Business idea for the production of children's clothing. Tailoring of children's clothing. The advantages of tailoring children's clothing wholesale with us

Business in Russia. Guidelines for starting a business in the regions.
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400 000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

15-20 thousand rubles

Certificate cost

60 sq. m.

Min. square



Products for children have always been in high demand. Even despite the fact that, for example, children's clothes and shoes are quite comparable in price to clothes and shoes for adults. A business related to the production of such products can become successful and profitable if you are familiar with all its features and know what difficulties you will encounter in the process.

First of all, you will need a detailed business plan. This is not a mere formality: with its help, you will get a clear idea of ​​what your business will look like, what you need to start it, how soon you will recoup your investment. When working on a business plan, be sure to consult with experts who have extensive experience in the clothing industry and are aware of all its pitfalls.

How to open a children's clothing atelier

To create your own production (or a tailoring studio if you are going to start small) of children's clothing, you must have certificates of conformity (issued for a period of one to three years). Certification is expensive. Either each individual batch of goods or the entire production is certified. The official cost of obtaining a certificate starts from 15-20 thousand rubles (for an atelier), but expect that as a result this amount will turn out to be much more. It is impossible to produce products intended for children without issuing certificates. This is fraught with large fines and even the closure of your business.

However, if you are going to sew your clothes not on your own, but at a specialized factory in small batches according to your sketches and patterns and under your trademark, then in this case the contractor usually takes care of all the certification of the goods. This is the best option for entrepreneurs who do not have experience in this area and do not have enough capital to create their own production. The advantages of this format of work, in addition to simplifying the certification procedure, are the absence of expenses for the purchase of equipment and the payment of wages to employees.

Your main costs, except for the cost of fulfilling the order: the purchase of fabric and accessories, payment for the services of a fashion designer. However, there are also disadvantages in this case. The retail price of your garment will include the cost of having it made at the factory. Therefore, you can either set your own margin and sell your products at a price higher than the average market price (or at least higher than companies that have their own sewing shops), or reduce the retail price to the detriment of your profits.

Of great importance is the range of products that you plan to produce. For small firms with a small start-up capital, it is more expedient to find their own narrow niche in the market (for example, sewing clothes for newborns, baby clothes and pajamas, festive clothes, etc.).

Necessary Equipment to Start a Tailoring Business

For work, you will need, at a minimum, lockstitch machines, overlockers, a steam generator with an iron, equipment for installing accessories, a circular cutting knife, and a button machine. The cost of equipment will be from 400 thousand rubles. In addition, you can not do without cutting tables, chairs, lamps, racks for fabric and finished products, cabinets for accessories (you can replace them with cardboard boxes), trash cans, hangers, stationery (including cardboard, tracing paper, chalk, scissors, rulers). ). This is about 150-200 thousand rubles.

Don't forget a coat closet, refrigerator, microwave, kettle, drinking water cooler and a dining table with chairs for employees. To accommodate a sewing workshop, at first it will be enough to have an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 50-60 square meters. m (for the studio - 30-40 sq. m). It is desirable that it be located on the ground floor or in the basement.

The cost of rent starts from 25-30 thousand rubles, depending on the region. If you open not a production, but a tailoring studio, then in this case there will be more requirements for its location. It should be located near children's educational and entertainment institutions, large shopping centers, in the city center or in a large residential area.

In addition to the costs of purchasing equipment and furniture, as well as rent, when drawing up a business plan, consider the cost of materials - fabrics, accessories, threads, etc. (from 200 thousand rubles). To package finished products, you will also need to order packages, labels, stickers, inserts, etc. (10-15 thousand rubles). A separate article is the salaries of employees. You will need a fashion designer to develop patterns, cutters, a shop manager, seamstresses (they usually have piecework wages). The amount of these costs depends on the number of employees and the region in which the production is located.

What are the risks of starting a children's clothing business?

If you plan to produce cheap knitwear (underwear, pajamas, clothes for babies), your main task is to reduce the cost of finished products as much as possible. This can be achieved by saving on raw materials (buying immediately in large quantities at a wholesale base, choosing the cheapest fabrics), on tailoring (hiring not experienced seamstresses, but graduates of light industry technical schools, production by operations, transferring clothing production to regions where wages are low). fees, etc.).

