Statuses about God and faith in God. The wisest statuses in VK about God

Quotes, statuses about God, Christ, faith, life.

In compassion there is a love of such power that it is greater than ordinary love. If you have compassion for another, you begin to love him more.

Elder Paisios the Holy Mountaineer

✞ Jesus had a wooden cross and a golden heart, and now many have golden crosses and wooden hearts ✞

Love sincerely! Farewell quickly! Kiss slowly! Laugh uncontrollably! And never regret the past!

Some thoughts are the same prayers. There are moments when the soul, regardless of the position of the body, is on its knees. Victor Hugo


"Happy is the one who feels happy" St. Theophan the Recluse

Lord, give me the strength to change what I can change and the courage to accept what I cannot change.

Let's not skimp on warmth: We all need moments of understanding. Let a friend become light in his soul From our participation and attention.

Music is the only world language, it does not need to be translated, soul speaks to soul in it. Averbakh Berthold

I have learned to be content with what I have (Philippians 4:11) and what I don't have and who I don't have

Thank God! Thank God for everything! Gloomy thoughts and burdens recede from these wonderful, holy words. Peace, consolation, joy come into the human soul

Start thanking God for what you have and He will give you what you lack.

Joy is not the absence of suffering. This is the presence of God.

There is no closer acquaintance, no closer connection, like a connection by unity of thoughts, unity of feelings, unity of purpose. St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov)

God is not in power, but in truth. Some with weapons, others on horseback, but we will call on the Name of the Lord our God! Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky.

Listen to God in commandments so that He hears you in prayers. (St. John Chrysostom)

Do not look for support in people, but in God, and the Lord will send reliable friends in spirit. Archimandrite John (Krestyankin)

Yes, Lord, King, grant me to see my sins and not condemn my brother, ..

"Great selfishness is to think that you are capable of correcting others." (Schemamonk Paisios the Holy Mountaineer)

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Don't waste time. This is the stuff life is made of!

You may know someone for a long time. But then he will betray you. You may not know someone well. But he will give a hand in trouble ...

It is better to be deprived of respect than tired of being useful.

Only love can be above the law, only mercy can be above truth, and only forgiveness can be above justice!


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When man gives himself completely to God, then God gives himself completely to man. Monk Simeon Athos

Faith is the realization of things hoped for and the certainty of things not seen. Heb.11:1, Bible

The basis of faith is spiritual poverty and boundless love for God. Reverend Macarius Great

People are tired of believing in themselves, but have forgotten how to believe in God.

A wise person does not grieve for what is not, he rejoices in the present.

Whoever has faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.

Religion is a fashionable surrogate for faith.

Draw near to God not by rites and ceremonies, but by inner feeling. Heaven is not a place or a time.

Let us praise God, who grants the faithful In darkness, death, in despair, joy.

We ask God, and complain only when we feel bad. However, when we feel good, we don’t thank him for it. To whom does a person turn when there is no one to turn to?

God thinks about us, but does not think for us.

Faith is an oasis in the heart that the caravan of thinking will never reach.

Believe in yourself! Believe in him! Believe in our feelings.

There are two wise people: I and the people, I believe in myself.

Only through the eyes of love can we see a person as he is in his very depths, in his very essence, and treat him accordingly. This is how God treats us.

I'm beautiful in my own way, because God doesn't make mistakes.

Take care of the one who cries for you. God bless you for her tears.

Faith is the wing of prayer. Without faith, this wing, my prayer will again return to my bowels.

Do not bargain with God for comfort, and He will comfort you.

Faith in one God is the key to the inner unity of man.
Ilya Shevelev

When God closes one door, he opens another; but we often do not notice it, staring at closed door...

By faith the Lord will create everything, but the perfection of the Christian life is in humility.

To prove God is blasphemy; to deny it is madness.

I will destroy everything that I have built for so long. In my soul I will erect a new temple. Away with those people who are not worthy. And those who are nearby - I definitely will not betray ...

