How to check if the fallopian tubes are tied. Cases and explanation: is it possible to get pregnant with ligated tubes. Indications for holding

Post date: 18.07.2012 22:02


hello! I am 45 years old! we have a lot of children born by caesarean section! after the second caesarean, my tubes were tied and after 11 months I gave birth to a third child! 17 years have passed since the last caesarean but the desire to have children does not leave me! We have adopted 2 more 1-month-old abandoned kids! they are already 7 years old and 4 years old! I want another baby but all the results are zero! how can we be?

Post date: 22.07.2012 20:03

Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich

Hello, dear Lyudmila.
I will not hide the fact that at the age of over 40 it is extremely difficult to get pregnant.
You need to be examined by a reproductive specialist to understand if there are chances. Wish you luck!!!

Post date: 03.08.2012 13:07


Hello, I am 24 years old, 2.6 years ago, during the second cesarean section, my tubes were tied, how surgically I don’t know now the delay is 2 weeks, can I be pregnant, the test is negative?

Post date: 03.08.2012 18:29

Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich

Hello, dear Olesya.
The probability of pregnancy is extremely small, but just in case, take a blood test for the hCG hormone and visit a gynecologist.

Post date: 13.08.2012 22:00


IVF was done 3 and a half years ago; it turned out on the first try. Good quality embryos remained in the moro stage. Have there been cases of pregnancy when using embryos stored for so long?

Hello dear Marina.
Of course, personally in my clinic over the past 6 months, the pregnancy rate after the transfer of thawed embryos is 50%!
The duration of storage does not affect the quality of the embryos.
Another thing is that embryologists may no longer have in their work precisely those media on which the embryos were frozen. And they can use other media, more modern and of a new generation, and this is not good for embryos if they are frozen on some media and thawed on others.

Post date: 14.08.2012 17:49


I am 29 years old and had my tubes tied after two ectopic pregnancies. I want to restore at least one tube. Where is it done and how much does it cost?

Hello dear Inna. Please check with your gynecologist where laparoscopy is WELL done in your city and how much it costs, I live and work in Samara.
Sincerely, Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich, reproductive specialist

Post date: 15.08.2012 02:58


I was 33 years old and had my tubes tied 6 years ago. Is there a chance for a successful IV if I have a second positive and my husband has a third negative blood group. How much does it cost

Post date: 16.08.2012 20:25

Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich

Hello dear Elizabeth.
The blood type and Rh factor of the spouses do not have any negative effect on the process of pregnancy.
The cost of IVF is different, depending on the clinic, we have three clinics in Samara where IVF is done, from 110 to 130 thousand rubles, in Penza - one, the cost is somewhat more expensive.
Sincerely, Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich, reproductive specialist

Post date: 25.08.2012 07:50


Hello. Age 40 years. My cesareans are 17,14 and 6 years old. In 2006, they tied the tubes and removed the left ovary (there was a cyst). A very great desire to give birth again, what should I do?

Post date: 26.08.2012 22:11

Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich

Hello dear Alena.
There is one option: the IVF program, although at the age of 40, to be honest, the chances are small.
Sincerely, Reproductologist Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich

Post date: 14.09.2012 11:34


Hello. I am 25 years old. I tied my tubes 1.5 years ago. Now I have a delay and it feels like I am pregnant, please tell me, is this possible or is this self-hypnosis? Thanks in advance!

Post date: 14.09.2012 14:03

Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich

Hello dear Natalia.
The probability of pregnancy after surgical sterilization is extremely small, but just in case, take a blood test for the hCG hormone and visit a gynecologist.
Sincerely, Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich, reproductive specialist

Post date: 22.10.2012 09:23


Hello! I am 41 years old. I had my tubes tied 6 years ago. In total there were 2 Caesarean sections, ovarian apoplexy, and an ectopic pregnancy. Now I am 2 months late. At the same time, I have all the symptoms of menopause. Can I have menopause? Do I need to go to the doctor?

