Pneumonia as treated at home for an adult. How to treat pneumonia in adults and children - diagnostics, folk remedies and medicines. Decoction of cloves on wine

The doctor determines the place of treatment, taking into account the age of the patient, the presence of chronic diseases, the conditions for the occurrence of pneumonia, and the threat to life. Inflammation of the lungs can be treated at home only if there is no indication for hospitalization, under the supervision of a doctor and with all medical prescriptions. Newborns and children under 6 months of age should be treated exclusively in the hospital.

Pneumonia is an infectious disease, so antibiotics are the mainstay of its treatment both in the hospital and at home.

You can treat pathology with such drugs:

The specific drug, its dosage, duration and frequency of administration determines, and also controls the effectiveness of the attending physician. In the process of home treatment, preference is given to tablet forms - the patient takes them himself.

At the height of the activity of the infectious process, along with antibiotic therapy at home, it is necessary to treat pneumonia with expectorant drugs (lazolvan, bromhexine) and non-drug agents, local therapy and breathing exercises.

The place of herbal preparations in the treatment of pneumonia

Adults and children can be treated with herbs in various dosage forms at home. An important condition is the absence of allergies to them. Herbs with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant properties are used. They are used for oral administration, inhalation, gargling. These remedies are used at home both at the height of the inflammatory process and during the recovery period.

With pneumonia, licorice root, marshmallow, rhizomes and roots of elecampane, valerian, birch leaves, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, succession, cumin fruits are useful.

Eucalyptus tincture should be drunk 3 times a day for 20-30 drops, adding a third of a glass of warm water. The same solution is used for rinsing, inhalation. Rinsing with warm infusion of bergenia root is shown (20 g per 200 ml of boiling water).

With the help of inhalations, pneumonia can be successfully treated using aromatic oils: eucalyptus, fir, tea tree oil.

To improve sputum production, infusions are most often used:

  • marshmallow root
  • elecampane rhizomes;
  • licorice root;
  • a mixture of marshmallow root, oregano herb and coltsfoot leaf in equal amounts.

One teaspoon of these fees is added to 200 ml of boiling water. After insisting, use no more than one tablespoon from 4 to 5 times a day.

You can treat pneumonia with a decoction of this mixture: herbs of tricolor violet, marsh cudweed, thyme, pine buds, plantain leaves in equal amounts. Add one tablespoon of the collection to boiling water (about half a liter), after 20 minutes of cooking and further infusion, drink 50 ml 4-6 times a day before meals.

Aloe in the treatment of pneumonia

Aloe occupies a special place among herbal preparations for home therapy, due to its diverse properties.

Aloe leaves and juice contain the following components:

  • enzymes;
  • flavonoids;
  • significant amounts of vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • amino acids;
  • carbohydrates.

They allow you to effectively treat inflammation, support metabolism and tissue nutrition.

Aloe leaf gruel (200 g) is mixed with table salt (no more than 1 teaspoon). Infused in a cold place for several hours, the mixture can be drunk one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals, at least 1 hour before.

Recipes are used at home, including, in addition to aloe, medicinal herbs and honey.

Aloe leaves (250 g) are crushed and steamed, birch buds (150 g) and lime flowers (50 g) are boiled and filtered. Mixed with honey (130 g) and stored in a cool place. Drink no more than 4 times a day, one tablespoon half an hour before meals.

For another remedy, fresh, finely chopped aloe leaves and St. John's wort, one tablespoon each, elecampane root (3 tablespoons), olive oil (200 ml), linden honey (400 ml), warm water (500 ml) are used. Herbs and aloe must be mixed, boiled for 20 minutes, combined with oil and honey. The product can be refrigerated. It is drunk 1 teaspoon no more than five times a day half an hour before meals for a course of up to 2 weeks.

Local therapy

Local treatment at home promotes the resorption of foci of inflammation, tissue repair, and mucus discharge.

The main tools and techniques used for this are:

Breathing exercises with the involvement of the diaphragm improves the mechanics of breathing, normalizes lung function.

Banks and mustard plasters can be placed at the stage of recovery at normal body temperature (at least 2 days), after restoring appetite, reducing general weakness, if there are no breathing difficulties, hemoptysis and a feeling of lack of air.

