Wiring diagram for polar bear temperature controller. Thermostat for infrared heater: installation and use. Ways to connect the thermostat to the heater

The classical heating system in the modern world has become obsolete. And this happened due to the presence of a mass of shortcomings in it: significant heat loss, slow heating, stratification of air masses, and so on. It is these factors that have influenced the emergence of a special interest of users in infrared heaters.

Features of infrared heaters

Infrared heater can be attached to a wooden surface

Infrared heaters are a unique opportunity to make life comfortable in summer cottages, apartments, private houses. Today, such devices are also in great demand in offices and other similar establishments where a regulating thermal system is needed.

Can an infrared heater be used as a single heating system? This is a very interesting question, which can be unequivocally answered in the affirmative. This type of heating is smartly suited, both for the main heating system, and as an addition. The difference will be expressed solely in rated power.

This type of heating has several advantages:

  1. It does not require huge expenditures of either money or labor to establish powerful structures.
  2. It is characterized by silent operation and automation.
  3. Guarantees safety and environmental friendliness.
  4. Provides zone heating. At the same time, it can maintain different temperatures in two different zones.

The device can be installed for zone heating

The infrared heater is easy to install, attach and use. It starts performing its functions as quickly as possible, providing a high level of comfort in the zone of its actions. A huge plus of using this type of heating is a small percentage reduction in moisture in the room. That is, there is no problem of dry air.

To obtain the maximum benefit from the use of such a useful installation, it must be properly installed.

Ceiling heater installation

Mounting infrared heater carried out on different surfaces

Users are looking for additional heat sources that perform their functions to the maximum, while being practical and economical. The advantages of infrared heaters discussed above just fit the qualities of economy, practicality and profitability.

Today, the topic is of great relevance: "How to properly install and connect an infrared heater." After all, the final result depends on the correctness of the procedure. Any mistake can lead to unwanted events.

Types of infrared heater:

  • as a separate device;
  • as a film.

Installing an infrared ceiling heater is much easier than working with a film. IN this case just needs to be done general principles. Firstly, there must be a good mount that will not bend under the weight of the heat unit. To install the device, it is better to use brackets.

It is most reliable to mount devices on metal brackets

They provide the ability to mount the device at a horizontal angle. What does it mean? This means that with their help, installation is possible not only on the ceiling, but also directly on the wall.

Rules for installing the device:

  1. Electrical cables must only be laid on a non-combustible surface.
  2. The fasteners must not touch the heating part.
  3. When installing a thermal structure, possible contact with a flammable surface should be excluded and complete insulation of the electrical wiring should be carried out.
  4. Products should be fixed at a height of 2.5 to 3.5 meters.

To install the device in a residential area, you should purchase those devices whose power does not exceed 800 watts.

You should always remember the rules of fire safety. In this case, they also cannot be ignored, since this can lead to a fire in the room.

Film heater installation

Installation of a film heater is carried out on a prepared surface

Installing the film also requires a number of nuances. For example, ceilings should not be lower than 230 cm. If this condition is not met, there will be discomfort associated with overheating.

Installation rules:

  1. The laying of the film should be carried out on an ideally prepared surface, on which the finishing work will already be carried out.
  2. Canvases are attached to waterproof material.
  3. If the installation site borders on the attic, you should first deal with its insulation. Only in this case there will be a guaranteed result from the use.
  4. Film cutting should be carried out exclusively according to the specified manufacturer's marks.
  5. For maximum efficiency, when laying, the length of one strip fragment should be taken into account. It should not exceed eight meters.
  6. As for the location of adjacent elements, there should be a distance of more than 5 mm between them.
  7. It is forbidden to bend the film heater more than 90 0 .
  8. Fastening should be carried out only with brackets.
  9. Installation work should be carried out only at positive air temperature. If you lay the film at temperatures from -5 0 C and below, then after warming up the room, wrinkles may form.

