Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Vorobyovy Gory. Can an unbaptized person go to church? Is it possible for unbaptized people to go to church?

1. Is it possible for an unbaptized person to light a candle when coming to church? Worldly people speak differently.

Everyone can light candles in the Church: both baptized and unbaptized. If only it was from the heart, and not formally, out of pride and vanity. You also need to realize that a candle symbolizes human life. This means that we should not live in the vanity of this world, but with all our souls we should strive upward towards God, just as a candle strives upward with its flame. Everything we do in the Church is not magic. There must be our participation, assistance, movement towards God. Then the Lord will help. By lighting a candle without participation, we will only smoke the walls of the temple. There should be nothing formal in the temple, but everything should be holy, that is, dedicated to God. Formalism corrodes the church body. Previously, atheists destroyed the Church from the outside, but now formalists are destroying It from the inside.

And among our priests there are many excellent spiritual mentors and psychologists. All priests receive spiritual education, which in many ways is not inferior to higher secular education. At ordination, priests receive the gift of compassionate love. I will not exaggerate if I say that Orthodox priests are even much better than the movie Mexican ones. It’s just that many people are embarrassed to approach them and ask about something important. Many people still have old Soviet stereotypes towards priests. The problem is that we have few priests (they have been mercilessly exterminated and compromised over the last 70 years) and most of them are still quite young, not wise with life experience. Priests are overloaded with solving all sorts of everyday and economic problems (where to get bricks, where is the iron for repairs or construction of a temple, etc.), which they should not deal with, and therefore cannot always pay sufficient attention to every person who comes to them. There are cities in which there is only one priest per 30-50 thousand inhabitants, but it would be necessary to have one priest per 3-5 thousand population. Look at the lower old part of the city of Tobolsk. Previously, on almost every street there was a magnificent church, in which services were held on Sundays and holidays. And now the system of spiritual education of the people is dilapidated and, with great difficulty, has only just begun to be restored.

3. There is an opinion that you need to confess only on your deathbed. Does confession only mean telling about your sins?

The idea that you only need to confess on your deathbed is wrong. In addition to the body, a person also has an immortal soul. Just as the body needs a certain hygiene, so the soul requires regular spiritual cleansing - confession. Without confession, the soul begins to harden and die spiritually. She becomes lukewarm, indifferent, insensitive to the misfortune of others, and incapable of self-sacrifice. It is no coincidence that the Russian people are dying out. About a million people die in the country every year. What is the main reason for this? The answer is obvious - mortal sins that people cannot and do not want to repent of. Many people are not even aware of their sins.

To confess means to admit what your conscience denounces. Since in modern post-Soviet society the lines between good and evil are almost indistinguishable, many people think that they live like everyone else, their conscience does not convict them of anything. But that's not true. We must examine (ask) our conscience in the light of God’s Commandments and the Gospel. We must not be afraid to call things by their proper names. For example, cohabitation with a married man is not called love, but fornication. What kind of love is this when others (legal wife, children, relatives) suffer because of it? Abortion should not be called artificial termination of pregnancy, but infanticide. Do not attribute premarital sexual relations and all other perversions of sex to the demands of nature, but deeply repent of the corruption of the purity of your body, the loss of virginity and live chastely. Theft should not be justified by the fact that everyone steals and that otherwise you cannot live on your salary, but sincerely repent of it and correct yourself. Sincere repentance for all these and other sins will significantly lighten the burden of your conscience. You will leave the temple inspired. Your life will change and take on a new sublime meaning.

4. Poor people, especially on Parents' Saturday, collect sweets, cookies, etc. left by relatives from graves; many are outraged by this. How does the Church feel about this?

In this case, these poor people should simply be pitied. There is nothing wrong with them collecting food from graves. They simply have nothing else to eat except what they find in trash cans and on graves. In general, there is no need to leave food at the grave. It is better to give food as alms to those in need. This will be of double benefit: both to the deceased and to you. Those who receive alms will pray for the deceased (if they know how), and the one who gives alms will learn mercy and compassion for the unfortunate.