Mustard plasters, acting locally, irritate the skin and the receptor field. The vessels expand, blood circulation increases, adrenaline and norepinephrine are released in large quantities. The discharge of sputum is facilitated, the body's defenses are activated, the tissues are deeply heated.

A child under one year of age cannot be placed; from 1 to 3 years old, special mustard plasters for children are used for treatment.

Banks cause local blood and lymph filling of the skin with subcutaneous tissue, which improves metabolic processes, promotes the resorption of inflammatory foci. Children under 3 years of age are not prescribed.

For the treatment of adults and children at home, mustard plasters and cans can be placed in the back, avoiding the spine, shoulder blades, lower back, heart, and mammary glands.

Mustard plasters soaked with warm water are placed on the skin below the shoulder blades, including the lateral surfaces of the body, covered with a blanket. Every minute determine the degree of redness of the skin, observe the burning sensation, control the occurrence of pain. When 5-10 minutes (for adults) or 2-4 minutes (for children) pass, they are removed, the skin is wiped, an ointment or cream is applied.

Banks (for adults up to 6 pieces, for children by age) can be placed on cleansed, Vaseline-lubricated skin. As a result, it is pulled inward with the subcutaneous tissue, changing its color from light pink to purple. If everything is correct, the patient can only feel local pressure, heat. The patient is covered with a blanket, after 5 minutes the banks are removed for the first time. Gradually, their production begins to take from 15 to 20 minutes.

Both procedures are performed 1 time per day, the course is not more than five. The same zone is not affected twice. At the same time, banks put every or every other day, and mustard plasters daily.

Mustard plasters and banks are not used at home under the following conditions:

  • body temperature exceeding 37 C;
  • tumor processes;
  • streaks of blood in sputum;
  • disorders in the blood coagulation system;
  • pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding;
  • allergic diseases, mustard intolerance;
  • skin diseases and injuries.

As a local treatment at home, after normalizing the temperature, it is useful to massage the chest area, use rubbing ointments (camphor). It also contributes to better evacuation of sputum accumulated in the bronchi and lungs.

Thus, at home, under the supervision of a doctor, along with antibiotics and drugs, they are treated with herbs and other herbal preparations. Aloe is especially useful, local therapy, breathing exercises are also shown. Massage for inflammation of the lungs contributes to the speedy resorption of pathological foci and a full recovery.

Pneumonia (pneumonia) is an acute infectious disease of bacterial, fungal or viral etiology. It is characterized by damage to the lung parenchyma and inflammation of the respiratory section of the respiratory tract.


Complications develop in severe forms of pneumonia. In the absence of treatment or inadequate therapy, the consequences can be with ordinary focal pneumonia.

Possible complications:

  • abscess formation;
  • obstruction;
  • pneumothorax;
  • pneumosclerosis - replacement of the cavity of the alveoli with connective tissue;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis;
  • infectious-toxic shock (ITS);
  • sepsis.

Hospitalization or home treatment

After making an accurate diagnosis of pneumonia, the doctor will determine the type and severity of the disease, based on this, recommends outpatient or inpatient treatment for pneumonia.

When choosing drugs and the place of treatment, the doctor takes into account the following adverse factors (risk factors for complications):

  • children's or old age (patients under three years of age and elderly people over 65 years of age are at risk);
  • the presence of chronic diseases (COPD, diabetes, heart failure, and others) and immunodeficiency;
  • smoking;
  • alcoholism;
  • low social status;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hospital admissions in the current year.

The type of pathogen also affects the course of the disease: for example, the most severe course of pneumonia is provoked by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella. Inflammation of the lungs caused by pneumococcus, mycoplasma, legionella, and chlamydia respond best to antimicrobial therapy.

If the patient is at risk, in most of these cases the disease will have a severe course and recovery is unlikely to come quickly. However, young, physically strong people without bad habits with no history of concomitant diseases are not immune from the severe course of pneumonia. The American Thoracic Society has formulated the main signs of a severe course of pneumonia:

  • respiratory failure (shortness of breath);
  • vascular insufficiency (low blood pressure);
  • high body temperature (above 38 degrees);
  • weakness, drowsiness, disorientation in space, stupor;
  • leukopenia or leukocytosis (less than 4 thousand / μl or more than 30 thousand / μl);
  • hematocrit less than 30%;
  • kidney failure;
  • damage to several lobes of the lungs at once, the formation of abscesses.

