How to open a bread kiosk. On approval of the rules for retail trade in bread and bakery products. Choosing a place to trade

Scientists have calculated that the average person eats 7 tons of bread in their entire life. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine your diet without this type of product, so bakery products are among the goods of daily demand. And this means that bread will be in demand even during periods of economic recession. That is why bakeries offering fresh and tasty pastries to visitors will always be in demand.

Bakeries are enterprises whose specialization is the production and sale of bakery products. A feature of such establishments is the offer of various types of bread, oriented to different consumers (bread with cheese, Italian bread, bread with cereals, etc.). This business has the potential to develop despite the competition: success depends on your marketing policy, the good location of your bakery, and a diverse assortment. This business is attractive with relatively low investments, quick payback and high demand for bakery products.

The amount of initial investment is 866 186 rubles.

The break-even point is reached tenth month of work.

The payback period is from 1.5 years.

2. Description of the business, product or service

3. Description of the market

To successfully launch the project, you need to analyze your main competitors, consider their assortment, pricing policy, identify the most active sales hours and implement the knowledge gained into your business. Competitors can be classified as follows:

  • large manufacturers;
  • own production of trade shops;
  • mini-bakery;
  • semi-finished products - substitutes for finished products.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

1. Registration with state bodies and paperwork

Registration with government agencies is the first thing you need to start your activity with. It is most preferable to register as an individual entrepreneur on a simplified taxation system, the tax you pay to the budget based on the results of your activities is 6% of your income. Also, a mandatory procedure is the registration of cash registers with the tax authorities.

A bakery is a production related to the manufacture of food products. Rospotrebnadzor imposes certain sanitary requirements on bakeries, regardless of whether this production is large or not. In this regard, it is necessary to issue various permits. To open a mini-bakery, you will need the following documents:

  • conclusion on compliance with fire safety requirements (from the fire inspection);
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusions for production and products (separately) - issued by Rospotrebnadzor;
  • certificate of conformity - obtained from the Federal Agency for Metrology and Technical Regulation.

In addition, each employee will need to issue a medical book. In general, to obtain all the necessary permits, you will have to spend no more than 80 thousand rubles, including medical books for staff (about 1,000 rubles each).

Basic requirements of SES:

  • Availability of sewerage and water supply;
  • The room is not a basement;
  • Availability of ventilation;
  • Availability of a separate storage room and toilet;
  • Walls up to 1.75 meters must be tiled or painted with light paint, the rest and the ceiling must be whitewashed.

2. Search for premises and repair

As described above, the premises should be located in a crowded area with high pedestrian traffic. Perhaps the location of the bakery on the ground floor of the house with a hotel entrance, in shopping malls. The area depends on the chosen format and production volume. For the smallest bakeries, rooms from 40 sq. meters. The approximate rental price for such a quadrature varies from 35,000 rubles. up to 60,000 rubles per month. You need to be prepared for the fact that you may have to do cosmetic repairs, which will cost about 50,000 rubles.

3. Purchase of the necessary equipment and inventory

To open a mini-bakery, you need the following equipment:



Price for 1 piece

total amount

Production equipment

dough mixer

food table

proofing cabinet

Refrigeration cabinet

Washing bath

Portion scales

Cabinet for finished products

Kitchen tools


Shop equipment

Showcase trade


Furniture and equipment for staff



Electric kettle


Total equipment costs

4. Personnel search

First of all, you need to find an experienced and professional baker. There are many options: you can search through groups on social networks, through acquaintances, as well as through specialized Internet sites. Searching for a qualified employee on official portals will cost about 7-15 thousand rubles. It is necessary to hire three bakers, since the enterprise must work every day, and fresh bread must be waiting for buyers on the shelves in the morning. In addition, cashiers selling goods to customers and a cleaning lady serving the premises are needed. Often, bakeries need drivers to load and unload the necessary raw materials.

5. Determination of the range of products offered

You need to determine which products to offer to your customers. Perhaps you will focus on Italian bakery products, perhaps you will offer dietary types of bread with the addition of cereals, the option of high demand for exotic types of bread is not ruled out. Raw materials for the production of finished bakery products can be divided into two types - mandatory and additional.

  1. The first is the one that is used for almost any bread, regardless of its variety: flour, yeast, salt, sugar, vegetable oil.
  2. The second is what is required depending on the range offered by the bakery: seeds, nuts, dried fruits, spices, and more.

6. Marketing policy

First of all, you need to think about a sign that will orient potential customers. It should be noticeable and attract the attention of passers-by. The production of such a sign, together with the approval, will cost you 60,000 rubles. As for the distribution of promotional leaflets, the budget must include at least 10,000 rubles. for the work of a promoter, as well as about 5,000 rubles. for printed materials.

It is also desirable to create and promote sites in social networks, this will allow to achieve an additional flow of customers who are not part of random passers-by. They can be lured with special offers, promotions, original products. All news and events of your bakery must be covered in the social. network, if you don’t have time to manage the group and profile with your own hands, it’s better to hire a promotion specialist. For this purpose, it is necessary to allocate at least 10,000 rubles. per month.

6. Organizational structure

The minimum staff for your bakery includes a director, an accountant, three bakers, two cashiers, a cleaner, and a driver.

Director - an employee who performs the key functions of a manager, to whom all the rest of the staff are subordinate. His responsibilities include managing the bakery's cash, deciding on employees' salaries, hiring or dismissing staff, responsibilities for ensuring decent working conditions, cooperating with contractors, and finding suppliers. It is desirable for the director to have experience in the field of public catering, to know all the specifics of this industry. The salary of this employee consists of a salary (30,000 rubles) and a bonus of 4% of revenue if the bakery's targets are met.

As for the bakers, these employees are the key ones in your enterprise, because the quality and taste of the finished bread depend on their skills, knowledge of the recipe and experience. It is necessary to consider candidates with secondary vocational education and experience in a similar position. In order for the bakery to run smoothly and customers get very fresh bread, you need to hire three bakers who will work in shifts in night and day shifts. Their salary consists of a fixed part (salary of 15,000 rubles) and a percentage of revenue (2%). The baker carries out the process of baking and frying bakery products, puts dough pieces on sheets, in cassettes, forms, determines the readiness of dough pieces for baking, lubricates products before baking, controls the temperature and humidity in the oven using instrumentation, performs primary processing of raw materials: sifting, washing, sorting, grinding, softening.