Post date: 22.10.2012 10:28

Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich

Hello dear Natalia.
After 40 years, the onset of menopause is possible with a high degree of probability.
In any case, you need to visit a doctor for examination and clarification of the diagnosis.
Sincerely, Reproductologist Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich

Post date: 02.11.2012 10:47


Hello! After tubal ligation, are there possible consequences that negatively affect the woman's body, for example, problems with hormones, overweight, adhesions, etc.? and do they exist at all? Thank you!

Post date: 04.11.2012 18:16

Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich

Hello, dear Anyuta.
No, it is unlikely that such problems, if they arise in the future, are clearly not due to the "ligation" of the fallopian tubes.
Sincerely, Dostibegyan Gary Zelimkhanovich, reproductive specialist

There are a sufficient number of methods of contraception, but surgical sterilization or tubal ligation is considered the most guaranteed. For some women, in the case of genetic diseases, this operation is prescribed by doctors, while others consent to it consciously, not wanting to have children in the future. But sooner or later, the lady will be worried about the problem of whether it is possible to get pregnant with her tubes tied.

Is natural pregnancy possible after surgery?

To answer it, let us recall the physiology of the process of conceiving a child. The egg, which has matured in the ovary, breaks through its membrane at the right time and moves into one of the fallopian tubes. Here there is a merger with the sperm, which is already waiting for her. In the case of fertilization, the fetal egg moves along the tube, descending into the uterus, where it attaches to its inner shell, the endometrium and the fetus begins its development before childbirth.

When the tubes are excluded from this reproductive chain, it turns out that the embryo cannot form in any way. After all, the egg, not finding its usual path, will die without meeting with the sperm.

Therefore, the answer to the question is it possible to get pregnant if the fallopian tubes are tied, naturally, obviously, definitely not.

Cases of natural conception

In this case, conception is possible only in a few exceptional cases:

  • as a result of a poorly performed operation or its defect;
  • if there was a fusion of the fallopian tubes with the formation of a new unforeseen passage for the spermatozoon;
  • you were already pregnant at the time of your tubal ligation.

After performing such an operation, you need to know that the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases significantly, since the free passage for the egg is limited. To check the correctness of the surgical intervention and the presence of possible defects, it is worth conducting an ultrasound scan. In this study, the doctor will determine the existing deviations and the degree of patency of the tube.

Can you get pregnant with your tubes tied?

If a sterilized woman suddenly decided to give birth to a baby, then in our age of technological progress this is doable. There is such a procedure as IVF (in vitro fertilization), which will show whether it is possible to become pregnant if both tubes are tied artificially. IVF includes the following steps:

  • Under the control of ultrasound under the influence of hormones, several eggs are grown in the ovary.
  • Ready cells are placed in a test tube.
  • Produce artificial insemination with sperm.
  • Embryos are placed in the uterus and their fixation in the endometrium is controlled.

From this moment on, a woman must observe physical and psychological rest, since the survival rate of the embryos occurs in 80% of cases and the risk of their death is quite high. In case of failure, the attempt is repeated after 2-3 months. This method gives the fair sex a real chance of pregnancy, when it is not possible to fulfill the desired on their own. The only disadvantage of the artificial method is the high price.

IVF or plastic tubing

In addition to IVF, you can also undertake plastic pipes. The doctor recommends this procedure in some cases based on the results of the examination. But this process is very long and expensive.

Prevention of unwanted pregnancy is very important in our time. Therefore, it is worth choosing a method of contraception that in the future will not create difficulties for conceiving a baby. Even if at present you categorically do not want children, in a few years everything can change. Perhaps you need to look at more gentle methods of contraception, so that in the future you do not suffer from the question: is it possible to get pregnant with your tubes tied? It is better to immediately foresee all the possibilities, so that later you will not encounter problems.

Among the methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy, they choose the possibility of ligating the tubes after childbirth. Despite the presence of shortcomings, the surgical method effectively prevents conception. In the absence of contraindications, it is carried out for women with natural childbirth, caesarean section.

