Archpriest Sergius Pravdolyubov Church of the Trinity Golenishevo. Temple of the Life-Giving Trinity in Troitskoye-Golenishchevo. Wooden chapel-baptismal in honor of St. Cyprian

Palamarchuk P. G. Forty forties. T. 4: Outskirts of Moscow. Non-Orthodoxy and heterodoxy. M., 1995, p. 89-92

Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in the village of Troitskoye-Golenishchevo on the Setun River

Mosfilmovskaya st., 18

"The village has been owned by Moscow metropolitans since the 14th century."

"The village of Troitskoye-Golenishchevo is the former estate of the Moscow metropolitans and Patriarchs; now it belongs to the department of state property; it was the favorite residence of St. Metropolitan Cyprian Serb (1390-1406). Here the learned metropolitan wrote the life of his predecessor, High Hierarch Peter, here he translated "Kormchaya" and other ecclesiastical books from Greek into Slavonic, laid the foundation for the Russian chronicle and the "Books of Degrees". Having ascended the throne in 1380 after St. Alexis Metropolitan, St. Cyprian was forced to leave him after some time due to troubles with the Grand Duke "Dimitri Donskoy and make a trip to Tsargrad. Then in 1390 he was again summoned to Moscow by the son of Donskoy. But at that time he spent more time in the village of Golenishchev, where he died in 1406."

Completely created under Metropolitan Macarius in the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the Power Book of the Royal Genealogy tells about the life of St. Metropolitan Cyprian: “It is loving and serene to live, and to improve the time of silence, and for this reason, often staying in your village Mitropolstem on Golenishchevo, where the place was empty and serene, silent and calm from any embarrassment, between the two rivers of Setun and Ramenka, where then there were many floors of the forest, where there is a church in the name of the Holy Trinity Hierarchs, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom, and staying there Bishops and priests, where you write books with your own hand, and many Holy books from the Greek language into Russian lay down, and leave enough writings for our benefit, and write the life of the Great Wonderworker Peter Metropolitan of All Russia, and decorate with praises, and practice in pure prayer there, and in reading divine writings and in the memory of death, always having in mind the terrible judgment of Christ and torment and in such virtuous corrections, live a holy life pleasing to God, achieve great old age, and in the same village of Golenishchevo sick, and lay sick for several days. For the four days before the death of his writing, a kind of miraculous farewell letter, forgiving and blessing all Orthodox, also demanding and asking for forgiveness and blessings from all, which is true wisdom and humility. For this sake, do it, because by humility all sins are resolved, and all in good time. And the commandment of the Bishop and the attendant there, saying: "As if you put me in a coffin, then read this letter over me in the ears of people," hedgehog and byst. And with such humility of mind and with much gratitude there, reposed to God in the summer of 6914 September on the 15th day.

The honor of compiling the first half of the "Book of Powers" itself is also attributed to St. Met. Cyprian, the main part - Metropolitan. Athanasius.

"The main church of the Trinity was built before 1644, and in 1644, apparently, a refectory and a bell tower were built. Aisles: martyr Agapia" "northern and St. Metropolitan Jonah - southern."

"Now the northern chapel is also dedicated to St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and the Holy Martyrs and Confessors of Russia."

"The church was built in 1644-1645 by masters A. Konstantinov and L. Ushakov."

"The church was built in 1644-1646 in the summer residence of the metropolitans according to the "drawing" of A. Konstantinov (the builder of the Terem Palace in the Kremlin). The plan is almost identical to the church in Medvedkovo: main temple at the level of the apse, it has two aisles on the sides and is surrounded on the west and south by a gallery. Refectory and bell tower of the 19th century.

"The bell tower and separate parts of the low one-story refectory belong to the second half of the 19th century."

"The original belfry and refectory were built in 1660".

"The temple was built in 1644. There were chandeliers and portals inside. Not a trace remained of the stone metropolitan chambers in the 19th century.

