Bloody Sunday: Orthodox Christians were shot in Dagestan. "My kids only saw guns on TV." How the father of the killed and declared militant shepherds from Dagestan achieved an investigation into their death The murder case

Last weekend in Dagestan, the leader of the entire bandit underground in the republic, Magomedali Vagabov, was liquidated. The intelligence services reported this as a major victory. And it's true [discussion]

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Vagabov was notable for his particular cruelty, and he was already destined for the glory of "the second Shamil Basayev". However, even after such a serious blow to the militants in Dagestan, explosions again rumble, they shoot at the security forces and officials. To understand what is happening, the KP correspondent went to this troubled Russian republic. UNDECLARED WAR Now in the North Caucasus we seem to have peace. But, judging by the number of victims, the war continues. And it seems that the leading front of the fight against Islamic fundamentalism has flowed to Dagestan. Every day - killings of policemen, militants, shootings, explosions, chases, death of civilians. Now suicide bombers are going to blow up Moscow from Dagestan, and not from Chechnya, as before. Why has the republic, multinational and tolerant by Caucasian standards, changed so dramatically, turned upside down and now appears to Russians as a continuous source of aggression? Makhachkala breathes heat, which is only slightly cooled down by the wind from the Caspian Sea in the late afternoon. Cafes on the embankment smoke with shish kebab, music from the tires of cars starting with a squeal beats on the ears. An ordinary evening in a southern city... But it is at this time, with the onset of twilight, that terrorist attacks usually take place here.

The chronology of explosions and attacks in Dagestan is striking in its stability. Both ordinary law enforcement officers and high-ranking policemen die under the bullets of militants. The principle of the bandits is this: if you see a man in uniform, kill him. It doesn't matter if it's your neighbor or just a police officer. The response of the security forces is appropriate: the slightest suspicion of involvement in illegal armed formations - fire to kill. The statistics of an undeclared war are clearly not in favor of law enforcement agencies. Count for yourself: this year, 82 dead law enforcement officers and 131 wounded. On the other side of the barricades - 60 killed plus 66 detained members of illegal armed formations and their accomplices. "Unplanned losses" - 11 dead civilians and 57 wounded. They are simply "unlucky" to be in the zone of fire. WHAT COLOR WILL THE MOUNTAIN REVOLUTION BE? Most of the population of Dagestan lives, if not below the poverty line (here family ties do not allow one to sink to the level of poverty), then very close to it. Against the backdrop of corruption of officials at all levels with their conspicuous wealth and impunity, the bulk of the population of the republic looks clearly destitute. And ... offended. If you are not in the clan, nothing will happen to you: neither a horse, nor a saber, nor a cloak. There are not enough influential relatives who are able to buy or pass on a position by inheritance. Such injustice, multiplied by the Caucasian nepotism and hot tempers of the southerners, with whom it is shameful to be poor and simply unlucky in life, creates a fertile environment from which Wahhabism feeds. “In our country, the authorities seem to live on their own, the law enforcement agencies themselves, and the people are somewhere on the sidelines,” Dagestani journalists bring up to date. - Those who could get a hold of a more or less serious business are forced to pay either officials or militants. Who will agree. And all the latest assassination attempts, kidnappings and murders of businessmen or civil servants are directly related to racketeering. The militants are in the lead here - they imposed tribute on the owners of the gambling business, restaurants, cognac and vodka magnates.

