Features of the structure of the cockroach, the secret of survivability is revealed. Circulatory, respiratory and excretory systems of a black cockroach Internal structure of a black cockroach side view

Cockroaches and many other insects have long been human companions. They happily coexist in houses and apartments with people, causing them trouble. For example, the bulk of cockroaches love to live in the wild, but some species prefer to settle in people's homes. The black cockroach is considered a pest, so it must be disposed of immediately. To make it easier to deal with such a pest, you need to know what a black cockroach is.

The black cockroach belongs to the cockroach order. Representatives of this species are quite common in European countries. It also lives in Africa and Asia and is the closest relative of the eastern cockroach. However, these cockroaches are less common than their red counterparts.

You can keep your house perfectly clean, but due to the carelessness of your neighbors, cockroaches still spread throughout the house. Since representatives of this type of pest reproduce very intensively, they are forced to constantly look for new food. Favorable factors for their development are:

  • garbage in the house;
  • unwashed dishes;
  • sewer drains;
  • garbage collectors;
  • dampness in the bathroom.

Black much larger than their red counterparts, their sizes reach 5 cm. The chitinous shell covering the body of a black cockroach has a black or dark brown color. The outer cover of the body is quite durable with a brilliant sheen, so in order to completely crush the insect, you need to make an effort. Its body is flat, and this allows the insect to easily penetrate into the smallest cracks and cracks in the wall and floor. The body is divided into three sections:

  • head;
  • breast;
  • abdomen.

The segments forming the head section are fused together. On the sides of the head are two large eyes. An interesting fact is that males have much better vision than females. Small jointed antennae, resembling antennae, continuously perform oscillatory movements. Mustache length is responsible for touch and vibration, and in the male their length is greater than in the female. His mustache is much longer than his body size.

In the thoracic region there are three pairs of legs that serve the insect for running and walking. The last two legs have wings. In the female, they are shortened, so she does not know how to fly.

The abdomen of a cockroach consists of 10 segments, they are attached to the chest without constriction. Powerful mouth organs consist of the upper and lower lips and jaw. With the exception of the upper lip, all other parts of the oral cavity can be modified. The oral cavities of a cockroach are primitive, gnawing type. The insect easily gnaws and consumes solid food.

Digestive system and respiratory organs

consists of several departments:
  • oral opening and oral cavity;
  • pharynx, esophagus, goiter, chewing stomach;
  • midgut;
  • hindgut and anus.

Absorption and digestion of food occurs with the help of special blind outgrowths. They are located between the stomach and the midgut. Since cockroaches are omnivorous insects, they eat a variety of food and even their own brethren. They have a well-developed powerful mouth apparatus. The remains and waste of products, as well as indoor plants, book bindings, leather things are used as food.

The respiratory system looks like thin tubes called tracheae. They originate on the sides of the abdomen in the form of small holes. Small tracheas branch throughout the body of the cockroach and deliver oxygen to all internal organs and tissues of the insect. Carbon dioxide is removed outward through the trachea. To ventilate them, cockroaches periodically shrink their abdomen.

The nervous system of a cockroach is a large supraglottic ganglion, a subpharyngeal ganglion and an abdominal nerve chain. From the main nodes, nerves depart to the eyes and other well-developed sense organs.

Habitat and reproduction

Black cockroaches are in many ways similar to ordinary Prussians and love to settle next to a person. Prefer to dwell in damp and warm places, because they cannot do without water and constantly need warmth. In hot countries, pests live and breed outside the living quarters. Insects are nocturnal, they die at temperatures of 0 ° C and below.

In the conditions of an apartment, preference is given to;

  • bathroom;
  • kitchen;
  • shared bathrooms.

Pests feel great in nooks hidden by interior items, behind heating radiators, in cases of household appliances, under sinks.

Black cockroaches live from several months to 3-5 years. The entire life cycle of an insect consists of three forms of development:

  • egg;
  • nymph;
  • imago.

Mating takes place during the warm season, after which the females lay their eggs in a chitinous cocoon. There they mature to the desired state. There are approximately 16 eggs in this organ. While the female carries eggs, and her abdomen increases slightly in size, but after a while she leaves them in a secluded place. Whole incubation period is 44 days after which the larvae appear. In color, they bear little resemblance to black cockroaches, but as they grow older, individuals become much darker.

What are dangerous and where do cockroaches come from

Since cockroaches, including black ones, come to houses and apartments from unsanitary places, they carry many pathogens with them. They are considered carriers of dangerous infections:

  • dysentery;
  • typhoid fever;
  • helminthiasis;
  • diphtheria.