5. Why do you have to go to some kind of training to baptize a child? That's what they told us at the temple.

We live in a secular (non-church) world. Before baptizing a child, he must first become a church member and receive the most basic information about the faith. Since the child is small and does not yet understand anything, his parents and godparents, who during the Soviet period did not have any information about faith, must join the church for him (learn the commandments of God, the basic prayers: “Our Father”, “Virgin Mother of God”, “Creed”) got. Parents and godparents take responsibility for raising the child. Baptism is not a formality, but an important life step. Before you do it, you need to think carefully. Only then will Baptism bring good spiritual fruits, otherwise it will lead to condemnation. Unfortunately, most of those who accept Baptism in our time then trample on their holy vows and no longer come to church. This does not go unnoticed for them. As can be seen from the standard of living and morality of the people, first spiritually, and then physically they die.

6. What prayer and which saints help you get pregnant?

They usually pray to the parents of the Most Holy Theotokos, Joachim and Anna, who also did not have children for a long time. The short prayer “Holy Saints Joachim and Anno, pray to God for us” with three prostrations should be added to morning and evening prayers every day. But prayer may not help if we do not eliminate the causes of infertility. The most common causes of infertility are abortion, premarital sex, and incontinence in married life. You need to repent of all this in confession and try to change your life. You should also know that sometimes the Lord does not give children to kind and pious people for a long time, as a test of their loyalty and love.

7. I want to start going to church. Once I came, I didn’t understand anything of what was happening there. It’s somehow scary to approach the priest, my grandmothers said I don’t understand what... What should I do, where to start?

Life in the Church begins with repentance. That is, you need to test your conscience, what it has accused you of throughout your life and come to church for confession. If you deeply repent of your sins, then you will feel that life outside the Church is meaningless. As you go to the temple, the meaning of what is happening in it will be revealed to you. In addition, there is now a lot of Orthodox literature that clearly explains the meaning of the service. If coming to confession is scary right away, then just go to church and pray as your soul tells you. In this way, a new spiritual world will gradually open up to you. But you need to arm yourself with patience and humility. Sometimes we may not immediately find in the temple what we expect. We may even encounter misunderstanding and rudeness. But it is not the Church that must be blamed for this, but specific people who bring their infirmities here. We must remember that in the Church it is not people or even priests who save, but the Lord. A believer goes to church to receive grace (the power of God), with the help of which he can soften his unkind heart, learn true love, meekness, mercy, and inherit eternal life.

8. Please explain what God’s Providence is and when you can resort to it in life?

They do not resort to the Providence of God. Each person, regardless of his own will, came into this world, which means he is already under the Providence of God. But the Lord in the world grants all people in the world, as rational beings, freedom of choice: either to remain under God’s Providence or to leave and enjoy imaginary freedom. Many people choose the latter and therefore suffer severely. But the Lord is not to blame for this. They are like naughty little children who pull their hand out of their mother’s hand, wanting to walk on their own, but quickly fall and break their forehead. If people repent of their actions, then the Lord is ready to take them back under His Providence. The Lord does not force anyone to follow Him.

9. Lost a loved one. A lot of time passed, but he never dreamed about it. There is a belief that if he doesn’t dream, it means he’s doing well in the “other world.” We people, in principle, are not believers, but I would like to think that there is still something after death. How does the Orthodox Church feel about this?

A deceased dear person does not have to be dreamed of. Although you consider yourself unbelievers, you learn to pray for him. Then your meeting is possible in a future life. The soul of every person, contrary to all reasonable arguments, feels that human life does not end after death. Even nature tells us this many times. For example, we know that it is winter now, the life of nature seems to have frozen, but spring will come and everything will come to life again. Night comes, but after it, we know, day will come. A grain of wheat in the ground dies, but dozens of new seeds grow from it.