Advantages and disadvantages

The fallopian tubes are needed to transport the egg that has left the ovary. Fertilized, it is delivered to the uterine cavity, where the embryo develops. Tubal ligation after childbirth is necessary to exclude the possibility of meeting germ cells. It's impossible to get pregnant.

The main advantage is the minimum possibility of conception. Among the advantages, there is no effect on the hormonal background. The menstrual cycle does not change. The general condition and libido remain normal. The procedure is suitable for natural childbirth, caesarean section.

If there are no two pipes, infertility occurs after the operation, bleeding and inflammation occur. Sometimes the work of organs is spontaneously restored, the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases if the method of manipulation is incorrectly selected.

During the dressing, anesthesia is used, so the number of contraindications increases. The gynecologist warns about the consequences of the procedure, as 40% of women want to have children at a later age.

Is it possible to untie the fallopian tubes and give birth? Depends on the type of operation. If you have used tubal tying or ligation, this is possible. However, there is no guarantee that a woman will be able to get pregnant on her own. When installing implants, the process is irreversible, so it is impossible to give birth.

With the help of plastic surgery, it is possible to give birth with ligated tubes. It is carried out in European clinics, does not guarantee getting pregnant again. This applies to the IVF procedure. It is expensive, leads to stress, rarely helps in reproduction.

Indications and contraindications

Can I have my tubes tied after childbirth? Yes. The operation is allowed if the woman is 35 years old, she has at least one child. They give half a year for reflection, and then they operate if the woman is sure that she will no longer give birth.

Among the indications there is a risk to health and life. Manipulation is indicated for pathologies of internal organs: heart, lungs, kidneys, affecting the process of the appearance of the fetus. Ligation is performed for genetic anomalies that are inherited. Regardless of whether the woman makes the decision on her own or follows the recommendations of the gynecologist, they sign the consent.

In the first case, the presence of children is taken into account, in the second, an operation is required, even if they are not. With mental disorders, surgical sterilization is possible when the patient is recognized as incapacitated and a court decision is made.

With inflammation in the pelvis or if there is a high degree of obesity, it is contraindicated immediately after childbirth to tie the tubes. You can not do an operation with a tumor of the intestines and genital organs. Sterilization is impossible when a woman is already pregnant, an anesthetic cannot be administered.

Can you tie your tubes during childbirth? Yes. When carrying out a caesarean section, you do not need to administer additional medications, which is beneficial for the body. The endoscopic method is carried out through the abdominal cavity. The woman does not feel pain and discomfort. First, access is blocked, clamps are installed, gaps are cauterized. Occurs within half an hour, the likelihood of complications is minimal.

If the anhydrous period is more than 12 hours or bleeding has opened, tubal ligation during childbirth is not performed. Contraindications are eclampsia during delivery. Do the operation after the permission of the gynecologist.

Is it possible to give birth with one fallopian tube? Yes, because this is enough for conception. The organ must be passable, pick up the egg, transfer it to the uterus. This is an algorithm of actions during the normal operation of both pipes. Mothers who gave birth with one tube confirm the possibility of having a baby using IVF. In 3 out of 10 cases, replanting was successful.

In gynecology, methods have been developed that allow you to give birth without tubes. Use the Kocher technique. Recovery is possible if the organs remain intact. During excision, the probability of a positive outcome depends on the size of the lost segment.

Preparation for the operation and its technique

A woman undergoes an examination, takes tests: blood, urine. Coagulability, group and Rh factor are determined. Confirm the absence of syphilis, AIDS, viral hepatitis. The gynecologist examines, examines the cervix, vagina, takes a smear. Assign fluorography, ECG, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis, to exclude the onset of pregnancy.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia. There are several options for sterilization. Choose a method that is not contraindicated, there will be no side effects. In the evening, they put an enema to cleanse the intestines. If necessary, prescribe sedatives and sleeping pills.

How to tie your tubes so as not to give birth:

  1. laparotomy;
  2. minilaparotomy;
  3. laparoscopy;
  4. hysteroscopy;
  5. colpotomy.