These insects harm people's property spoil and contaminate food. Gnawing through the insulation, they disable household appliances, since their oral apparatus is well developed. They are able to bite a person in a dream, especially for children, when there are a lot of cockroaches in the house.

They can get into people's houses in several ways. Most often this happens when people bring things home. For example, coming from a business trip or coming from guests, you can easily bring things with cockroaches into the house. Most often, cockroaches penetrate the lower floors of multi-storey buildings. There are often cafes, shops or restaurants on the ground floor. When in such establishments they begin to fight insects, they, escaping, begin to run away through the ventilation system.

Cockroaches love to move around. garbage chutes and sewer pipes, so they often get into people's homes in such ways. If they appeared in the house, then this place is comfortable for them. They are attracted to unwashed dishes, a full trash can, a dirty sink, and high humidity.

Fighting methods

In ancient times in Russia, black cockroaches in the house were associated with prosperity and wealth. At that time they were protected and not destroyed, but now much has changed, and people began to fight them using various methods of destruction.

Kitchen cockroaches are more difficult to deal with than Prussians, because they more agile and resilient. There are several types of pest control. Preventive measures are the simplest of them. This consists in the constant observance of the sanitary and hygienic rules for maintaining the dwelling.

The chemical method is more effective. You can use various chemicals that are now offered in a large assortment. The third proven method is the use of folk remedies. They are effective only when insects have recently appeared in the house, and there are still a few of them.

Black cockroach- lat. Blatta orientalis, a member of the phylum Arthropoda, belongs to the class Insects. The black cockroach is a domestic invertebrate animal; it differs from other representatives of this family in larger forms. A feature of the black cockroach is the rapid adaptation to a new environment. Also, the black cockroach is able to move very quickly and be "invulnerable".

Black cockroach: Order cockroaches - Superorder insects with incomplete transformation - Infraclass winged insects - Subclass open-jawed - Class insects - Type arthropods.


The body of this insect consists of three sections: the head, chest and abdomen. The head consists of 4 fused segments, covered with a nitrogenous shell - chitin. The head has complex and simple eyes, antennae (long and thin) and mouth appendages. The mouth apparatus of the insect is of the gnawing type.

The chest of a black cockroach is divided into three sections or segments. The chest consists of two pairs of wings and three pairs of legs. The first pair of wings has a leathery structure. The second pair is membranous. The wings of the female black cockroach are underdeveloped. The chest of a black cockroach is also covered with a chitinous cover.

The abdomen of a black cockroach consists of 10 segments. The insect has no limbs on the abdomen, except for one pair of styli, which is located on the last segment of the black cockroach.

Characteristics of the animal:

Dimensions: male length 2 - 3 cm; female length 1 - 2 cm.

Fertility: the female black cockroach bears 20-30 offspring during her lifetime.

Color: The body is dark black or black-brown with a metallic sheen.


Black cockroaches feed on everything that comes across, in particular flour products, plant foods and other products, as well as the remains of invertebrates. As a result, due to their long antennae and, in general, the whole body, on which many microbes are stored, black cockroaches are carriers of many diseases.

Reproduction and habitation

Black cockroaches are dioecious animals. During the fertilization period, the abdomen swells in females, where a kind of pouch or ootheca for laying eggs. The eggs in the ootheca are arranged vertically and in several rows. The female black cockroach wears the ootheca for only a few days, after which it hides it in a place inaccessible to other insects. After a while, many small white cockroaches appear from the ootheca, which develop from 1 to 4 years, depending on living conditions.

Black cockroaches are synanthropic animals, that is, their lifestyle is closely related to people's housing. Therefore, black cockroaches can only be found in residential buildings, mainly in the territories of most European countries.

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Greetings dear readers of my blog. In today's article, we will consider the structure of a cockroach and the physiological features of this insect. Just imagine - there are more than 7,000 species of cockroaches on the globe, and the most common in our latitudes are the red and black cockroach. It is about them that will be discussed in this article.

The external structure of a cockroach

Despite the huge number of species, all insects of the cockroach order have a similar structure. The main differences are usually the size and color of the insect, but the internal anatomy is almost the same in black and red cockroaches.

