Palm tree from bottles - a detailed description of how to make it from various materials with your own hands. How to make a palm tree from plastic bottles How to make a palm tree trunk from bottles

Do you want to decorate the yard with an unusual plant, but there is no time at all to plant a seed and wait for it to grow? Then the budget and quick option is perfect for you - palm tree crafts from plastic bottles. Such an artificial plant will decorate the cottage or private house, will please the household and surprise all the neighbors, because for our climate a palm tree is an amazing natural phenomenon. Such a plastic craft not only looks realistic, but also glows in the sun, delighting little kids. How to make a palm tree from plastic bottles step by step?

Not all plastic containers will look good with each other. It is better to immediately remove transparent bottles to the side, because you will need brown and green containers. These can be bottles of kvass, Sprite and 7 UP drink. You can buy a drink, free it from sheets and wrappers, and gradually collect containers. For a large craft, you will need about 14 green bottles and 20 brown ones. For a small palm tree, the amount can be halved.

Take containers that are easy to work with. The material should not be too thick. Be sure to use plastic containers so that you can cut them with ordinary scissors. Also, do not forget about safety precautions and do not let your child help you with cutting containers.

For a complete composition, you will also need an iron rod that needs to be buried in the ground. It will become the basis of the trunk of the future tree. To keep the rod firmly in the ground, use a shovel or overlay the iron with large stones.

The fewer bottles you use, the larger should be their volume. Thus, if you have accumulated two-liter bottles in your house, 10 bottles of each color are enough. If you want to make a big palm two-liter containers is the ideal material. For a small palm tree, one and a half liter or liter containers are suitable.

For tree leaves, it is better to take large containers, so the craft will look more magnificent. Before you get started, make sure your brown containers are smaller and your green ones are larger. How to make a palm tree from plastic bottles? The master class will help you in this exciting activity. It’s quite simple to do the craft step by step, so be sure to use the master class below.

Gallery: palm tree from plastic bottles (25 photos)

How to make a palm tree from plastic bottles


  • brown containers (10-20 pieces);
  • green containers (25–35);
  • metal stick (about 50–100 cm);
  • hot glue or double-sided tape;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • cable;
  • simple pencil.

How to make a palm tree with your own hands? Following a simple step by step master class, you can make a beautiful exotic tree with your own hands.

Master class: do-it-yourself palm tree from plastic bottles step by step

  1. Assembly starts from the bottom. To get started, you need to take metal stick and stick it in the ground. Be sure to check the strength and durability of the base.
  2. The trunk for a palm tree consists of brown containers connected to each other. It is necessary to cut off 1/3 of the brown container (bottom), leaving the top with the neck. From the top form a "flower" of 8 petals. Turn the petals inside out so that the part can lie on the table thanks to the petals. When forming the petals, about 3-4 cm should be retreated from the cover.
  3. Prepare about 20 such parts. If you are planning to assemble a small palm tree, then 10 parts will be enough.
  4. Put the details on the metal bayonet using the "one to another" or "glass to glass" method. The first part is best additionally secured with double-sided tape or hot glue.
  5. It is necessary to divide the green container in half, leaving the upper part.
  6. Make cuts on the top green container , not reaching the cover by 5–6 cm. The thickness of the notch is 0.5–1 cm. The more cuts there are, the more magnificent the crown of the palm tree will turn out.
  7. For one large branch you will need 5 bottles. There should be 7 branches in total. String 5 green blanks on the cable (diameter - 12 cm). Secure all blanks with double-sided tape or glue.
  8. Gather the brown and green parts of the palm together. Wrap the cable around a metal bayonet buried about 20–30 cm into the ground. A piece of paper will help secure the “dangling” parts. Paper is perfect for fixing, it is only important to make sure that it does not get wet.
  9. Decorate a palm tree you can use artificial coconuts or bananas made from brown or yellow bottles. Do-it-yourself exotic tree is ready!

Today you learned how to make a palm tree out of bottles. To make the craft lush, move the brown petals in different directions, so the plant will take on a completely different look. The finished tree can be decorated with plush monkeys or toucans. Further design of the craft is limited only by your imagination!

  1. It is best to use straight brown barrel containers. So the base of the tree will not be crooked. For leaves, containers of any shape are suitable.
  2. If you have accumulated brown bottles of different sizes, then it is better to start the assembly with the largest bottle, and finish the barrel with the smallest one. So the plant will seem more believable.
  3. To prevent the bayonet from falling out of the ground, it is best to bury it deep. 30 cm is a great option.
  4. It is worth using plastic decorations to decorate an exotic tree. If it rains, plush toys with foam rubber can get wet and lose their original appearance.
  5. Under the palm tree you can place a table with exotic fruits to complement the composition and create a dignified atmosphere.