As for the seller-cashier, his duties include receiving finished products from the kitchen, serving customers, laying out goods in a window, maintaining and accounting for cash documents, ensuring the safety of cash at the cash desk, ensuring cash discipline, providing advice to customers regarding the range , the quality of bakery products to be sold; control over the availability and correct placement of price tags, as well as the indication of complete and reliable information about the product in them. The salary of the seller-cashier consists of a salary of 14,000 rubles. and a bonus of 2% of revenue.

A forwarding driver can be found on social networks and private ads without spending money on searching. The driver has a flexible work schedule, brings raw materials to the bakery at a predetermined time in his car. The driver's salary is 10,000 rubles, and you will need to pay his fuel costs in the amount of 3,000 rubles. per month. Also, to ensure cleanliness in the bakery, it is advisable to hire a cleaning lady who will work part-time and perform her duties at a predetermined time, the cleaning lady's salary is 8,000 rubles per month.

You can find an accountant on a remote basis or contact a specialized company that provides accounting services. The average salary of a remote accountant is 5,000 rubles. per month.

The general payroll changes monthly due to the percentage wage system. The salary fund in the first month of the bakery operation is presented below:

General payroll


The number of employees

Salary per 1 employee (rub.)

Total salary (rub.)

Head (salary +%)

Baker (salary+%)

Seller-cashier (salary +%)


Cleaning woman


General fund s/n

7. Financial plan

Investments in opening a travel agency are as follows:



The cost of 1 piece, rub.

Total amount, rub.

dough mixer

food table

proofing cabinet

Dough rolling machine

Flour sifter

Refrigeration cabinet

Washing bath

Portion scales


Business planning is the key to the success of the whole business. Even when creating a small bakery, it is important to calculate all possible risks and plan every step in the development of the enterprise.

It is not necessary to start a business with large investments. In modern compact bakeries, you can sell not only bread, but also real designer flour products. Coming to the bakery, the buyer should have a choice from a wide range of bread, rolls and cookies. This approach is called European and promises big profits for the owner of the establishment.

It is profitable to start a bakery business, because supermarkets often sell not the freshest and most delicious bread. A convenient bakery near the house, with delicious pastries and reasonable prices, will attract people who prefer hot and soft bread to a cooled and stale loaf.

How to open a bakery from scratch? Initially, it is worth understanding what the business will be like and what the size of the start-up capital is. You can start with a small kiosk, gradually expanding the network and growing up to shops and a full-fledged cafe.

An approximate algorithm of work consists of the following steps:

  • Determination of the location of the bakery. This indicator is determined by the target audience. So, it is unlikely that pensioners will go to a bread boutique, and young people will not look every day for new products at an ordinary bread kiosk. It is necessary to combine the place of business with its concept and the people for whom it will work.
  • Making the paper part. This is the registration of a bakery, obtaining permission.
  • Selection of suppliers and employees. Here you need to establish permanent, strong relationships. Constantly improve the skills of your employees. So when expanding the business, you do not have to look for new employees.
  • Acquisition of the necessary equipment, rent or construction of a workplace.
  • Drawing up a work schedule. This is an important aspect, since clear tasks should be set for employees. Only then will they be able to fulfill them. In addition, a clear structure of the financial part will allow you to plan the growth of the company and notice shortcomings in time.

In order to clearly understand what needs to be done, it is worth drawing up a business plan.

How to find clients and create effective advertising

To attract customers, the bakery should have a beautiful sign. On it, people will find a kiosk, shop or cafe. This is the first thing that should be done in an institution that is already ready for work.

The search for customers is to study consumer demand and form a certain assortment based on the study. There are several rules:

  • the study should be carried out in the habitat of the target audience and the location of the bakery;
  • it is necessary to ask clear questions that will help to form an approximate list of products that will interest the target audience;
  • for the purity of the experiment, a range of respondents from 100 to 300 people is chosen.

In the modern world, it is impossible to imagine your life without social networks. Therefore, advertising in this area of ​​the Internet will be most effective. Here you can work both directly with the social network and with individual groups.

It is worth creating your own separate page, on which you can place as much information about the business as possible. It is recommended to update your account every day and add photos of products, their description, and possibly cost.

What equipment and materials will be needed?

The range of equipment largely depends on the format of the bakery. If the products are imported, then you will need:

  • showcase;
  • shelves on which bread will be stored;
  • cash machine.

In the case of creating a bakery, the main feature of which is its own unique pastries, you will need a significant amount of equipment and furniture.

Equipment name Required amount Cost for 1 piece, rubles
bakery oven 1 to 3 from 35 000
Prover - 10 levels 1 to 2 from 20 000
Dough kneader from 3 from 50 000
Baking sheets from 30 from 500
Hood from 2 from 8 000
Bathroom for washing dishes with two compartments 1 from 55 000
Fridge from 2 from 25 000
pastry table 1 from 14 000
Metal wall table from 3 from 4 000
Scales from 3 from 2 500
Rack from 2 from 6 500
Trolley for trays, plates, baking sheets from 2 from 17 000

Also, do not forget about small baking accessories - brushes, flour sifters, knives.

How to calculate expenses and income?

According to a study of the market for the consumption of bakery products, this type of product is most popular from September to November and from March to April. Other months there is low consumer activity. In accordance with the calculations, it is necessary to build relationships with suppliers and own production of products so that expenses do not exceed income and the goods simply do not deteriorate on the counter.

In the work of a bakery, it is worth considering such expenses:

  • The cost of goods. Here indicate data on how much money was spent on the purchase of materials for the manufacture of one unit of the product - on flour, eggs, yeast.
  • Non-fixed expenses. This includes the remuneration of people, which is calculated from a percentage of the proceeds - sellers, cooks, security guards. Usually this amount is 12%.
  • General costs. This item should contain the minimum wage, the availability of social contributions, payments for renting premises or equipment, repairing some things, paying utility bills, etc.

At the same time, in the course of business development, one should try to reduce the expenditure side and increase income. This can be done by upgrading equipment to energy-saving, increasing the cost of products, buying wholesale components for goods and increasing the customer base.

You also need to deal with the calculations. From them it will be clear when the bakery pays off. For example:

  • start of creation - January 2017;
  • start of work - March 2017;
  • return to work "to zero" - May 2017;
  • work in a positive direction, the beginning of receipt of revenue - June 2017;
  • full payback - November 2018;
  • payback period - 23 months.

