spoken words. Here is one text of the spell for the wind:

A curse can be aimed at a person, place or even an object. Whether the curse will be successful depends on how protected the target is currently.

The curse can last for years and even after death, pursuing the goal of its next incarnations.
A curse is an active attempt to "break" someone else's free will. This violation of the highest spiritual Law instantly lowers our spiritual vibrations.
Signs that may indicate you are cursed:

1. You found scary/strange stuff in your house.

Witches who target a victim must make contact in order to effectively curse you. To do this, they need to use several methods. The most common tool of Dark Witches is Fear. Fear binds people. If you are cursed, it will most likely happen as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Psychologically speaking, we will be convinced that we are acting like damned people, losing our minds and submitting to someone else's will...

2. Strange symbols in your home

Likewise, witches may need to "mark" your territory with a sign or demonic talisman. Finding "magical" talismans or a symbol of unknown origin on your property means that a witch or someone who represents a "witch" has been there. This symbol may have been inscribed with a knife (ritual dagger) or paint with magical ink.
In fact, it could be vandalism. Call the police if you feel you should report vandalism on your property, as it could mean someone may be trying to intimidate you.

3. “Missing” photos

It is believed that photographs (especially old or non-digital ones) contain a piece of your energy. They can actually act as a reference to the person or place being photographed. They are used as a focal point for many rituals, both good and evil. Therefore, missing photos from your room or home means that someone might be stealing them to use them for dark rituals or again, just trying to scare you.

4. No underwear or VERY personal items.

Underwear or clothing (especially worn-out ones) have a strong auric imprint; they are saturated with it. The same applies to your personal items (such as your watch). This powerful energy can be used as a reference in rituals for both good and bad purposes.
5. Unidentified Liquids on Your Doorstep or Elsewhere on Your Property Once upon a time, a witch might have used enchanted potions to strike you or your home. To do this, the liquid must be spilled around the house, inside it or on the threshold. Finding such liquids along with iron nails or scattered glasses may mean that someone is trying to curse or intimidate you.
What to do:
If you don't know the origin of the liquid, call a professional to clean up the substance from your area. Pour Holy Water over the area AFTER everything is cleaned.

6. Random pain

Psychic Attack - The curse interacts with your energy matrix, which you likely feel as pain. Therefore, this pain is actually a warning from your aura that something bad has happened. Especially if this pain is no different than anything you have ever felt or affected a part of your body that is 100% healthy.
What to do:
Call your doctor. Any pain should be examined by a doctor first. Watch out for pain.

7. Houseplants get sick

If your houseplants are getting sick for no reason, you need to check the soil first.
Typically, witches prefer to bury enchanted objects in indoor plants.
Houseplants get sick easily because they have no effective way to cleanse their aura. They will be the first to suffer.
What to do: Examine the soil and pot. If a mystical or unidentified object or liquid is discovered, prepare to cleanse. Get rid of the item.
Go to church, pray, light a candle for your health.

8. Pets or local animals are acting strange

Typically, a curse attracts low vibrational entities who lurk around the cursed target. Consequently, animals that are more sensitive to poisoning spirits and/or energies behave strangely. Consider the following examples:
Birds - usually crows - fly around your home or property. Dogs bark for no reason. At least that's what you think...Cats are staring into space. At least that's what you think...Cats adopt a defensive posture. Ants (especially red ones) migrate to a new location. What to do:
Watch the animals' behavior carefully. Try using prayers for cleaning or rinsing your home with Holy water. Do animals behave differently now?

9. Seeing someone cursing you in their dreams

Usually, witches who curse and anger people tend to make mistakes. Therefore, they do not hide their “psychic traces”. Hence, an intuitive but cursed target may persistently see the target in his/her dreams. This could be a warning sign.
What to do:
Ask yourself: is there a reason why this person is cursing me? If you think you might do something bad to this person, try to make things right.