Do-it-yourself palm tree from plastic bottles in stages - simple and interesting craft. Making a plastic palm tree with your own hands is a pleasure! You can involve children in this business to turn the activity into a family hobby. Perhaps the children will tell you how best to cut out this or that element and help string the bottles onto the cable. Make sure children don't get hurt. Never let them cut the bottles themselves!

Any garden will seem unusual and original if you plant a palm tree there. However, in our climate, this idea is impossible - a tropical plant obviously will not survive the winter. The alternative would be plastic palm. The product is not afraid of frost and does not need to be watered.

DIY materials

There are several ways to make a palm tree from plastic bottles, and each uses the same components:

  • Plastic bottles are brown and green. Better two or one and a half liter.
  • Scissors.
  • Tape or glue.
  • A long, straight stick that will be the base - iron, plastic or wood.
  • Small wires or twigs for palm leaves.

Stages of product creation:

  • Wash and clean bottle labels.
  • Make leaves.
  • Make a tree trunk.
  • Fasten the leaves to the trunk and set in the yard.

This short description upcoming actions. Below are some instructions for beginners. Everyone will be able to choose which palm tree will look best in the yard.

First way

Making leaves

Green bottles are cut in half. You only need the part with the neck. A narrow section of it remains intact, and the rest is cut into many small strips. When a lot of blanks are made, they are all strung on a cable.

It is advisable to fasten them with glue or tape so that they are firmly attached to each other. Leaves need to be made at least 5-6. If you get more, the tree will look even more attractive.

palm tree trunk

The barrel needs brown bottles. The bottom of the bottom is cut off and the rest of the bottle is used. The process of creating a blank is identical to the first point - longitudinal strips attached to the neck are cut.

However, if in the first case the more stripes, the better, then there should be six of them. The edges are neat, slightly pointed and curl inwards. A lot of preparations are needed. The more details, the longer the palm will be.

It is advisable to select the length of the rod on which they will be strung, but it is important to consider that part of it is dug into the ground.

Foundation preparation

As already mentioned in paragraph two - the rod must be dug in. It should be deep enough in the ground so that the structure does not fall from the wind. Brown details are strung on it. The neck of the first workpiece is slightly buried along with the rod.

We fasten the leaves to the palm tree

The blanks from point one should have wires sticking out of the necks of the bottles. With the help of wires, the crown is tied to the top of the tree.

Second way

The actions are roughly similar to option 1. Only the type of cutting of parts changes, and this also changes the appearance of the product.

In this case, brown bottles are not used completely, but only 1/3 of the bottle (which is near the narrow part). Instead of 6 long strips, 8 short pointed petals are cut out.

To make the palm tree wide and voluminous, the petals should stick out. Due to the lack of materials, the bottom of the bottle can be used in a similar way, but then a hole must be punched in the bottom.

The leaves of this palm tree seem more real. For realism appearance, in addition to green bottles, you can use yellow ones. You can also experiment with leaf sizes. For huge sheets, you can take six-liter bottles, and for small ones, one and a half liter ones.

The bottom of the containers is cut off, and the rest is cut into 3 sheets attached to the neck. The leaves have a longitudinal stem (about 1.5 cm) and the rest is cut into many thin transverse strips on both sides of the leaf stem.

In order to present visually - the leaves will resemble, familiar to many, fern leaves. To make the tree lush, the fringe needs to be fluffed - the strips are bent alternately up or down.

You need to fasten the parts to each other, as well as in the first method.

Third way

The leaves are made from the bottoms of one and a half liter bottles. They are cut, holes are made in the middle and strung on a cable. Such a sheet, on the contrary, ends with a thin part of the bottle.

In this embodiment, a thin base will not work. For the base you need to use a long log. The bottoms are cut off from brown bottles and nailed to the log until they cover it completely.

Describing these 3 ways can give creative people inspiration to create new, unusual options. A little tip: leaf and stem ideas can be combined to suit the taste of the garden owner.

In the photo, especially skillfully made palm trees from plastic bottles are surprisingly similar to real ones. The yard in which such beauty “grows” will look like exotic tropics, even in a snowy winter.

Photo of palm trees from plastic bottles

A handmade palm tree does not require maintenance, but at the same time it is an excellent interior decoration. The master class offers you the opportunity to create two versions of a palm tree - for the desktop and for the area around the house.