True, in this case, other problems arise: not the best quality of clothing, high turnover, insufficient qualifications of the workforce, which is fraught with delays and downtime. Recent graduates of technical schools need to be trained to work with sewing equipment, which takes time. And with a high turnover, this process is almost endless. All these troubles can be avoided by hiring only experienced seamstresses. But this will inevitably lead to an increase in the cost of products, and it is unprofitable to produce expensive knitwear for children aged 0 to 1.5-2 years, since competition in this segment is very high (mainly among Western manufacturers). The most difficult thing in running such a business is to find a compromise between price, quality and product range.

Another problem is related to the ways of selling large quantities of goods. In this case, you will no longer be able to open your own retail stores, where you will sell only clothes of your own brand. We'll have to look for distribution channels throughout the country. Consider creating your own website with a catalog of your products and your contacts. The simplest option will cost 15-20 thousand rubles plus the cost of its promotion (they depend on the region and requests). The atelier can advertise its services by placing advertisements in newspapers and on the radio, outdoor advertising, sending leaflets with their contacts to mailboxes, etc.

The profitability of this business reaches 30%. The payback period for sewing production is 1.5-2 years.

Profitability calculator for this business

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How to open a business for sewing children's, men's and other types of clothing? This article provides a ready-made garment manufacturing business plan with economic calculations and tips for promoting your business from scratch.

If you've ever heard an aphorism that says that "looking good is", then you can also agree that nothing more is needed for money. Whether you agree or not, the truth remains that those who run the clothing business will always smile at the banks. This is due to the level of profitability that this business promises worldwide. In addition, it also largely depends on the fact that people always had to cover their nakedness.

Starting a clothing business is an avalanche of consumers who will always jump on the fashion trend. There are even some people who are phasing out their wardrobes as soon as a new trend hits the streets. That's why those in the trade are constantly looking for ways to improve this art in order to keep attracting masses of people. One more thing is undoubtedly associated with this type of business - it needs a lot of capital.

Without sufficient capital, you will not be able to start your tailoring business. It also requires experience, equipment, experienced people who will need to be hired and paid well to produce the best clothes.

That's not all; it will also be necessary to stay on top of trends in order to attract high-end consumers. It also has to do with the level of competition that registers in the industry and the need to outshine other competitors.

Writing a business plan

Starting a clothing line requires detailed, sewing production from scratch. Most often, writing a business plan for the production of men's and women's clothing is simply not easy. This is due to the level of detail and technical significance that goes with its compilation. It is for this reason that consultants who are business professionals in this field offer services to get the job done. However, there are still ways you can take advantage of.

You can use an existing ready-made sewing business plan to build your project from start to finish.


In the business plan of the garment industry, the firm is recorded as a legal entity. For the purpose of this, one of two coordination configurations is chosen: LLC or IP.

For registration and to the tax apparatus, the following set of papers is submitted:

  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • an application in the form P21001, confirmed by a notary;
  • when maintaining accounting records according to a simple concept of taxation, an appeal is provided (model 26.2-1) for the transition to the simplified tax system;
  • a copy of absolutely all pages of the passport.

The provided set of papers for individual entrepreneurs in the clothing industry is considered within 5 working days. According to the expiration of this time, the tax authority gives permission.

In case of a positive outcome of the process, the businessman is awarded:

  • extract from USRIP;
  • the main government registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP);
  • notifications proving the registration of the person with the tax authority and the territorial branch of the Pension Fund;
  • certificate of Rosstat with a list of statistics codes, company data.

The next step is to open a bank account.

If an LLC was selected when filling out a business plan for a garment production for clothes, another set of papers is submitted to the tax office.

Documents required for an LLC to open its own clothing production:

  • Application Form 11001.
  • Decision on the creation of a legal entity (if the clothing industry has a single founder) or an act on its invention (if there are a number of founders).
  • LLC Charter.
  • Copies certified by a notary.
  • Application, in accordance with form 26.2-1, on the transition to the simplified tax system (in case accounting is supposed to be carried out in accordance with this concept).

The tax audit takes place within 5 working days. With a positive result, the businessman is awarded:

  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • Registration certificate.
  • Charter.
  • Certificate of registration of LLC in the tax authority.
  • Notifications of registration of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Territorial Compulsory Insurance Fund.
  • Certificate from Rosstat with plagiarized company statistics codes.