The temple, according to the decree and drawing of the sovereign's apprentice - Antipas Konstantinov, worked as a stone worker, apprentice Larion Mikhailov Ushakov. In 1860, the ancient hipped bell tower was dismantled - it stood on the northwestern corner of the building. Then, at the chapel of St. A refectory was made from the north of Agapia, and a new high hipped bell tower was built from the west. The ancient icons were in the right aisle and partly in the iconostasis of the main one.

"In the 17th century in Troitskoye-Golenishchevo, opposite the western side of the church, there was a palace of the Patriarchs, fenced stone wall with towers. On the south side of the temple was the Patriarchal Garden. Ponds with fish stretched for 3 versts from the church and the priest's meadow. This monastery was repeatedly visited by the Sovereigns. At present (1867 - P.P.) as an ancient monument, only one church visible to us in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity, built in 1644, has remained in the village. Since then, it has been rebuilt and renovated more than once. In 1812 the church was burnt down and turned into a stable together with the northern chapel. Therefore, its iconostasis is new, but the icons, for the most part, are ancient, renewed - they were then preserved by the icon painter, who was engaged in their renewal. In the southern aisle in the name of St. Metropolitan Jonah, who survived the fire in 1812, in the iconostasis there is a wonderful ancient image of St. Jonah with deeds, written in the beginning. XVII century; among the deeds was the healing of his daughter. book. Vasily Dmitrievich and the healing of the unbelieving boyar Vasily from the Kutuzov family, who later appropriated the nickname Golenishchev, the same name to this village. Under the refectory and the northern aisle there are cellars where, as they say, the bodies of the dead are buried.

"The temple was renovated in 1898-1902".

The temple was closed in 1939. Agapia and Met. Jonah was transferred to the nearest functioning church of the Trinity in Vorobyov, where Sts. Agapia and Jonah. The iconostasis was taken by S. Eisenstein for the filming of the film "Ivan the Terrible", after which he disappeared.

In 1966, according to the record of M. L. Bogoyavlensky, the temple housed a warehouse of raw materials and finished products of the 3rd cardboard factory of the Office of Special Enterprises employing disabled people. The temple looked dirty and abandoned. Scaffolding stood over it and repairs were begun. In 1970, there were no more scaffoldings, but the hipped dome over the church was never covered with iron. There was a fence around, on the east side there was a checkpoint.

In the late 1970s the warehouse was taken out of the temple, the building was empty - no decent tenant could be found. An old watchman was sitting in the entrance. Then the temple took away the warehouse of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, which in 1987 included also moved from the street. Dzerzhinsky 26 music library of the former radio committee, formerly Radio Comintern, with a valuable collection of manuscripts.

The village of Troitskoye-Golenishchevo itself has been completely demolished. The ancient church wall has been destroyed. The building of the church stands under state protection under number 379. Below was the Ionian holy key, now cleared. In 1990, the issue of returning the temple to believers was raised - the community was registered and the rector Fr. Sergei Pravdolyubov. They were just waiting for the archive to move. In January 1991, believers were still forced to hold prayers under the walls of their church.

Alexandrovsky, No. 62.

Zakharov M.P. Guide to the outskirts of Moscow. M., 1867.

Ilyin M., Moiseeva T. Moscow and Moscow region. M., 1979. S. 463.

Ilyin M. Moscow. M., 1963. S. 168 (in the second edition of 1970, part of the text about the temple was released).

Monuments of manor art. M., 1928. S. 89.

Synodal handbook.

Manuscript of Alexandrovsky No. 75 and part of the "Neighborhood".

Kholmogorovs V. and G. Historical materials about churches and villages of the XVI-XVIII centuries. M., 1886. Issue. 3. Country tithe. S. 300.

Kuznetsov N. N. Priest. Trinity Church in Golenishchev // Proceedings of the commission for the inspection and study of monuments of church antiquity in Moscow and the Moscow diocese. M., 1907. T. 1. S. 1-14; 2 photos.

Martynov. Moscow region antiquity. M., 1889 (engraving with a view of the temple).

Krasovsky Mich. Essay on the history of the Moscow period of ancient Russian church architecture ... M., 1911. S. 199-203.