If you want to decorate your interior with exotic elements, then you can try to make a palm tree with your own hands using one of the techniques presented in this master class.

To create your own simple option palm trees you will need the following materials:

Wire, the thickness and diameter of which will depend solely on your desire for the future size of the tree;


Sheets of paper with adhesive side;

Any material for wrapping a palm tree, a simple pipe brush is used here;

Make several pieces of the desired length from the wire, their number should be about 8-10. The length of the wire is the height of your palm, so try to make it optimal for your desire. Attach a square of adhesive paper to one end of the wire, which will be palm leaves. Put future leaves on each wire.

Using scissors, give the squares the desired shape of the petals, in each of which make cuts that reach the wire.

Leaves for a palm tree should be connected to each other to get a tree as a result. Now you should take a strip of a brush of any color to give it realism, a brush will be the most suitable Brown color. Take all the wires with leaves in your hand and connect them using winding from a brush. Having reached the desired height of the palm, you can cut off the excess from the brush. At the same time, leave one or two centimeters, this will later make the palm stable.

Install the palm, giving the leaves the desired shape.

You can make a large-sized palm tree with your own hands to place it in the courtyard of the house from simple plastic bottles.

To do this, you need to collect green and brown plastic bottles, take a couple of iron twigs and prepare a drill, as well as a knife and scissors.

First you need to make a trunk. From each bottle we cut off the bottom with a height of at least 20 cm. In this case, the edges should be cut into cloves and bent back for clarity. This will allow you to get the scaly structure of the palm trunk. Also, in each bottle blank, a hole should be drilled equal to the diameter of the iron rod, it will be the basis.

Now take the green bottles and cut them in half. Next, we cut the edges of each bottle in the shape of leaves. We leave the necks on one half, and drill holes for the twigs at the ends of the others.

The blanks are ready, it's time to start assembling the palm tree!

Attaching palm leaves is not as difficult as it might seem. It is necessary to take an elastic rod, hard enough, but not thick. We insert the cut green bottles one into one, throat to throat, and on the last bottle we leave a cork, which we drill and put on a rod, at the end the rod must be bent so that the leaves do not sleep.

Palm tree from plastic bottles is ready!

There is also a simpler option

A palm tree is considered a symbol of summer and relaxation. But most people do not have enough money to visit near a living palm tree. Therefore, you can combine business with pleasure and make such a decoration for your garden as a palm tree from plastic bottles with your own hands.

Original decor

For this we need:

  • Plastic bottles 15 pieces of brown color, with a capacity of 2.5 liters - for the barrel;
  • Plastic bottles of 10 pieces of green color, with a capacity of 2 liters - for leaves;
  • Any wires with a diameter of 12 mm for fastening;
  • Metal sheet 0.5 cm thick;
  • Two iron rods 25 cm long;
  • Metal tubes 20 mm thick.

How to make a palm tree from plastic bottles, we will tell you step by step in an easy master class.

Cut leaves for palm trees. We take a plastic green bottle and cut it into two equal parts. We need the top one.

We cut the upper part of the bottle lengthwise into strips 3 mm thick.

Please note that the shape of the bottle itself is not so important when making a palm tree.

Thus, we make all the green bottles that are available. We fix the prepared parts on the wire and connect them together. Such a preparation should not be alone.

We proceed to the manufacture of the trunk. For this we take brown bottles. We make cuts along the bottles. Most importantly, they must be wide. And cut out the bottom, as shown in the photo.

Next, we carry out welding work. To do this, we take a metal sheet and weld two iron rods to it as follows: the first rod is at an angle of ninety degrees, and the second rod is approximately at an angle of 60-70 degrees.

It is necessary to put metal tubes on the welded rods. The height that you want to make a palm tree.

We weld metal bushings at the end of the rod. They are necessary in order to fix the leaves made there.

We attach the leaves to the metal pipe. It is better to bend them so that it looks more like a palm tree.

The leaves have been collected, now we move on to the trunk itself.

The main points in the manufacture of leaves for palm trees:

  • If you want your palm tree to have wide leaves, then for this you must first cut off the bottoms of the bottle. Next, we cut it into three parts. You can use the yellow color of the bottles, or you can use both colors. So the palm tree will be more expressive and bright. The most important thing is to cut almost to the end of the bottle, you can literally leave half a centimeter;
  • Using scissors, round the leaves to the base;
  • Next, we make a fringe on the cut strips. Thus, we do on both sides of the sheet. The middle of the sheet should be about one and a half centimeters. To make your palm tree more magnificent, you need to bend the fringe with scissors in the following order: one cut up and the second down.