The average cost for all places of public catering is 60 thousand rubles per 1 square meter. In the case of a shop, bakery or bakery, at least 80 sq.m. From this figure, you can calculate the approximate amount of consumption.

The profitability of a bakery is the receipt of constant revenue and high income. To achieve such indicators, it is necessary to ensure a constant flow of customers - at least 300 people a day. At the same time, the average check in a bakery should be at least 200 rubles. So, if a bakery daily makes a profit of 3-5 thousand, then in a month it should turn out from 90 to 150 thousand. In this case, all expenses can be covered for the quarter of work. But there are a number of factors that affect the profitability and height of income from a business.

What affects the level of income?

In order for a bakery store to bring a steady income, it is worth considering all the possible risk factors that may affect the operation of the business.

Among the highest external risk factors that will change the work of the bakery are:

Along with external reasons for the decline in income, there are also internal ones:

  • the low level of professionalism of both employees and partners leads to low consumer demand, the absence of a base of permanent satisfied customers. This can be avoided by creating a good atmosphere in the team, motivation and advanced training courses;
  • risks in terms of work technology is a low risk factor, but it also takes place - when the assortment, complex technology for creating products lead to dissatisfaction with both staff and customers.

In order to deftly manage a business, you should draw up a plan for resolving crisis situations. This will help to quickly and efficiently eliminate all problems, without significant losses.

Business registration: what papers are needed

In order to operate legally, an entrepreneur must obtain a series of permits and register their business. You will need to collect the following documents:

  • Business registration. In the case of creating your own bakery or bakery with a cafe, it is worth registering as a limited liability company. And for the retail sale of finished products, you can stop at individual entrepreneurship.
  • Certificate from the local department of urban construction and architecture. They must allow a kiosk or a bakery to be located in one place or another.
  • Permits from: fire service, Rospotrebnadzor and sanitary and epidemiological service.
  • Waste collection and disposal agreement.

If possible, you should contact a lawyer. Then the registration will be faster and everything will be done according to the rules.

Pros and cons of opening a bakery

The positives include:

  • small costs at the beginning of a business - an opportunity to save;
  • the constant need of the population for an elementary food product - bread;
  • the ability to develop a business quickly and in different directions - building a network of bakeries, cafes, mini-bakeries, restaurants;
  • fast return on investment;
  • a large number of personnel to work in a bakery;
  • constant development of grain culture.

Among the minuses are:

  • a large number of competitors;
  • short shelf life of products;
  • seasonal fluctuations in demand for goods.

Useful video

Despite the presence of disadvantages of such a business as a bakery, pastry shop, bakery or bread kiosk, avoiding their influence is quite simple:

At the initial stages, most entrepreneurs rent premises - this saves a lot of money. After the business pays off and becomes profitable, you can purchase your square meters.

In order for a business to be profitable, you should constantly improve and value your customers and reputation.

Bakery Business Plan: Successful Bread Selling Business, Tips and Tricks

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"Craft" bread from a small bakery is increasingly chosen by both restaurateurs and retail customers. The most sustainable business model in this market is production, which has both wholesale customers and its own retail

Roman Bunyakov, owner of the Glavkhleb bakery (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

“Small “family” bakeries are, of course, a new Moscow trend,” says restaurant consultant Irina Avrutskaya. “Demand is growing from both consumers and restaurants, who are gradually moving from frozen semi-finished products to “artisan” bread made from quality raw materials from local suppliers.”

The volume of bread production in Russia, according to official figures from Rosstat, exceeds 550 billion rubles. Along with large bakeries that have been operating since Soviet times and specialize in the manufacture of cheap varieties of mass consumption bread (about 70% of the market), small bakeries are appearing throughout the country. They mainly produce expensive bread, dietary products, unusual pastries.

In addition, many retailers like Auchan or Perekrestok have production facilities. “Some of the retail players simply bake products from frozen semi-finished products, but there are also those who are serious about bread, carefully selecting raw materials and working on the recipe,” says Avrutskaya. In her opinion, the fashion for “real” bread originated about ten years ago with the appearance in the capital of the networks “Volkonsky”, “Daily Bread”, etc., but two or three years ago the trend became massive.

“Many bakeries are springing up all over the world, this is a delicious and sweet business idea,” says Anna Shumailova, co-owner of the Bulka bakery. True, it is associated with certain risks: it is difficult to predict the demand for premium bread, and retail, not production, receives the main margin.

daily need

Roman Bunyakov is one of the devotees of "artisan" bread in the capital. Roman took up this business due to a combination of circumstances. Since the mid-2000s, he has been working as a sales director at Technoflot, selling technological equipment for the kitchens of cafes and restaurants. In 2013, Bunyakov's acquaintances Sergei Ilyushin and Maxim Yalynychev bought a bakery in Krasnogorsk and invited Roman to advise on how to organize production.

He went to help start-up entrepreneurs several times, but they were in no hurry to buy new equipment. Instead, the partners offered Bunyakov to invest in their company. Roman's wife Anastasia convinced him to accept Roman's offer. They met in the late 1990s at one of the first European-style bakeries in Russia, Delifrance. Anastasia worked as the manager of the institution, and Roman worked there as a baker.

“There were huge queues at Delfrance. People bought two or three fresh baguettes, despite the fact that they cost many times more than ordinary loaves. We were so nostalgic for those times that we decided, what if this is a chance to repeat that success, ”says Bunyakov. So he became a co-owner of the Varenishnaya bakery. They did not make dumplings there, but rolls with jam and marmalade, baked pies and bread. Finished products were sold to cafes and restaurants, from time to time Bunyakov exported goods to food markets and food festivals.

At one of them, he met Olga Dobychina, who, together with her husband Daniil Nikitin, promoted the Scandinavian brand of tableware. She invited Roman to become a partner in a new project - a bakery on the territory of the Danilovsky market. “Maxim Popov (at that time the manager of the Danilovsky market. — RBC) he offered us unique conditions - 50 thousand rubles. per month for 32 sq. m,” says Bunyakov. “It was one of the first such projects, and the guys' eyes burned. The place I chose for them was not the most accessible, so the price was good. People went through the whole market to buy good bread, and at the same time they bought everything else, ”recalls Maxim Popov. The budget for opening a bakery called "Baton" was only 450 thousand rubles.