When compiling a detailed business plan for clothing production, it is necessary to select the appropriate OKVED codes:

  • 18.2 - sewing textile clothing and accessories;
  • 18.21 - overalls;
  • 18.22 - sewing outerwear;
  • 18.24 - outfits and accessories.

In accordance with the functioning legislation, in order to conduct work, they acquire permissions from the State Fire Supervision and Rospotrebnadzor.

Before creating a good business plan for the garment industry, it is first determined with the place where it will be located.

The dimensions of the building directly depend on the expected scale of activity. For example, for the purpose of daily tailoring of approximately one hundred pieces of clothing, a workshop with a size of 70 m2 is needed. In a similar way, the area of ​​the rented building is directly proportional to the number of products to be embroidered.

Better in the industrial area of ​​the metropolis. In this case, a workshop of a huge plot is being sought according to the optimal cost. Before signing the lease agreement, make sure that the place meets the conditions of the sanitary and epidemiological station and other supervised organizations.

Sewing business is easy to carry out in your own home. In this case, special equipment is introduced in the seamstress's house in order to perform tailor's work.

The following coordination procedure emerges:

  • one seamstress prepares patterns, the other grinds. In this case, there is no rental payment, as there is no need for a special workshop.
  • In order for a place to meet the conditions of the State Fire Supervision Authority, it must have a fire alarm and fire extinguishing resources (fire extinguishers).

Overview of a business clothing line

The fashion industry is known around the world as a thriving trade. , which appears to be a subset of the industry, is also developing rapidly over the years. There are various clothing labels that abound; some of them are national brands while others are international. The fashion industry, especially the fabric business, was not as easy as it is now (many years ago). This is because the clothes were made by hand at the request of individuals.

In the 20th century, after the invention of sewing machines (industrial sewing machines), it became much easier to produce clothes in tons. Therefore, technology is really responsible for the wide distribution of the industry. Clothes can now go through the factory production system and still maintain good quality and standard sizes. At the same time, it is easier for retailers to order and sell clothes at fixed prices in departments and boutiques without stress.

The fashion industry is the creation of the modern age. No wonder fashion style changes on a regular basis and in most cases people go back in time to re-introduce old fashion. The fashion industry is indeed a rapidly changing industry; fashion trends always come and go in different seasons.

The bottom line is that successful clothing labels have a complete understanding of the market and they know how to meet the needs of consumers. And also to persuade them to accept what they have to offer, because they are always flexible and creative.

Undoubtedly, distributors for or wholesalers can order different types of clothing from anywhere in the world and sell in their country without even visiting the factory. As a matter of fact, clothing based business is one garment manufacturing business that is able to survive no matter what happens in the economy of the world. An economic recession or even a spike in inflation does not affect clothing sales in any way; people can't do without it.

Since time immemorial, the fashion industry has been known to be one of the largest employers of labor (directly or indirectly). Some of the leading labels in the fashion industry are outsourcing clothing production to other parts of the world; predominantly in Asia, only in an effort to cut costs.

Some cities in the world are considered major fashion hubs; they dictate what happens in the industry. The centers are Paris, Milan, New York and London. Fashion shows are known to be held in these cities; designers who want to play on the global stage ensure that they showcase their clothing collections to enthusiasts during fashion week in any of the cities mentioned above.

Market trends

At present, the fashion clothing industry relies more on. The mass market cares for a wide range of customers that cross both the rich and the poor. Most of the new apparel companies that are trying to catch up to the market ensure that they produce ready-to-wear garments using the trends set by the leading brand.

They do what they see in the direction of a trend set by a famous fashion brand before creating their own versions of the original look - using cheaper fabrics and simpler manufacturing processes that can easily be done by a machine. These firms comfortably sell such a product at a lower price to the masses who cannot afford to buy the original and are often too expensive for the average person.

The sewing business is ideal for creative people, housewives and women who are on maternity leave. Also, anyone who has skills in needlework and wants to have additional income without leaving their own apartment can achieve success in their sewing business.

Video: How to make a do-it-yourself sling for newborns

What to sew for sale: DIY bags

Do it yourself, the process is not easy, you need to have a lot of patience. Anyone can even make a bag, but it can be done beautifully by a person who should love it. If you have a craving for needlework, then it's never too late to learn. Many women of different ages love exclusive things. But mostly these are young girls, 25-35 years old, who like to look beautiful.