10. Christmas time is coming soon. Does the Orthodox Church allow guessing, at least a little?

Christmastide is a special holy day when all people rejoice at the birth of Christ the Savior in the world. Usually, in the good old days, on Christmastide, people went to visit their many relatives and acquaintances, and caroled. Thus, people shared joy with each other, supported each other, if before they were at enmity, they made peace. This tradition is still preserved in those regions of Ukraine where the tornado of godlessness has been less severe. In Russia, unfortunately, over the last 70 godless years, people have become very divided. Families are rapidly being destroyed. We have now begun to bring only the people we need to visit us. We rarely think about relatives. There are, of course, exceptions, but this is the cruel and selfish rule of the reality around us. Fortune telling in this case will not help at all, but on the contrary, it will harden the heart even more. Those who turn to grandmothers-witches initially experience some satisfaction from the benefits received, but then usually pay with severe mental (mental) and physical disorders. So it’s better, even just a little bit, not to guess, but to go to church and pray with all your heart for your family and friends, so that there is more peace and love between them.

We all need love and consolation, especially when our souls are very bad. And many of us try to find consolation in God by going to church. But, unfortunately, not all of us were taught at one time how to go to church, what to do there, how to speak, what to wear, and so on. That's why we are so scared. But what to do?

Ignorance of the rules of behavior in the church should not stop those who strive for God. In order for your visit to church to be successful, you need to prepare for it by studying the rules of behavior in it. So, let's get started?

How to prepare

I hope that you know which church to go to, and if your church is Orthodox, then let’s try to figure out the rules for visiting it.

Before going to church you need to prepare and decide what to wear.

Women should attend church in modest clothing, preferably without heavy makeup. A deep neckline, open arms and knees are also not allowed. There should be a scarf on your head.

Should I go to church...

God's temple is open to everyone. The Lord will not object. This is the first time we all come in unbaptized, isn’t it? There are prayers for the unbaptized. The author can pray for her children and husband. The priests for the most part have a positive attitude towards the fact that an unbaptized person came to the Temple. In their opinion, he came to God. And this is good. If you decided to go to the temple for the first time and you have questions. Maybe you are now on the road that leads to the temple.

—Is it possible to pray and light candles for the health or repose of unbaptized people?

Good day! Of course, no one can prohibit such prayer. And why ban it? If your heart aches for a person, then why not pray?
A candle is a symbol of sacrifice, and you should not attach more importance to this than it actually is. Putting a cut and not praying is the same as screwing spark plugs into the engine, starting the engine and not going anywhere. It makes no sense.

They don’t serve it in the temple...

Topic: “Can an unbaptized person go to church?

Viewed 622 times

Can an unbaptized person go to church? (thirty)

I have children 5.5 and 4 years old who are not baptized, my husband is against it. Tell me, if you know, can I take them with me to church? Bagabum + 04/07/11 13:42 well, what’s the problem?)) of course you can)) just let them not participate in the rituals. What bothers your husband? Sigarera V.I.P. 04/07/11 14:28 What do you mean by rituals? To be honest, I don’t go to church very often myself. Is it possible to stand during the service, is it possible to be baptized or not, or to light candles? The husband is unbaptized and does not give his consent to the children's christening. But I think he won’t be against our going to church with the children. Bagabum + 04/07/11 14:58 It will not be possible to give communion to children. Submit notes on their health. Anonymous 04/07/11 15:05 Thank you Bagabum + 04/07/11 15:10 I meant the sacraments, of course)) you can’t receive communion, confess, and so on.
Honestly, I don’t understand why an unbaptized person should go to church to light candles and be baptized….

View full version: How to behave in church for an unbaptized person

Actually, a question.

I'm not going to be baptized. I treat the Orthodox religion with respect, as the religion of my ancestors and my people, but I myself am far from it.

And then I recently went to church (in a skirt, a headscarf, and didn’t get baptized). She stood there, thought about the eternal, and went out. I don’t rule out that I’ll have to come back in the future.

The question is:
How should an unbaptized person behave in church? Do I need to cross myself at the entrance?
Can an unbaptized person light candles and buy holy water?
Is it possible to light candles for an unbaptized person?
And what else do you need to know about this?