In the absence of the above symptoms, risk factors for complications and social indications (and the disease meets the criteria for non-severe), outpatient treatment can be prescribed with mandatory medical supervision. If the pneumonia is not severe, the treatment is carried out by a generalist doctor (pediatrician, family doctor, therapist). Patients in serious condition should be admitted to the hospital.

The duration of treatment for pneumonia of a mild course is about 7-10 days. In severe pneumonia, the course is 14-21 days. With the development of complications (for example, in the form of abscess formation, encysted pleurisy), the treatment time can be increased up to 1.5 months. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between the terms of treatment and the terms of complete recovery. Complete recovery is considered to be the absence of clinical symptoms and radiological signs of pneumonia, which, at the end of the course of treatment, may still be present in the form of residual effects or a resolution stage.

If you do not seek help in time in the presence of concomitant diseases, there is a risk of developing severe pneumonia. Such a diagnosis can be made in the presence of one of the following signs (absolute EPO criteria for admission to the ICU):

  • the need for artificial ventilation of the lungs, tracheal intubation;
  • septic shock, multiple organ failure;
  • coma.

In fact, patients with such a course of the disease need resuscitation. To avoid the likelihood of a fatal outcome, the treatment of such patients can be very long, often with non-standard antibiotic regimens (lasting more than a month). The recovery period is from 30 days to several months.

The rate of recovery, in addition to favorable or unfavorable factors in the patient's history, is affected by an earlier start of antibiotic administration and adequate therapy.


Antimicrobial therapy with antibiotics will help cure pneumonia. As a rule, antibiotic therapy for pneumonia is empiric, since the patient does not have time to wait for the results of cultures for sensitivity. Among the variety of antibacterial drugs, drugs of choice, reserve and alternative drugs are distinguished. In each individual case, the doctor recommends any drug from these groups. You can read more about antibiotics for pneumonia and.

Pathogenic microorganisms resistant to antimicrobial agents determine the more severe and prolonged course of pneumonia. The resistance of microorganisms to many antibiotics is characteristic of nosocomial pneumonia, in immunocompromised individuals and those who are often ill. The effectiveness of the drug is evaluated by the doctor two to three days after the start of its administration, based on a decrease in temperature and an improvement in well-being.

The minimum course of antibiotics is 7-10 days. Even if the patient's condition is relieved, antimicrobial therapy should not be stopped earlier: untreated pneumonia threatens with serious complications, and the disease must be cured to the end.

Symptomatic therapy is also required to alleviate the patient's condition. The patient is prescribed mucolytic and expectorant drugs to thin the sputum and facilitate expectoration. If the body temperature rises above 39 degrees, antipyretics are prescribed.

In order to recover as quickly as possible, the patient must observe, depending on the severity of the current, bed rest, extended bed rest (in the hospital - ward) rest and free.

Light physical activity is allowed for outpatients (if the state of health allows and the temperature is within the normal range), you can perform exercises such as light walking for 15 minutes, walking up the stairs, various exercises for all muscle groups in dosed volumes: spreading the arms while sitting and standing, lifting and breeding legs while lying in bed, push-ups with a grasshopper, squats.

Inpatients with bed rest are recommended to limit physical activity, however, such patients can change their position in bed more often, get up periodically, they are also shown light static exercises affecting small muscle groups, and special massage.

For inpatients with extended bed rest and free rest, more thorough loads are recommended for a speedy recovery. They can be recommended walking on the spot and walking around the ward, while the patient should gradually increase the load, including in his complex general tonic exercises for all muscle groups.

To support strength, patients with pneumonia are shown to eat easily digestible, but high-calorie foods. It is necessary to exclude fatty, fried and spicy foods, the diet should have enough protein and complex carbohydrates: you can steamed meat dishes, cereals, vegetables, soups with meat, fruits.

The amount of liquid consumed should be at least two liters per day, it is recommended to drink often in a volume of about 200 ml.

Unquestioning observance of all doctor's prescriptions is obligatory: take all prescribed medicines by the hour, adhere to the recommended motor regimen, diet, stop smoking and alcohol, do not refuse prescribed procedures. In the treatment of pneumonia, high compliance is very important, that is, adherence to all the prescriptions of the attending physician, the outcome of treatment, especially the severe course of the disease, depends on this.

