Smart home Cottage automation GSM control. The basis of the Russian "smart home". EctoControl warning and control system from EctoStroy How many people work in the EctoStroy team

What is the most important thing in any home? Definitely safety. Our home is our fortress, but this is possible only if we feel protected in it. And systems will help in this, or GSM modules for " smart home”, in a wide range presented in our online store:

    Integrated management. It is carried out using a central control unit. Allows you to monitor temperature, control sensors for water leakage, gas, movement, mains voltage, lighting and others. In case of any emergency, they will notify you by phone about the problem. You can also submit your own request. Through the unit, you can control all the sensors installed in the house, regardless of their number.

    Magnetic key. With this device, you can automatically put on and take off security system.

    Light and sound annunciator. This device will instantly inform you about any abnormal situation. It is enough just to set it up in advance and indicate in which situations it should work.

We offer GSM modules in " smart House» from leading manufacturing companies - EctoControl, E-Robot, Strazh.

Sensors of important indicators

In the "smart home" you can install just an unthinkable number of sensors. Our online store has a wide selection, so you will surely find what you need with us.

We are offering to you:

    Temperature sensors, natural gas leaks, water leaks, liquid levels in various tanks. They monitor the set parameters and will inform you in case of any failure.

    AC contactors. Allows remote control of electrical equipment.

We draw your attention to smart room control systems. These are the integrated control blocks:

    monitor the leakage of water, gas, smoke, etc. and instantly signal this by phone or via SMS;

    have a room temperature sensor;

    perform a security function using a motion sensor - they react to the opening of doors, gates, etc.

In any non-standard situation, the system will notify you by phone or SMS.

Our range of GSM modules for "smart home" can be found on the pages of the sites, and to find out more detailed information about a particular product, please call. Our managers will give you comprehensive advice, comparative analysis systems and help you make the right choice.

Smart House. Turnkey Solution Automation country house

Tasks of EctoControl:

- control of heating (control of air temperature and humidity in the room, heating of the house);

- timely informing in case of change of the set parameters;

- saving on the consumption of energy resources: electricity, gas, water;

- security and protection of property

To solve these problems, an easy-to-install and user-friendly automation system was used and EctoControl. IN there is functionality and system settings are supported mobile applications for Android and IOS

And so what we got:

  1. management and control via app or Personal Area Ectocontrol(possibility of dispatching);
  2. timely informing in case of changes in the specified parameters (allows you to respond quickly);
  3. temperature and humidity control in the room;
  4. remote control of electrical appliances ( thermal curtain, gates, ventilation, etc.);
  5. gsm heating boiler control - saving gas / electricity;
  6. safety (control of water leakage, gas leakage, pressure in the pipe, the presence of a voltage network);
  7. using the phone, you can shut off the water / gas supply in case of a leak;
  8. security (motion sensors; on windows and doors);
  9. ip video surveillance (street and indoor cameras)

After installation and configuration to the system were connected:

  1. control unit for automation and dispatching system ectocontrol;
  2. wireless temperature sensors (temperature control);
  3. wired air humidity sensor (air humidity control);
  4. wired heating manometer (pipe pressure control);
  5. wireless motion sensors (property security);
  6. light and sound alarm (property security);
  7. wireless socket 220V / smart socket gsm (remote control of electrical appliances);
  8. wireless indoor Wi-Fi video camera (video surveillance);
  9. powerful remote GSM antenna (signal improvement with weak GSM coverage).
  10. wireless water leakage sensor (water leakage control, water leakage protection);
  11. wireless removable electric drive for taps (shuts/opens water/gas supply);
  12. wired liquid level control sensor (liquid level control in various tanks);
  13. wireless light and sound smoke detector (reacts to the appearance of smoke in the room);
  14. wireless door/window opening sensors (real estate security);
  15. splitter of contact sensors (increasing the possibility of using the system);
  16. wired temperature sensor (temperature control);
  17. wired temperature sensor in the sleeve (temperature control);
  18. wired sensor for the presence of a network of 220V (control of the presence of current in the mains);
  19. wired gas leak detector (property safety).

RF production. Warranty 1 year. Self-installation possible

If necessary, you can complete and expand the functions of using the automation and control system at your discretion and continue to manage using your phone. There is the possibility of interaction with previously installed systems (ventilation, air conditioning, irrigation, etc.)

