What the hell? The water flows upward and the car itself rolls upward. Anomalous areas of the planet where everything is the other way around Where in Jordan water flows upward


The jeep drove away without a driver, and the water flowed back.

In the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in northwestern China, there is an anomalous hill along the slope of which water flows not down, but up. The strange hill was discovered in 2003 by two tourists in a mountain range located 10 km from the village of Banjiegou in Jitai County. The events that happened to them next defy explanation. So, having stopped the car in which they were traveling at the bottom of a V-shaped depression located at the top of a hill and removing it from the brakes, the tourists were surprised to find that the car itself began to move up the western slope with increasing speed, which by the time it reached the top of the slope reached 30 km/h.

The tourists were even more amazed by the fact that the water spilled on the western slope flowed not down, but up, towards the top.

Some experts are trying to explain these anomalous phenomena by the geological features of the area. However, these facts are confirmed by a test carried out by Lanzhou University professor Fan Xiaoming at the end of the last century. So, on a local area 60 m long, all round objects and cars with their engines turned off spontaneously move upward, in addition, water flows up a slope with a slope of 15 degrees.

To travel this section by car, bicycle or even on roller skates, you need to forget about all logic. When climbing, the driver has to press the brake rather than the gas as the car begins to pick up speed.

Professor Fan Xiaoming believes the cause of this anomalous phenomenon is geomagnetism or changes in atmospheric pressure. Just in case, everyone who wants to see how water flows up the slope not down, but up, is warned: often people who have visited such “mysterious” places subsequently experience mental disorders, they begin to get sick often, and several deaths have been recorded.

Surprises in the center of Tbilisi.

The mountain in the very heart of Tbilisi is called the Holy Mountain - Mtatsminda, or Mount of St. David. On its slope there is a church in honor of this saint, next to the pantheon, and on the plateau there is a park of culture and recreation.

You can get to the park on foot, by monorail trams or cable car, or by car. Here, on a serpentine road, not far from the holiday village of Okrokana, the mystery of the Holy Mountain awaits motorists. On this section of the road, something unusual begins to happen to the cars. During a clear ascent (the road is uphill!), the car with the engine turned off continues to move forward rather than backward for some time. I remember how my father loved to demonstrate this “trick” to me as a child. He was very amused by my surprise: how could this be, since we are on the rise, and according to all the laws of physics, a car with the engine turned off should roll back?

Several years ago, Talez Shonia, who studied anomalous phenomena, tried to find an explanation for the phenomenon. In his opinion, this short section of the road on Mount St. David is nothing more than a manifestation of the anomalous zone that exists here. It never came to a more thorough study of the phenomenon.

There is no need to turn the pedals.

- Do not believe? Come on, sit down! — the old man, wrinkled like a dried plum, slips an old bicycle with a worn seat to one of the confused tourists. - Well, now take your feet off the pedals. Go!

He rolls along the asphalt straight up the mountain. The face stretches out: no, this doesn’t happen! The bike accelerates and accelerates. Trees flash like a palisade on the side of the road. The slope is getting steeper and steeper. But the wheels don't even think about stopping. After about five minutes, the onlooker can’t stand it and puts his sneakers on the rubber pedals. Get out of here! He turns around and, apparently, intends to drive back just as easily. Now there is a road ahead that goes into a lowland. But the pedals turn with difficulty, as if you are climbing a mountain...

- Understood? That's it. Well, give me three dollars! — the kindness of an old man has a very specific price. Busy Koreans quickly realized that they could make money from the miracle of nature.

On the Korean island of Jeju, tourists are shown

how the bottles roll upward on their own.

An “enchanted place” on Jeju Island, the southernmost point of the country and therefore considered the main resort, was accidentally discovered by a taxi driver. I stopped my Daewoo in a deserted place ”, walked away, as they say, “before the wind” - look, and the car is naturally rushing up the hill!

Now visitors are always taken here. And the population shoves local sweets into their mouths, which persistently stick to their teeth, and thick glass bottles, which are so fun to roll on sloping asphalt.


One is located near Beit Shemesh, exactly where the Jews managed to lose a chest with stone tablets on which the 10 commandments were inscribed.

The second is near Megiddo Hill, where, according to the Revelation of John the Theologian, the last battle of Light and Darkness - Armageddon - should take place.