In order to start a business, sewing bags. If you are familiar enough with a sewing machine, then learning, you do not need to. If not, then you will need to pay from 600 to 2000 rubles, it all depends on how much you study.

There are many subtleties for sewing bags, and for this you will need to go to additional courses. It is possible for beginner seamstresses to develop in the professional field. Next, you need to collect information. You will need to go online and look at a few lessons. To begin with, you will need to collect 15 models of different bags. This is enough for you for the first time.

In the future, you will be able to make models of bags yourself, and you will not need courses. You first need to buy a sewing machine, not necessarily very expensive. Buy a sewing and embroidery machine so that it can sew with access to a computer.

With these features on your typewriter, you will be able to make a lot of drawings, which will increase your work in value. The cost of materials is directly dependent on you. Depending on how many you have, there will be so many orders, and never buy a lot at once. Try not to throw anything away. After all, from small pieces of fabric, you can sew a fashionable bag. The income from this business depends on you. Decorating bags, pay as much attention as possible, because the appearance of the bag is the most important thing. Get ideas from famous designers. It will take you 400-600 rubles to make a bag, depending on what you will make it from. You can sell it for 2000 - 3000 rubles, again depending on which picture is on the bag, then the price can reach up to 6000 - 7000 rubles. Write your plan.

Important! Do not try to offer your bags to branded stores, they will not take it. Try to offer your bags to friends, this is the best option. If you decide to earn a lot, open your website and sell bags through it. You can invite partners and jointly create a website and sell your products on it.

This is very profitable, and a lot of visitors will come to your site. Show your imagination, your business idea will definitely work and you will succeed.

Ethno-themed tailoring is an interesting business idea

The freshness and novelty of this business will be the main advantage. The quick payback of the business will allow you to bring the business to an average level with a good profit in a short time. Having captured the essence, you can generate interesting design and style ideas.

Clothing with ethnic motifs adapted to modern people always looks very beautiful. And for a seamstress, this is not just a job, but an exciting hobby that brings income. By studying the customs and colors of the peoples of the world, you can create exquisite masterpieces. There are many lovers of this type of clothing today. And your kind of small business will be profitable.

If you decide to develop your sewing business in this direction, you will need to spend a considerable amount of time studying the literature. Look for original stories abroad. You should also think about how the finished product will be marketed. Do not forget that you can open your own branches on the forums for free, tell us about your sewing business. If the business is in demand, you can create your own online store to trade not only in your hometown, but also send orders throughout the country.

DIY baby slings

Perhaps this is one of the most original, but at the same time simple ideas for making money at home. The whole process of making a sling will take hardly a few hours. You also do not need start-up capital, but free time and a desire to work will not hurt. Having won the trust of customers, start sewing children's things. It is not difficult to organize tailoring for newborn babies. sewing for children will not leave you without selling finished products. A sewing workshop with your own hands allows you to earn good money.

A sling is a piece of fabric with which a mother can take her baby with her during almost any task. At the same time, the woman's hands are free, and the load on the spine is regulated by the way the sling is put on. If you decide to start making such a thing for children, then you will need to get a little theoretical training. On the Internet, there is a lot of information in the public domain on the topic of how to sew slings with your own hands.

The simplest is a sling scarf. This is a fabric, the length of which is from two to six meters, and the width is from half a meter to a meter. The material is used as natural as possible (knitted sling) so that the child and mother do not feel discomfort during use. Popular models for making: sling backpack, sling scarves.

How to make a do-it-yourself sling for newborns

For simple sewing do-it-yourself sling with rings you need:

  • 1. Prepare a fabric rectangle 220 cm long and 80 cm wide.
  • 2. Finish the edges.
  • 3. Thread one edge of the fabric into both rings and sew.

How to sew sling scarf(Fig. 2):

  • 1. Cut out a rectangle of the selected length. Fabric width - 60 cm.
  • 2. Finish the edges.

The domestic clothing market is overflowing with products from Chinese, Turkish and Polish manufacturers. However, these products are far from always characterized by acceptable quality: the parameters of the models do not meet the standards of the figure, the size range differs from the generally accepted one, and the quality of tailoring leaves much to be desired. In such a situation, buyers are increasingly paying attention to affordable and high-quality goods made in local factories.