Recently, we have become preoccupied with the search for a truly Russian smart home systems. To be adapted to the most severe conditions: colds, interruptions, jumps and failures of everything that is possible. And it was inexpensive. It didn’t take long to find a reliable and impenetrable option. We introduce our readers to the warning and control system EctoControl, which has no analogues in Russia yet.

What is EctoControl

The Russian "smart home" started with an idea. A Russian man was sitting at work. Father's country house required constant visits in the winter: what if something happens to communications? And twirled at the son that day interesting ideas. How nice it would be to live if for Vacation home didn't have to worry. Whether it is winter or summer, the wilderness or a dacha-type settlement - you sit in the city and always know that everything is in order in that house. That the pipes are intact. The doors are closed. The walls didn't freeze. A bug on a chain, but warm. That there is electricity.

And most importantly: it would be nice if you just rushed to the dacha like this, grabbed friends along the way, and there it’s warm, light and everything is intact. A small but good dream.

With this dream, a Russian person came to another Russian person. And that one for another one. And so the dream became a reality. A small box that can do everything and that you can rely on. The box itself, of course, was not born the first time. At first, it was such that even a Russian person is ashamed to show it. They scratched their turnips over it - and made it more beautiful so that the wires do not stick out and the European partners do not clutch at the heart.

In 2011, the system went on sale. It had no design as such, and customization for each customer was carried out manually, with programming and other labor-intensive tasks.

Everything was hardcore. I had to buy a SIM card, take some old phone with support for recording contacts on a SIM card. Each setting had to be manually entered into the address book on the card, removed the card, inserted into the system ... and God forbid, something was written incorrectly!

But even then we understood that such an option would not work. Now nothing of the kind is required from the user. In fact, nothing is needed from him now. Bought, installed, stuck any active SIM-ku - and that's it.

The system has been improved in the last two years. The most current version of EctoControl was shown by Semyon, one of the creators of the project, and he took it with him on the road.

What is EctoControl. Basic functionality

EctoControl is a notification and monitoring system for the state of the house based on a GSM modem. Service on this moment focused on owners country houses, whether they are summer residents, commercial structures or pensioners living in private sectors or outside the city.

The task of the device is to instantly inform the user about any changes in the situation in the house. This is the first, most important "layer" of EctoControl's functionality as a base station: the constant protection of the owner's property, which is opposed by natural and man-made force majeure typical for our country.

The key difference between EctoControl and analogues is the lack of a real connection to the benefits of modern civilization. For the operation of 100% of the system's functions, the Internet is not required, and the system itself is able to provide itself with electricity for several days with a complete lack of supply. This system can be installed in the Russian wilderness, disconnected from most communications and experiencing constant power outages.

The system communicates with the user exclusively via a GSM signal Russian operators communication using a regular SIM card. It is inserted directly into the main "modem" unit. The map informs and changes the EctoControl settings.

It looks like this. For example, the temperature in the house began to drop sharply. At the moment of drop below the set threshold, the corresponding notification will be sent to the owner's phone. And he is already deciding whether to go out and check what happened. IN this case An early warning can save you a lot of money and instill a sense of calm about your possessions that you don't see every day.

Boiler connection kit

The basic set of EctoControl includes a modem, a battery for autonomous operation, an antenna for amplifying the GSM signal and a set of cables for connecting to communications nearby. The system looks like a beefed-up Wi-Fi modem, which is no accident: this format more easily conveys the tasks of the device to potential buyers. The earlier version was noticeably harsher.

We are still selling a "GSM home monitoring system" and not a "Russian smart home". At the same time, the theme of "smart home" is so close to the functionality of our system that to some extent extends to us.

Here actually interesting story. A geek comes to us, to whom, yes, all the most experimental and modern functions in EctoControl are important - it is much easier for him to identify the device if we mention a well-known trend. And we're not lying at all. And if a pensioner looks in, he usually needs one or two functions and no more, and the rest scare him away as much as the vast concepts of a “smart home”. To him, we're just a "boiler temperature control system" or something like that. In general, it is ambiguous.