Laparoscopy. The most popular technique. Among the advantages, a short rehabilitation period is distinguished. It can be done with local anesthesia. Subsequently, there are no noticeable scars on the skin. For dressing, a hole is made in the abdominal cavity, an instrument is inserted. The patency of the pipes is violated with the help of photocoagulation, laser evaporation. For mechanical holding, you will need rings, staples or clips.

Minilaparotomy. A simple way without the use of expensive equipment. A 3 cm incision is made, the pelvic organs are examined, the tubes are tied up mechanically. Carried out after childbirth. It is forbidden if there is uterine fibroids or obesity.

Laparotomy. The abdominal cavity is opened with a suprapubic incision. Used for caesarean section. Voluntary surgical sterilization is performed if a written consent is signed before delivery.

Hysteroscopic and colpotomy accesses. The first type is rarely used, as complications often occur. The mucous membrane of the fallopian tube is exposed to chemical and biological substances. The hysteroscope is inserted through the cervical canal. Colpotomy takes place in a hospital. This is a public method that does not require expensive equipment. There are no scars. However, inflammation of the fallopian tubes occurs due to infection. Recovery of the body takes place within a month and a half. Sex life is prohibited.

Postoperative period and complications

The use of colpo- or hysteroscopy means that the woman will be discharged in a day. With laparoscopy, it will take 2-3 days. If a laparotomy was used, they stay in the hospital for at least a week, then the stitches are removed.

Surgical sterilization is a complex process that requires physical rest and the absence of sexual activity. The first three days are not recommended water procedures. The wound is not touched, not rubbed. Do not lift weights. In two weeks, a scheduled visit to the gynecologist.

Despite the safety of the operation, there is a risk of complications. Bleeding opens, abdominal organs are damaged. An allergic reaction occurs to medications.

When using the technique after cesarean, the hormonal background is preserved, milk is produced. Surgical manipulations lead to bleeding, damage to large vessels, perforation of the uterus. A septic infection is formed, inflammation of the pelvic organs develops.

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the ligation technique is violated, with electrocoagulation. Fluid in the fallopian tube accumulates due to inflammation and adhesions. The walls stretch, increase in size, the egg does not enter the body, there is no pregnancy.

After sterilization feel dizziness, pain, nausea, spasm, bloating. Treatment with folk remedies is not contraindicated, but its effectiveness is low. Herbs are used to relieve inflammation and as antiseptics.

Sterilization prevents the union of the male and female sex cells. Pregnancy is prevented, but subsequently it is almost impossible to give birth to a child. The surgical methods used are available, offered in several options. If there are no contraindications, the woman no longer wants to have children, this method is considered guaranteed when choosing contraception.

Tubal ligation is an effective contraceptive method that is irreversible. This technique is also called female sterilization. It is carried out only with the consent of the patient or for special medical reasons. Such sterilization is carried out surgically, often during a caesarean section. After tubal ligation for caesarean section, the consequences can be varied, as they depend on many factors such as the method of sterilization, surgical access, etc.

The attending gynecologist will answer all your questions

Sometimes a woman has such circumstances in her life that she does not want or absolutely cannot have children. Today, gynecologists can offer a lot of contraceptive methods. But if the patient is contraindicated in pregnancy for the rest of her life, then it is better to refuse lifelong use of contraceptive hormonal drugs and undergo a surgical sterilization procedure.

This procedure is usually performed under anesthesia and is often combined with a caesarean section, which is very convenient and does not require additional incisions in the patient's abdominal wall to gain access to the fallopian tubes. All manipulations are carried out after the child is removed from the uterus, through the same incision. Tubal ligation, unlike other methods of contraception, gives the patient a 100% guarantee that pregnancy will never occur.

Such an operation, as already mentioned, is carried out only with the consent of a woman whose age is over 35 years old, and she already has 2 or more children. If there are medical indications, then the presence of children and age characteristics are no longer taken into account, although the written consent of the patient is also necessary. DHS (or voluntary surgical sterilization) has a number of indications and contraindications, which are also taken into account when deciding on an intervention.