The film is fixed with staples

A huge and irreplaceable role in the operation of an infrared heater is played by a thermostat. Let's talk about what it is and what is its relationship with the heating object in question? Its most important task is to control the regulation of the device. It should also be noted that thermostats exist to save energy. The air temperature is periodically measured, then, during the test, the operation of the infrared heater is regulated, turning it on or, on the contrary, suspending operation.

Types of thermostats

The thermostat makes it easy to control the temperature

The current construction market is big choice various parts that serve to save energy. Among them, thermostats should be noted. Before you connect the thermostat to any type of infrared heater, you need to know what types are. It is also necessary to take into account their feature and method of attachment.

Main types:

  • mechanical;
  • electronic.

Mechanical thermostat

The mechanical thermostat is a box, the top of which is equipped with a special switching device. The case also has a light indicator of the activity of this device.

It should be noted that mechanical models are best not used unattended. Since there are no remote control functions in such a device. There are of course models and more modern, but still they are not produced in large quantities.

Electronic thermostat

Electronic thermostats have a number of advantages. First of all, their wide functionality and controllability are noted. Control can be carried out using buttons or touch method. Their design and appearance is characterized by a huge variety. And even despite the decent level of aesthetics, they are further improved.

The option under consideration also makes it possible to control using a mobile phone, which is accordingly very convenient and practical. The only downside is its high cost.

Both types require two installation rules to be followed: avoiding moisture that could damage the device and avoiding sunlight and warmth. Otherwise, the thermostat will not work correctly and, of course, there is a possibility of damage to both devices.

Ways to connect the thermostat to the heater

Connecting a thermostat

There are several methods for connecting a thermostat to an infrared heater. The first of them is the simplest, it consists in connecting one thermostat and one electric heater.

The second indicates the possibility of parallel connection. That is, one thermostat can control several heaters in parallel. This happens as follows: from the machine, one pair of wires is connected to the thermostat, from which there are already two directions to the heating devices.

Operating one thermostat per multiple heaters is an ideal use case. In this case, maximum practicality, convenience and savings can be traced. An assistant in this matter should be a magnetic starter. Mandatory in this case is the use of a specially designed, individual connection scheme. There is an option to use a similar scheme, but this is only for those who, as they say, do not protect themselves. Carefully thought-out work is the key to your own safety. It should be remembered that even a small inaccuracy and breakdown can cause a fire hazard with disastrous consequences.

Some manufacturers in the original kit, along with the heater, provide a magnetic type starter. It also comes with wires for connection. necessary scheme connections. You can get started if you have such knowledge or contact a specialist for advice.

So, we can summarize the above and note that any man can correctly install an infrared ceiling heater. There is nothing supernatural in this. You just need to properly and informatively prepare in order to do everything right.

A mandatory rule for a good installation should be the use of a thermostat, which will help to exercise the most necessary control over the operation of a thermal heater. Infrared heater is energy saving. Connecting such a device through a thermostat is already a double savings, which is never superfluous anywhere. This is especially true for cottages or agricultural premises.

Everyone decides for himself the level of comfort. Choosing to use an infrared heater means choosing maximum comfort.

Infrared heaters are presented in a wide variety, but not all models are equipped with thermostats. Such a device allows you to control the operation of the device, ensuring uniform and efficient heating of the room. You can connect the thermostat with your own hands, and knowledge of the features and right choice This part provides ease of operation.

The design and purpose of the thermostat

An electronic type device, the design of which includes sensors, a display, control buttons, a temperature sensor or a controller, allows you to control the operation of the heating system. The element is connected to a heating device, for example, an infrared heater. According to the set parameters, the heating elements are turned on / off. This can be done after a specified period of time or when the room is cooled to a certain temperature.

The thermostat has a housing with a power scale and a shutdown button

The thermostat or thermostat can be different types, but the main task of any such device is to maintain a certain temperature of the coolant for heating or cooling the space. The setting can be done manually or further work happens automatically. Such a device makes the control of heating devices more comfortable than in the absence of a controlling element. This saves energy and time. The use of the thermostat is also expressed in the fact that if the heater is not turned off in automatic mode, the control part emits an audible warning signal.

Thermostats are diverse, but have the same functions.