When compiling a business plan for clothing production, it is necessary to determine for which consumer the products will be intended. At the initial stage, an entrepreneur definitely should not compete with well-known world brands and focus on a wealthy audience spoiled by the attention of designers - it is better to give preference to the middle segment, in which the quality of a thing is much more important for a buyer than the inscription on the tag.

Business features

An entrepreneur who creates even a small production must understand that this area requires serious training and knowledge of the specifics of the industry. The reason is that many tailors who have successfully implemented the ideas of a tailoring business at home or have experience in tailoring are moving to the next stage of development and opening their own private factories. To compete with such workshops, one must have not only organizational, but also creative abilities.

Specialization seems to be another important factor: it is rather difficult to cover even three or four areas within a small enterprise. In addition, when producing heterogeneous products, productivity suffers greatly: seamstresses, who are forced to constantly switch between operations of different types, cannot concentrate on work and ensure the proper speed of technological processes. Therefore, before launching the workshop, it is necessary to conduct a qualitative study and determine what is better to sew: the clothing business will be profitable only if the focus is on the most popular types of products.

There are two main production models that an entrepreneur can successfully combine when developing a business concept. The first involves work to order: designers and companies that develop a new product, but do not have the available capacity to manufacture it, apply to the enterprise. The release of products in this case is carried out under a third-party brand, which eliminates the cost of its promotion and allows you not to think about distribution channels.

When implementing the second model, the enterprise goes through a full cycle, starting with the development of new products and ending with its sale under its own brand. An entrepreneur choosing this path must have a clear idea of ​​the quantitative and qualitative composition of the target audience, in order to attract which it is necessary to regularly conduct marketing activities. At the same time, the attention of potential buyers can be focused on the following factors:

  • Quality. The owner evaluates the quality of an item in many ways, paying attention to the fabric, threads, accessories, fit, washing and ironing behavior. It is believed that high-quality clothing should be both beautiful, practical and reliable;
  • Price policy. The price of a thing should correspond to its quality - no one will buy expensive consumer goods, but high-quality clothes cannot be cheap either. Unreasonable deviations from the market price most often cause doubts and suspicions among consumers;
  • Demand. Do not get too carried away with the release of exclusive or elite designer models - people are much more likely to buy simple things: a shirt, skirt, jeans or underwear.

Production technology

The process of organizing a clothing business should take place in accordance with the generally accepted technology for the industrial production of clothing, including the following stages of product creation:

  1. Design. The fashion designer develops sketches of the future product, chooses the type of fabric, accessories and colors;
  2. Design. A designer based on sketches develops drawings, determines the dimensions of parts, and then creates patterns and technical documentation;
  3. Open. Next, the cutter starts to work. Using patterns, he transfers the details of the product to the fabric and cuts them out with scissors or cutting machines;
  4. Sewing. Seamstresses process the edges, and then sew the parts together according to the instructions. At this stage, two methods of labor distribution are used: in the first case, each master sews the product completely, from beginning to end, while in the second, the seamstress performs one or two simple operations, and then passes the semi-finished product further along the conveyor;
  5. Finishing. Operators of auxiliary mechanisms sew on buttons, zippers, install rivets and complete the finishing of the product;
  6. Package. The QCD employee checks the product for compliance with quality requirements, attaches tags to it, and then transfers the products to the warehouse.

Business registration

Entrepreneurs working at home usually do not pay attention to the issues of registering an enterprise and make business plans for sewing ateliers without taking into account tax payments. However, larger-scale production, which employs employees, must be legalized. This procedure consists of several simple steps:
  1. Submission of an application in the prescribed form to the Federal Tax Service;
  2. Registration with the tax authorities;
  3. Choosing an appropriate taxation system;
  4. Registration in the PF and MHIF;
  5. Conclusion of contracts for the lease of industrial premises, disinfestation, garbage collection, disposal of fluorescent lamps and washing of overalls;
  6. Obtaining work permits from the SES and the State Fire Supervision;
  7. Production of the seal of the enterprise;
  8. Opening a current account.