Patients with pneumonia are shown special physiotherapy: inhalations with a nebulizer or ultrasonic inhalers, electrophoresis, UHF therapy, magnetic therapy, UV radiation of the chest, vibration and percussion massage of the chest can be used.

Breathing exercises

Special breathing exercises, which can be performed even in the acute course of the disease, will also help to recover quickly. A few simple exercises:

  • The patient, as relaxed as possible, lies on his back. Slow inhalation through the nose, retention of air in the lungs for three seconds and slow exhalation through tightly pursed lips for five seconds. Repeat 20 times.
  • Lying on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Slowly raise your arms up - inhale. We lower our hands - exhale, do four to six times.
  • On inspiration, the patient raises the left leg from the prone position, on exhalation - lowers it. Repeat with the right leg. The pace of the exercise is average.

An excellent breathing exercise is inflating a balloon, blowing air through a tube from juice into a glass of water (bubbles are formed that children love to let in). Special techniques include breathing according to Buteyko and Strelnikova.

Primary control is carried out after two to three days from the start of treatment. The main criteria at this point will be a decrease in temperature and a decrease in the patient's shortness of breath, a general improvement in well-being and a decrease in intoxication.

Seven days after the start of treatment, a complete blood count is required to assess the effectiveness of therapy. X-ray control is performed on the fifth-seventh day (with normal antibiotic efficacy and therapy in general), then on 10-14 days, and then depending on the dynamics of the disease.

How quickly a patient with pneumonia recovers depends on the joint efforts of both the doctor and the patient. With home treatment, the doctor also necessarily monitors the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy. At the end of the course, with the elimination of symptoms and good tests, a sparing mode of work is recommended for the recovered person: for a few more weeks, the body will be weakened and prone to infections.

Inflammation of the lungs, or pneumonia, is an acute infectious disease that can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi. Such a pathology can be accompanied by dangerous consequences, up to death. Until the invention of antibacterial drugs, the death rate from pneumonia reached 80%. To date, this figure varies between 5-40%. How to cure pneumonia and identify the disease at the initial stage of development is described in detail in the article.

General principles of treatment

If it was not possible to avoid the development of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to direct all efforts to quickly get rid of the disease. To a greater extent, recovery depends on the patient himself and, to a lesser extent, on the attending physician. In any case, you do not need to rely on self-medication, because pneumonia is not a common cold, it is not so easy to get rid of it. In addition, with an untimely start of therapy, the chances of a fatal outcome can be increased.

According to numerous studies, pneumonia often occurs not as an independent disease, but against the background of a cold. It is for this reason that it is important to monitor the general condition during the development of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections in order to identify symptoms of pneumonia in time.

A huge mistake many people make is undertreatment of pneumonia to the end.

For several days the man took medicine, the pronounced symptoms disappeared, the temperature subsided, and he thinks that he was cured. If the attending physician has prescribed antibiotics for 2 weeks, then it is necessary to adhere to this course and not end it prematurely. This also applies to those cases when the pronounced manifestations of the disease disappeared after a few days.

Do not forget that there is such a form of pneumonia as atypical. In most cases, it is remembered when inflammation is treated with antibacterial agents, but these are ineffective. This can be explained by the fact that the disease is caused by completely different pathogens that are not sensitive to antibiotics. It is important to warn the attending physician before starting therapy for pneumonia about other existing infections in the body.

It is necessary to adhere to bed rest for the period of treatment of pneumonia. Any, even light physical activity, as well as going to work, is strictly prohibited. Do not overburden an already weakened immune system. Let her forces be directed only to the fight against pathogenic microorganisms.


How to treat pneumonia is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the results of the diagnostic measures taken. The level of sensitivity of a pathogenic microorganism to antibacterial drugs is taken into account. This can be determined by conducting laboratory tests, namely, bacteriological sputum culture to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to drugs.

In the event that for one reason or another it is impossible to determine the type of pathogenic microorganisms that caused pneumonia, antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action are prescribed. Such medicines must also be taken when laboratory diagnostics are carried out, which drags on for 8-10 days.

Adult drugs

Antibiotics have been used to treat pneumonia for a long time. The doctor may prescribe both tablet preparations and solutions in the form of solutions intended for injection. The latter have an advantage over tablets: they have the ability to be absorbed into the blood more quickly and have an immediate therapeutic effect. In modern medicine, despite the advantages of injections, doctors prefer to prescribe pills.