The third is in the Kidron Valley. From here, according to the Bible, the Last Judgment will begin.


Megure Hill near the city of Bacau in northeastern Romania. Megure means "mound". According to local residents, mysterious blue flames appear on the top of the hill from time to time.


The road to Lake Gek-Gel, near the regional center of Khandlar. They say that the local hills have an unknown magnetic force.

What's happening?

It is interesting that neither Korean, nor Chinese, nor Georgian scientists seriously studied these anomalies. There are only versions that are told by tour guides in Jeju and anomalies in Georgia. So:

This is what Tamaz CHELIDZE, director of the Tbilisi Institute of Geophysics, thinks:

— While there seems to be an uphill climb on this section of the road, there is actually a slight downhill. The optical illusion is associated with the terrain surrounding the road. There is the simplest method for determining the truth - you need to pour water on a given section of the highway, where it flows, there is a descent.


The Chinese did just such an experiment with water - streams flowed to the top of the hill. And it’s difficult to confuse the top with the cavity. To prove a miracle, the Koreans give building levels to everyone who wants them. The bubbles pressed into the ruler show that the rise is exactly where the car is rolling when the brakes are removed.


In Jeju, in addition to cars, empty plastic bottles and glass containers with local soft drinks are also rolling up the hill. What is it that attracts them?


Indeed, all three mysterious places are united by an asphalt road that runs to the top of the hill. But it is not known for certain whether any objects rolled in the same way from bottom to top in this area before the asphalt was laid. Most likely, after the coating appeared, the effect simply became more pronounced.

Recently, in the mountains in the south of Uzbekistan, in the Baysun Nature Reserve, another “gravitational anomaly” was discovered - a place where water, rubber balls and a car at neutral speed are rolling not down, but up. As always, the media say that scientists cannot explain this phenomenon. In fact, they are simply reluctant to explain what is already obvious.

Devil's place in Jordan: a mystery

To a person who already barely remembers the school physics course, it may seem that the number of anomalous zones on Earth is increasing every year. Take, for example, areas where, according to eyewitnesses, the force of gravity ceases to act. In such places, a car set at neutral speed, a rubber ball or a trickle of water begins to move up the slope - miracles, and that’s all!

The most interesting thing is that there are quite a lot of such places, and some of them have been known for a very long time. For example, about an anomaly in the Beit Shemesh area (Israel), Devil's Gulch(Jordan) or the pass in Ladhak (India) have been known since time immemorial: this phenomenon was even mentioned by some ancient and ancient Chinese naturalists. Other places - for example, the vicinity of the village of Galashki, Nevyansky district (Middle Urals), where there is even a stream flowing up the mountain, as well as a strange hill in the area of ​​​​a mountain range located ten kilometers from the village of Banjiegou in Jitai County (PRC) or a section of a mountain road on the island Jeju (South Korea) - were discovered just a few years ago.

And just the other day, a message was received from Uzbekistan that an anomalous zone in the mountains of the Baysun Nature Reserve is now open to tourists. Like, continuous miracles happen there: contrary to all the laws of physics and logic, an unknown force forces a car with the engine turned off to move upward. Moreover, moving against the force of gravity over an area of ​​only 50 meters, the car also manages to gain speed!

Nevertheless, no matter how many years this anomaly dates back, immediately after its miraculous discovery it attracts the attention of the media and the Internet, and then tourists. Moreover, reports about such areas are always of the same type - they say that “a place has been found where the laws of physics do not apply” and that scientists “are unable to explain this mystery.” True, if you start to understand the last statement, it immediately becomes clear that no one has actually conducted research in this area, therefore, strictly speaking, there is no one to explain. Which, you see, is suspicious in itself.

However, it is precisely the fact that scientists remain silent that gives rise to the most absurd assumptions. All kinds of versions are put forward - about gravitational anomalies, and about the curvature of space, and about an unusual magnetic field. However, frankly speaking, the first two are not even worth refuting, since they belong more to the realm of fantasy than science.

How, pray tell, can a gravitational anomaly occur in such a small area (after all, literally two meters before and after this zone everything is absolutely normal)? And if we are talking about the curvature of space, then why do all the other objects in the anomalous zone look the way they should (the sky is above, the earth is below, etc.)? As for the electromagnetic version, a strong magnet can of course make the car go up. But why does water flow in the same direction and rubber balls roll?