28-10-2008, 18:47

Formally, an unbaptized person is not allowed to do anything in the church. That is, of course, no one will forbid you anything, but for God it is as if you do not exist.


Tell me, please, how does the Church feel about the fact that an unbaptized person is present at a service and makes the sign of the cross? What should I do if I know that such a person is standing next to me?

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

We must rejoice and thank God that He brought him to the temple. In the ancient Church such people were called catechumens. The catechumens were divided into three degrees. The first degree was made up of those who listened, that is, those who declared their desire to join the Church and received the right to enter the temple to listen to the Holy Spirit. Scriptures and teachings. Catechumens of the second degree, falling or kneeling, had the right to be present in the temple during the entire liturgy of the catechumens. The third degree of catechumens were those who demanded, that is, those who were ready to receive the sacrament of baptism. They were informed of the most important part of Christian teaching - about the Holy Trinity, about the Church, etc. Before Holy Easter, those who wished to be baptized entered their names on the list of those being baptized,...

My mother is Muslim, my father is Orthodox, baptized. For some time now I have been drawn to church, I bought an icon of Matrona, she helps me when I ask. I decided to be baptized, but my mother did not approve of my decision and said that as a child I was taken to a mullah, according to the Muslim faith, i.e. I `m muslim.
I don’t feel like a Muslim, I don’t know the language, I don’t go to the mosque, I’m not drawn to it. I didn’t consciously choose to be Muslim. Yes, I respect this faith, because... This is my mother's religion, but nothing more. What should I do? Can I, unbaptized, go to church, be baptized, wear a cross? Or be baptized against the will of the mother?

Of course, you have every right and opportunity to accept Orthodox Baptism.
Listen to the call of God in your heart and act according to your will, because... Even God does not dare to violate the free will of man.
You can go to church, pray, make the sign of the cross (cross yourself with your hand) and venerate icons. And the pectoral cross...

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Question to the priest

Number of entries: 81

Good afternoon. I have 2 questions (similar). 1) Is it possible to mention suicides in morning prayer at home? 2) Is it possible to mention in morning prayer at home those who may not have been baptized (no one knows if he was baptized, but they say he always loved to draw crosses and loved God, I didn’t know him, he died more than 20 years ago, when he was young, his wife took it upon herself to perform the funeral service for him)?


Hello, Stanislav. At home, you can remember anyone and any way you want, but we must not forget the Apostle’s warning - everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. Pray for those you personally know or have known. Mainly for those who asked you about it, or you suggested it, and he agreed. Respect individual freedom.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello! Mom says that I am a baptized Tatar...

Home » General » We answer your questions about Epiphany water

We answer your questions about Epiphany water

Saint John Chrysostom said: “Christ was baptized and sanctified the nature of the waters; and therefore, on the feast of Epiphany, everyone, having drawn water at midnight, brings it home and keeps it all year. And so the water in its essence does not deteriorate from the continuation of time, but, drawn now, for a whole year, and often two or three, remains fresh and undamaged and after such a long time is not inferior to waters just drawn from sources.”

Believers treat Epiphany water with reverence and reverence, but very often questions arise related to its storage and use. We will answer the questions most often asked by parishioners of our churches.

On January 18 and 19, the blessing of water is performed according to one rite (that is, in the same way). Therefore, it makes no difference when you take it, because both waters are baptismal.

I can't take...


— The consecration of water is performed according to one rite (the same) on both January 18 and 19. Therefore, it makes no difference when you take the water - January 18 or 19, both of which are Epiphany waters.

The beneficial properties of Epiphany, or Epiphany, water are described in the rite of the Great Consecration. From this rite it follows that for believers, holy water becomes “the grace of deliverance, the source of incorruptibility, the gift of sanctification, the resolution of sins, the healing of ailments, the all-destroying of demons, the resistant forces of an impregnable and angelic fortress filled ...”

At the same time, certain superstitions have long been associated with Epiphany water. In addition to ancient superstitions, new ones have been born right before our eyes. Just 15-20 years ago, none of the believers had heard that water for Epiphany must be taken from seven churches. The pointlessness of this is obvious. It turns out...