The Power Book of the Tsar's Genealogy... M., 1775. Part 1. S. 558-559 (further on p. 559-562 is the text of Metropolitan Cyprian's most farewell "Charter").

Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Troitskoye-Golenishchevo September 11th, 2014

Trinity Church in Troitskoye-Golenishchevo in September 2014.

The first mention of the village of Golenishchevo on the banks of the Setun dates back to the second half of the 14th century and is associated with the names of Saints Alexy and Cyprian, metropolitans of Moscow. Under Alexy, a garden was planted on the Golenishchevo land, next to which there were cells and cells. Alexy's successor, Cyprian, did live in Golenishchevo, devoting his leisure time to translating church books from Greek into Slavonic. Here he died in 1406.

Oprichnaya (that is, a special, built by the saint for himself) church in the name of the Three Hierarchs was, in all likelihood, wooden and stood on a hill, and hitherto known as the Three Saints. And in the 17th century, a wooden Trinity Church with a chapel of St. Leonty operated in Golenishchevo. In 1644-1645, Larion Ushakov (architect?) built a new hipped stone church in its place, which has survived to this day.

In 1812, Golenishchevo was captured by the French. A stable was set up in the temple, and then a fire broke out there, in which the ancient iconostasis perished (only a few icons survived).

In 1939 the temple was closed. Antimensions (scarves made of silk or linen with a particle of the relics of some Orthodox martyr sewn into them) were transferred to the Trinity Church on the Sparrow Hills, and the iconostasis was borrowed by Sergei Eisenstein for the filming of the painting "Ivan the Terrible" and never returned. A warehouse of raw materials and finished products of the 3rd cardboard factory was arranged in the Golenishchevo temple, then leased to the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, then used as a point for receiving waste paper and glass containers.

In 1990, the church was returned to believers. The first prayer service was served there on January 8, 1991, regular services resumed in 1992. In 1999, a wooden baptismal chapel in honor of St. Cyprian was added to the refectory part of the church. Today, the church has a Sunday school and a parish library, an audio and video library with recordings of sermons and services. The parish patronizes the Children's Home in Matveevsky. The monthly parish leaflet "Cyprian source" is published.

... And Christians tell a very strange thing: as if Jesus never laughed. They portrayed Christ as very sad, gloomy, tragic - probably because they themselves suffered a lot, not finding meaning in life. And because your churches have turned into cemeteries, joy no longer lives there. And because your scriptures turned into an alcoholized snake, which can only be seen in a museum. She will live long. But the snake, basking in the sun, comes to life. A snake sitting on a rock, dozing in the evening, a snake crawling along a tree or swimming along a river with branches - this snake is alive. A spirited snake will live a long time because it is dead. The real snake, the living snake, will not live long - its death will come. A spirited snake is immortal.

Jesus died. He was a flower that bloomed in the morning and left in the evening. But Christ, invented by Christians, lives. This is an alcoholized snake, closed in a bottle, a museum exhibit. And the scriptures are butterflies pinned with pins. You can collect butterflies and pin them up with pins - they will look like butterflies, but they are no longer butterflies. For what is a butterfly if it is not free, not alive, does not wander from one flower to another, if it is not a winged wanderer - what is it then? She is nothing. Dead body.

So are your Bibles, and your Vedas, and your Koran. These are invented things. Jesus, the real Jesus, is liberation. You have imposed on the real Jesus your own Jesus who never laughs. Jesus was a man of a completely different nature, he associated with beautiful people. He did not associate with saints - he associated with drunkards, with gamblers, with prostitutes. He communicated with real people, with genuine people. He did not associate with imaginary saints, he associated with sinners.

Saints are butterflies pinned with pins. Sinners are alive - this is a snake basking in the sun. Sometimes sinners become saints, but their holiness is of a completely different nature. They don't belong to any church, they don't belong to any sect. Can a saint belong? The saint is like a fragrance, he is free like the wind - he cannot belong. Jesus never belonged to anyone. That's why the Jews were angry with him - they wanted him to belong. Real saints are never recognized as saints, no church will consecrate them as saints. And the saints consecrated by the church are really imaginary, mumbo-jumbo, false, artificial, synthetic, plastic saints. Yes, they don't laugh, that's right. But Jesus is a different kind of saint. He laughs, he drinks, he eats well, he loves. He was a genuine man of the earth, very earthly, rooted in the earth...