Indications for holding

Before agreeing to such a procedure, a woman needs to undergo a consultation, during which the patient is explained all the details of the intervention, the consequences and indications. The girl must receive objective information in order to make a choice, agreeing or refusing DHS. In addition, the available indications for such an intervention are explained.

  • The patient is completely and unconditionally sure that she does not want to have children ever in her life;
  • If a woman already has a child, and her age has exceeded 35 years;
  • With dangerous cardiovascular pathologies, pulmonary hypertension, active hepatitis forms, etc.;
  • The presence of pathologies that can negatively affect the process of gestation or somehow aggravate the pregnancy;
  • If the first three births occurred with the help of a surgical delivery operation (caesarean section);
  • If a woman has a severe hereditary disease that can pass to children;
  • With liver failure, leukemia or diabetes;
  • The patient has no pathologies that can act as an obstacle to DHS.

Many patients mistakenly believe that the caesarean section and further tubal ligation are two interrelated surgical procedures, but this is not true. Even if during the caesarean section it turned out that it is dangerous for the patient to become pregnant and give birth to offspring in the future, doctors cannot perform sterilization without the consent of the woman. Possible risks are determined even during preoperative preparation, it is then that the issue of DHS is discussed with the patient. If the woman agrees, she gives written permission for the dressing to be performed.


There are a number of certain conditions in which voluntary surgical sterilization is contraindicated. Such conditions include obesity and allergic intolerance to drugs used for anesthesia, oncological pathologies, malignant neoplasms. If a woman is under 35 years of age or in the presence of adhesive or inflammatory processes in the genitourinary and reproductive structures, DCS is also contraindicated.

Bandaging is not performed for patients who are single, do not have a single child, or women with unstable sexual and family relationships. After all, circumstances can always change, then a woman wants to give birth, but she can no longer, because the sterilization procedure is irreversible, and a bandaged canal in both tubes makes pregnancy impossible. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend such women not to rush, and to choose for contraception not such a cardinal, but a safer and reversible method.

Advantages, disadvantages

The fallopian tubes carry out a transport function for sperm and eggs. The female germ cell matures and is sent through the fallopian tube to the uterine cavity, where it is fertilized with sperm, after which it is implanted all through the same tube into the cavity of the uterine body, where it is implanted into the wall of the organ. The main purpose of a fallopian tube ligation is to exclude the possibility of an egg meeting with male germ cells, as a result of which pregnancy becomes impossible.

Although surgical sterilization belongs to the category of irreversible operations, in isolated cases, self-healing of the patency of the fallopian tubes occurred. Most often, such processes occurred due to non-compliance with the DHS technique or incorrect selection of the surgical approach technique. But in general, the restoration of the tube after ligation is possible only with the help of plastic surgery, which is not always successful, expensive and technically complex.

Therefore, if the patient urgently wants to give birth after surgical sterilization, doctors can offer her in vitro fertilization. But this method is also very costly in financial terms and does not always provide the desired result. That is why you need to think a thousand and once, weigh all the factors, and only then decide on such a crucial step. After all, it is almost impossible to have a child after DHS. The dressing procedure is not without its drawbacks and advantages.

  1. Firstly, after such an intervention, the guarantee of contraception is 100 percent, and there is no chance of conception.
  2. Secondly, such sterilization can be performed after a caesarean section, which is very convenient and does not require additional preparation of the patient for surgery.
  3. Thirdly, such an intervention does not affect the woman's sexual desire in any way, does not affect her general health and does not violate the patient's hormonal background.

The disadvantages of DCS include the irreversible lack of fertility, the need for anesthesia during the dressing and the existing likelihood of an ectopic with insufficient qualifications of the doctor who performed the sterilization. In addition, this procedure is a surgical intervention, therefore, it can have characteristic complications and consequences such as inflammation, bleeding, etc.