Nature gave these creatures an excellent tool for crawling into the gap under the densest plinth - an elongated and flat body. It is divided into the abdomen, chest (which consists of the prothorax, middle and metathorax) and the head. In addition, each insect has a pair of wings. Did you know that cockroaches can fly? Below I will tell you how the wings of this creature are arranged, what importance the wings have for the reproduction of offspring, and why only males can fly.


I propose to start studying cockroach anatomy from the head, which in most individuals is quite large and has the shape of an oval or a rounded triangle. From above, it is covered by a shield-shaped anterior segment of the chest, from under which only the back of the head is visible, and the rest of the head is turned downwards.


On the sides of the head are paired compound eyes, and on top are two simple ocelli, which are poorly developed in most species. By the way, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the eyes, cockroaches see the world around them as a mosaic assembled from thousands of small multi-colored pieces. And although such vision does not allow distinguishing the details of an object, the so-called perception of light flickers in a cockroach is 5 times higher than a human one.

That is why it is so difficult to overtake an insect with a slipper or a newspaper - even the fastest person for cockroaches is like a fly stuck in jam. In a word, if you have ever asked yourself why these creatures almost always manage to avoid reprisal, now you know the answer.


In children's horror stories, the cockroach is always depicted as a mustachioed monster, and it is not for nothing that the mustache is given so much attention. It is the antennae that are the organ of thermal sensitivity, touch and smell. They are also used as a means of communication between individuals: by touching their whiskers, cockroaches exchange information. The whiskers are of considerable length and covered with bristles, the number of which increases with each molt and reaches 80 pieces by the age of maturity.


Despite their small size, the bites of the red and black cockroach can be palpable and even painful. The fact is that the mouth apparatus of these creatures belongs to the gnawing type and has a rather complex structure, and each part of it has its own special purpose:

  • labrum, or upper lip - articulated with the head in a movable way, covered from the inside with receptors that analyze the composition of food;
  • mandibles, or lower jaw - curved, rather massive plates covered with sharp teeth, their purpose is to hold a piece of food;
  • maxilla, or upper jaws - located above the lower jaws, necessary for grinding food and chewing;
  • labium, or lower lip - surrounds the mouth apparatus from below, prevents food from falling.

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Outside, on the lower lip there are special receptors (tactile and taste) that are necessary for searching, detecting and analyzing food.

In addition to the complex jaw, the insect's mouth contains a salivary gland and a tongue-like organ that helps absorb fluid. As you can see, the cockroach's mouth apparatus is an ideal tool for finding and destroying bread crumbs, even in the cleanest kitchen. No wonder this type of insect is considered the most tenacious.


On the chest of cockroaches are wings, elytra and three pairs of legs. The breast consists of three segments, the largest of which is the first - the so-called pronotum. On the sides of this convex hexagonal segment there are depressions where the elytra are placed. Most often, the pronotum has a lighter color compared to the rest of the body, and in some species this part is even transparent.


As for the paws of the insect, they are located on different segments of the chest, consist of five parts and are called "five-segmented." On the upper four segments of the legs there are pads, and on the lower there are claws, between which there is also a suction cup.

This structure of the paws helps the insect to easily move on any surface - both horizontal and vertical. Moreover, on the paws of this creature there are the smallest hairs that catch even the slightest fluctuation of the air, due to which the cockroach reacts with lightning speed to a moving object.

Strong legs allow you to develop a high speed for such a small size - a cockroach is able to run at a speed of 3-4 km / h. If this figure is not surprising, imagine this: if a cockroach was the size of a cheetah, it could easily catch up with a feline.

In addition, the peculiarity of the legs determines the high maneuverability of the insect: cockroaches are able to change the pattern of movement with lightning speed. Depending on the location, each pair of legs has its own special purpose:
  • the prothoracic legs are shorter than all the others, they serve as a kind of brake at a high speed of a cockroach;
  • mid-sternal legs are responsible for high maneuverability, as they are able to move in different directions;
  • the hind legs are longer than the other two pairs, move the body of the cockroach forward and are the main walking limbs.


Two pairs of wings are attached to the breast of a cockroach. Above are rigid elytra, designed to cover the abdomen and thinner wings. Interestingly, the length of the wings of the male significantly exceeds the length of the wings of the female. Cockroaches use their wings to accelerate while moving and also to slow down when falling.

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Fortunately, only one species of all cockroaches can fly, but the rest of the wings will be useful for mating games. That is why the wings of the male are longer: during mating, the spread wings form a convenient platform for a larger female.