In general, it must be admitted that none of the “anomalous” versions are convincing. Which is generally understandable, because in fact we are dealing with a very common phenomenon. By the way, I am convinced that many of you read about it in childhood in various educational books - for example, in “Entertaining Physics” by Yakov Isidorovich Perelman, but then simply forgot about it. Well, let's try to figure out these “miracles” together.

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that all these anomalous places have many common features. They are all located in the mountains, most of them in the subtropical zone (here, perhaps, only the village of Galashki with its crazy stream breaks the rule). And each “anti-gravity” zone is small in size: from 50 to 600 meters in length, and in width - like a standard two-three-lane highway on each side.

Well, I see many have already guessed? For those who have not yet understood what the trick is, I will quote the words of one of my friends who was in such a zone in Jordan. Talking about this wonderful place, he noted: “When I walked up the slope, it was easy for me, as if I was running down. But the way back was much more difficult - it seems like you are going down, but it feels like you are climbing a mountain.” In these words lies the answer to the mystery - after all, it is impossible to deceive the muscles, the circulatory system of the body and the vestibular apparatus. But the eyes...

In a word, now you understand everything: in this case there is a fairly ordinary optical illusion. And, apparently, it’s a combination. All physicists have long known such a phenomenon as the “lower” mirage that occurs on highways. And it arises in the same way as the usual “upper” one - in those places where there is a rapid change in masses of heated and cold air above the surface of the earth.

It is known that the heated layer of air has a lower density than its overlying layers. An oblique ray of light from a very distant object, having reached this air layer, bends its path in it so that in further travel it again moves away from the ground and enters the eye of the observer, as if reflected from a mirror at a very large angle of incidence. Therefore, a person sees in front of him, figuratively speaking, not what is in front, but what is behind.

Regarding the situation under consideration, we can say that the anomalous areas are located precisely in those places where there is a constant change of heated air near the earth's surface. Heated by it, the air mass is continuously forced upward and is immediately replaced by a new layer of heated air. As a result, above the anomalous zone, which represents a real descent, there is an “air mirror” that reflects the ascent located behind the traveler’s back or to the side of him.

The inferior mirage can often be observed in summer on asphalt and tarmac roads, which, due to their dark color, become very hot in the sun. This phenomenon also occurs in plains and temperate latitudes, and not only in subtropical mountains. However, due to the fact that the terrain is flat and the road is the same, we usually do not pay attention to such mirages. It is much easier to notice when there is a descent, and the observer sees an ascent - and this, you know, happens in the mountains.

In addition, in such places, one mirage is often superimposed on another - a lateral one. It occurs when a heated vertical wall plays the role of a mirror. It is interesting that in all the above-described anomalous zones they are present, and in quite large numbers. The combination of two mirages, “showing” the rise to an inexperienced viewer, creates a very believable illusion. Moreover, depending on the inclination of the reflecting wall to the ground surface, the illusory rise can be steep or gentle.

So, the casket opens very simply - there are no anomalies, there is only an optical illusion as old as time. That is why scientists do not give any comments - explaining what is already obvious is pointless from the point of view of scientists. In addition, many of them are sure that everyone read Perelman’s “Entertaining Physics” in childhood. Or, at least, in physics classes at school, at least sometimes they listened to what the teacher was saying.

Those who find the evidence presented in this article unconvincing can check the validity of these conclusions themselves if they go to such an “anomalous” place. To do this, they only need to take with them a device like a GPS, which shows the altitude above sea level and the angle of inclination.

With this device, the experimenter can go through the entire given area and see how the height will change. I am sure that a device that is not affected by any optical illusion will show what it really is - a decrease instead of an elevation...

There are many amazing places on Earth, the secrets of which have never been unraveled by man. The anomalous processes occurring there defy the laws of logic and physics. People know about the existence of several points on the planet where the force of gravity does not act - the fundamental interaction between all material bodies. Several anomalous places have been found on Earth where gravity “does not work.”

Lake Salantina

In Argentina there is a small lake Salantina, on a section of the coast of which (about 50 m long) the laws of gravity cease to apply at varying intervals. When the force of gravity is “turned off,” people are thrown several meters into the air - regardless of where they were at that time - in the water or on the shore. The duration of this anomalous phenomenon ranges from a few seconds to half an hour. Sometimes, to wait for the “gravity shutdown,” people wait on the shore for several weeks. Sometimes the force of gravity stops working several times a day.