Bread at the market

So, in June 2014, Varenishnaya got a good distribution channel - the bakery Baton, co-owned by Bunyakov, Dobychina and Nikitin. "Varenishnaya" baked, we took it all to the market, Olya and Danya made out the layout, and sold it in turn at the counter, ”says Bunyakov. He was amazed by the turnover of the retail business: three months after the opening, daily sales of "Baton" began to exceed 50-60 thousand rubles. On Friday and Saturday, the revenue reached 140-150 thousand rubles. “These are fantastic numbers for a bread shop,” says Roman. The retail margin reached 75%; however, they had to spend money on logistics: the products were delivered by minivan, the rent of which cost 3 thousand rubles. in a day; another 200-300 thousand rubles. per month spent on packaging so that the products do not lose their appearance during transportation.

It soon became clear that the premises in Krasnogorsk were not suitable for large-scale production: the furnaces did not have enough power. Bunyakov found a new premises: in the fall of 2014, it became possible to build a bakery in the administrative building of the Danilovsky market. This would reduce logistics costs.

Roman estimated the initial investment at 13 million rubles, but his partners in both Varenishnaya and Baton were not ready for such investments. As a result, Bunyakov left both projects and decided to go it alone. Olga Dobychina refused to discuss with RBC the reasons and circumstances of parting with Roman Bunyakov.

In 2015, the entrepreneur built the Glavkhleb bakery. In reality, at the start, investments in production amounted to 9 million rubles: 1.5 million were spent on repairs, the rest - on the purchase of equipment. Monthly rent cost 250 thousand rubles. “Since I sell kitchen equipment, I naturally wanted to supply myself with the best that is on the market. Make not just a bakery, but a whole showroom,” says Bunyakov. He still has not quit his hired job at Technoflot and uses his own bakery to demonstrate the capabilities of kitchen equipment to potential customers. Glavkhleb began selling pastries to bakeries, including Baton, farm shops, coffee houses and restaurants.

Often start-up entrepreneurs imagine a “family” bakery as a small production and a shop attached to it. However, in Moscow, according to the entrepreneur, such a business model does not work. “Manufacturing with only one point is a disaster,” says Roman. — On the one hand, the bakery needs capacity reserves to be able to quickly ramp up production. On the other hand, this is a big investment in equipment. One oven alone can cost a million rubles. You need to buy a large-volume refrigerator right away, but at first you only fill it by a third. It makes no sense to keep such a colossus for the sake of even one super-successful point of sale. According to his calculations, the cost of a croissant in production serving one retail outlet will be 45 rubles, and if there are ten outlets, it will already be 19 rubles. In retail, such a croissant can be sold for 100 rubles.

It would seem that bread is a commodity of daily demand, but it is almost impossible to predict sales. According to Ekaterina Volkova, the founder of the KhlebNikoff bakery and confectionery, the bakery and confectionery business is highly seasonal, dependent on the weather, traffic jams and many other factors: sometimes there is an influx of people, and in bad weather most of the products - up to 60% - have to be written off. “Since we are oriented to the level above the average, we simply cannot exhibit yesterday's bread,” says Volkova.

production costs

In April 2016, the Ginza managers undertook the reconstruction of the building of the Danilovsky market, in which the bakery was located, and Glavkhleb was asked to move out. I had to look for a new place. Relocation and renovation of a 400 sq. m at the Semenovskaya metro station cost the entrepreneur 1 million rubles. In addition, it became inconvenient for some small customers to travel to the new address for products, and they changed the supplier. Even the owners of "Baton" refused bread. “They were replaced by larger customers. For example, restaurants in Rappoport,” says Roman. “Of course, they ask for special prices, require that each bun be properly packaged and labeled, but the volumes are large.” One of the clients was the Doubleby chain of coffee houses, where Bunyakov began to supply croissants and bagels with cherries.

For Bunyakov's business, a large number of wholesale customers is critically important: savings are achieved through the volume of purchases of raw materials and the full load of equipment. The more diverse customers, the more stable purchases. Today, the Glavkhleb bakery has more than 300 trading partners who buy thousands of products every day.

Glavkhleb employs 52 people, 15 of which are couriers. Flour is purchased in Perm and Orenburg, but even the most expensive flour on the market does not always meet quality standards. “You buy two bags of 100 kg - good flour. You buy a ton - bad, ”complains Bunyakov. He spends 25-30 thousand rubles on experiments with products. per month. Daily turnover is 125-130 thousand rubles, profit - 12-13% of this amount. The entrepreneur expects to recoup investments in production in four years.

According to Roman, it is easier to make money in the fresh bread market in retail rather than in production. The volume of investments is lower, and they turn around faster, margins are higher. In early 2016, he and his partner Pavel Smirnov opened the culinary "Rogalik" on Nikolskaya Street. Today, about 7% of Glavkhleb's total production goes there, but entrepreneurs plan to open seven more such outlets in Moscow. The most sustainable business model in the fresh bread market is the bakery, which has both wholesale customers and its own retail. Wholesale ensures the loading of production, and retail brings the main margin.

"Healthy" and unnecessary

The founder of the Zhuravlevs' Little Bakery, Sergey Zhuravlev, also believes that the manufacturing business in the bakery business should be combined with the retail business: his company is simultaneously developing a bakery and a network of bakeries.

Spouses Sergey and Alena Zhuravleva opened the first point on the Rogozhsky market two years ago. They had long dreamed of their own cozy bakery while traveling around European cities, and in December 2015 they decided to make their dream come true. We started with production: we rented a room with an area of ​​​​about 200 square meters. m not far from the Rogozhsky market, as well as a point of 25 sq. m in the market itself, where they began to sell finished products. All recipes and technologies were brought from travels, from master classes, something was worked out at home, in the family kitchen, a year before the start of production.

The source of investment was the income of another business of the Zhuravlevs - the production of marmalade sweets in jars "Tasty Help". Production costs amounted to more than 6 million rubles. - they went to repair the premises and purchase equipment. The most difficult thing was to find bakers and a technologist. “The market for professional bakers in Moscow is very small, the work is quite hard and not well paid - it is very difficult to find good people,” Sergey complains.

It took about 1.5 million rubles more to set up a point on the Rogozhsky market, then the Zhuravlevs opened four more points. “We have 50% of our products are Russian and Soviet pastries that everyone understands, and the remaining 50% are recipes from different countries,” says Zhuravlev. - Markup at the level of 100%. Now the bakery produces about 1.5-2 thousand units of products per day, which is sold through its own outlets, as well as through partners: small restaurants, bakeries, coffee shops. According to the entrepreneur's calculations, production reached payback after a year of work, retail outlets go into plus faster - somewhere in four months. By the end of the year, Sergey plans to bring the number of establishments under his brand to 15 through the sale of a franchise. “Now there are already several buyers, and we are selecting premises. This is a profitable business,” says Zhuravlev.