The bell tower of the Trinity Church and a residential building on Mosfilmovskaya. Who is higher?

Everything passes...

Children's playground in the churchyard.

Between the church and the nearest residential building, there is a wasteland with a dovecote (pictured) and rusty garages, to which an earthen road leads through thickets of bushes, of a completely rural look. On the edge of the wasteland lives a company of "church" homeless people. In the mornings they are on duty at the church gates (tanned, grimy, middle-aged), begging for coins from passers-by, during the day they disperse about their business, and in the evening they return under the walls of the temple, and their voices, not too sober, but not aggressive, are still carried for a long time around the neighborhood from total darkness.

During the day, locals walk past the homeless bunkhouse, in the evening, expensive cars park a stone's throw from it (there is an elite residential complex nearby). The homeless miraculously fit into the "architecture" of one of the most prestigious districts of Moscow. This is what the life-giving cross does!

Road to the garage.

Trinity Church from 2nd Mosfilmovsky Lane. Cozy "patch" with fruit and vegetable tents a stone's throw from Mosfilmovskaya street.

It was built in 1644-46 according to the "drawing" of the Nizhny Novgorod architect Antipa Konstantinov (the builder of the Kremlin Terem Palace) on the right bank of the Setun River in the village of Golenishchevo (after the construction of the Trinity-Golenishchevo Church - the summer residence of the Moscow Patriarchs). There was a wooden temple at this place (first mentioned - 1406). Presumably, the side aisles were built later, by the architect Larion Ushakov. In 1812 it suffered from a fire and was turned into a stable by Napoleonic troops. In the second half of the 19th century, a hipped bell tower (the old one was demolished) was added from the west and a refectory from the north.

Updated in 1898-1902. Cubic in plan, crowned with a high octagonal tent, the transition from it to the tent was made with the help of hinged decorative loopholes on the upper part of the walls. To the middle altar part on the sides from the south and north adjoin 2 aisles crowned with tents. In addition to traditional kokoshniks, pediments are used in the decor of the side tents. The building of the temple is surrounded on three sides by a gallery-porch.

It was closed in 1937. Two antimensions were transferred to the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on the Sparrow Hills, where the side chapel - St. Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow, was illuminated. The iconostasis was taken for the filming of the film "Ivan the Terrible" and disappeared. Looted. Used for storage.

Services resumed in 1991.

Shrines: icons of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of All Russia, St. Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, Ambrose of Optina (with particles of relics), particles of the relics of the Great Martyr Panteleimon, St. Agapit of the Caves, Daniel of Moscow, St. Philaret of Moscow, a stone and a ring from the hand of the Great Martyr Catherine.

Prayer services are served at the springs near the temple, at the Cross on Poklonnaya Hill, on Trekhsvyatskaya Hill and at the source (Ioninsky holy key).

The church has a Sunday school and a library. The parish of the church cooperates with the charitable society "Nadezhda" (spiritual care for nursing homes and prisons).

The main throne is the Life-Giving Trinity, the chapels are St. Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow (southern), Martyr Agapius, St. Tikhon, Patriarch of All Russia and All Hieromartyrs, Martyrs and Confessors of Russia (northern).

  • The chapel of St. Cyprian is attributed.

The village of Troitskoe-Golenishchevo was the favorite residence of St. Metropolitan Cyprian Serb (he died in 1406). Here he translated church books from Greek into Slavonic, wrote the life of his predecessor, St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow. It is believed that he was involved in compiling the Book of Powers and the Russian Chronicle. Reposed in Troitsky-Golenishchevo.

The first mention of Golenishchev dates back to the second half of the 14th century and is associated with the names Saints Alexius (1304 - 1378) and Cyprian (1330-1406), metropolitans of Moscow.

According to the chronicler, on the Golenishchevskaya land (near the present Trinity-Golenishchevskaya church) there was a garden, and there were cages and cells near the garden.