Many people pay militants. In the local FSB, I was shown a video message from a certain Emir of Dagestan to one of the owners of vodka shops. "The man from the forest", dressing his words in religious formulations, tritely demanded compensation in favor of the Mujahideen. And not a word about the rejection of alcohol by the Muslim religion! Drive and vodka, and loot! Officials and merchants are openly afraid of the militants and are forced to pay tribute to them. So the recent abduction in the Untsukulsky district of Dagestan of Vladimir Redkin, the chief engineer of the OJSC "Sulaksky Hydropower Cascade", Vladimir Redkin, was immediately connected by the security forces with attempts to receive payoffs from the militants. It would seem - a hydraulic engineer, what to take from him? But no, there is state funding, there is money - come on and pay! And on the other hand, in Dagestan, the Wahhabis managed to create for themselves the image of a kind of fighters for justice. Like, if in the republic, according to Russian laws, there is a complete embezzlement, a decline in morals and the arbitrariness of the security forces, then we will establish Sharia and live according to fair Islamic laws. The militants make good PR out of their actions. Either they will kill a corrupt judge, then they will shoot a police post in Buynaksk, a dozen meters from which there is a brothel, and at the same time they will kill the priestesses of love in the sauna. And they will certainly leave an autograph on the wall, in the manner of a “black cat”, only with the indispensable mention of the word “jihad”. Against this backdrop of the cultivation of Wahhabism in Dagestan, traditional Islam is losing influence, and moderate and loyal mullahs are no longer supported, especially among young people. The militants' bet is on young people, who, in addition to age-related protest (it exists in all corners of Russia), find no use in ordinary creative life. There are no jobs, opportunities for studying or playing sports in the republic are also limited. Against this background, the Wahhabis very cleverly turn their ideology into a fashionable protest movement.

HOW PEOPLE GO TO ACTION The militants are somewhere out there, in the mountains, living in forest caches and attacking convoys and police cars. Those who are in the mountains and the forest are “defectors”, there is no way back for them. They forever linked themselves with jihad - a holy war against the infidels. Among the infidels are not only Russians or non-Muslims, but all other residents of the republic who do not profess Wahhabi beliefs. To kill a kafir or a mushrik (who has fallen out of religion) is the holy duty of a Mujahideen. And if you don’t want to, they will force “comrades in arms”. They also have their own reporting statistics for their “top” - it is necessary to give “indicators” to the Arab owners, to fulfill the plan for terrorist attacks. There are not so many militants in the mountains. The account is not in the thousands, but rather in the hundreds - the number of active does not exceed five hundred "bayonets". Nevertheless, they manage to keep in fear not only the police, but also most of the population. And despite this, some local residents even receive support! Why? The militants try not to take anything away from the inhabitants of the villages near which they are based. This is the Caucasus, where for any offense you can run into reciprocal revenge. How then do militants who do not engage in any productive activity, except for murders and terrorist attacks, survive? Like any partisan structure, the Mujahideen are fed from among sympathizers, those who are in a legal position, but have already been hooked by militants. “The militants have a scheme to win over to their side,” says an FSB officer for the Republic of Dagestan named Denis. - Often, potential Mujahideen candidates do not even suspect that they are being recruited to participate in a bandit structure. As a rule, it all starts with the religious treatment of a candidate for militants. As if by chance, one of his friends (who has already fallen on the hook of the Wahhabis) asks an innocent question: “Do you pray? Not? We must pray. Let's go to the mosque together." And the newcomer is taken to the Wahhabi mosque. There are several of them in Makhachkala, and quite official ones, their addresses are known to everyone, including members of the special services. The parishioners of these mosques are put on a special account. The newly-minted Wahhabi still does not understand that he has already entered the bandit underground with one foot. But we can assume that it has already been drawn in. This is followed by an innocent request - you need to help transport the products "somewhere in the mountains." A person is already aware that he is involved in some illegal structure and a halo of mystery shrouded his existence. It is already impossible to refuse, especially since the action itself is not responsible - just think, I went to the market, then unloaded the packages in the mountains. I didn't even see anyone. But the nail is already bogged down... Further, requests of a more "delicate" nature follow: to transport weapons or militants to the site of the terrorist attack. And this is a direct involvement in the gang underground, for which you can seriously pay. Now the banal arrival of a local policeman to check documents can provoke a panic: “I was figured out!” There is only one way - to the forest.