In the treatment of pneumonia in adults, injections of such drugs are used, which are part of a group of drugs of the latest generation. These are Meropenem, Ceftazidime and others. These have a pronounced therapeutic effect and are used for severe pneumonia.

The antibiotic Amoxicillin is suitable for both adults and children.

If the disease is mild or moderate, the attending physician prescribes the medication Amoxil, Amoxicillin or Augumentin. In the case of the presence in the body of streptococci, enterobacteria, pneumococci, which caused the development of pneumonia, the use of the drug Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime or others is required.

If a person has intolerance to drugs from the penicillin group, Hemomycin, Sumamed or Azitral are prescribed. In the case of the attachment of pathologies such as an abscess or pleurisy, the drug Timentin is required. In case of intolerance to such drugs, the doctor prescribes the introduction of injections of third-generation fluoroquinolones, which include Remedia, Levoflox, etc.

Preparations for children

Pneumonia in children also requires treatment with antibiotics that can be taken at home. Sometimes the child is hospitalized and further therapeutic measures are carried out in a hospital. As a rule, children who are not yet 60 days old, who develop pneumonia with damage to several organ lobes, who have had encephalopathy, who have congenital heart or vascular disease, chronic lung disease, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, malignant blood pathology, are subject to hospitalization. .

Such patients are prescribed antibiotics from the group of penicillins, first-generation cephalosporins, or other similar drugs. In severe cases, tablets are replaced with injections of antibacterial drugs (intramuscular or intravenous). As soon as the general condition of the child has improved, the injections are replaced with tablets.

The drugs included in the group of penicillins that can be used in the treatment of pneumonia in a child include those that are developed on a natural basis (Benzylpenicillin, Phenoxymethylpenicillin) and those that have a synthetic basis (Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Carbenicillin).

Such drugs are given to the child until the results of laboratory diagnostics are obtained. After clarifying which pathogen caused pneumonia, the most effective drug is selected. How long it takes to treat pneumonia in a child is determined taking into account the severity of the disease.

Other drugs

Pneumonia can be quickly cured only by a complex method. So, in addition to antibiotics, antiviral and mucolytic drugs are prescribed. In the event that the disease has a viral etiology, appropriate antiviral agents are needed. It can be Acyclovir, Valaciclovir, Arbidol or others.

To dissolve sputum in the lungs and facilitate coughing, Ambroxol, Bromhexine or other analogues of mucolic and expectorant drugs are required. For the same purpose, drugs based on plant components are used: Sinupret, Gedelix, or others. To facilitate breathing, inhalations with such drugs are prescribed.

Of the symptomatic drugs, it is worth highlighting antipyretics (Nurofen, Paracetamol, etc.), remedies for eliminating headache and muscle pain (Paracetamol, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, etc.), immunomodulators (Esberitox, etc.).


In the treatment of pulmonary diseases, including pneumonia, physiotherapy procedures are used. This technique helps to eliminate the inflammatory process and reduce tissue swelling, and also has a stimulating effect on the immune system, thereby accelerating recovery.

One of the physiotherapeutic methods can be called UHF therapy. Ultrahigh-frequency waves are directed to the area with an inflammatory focus in the lung. UHF therapy is especially effective when carried out in conjunction with antibiotic treatment. The impact of the electric field contributes to the restoration of normal blood flow, providing a bacteriostatic effect. Manipulation is carried out daily for 10 minutes.

Electrophoresis is one of the most effective physio-methods in the treatment of pneumonia.

The second technique is inductothermy. In this case, a magnetic field is directed to the inflammatory focus, which helps to increase blood microcirculation, lymphatic drainage, eliminate bronchospasm, and improve sputum discharge. Also, inductothermy is an excellent tool in the fight against muscle tension, the inflammatory process in general. Manipulation is carried out every day for 15 minutes.

The third technique is magnetotherapy, which is prescribed for pneumonia, aggravated by severe intoxication. With the help of a course of magnetic therapy, you can get rid of tissue swelling, improve capillary blood circulation and metabolic processes in the affected area. Manipulation is carried out every day for 10 minutes.

The fourth technique is electrophoresis, which is effective in the stage of exacerbation of the disease. If a staphylococcal form of pneumonia is diagnosed, electrophoresis is prescribed in combination with UHF therapy. Treatment helps to quickly deliver the necessary drugs to the site of inflammation, thereby providing a rapid anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Other advantages of the technique include the improvement of blood circulation and the normalization of metabolic processes. Manipulation is carried out every day for 15 minutes.