10. Dark omens

The appearance of a blue butterfly is an omen that Magic is present here.
Crows and owls also attract magic, both good and evil. If an owl hoots before dawn or a raven accidentally crosses your path, try to see what's going on.
What to do:
Watch the signs patiently. Write them down. Consult healers, go to church.

11. You see will-o'-the-wisps

Will-o'-the-wisps are bad omens of Dark Magic or even Death. They are also known as "cadaver candles". It is an atmospheric ghostly yellow, greenish or pale white orb that appears to follow someone.
What to do:
Don't follow them, cross yourself and go another way.

12. Protective amulets do not work or disappear

Amulets are worn so that they take on all damage instead of protecting a person or home. Therefore, when an amulet is destroyed or disappeared, it means that its energy has been absorbed.
What to do:
Replace the Amulet with a new one! Don't use broken one.

What is a curse (damage, evil eye, etc.)? I think in our time everyone can answer this question. Damage is a negative program that can affect health, luck, family relationships, work affairs and other areas of a person’s life and activity. In order to punish an enemy, you don’t have to be a magician; it’s enough just to wish something unkind at an inopportune hour.

There are certain planetary hours during which a powerful negative program will find its victim and cause harm to her. Of course, a magician (or, if you prefer, a sorcerer) has a much greater chance of achieving success in “inducing damage”, i.e. sending a negative destructive program, because he knows how to use his power.

Unlike an ordinary person, a sorcerer will not waste energy on anger, hatred and other useless emotions, but instead will concentrate his intention on the task at hand - cursing his victim.

Methods of damage described by Gerard Encausse (Papus)

1. You need to get the water that was used to wash the deceased. They pour this water on the door of their enemy and splash it on his back. Those around you will treat the spoiled one coldly and unfriendly, and avoid meeting with him. For the same purposes, soap is used, which was used to wash the deceased. You need to smear it on the doorknob of your enemy’s house, and also make sure that he washes his hands with them.

2. Volt - a figure representing the enemy. It should be made of wax in such a way that it is as similar as possible to the one who needs revenge. It is advisable to dress this figurine in a dress of the same style that the enemy prefers, as well as have his hair, nails and another mummy. Pieces of prosphora or a few drops of St. are added to the volt. oil The made figurine is baptized and named after its enemy. Then it is pricked, cut, burned or buried. Since the figurine is brought into rapport with the person, all damage it receives will be reflected on the subject. There are others

3. On the day of Venus (Friday), you should get the hair of your enemy and tie one knot on it for nine days. To punish the enemy, on the ninth day he should be wrapped in virgin parchment (a blank sheet) and struck. The enemy will receive the blows.

4. In the case when it is not possible to get the mummy of your enemy (hair, nails, blood, etc.), you can use the following method. Having noticed a mark left by an ill-wisher on the ground or in the snow, drive four nails into it in the shape of a cross. When hammering nails, you should focus on wishing the enemy various disasters. Another way of spoiling is to remove the trace left from the ground with a knife, take it home and burn it with appropriate wishes. The success of this operation depends entirely on the ability to focus on wishing the enemy illnesses, etc.

5. Damage to the wind. You should stand at an intersection (the intersection of two paths) so that the wind blows towards the enemy’s home. The sorcerer takes a handful of dust, earth or snow and throws it into the wind with the appropriate spell. There are many formulas for such spells, but success depends on the concentration of your intention, and not on the spoken words.

6. Damage caused to trade. Between the doors or on the threshold of your enemy’s store or office, you should sprinkle salt with a cross and say the following spell:

The mechanism of damage - how it works

Unlike the spectacular rituals of black magic, which can be observed in almost any second-rate horror film, the induction of damage is not accompanied by explosions and flashes of light, nor by the sacrifice of human victims. Very often the sorcerer (or witch) does not manifest himself in any way at all - he does not need to intimidate the victim and communicate his intentions.