Dressing methods

A healthy and desirable baby is the dream of every woman.

Usually, dressing is performed after caesarean by laparotomy through an incision made to remove the child. Although, if the patient wishes, the dressing can be carried out in a more gentle way - laparoscopically, when all manipulations are carried out through two punctures in the abdominal wall. The procedure for ligation of the fallopian tubes can be carried out by various methods, among which the most popular are: cauterization, ligation followed by an incision, ligation with a silk ligature, the application of a clip or the installation of a special implant inside the tubal canal.

Today, silk ligatures are used to tie pipes quite rarely, usually this is done by highly qualified specialists with impressive experience. But the rest of the methods are quite popular and are used almost everywhere. For example, the imposition of a special clip on the pipe (occlusion or blocking) is sometimes referred to as reversible operations, because they can be removed over time. After the clip is removed from the tube, self-healing occurs, which makes pregnancy quite possible in the future. Coagulation involves sealing the tubal canal about 3 cm from the uterine body using electrosurgical instruments or a laser.

Relatively young, new methods include implantation into the tube of implants (blockage). Such sterilization is carried out using a hysteroscopic technique and under mandatory ultrasound control. Through the cervical canal, special devices are introduced into the uterus, and then into the tubes, which do not allow sperm to move into the tube. Within a few months (usually 3-4) there is a complete overgrowth of the fallopian lumen. During this period, the woman will still have to protect herself, because the possibility of pregnancy remains. After 4 months, the patient undergoes a control hysteroscopy, which shows the degree of overgrowth of the fallopian tubes. If they are completely impassable, then the sterilization operation is considered viable.

After operation

Before the intervention, the patient undergoes standard preoperative preparatory measures with the delivery of laboratory tests and other studies.

  • About a week before the caesarean and dressing, the patient should stop taking all medications.
  • Do not eat or drink before the intervention.
  • After surgical sterilization, any physical activity is strictly prohibited, you can not drive and wet the wound.
  • In general, contraindications after ligation surgery are similar to those after caesarean section.
  • If the intervention was carried out as an independent laparoscopic procedure, then it is necessary to avoid stress, the bath is also strictly prohibited, but you can go to the shower after closing the wound from water in advance.
  • Sexual rest is also necessary, the doctor will determine its exact terms individually.
  • From the vagina in the first day or three, a bloody mass may stand out.
  • Sometimes constipation may occur in the early days, which doctors recommend avoiding with a special diet.

After the resumption of sexual activity, the need to use contraception disappears.

Consequences and complications

If the doctor is sufficiently qualified, and during the surgical sterilization all the necessary standards were observed, then no negative complications should be expected. If the operation was performed poorly, then there is a possibility of serious complications and severe consequences such as sepsis, vascular damage, bleeding, inflammatory damage or allergic reactions against the background of the anesthesia used.

After the dressing, the woman is forever deprived of the opportunity to have children, but the patient does not experience any hormonal problems as a result of the operation, as well as menstrual disorders.

The effectiveness of this contraception

If we compare the procedure of surgical ligation of the fallopian tubes with other methods of contraception, then it is considered the most effective. But in isolated cases, pregnancy is still possible if during the intervention there was an incomplete overlap of the tubal lumen due to medical error.

The probability of failure of surgical sterilization is negligible. But when deciding on such contraception, a woman must definitely take into account that in the future she will never be able to become pregnant. Therefore, if at least one doubt remains about DHS, then it is better to abandon this method of contraception, replacing it with a less cardinal one.

Blocking the fallopian canals does not affect the ovulatory functions and the patient's menstrual cycles. In other words, the egg will also continue to mature monthly, and menstrual bleeding will also come with each cycle. At a certain time, a woman will enter the menopausal period, as if no operations on the reproductive organs were ever performed.

Before agreeing to such an important and desperate step, the patient needs to think very carefully, weigh all the arguments. According to statistics, more than half of the patients who agreed to surgical sterilization later regretted their decision, but they could not return their reproductive and reproductive functions back.