THE SHORT LIFE OF A TERRORIST“Those who go into the forest become, in essence, suicide bombers,” FSB operatives say. - Their lives are measured out for six months, others - a little more. The militants are really caught, and more often they are simply eliminated in in large numbers. There are plenty of reports of their deaths. So it turns out that the age of the action movie is short-lived. But new ones come to the place of the dead ... Some Dagestan cemeteries have already appeared long peaks- a sign that the unavenged is buried here. And there are more and more such poles crowned with the Muslim crescent. Previously, Chechen cemeteries “decorated” such peaks in many, now the tradition has spread to Dagestan. In the North Caucasus, all militant groups are divided into vilayats, which are headed by military amirs. As a rule, the boundaries of responsibility here are divided on a territorial basis - Dagestan vilayat, Kabardino-Balkarian, Chechen. In some cases, the borders are crossed, but each of their amirs clearly controls the territory under their jurisdiction. The last amir of Dagestan was Magomedali Vagabov, who was killed a few days ago. The very path of his rise to power in the world of illegal armed formations is worthy of description. He received this position from Arab patrons after numerous intrigues and murders, not only of enemies, but also of fellow believers. It was a kind of shortcut to the board - access to funding. And this is the Arab lever of influence on the North Caucasus. In fact, they are trying to turn the Russian region into an ideological colony of Saudi Arabia. Having received combat training in Pakistan, Vagabov tried very hard to curry favor in Dagestan in front of the Arabs who finance terrorist acts - how can one fight without money? When Vagabov became the Emir of Dagestan, his ambitions resulted in a new wave of terrorist attacks. The loudest - in the Moscow metro on March 29 this year. It was he who sent the Shahidok there. INCORRECT "SHAHIDKS"- Do you know what militants most often come across? They're on fire! - say the FSB people. - The guys are young, hot, hormones in the body in abundance, but they have no way out. There is tension with women in the forest, so they go out to their fighting friends, and here we catch them. According to operatives, about 70% of all militants are destroyed in this way. The special services already have their own well-established schemes and methods in this regard - in general, "cherchet la femme"! But what about Muslim customs about honor and loyalty? Why do mountain girls have such a passion for adultery? - These are the same crazy young ladies, like their gentlemen, who fell under the influence of Wahhabis. For the most part, these are girls from dysfunctional families who started a disorderly life early. sexual life, and they, as they say, do not shine in terms of creating a normal family. So they marry militants - without any wedding and other rituals, including the blessing of their parents - they reveal the social portrait of a "shahid" in the special services. However, there are among them those who run away from home on Great love- fell in love with the guy up to her ears, and he turned out to be a Mujahideen. Young people enter into a so-called amanat marriage - a forbidden marriage. Some even go to the mountains with their husbands. And then the scenario is almost the same - the spouse is killed, and the girl is inherited by another militant. Then the next one, and so on... As a rule, "shahids" cluster together. They live semi-legally. A legend for parents - she went to study in Makhachkala (nothing new, prostitutes from the Russian outback also lie to their relatives that they got a job in Moscow). In conversations among themselves, the girls vying with each other swear that they are ready to sacrifice themselves in order to avenge their murdered militant husband. And then they are caught at their word and begin to process in full. So it was with six girls detained in July in Makhachkala, who were being prepared for terrorist attacks in Moscow. Among them, the most notable are the sisters Zaira and Zalina Akayeva. Despite their youth, they are already widows. They were connected with the militants by the eldest Zulfiya, also the widow of a militant, at the time of her arrest she was with her parents. Weapons, shahid belts, light color wigs, lenses that change the color of the eyes, and farewell notes - as the police say, the fact of preparations for a terrorist attack is obvious. “It was a well-organized group that was preparing to blow itself up, there is no doubt about it,” the operatives say. - The Black Widows were supposed to leave for Moscow soon, but the operation to detain them was premature ... Having received the information, the opera began to develop them - appearances, passwords, meetings. But