No less rarely, thermal procedures are prescribed, with the help of which residual signs of pneumonia can be eliminated. Paraffin, mud or ozocerite applications are applied to the chest. Manipulation is carried out daily for 20 minutes.

Speed ​​up recovery with therapeutic chest massage

At home, you can carry out therapeutic massage, which reduces muscle spasm, restores the mobility of the thoracic region, increases the elasticity of the lung tissues and improves blood flow in the area of ​​the inflammatory process. Massage can be carried out only if pneumonia occurs without fever.

Folk remedies

You can treat pneumonia at home with folk remedies:

  • oats, garlic (mix 1 cup of oats with a crushed clove of garlic, pour 2 liters of milk, put in the oven and simmer for an hour and a half; take the finished product inside 75 ml at bedtime);
  • garlic, goose fat (100 g of garlic, pre-chopped, mixed with 500 g of fat, sweat in a water bath for 10 minutes; apply the finished product on the chest as a compress, fixing it with a woolen scarf from above; the compress is kept for 30 minutes);
  • St. John's wort (a few tablespoons of grass, pour water in a volume of 500 ml, boil for 30 minutes; take the finished product orally 2 tsp three times a day);
  • aloe, liquid honey (mix 200 g of aloe juice with 300 g of honey and leave to infuse for 2 weeks, then strain and ingest 3 tablespoons four times a day);
  • onion juice (soak a piece of gauze in the juice, inhale the vapors of the juice for 10 minutes daily);
  • horseradish (put the crushed root in an enameled container, bend over it and inhale the vapors for 10 minutes every 2-3 hours).

Traditional medicine should be only an addition to the main treatment. At home, you can use only auxiliary methods of therapy, for example, massage, rubbing, inhalation. Pneumonia cannot be cured without antibiotics.

Pneumonia or pneumonia affects both children and adults. More risk of getting sick in older people.

During the disease, the entire organ is affected - its tissues, alveoli. Most often, the pathology is infectious origin. Seeing a doctor is a must, but if it is not possible to undergo treatment in a hospital, it is useful to use folk remedies.

Symptoms of pneumonia

The disease in adults manifests itself differently, depending on the type of pneumonia - croupous and focal are more likely to occur.

Croupous view

One of the most dangerous strikes abruptly and unexpectedly sick. Differs in the following features:

  • high fever, accompanied by headaches and weakness; does not subside within 10 days;
  • chills, the appearance of a feverish blush;
  • facial features are sharpened, lips are cracked;
  • herpes pours out in the area of ​​​​the mouth, nose;
  • pain in the chest;
  • worried about shortness of breath;
  • cough from dry gradually transforms into wet, blood clots are released during expectoration;
  • wheezing, heavy shallow breathing;
  • arrhythmia.

The fever may continue up to one and a half weeks.

Focal inflammation of the lungs

Appears imperceptibly and develops spasmodically. The foci of the disease may differ in the degree of progression of inflammation. The temperature is kept within 38-39 degrees, which is equal to the heart rate during this period. There is profuse sweating. There are complaints of chest pain during coughing or inhalation, shortness of breath. Breathing becomes hard, accompanied by wheezing. Lips dry out and crack. The voice is trembling.

Preventive measures

In order not to get sick with pneumonia, it is better to follow the recommendations that will help improve health and prevent the development of the disease. Necessary:

  • temper the body with the help of water procedures, walks in the fresh air;
  • strengthen the immune system - do daily exercises, play sports and eat more vitamins;
  • time to treat teeth;
  • do not overcool;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • clean the room more often and be sure to wipe the dust;
  • find a new job if the current one is unhealthy;
  • avoid contact with substances that provoke the inflammatory process.

More desirable switch to a healthy diet- eat less fatty, spicy, fried, too salty foods and more fresh vegetables and fruits.

Pneumonia in the elderly

Inflammation of the lungs in old age requires inpatient treatment, but if this is not possible or the patient refused hospitalization, some requirements must be observed to get rid of the disease at home.

In addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor, it is recommended to do inhalations with the addition of a few drops. essential oils- fir, tea tree.

Be sure to close your eyes during the procedure. It is forbidden to get out of bed during an exacerbation of the disease.