But I already know that he is a little disingenuous. EctoControl can do a lot more than just monitor and send status messages. It's just that this functionality has appeared relatively recently, and so far it is advertised very carefully, fearing to scare away people with simple needs - in terms of informing.

EctoControl advanced. Communications management and disaster prevention

By default, EctoControl is able to monitor the electricity supply in the house. To obtain other data for the basic set of EctoControl, purchase sensors– wired units connected to the main GSM module. Rigid binding to the cable is now a must: it ensures reliable operation of the sensors in the event of a power outage and at any temperature.

The EctoControllol system supports connection of various sensors:

  • air temperature;
  • gas leaks;
  • water leaks;
  • air humidity;
  • door opening;
  • movement;
  • smoke;
  • pressure in the heating system.

Additionally can be installed:

  • block of 2 controlled sockets;
  • contactors for power supply control;
  • light and sound alarm;
  • wire for remote control of the boiler.

Do not be afraid of this list, this is just a listing. Ektostroy sells sensors in thematic sets, along with a GSM station. For example, there are four sets for heating control: these are different combinations of temperature sensors, water leakage sensors and gas leakage sensors. There are also kits for controlling the temperature of the air in the server room, to ensure basic security of the room, and so on.

The idea is that you buy a kit for a specific task - and you get everything you need. If desired, any other sensors can be purchased independently.

Thematic sets are sold out with a bang and are limited not so much by sensors as by the stations themselves. So much so that with each of my meetings, stocks literally melted before our eyes: there were 400 base stations, in a week it became 300, and now even less. But that's not the point.

Based on the selected set of sensors, the capabilities of the GSM station and its owner are significantly expanded. For example, it is implemented boiler function control: you can remotely turn on and off the heating, lower and raise the temperature in the house to a specific value with a single SMS. The contactor for the electrical network allows you to turn on and off the electricity in the house by entire zones, as well as control electric heating. The remote socket block can be controlled from anywhere in the world: for example, you can urgently turn off the devices connected to it. And so on.

The possibilities of EctoControl are limited only by the number of stations and existing sensors. According to Semyon, kits for boilers are now the most popular - which is no wonder, because freezing pipes threatens with huge troubles for the homeowner. And so he will know in advance that the temperature is dropping, and will be able to take action - for example, increase it remotely (and if this does not help, come personally, since the problem is clearly in the boiler).

Installation of the EctoControl system

Complete set of basic GSM-module EctoControl

The editors looked at the installation of the system personally. To do this, we went to one of the objects of Ektostroy's clients. We will not disclose the name of the person (as well as the photo of the house) for obvious reasons. The house itself was built almost with his own hands and is located outside the Moscow Ring Road - it is used as a comfortable cottage and a reserve place of residence.

The owner of the house does not come here every day, but is not ready to put up with the harsh Russian realities. Therefore, an on-site assembly team, led (jokingly) by Semyon and Nikita, was called in to install the central boiler control system. The client described his expectations as follows:

I want to come to warm house winter and summer. So that while I was leaving Taganka, the boiler heated the pipes and heated both floors to normal temperature. And when I leave and close automatic gates- so that he could lower the temperature from the phone, turn off the electricity in secondary rooms. Well, and so that nothing exploded there, burned down, and so on.

simple human desires. As Simon says, almost everyone asks for such things. Moreover, huge demand for the system comes from regions of the country, where some homeowners have to drive several hours to a country house. For them, EctoControl can save not only property, but also personal time: a purely control trip back and forth takes the whole working day, and this way you can sit calmly in the city.

How to control the boiler remotely

We assess the situation. Communications are carried out wisely and very carefully, which is rare. The editing team is more accustomed to harsh situations where everything is much more difficult - in particular, in the homes of the elderly. Each difficult case is still solved and brings a lot of experience.

Cauldron, in which we now climb.

And here is the view from the window. The beginning of February, the snow is falling mercilessly. Let's create an atmosphere :)

We remove the cover from the boiler and take root in its electronics. By connecting a couple of wires to the board, we get full, remote access to key functionality: raising and lowering the temperature.

A base for the system is deployed directly under the boiler. In principle, it can be carried as far as the wires allow, but the owner is completely satisfied with the current version. In the photo - an external battery, one of two external temperature sensors and the main unit of the GSM-system EctoControl.