Today, tubal ligation is considered the most effective method of birth control, since after such a procedure, pregnancy, as a rule, becomes impossible. Its use is recommended for women who voluntarily refuse to plan children in the future, as well as in cases where pregnancy is unbearably difficult for the body and can threaten the life and health of the expectant mother.

The tubal ligation procedure, in fact, is an operation and is expressed in blocking, tying, clamping with special devices or cutting the fallopian tubes in order to form an artificial obstruction. Female sterilization or voluntary surgical contraception is a highly effective method of contraception. Today, for this purpose, special tubal implants have also been developed, which have the form of metal springs, which are installed directly in the fallopian tubes, are performed non-surgically, that is, without dissection. As time passes, scar tissue forms around each implant, which is a kind of tube blocker.

As you know, after maturation, the egg leaves the ovary and immediately moves to the fallopian tubes, where it is fertilized, and from there it penetrates into the uterine cavity. Since the passage is blocked, accordingly, fertilization does not occur and pregnancy does not occur. The high contraceptive effect of this surgical method is based on this mechanism.

It is important to know that tubal ligation is your voluntary refusal to conceive children, after such a procedure, pregnancy will never occur. Of course, if necessary, the functioning of the tubes can be restored, but the percentage that a woman can become pregnant again is very low, since it is difficult to reunite the cut ends of the tubes. The procedure is performed exclusively by a highly professional and experienced gynecologist.

Blocking of the fallopian tubes can be carried out in several ways, among which should be noted the imposition of staples or tying, cauterization (electrocoagulation), cutting and suturing, etc. All of them are performed using various methods.

The abdominal method is represented by laparoscopy (mini-laparotomy) and laparotomy. Laparotomy (open tubal ligation) is performed under anesthesia. During the operation, the doctor cuts the surface in the abdomen and performs ligation of the fallopian tubes. This technique is recommended mainly if a woman has diseases of the pelvic organs of an inflammatory nature (they contribute to the formation of scar tissue, which is a contraindication for performing this operation in a different way), endometriosis, during an operation on the abdominal cavity for another reason (for example, caesarean section ).

The laparoscopy operation (mini-laparotomy) is performed under general anesthesia and is expressed through a small upper incision (up to 5 cm) on the abdomen of a viewing device (camera) and a surgical instrument. Then another (lower, in the pubic area) incision is made, which is intended for clamping. First, gas is blown into the abdomen for greater convenience, and then the dressing is directly performed with metal clips or clips, and then the ends of the tubes are sealed by applying an eclectic current (cauterization or electrocoagulation). After the operation, the woman is in the hospital for a week. After the operation, a large scar is formed.

Very often, women resort to this method of surgical contraception immediately after childbirth, after 24-36 hours. This question is considered in advance by the woman and her partner (husband) and discussed with the doctor. The incision is made in the navel area, because after childbirth, the tubes are slightly higher in the abdominal cavity, which is caused by an increase in the uterus.

The vaginal method of ligation of the fallopian tubes is carried out by colpotomy. During the operation, the doctor makes an incision through the back wall of the vagina in order to penetrate the abdominal cavity. After the operation, there are practically no scars, but the risk of infection increases significantly. Therefore, one of the mandatory recommendations after the intervention is a complete renunciation of sexual activity for a month and a half.

Endoscopy of the uterus is one of the latest ways to block the fallopian tubes. The ends of the tubes during the operation are closed with plastic microtampons.

Since tubal ligation is a serious operation, like any intervention in the body, it can be accompanied by the development of adverse reactions, among the most common are allergies to anesthesia, bleeding, ectopic pregnancy against the background of incomplete blocking of the tubes, blood poisoning.

Restoration of the functions of the fallopian tubes is possible, but the probability of a positive outcome is very scanty. Therefore, tubal ligation is considered an irreversible method of contraception.