The room where the patient with pneumonia lies should periodically ventilate. But ventilation does not mean that there should be drafts! Relatives are advised to monitor the patient around the clock in order to cover with a thick blanket in time for chills, to serve hot tea. It is desirable to regularly measure pressure and adhere to a clear regimen when taking medicines.

To alleviate the condition, it is allowed to do black radish compresses. They are superimposed on the back, but not on the location of the heart. The vegetable is crushed to the consistency of gruel, which is laid out on a diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. If your skin is sensitive, you can oil it up. Top with a thick napkin, a bag and a warm cloth.

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to medications, or when medications no longer help, home remedies can help cure pneumonia.

Miracle Blend

You will need freshly squeezed aloe juice, liquid honey, propolis oil, birch buds, eryngium in proportions of 20:100:100:4:6. Mix all components thoroughly and heat for 15 minutes over low heat. Cool and consume 1 tbsp. three times a day with a glass of warm milk.

Fig milk

For the preparation of a useful remedy 2 pcs. dried figs are poured with milk - 200 ml is enough. The potion is boiled over low heat until the fruit is soft. This will take 15-20 minutes. Drink the medicine once a day, you do not need to cool it.

Nut tincture

It removes mucus well. Walnut kernels in the amount of 0.5 kg are poured into 0.5 liters of dry red wine. The mixture is boiled for about 20-25 minutes. It is taken 15 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

badger fat

Helps even at the advanced stage of pneumonia. The course of treatment will be 4 weeks with a break of half a month or a month and its repetition until the disease passes. You need to use badger fat for 2-3 tbsp. on empty stomach. You can eat after an hour. Repeat 3 times during the day.

Herbal treatment

The use of phytotherapy effectively helps with inflammation of the lungs. Remedies from natural ingredients quickly suppress the symptoms of the disease.

Take in equal shares pine buds, anise, licorice root, knotweed, thyme, dill seeds and mix. A mixture in the amount of 2 tbsp. 300 ml of purified water is poured and infused for about two hours, then boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. Herbal infusion is filtered and after cooling, 100 ml is taken 30 minutes before meals three times a day.

Wormwood tincture

Take 2 tsp. wormwood and 200 ml of vodka. After mixing, the composition is infused for 6-7 days in a dark and warm room. Need it shake every day. Use the drug for 1 tsp. at intervals of 4 hours. You can drink water.


You need the same proportions. After thorough mixing, 3 tsp. herbs are brewed with boiling water - 400 ml. the decoction is infused for 2 hours and filtered. It is recommended to drink the drug 1/3 cup up to three times a day before meals.

Treat pneumonia early with home remedies or prevent it with preventative measures.

Pneumonia is an acute disease of an infectious nature that affects the lungs (with the involvement of elements of the lung tissue in the process).

Despite the availability of modern antibacterial drugs, the relevance of the incidence of acute pneumonia remains.

According to statistics, about 400 thousand cases of pneumonia are registered annually in Russia. There is still a high percentage of complications and even deaths.

Article content:

Causes of pneumonia

Among the causes of pneumonia in the first place is bacterial infection:

  • gram-negative microorganisms (hemophilic bacillus, legirnella, E. coli, Proteus, enterobacteria, Friedlander's bacillus);
  • gram-positive microorganisms (strepto- and staphylococci);
  • viral infections (adenoviruses, parainfluenza, influenza, herpes viruses);
  • mycoplasmas;
  • fungal infections (dimorphic yeast fungus, candida, etc.).

Among non-infectious causes Pneumonia can be caused by several factors:

  • allergic agents (some drugs, animal dander, dust, plant pollen);
  • toxic substances (fumes of gasoline, kerosene, chlorophos);
  • ionizing radiation;
  • burns of the respiratory tract;
  • chest injuries (bruises, blows, compression pressure).

Factors that increase the risk of developing the disease:

In children:

  • pneumopathy;
  • injuries during difficult childbirth, malnutrition;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • congenital heart or lung defects;
  • hypoxia or intrauterine asphyxia;
  • immunodeficiency.

For teenagers:

  • weakened immunity;
  • heart disease (acquired);
  • caries;
  • chronic inflammatory processes with localization in the nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses;
  • early smoking.