However, not everyone succeeds: the meager assortment of the bakery can become a stumbling block. In September 2015, entrepreneur Alexander Skuratovsky “for several million rubles” bought out a loss-making bakery in Solnechnogorsk in the hope of turning it into a profit through retail sales. Skuratovsky organized his Kolhoz sales points: he rented a trading place from the Lavka-Lavka farmer's cooperative in Mega-Khimki and opened a point on the Usachevsky market.

But sales were not going well: people wanted sweet rolls and “confectionery” more, while Skuratovsky offered “healthy” bread, without the use of yeast, only on “live” sourdough, and several types of cookies of his own production. “We had about 12 types of “healthy” bread, but the assortment for retail turned out to be quite modest,” Alexander complains. In parallel, he sold bread in bulk to health food stores; they brought at least some profit, while their points worked in the red.

The cost of Skuratovsky's bread was 20-30 rubles, and he sold loaves for 130 rubles, but the entire margin was gone after deducting the costs of logistics and rent. In September last year, the entrepreneur abandoned his points, leaving only wholesale, and in the next two months he worked to zero. However, this did not save him from the closure of the enterprise. “I realized that you can leave the bakery as a family hobby, but it’s impossible to make a more or less interesting business in this “boutique” niche with such a small assortment,” says Skuratovsky.

If you are thinking about how to open a bread kiosk, then you understand that its location in a residential area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city or anywhere with high traffic can be an excellent type of business even for a novice entrepreneur. By relying on a high turnover, over time, you can achieve much more favorable conditions for cooperation with suppliers, mini-bakeries and bakeries.

What do you need to work?

So, if you are seriously thinking about how to open a bread stall, then you should know that this will require the following:

Permission for this occupation from several departments of the local administration;

Commercial equipment, namely wooden trays, racks and a cash register;

Stationary kiosk, it can be new or used;

Arrangements with suppliers of bakery products;

One or two product sellers.

Preparation process

Before you open a bread kiosk or tent, you need to find out from the local administration where you have the right to locate an outlet in accordance with existing rules. In some cities, the place for the location of such outlets is very limited, so you have to proceed not from your own wishes, but from the requirements of the authorities. When you choose a specific location, you will need to coordinate it with the department of architecture and urban planning, and then get permission from the department of trade.

Speaking about how to open a bread kiosk, a very important point should be touched upon - the place of trade itself. It is worth evaluating the offers of companies engaged in the manufacture of such structures in the city or in its environs. This way you will have at least some idea of ​​how much you will spend on the kiosk itself.

If it is possible to order a new one, then it is worth doing, otherwise you can agree on the purchase of an already used stall with the owner, who is liquidating his own outlet. All costs associated with dismantling and transportation will most likely fall on you.


If you decide to open a bread shop, you should understand that you will need to equip it with everything you need. The equipment in this case can be the simplest - a few racks and wooden trays. In addition, you will need to install a fire alarm.

You need to purchase a cash register and register it with the tax office, provided that you already have the status of an individual entrepreneur, and also conclude an agreement for its maintenance. Your ready-to-work outlet must be accepted by the permitting authorities. Here we are talking about Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspection.

Further actions

When you already have all the necessary documents, you can collect a database of all possible suppliers of bakery and confectionery products with whom you can potentially cooperate in your region. When compiling a business plan for a bakery store, it should be borne in mind that many manufacturers do not work directly with retail outlets, but carry out wholesale sales to companies that then deliver the goods themselves.

It will be more convenient for you to work with wholesalers. Despite the fact that they make an additional markup on the goods, you do not need to organize the delivery of bread from the bakery or from the factory, which makes life much easier.

You will need a seller in a bread kiosk (or several). It must be reliable in every way. It's best if he has references from several of his past employers. A polite and honest seller is a guarantee that your outlet will prosper in the future. It is better to change several implementers in order to find a worthy one than to constantly suffer losses from the fact that the first one who comes across will unfairly perform their duties.

Doing business

You need to think carefully about how your store will operate. It can be just a point of sale where bread and related products will be sold, or a place where not only sales, but also production is carried out, that is, combined with a small bakery. In the first option, the main problem is to sell a sufficient volume of products and control demand, since bread is a perishable commodity. However, the organization of such a business requires lower costs.

In the second case, production can be controlled, and fresh bread, which is produced directly in front of customers, costs significantly more. But in this case, we are talking about more significant costs.

In this case, we are talking about the first option. Its cost may vary depending on the locality in which the enterprise is organized, as well as on other factors, for example, the premises to be used.


If we talk about how to open a bread shop, then it is worth saying that this business is associated with a number of expenses. The main ones are:

Renting retail space will cost at least 50 thousand rubles a month;

The cost of equipment will be about 25 thousand;

For a thousand units of purchased goods, you will need to pay about 30 thousand rubles;

The average staff salary per person is 8 thousand rubles;

Coordination of various documents will cost 20 thousand;

Registration of an individual enterprise will amount to 20 thousand or more.

Your income will depend on the location of the open store. It is best placed near residential areas of the city or transport stops in the busiest area. Since the state controls the margins on this type of product very strictly, the main profit will depend solely on sales volume.

Bakery modern format

If we talk about how to open a bread tent, then it’s worth saying that you can make a completely unique business in your city. It can be a bakery where customers will find a huge range of fresh produce. This will attract more and more customers. The bakery does not offer only bakery products, there is also a variety of pastries, cakes, cakes, gingerbread, cookies, and sometimes handmade sweets.

All products are of extra-class, they are oriented even to the most demanding consumers. The main product here is bread, which is in high demand, because it is a product of the highest quality. You can also think about opening your own bakery along with a bakery, even if it is small.

It is quite realistic to create a point of sale, offering the buyer products of a level with which he is not yet familiar. Ideally, you should organize your own workshop and several points of sale, where only your product will be.

Bread business: profitable or not?

Organizing such an enterprise, you will encounter several nuances. To equip the workshop, an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 20-50 square meters will be required.

All the necessary equipment will cost about two million rubles. It will take a lot of time and money to develop our own technology and create an original assortment.

From a business point of view, it is inefficient to produce only five to eight types of products in such a workshop, because its opening requires quite large costs, which may not pay off. At first, you will have to somehow do without a technological workshop.