Sensors nearby.

This Semyon. Semyon connects and starts the battery. The battery starts up. She has to work here for two or three years. Then it will make sense to replace, after all, the cells are not immortal. This is done in a couple of seconds: turned it off, took out the wires, inserted a new unit, turned it on. The system itself is powered by an outlet, and the battery is used if the power grid is cut down in the house.

The treasured SIM-card is inserted into the modem unit. From it, messages will be sent to your personal phone number. And vice versa: commands are sent by "sms" to the number of this card. To prevent anyone else from controlling your home, the GSM station is assigned a unique password. It must be entered in the text of the message before the command. The system is as simple as two and two, and does not require any programming or many hours of setup work.

The temperature sensor clings to the pipe. It is impossible to insert it inside for obvious reasons. The error in measuring the temperature inside the pipes with this format of operation is not as large as it seems at first glance. Two or three degrees for water temperature is not that much of a difference, and if something goes wrong in your heating system, any critical excesses will be obvious without correction. And there the "automatic" will already work - EctoControl will turn off the boiler or, on the contrary, will urgently start it to maintain the temperature.

Stop, is that all? The owner wanted to hang the GSM module on the wall, so double-sided adhesive tape clings to the back panel. The whole block is hoisted near the boiler.

We arrived 15 minutes ago. During this time, we managed to drink tea and put the whole system in its entirety. The installer sends several messages for setup, and this completes his work. Semyon spends a couple more minutes to stick a smoke and security sensor on the wall - purely for demonstration purposes. Then we remove the sensors without marks on the wall, although they were firmly seated.

So, the system is up and running. While Semyon collects extra stuff, the editing team shares an “insider”: EctoControl is the easiest system to install and configure among all existing in Russia, and anyone, even a schoolboy, can deploy it in the basic kit. To which I ask - they say, but then put yourself?

Turns out it's already been installed. This is what a typical SMS from an EctoControl connected to a boiler looks like. There is no binding to the mobile phone model. Here is the correct Feng Shui version of a smartphone:

Now you can go even far away and always know that in the country house (or in a private / country house) everything is fine, calm and working as it should. In this case, we deployed the EctoControl "Temperature" kit, which costs 7860 rubles.

A little later, I looked into the office of the EctoStroy company and had a purely lyrical conversation with Semyon. What "chips" and features have accumulated over several years of work? Here are the answers.

Were there any problems with Russian operators?

There used to be problems with MTS. Complaints came from only a small percentage of their subscribers, but there were still more problems with them compared to other operators. Some SMS messages were received, while others were not. It turns out that the problem was in their SIM cards: their internal memory becomes clogged, and at some point the “SIM card” registers on the network for too long for its memory to be cleared automatically, and then messages do not come there ... In short, everything was figured out and have already been fixed. That week I got a call from an engineer that now all their sims are working perfectly.

And so there is no difference - whether Tele 2, skylink, any operator of the big three or some local one.

What tariff should be connected to SIM-cards?

The EctoControl system is made for a Russian person. He may not have internet at his dacha. Therefore, it is not involved in the operation of the GSM unit at all. Thus, for the SIM card in the module, you should purchase tariffs with cheap SMS and calls in the region where the house itself is located. As a rule, it turns out by itself.

Situation. I want to buy but don't want to customize anything..

The installer is ready to deliver the EctoControl system in any format and for any task. Purely in terms of setup - our specialist will set up the system in two minutes, and a person who does not understand anything about it - in five, after reading a simple and understandable instruction from the kit. We also always support the client by phone, completely free of charge: call us, ask to change something, and we do it. But this happens very rarely, everyone understands without problems. The site also has help on getting connected.

Who can benefit from this system?

For residents of country houses and dacha owners: I think everything is clear here. We fulfill any desires in the presence of similar

For pensioners: if the cottage is heated, a boiler operation control system is installed. In fact, almost half of our clients are elderly or their children. Many houses are old, they need to be looked after. We offer this.

For commercial establishments: Some customers buy systems in bulk - to track several out-of-town objects. As a rule, they monitor the supply of electricity. The same guard number is assigned to each GSM module, which can now sit in one place, but monitor several dozen buildings at once.