Tubal implant procedure.
The procedure is carried out with the introduction of local anesthesia in an outpatient setting. It takes no more than half an hour. The specialist, using special tools, opens the woman's cervix, and then, with gentle movements, very slowly inserts the implant in the form of a thin tube (catheter) through the cervix and directly into the uterus itself, first into one and then the other fallopian tube. After insertion, a woman may experience something like cramps, which are observed during menstruation. After the procedure, the doctor necessarily checks with the help of X-ray examination the correctness of the installation of the implants. During the first three months of using implants, a woman should use additional contraceptives. After this period, she comes to see a doctor. There, a specialist will inject a dye into the uterine cavity and do a hysterosalpingography, which will show how tightly the tubes are blocked by scar tissue. If everything is in order, then additional contraceptives can no longer be used.

If suspicious symptoms are observed after tubal ligation or the introduction of tubal implants, it is recommended that you definitely consult a doctor to exclude ectopic pregnancy, as one of the risks of sterilization. These symptoms include symptoms of pregnancy (nausea, lack of menstruation, sensitivity of the mammary glands), pain in the lower abdomen on any side, dizziness.

In cases where pain in the lower abdomen does not go away when implants are installed, a decision can be made to remove them. With this method of contraception, there is a risk of developing diseases of the pelvic organs. To prevent this, before the procedure for the introduction of implants, a woman must be examined for the presence of STDs and vaginal infections.

After operation.
After surgery, there may be slight bleeding from the vagina, due to the movement of the uterus at the time of surgery. After laparoscopy, there may be back pain and bloating due to the gas used. You will get rid of this inconvenience after one or two days, as the body gets rid of gas.

After a day, you can take a shower, but touching and rubbing a place of size is not recommended for another week. During the week it is recommended to protect yourself from physical activity, sexual intercourse. Such operations do not require the use of additional contraceptives. Two weeks after the intervention, you need to visit a doctor.

Indications for tubal ligation.

  • Women over thirty-five years of age, necessarily having at least one child.
  • Absolute confidence in their unwillingness to have children in the future.
  • The presence of a disease that can aggravate pregnancy.
  • Having a severe hereditary disease that can be passed on to children
  • .
  • The absence of diseases that can make tubal ligation impossible.
The effectiveness of the method of tubal ligation or surgical sterilization is almost one hundred percent effective. With this technique, there is a small chance of pregnancy, but it is so small that you should not count on it. Therefore, if you decide on such a method of contraception, do not console yourself with hopes of a possible pregnancy in the future.

Pregnancy can occur in the case of fused fallopian tubes or the formation of a new passage (recanalization), if the operation is performed incorrectly, if there is pregnancy before the intervention. But the latter is unlikely, because before that the woman undergoes an examination and takes tests. It is simply impossible to miss such a fact!

Consequences and risks of tubal ligation.
As a rule, there are no serious complications during tubal ligation, usually these are minor bleeding, an allergy to anesthesia. However, there is always a risk of damage to internal organs during laparoscopy (the moment the laparoscope is inserted). In addition, the risks increase if the patient is diabetic, overweight, smokes or has heart disease.

It should be noted that blocking the fallopian tubes will not affect the ovulatory function and the menstrual cycle in any way, that is, the egg will mature monthly, and menstruation will occur in the future. Regarding menopause, it will come in due time, as if you had not had an operation. In addition, it is important to know that this method of preventing an unplanned pregnancy will not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, if you are not sure about your partner, then additionally use other contraceptives (condom).

Before performing the operation, the specialist examines the woman in detail, and also carefully examines her family relationships, in particular for stability. This is due to the fact that often, after a lapse of time, patients are asked to return their ability to conceive, that is, to restore the functions of the tubes. This mainly happens against the background of the loss of a child (death) or the creation of a new family.

Tubal ligation is necessarily legally formalized from the legal side. The woman signs a document where she officially agrees to the operation. Before you sign, remember that statistically, women who do so will later regret it.

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of methods and means of contraception, each woman can choose the most optimal option for herself. Tubal ligation or sterilization should only be performed when absolutely indicated. The choice of the method of the operation is chosen by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the female body.