the command "face" prematurely followed from the authorities. Six people were detained, but some of the "black widows" did not get into the nets set up, and now they are being actively searched for. “The result was given, but the effectiveness was not what it could have been,” the operatives complain. WHAT IS OUR LIFE? WRESTLING! The request to get acquainted with the militant was absurd at first glance. But access to the gangster underground turned out to be surprisingly simple. Through one Dagestani friend, I was introduced to the driver, who, in turn, introduced me to his friend, and he led me to a militant. I’ll note right away that the authenticity of his involvement in an illegal armed formation caused me doubt (the special services would have taken it), but I had to believe it. The scene of action is one of the outlying districts of Makhachkala. The fighter is a young guy of about twenty, inconspicuous appearance, a beard and a dark shirt of a loose fit. This can be found on the street and not suspect anything - there are a lot of the same guys around. That's just the eyes were struck - some kind of confident look, with a share of superiority. He introduced himself as Magomed - Maga (a very common name here). “We are fighting for pure Islam,” Maga immediately outlined the “party line”. - And we want to create a genuine Sharia state. - And why fight, because religion does not promote violence? - We have enemies who prevent us from achieving our goal, and in the fight against them, none of us will spare our lives. The propagandist and agitator from Magi is so-so, a three with a minus, mostly pouring out quotes he heard from militant ideologues. But there is no doubt about the sincerity of his words - small, but already aggressive, ready to bite his teeth. We are strong, everyone here is afraid of us. Every real Muslim is obliged to help the Mujahideen, - Magomed gives out categorically. It seemed that the boy was flirting with the war game and considers himself a member of a secret society that keeps the whole district in fear. This happens among those young men who cannot realize their ambitions in studies, sports or other achievements and ends up in a “bad company”, where the support of “serious boys” is guaranteed. I recalled the words of local intelligence officers on this occasion. “For the most part, it is those who have fallen out of the ordinary life of modern youth that fall into the structure of the illegal armed formations. Without special physical data, without academic success, sometimes deprived of the attention of their peers. These are people with some kind of internal complexes. The gang underground gives them a chance to feel their status due to belonging to a rebellious and armed structure. They become the "chosen ones", the arbiters of other people's destinies. It draws in and fascinates, makes it possible to feel its significance. And the religious background here often remains in second place,” analysts of the special services believe. Maga, have you killed people yet? - I ask the militant a provocative question in the forehead. - No, I haven't killed yet, but I can do it in the name of Allah at any moment. And he will do it. He has already aroused himself to the state of a murderer and is ready for such a "feat" - to launch a line at anyone whom the amir points out. And then he will have no more than six months to live ... GOODBYE, DAGESTAN? ...Main question Q: Now what do we do with all this? After all, the dynamics of events in Dagestan is not just alarming - it promises to result in global extremist actions that can overshadow even the previous two. Chechen wars! It's like a tsunami - some will rise to avenge the murdered militant relatives, others - for the murdered policemen. After all, people in uniform also have relatives. Here and before civil war not far - and it can easily spill out of Dagestan. Rhetorical question: what to do? Most likely, you need to seize the initiative. To snatch the flag of the struggle for justice and the purity of religion from the hands of the militants, with which they hide behind. Finally start a real fight against theft, nepotism, debauchery. The authorities themselves - the officials and the security forces, and at the same time the mullahs - need to be cleansed. Raise the economy, not plunder tranches from the federal center. If you do not restore order in your ranks, it will be impossible to mow down the ranks of the bandit underground by forceful methods alone. I wrote these lines and thought: who am I deceiving now? Myself? Who will believe that officials will stop taking bribes and kickbacks right from next Monday? And the police - to protect businessmen? But it seems that there is no other way out either!.. If Dagestan falls into the abyss of a terrorist war, shouting "Help!" It will be late.