The abdomen of a cockroach has 11 so-called tergites (segments), but only 8-9 can be distinguished. The tenth segment forms a plate that covers the anus. In females, the abdomen continues with an ootheca - eggs are stored in this segment (about 12-16). This part of the body has the shape of an oval, and due to its impressive size it is always noticeable and is an obvious difference between the female and the male. It is noteworthy that with sufficient nutrition, the female is able to produce ootheca every two to three days.

The internal structure of a cockroach

Surely you have heard that cockroaches can live without a head for a whole week, or even a month. But you hardly know what physiological features make this possible. Below I will talk about how these amazing insects are arranged from the inside, and why cockroaches feel great even after they have been decapitated.

Digestive system

We already know how the jaws of a black and red cockroach are arranged, but what happens to the food next? As I said, salivary glands are located in the mouth, which secrete saliva, designed to soften and moisten food before swallowing. It is noteworthy that what is eaten is partially digested already in the goiter of the insect, and the stomach will take care of everything else.

Thanks to its muscular structure, it sort of "grinds" food, sending it then to the middle intestine, then to the back intestine and into the excretory system. The intestines of cockroaches are inhabited by bacteria and fungi, thanks to which the insect is able to digest even inorganic compounds.

Interestingly, the cockroach does not need to chew food too thoroughly - in the part of the foregut, located just behind the mouth, there is a row of teeth, which will surely crush the food swallowed in a hurry.
Cockroaches do not have a urethra, so both feces and urine are excreted through the anus.

Circulatory system

The circulatory system of cockroaches is of an open type, and the blood of these creatures is white and is called "hemolymph". Blood circulates freely within the body, washing all internal organs. The movement of the hemolymph is due to the work of the heart, and the speed of blood circulation is very slow, making the cockroach very sensitive to ambient temperature.

Respiratory system

The cockroach breathes with the help of spiracles - these are 10 pairs of small holes that are located on the sides of the abdomen. The spiracles continue with tracheoles - tubes that form a system and connect into six large tracheal trunks. This structure of the respiratory system allows a diffuse way to supply oxygen to all internal organs.

Blatta orientalis is the Latin name for the Black Cockroach. The genus to which this insect belongs does not have too many species. The closest relatives of the Eastern cockroach (this is another name for an insect) live on the Australian and African continents. He himself spread throughout the world and more than three centuries ago, firmly established himself in Europe.

Today, large black cockroaches, shown in the photo below, are much less common in apartments than their red counterparts:

But in the old days in Russia, it was black cockroaches who lived in cellars and closets, looking after the master's property. When moving to a new house, it was customary to take these insects with you for good luck. It was believed that when, then the people living in it do not need anything.

Black cockroach lifestyle

A long time ago, many insects "understood" that it is more comfortable for them to live next to people. Black cockroaches, capable of reaching large sizes, prefer damp basements, sewers, garbage collectors. They are not averse to running errands in grocery stores, catering establishments, hospitals and prisons.

In apartment buildings, residents of the lower floors suffer the most from them, since uninvited guests do not rise above the fifth floor.

Black cockroaches are synanthropic insects, which, of course, can quite safely exist outside a human dwelling, but still try to stay close to it, looking for secluded places under stones or in the cracks of old buildings. You can see them in nature in the southern regions, on the Black Sea coast.

While it is light, insects try not to leave their shelters, and at night they boldly go out in search of food. Representatives of this species are omnivorous, they do not disdain any food and the remains of invertebrates.


The appearance of a black cockroach is of interest, first of all, to people who are passionate about entomology. Here is an example photo of these insects:

But the presence in the house of such a handsome man of rather impressive size will not inspire everyone. The length of the female is slightly longer than the male, and can reach 3 cm. They say that the size of individual individuals approaches 5 cm.

The insect has a black chitinous shell, according to its name, less often it is brown. The veils glisten like metal and are quite durable, so it will take some effort to crush the insect. The cockroach is flat, which allows it to easily penetrate the narrowest gaps.

Body parts of a black cockroach

The body of the Black cockroach, a typical representative of the Insect class, is segmented, divided into three sections - the head, chest and abdomen. The segments that form the head section are fused together.

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On the sides of the head, two large eyes with a complex faceted structure are distinguishable. Moreover, males have sharper vision than females. Ahead is a pair of jointed antennae. When moving, the insect puts them forward and to the sides. The antennae, resembling small antennae, continuously oscillate. The length of the antennae responsible for smell and touch is longer in the male than in the female, and exceeds the size of his body.