The successor of St. Alexis in the All-Russian metropolitan see, St. Cyprian, especially fell in love with Golenishchevo. It is no coincidence that he chose this place for his stay at the confluence of the Ramenka River into the Setyn River, "where then, - according to the Book of Degrees, - be both sexes forest many ".

Well-versed in the Greek language, educated, Saint Cyprian devoted his leisure time here to translating church books (among others, Pilots) from Greek to Slavic, laid the foundation Power Book and wrote a life Saint Peter , Metropolitan of Moscow. “Books are written with my own hand, because the place would be quiet and silent and secret from all sorts of pliches”(i.e. the hustle and bustle of city life) - testifies to his first biographer.

And at the end of his days, St. Cyprian already permanently lived here. “And there I fell ill, lay for several days and reposed” September 16, 1406 "in old age great", in the 30th year of his ordination.

It was from here that the relics of the saint were transferred to Moscow for the funeral and burial.

Saint Cyprian built a church in Golenishchevo "oprichnaya"(special) in the name of the Three Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. This church was wooden and stood on a hill, hitherto known as the Three Saints.

From St. Cyprian, Golenishchevo passed to his successors.

He chose this land as his place of residence Saint Jonah , Metropolitan of Moscow (last quarter of the 14th century - 1461), who became the first Russian Patriarch. In memory of him, in 1644, a chapel was built in the Trinity-Golenishchevskaya Church.

In the same 1644, the wooden Trinity Church was replaced by a stone one (architect Antipa Konstantinov ). At the same time, a stone patriarchal courtyard was built near it. It was then that the church was built as a three-altar one: the main church was in the name of the Holy Trinity, and the two side aisles were in the name of St. Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow, and the holy martyr Agapius.

In 1812 The church was badly damaged by the Napoleonic army.

In 1815 The Trinity Church and the Ioninsky chapel were restored and re-consecrated.

In 1860 a new bell tower was built.

The restoration of the beginning of the 20th century did not deprive the temple of its former originality.

In the 30s of the XX century, the living memory of Golenishchev was still preserved as lot of Moscow saints. On the day of the Holy Trinity, shortly before his death, he served the Liturgy here and walked procession to source Saint Tikhon (Belavin) , Patriarch of All Russia. A photograph of this procession has been preserved.

In 1937 the temple was completely destroyed, the icons were taken to the Mosfilm film studio. Later, there was a village club, a radio station of the Comintern, then a cardboard factory, a factory of decorative candles, and, finally, a warehouse and a music library of the USSR State Radio and Television.

In 1991 The temple was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church. Priest Sergiy Pravdolyubov was appointed rector.

March 17/30, 1991, when the resurrection of the righteous Lazarus was celebrated, the temple was also resurrected: the throne was consecrated in the name of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of All Russia, and the Cathedral of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

In 2000 part of the historical territory was returned to the temple, work began on its improvement. The ground adjacent to the temple is paved.

The temple has a set of bells. The celebratory ringing is carried far in the neighborhood and is heard on Poklonnaya Hill and in the Novodevichy Convent.

Divine services are performed every day at 8 o'clock, except Monday. By Sundays and on great feasts two Divine Liturgies are served - early at 7 o'clock and late at 10.


There are many relics of saints in the temple.

Shortly after the acquisition of the Russian Orthodox Church of the relics of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow, in 1992, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy of Moscow and All Russia, with the participation of Bishop Vasily (Rodzianko), a particle of relics was transferred from the Donskoy Monastery Saint Tikhon .

There is a large icon in the temple with a particle of relics Reverend Seraphim of Sarov . When in 1991 the Russian Church miraculously acquired the relics of the great saint of God (January 2/15) and they arrived in Moscow to worship, the rector and parishioners served prayers three times at the shrine with the relics of the saint in the Epiphany Cathedral, after which the warehouse was finally evicted from the walls of the temple .

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy, a particle of holy relics was presented to the temple Saint Ambrose of Optina . This event happened in 1992 during a parish pilgrimage to Optina Pustyn.