Yamadayev reconciled with Kadyrov Isa Yamadayev finally admitted that his brother Hero of Russia Sulim Yamadayev, who was assassinated a year ago in the Emirates, is still dead. went to the world with Ramzan Kadyrov. Until recently, these two clans were ardent antagonists and accused each other of all sorts of sins. The Yamadayevs openly suspected the current president of Chechnya of involvement in the murders of their relatives. Particularly incomprehensible was the story of the death of Sulim Yamadayev, lieutenant colonel of the Russian army, Hero of Russia, ex-commander of the Vostok GRU battalion, who was assassinated in the Emirates in 2009. Since then, Isa Yamadayev has maintained that his brother is alive and that he maintains telephone contact with him. And now Isa has officially admitted that Sulim is dead and buried outside of Chechnya, most likely in the same Emirates. It seemed that the "Chechen-style vendetta" would continue indefinitely, but last week there was a fateful meeting - Isa Yamadayev, greatly weakened by losses in his clan, with Ramzan Kadyrov. It was like a peace treaty. After such a “surrender,” this is how experts assess the meeting between Yamadayev and Kadyrov, Isa Yamadayev, who lives in one of the cities of the Moscow region, is unlikely to enter the Chechen political elite, but will certainly receive carte blanche of security.

Fire on the parishioners of St. George's Church. On that day, there was a festive service on the occasion of Forgiveness Sunday, and the church was especially crowded. The shooter expected to break into the temple and kill those gathered, but at the cost of his own life he was stopped by a blessed beggar woman. The woman ran to the terrorist and diverted his attention while the parishioners locked the doors to the temple. According to Father Pavel, who led the service, this saved about 50 people, including pregnant women and children. However, casualties could not be avoided. According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, a total of five people died, four more are in the hospital.


In Dagestan Kizlyar, with a population of 49 thousand people, half are Russians. On February 18, the entire Orthodox population of the city celebrated Forgiveness Sunday. In St. George's Church, the service was ending, people began to disperse, when suddenly shots rang out from the yard. Father Pavel told what happened that day. According to the priest, the shooter planned to arrange a massacre during the service, but did not calculate that on a holiday it would end earlier than usual.


I went into the altar and heard pops. Someone shouted that a man with a gun was walking around the territory and shooting everyone. Usually the service ends at 5 pm, but here we finished earlier. He probably expected to arrange a massacre right during the prayer service ...

Irina was standing at the gate of the church. The locals call her blessed. A woman approaches passers-by and baptizes them with a smile. Father Pavel knew her well.

Her name was Irina Melkomova. She was sitting near the temple on a bench, asking for alms. The parishioners knew her and helped her. Who will give money, who products.


Irina repaid the parishioners for their kindness. Seeing the scumbag scorching the townspeople, she forgot about meekness and fear. The unarmed woman, screaming, rushed at the shooter and began to beat him with a bag. A shot rang out, then another, and Irina fell, struck in the chest. At this moment, the Cossack Sergei Presnyakov arrived in time to help.

After the service, my wife and mother left the church. When we got to the car, I heard pops, as if firecrackers were exploding. I put the women in the car and quickly drove it over a small hill. And he ran back. I have already seen the wounded, one of the lying women screamed heart-rendingly and called for help. And then I saw him. Bearded, in a cap and with a double-barreled shotgun, he walked towards the temple, shooting and shouting: “Allah Akbar, we will cut you, Russian pigs!” Seeing that he was again aiming at women, I began to shout: “Shoot at me, coward!” He heard, turned around, took aim, fired a couple of times, but missed. Then I saw that the side door of the temple opened and my friend Nikolai came out. He began to shout to him: “Kolya, close the doors and don’t go out!”


According to Pavel Kalikin, at least 50 people were saved by Irina and Sergey. While the terrorist was distracted, the priest, together with the parishioners, locked the temple.

Thanks to them, we managed to close the gates and doors with bolts. He tried to enter, knocked, shouted, even shot, but the locks held. It's scary to imagine what it would be like if he went inside. There were pregnant women and children among us. Some cried, some prayed. While I closed the doors to the altar and the back door of the temple, other ministers comforted the people.

When the shooter realized that he would not be able to get into the temple, he decided to hide until the police arrived. The attacker ran, hiding behind the trees. Sergei was not going to let the scumbag go unpunished. The man pursued him, buying time for the security forces.

Hiding behind the trees, I shouted after him: “Are you scared? Can you fight only with old men and women?” He fired several more times at me, the buckshot flew over my head, hooked on the branches. Finally, a police car pulled up. He immediately fired at the car, wounding two employees. The riot police opened fire to kill.