Why is a temple called a church?

The word “Church” (translated from Greek as “gathering of the elect” means a gathering of people as a result of a call, an invitation. The apostles were chosen by Jesus Christ to unite into a gathering, that is, into the Church. Therefore, in the fullest sense, the concept of the Church of Christ means a gathering under a single Head – The Lord Jesus Christ of all those who truly believe in Him in heaven and earth, doing His will, abiding in Him, partaking of His Divine Life.

The Church is a Divine-human organism, the unity of the Spirit dwelling in people trying to live according to the Gospel. Therefore, the Church is a community of people who believe in Christ, which has its own hierarchical and organizational structure.

The temple is also called a church because members of the Church (church community) gather in it for congregational prayer and communion with God. In this case, the word “church” is written with a small letter. The temple is called the house of God, the house of the Lord. The corresponding Greek word...


Priest Alexy Kolosov

Hello, Nikolay!

The consecration of water is performed in one order (the same way) on both January 18 and 19. Therefore, it makes no difference when you take water - January 18 or 19, both...

Quote(Natascha @ Oct 28 2005, 22:09)

Is it possible for unbaptized people to go to church?
And is it possible to go to the morning service (probably not to the Liturgy of the Faithful)?
Is it possible for them to approach shrines, and can they participate in anointing?
In general, what they can and cannot do in the church.
Recently I met with my friends and went to holy places. My friend's husband is unbaptized. We went into the church once just before Communion. That's why the question arose.

I think that, of course, they can and should go to church. After all, nowhere is the fullness of grace revealed as much as in church, especially during the Divine Liturgy. Remember our ambassadors, Prince Vladimir, who went to Constantinople to learn about the Orthodox faith? They said about the Greek worship: “We do not know where we were, in heaven or on earth.” But they were unbaptized. And they didn’t even know the language! And how grace touched their hearts.
But you probably can’t participate in confirmation, because this is one of...

Is there a difference between Epiphany and Epiphany water? Is it necessary to swim at Epiphany? Is all water sanctified at Epiphany? Is it possible to take a bath with holy water?
Ekaterina Sysina | January 25, 2012

If God sanctifies all water life on earth on January 19, why then does the priest sanctify water on this day? I asked the priest, he replied that he didn’t know. Alla

We know that the water over which a special prayer is performed is sanctified and becomes holy - the opinion that ALL waters are sanctified on this day is based on a broad interpretation of some expressions from the service of the Feast of Epiphany and is not part of the Orthodox faith. In addition, think logically - if all waters are sanctified, then they are sanctified everywhere, including in bad and unclean places. Ask yourself - how can the Lord allow the Holy Spirit to work in unclean things?


Priest Alexy Kolosov

Please tell me what day...

God's temple is open to everyone. The Lord will not object. This is the first time we all come in unbaptized, isn’t it? There are prayers for the unbaptized. The author can pray for her children and husband. The priests for the most part have a positive attitude towards the fact that an unbaptized person came to the Temple. In their opinion, he came to God. And this is good. If you decided to go to the temple for the first time and you have questions. Maybe you are now on the road that leads to the temple.

Is it possible to pray and light candles for the health or repose of unbaptized people?

Good day! Of course, no one can prohibit such prayer. And why ban it? If your heart aches for a person, then why not pray?
A candle is a symbol of sacrifice, and you should not attach more importance to this than it actually is. Putting a cut and not praying is the same as screwing spark plugs into the engine, starting the engine and not going anywhere. It makes no sense.

In the church they do not submit notes for the Liturgy about the unbaptized living and do not pray for the unbaptized dead... But the reason is simple - the Christian community cannot be forced to take on such prayer work. But private prayer for such is not prohibited. God bless you!

Good afternoon, father. I really want my husband to be baptized. Is it possible to come to church with him, just to see, maybe he’ll think about it?

Of course, it is possible - and necessary, if he does not mind. At the same time, we need to offer him good books, magazines, conversations and lectures for those who are seeking the path to the Lord. You will find them on this website And read and listen to them together.