Businessmen registering a small workshop can choose one of the available forms of ownership - an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. Before you start a sewing business from scratch, you should study the differences between them and choose the most suitable option:

Comparative characteristics of forms of ownership

The form IP OOO
State duty 800 rub. 4000 rub.
Registration Application form Р21001 form 11001
Application for the transition to the simplified tax system or UTII + +
Minutes of the meeting on the creation of the SPD +
Copies of passports + +
Charter of SPD +
Owner's premiums +
Authorized fund 10000 rub.
Number of owners one owner up to 50
Profit distribution optional dividends
Registration in funds when hiring employees necessarily
Owner's limits personal property LLC property

Workshop room

In search of a place to locate a workshop, entrepreneurs have to explore more than a dozen options: creating a clothing business involves using a well-lit, heated room with comfortable conditions for workers. Therefore, mini-factories are often opened on the basis of old administrative buildings, closed kindergartens and schools: the main requirement is the presence of a spacious hall for arranging the production area, as well as several smaller rooms - here it is necessary to equip administrative offices, a bathroom, a dining room and a warehouse.

The location of the enterprise does not affect its status: preference should be given to suburbs, industrial zones and residential areas with low rents. Before organizing a sewing business, you must make sure that the production is accessible by transport - otherwise, the entrepreneur will have to buy or hire a bus for the daily transportation of employees.

The business plan for a small sewing workshop with a monthly turnover of 1.7–2 million rubles should provide for the rental or purchase of premises that meet the following requirements:

Sufficient area. The area norms for each seamstress are 4-6 m² for the production of products from light fabrics, and 7-8 m² for sewing outerwear. It is also necessary to allocate space for walkways, install auxiliary equipment, organize a workplace for a fashion designer and cutters. The final layout of the 210 m² room will include:

  • Production area for ten seamstresses - 100 m²;
  • Cutting area - 25 m²;
  • Ironing area - 15 m²;
  • Fashion designer's office - 15 m²;
  • Director's and accountant's office - 13 m²;
  • Rest and dining room - 20 m²;
  • Warehouse - 20 m²;
  • Bathroom - 2 m²;
  • Power supply. The total power consumed by the sewing equipment of the workshop of the specified sizes can reach 18 kW. In addition, some machines require connection to a three-phase line with a voltage of 380 V;
  • Water supply. According to hygienic requirements, the premises must be connected to water supply and sewerage lines;
  • Lighting. Working with a sewing machine requires high precision and good coordination of movements. Therefore, the illumination at the level of desktops should not be lower than 750 lux. For local illumination of the working area, LED or fluorescent lamps are additionally used;
  • Microclimate. For this type of work, the temperature in the room in winter should be between 19–25 ° C with a maximum humidity of 75%. In summer, an increase to 27 ° C is allowed at a humidity of 55–60%. The air flow velocity in any case should not exceed 0.2–0.5 m/s.

sewing machines

When developing a business plan for a sewing workshop with calculations, an entrepreneur may encounter a huge variety of existing types of equipment: each manufacturer has more than a dozen types of overlockers alone. In order to draw up the correct specification, it is necessary to choose in advance the main profile of the enterprise: for sewing leather jackets, a slightly different set of machines is required than for sewing bed linen.

Before you open a sewing business, you should also purchase various racks for fabric, threads and trimmings, brackets for patterns and hangers for finished products, equip the workplaces of a manager, accountant and fashion designer.

Sewing shop equipment

Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Cost, rub.
Sewing machine 19800 6 118800
Knitted sewing machine 20300 3 60900
Hemming sewing machine 28500 1 28500
Overlock 33500 2 67000
Riveting machine 40700 1 40700
Loop machine 68600 1 68600
Button machine 40100 1 40100
Accessories for machines (needles, belts, legs) 5000
Sewing machine table 2800 10 28000
Overlock table 2800 2 5600
Interoperation conveyor 6200 8 49600
Table for additional equipment 3600 3 10800
Basket for finished products 2500 10 25000
Dummy 4700 2 9400
Ironing system 40600 1 40600
steam generator 6500 1 6500
Bracket for clothes 2500 10 25000
Ironing press 15600 1 15600
Warehouse rack 3500 5 17500
Packing table 2500 1 2500
Ceiling lighting 1200 10 12000
Sewing Machine Light 1350 15 20250
Air conditioner 35000 1 35000
cutting shop
Cutting table 1.8x4 m 34500 1 34500
Tailoring tools 5000
Bracket for patterns 8500 1 8500
cutting knife 15600 1 15600
Fabric rack 3500 2 7000
Ceiling lighting 1200 6 7200
Fashion designer's workplace
PC or laptop 18000 1 18000
Pattern printer 8000 1 8000
Dummy 4700 2 9400
Ceiling lighting 1200 4 4800
Table lamp 1500 1 1500
Work table 3500 1 3500
Chair 1100 2 2200
Stationery 1000
Director's PC 18000 1 18000
Accountant's PC 18000 1 18000
MFP 10000 1 10000
Telephone set 1500 2 3000
Network router 2000 1 2000
Internet access line 1000 1 1000
Ceiling lighting 1200 4 4800
Table lamp 1500 2 3000
Air conditioner 16000 1 16000
Work table 3500 2 7000
Chair 1100 4 4400
Stationery 3000
Utility rooms
Ceiling lighting 1200 4 4800
Dining table for staff 2000 4 8000
Chair 900 16 14400
Bathroom set 15000 1 15000
Microwave 4500 1 4500
Electric kettle 1400 1 1400
Personal locker for clothes 3300 15 49500
Total: 1046950