Devices can be installed both in residential and in industrial premises. The devices often complement the primary or secondary space heating system, allowing you to control the level of heating.

An electronic or mechanical one is installed in the coolant system and collects information about the current temperature readings. When a lower or higher indicator is reached, the operation of the device stops or starts. At the same time, thermostats for infrared heaters are designed taking into account the fact that the heating device does not heat the air, but the surrounding objects.

The main options for thermostats

For an infrared heater, you can use a mechanical or electronic type of thermostat. Both options have a square or rectangular plastic case, and the principle of operation and internal structure are different.

The plastic housing contains functional elements that ensure the operation of the control system

There is a switch on the outside of the plastic box of the mechanical regulator. round shape, allowing you to smoothly configure the necessary parameters. One division can have different meaning which depends on the device model. For example, in some cases, one division allows you to adjust the temperature by 1 °, and there are also options with a value of 2 °, 3 ° or more. Instrument status indicator light and on/off button are also located on the plastic box. A mechanical device is optimal in the case when people are constantly in the room, which allows you to turn off the thermostat in a timely manner. This device does not have a remote control.

The electronic thermostat has a display that shows all the information

In an electronic type device, temperature is controlled using buttons, and the main indicators are displayed on the display. Modern models can have touch and remote control. Such a device can be trusted to control the temperature in the room even in the absence of owners.

The choice of a certain type of thermostat is carried out depending on the type of room, the desired functionality of the device. For example, in a country house, which is often visited by the owners, an electronic version is appropriate. Using the remote control, you can preheat the room with an infrared heater before arrival. Mechanical models have a lower cost and are suitable for living spaces.

Video: features of choosing a thermostat for an infrared heater

Connection diagrams

Any type of thermostat requires proper connection. For this purpose, you can use several schemes that reflect all the features of the process. Beforehand, it should be taken into account that it is impossible to place a heater with a regulator near heat sources, in rooms with high humidity, as this will lead to incorrect operation of the control system.

Infrared panels will easily complement any interior

To work, you need an automatic type relay. This element will act as a power source for the device. After selecting all the necessary parts, you can use one of the following connection schemes:

  • in the first case, you can use 1 heater and 1 thermostat. The machine has 2 pairs of wires, one of them is directed to the thermostat. One wire is zero, the other is phase. The connection is made accordingly. With the help of the second pair of elements, a connection is made with an infrared heater;

    You can connect one heater to the regulator using wires

  • parallel connection is used to connect one regulator to two infrared devices. One pair of wires is connected to a thermal control device, and from it wiring is carried out to two heaters;

    Connecting two heaters requires wiring from a thermostat

  • the method of connecting one thermostat to several household heaters at once is complicated. In this case, there is no universal scheme, but it can be thought out individually, taking into account the characteristics of the devices. In this case, a magnetic starter is used. There are ready-made kits that include a heater, wires, a magnetic starter. It is important to remember that the safe operation of the equipment depends on the correct connection and calculation.

    When connecting several devices, an individual scheme is developed

Features of thermostat models

Connecting the controller to infrared electric heaters from different manufacturers requires taking into account the features of the device. One of the popular ones are electric heaters of the company Ballu of the Bih series, which are ceiling models. They can be connected to an external regulator, and it is also possible to combine several heaters into a whole system. Electronic models of thermostats are often used for connection.

The thermostat is convenient for both ceiling and other infrared heaters

Ballu thermostats work well with infrared electrical devices of the same brand. The kit includes instructions for connecting, which facilitates the work. The mechanical device has a built-in air temperature sensor, as well as an adjustment wheel, the range of which is often from 5 to 30 °.

The regulator and heater of the same brand match well with each other

The Timberk brand produces both infrared heaters and temperature control devices. Modern models of regulators are produced complete with a remote control, as they are connected according to the scheme to ceiling heating systems. The operation of the device is visualized using multi-colored sensors. Many models have the ability to program the shutdown with a delay of 13 hours, and the step is 60 minutes.