The shooter failed to escape from justice. They found a knife with an oath of allegiance to ISIS (an organization banned in the Russian Federation). As it turned out, the attacker was a 22-year-old native of the village of Rassvet, Tarumovsky district of Dagestan, Khalil Khalilov. According to operational data, he was going to leave for Syria, and before that he had a long conversation on the Internet with his terrorist cousin. It was not possible to leave, and he decided to arrange a terrorist attack in Kizlyar. Before the attack, he recorded a video message in which he swore allegiance to the terrorists and stated that his attack would be "revenge for the killing of Muslims in Syria." Khalilov called for terrorist attacks in Russia during the World Cup.

He took a hunting rifle and cartridges from a relative. I arrived in Kizlyar by car, which I parked next to the temple, and began to wait for the end of the service.

When it was all over, we left the temple and saw the dead in the courtyard. These are the permanent parishioners of our church: Nadezhda Sergeevna Terliyan, who headed the pilgrimage service, Vera Gavrilovna Morgunova worked in the district administration, in the council of veterans, her sister Lyudmila Georgievna Shcherbakova is a well-known cardiologist in the city, Honored Doctor of the Republic, who has worked in medicine for more than 40 years, Vera Sergeevna Blinnikova was also our constant assistant, blessed Irina also cleaned the temple.

There are four wounded in the Kizlyar hospital: police officers Soltansoygid Khizriev and Magomed Ramazanov, whose condition is moderate, as well as two parishioners - Natalya Pletukhina and Nadezhda Kushnareva. According to Pavel Kalikin, divine services in the temple will not stop. True, now the church will be taken under round-the-clock protection. Previously, it did not exist - people could not even think that someone would encroach on a holy place.

We never had armed guards, because there were no prerequisites for this - we did not receive threats either in verbal form or in the form of anonymous notes. Throughout history, and even what difficult events were in Kizlyar, no one has ever encroached on the temple. We had a watchman, and he came out to the noise, but what could he do without a weapon? Police officers were on duty at the temple only on major holidays. We never thought that this could happen. I calmly walked around the city in my clothes. And people always greeted and treated with respect. And recently, on World Religion Day, which we held together with the Muftiate, I gave a lecture at a local university. And also received only a benevolent attitude.

In the Dagestan city of Kizlyar, an unidentified person opened fire on a crowd of people during the celebration of Maslenitsa, four people were killed, Interfax and RIA Novosti sources report. Return fire, according to them, the shooter was killed.

"The tragedy occurred today, on Sunday, during Maslenitsa in Kizlyar. Four civilians were killed, the same number of people were injured. The offender was liquidated by return fire by law enforcement officers," the agency's interlocutor said.

According to him, among the wounded are three employees of the National Guard.

"According to information on this moment 5 dead (including the shooter), 5 wounded were taken to the Kizlyar Central City Hospital - a team of specialists from the Dagestan Center for Disaster Medicine went there too, "-
at the Ministry of Health of Dagestan.

February 18, 18:13 The woman who was with the perpetrator was detained. The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under articles on murder and attempt on the life of a law enforcement officer. "The identity of the attacker has been established, he is a local resident born in 1995," the Investigative Committee said. "A hunting rifle, cartridges and a knife were found on the victim," a TASS source said.

"A woman who, according to preliminary information, is the wife of a bandit who shot at people in Kizlyar, and who was with her husband at the beginning of the act, was detained by law enforcement officers," an informed source told the Interfax news agency.

"She tried to escape, but did not have time. Also, previously, the woman herself did not shoot, only the man shot, who was subsequently destroyed by return fire from the security forces," the agency's interlocutor added.

February 18, 18:40 One of the victims died in the hospital, the death toll rose to five (not counting the shooter), the head of the press service of the Kizlyar administration told RIA Novosti.

"The condition of the victims is unchanged, two women are in serious condition, they are in intensive care. A policeman and a fighter of the Russian Guard are in a moderate condition," said [chief doctor of the Dagestan Center for Disaster Medicine Kazanfar] Kurbanov.