Big icon St. Sergius with the image of his holy parents and the Monk Athanasius of Athos was transferred to the temple by Mosfilm. After restoration and consecration, the icon was brought to the Lavra. A particle of holy relics donated by Fr. to the rector of the temple many years ago by an elder monk, carried by this elder through prisons and camps, was strengthened in the temple icon at the shrine of the holy relics of St. Sergius.

The icon enjoys special veneration in the temple. Holy Blessed Matrona Anemnyasevskaya , in the Ryazan country shone. (Do not confuse with another Blessed Matrona - Moscow, resting in the Intercession Monastery in Moscow). The parish took an active part in the preparation of materials for the glorification of this saint. Archpriest Sergius, rector of the temple, composed the service to the blessed Matrona. Akathist to the saint was written by a parishioner of the temple.

Particle of relics Hieromartyr Metropolitan Vladimir of Kyiv and Galicia handed over to the parish from Kyiv and is in the icon of schmch. Vladimir in the iconostasis of St. Tikhon's chapel.

Here are the particles relics of Kyiv saints : St. Theodosius of Chernigov, Blessed Theophilus, St. Lazarus of Chernigov and St. Monk Physician Agapit of the Kiev Caves.

There is in the temple an icon of the Monks Zosima and Savvaty, the Solovetsky wonderworkers, with a particle of holy relics Reverend Zosima of Solovetsky . This particle was carefully preserved in Antimins, where prisoners in holy orders served the Divine Liturgy in the Solovetsky camp, and, in memory of the Solovetsky martyrs, it was first worn out for veneration in the church during one of the all-night vigils for the Russian Martyrs.

Shortly after the glorification in the face of Saints Philaret (Drozdov), Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, an icon of the saint appeared in the church. Filaret with a particle of his holy relics.

Moscow Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Troitskoye-Golenishchev

In the same year the temple was closed, the iconostasis was taken by director S. Eisenstein for the filming of the film "Ivan the Terrible", and never returned to the temple. Where he disappeared to is unknown. The antimensions of the chapels were moved to the neighboring Church of the Trinity in Vorobyov, where a separate altar of Agapius and Jonah was arranged.

At the temple in different time housed a village club, a radio station of the Comintern, then - a cardboard factory, a factory of decorative secular candles, and, finally, a warehouse and a musical library of the USSR State Radio and Television.

In the 1970s there was no longer a warehouse in the temple, the building was empty and gradually fell into final decay. Later, the temple was leased to the State Radio and Television.

In the year the process of transferring the temple to believers began, and on January 7, the first service was held in it.

The Ioninsky key, located below the temple, from the side of the river, was cleared anew. The church building has been almost completely restored.

Within a year and a half, a baptismal chapel was built near the Trinity Church with the efforts and donations of parishioners. At the end of November, the first sacraments of Baptism were performed in it. Now everyone can receive Holy Baptism three times plunging into the water with his head.

temple architecture

The current Trinity Church was built according to the "drawing" of Antipa Konstantinov, who also built the Terem Palace in the Kremlin. Larion Mikhailovich Ushakov was taken as his assistant.

In plan, the church is quite close to the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin in Medvedkovo - two aisles adjoin on both sides at the level of the apse, and from the west and south the main volume is surrounded by a gallery. Symmetrical aisles are smaller copies of the main volume - they are also crowned with tents, although with a slightly different decor, and have separate apses. The southern aisle is dedicated to Jonah the Metropolitan of Moscow, the northern one is dedicated to St. Martyr Agapios. The domes crowning the central tent and aisles are small, set on narrow elegant drums, decorated with a barely noticeable openwork row of kokoshniks. The kokoshniks are also surrounded by the tents of the aisles. There is no such decoration around the main tent: it is placed on a simpler octagon, and the quadrangle of the lower tier of the temple ends with keeled zakomaras. The tents of the aisles and the main volume also differ. The central tent is smooth, sheathed in iron, and the side tents are decorated with rows of false auditory holes, giving them greater delicacy and elegance compared to the main one. Unique for those times were triangular pediments over the apses of the aisles.