I'm not going to be baptized. I treat the Orthodox religion with respect, as the religion of my ancestors and my people, but I myself am far from it.
And then I recently went to church (in a skirt, a headscarf, and didn’t get baptized). She stood there, thought about the eternal, and went out. I don’t rule out that I’ll have to come back in the future.
Can I just go to church? And do I need to be baptized upon entering?
+++In church you can be baptized and not only at the entrance, if you have such a need. You can also attend the services, only at the Divine Liturgy at the Liturgy of the Catechumens, you cannot be present at the Liturgy of the Faithful, and during the Divine Liturgy the priest will say “Depart the Catechumens” and all unbaptized people need to leave the church, well, these are some rules of worship, but they should be respected , and other services can be attended from beginning to end. Lighting candles, I don’t know about that, I think it won’t be a big deal if you do it with good intentions.

Recently I was in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery. And when I was there, people asked whether it was possible for an unbaptized person to light candles and pray - they definitely said that it was possible. And it is necessary. Because God loves everyone and is glad to everyone who comes to him. Maybe later this person will become a believer, maybe not, but he is still not deprived of communication with God if he goes to the Temple without unclean thoughts!

All requests are heard, since the Lord created us in His image and likeness. And it is not he who has turned away from us and does not hear, but we, in our sins, do not see or hear him. It’s just that in church they don’t order services for the unbaptized, but they need to pray at home, since our prayer may be their only SALVATION.

Is it possible for unbaptized people to go to church? This is how the clergyman answered this question: “Unbaptized people can visit the temple, listen to the gospel and its interpretation. Otherwise, how will they know about God? But after this, at a certain point in the liturgy, they must leave the temple. If they want the fullness of church life, then let them be baptized. Going to church helps us become different, become a new person. And without a church this is impossible. All talk about goodness and truth without God is empty chatter”...

God is Love, He is like the sun - it shines for everyone, both good and evil, for believers and non-believers, and everyone is precious to Him, He desires salvation for everyone.

Topic: “Can an unbaptized person go to church?

Viewed 622 times

Can an unbaptized person go to church? (thirty)

I have children 5.5 and 4 years old who are not baptized, my husband is against it. Tell me, if you know, can I take them with me to church? Bagabum + 04/07/11 13:42 well, what’s the problem?)) of course you can)) just let them not participate in the rituals. What bothers your husband? Sigarera V.I.P. 04/07/11 14:28 What do you mean by rituals? To be honest, I don’t go to church very often myself. Is it possible to stand during the service, is it possible to be baptized or not, or to light candles? The husband is unbaptized and does not give his consent to the children's christening. But I think he won’t be against our going to church with the children. Bagabum + 04/07/11 14:58 It will not be possible to give communion to children. Submit notes on their health. Anonymous 04/07/11 15:05 Thank you Bagabum + 04/07/11 15:10 I meant the sacraments, of course)) you can’t receive communion, confess, and so on.
Honestly, I don’t understand why an unbaptized person should go to church to light candles and be baptized. Explain to me the meaning of these actions? Sigarera V.I.P. 04/07/11 23:08 God's temple is open to everyone. The Lord will not object. This is the first time we all come in unbaptized, isn’t it? There are prayers for the unbaptized. The author can pray for her children and husband. The priests for the most part have a positive attitude towards the fact that an unbaptized person came to the Temple. In their opinion, he came to God. And this is good. If you decided to go to the temple for the first time and you have questions. Maybe you are now on the road that leads to the temple.

—Is it possible to pray and light candles for the health or repose of unbaptized people?

Good day! Of course, no one can prohibit such prayer. And why ban it? If your heart aches for a person, then why not pray?
A candle is a symbol of sacrifice, and you should not attach more importance to this than it actually is. Putting a cut and not praying is the same as screwing spark plugs into the engine, starting the engine and not going anywhere. It makes no sense.

In the church they do not submit notes for the Liturgy about the unbaptized living and do not pray for the unbaptized dead... But the reason is simple - the Christian community cannot be forced to take on such prayer work. But private prayer for such is not prohibited. God bless you!