Pitfalls of business

The Russian habit of saving on everything, even when opening high-class establishments, can play a very cruel joke. You can give an example from life. The chic shop window is simply replete with mouth-watering pastries. And to the question “Do you bake yourself?” the seller begins to tell that the baking process takes place here, and semi-finished products come from Germany.

By European standards, the sale of such products is considered fast food for the poor. However, for modern Russia, this is already an achievement. For decades, bread cost a penny, and it was bought for nothing for livestock. It is worth noting that this product will always be bought, you just have to choose the right place.

Now, when the buyer meets beautiful pastries on the shelves of the supermarket, even if they were frozen, he is gradually getting used to innovations. Every day, such a person looks askance at new products, but prefers to buy what is already familiar to him, only allowing himself some liberties for the holiday. And you will face these prejudices if you decide to open a mini-bakery with a bakery.

* Calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to open a mini-bakery for the production and sale of bakery products in a city with a population of over 1 million people. The main source of income is profit from the sale of bakery products.

For the implementation of the project, a room is rented in a residential area of ​​the city, in close proximity to houses and a busy street. The total production area is 100 m2.

The products of the bakery are positioned as “healthy and wholesome food”, therefore, only high-quality ingredients and a unique recipe are used in the production of bread, which distinguishes the bakery from the market.

Target audience - people who prefer a healthy lifestyle and choose high-quality and healthy bakery products.

The main advantages of the bakery business:

Stable demand for products, practically independent of crisis phenomena;

Flexibility of production, allowing to adapt to the tastes of consumers and market trends;

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The volume of initial investments in opening a bakery is 885,000 rubles. Investment costs are aimed at repairing the premises, purchasing equipment, the initial purchase of raw materials and the formation of working capital, which will cover the losses of the initial periods. The main part of the required investments falls on the purchase of equipment - 66%. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

Financial calculations cover a three-year period of project operation. It is planned that after this period the institution will need to expand its production and product range. The net monthly profit of the bakery upon reaching the planned sales volumes will be 278,842 rubles. According to the calculations, the initial investment will pay off in the seventh month of operation. Return on sales in the first year of operation will be 27.8%.

Table 1. Key performance indicators of the project


Bakery products are a product of daily demand. Bread is one of the top three in the list of the most popular products among Russians. According to the results of a social survey, 74% of respondents consume bread daily. From this it follows that this segment of the food market is quite stable.

Picture 1 . Frequency of bread consumption in Russia

On average, per capita there are 46-50 kg of bread per year. At the same time, the indicators differ in each region. The maximum volume of consumption is noted in the Southern Federal District - 50 kg per person. Figure 2 clearly shows the dynamics of bread consumption per capita. In general, in Russia, the consumption of bakery products is declining. Experts attribute this decline to the trend of healthy eating, which excludes bread from the daily diet of Russians. As a result, the output of bakery products in Russia over the past decade has decreased by 1.4 million tons: by the beginning of 2016, this figure fell to 6.6 million tons.

Figure 2. Supply of traditional types of bread per capita, kg per person per year

To date, manufacturers of bakery products are adjusting to the consumption trend and increasing the production of bread, which is positioned as a healthy product - functional additives, cereals, and vitamins are used in its manufacture. Most of these ingredients come from abroad, so we can say that the modern bakery industry is dependent on imports. There is also a growing trend in demand for products with a long shelf life and frozen bakery products.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Economic crises also influence the development dynamics of the bread market. For example, in 2008, due to a decrease in the income level of the population, there was an increase in demand for bakery products and, accordingly, their production increased. After the stabilization of the economic situation, the demand for these products began to fall again.

The dynamics of demand for bread also depends on the economic crisis: a decrease in the income level of the population entails an increase in demand for bakery products. The stabilization of the economic situation reduces the consumption of bread.

According to the statistics of network trade, at the beginning of 2016, the turnover of bread exceeded 675 billion rubles, while there was a shift in consumption to the budget segment.

Table 2 shows the structure of the bakery market, which can be used to track how the distribution of production between different forms has changed. There is a trend towards a decrease in the share of industrial bakery and an increase in the share of artisan bakery.

Table 2. Segmentation of the bakery industry


Bakery market by years, %

industrial bakery

Artisan bakery

store baked goods

Ready-made ideas for your business

The segmentation of the bakery industry as of 2016 is as follows: 71% of the total market volume is produced by large bakeries, bakeries in supermarkets - 14%, small bakeries - 12%, others - 3%. At the same time, market participants predict a decrease in the share of large bakeries and the development of small-scale bakery business. Already today, economy-segment bakeries-cafes and chain boutiques are gaining popularity, where you can not only buy bakery products, but also have a good time. This format counts on 2-3% of the bread market share. By 2018, the share of small bakeries is expected to increase from 12% to 16%, and the share of large bakeries will further decrease.

All bread produced in Russia can be divided into two types: traditional and non-traditional. The share of traditional bread production is 90% of the total market. Traditional bread includes cheaper products. Non-traditional bread is products according to original recipes, national varieties of bread. The category of non-traditional bread is developing dynamically – in 2016 its growth was 7%, while traditional bread grew only by 1.3%.

Thus, we can single out the main trend in the bakery market: non-traditional bread, which is positioned as a "healthy product", is in demand. The modern market of bakery products makes high demands on the manufacturer. Today it is not enough to produce mass, traditional varieties of bread. To successfully operate in the market, it is necessary to form a wide range of products and take into account the tastes of consumers.

According to research by the Institute of Agricultural Marketing, at the end of 2015, prices for bakery products made from premium flour rose by 5% on average in Russia. The maximum price increase was noted in the Northwestern Federal District and in the Volga region - about 10%. The minimum growth was recorded in the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus.

Experts predict that the greatest prospects for the consumption of bakery products are expected in the Southern Federal District - it is in this region that bread production is in demand.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Figure 3. Rates of change in prices for bakery products made from premium flour in the Federal District in 2015, %

Benefits of starting a small bakery:

Always fresh bread, which ensures the demand for products;

Production flexibility to adapt to consumer tastes and market trends

Stable demand, practically independent of crisis phenomena;

Prospects for concluding supply contracts with shops and restaurants, since mini-bakeries are considered more profitable suppliers.

Thus, the constant demand for bakery products, the tendency to popularize mini-bakeries and the development prospects and advantages of the baking industry allow us to talk about the investment attractiveness of such a business.