Characteristic symptoms

The characteristic clinical manifestations of the disease are:

  • temperature rise to 39 degrees;
  • moderate shortness of breath (rarely at rest, more often during exercise);
  • cough with phlegm;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • sweating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • pain or discomfort in the chest (near the affected area).

Pneumonia can cause pain in the upper abdomen (due to irritation of the diaphragm by inflammation in the lung tissue).

Symptoms may resemble embolism, neoplasms in the lungs.

Alternative treatment for children and adults at home

It is possible to use folk remedies in the treatment of pneumonia only after this diagnosis has been confirmed. A severe form of pneumonia requires hospital treatment. In mild cases, you can use proven traditional medicine.

Helpful Recipes:

Components Dosage Mode of application
2 pcs.
1 glass
Finely chop the onions, pour milk, keep on fire for 5 minutes, insist for 4 hours. Take every 3 hours for 1 tbsp. l.
onion juice
1:1 Combine onion juice with honey, eat 1 tsp. before eating.
Pork fat (internal) Green apples Egg yolks Granulated sugar 300 g

6 items
12 pieces 1 glass

Place finely chopped apples and pork fat in a saucepan, keep on low heat for 15 minutes. To the egg yolks, mashed with sugar, add chopped chocolate. Rub a mixture of apples and lard through a sieve, combine with a mixture of egg yolks, chocolate, honey and sugar, cool. Spread mixture on bread and eat. Drink warm milk.
Aloe juice Sinegolovnik (leaves) Chopped birch buds
1 glass Mix all ingredients and heat for 15 minutes. in a water bath. Take a glass twice a day.
250 g
0.5 l
350 g
Add cahors and honey to finely chopped aloe leaves, mix, insist in a cool place for half a month. Strain, take daily 3 times 1 tbsp. l.

The use of dried fruits in the treatment of pneumonia is suitable for adults and children, there are no contraindications. Preparation of a decoction of raisins:

  • Grind ½ cup of raisins with a blender or meat grinder, place in a saucepan, pour a glass of boiling water;
  • keep on low heat for 10 minutes;
  • strain, take 1 glass daily (for children - half a glass) three times a day.

Fig decoction prepared similarly, it strengthens the immune system well.

When treating pneumonia at home recommendations must be followed:

  • do not stop taking antibiotics prescribed by your doctor, even if your general condition improves;
  • do not sleep on the affected side (this increases the light load);
  • drink more liquid to neutralize toxins;
  • increase the proportion of fruits and vegetables in the diet;
  • refuse food high in fat and carbohydrates (the body has to spend a lot of energy on their processing).

With pneumonia, you can not:

Preventive measures

It is always easier to prevent the onset of a disease than to treat it. To prevent the development of pneumonia, it is recommended:

  • harden the body (immunity is strengthened, which allows the body to better resist infections, dousing the legs, a contrast shower gives a good result);
  • perform breathing exercises (improves ventilation of the lungs, it is recommended to take deep breaths, exhale, inflate balloons);
  • cure existing foci of infection (tonsillitis, caries, etc.);
  • strengthen immunity (use of plant immunomodulators: eleutherococcus, leuzea, chamomile, echinacea);
  • massage (using the technique of "patting");
  • prevent hypothermia of the body;
  • avoid contact with sick people (especially in the case of viral pneumonia).

For the prevention of community-acquired pneumonia(children under 2 years of age) are sometimes given a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. HIB or influenza vaccine - for people over 65 years of age. It can be used for prophylactic purposes rimantadine, amantadine, oseltamivir.

Phytotherapy successfully used for the prevention of pneumonia:

Components Dosage Mode of application
1 glass
1 head 2 l
Oats with garlic gruel pour milk, keep in the oven for 2 hours. Strain, drink daily at bedtime (pre-heating) 1 glass.
parsnip roots
1 tsp
1 glass
Add water to finely chopped root crops, boil for 15 minutes. Daily use 5 times 1 tbsp. l.
Garlic gruel Goose fat 100 g
500 g
Mix the ingredients, heat for 20 minutes. in a water bath. Cool slightly, apply as a compress.
Cahors garlic porridge 300 g
1 l
Pour garlic gruel with Cahors, leave for 2 weeks. Use, pre-heated, every hour for 1 tbsp. l.

Treatment with folk remedies is carried out until complete recovery, which must be confirmed by objective methods and the results of laboratory and x-ray studies.