-Good afternoon, father. I really want my husband to be baptized. Is it possible to come to church with him, just to see, maybe he’ll think about it?

Of course, it is possible - and necessary, if he does not mind. At the same time, we need to offer him good books, magazines, conversations and lectures for those who are seeking the path to the Lord. You will find them on this site. And read and listen to them together.

- I’m not going to be baptized. I treat the Orthodox religion with respect, as the religion of my ancestors and my people, but I myself am far from it.
And then I recently went to church (in a skirt, a headscarf, and didn’t get baptized). She stood there, thought about the eternal, and went out. I don’t rule out that I’ll have to come back in the future.
Can I just go to church? And do I need to be baptized upon entering?
+++In church you can be baptized and not only at the entrance, if you have such a need. You can also attend the services, only at the Divine Liturgy at the Liturgy of the Catechumens, you cannot be present at the Liturgy of the Faithful, and during the Divine Liturgy the priest will say “Depart the Catechumens” and all unbaptized people need to leave the church, well, these are some rules of worship, but they should be respected , and you can attend the rest of the services from beginning to end, lighting candles, I don’t know about that, I think it won’t be a big deal if you have good intentions.

Recently I was in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery. And when I was there, people asked whether it was possible for an unbaptized person to light candles and pray - they definitely said that it was possible. And it is necessary. Because God loves everyone and is glad to everyone who comes to him. Maybe later this person will become a believer, maybe not, but he is still not deprived of communication with God if he goes to the Temple without unclean thoughts!

All requests are heard, since the Lord created us in His image and likeness. And it is not he who has turned away from us and does not hear, but we, in our sins, do not see or hear him. It’s just that in church they don’t order services for the unbaptized, but they need to pray at home, since our prayer may be their only SALVATION.

Is it possible for unbaptized people to go to church? This is how the clergyman answered this question: “Unbaptized people can visit the temple, listen to the gospel and its interpretation. Otherwise, how will they know about God? But after this, at a certain point in the liturgy, they must leave the temple. If they want the fullness of church life, then let them be baptized. Going to church helps us become different, become a new person. And without a church this is impossible. All talk about goodness and truth without God is empty chatter”...

God is Love, He is like the sun - it shines for everyone, both good and evil, for believers and non-believers, and everyone is precious to Him, He desires salvation for everyone.