This project involves the opening of a mini-bakery for the production and sale of bakery products. The products of the bakery are positioned as “healthy and wholesome food”, therefore, only high-quality ingredients and a unique recipe are used in the production of bread, which distinguishes the bakery from the market.

The product range for a small bakery is recommended to be formed from 5-8 commodity items. It is planned that the bakery will provide the following types of products:

Branded bread with cereals and seeds, designed for consumers who adhere to a healthy diet;

Traditional wheat and rye bread;

Italian ciabatta bread;

French buns and croissants.

The percentage of production of various types of bakery products is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - The share of each type of product in total production

In the future, it is planned to expand the assortment of the bakery, based on the taste preferences of consumers and market trends.


The target audience of the bakery is people who prefer a healthy lifestyle and choose high-quality and healthy bakery products. The target audience can be divided into two segments: 80% of consumers are residents of nearby houses, and 20% are casual passers-by and regular customers.

The competitive advantages of a bakery include:

Product quality: fresh pastries, high-quality and healthy ingredients, a unique recipe;

Product price: traditional bread is sold at a price below the market average. The loss from the price reduction is compensated by the higher price of branded bread;

The presence of a window into the workshop: by providing for such a layout of the institution, you can earn the trust of customers who will be able to observe the process of making bread;

Branded product presentation: each product is sold in a separate paper bag with a description of the product.

To promote the bakery, you can use various marketing tools: installation of billboards and signs; distribution of business cards, flyers or booklets with product descriptions; advertising in the media; radio advertising; participation in food exhibitions and fairs; shares and so on.

The use of one or another tool depends on the target audience of the institution and the budget of the project.

    Tasting of products dedicated to the opening of the bakery. The promotion will last for two days and includes a free tasting of all types of bakery products, as well as the purchase of bakery products with a 25% discount. The cost will be 5000 rubles.

    Every day in the morning, "hot hours" will be arranged, when customers can purchase yesterday's products at a discount;

According to consumer surveys, advertisements for bakery products have little effect on the decision to purchase this product. The most important criterion according to which the consumer makes a choice in favor of one or another manufacturer of bread is the freshness of the product. Therefore, the key advertising tool is the quality, taste and freshness of the products.

The sales plan is calculated based on the production capacity of the mini-bakery. It is assumed that the bakery will produce 550 kg of bakery products in 8 hours of operation. The average selling price will be 50 rubles per kilogram of products. The planned sales volume is calculated based on the productivity of the equipment and 90% of products sold: 550 * 0.9 * 50 = 24,750 rubles per day or 742,500 rubles per month.


Opening a bakery and organizing production involves the following steps:

1) The location of the bakery and the premises. Properly chosen premises for a bakery with its own bakery are important not only from a marketing point of view, but also in the context of regulatory requirements. The premises of the bakery must fully comply with the requirements of the SES, namely:

Have separate workshops: a warehouse for storing flour, eggs, sugar and other ingredients; production and storage area; if the sale of products is provided, then the trading floor;

The room must have hot and cold water, ventilation, sewerage, tiled walls, waterproof floors, air conditioning systems;

There should be additional bathrooms, a place for storing industrial waste, a room for staff.

Particular attention should be paid to the power of electricity, since food equipment consumes a lot of electricity.

To accommodate the necessary production facilities and take into account all the requirements, an area of ​​​​70 to 200 m2 will be required - it depends on the format of the bakery.

It will take a lot of money to equip the bakery. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is better to own a room than to rent it. In the case of leasing, there is a risk of terminating the contract and changing the place of production, which will entail additional costs. If your own funds do not allow you to purchase the premises, then you should consider the option of a long-term lease for a period of at least 3 years or a lease with the right to purchase later.

When choosing a location, you should also take into account the presence of competitors nearby. It is desirable that there are no direct competitors around.

The bakery should be located in a crowded place: markets, near shopping and entertainment complexes and office centers, on the main streets. Since a sufficiently large area is provided for the organization of production, the cost of such premises in the center will be quite expensive. In order to optimize the costs of the project being implemented, it is planned to rent a room in a residential area with an area of ​​100 m2 for a long-term period. For industrial premises allocated 90 m2.

Since, in addition to the production of bread, the project provides for its retail sale, the area for the trading floor is allotted in the bakery - 10 m2 is enough to accommodate a cash desk and a showcase.

The rented premises comply with all sanitary norms and rules specified in SanPiN “Production of bread, bakery and confectionery products” and is intended for food production. The rental price is 50,000 rubles / month. It is planned to spend 100,000 rubles on the repair of the premises, including the arrangement of the trading floor.

2) Recruitment. The staff is determined based on the format of the bakery and production facilities. Since the project involves the opening of a mini-bakery that produces 500 kg of bread in an 8-hour shift, the organization of the workflow will require:

2 baker-technologists (shift schedule);

Manager responsible for the purchase of raw materials and the organization of the work of all personnel;

2 cashiers for the trading floor (shift schedule);

Cleaning woman;


At the same time, it is necessary to conduct preliminary training of personnel, familiarize them with the recipe, safety precautions and the production process, as well as monitor compliance with all norms and sanitary requirements. Bakers must have the appropriate education and work experience, since the quality of products largely depends on their professionalism.

3) Equipment. An equally important component of the production process is high-quality equipment. When choosing equipment for a bakery, it is necessary to clearly understand what competitive advantage is planned to be obtained - a wide range, quality, quick reconfiguration of equipment for the production of other types of bread, etc. Today the market offers various options for bakery equipment, the most famous brands are ABM, FoodTools, Sigma, Unox, Miwe, Vitella. It is recommended not to save on basic equipment.

The composition of the equipment necessary for a mini-bakery includes:

    flour sifter - 25,000 rubles;

    dough mixer - 100,000 rubles;

    dough sheeter - 30,000 rubles;

    proofer - 40,000 rubles;

    table for working with dough - 30,000 rubles;

    oven - 300,000 rubles;

    carts for baking - 15,000 rubles;

    refrigerator - 35,000 rubles;

    dishes and kitchen utensils - 10,000 rubles.

As a result, a set of specialized equipment for a mini-bakery will cost approximately 585,000 rubles.

4) Organization of supply. Before opening a bakery, you should establish channels for supplying raw materials and decide on suppliers. It is necessary that all ingredients used meet the requirements of GOSTs.