"I do not believe that the percentage of believers in God among scientists is less than among other professions."

Christians are people who have heard and responded to the call of Jesus Christ.

Faith consists not only in being baptized into Christ, but also in keeping His commandments.

God will not accept prayer without faith and without works.

Tell me, father, where is justice in this world. The truth has clearly merged, but grace does not rule in this world. Give me strength not to lose ...

The biggest regrets in our lives are associated with the period when we ran away from God.

If your faith doesn't motivate you to change, change your faith.

Faith is the art of holding on to what you once accepted, regardless of mood swings. (C. Lewis)

No one has done anything great for God without taking a great step of faith.

Commit your deeds to the Lord, and your undertakings will be accomplished. (Proverbs of Solomon 16:3)

Obedience without faith is possible, but faith without obedience is never.

It's always scary to take a step of faith. If it were not for fear, faith would not be needed.

Faith in oneself leads to disappointment; trust in God will never disappoint.

I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart and praise Your name forever” (Ps. 85:12-13)

Panic is a faith killer.

Statuses, quotes about faith in God


Create in the image and likeness? Oh, I've heard that before.

I heard, I saw, I know. I even understand.

I remember those who called themselves humans. Pitiful creatures. But they are so different… Someone had a mind, someone dictated the way to the heart. And someone was selfish, greedy for power and glory. But…

Oh yes, there is one "but". Everyone has a soul. Whatever vice overwhelmed a person, he always remained himself, even if somewhere out there, in the back of consciousness.

Almost every one of their number valued their own life above all else, but because of a broken heart, they could step into oblivion without fear, without hesitation. It was funny to see this. Know and remember.

Oh yes, I remember. I... I'm the same. Nearly. Is it a human?

I do not remember. My soul is old and thin, barely holding on in the physical body, under the weight of the experience. But memory and longevity are eternal punishment for me, for all my deeds. And therefore, I create and now. From boredom and hopelessness. To amuse yourself a little, to make sense for a brief moment. After all, in order to lay hands on myself, I will never be able to muster up the courage and insolence. Courage to face the darkness, enveloping and empty, like non-existence, and audacity ... To look into the eyes of all those whom I leave.

So... Clay is molded, dirtying hands. Red, with an admixture of sand and lake mud a little. It's wet, too wet, smudges my hands and slips out of my senile, arthritic, clingy fingers.

In your own image and likeness, you say?

You can't, oh you can't. Let them be flawed. Let there be orphans and the poor, let there be selfish freaks who do not know love and tenderness, who know how to kill. Who - it doesn't matter. Each other, prey, those who want to kill them.

And I will make greed their greatest virtue. Let them save, protect, care for and cherish their treasures, which in reality are nothing. A bunch of sparkling pebbles.

By putting lust into them, I will make them multiply a hundred times more than necessary. So that children are a bargaining chip, a reflection of the unrealizable dreams of their parents, so that children suffer and become copies of those who gave birth to them. Let them rape, humiliate, kill, making each other writhe in pain and disgust.

Pride I will give them more than to pass by old people who need a crust of bread. To forget their own parents, to hate those who are below them in status, to forget objectionable friends...

And to some, very, very few, I will give love and compassion. So that they suffer the most, surrounded by like.

Create in the image and likeness? Why, if you want to sit in the creators?

It is much easier to create your children crippled in order to patronize them and have fun watching their swarming.
Like flies in the mud, by God. Ah, well, yes. Pun.

Although, no. I am not God. I... I am human. At least, in my own thoughts, it is worth acknowledging.

And so ... Two figures are ready - male and female. Roughly molded, more schematic than correct.

As soon as I blow on them, puffing out my cheeks and taking a deep breath before that, like ...

No. And yet, no matter what, I am human.

I am human.

The man who created these for himself. In the image and likeness. Nearly.

I am human.

Creator. A crooked-handed and blind artist who draws pictures while listening to music played by a traveling musician under the window. Talentless.