Read more here Anonymous 04/08/11 09:15 What do you mean to me? where did I write that an unbaptized person cannot go to church? Sigarera V.I.P. 04/08/11 13:19 “What do you mean to me?”
- Here’s to this: “Honestly, I don’t understand why an unbaptized person should go to church to light candles and be baptized. Explain to me the meaning of these actions?” Anonymous 04/08/11 13:39 The question was for the author. Moreover, your link is about something else altogether. I didn’t write a word that the unbaptized shouldn’t go to church. Learn to understand what you read Sigarera V.I.P. 04/08/11 14:58 Learn to express your thoughts so that you are understood. And for this you need to correctly place punctuation marks. So far you get something like: “Execution cannot be pardoned.” Anonymous 04/09/11 01:13 is that all? Anonymous 04/09/11 13:22 Do you want to teach someone? Well, everyone prepares for Easter differently... Sigarera V.I.P. 04/09/11 13:23 Learning is light, ignorance is darkness. Anonymous 04/09/11 15:19 “in much wisdom there is much sorrow; and whoever increases knowledge increases sorrow" [Eccl. 1, 18] Sigarera V.I.P. 04/09/11 22:29 “I don’t understand why an unbaptized person should go to church”
“light candles, be baptized” - Did you write all this?
“Explain to me the meaning of these actions? ” - And this? I think you have been answered on topic. veraya * 04/09/11 15:28 no, not me! YOU wrote this! And I wrote “Honestly, I don’t understand why an unbaptized person should GO to church TO light candles and be baptized. Explain to me the meaning of these actions? ”
If you don’t see the difference (by the way, pay attention to the CORRECT placement of punctuation marks, this is very important!) So if you don’t see the difference between “why does an unbaptized person go to church” and “why does an unbaptized person go to be baptized and light candles,” then I’ll tell you I can’t help you)) Sigarera V.I.P. 04/09/11 18:36 You are responding to this post, thereby showing that you do not see the point in these actions of an unbaptized person. This answer shows that you are wrong. And this is the answer to both the author’s question and yours Anonymous 04/09/11 19:19 The fact is that this collection of quotes does not answer my question. There is - going to church for an unbaptized person, there is - praying for an unbaptized person. And so on. But why would the unbaptized person light candles, be baptized, etc. - No. I understand that you have done some great work for you in selecting these links. But they are absolutely meaningless to me and the author of Sigаrera V.I.P. 04/09/11 22:20 No need. But if the soul asks, then it is possible. The author is baptized. And by taking children to church before baptizing them, she can introduce them, show them what and how, and explain. Moreover, as an Orthodox mother, she must introduce her children to Orthodoxy.
A candle is a sacrifice to God, and the sign of the cross is a confirmation of faith in God, his trinity. That is, an adult, if he has ALREADY believed and consciously wants to be baptized (even if he has not yet been baptized), before baptism he can already light candles and make the sign of the cross. Anonymous 04/12/11 17:40 Have the author’s children already believed and consciously want to be baptized? Or are you suggesting that the author baptize them against the will of their father?
PS Well, at least they admitted that your links are meaningless, since there is “no need” for Sigаrera V.I.P. 04/12/11 22:54 -I don’t recommend it against your will, you need to convince.
-Parents baptize their children and do not wait for them to grow up and become believers. (What goes around comes around)
-Links are useful to the author if not to you. I understand that they will not be of any use to you.
P.S. The author is baptized. As an Orthodox mother, she must do her best to convince her husband, baptize her children and lead them to Orthodoxy. An unwed marriage is also a sin. And since the husband is not baptized, then of course the marriage is not married. Including, she herself needs to constantly confess about this. Sins accumulate one after another like a snowball.

I get the impression that you didn’t even bother to read the post that started all the commotion.
-Why light candles for someone who has not been baptized? - Because God loves everyone and is glad to everyone who comes to him. Maybe later this person will become a believer, maybe not, but he is still not deprived of communication with God.
-Why make the sign of the cross to someone who has not been baptized? -If the soul asks, why not. A mother who is going to baptize her children, and they are no longer babies, should start learning from the basics, especially if the baptism itself is delayed, as in this case, by the will of the father. Anonymous 04/13/11 09:27 you didn’t read this))) the author is not going to baptize her children, because her husband is against it. Such issues are resolved BEFORE marriage.
Why is it a sin to live unmarried? Where is that written?
And if you wrote something to the author, then you had to respond under HER post. You threw all your strength into an argument with me)) Sigarera V.I.P. 04/13/11 15:21 To express our faith in Jesus Christ, our Savior, we wear a cross on our body, and during prayer we depict the sign of the cross with our right hand, or sign ourselves with the sign of the cross (we cross ourselves). To make the sign of the cross, we fold the fingers of our right hand like this: we fold the first three fingers (thumb, index and middle) together with their ends straight, and bend the last two (ring and little fingers) to the palm.

The first three fingers folded together express our faith in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, as the Consubstantial and indivisible Trinity, and the two fingers bent to the palm mean that the Son of God, upon His descent to earth, being God, became man , that is, they mean His two natures - Divine and human.

Making the sign of the cross, we place our folded fingers on our forehead - to sanctify our mind, on our womb (stomach) - to sanctify our inner feelings, then on our right and left shoulders - to sanctify our bodily strength.

The sign of the cross gives us great power to drive away and defeat evil and do good, but we must remember that the cross must be laid correctly and slowly, otherwise there will not be an image of the cross, but a simple waving of the hand, which only demons rejoice at. By carelessly performing the sign of the cross, we show our disrespect for God - we sin, this sin is called blasphemy.