Official research on the lake has not yet been carried out, and scientists cannot give an exact answer to the question of the loss of gravity. One of the few researchers, physicist Carlos Penas, constantly monitors the gravitational anomaly zone and claims that the devices always work without failure. There is no sign of “switching off” physical strength.

Some daredevils conduct experiments on the lake on their own. Those who managed to get rid of gravity claim that it is very scary and similar to swimming underwater. At the same time, gravity also “turns on” very smoothly, so the landings are successful. One “naturalist” Tobas Debako, a waiter from the nearby town of Charat, went on anti-gravity flight as many as five times.

Preiser's Zone in the USA

Another zone where the force of gravity behaves in an inexplicable way is in America, near the Californian city of Santa Cruz. This is a popular tourist spot. The zone was discovered back in 1940 by a man named George Preiser, who, while walking through deserted places, suddenly discovered an unusual object on the side of a hill. A concrete beam, located in the zone of action of mysterious forces, turned identical objects standing at both ends into different sizes. If people of equal height stand on the two ends of the beam, the person in the zone will appear taller than the one standing opposite him.

The optical illusion is confirmed by the fact that compasses behave strangely in the Preiser zone: the needle runs and changes position. Breaking the law of gravity, round objects roll in the opposite direction - up. And people in the Preizer zone are literally driven to the ground.

In the center of the clearing stands a hut that Preiser himself built. It is very skewed, and there is a belief that conditions of weightlessness periodically arise in the center of the hut. However, all these facts have not been scientifically confirmed. The constant interest of tourists in all kinds of anomalous phenomena encourages profit hunters to “feed” onlookers with new tricks.

Places where water flows upward

There are places in the world where objects “do not obey” the force of gravity and move in a different direction. Water flows downhill, cars with their engines turned off, glass bottles.

Okrokhanskaya road in Georgia

On the holy mountain Mtatsminda in Georgia, not far from Tbilisi, there is such an anomalous zone. Researcher Talez Shonia studied this anomaly, but could not explain the phenomenon. Local residents are sure that the gravitational anomaly is connected with the holiness of the place - the Church of St. David stands nearby.

Highway near the city of Beit Shemesh, Israel

In a section about half a kilometer long, objects roll up the mountain. According to legend, it was here that the Jews lost a chest with stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were inscribed.

Hill on Jeju Island, South Korea.

Water, bottles, and cars also move upward here.

To study the planet on which we are like the back of our hands, humanity will have to unravel many secrets. One of them is why the force of gravity does not act at certain points on the planet. In the meantime, the mysteries of some anomalous zones are being solved, eyewitnesses report the emergence of new ones.


The jeep drove away without a driver, and the water flowed back.

In the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in northwestern China, there is an anomalous hill along the slope of which water flows not down, but up. The strange hill was discovered in 2003 by two tourists in a mountain range located 10 km from the village of Banjiegou in Jitai County. The events that happened to them next defy explanation. So, having stopped the car in which they were traveling at the bottom of a V-shaped depression located at the top of a hill and removing it from the brakes, the tourists were surprised to find that the car itself began to move up the western slope with increasing speed, which by the time it reached the top of the slope reached 30 km/h.

The tourists were even more amazed by the fact that the water spilled on the western slope flowed not down, but up, towards the top.

Some experts are trying to explain these anomalous phenomena by the geological features of the area. However, these facts are confirmed by a test carried out by Lanzhou University professor Fan Xiaoming at the end of the last century. So, on a local area 60 m long, all round objects and cars with their engines turned off spontaneously move upward, in addition, water flows up a slope with a slope of 15 degrees.

To travel this section by car, bicycle or even on roller skates, you need to forget about all logic. When climbing, the driver has to press the brake rather than the gas as the car begins to pick up speed.

Professor Fan Xiaoming believes the cause of this anomalous phenomenon is geomagnetism or changes in atmospheric pressure. Just in case, everyone who wants to see how water flows up the slope not down, but up, is warned: often people who have visited such “mysterious” places subsequently experience mental disorders, they begin to get sick often, and several deaths have been recorded.