Universal control devices of the Eberle brand and the Instata 2 series are suitable for infrared, water and air heating systems. Digital and push-button control, the presence of a control unit allows you to control one sensor. The result of the work is visualized on the display, it is possible to program the mode for 7 days in advance.

The Eberle range includes regulators for heating boilers, as well as for infrared devices

Many brands that produce infrared heaters supplement the range with thermostats different type. This allows you to create a high-quality chain of devices from one company, which facilitates connection and ensures reliable operation of the system.

Universal and simple rules for connecting control devices to infrared panels should be followed for the safe and uninterrupted operation of equipment. The main tips for installation and placement of elements are expressed as follows:

  • one thermostat can be installed in each room heated by an infrared heater;
  • the sensor can be mounted on the surface of the infrared panel, but a heat-reflecting screen must be installed between them;
  • The controller on the infrared panel has a laconic design and does not spoil the interior of the room

    Video: design and connection of a mechanical thermostat

    Equipping infrared heaters with a thermostat allows you to remotely or manually control the operation of the heating system. Thanks to this control, it is easy to create an optimal atmosphere in the room, eliminating overheating or insufficient heating of the space.

Today, electric underfloor heating has become very popular. To control these space heating systems, a thermostat is required, the connection diagram of which is quite simple. Even a novice home master will be able to do this work on their own. However, it is worth understanding the principle of operation of thermal sensors and their types. This will help you choose the right device for solving specific problems.

Before choosing a thermostat, you need to study what they are

Principle of operation

Most often, thermal sensors operate cyclically, and at the same time, a circuit is closed-opened. As the temperature rises, the resistance of the thermostat's internal sensor drops. As soon as the set parameter is reached, the device operates and turns off the circuit. During a decrease in temperature, the reverse process occurs - the resistance increases, and as a result, the thermostat turns on the electrical circuit.

With the help of a temperature sensor, you can easily control the microclimate in the room. It is enough just to set the desired temperature in the apartment, after which the device will do everything on its own. Now on the market there are infrared underfloor heating, which are able to heat not only the air, but also the surrounding objects. For the system to work in automatic mode, a thermostat must be connected to it.

In this video you will learn how to connect a thermostat:

Main types

All modern thermostats work on the same principle. However, there are quite a few differences between them that affect the configuration of devices, control, and the connection diagram of the temperature sensor.

Mechanical thermostats are characterized by ease of operation and high reliability. They are a plastic box. equipped with a lever to control the room temperature. To simplify the tuning process, the instruments have a scale with divisions, the standard step of which is 1 degree.

While in the past mechanical thermostats were often used to control electric underfloor heating, they are not very well suited to work with infrared heating systems. However, if desired, they can be quite easily connected. Although many people prefer electronic devices, mechanical ones continue to be used. This is due to the simplicity of their design, as well as long term operation.

A feature of electronic temperature sensors is the presence of a display for displaying all the information important for setting up. If the mechanical thermostat does not need electricity to work, then the electronic one must be connected to the network. The control panel, depending on the model, can be touch or push-button. Some devices provide the ability to program the temperature regime for a certain period of time, for example, a week.

Advanced models can even be controlled using a smartphone if the appropriate application has been installed on it. Electronic temperature sensors gained popularity primarily due to ease of use. However, their cost is higher compared to mechanical devices.

To increase the service life of the electronic thermal sensor, it is not recommended to install it in a draft zone or in places of active exposure to direct sunlight. Thanks to a simple thermostat connection diagram, almost any home craftsman can handle this job. However, first you should decide on the connection method:

  1. Classical.
  2. Using a magnetic starter.

Both options are worth considering in detail.

Standard scheme

One of the important parameters of any thermostat is the power indicator. One device can be used to control several space heating devices. It is from the power of the thermostat that the number of heating devices that can be connected to it depends. At home, it is quite enough to use appliances with a power of no more than 3 kW.

There are 2 ways to connect sensor data

Most thermostats have four pins.- two for entry and exit. To connect the device, it is necessary to stretch from junction box two conductors and connect them to the input terminals. After that, the output contacts are connected to the heating system using two other wires.