He also clarified that on the eve of one of the women, an arm was amputated at the level of the elbow joint.


In Kizlyar (Dagestan), a 22-year-old couch terrorist shot four women leaving a church with a gun and wounded five. The militant criticized the couch mujahideen sitting in anonymous chats and called for terrorist attacks in Russia during the 2018 World Cup. As a result, he was shot like a dog by the National Guard. The only sure way to restore justice is to destroy the bastard on the spot. Without courts and trials, so as not to endanger the lives of other people.

Literally two years ago, I asked myself a rhetorical question at the time: what the hell are we doing in Syria? Now the answer to it has appeared: we kill dogs.

For those who are indignant that the terrorists are allegedly defeated, and terrorist attacks like the one that took place in Dagestan continue, it should be reminded that militants can be killed, but a crazy idea cannot be destroyed. And while she is alive, the next Mujahideen with an unstable psyche will appear, who will take up arms and go out into the street.

And the worst thing is that the sleeping cells in which they are located are located all over the world, and no one knows when their members deign to wake up. In this sense, it must be said thank you very much» to the Russian FSB, which in the vast majority of cases neutralizes militants BEFORE, not AFTER.

That is why terrorist attacks rarely occur in large cities of the Russian Federation. Rarely relative to the same Europe, of course. This is a great merit of the organs, the work of which is almost imperceptible to the layman. Stupid because if a terrorist attack occurs, everyone will write about it, and if it is prevented, it will go unnoticed by the majority, both the media and citizens.

By the way, the militant who attacked the women leaving the church left a long video in which he called on the brothers to carry out attacks in Russia, including during the 2018 World Cup. He reproached the couch mujahideen, saying that he had logged into IS supporters' telegram chats, but quickly became disillusioned, as he was depressed by "idle chatter." And so he decided to act. The reason why he attacked the parishioners of the church, especially women, he did not name.

“Meanwhile, selective killings of women, children and the elderly are extremely atypical for Islamists in general. Even to carry out an explosion in a crowded place where these categories of citizens may suffer, the militants are trying to enlist the support of theologians who would allow them to carry out a terrorist attack. However, in November 2016, an audio message was released by Abu Jihad al-Karachay, a well-known media personality in the circles of IS supporters, in which he called for the killing of women and children of “infidels” in order to avenge the death of the civilian population in Syria. The terrorist adheres to the same argumentation, explaining that “it is necessary to kill infidels by the hundreds every day” if “they kill Muslims by the thousands”.

A categorically different point of view was held by the leader of the Caucasus Emirate, Aliaskhab Kebekov (also known as Ali Abu-Muhammad), who at one time strictly forbade such terrorist attacks.”

And here I would like to say that no propaganda of the Kremlin or the Ukrainian media works as smoothly and effectively as IS propaganda.

Action films shoot themed videos with an enviable frequency, and most of them resemble documentaries for educational channels. They are as accessible, cruel and motivating as possible, as evidenced by the emergence of numerous new supporters of the IS. And although most of them stupidly live in chat rooms, arguing about weapons and other nonsense, there are a few who act like an idiot did in Dagestan.

Today's bastard avenged the dead Muslims in Syria, and he called his act "Operation Retribution."

I am writing all this to the fact that it does not matter who is in Syria from ours: Wagner PMCs, mercenaries, volunteers, thugs, murderers, mentally retarded or someone else. In general, it doesn’t matter how the Kremlin positions them, tries to hide them from prying eyes, or, on the contrary, calls them Heroes of Russia. The important thing is that these people are doing the dirty work that you will not agree to.

And the argument that supposedly, if we hadn’t climbed into Syria, nothing would have happened, is very strange. It would have been many times more. And so our guys do what they do best - kill dogs. And it doesn't matter that they get paid for it. The motivation to be left without arms, legs, or to be packed in a black bag does not warm anyone.

It is important that they destroy Evil, and there is no point in reproaching the authorities or the so-called volunteers. The infection is multiplying faster than it can be dealt with. And therefore, I consider the presence of our people in Syria justified.

The post was written based on the entry