Surprises in the center of Tbilisi.

The mountain in the very heart of Tbilisi is called the Holy Mountain - Mtatsminda, or Mount of St. David. On its slope there is a church in honor of this saint, next to the pantheon, and on the plateau there is a park of culture and recreation.

You can get to the park on foot, by monorail trams or cable car, or by car. Here, on a serpentine road, not far from the holiday village of Okrokana, the mystery of the Holy Mountain awaits motorists. On this section of the road, something unusual begins to happen to the cars. During a clear ascent (the road is uphill!), the car with the engine turned off continues to move forward rather than backward for some time. I remember how my father loved to demonstrate this “trick” to me as a child. He was very amused by my surprise: how could this be, since we are on the rise, and according to all the laws of physics, a car with the engine turned off should roll back?

Several years ago, Talez Shonia, who studied anomalous phenomena, tried to find an explanation for the phenomenon. In his opinion, this short section of the road on Mount St. David is nothing more than a manifestation of the anomalous zone that exists here. It never came to a more thorough study of the phenomenon.

There is no need to turn the pedals.

- Do not believe? Come on, sit down! — the old man, wrinkled like a dried plum, slips an old bicycle with a worn seat to one of the confused tourists. - Well, now take your feet off the pedals. Go!

He rolls along the asphalt straight up the mountain. The face stretches out: no, this doesn’t happen! The bike accelerates and accelerates. Trees flash like a palisade on the side of the road. The slope is getting steeper and steeper. But the wheels don't even think about stopping. After about five minutes, the onlooker can’t stand it and puts his sneakers on the rubber pedals. Get out of here! He turns around and, apparently, intends to drive back just as easily. Now there is a road ahead that goes into a lowland. But the pedals turn with difficulty, as if you are climbing a mountain...

- Understood? That's it. Well, give me three dollars! — the kindness of an old man has a very specific price. Busy Koreans quickly realized that they could make money from the miracle of nature.

On the Korean island of Jeju, tourists are shown

how the bottles roll upward on their own.

An “enchanted place” on Jeju Island, the southernmost point of the country and therefore considered the main resort, was accidentally discovered by a taxi driver. I stopped my Daewoo in a deserted place ”, walked away, as they say, “before the wind” - look, and the car is naturally rushing up the hill!

Now visitors are always taken here. And the population shoves local sweets into their mouths, which persistently stick to their teeth, and thick glass bottles, which are so fun to roll on sloping asphalt.


One is located near Beit Shemesh, exactly where the Jews managed to lose a chest with stone tablets on which the 10 commandments were inscribed.

The second is near Megiddo Hill, where, according to the Revelation of John the Theologian, the last battle of Light and Darkness - Armageddon - should take place.

The third is in the Kidron Valley. From here, according to the Bible, the Last Judgment will begin.


Megure Hill near the city of Bacau in northeastern Romania. Megure means "mound". According to local residents, mysterious blue flames appear on the top of the hill from time to time.


The road to Lake Gek-Gel, near the regional center of Khandlar. They say that the local hills have an unknown magnetic force.

What's happening?

It is interesting that neither Korean, nor Chinese, nor Georgian scientists seriously studied these anomalies. There are only versions that are told by tour guides in Jeju and anomalies in Georgia. So:

This is what Tamaz CHELIDZE, director of the Tbilisi Institute of Geophysics, thinks:

— While there seems to be an uphill climb on this section of the road, there is actually a slight downhill. The optical illusion is associated with the terrain surrounding the road. There is the simplest method for determining the truth - you need to pour water on a given section of the highway, where it flows, there is a descent.


The Chinese did just such an experiment with water - streams flowed to the top of the hill. And it’s difficult to confuse the top with the cavity. To prove a miracle, the Koreans give building levels to everyone who wants them. The bubbles pressed into the ruler show that the rise is exactly where the car is rolling when the brakes are removed.


In Jeju, in addition to cars, empty plastic bottles and glass containers with local soft drinks are also rolling up the hill. What is it that attracts them?


Indeed, all three mysterious places are united by an asphalt road that runs to the top of the hill. But it is not known for certain whether any objects rolled in the same way from bottom to top in this area before the asphalt was laid. Most likely, after the coating appeared, the effect simply became more pronounced.