If it became necessary to connect two heating devices to the thermostat at once, then you need to decide on the type of connection:

  1. Sequential.
  2. Parallel.

In the first case, it is necessary to extend two conductors from the output terminals of the thermostat to the first heater, and from it two more to the next one. When connected in parallel, four conductors should be drawn from the input contacts of the temperature sensor - two for each heating device.

Using a magnetic starter

Such a connection scheme for a mechanical thermostat is most often used to control several heaters. The magnetic starter is an electromagnetic type switching device. It is designed for use in networks with high loads. There are quite a few options for connecting a thermostat through a magnetic starter, but home master it is enough to know only one.

At the first stage of the work, it is necessary to connect the regulator to the mains using two conductors, using the input terminals for this. Then the output contacts of the temperature sensor are connected to the starter, and it is already connected to the heater.

If everything was done correctly, then it remains only to set the regulator to the desired mode of operation. Connecting the thermostat should not be difficult if you follow the instructions. However, you should not overestimate your strength, because the safety of family members depends on the quality of the connection.

If you have an infrared heater at home, then a thermostat is a must for it. The temperature controller for is able to control and maintain the set temperature values ​​for a long time. In addition, it will allow you to warm up the rooms in advance, reduce the risk of fire and make the atmosphere in your home as comfortable as possible. To understand the intricacies of connecting a thermostat to an infrared heater, we first consider the principle of its operation, the mechanism of operation and highlight the main types of thermostats.

Normally, the thermostat works cyclically, while opening and closing the power supply. At that time temperature sensor sends signals and thus regulates the temperature.

If the temperature rises, the resistance of the internal sensor decreases. If the resistance rises again, the desired temperature is reached, the thermostat starts and the circuit opens. When the temperature drops and the sensor cools down, the reverse process occurs: the resistance rises, the thermostat turns on again, but this time there is a circuit closure. Next, the thermostat is connected directly to the infrared heater and the temperature in the room is set automatically.

The thermostat controls the climate in the room and the main source of heat. It turns itself on and off when needed.

  1. As a rule, a mikathermic heater is connected to a standard socket or using a dedicated line from the machine on the electrical panel. The thermostat is built into the network between the heater and the machine.
  2. Pay attention to the design of the thermostat. It has four terminals: two at the input and, accordingly, the same number at the output.
  3. If one heater is connected, then two wires go from the electrical panel to the terminals of the device. Two wires are connected to the terminals that are located at the output (positive and negative). In this case, it is important to consider polarity. The terminals are connected directly to the mikathermic heater.
  4. If two heaters are installed, then a pair of wires is again connected from the machine to the regulator: neutral and phase, and wiring is already being done from the regulator to a pair of heaters. The type of connection in this case is parallel.

Sometimes infrared heaters with a thermostat require a more complex connection. To correctly complete each step, it is better to follow the recommendations of the video, where everything is clearly shown and supplemented with comments. It all depends on the design of the thermostat and the IR heater itself:

  1. The thermostat is connected to the machine on the electrical panel.
  2. The output terminals (+ and -) are connected to the magnetic starter.
  3. The starter contacts are connected directly to the infrared heater.

It should be noted that this algorithm is also suitable for the controller of industrial heating devices.

Infrared heaters with a thermostat require compliance with safety rules. When working with a thermostat, remember about grounding. The ground loop of your climate control device must have conductors of a certain thickness and with little resistance.

It is best to place the thermostats on the wall. One controller is enough for one room. It is undesirable to cover the device with something: cloth, curtains, interior items.


Why are infrared heaters with a thermostat so good? They greatly facilitate the process of climate control in the room, save energy and preheat the room even if you are far from home. There are a lot of advantages, the only difficulty is to correctly connect the thermostat to the heating equipment. Therefore, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual step by step and observe safety precautions.

In the presence of an infrared heater, the thermostat performs the functions of controlling the set temperature parameters for a certain time. With it, you can schedule the preheating of the room, minimize the likelihood of a fire and create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the house. To do this, it is enough to know how to connect the thermostat to an infrared heater.