To perform some rituals, it is necessary to use a kind of “binding” - a material object with which the victim will come into physical contact. Another way to punish an enemy is to leave the object in the house (or on the doorstep) of the victim. Nails, needles, soil from a cemetery, photographs, salt and other objects that carry a negative program are often used as binding. More complex methods of damage involve making a volt (voodoo doll), which is first brought into rapport with the victim, and then pierced with needles, burned or buried in compliance with all rituals. The last method brings the most.

Why does damage work? To answer this question, you must first understand what type of energy impact belongs to. Depending on the “qualification” of the magician, an astral or mental attack can be carried out on the victim. Astral influence includes the work of village sorcerers and sorceresses who enter into an agreement with “evil spirits,” or, more simply, with astral entities capable of providing minor services to the person who called them.

The disadvantages of this method of corruption are obvious - firstly, the magician has no real power over the entities he has summoned, and secondly, such assistants will require their payment. Of course, they won’t take your soul, but they will take a lot of energy. Mental influence requires higher qualifications. The magician performing it understands that the ritual of inflicting damage in itself does not have an effect on the victim, but serves as a means of concentrating his intention.

The mechanism of action of the curse is extremely simple - first the magician creates a stable thought form, a negative program (a wish for illness, death, etc.). This program is created at the stage when a certain ritual is performed - the text of the spell is pronounced, a doll is made. Then the thought form is released, for which the magician must completely throw out the image of the one whom he cursed from his head. If the sorcerer does not manage to quickly get rid of the mental image, then there is a possibility of “pulling” part of the negative program onto himself. However, magicians usually play it safe - in case of a backlash, they always charm an animal or a person who will take the blow upon themselves.

How to punish the enemy. Other methods of damage

Magic provides many opportunities to take revenge on your offender and enemy. We present to your attention several ways to damage a person.

1. To make the offender sick and suffer, you should take a new needle and drip wax on it, reading the following text of the spell:

The needle should be inserted discreetly into the clothing worn by the offender.

2. If a blood relative is killed, or an enemy has caused you a serious offense, then you can resort to the following method of damage. To punish the enemy, they wipe away their tears with a handkerchief and say something like this:

3. Some methods of damage allow you to cruelly punish the enemy. If you want to seriously ruin the offender’s life, then you can use this method. On the eve of the full moon, seven candles should be lit at midnight and arranged in such a way as to form a circle. Seven nails are placed in the center of the circle, over which you need to pronounce the spell seven times:

After the candles burn out, you need to wrap the nails in black cloth and throw them under the threshold of the offender. Only nails are left on the threshold, and the fabric itself is buried at midnight near the cemetery fence on the inside.

4. A simpler way of damage, allowing you to punish the enemy. You should wait until the offender passes, and then whisper a few witchcraft lines into his back:

Words must be drawn out, like the hiss of a snake. You can replace the words “his” with “her”, “offender” with “offender”.

5. There are numerous ways of damage sent by the wind. To punish the enemy, you should read the black magic plot into the wind:

What is the danger of casting a curse

Even if we ignore the ethical side of this issue (after all, attacking with the help of magic is quite vile), there is a certain danger for a magician who causes damage. Firstly, there is always the possibility of a backlash that could hit the magician himself. A beginner does not always manage to transfer it to an animal or other victim.

A backlash can occur in two cases - if the damage is removed by a stronger sorcerer or if the negative program is reflected from the victim. Special talismans, and sometimes a simple mental attitude, can protect against the effects of damage. If a person does not believe in energetic influence (i.e. magic), then he creates a reliable mental block that prevents any astral attacks. In this case, all the negativity is reflected and finds the one who sent it. But the mental block only protects against the influence of low-skilled magicians.

In most cases, there will be no backlash (not everyone will look for a magician who can remove the damage), but the energy attack will not go without retribution. According to the law of cause and effect (in India it is called), sooner or later you will have to answer for your actions. The consequences can manifest themselves in different ways; these can be health problems, troubles with loved ones, and the complete collapse of any financial endeavors. Resort to such mental influence as damage only in the most extreme cases.