The chest of the black cockroach is represented by three segments - prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax. The dorsal section of the first segment is highly developed, hanging forward, hiding the head of the insect. A pair of running legs is attached to each segment on the sides.

The last segment of the cockroach's foot bears a pair of claws and a suction cup, thanks to which the insect can move along any surface, including vertical ones. On the chest of a male black cockroach - two pairs of wings (see photo):

The soft abdomen of black cockroaches is formed by ten segments, the first seven are larger, the rest are reduced, and this is more pronounced in the female. The anus is located on the last segment, and on the sides there are two small sensitive limbs - cerci. The ninth segment of the male bears styli that serve as protection for his external genitalia.

It is interesting

Although the middle part of the body has a pair of leathery elytra, and the back part has two true membranous wings, they are not used for their intended purpose. Female black cockroaches are completely devoid of flight adaptations, they have only elytra, and even those are in their infancy.

Eight abdominal segments and two thoracic segments are equipped with breathing holes, or stigmas. From them, a branched network of tubes goes inside the body of the insect - trachea, entangling all the internal organs and ensuring the delivery of oxygen to them.

The cockroach has a multi-chambered heart, which sets the directed movement of fluid from the rear end of the body forward, and an aorta. Hemolymph washes all internal organs.

The nervous system of a cockroach is interesting. It is represented by a chain of nerve nodes, the largest of which, supraglottic, performs the function of the brain, provides innervation to the main sense organs.

Digestive system of a black cockroach

The oral apparatus is located below, it is concentrated around the pharyngeal opening and is arranged quite intricately. It is represented by the upper lip - an outgrowth resembling a tongue, as well as a pair of upper and two pairs of lower jaws.

The structure of the lower jaw includes another sensory organ - the tentacles. The mouth parts of a cockroach are of a gnawing type, they are powerful, cope with a wide variety of food: both liquid and solid. The digestive system of the black cockroach is excellently formed.

Food is crushed by the jaws and moistened with saliva, processed throughout the intestine by digestive enzymes, subjected to additional mechanical stress in the so-called chewing stomach, which has folds in the form of chitinous plates, as well as the effects of special bacteria that inhabit the intestines of a cockroach. All this allows the insect to digest foods that seem inedible to us.

Nutrients and decay products move in the body of a black cockroach through the hemolymph.

Three lives of the black cockroach

Cockroaches are a detachment with incomplete transformation, which means that they have only three qualitatively different life forms - an egg, a nymph, an imago.

A sexually mature female and male mate, after which an ootheca, a kind of chitinous cocoon, is formed in the genital sinus of the female, which is located under the dorsal shields of the last segments of the abdomen, where the eggs will ripen. The ootheca of the black cockroach, which can be seen in the photo below, is large, up to 12 mm in length, dense, 16 eggs are usually packed in it.

At this time, the abdomen of the female slightly increases in size, for several days, taking care of the offspring, the cockroach carries the ootheca with her, and then leaves it in a secret place. The incubation stage lasts up to 44 days, then larvae appear from the cocoon, small copies of black cockroaches, but their coloring is much lighter than that of adults, they are almost white.

The larvae undergo up to 10 molts before reaching sexual maturity. As she grows older, the nymph more and more resembles her parents.

The temperature of the environment also affects the rate of maturation of the offspring. In the conditions of a human dwelling, nothing prevents the reproduction of cockroaches, which is why they breed all year round. It can take from one to four years until the young generation is ready to mate. Throughout her life, the female lays 2-3 cocoons with eggs.

Damage caused by cockroaches

Black huge cockroaches most often come to human apartments from the worst places - garbage cans, sewers, they drag pathogenic microorganisms and helminth eggs on their paws, clog the room with their metabolic products - excrement, chitinous covers left after molting.

They not only spoil the appearance of housing, but can also cause serious harm to human health, as they provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions in him, including pronounced ones.

What can be the use of the Black cockroach?

Talking about the benefits of a black cockroach, even which many people can cause a squeamish reaction, may seem inappropriate. However, the powder and tincture made from large black cockroaches are considered by some to have amazing medicinal properties.

This tool is appreciated by representatives of oriental medicine, it was prepared by healers in previous centuries, and honored doctors also believed in its power. They say that Botkin himself prescribed it to patients.

This medicine is recommended for many troubles: some advise using it to get rid of worms, others use it as a diuretic, others, paradoxically as it sounds, try to stop asthma attacks with it. It is difficult to say how effective this remedy is, because modern official medicine is categorical in this matter and does not recommend self-medication.