The main points in the manufacture of a palm tree trunk:

  • Cut off the bottom of the bottles;
  • We retreat half a centimeter from the lid and cut out eight petals;
  • We turn each of them in the opposite direction;
  • To save material, you can use the cut off part. Only in order to fix it, you have to make a hole in it.

Key points to consider when assembling a palm tree:

As a barrel, it is best to use a metal-plastic pipe. And the most the best choice diameter is 20 mm. You choose the height you want.

It is best to collect the palm tree itself from below. The higher the palm, the smaller the details of the trunk should be, that is, it is best to use the largest blanks for the bottom. The method is the simplest and not complicated - a glass in a glass. It would be better if their arrangement is staggered.

The bottom itself is best fixed on glue "Moment" , so it will be most reliable. Approximately 30 cm before the top of the stem, it is necessary to complete the assembly of the stem and continue to fix the leaves. It is also recommended to use a checkerboard pattern.

Once you have collected all the palm, it is necessary to bury the welded reinforcement in the ground to a depth of thirty centimeters. Then we put the finished palm tree on the armature.

table palm

For its manufacture we need:

  • Bottles with a capacity of 1.0 liters of brown color - 3 pieces;
  • A bottle with a capacity of 0.6 liters of green color - 1 piece;
  • Stationery scissors;
  • Glue "Moment".

Let's get started, here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. We cut each of the brown bottles into four parts, it is desirable that they be the same. In each of the parts we make cuts in the form of triangles. The size of which will be approximately one centimeter;
  2. Carefully bend the resulting triangles;
  3. We take a green bottle and divide it into three parts. We cut each part in the form of triangles. The part with the neck will be the largest of all;
  4. We assemble palm trees. We assemble the trunk: first the bottom itself, then all the other parts. When assembling, all parts must be glued. We make the leaves as follows, first insert the largest part with the throat into the trunk, then the middle part, and attach the bottom to the very top.

Palm is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

A great idea is to decorate your garden with a palm tree. Exotic, beauty, delight of guests. Palm trees in the garden are now at the forefront of amateur garden design.

They are made from different materials, mostly from, but other options happen. For example, excellent palm trees are obtained from,, etc. Ideas for a garden are so versatile in terms of materials and techniques that you can find in their depths such a sample of crafts that fits perfectly into the landscape of the site, and will impress and delight not only random hallways, but also the owners, moreover, all the time.

What materials to use to create a palm tree

  • metal or plastic pipes different diameter. Ideally, you need 3-6 pieces of such pipes (depending on the height of the palm tree). Such pipes are used for ventilation or drainage.
  • Long metal pin (reinforcing) or metal profile. You can use a thin long metal pipe.
  • 1-2 sheets of galvanized iron. There is galvanization in rolls.
  • Fasteners: wire, bolts, nuts.
  • Paint green: if the sheet of metal intended to be palm leaves is not factory dyed.
  • Paint brown: if there is a need to paint the trunk of a palm tree.

How to make a palm tree for the garden. Master Class

First, we prepare the elements of the palm tree and only then we collect it. Otherwise, nothing: a palm tree is a tall tree.

We cut metal or plastic pipes into segments of the required length. If necessary, paint them and set aside to dry.

Galvanized sheets are painted on one side or both. The latter option is preferable, so you don’t have to paint anything. If the sheet is painted on one side, paint the other. We do the same if we have simple unpainted galvanized sheets at our disposal - we paint them on both sides.

On a sheet of metal with a marker, we outline the leaves schematically. They should be large enough to look harmoniously in relation to the trunk. If the palm tree is very tall, we take this into account and make the leaves a little larger, otherwise they will look small from below.

Cut out the leaves. You can do this using metal shears or an electric tool.

Slightly bend the leaves (see photo). In this case, they will hang beautifully and “naturally” from the top of the palm tree.

We attach the leaves to the pipe, which will be the final element of the trunk.

We fix a thin metal pipe or metal profile in the ground. For reliability, it is better to concrete the pipe / profile into the ground, but if there is no such desire or possibility, the pin must be inserted as deep as possible into the ground. We compact the soil around the pin as best as possible.

We put pipe sections on the pin. At the bottom of the trunk - pipes of a larger diameter, at the top of a smaller one. Last we put on the element with the leaves.

The palm tree is done, and it is truly luxurious.

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