When negotiating cooperation with suppliers, you must familiarize yourself with all the conditions specified in the contract. As a rule, transport costs for the supply of ingredients are borne by your production. To reduce this cost item, you need to choose suppliers that are closer to your establishment.

The main raw material of the bakery is flour. It must be of the highest quality and properly stored. It is recommended not to make large stocks, as the flour may deteriorate. In addition to flour, you will need: yeast, eggs, fresh milk, sugar, salt and other raw materials.

Drawing up a technological map for the preparation of products will allow you to accurately calculate the required amount of raw materials. At the same time, it is important that the recipe for bakery products comply with GOSTs or separately adopted specifications.


The initial stage of opening a bakery is to register a business with government agencies and obtain permits for food production. In order to produce and sell food products, an enterprise needs to obtain a permit from the SES for production, an SES conclusion for finished products and a certificate of conformity. Before starting production, you should also obtain the conclusion of the fire inspection and environmental supervision.

To conduct commercial activities, an individual entrepreneur is registered with a simplified taxation system (“income” at a rate of 6%). Types of activities according to OKVED-2:

    10.71 - Manufacture of bread and flour confectionery, cakes and pastries of non-durable storage;

    47.24 - Retail sale of bread and bakery products and confectionery in specialized stores.

The legal side of the activities of bakeries is consecrated in more detail.

The work schedule of the bakery is different for the production workshop and the trading floor. The work of the production workshop is from 6:00 to 16:00 with an hour break from 11:00 to 12:00. The trading floor is open from 8:00 to 20:00.

Bakers-technologists work in shifts: 2 days of work after 2 days of rest. Their duty is to control the production process, maintain cleanliness in the workshop during the production cycle, timely write-off of spoiled products, keeping a log of cleaning the hood, accounting for raw materials in stock.

For sellers-cashiers, a shift work schedule is also provided: a day of work and a day of rest, since their working day lasts 10 hours. Responsibilities of the seller: customer service and work at the cash desk, keeping records of cash and transactions, supported by the presence of checks, acceptance of finished products from the workshop, design of a trade showcase.

The manager is responsible for cooperation with counterparties and the purchase of raw materials, organizes the entire work process, controls the work schedule of the staff, forms the staff, and pays wages.

The accountant maintains financial statements and works through outsourcing.

The cleaning lady is responsible for the cleanliness of the production hall and sales area.

Table 3. Staffing and payroll mini bakeries

Job title

Salary, rub.

Quantity, pers.

FOT, rub.



Accountant (outsourcing)


Baker-technologist (shift schedule)


Sales clerk (shift schedule)


Cleaning lady (part time)


104 000.00 RUB

Social Security contributions:

31200.00 RUB

Total with deductions:

135200.00 RUB


The financial plan takes into account all the income and expenses of the bakery, the planning horizon is 3 years. It is planned that after this period the institution will need to expand its production and product range.

To launch the project, it is necessary to calculate the amount of investment. To do this, you need to determine the cost of repairing the premises, purchasing equipment, the initial purchase of raw materials and the formation of working capital, which will cover the losses of the initial periods. The main part of the required investments falls on the purchase of equipment - 66%. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

Table 4. Investment costs


Amount, rub.

Real estate

Premises renovation


Equipment set

Equipment for the trading floor

Fire-fighting equipment

Intangible assets


working capital

Purchase of raw materials

working capital


885 000 ₽

Variable costs consist of the costs of the ingredients used in the preparation of bakery products, as well as the payment for the capacities consumed in the production process (water, gas, electricity, sewerage). To simplify financial calculations, variable costs are calculated based on the sum of the average check and a fixed trade margin of 300%.

The bakery's fixed costs consist of rent, utility bills, payroll, advertising costs, taxes, and depreciation. The amount of depreciation is determined by the straight-line method, based on the useful life of fixed assets in 5 years. Fixed costs also include tax deductions, which are not presented in this table, since their amount is not fixed and depends on the amount of revenue.

Table 5. Fixed costs

Thus, fixed monthly expenses were determined in the amount of 221,450 rubles. The volume of planned revenue is 742,500 rubles per month.


The payback period for a bakery with an initial investment of 885,000 rubles is 7-8 months. The net monthly profit of the project upon reaching the planned sales volumes will be 278,842 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume in the eighth month of operation. Return on sales for the first year of operation will be 28%.

The net present value is positive and equal to 24,993 rubles, which makes it possible to speak about the investment attractiveness of the project. The internal rate of return exceeds the discount rate and is equal to 18.35%.


To assess the risk component of the project, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. External factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country, markets. To internal - the effectiveness of the management of the organization.

The specifics of the baking industry determines the following external risks:

    increase in prices for raw materials, unscrupulous suppliers. In the first case, there is a risk of increasing costs and, as a result, the selling price, which may negatively affect demand. In the second case, the risk is associated with interruptions in production. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of these threats with a competent choice of suppliers and the inclusion in the contract of all necessary conditions that provide for the liability of the supplier in case of their violation;

    competitor reaction. Since the bread market is quite saturated and the competition is high, the behavior of competitors can have a strong influence. Price pressure from larger market participants is not ruled out, which will have a negative impact on sales. To minimize this risk, it is necessary to form your own client base, constantly monitor the market, develop new offers that are not presented on the market;

    increase in the cost of rent or termination of the lease. The probability of risk is medium, but the consequences of its occurrence can significantly affect costs and the production process. It is possible to reduce this risk by concluding a long-term lease agreement and choosing a reliable, conscientious landlord;

    seasonal decline in demand. The probability of this risk is assessed as medium. Nevertheless, measures should be taken to minimize it: ensure the competent distribution of production capacities, develop an effective strategy for promoting products on the market;

    changes in legal acts regulating the baking industry. The probability of risk is low, but when it occurs, it is almost impossible to avoid the impact;

Internal risks include:

    non-fulfillment of the planned sales volume. It is possible to reduce this risk with an effective advertising campaign and a competent marketing policy, which involves various promotions and bonuses;

    equipment failure and production downtime. To mitigate the risk will allow regular maintenance of equipment in order to maintain its performance;

    problems with personnel, which means low qualification, staff turnover, lack of motivation of employees. The easiest way to reduce this risk is at the recruitment stage, hiring employees who meet all the requirements (specialization, work experience), as well as building a system of training and advanced training for employees;

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    It will take 330 thousand rubles to open a donut shop in the kiosk format. The opening of a full-fledged lush cafe will have to allocate 780 thousand rubles.