What is a thermostat, purpose, principle of operation

The functioning of the thermostat is based on the cyclic process of closing and opening the electrical circuit. The regulation of the microclimate by this parameter is based on the signals sent by the temperature sensor. Let's look at this process in more detail:

  • When the set temperature threshold is reached, the resistance of the internal sensor increases.
  • The thermostat opens the electrical circuit.
  • When the sensor cools down, the resistance rises again.
  • The thermostat starts up again, but it no longer opens, but closes the electrical circuit.

This cycle continues for a predetermined time and allows you to talk about automatically setting the temperature in a room equipped with an infrared heater. Its advantage is in heating the surrounding objects, and the thermostat makes it easier to control this process.

Types of thermostats

Despite the universal nature of the principle of operation of the thermostat, there are several classifications for these auxiliary devices that determine the algorithm for their connection, control and configuration. So, according to the mechanism of action, thermostats can be divided into two large types:

  • mechanical;
  • electronic.

Mechanical thermostats are simple and reliable

Reliable and easy-to-use mechanical thermostats resemble appearance a plastic box with a lever that controls the temperature parameters. Adds convenience in operation, the presence of a scale, the divisions of which are plotted in increments of 1 degree. Inside the device is a sensitive membrane, the heating or cooling of which form the basis of climate control. The popularity of these models has its own reasons:

  • the connection scheme does not require special skills and abilities, it is available even to a beginner;
  • simple design is the key to durability;
  • relatively low cost in comparison with electronic counterparts.

Electronic thermostats are more modern, but require a special approach

The main features of electronic thermostats are as follows:

  • displaying information about the settings and ongoing processes on the display screen;
  • the need for power supply;
  • push-button or touch control panels;
  • the ability to program climate indicators for the day or for the whole week;
  • remote control via mobile application;
  • connection of additional climatic devices (for example, underfloor heating).

To prolong the life of the electronic device, avoid direct sunlight and avoid drafts in the room.

Connection options

Before proceeding with the connection of the thermostat, it is necessary to make sure that there are favorable conditions for its operation:

  • heater power does not exceed 3000 W;
  • the thermostat will be installed at a sufficient distance from the device;
  • the body of the thermostat will not be exposed to sunlight;
  • humidity in the rooms is normal.

The standard thermostat connection scheme fits into the framework of the following algorithm:

If it is required to equip two adjacent heaters with a thermostat, then a parallel connection option is used, in which two wires also come to the thermostat from the shield, and a wiring is formed at the output to each of the heaters.

To connect two heaters, the circuit will look like this:

Connection nuances depending on the heater model

The model of the heater will determine the specifics of connecting the thermostat.

Ballu is one of the most famous manufacturers of thermostats

So, the instruction from the manufacturer Ballu contains the following important additions:

  • the total power of the heaters must not exceed the maximum power of the thermostat;
  • from the floor to the device, it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters;
  • a layer of insulation is placed under the thermostat, and it is forbidden to close its outer surface with anything to ensure unhindered air exchange.

For infrared heaters of the "warm floor" system, thermostats with a remote sensor are used, which imposes its own characteristics during installation and subsequent connection:

  • the thermostat is located no higher than 0.5 meters from the floor level;
  • there are 6 terminals in its design: a pair for "phase" and "neutral", a pair for IR floor heaters and a pair for wires from a remote sensor;
  • insulation lining is not required, and masking with curtains, etc. will not affect the operation of the device in any way (unlike options with a built-in temperature sensor).

Pursuing self-installation thermostat, care should be taken to comply with elementary safety rules:

  • the ground loop is made of a conductor of a certain thickness and with little resistance;
  • the best location for the thermostat is a wall;
  • in one room - one device;
  • it should be left open, without masking with fabric, curtains, interior items, etc.

Thus, an infrared heater equipped with a thermostat allows you to save energy, heat the room in advance and facilitate the process of climate control. It is important to correctly connect the thermostat to the heating device. Strict observance of the requirements of the instructions guarantees safe and long-term operation of the device.