Game massacre in dolls 2 full version. Mutilate a doll games

Today, Mutilate a doll games provide you with the most exciting chance to torture someone. Do you like to play home tormentor? Remember, as in Carlson: a house tormentor. Let's quickly choose a suitable subject for torture and go to perform the execution. You can beat the doll and do whatever your heart desires with it. You are offered an extremely wide range of tools. You can even pull the girl by the hair, tear out a couple of curls. Why all this cruelty? Yes, just relieve stress after a busy day at work. Our app will help you with this.

Mutilate a doll - free online







Doll for torment


torment doll 2


Torment Doll 3

The game is not for the faint of heart

Mutilate a doll in Russian has a simple and uncomplicated guide. You can direct the heroes through the usual computer mouse. Keep an eye on the two panels on the right and left sides (try to click on the arrows to open them). The left side allows you to create, you can organize furniture, small things (shoes, eggplants, dental crowns) and produce the pupae themselves. Your set also includes explosives and simple geometric shapes. Joker programmers have not forgotten about deadly weapons. Even similar dangerous units are in our arsenal.

In addition, in the Mutilate a doll games, there are specific settings on the panel indicated above. It is possible to change the gravity of the earth. You can turn off the gravitational forces, then things will start to soar up to the ceiling. Try to make them spin in the air. Be creative and don't be afraid to experiment. It's nice to play, because the victim does not resist.

The full version of Mutilate a doll is available with additional functionality. You can turn off the sound and switch to slow motion. The girl can be put as unbreakable. Then it will extend its operational life. Try to play around with various options and see the effect.

Secrets of passing

Mutilate a doll is an amazing game of creating little things that help fix the massacre of an impersonal creature. Choose the tool you like, click on it and throw it. invent latest ways tricks to maximize diversity.

A flash drive dedicated to the torment doll is a great stress reliever. Each gamer transforms into a crazy doctor who is given a whole room for experiments. The game sets the task to eliminate the annoying object.

Beat the doll, twist her fingers, bite off her nose ... Let your imagination in the game not be limited to a similar list of possible atrocities. You have a chance to mock her until the toy gets bored. Try eccentricities, you have fertile ground under your feet for this. Watch the laws of physics work. It will be fun to play. We guarantee good mood and a charge of vivacity.

Mutilate a Doll 2 is the game that everyone needs to blow off steam after a hard day at work. The new part is more exciting and will be appreciated by both beginners and experienced gamers. As your victim, you can imagine a hated boss, colleague, or someone else. This option to throw out their emotions is suitable for many.

Main tasks and management

The game provides an opportunity to try yourself in the role of a doctor, who has a large room at his disposal, but there are many tools for torment in it. Everyone is trying to create the best comfortable conditions to conduct your experiments. The task before each player is to torture the doll until it is completely destroyed. The most inventive ways will surprise those who dare to play. The doll will not resist, which greatly simplifies the task, besides, you are not limited in time, you can do all the procedures for as long as you need. It is worth starting the game, and you will quickly find out what and where.

In Mutilate a Doll 2, everyone can use optional features which will add variety to the process. In a special menu, the necessary effects are presented, and special keys come to the rescue. The menu can be completed at your discretion, as well as the values ​​themselves. Since the developers do not sleep and try to surprise the fans by cripple the doll, then new mechanisms and opportunities appear. At your disposal are knives, swords, magnets, everything that is in real life not available. The provided doll can be blown up, torn into pieces, cut, the number of operations is difficult to enumerate, it is easier to try out in practice.

At the same time, the game control is the simplest, requiring no skills and knowledge. Everything is solved with the mouse, but the P key pauses, the R button deletes objects with which you have already played enough. If you need to leave for a short time, then the game is paused with a space.

Why you should play

The game will appeal to both men and women, the only limitation is age. At the same time, no one will have to waste time and space on downloading and uploading, it is enough to run it online. We are not talking about a powerful processor or high speed Internet, a flash game can run without special requirements. Office workers will appreciate this advantage and can be distracted for a few hours. To start playing, you only need a browser, and you can close everything with one click on the cross. No messages, payment or registration is required, everything is freely available, you just need to want to use the game. Having appreciated all the advantages, you will gladly start playing it.

Mutilate a Doll 2 has already proved to be very popular and no wonder. One click and the game is launched, you will not tear yourself away from it, because this is the only way you can immerse yourself in a fantasy world. The idea is so good that the appearance of a new part will only please gamers. If you have already managed to try out the second part, then feel free to move on to the third, which turned out to be even more exciting and diverse.

Mutilate a Doll 2 is a game that everyone needs to blow off steam after a hard day's work. The new part is more exciting and will be appreciated by both beginners and experienced gamers.

"Doll for Torment 2" is a kind of check of a person's health, here you will find out in theory what kind of pain he is able to endure and what he cannot.
Swipe texts, use standard and new weapons while doing tasks to win the game.
The goal of this dummy simulator is to complete the emerging achievements.
As in the first part, the sequel has the same mechanics, only this time the gameplay is more complicated and there are many more types of weapons for experimentation.
Can you complete all the achievements and win the game? Or will you continue to punish the poor mannequin? In any case, don't worry, the test dummies won't die from any of the tortures.

How to play?

The goal is to complete all the achievements in the game by testing the provided weapon on a dummy.
Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to buy weapons and place them with your mouse on the floor or wall.
Start by placing the first torture device, and when you're done placing it, hit the play button to see how much damage is dealt.
Don't forget to upgrade your weapons by purchasing new ones with the money you earned for successfully completing the task. Try to create more advanced designs that cause more damage to the mannequin.