The water tower of the collective farm “Zavety Ilyich” in the Spassky district of the Gorky region is unremarkable in appearance. It has been supplying the villagers with spring water for many years. However, when you get closer, you will not hear the usual noise of the water pump - it is not there! And although the source is located significantly below the level of the upper tank, the water constantly, with only short breaks, rises upward! Isn't it a miracle? No, just a Gorky craftsman, assembly mechanic L. Cherepnov, managed to invent and test in practice an original hydraulic installation in which... the energy of the source itself is used to lift water. We invite our readers to get acquainted with the principle of its operation and design.

It is a simple matter to install a water supply system in rural areas: an electric pump supplies water to a pressure tank, from where it is supplied to consumers. But electricity to raise water is often generated by local hydroelectric power stations by converting the pressure of a moving stream. So, in this case, is it not possible to do without the help of electricity at all, forcing only the source of water to work - a stream, a spring? This can be done using a simple hydraulic installation that operates on the principle of a kind of “swing”: draining a certain amount of water ensures that part of it rises to a certain height above the source.

The structure of a motorless automatic water lift is shown in Figure 1. Its main parts are: a water tank, a source well, pressure and air sealed tanks with valve mechanisms and connecting pipes.

Water from the spring fills the well. As soon as its level reaches the inlet of the connecting pipe 9, it begins to flow into the pressure tank. When it is filled, the level in the well will rise to the edge of pipe 8 and water will begin to flow into the air tank. The pressure of the air compressed there is transmitted through pipe 2 to the pressure tank, and since the height H] is greater than H3 by the amount of pressure loss and resistance in the pipes, water from there will rise into the water tank. The reverse flow of water from the pressure tank into the well will be prevented by the closed check valve A.

1 - air tank, 2 - air pipe, 3 - pressure tank, 4 - well, 5 - spring, 6 - water tank, 7 - discharge pipe, 8 - pressure pipe, 9 - connecting pipe; A, B - valves of the pressure tank.

The supply of water to the water tank will continue until the air tank is filled with water. At the same time, its valve mechanism will operate and the water will flow into the drain hole. Then the work cycle is repeated.

The valve mechanism of the air tank (Fig. 2) works as follows. The water entering through pipe 3, displacing air into the pressure tank, fills the air tank. Having risen in it to the upper level of the cylinder, the water will raise the float 10, which will close the valve 13, blocking access to the float glass 2. It can only get into it through the top cut off the glass - when all the air is displaced into the pressure tank. When the glass is filled, the float with its levers will open the air and drain valves, communicating the pressure tank with the atmosphere, and the air with the drain pipe 14. The valves will remain open until the tank is empty. And only when the water flows out of the cylinder 11 through a small hole 12, the float 10 will open the drain valve 13 of the glass with its lever. Float 2 will drop and close valves 8 and 15 - the tank is ready for use again.

1 - glass, 2 - float, 3 - pressure pipe, 4 - air pipe, 5, 6, 7 - float levers, 8 - air valve, 9 - lever, 10 - float, 11 - cylinder, 12 - bypass hole, 13 - valve, 14 - drain pipe, 15 - drain valve.

The performance of such a water lift depends on the flow rate of the source, the height of the water rise, and the diameter of the pipes. The existing installation with a water drop H1 = 8.2 m and a pressure H2 = 7 m has a capacity of 21,312 liters of water per day. One cycle of charging the tanks takes 15 minutes and supplies 222 liters to the water tower, draining 507 liters from the air tower.

The installation is simple in design and can be made from readily available materials in small machine shops. Reliability, trouble-free operation and autonomy allow such a water lift to be operated far from power lines and used to create artificial reservoirs, irrigation systems, and other household needs. Thanks to the automatic mode, the system can operate for a long time without human supervision.

The diagram shows only one version of such an installation, operating on the principle of a hydraulic compressor. To obtain greater pressure, the system can be made two-stage: with a sequential rise of water in two pressure tanks. The absence of a hydraulic connection between the air and pressure tank allows the installation to operate on two sources of water, when, for example, a clean spring has a low productivity, and a fast-moving mountain stream flowing nearby is unsuitable for drinking. Then the key water can only flow into the pressure tank, and from the stream into the air tank, creating the necessary pressure in the system.

If the readers of the magazine are interested in my message, I will be happy to share my experience and new ideas with them.


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