For server rooms: these systems are ordered from us in a server room - both in winter and in summer. The issue of temperature monitoring is incredibly important there, in the event of force majeure, you can lose priceless data. Intrusion, humidity sensors and an alarming howler siren are also useful there.

How many people work in the EctoStroy team?

We have an engineer from Gazprom in our team who deals with software and functionality implementation. There is a person involved in the organization of production, logistics and economy. And there is me, who is engaged in marketing and positioning :) Plus, ordinary employees work: a manager, a programmer, installers, a courier. A little less than 10 people.

Why is EctoControl better than the competition?

The very niche of monitoring heating, systems for monitoring summer cottages and suburban areas is very narrow. There are no Western manufacturers here, only Russian ones. They make security systems with many cameras, microphones, and so on - complex, multi-layered things. But that's not the topic at all. Options that are more or less similar to us have low reliability in emergency situations, and flexibility suffers. And for those who try to conform, there is a major problem: the unfriendliness of the setup. Instructions on 50 sheets, programming of each system on site and so on. And we also have cheaper installation, because installing and configuring EctoControl is much easier and faster than other systems.

Who are your regular customers?

GSM alarm in the Smart Home system is more of an addition to the security system and smart home than a separate element. The GSM module from the MimiSmart company has a huge number of functions, but first things first.

GSM alarm system allows you to send messages about emergency situations to one or more numbers. For example, to the number of the responsible person or the emergency response team. This is a standard feature for all alarms of this type. Smart home allows you to expand the functions of a standard GSM module.

You can also control all the functions of a smart home using your phone, via a GSM connection. Turn on the boiler, air conditioner, arm, turn off the socket groups, or control the gate. The MimiSmart GSM module is often used as a backup communication channel - an excellent solution for a smart home in case of Internet outages. Even in the absence of mobile Internet on the phone and in the house, you are sure that this or that function has worked.

You can also receive SMS notifications about emergency situations, water or gas leakage, boiler shutdown, disarming, motion detection on the site, etc.

There is also another feature related to security. In case of loss of a phone / tablet, or intentional theft to control your home, one call to the GSM module, you can untie the phone from home. To do this, you need to call the number from any phone and enter the secret code, thereby removing the unique key of the lost device. The perfect solution for a smart home. And in this case, you can be absolutely calm that no one will gain access to your smart home.

The KSITAL GSM system can be safely called a SMART HOUSE for the thrifty. Using the GSM channel, the system allows you to send messages and receive commands from the owner. Its capabilities allow the owner of a country house to organize at the same time a large number of features for safe and comfortable monitoring and control.

The Xital system has 3 controlled relays that allow, in the on-off mode, pulsed at a specified interval, automatically control various engineering equipment. If the relays built into the system are not enough for your task, it is possible to expand these functions using extension blocks. Maximum amount controlled relays - 35 pieces. It is important to understand that magnetic starters or contactors must be used to control power equipment.

The Xital system kit includes a 220V adapter that feeds the system and a wire for connecting a 12V backup battery. In the event of a 220V power failure, the system automatically switches to power from a backup battery and reports the event to the owner. After the restoration of 220V, the system will report this and charge the battery.

The Xital system has 4/8/12 control zones to which you can connect sensors of various purposes, which, when triggered, close or open their output relay. By connecting a security sensor to the control zone - an IR sensor of motion, volume, door opening, glass breaking, etc., we get a security system that, when the sensor is triggered, sends an alarm message to the owner, rings and turns on the siren. concept GSM alarm has a wider meaning - Xital transmits a message not only about the invasion, but also about the leakage of water, gas, smoke, etc.

Xital monitors the room temperature in real time for a user-defined interval, reporting it to the phone. This is extremely important for owners of heating systems - after all, when they are turned off, you can defrost the house. Also, for temperature monitoring in server rooms.

The vast majority of boilers have an input for a control relay thermostat. By connecting the output relay of the Xital system to this input, setting its operation according to the temperature sensor located in the desired room, we will get a remotely controlled thermostat. The owner sends the temperature to the system from his phone, changing it depending on the need to save coolant or a comfortable level of heat. After setting, maintaining the desired temperature is carried out automatically by the system.