However, the facts of the use of black cockroaches for a variety of potions and tinctures have a place to be. However, how serious should a person’s health problems be, and how unacceptable should medicines sold in pharmacies be for him, so that he, having overcome his disgust, would prefer such an extraordinary and not the cheapest method of treatment?

Black cockroach in the zoo

The structure of a cockroach is the same for almost all representatives of a large family. About 7600 are known. The insect belongs to one of the most ancient creatures of the globe. Archaeologists find the remains of the Prussians, which are about 295 million years old. The body structure of the ancient representatives of the genus is practically no different from the modern cockroach.

Color spectrum

Everywhere there are 2 types of cockroaches - black, red. The former prefer damp, dark rooms, live in manholes, basements, cellars. The second ones are often multi-storey buildings, they even reach the upper floors. They occupy several rooms - a bathroom, a toilet, a corridor, a pantry.

The structure of the chest

In this part there are wings, hard elytra, legs.

Cockroaches do not use wings for their intended purpose. found in Central and South America. Wings are used by insects to slow down the fall, if you have to plan from a height, to develop speed in the process of running, during the mating period. The male spreads his wings, creates a comfortable platform for a massive female, demonstrating his readiness for sexual intercourse.

The paws of a cockroach 6. They are located on both sides of the chest, abdominal region. They have a complex structure, each pair performs its own functions.

  • the front legs are the shortest, they play the role of brakes;
  • medium guarantee high maneuverability, able to move in different directions;
  • back - the longest, push the body forward.

The joint action of all limbs provides the insect with high mobility. The cockroach develops a speed of up to 4 km per hour, in 60 seconds it changes its trajectory 28 times.

The hairs on all legs help insects to pick up air vibrations. Thanks to these features, the Prussian hides faster than a person notices him. On the hind limbs there are suction cups that allow the Prussians to move equally well on a horizontal, vertical surface, even head down.

How many legs does a cockroach have, everyone thinks, seeing a Prusak rushing at lightning speed. Only 6, but each of them has a complex structure, performs its functions.


It consists of 11 segments, on the last one, males have cervical processes that are of no use to the insect. In females, an ootheca is located in this place. It develops larvae up to 16 pieces after each fertilization. The organs of hearing are located at the anal end of the abdomen near the cerci.


The weight of an adult cockroach is less than 8 mg. The body size increases gradually as the nymph grows, and does not exceed 15 mm in length.

In nymphs, only after 5 molts wings grow, genitals form, whiskers lengthen. The internal structure of a cockroach surprises just like the external one.

Systems from the inside

Experts say that insects are driven by the instincts of thirst, hunger, safety, sex. It becomes interesting if the cockroach has a brain. Another interesting observation suggests that a Prussian can live for a week without a head.

Nervous system

The functions of the brain are performed by 2 large knots of nerve plexuses located in the head. They are responsible for the functional activity of the eyes, lips, antennae. The central nervous system consists of 11 nodes, which are responsible for the movement of the wings, paws, head, thoracic region, and the sensitivity of the reproductive system.


The division of functions between the brain center and the central nervous system makes it possible to live without a head for almost a month in cool conditions. The brain does not regulate breathing, is not responsible for digestion. There is no pressure in the circulatory system, so the cockroach does not bleed. Energy is not wasted, which allows you to do without food.

The nervous system of a cockroach ensures the activity of all sense organs, coordinates movement.

Circulatory system

The blood of a cockroach is white, functions freely inside, washes the organs. There is no pressure in the system, so the Prusak does not suffer from bleeding in the event of a serious injury.

In a cockroach, the heart is formed by a tubular organ, which helps to circulate blood inside. But the process is slow, which is why. At zero, all life processes slow down, with heat above 35 degrees Celsius, the insect dies of dehydration.

Respiratory system

On the sides of the abdomen there are 10 segments of spiracles, which provide oxygen to all internal organs and systems. An interesting feature of holding your breath for 40 minutes makes cockroaches the laziest creatures on the planet. For most of their lives, insects do not breathe.

Digestive system

reproductive system


The cockroach has 48 chromosomes, while humans have only 46. This does not make insects smarter than humans, but it ensures high survival and adaptation to any conditions.

Cockroaches are ordinary-looking creatures, but scientists never cease to be amazed at the complexity of the internal and external structure. Knowing the characteristics of the body of the Prussians, one can understand where they get such resistance to, unpleasant odors.