Sewing production requires high coherence of the team: there is a close relationship between workers in the technological process, so a failure at any stage can lead to a sharp decrease in the productivity of the entire enterprise. Personnel must be selected very carefully, taking into account not only professional, but also personal qualities of employees - responsibility, commitment, diligence. The business plan of a small-sized sewing enterprise provides for hiring:

  • A fashion designer who creates new products and patterns for them;
  • A technologist who develops assembly cards and a sequence of operations, as well as controls the process of their implementation;
  • Cutters who cut out the details of fabric products according to patterns;
  • Seamstresses with experience in handling different types of machines;
  • Operators of overlockers, button, rivet and buttonhole machines;
  • Specialists working with ironing equipment;
  • administrative staff.

Thus, when developing a business plan for a garment production with calculations, the following staffing should be included in its composition:

Workshop staffing

Name Rate, rub. Qty Amount, rub.
Technologist 30000 1 30000
seamstress 25000 10 250000
Auxiliary equipment operator 25000 2 50000
Cutter 28000 2 56000
ironing worker 20000 1 20000
fashion designer 30000 1 30000
Cleaning woman 15000 1 15000
Mechanic at ½ rate 10000 1 10000
Storekeeper 10000 1 10000
Accountant 20000 1 20000
payroll tax 147300
Total: 638300

According to sanitary requirements, all employees who have direct contact with the products must keep their medical books up to date, regularly undergo preventive examinations and be vaccinated.

Particular attention should be paid to the piecework system of remuneration for seamstresses. The amount of remuneration is calculated based on industry norms of time: for example, 21 minutes are allotted for the manufacture of a men's shirt. With an expected monthly salary of 25,000 rubles, the cost of a working minute is 2.37 rubles: thus, a seamstress receives 49.77 rubles for sewing one product. It should be noted that when determining the amount of remuneration, one cannot use the data given in the business plans of sewing ateliers for small businesses: in individual production, slightly different time standards are used, exceeding industrial ones by tens of times.

Tailoring standards


The clothing industry of the light industry includes hundreds of different areas: within the framework of the project, an entrepreneur can sew fur coats or produce children's rompers with equal success. The only condition is the specialization of the enterprise: for example, it is quite difficult to organize the simultaneous production of knitted T-shirts and winter down jackets. Before starting a sewing business from scratch, it is also advisable to take into account the needs of the regional market and the profile of competitors in order to highlight free niches and organize the release of the most demanded goods.

Listing the most popular ideas for the sewing business, we should mention the production of such products as:

  • Clothes and linen for babies and young children;
  • Teenagers clothes;
  • Clothes and linen from jersey;
  • Leather, fur and suede products;
  • Business suits and clothes for solemn events;
  • Wedding dresses and suits;
  • Jackets, coats and other outerwear;
  • Sports, dance costumes;
  • overalls;
  • Curtains, bed linen, bedspreads, tablecloths and other interior textiles.

Raw material suppliers

Currently, there is no shortage of accessories, threads or fabrics on the market: even a small manufacturer can order a batch of raw materials from Europe or China. Some entrepreneurs personally visit the countries of the Middle East, since the materials they need are produced only here. However, on the Russian market it is also easy to find suppliers offering the widest range of goods, including delivery and the possibility of ordering via the Internet.

When choosing contractors, it is imperative to focus on the needs of the target audience: for example, European fabrics with excellent quality are characterized by a high price, and therefore products from them are bought mainly by wealthy customers. Consumers with an average income prefer things made from materials made in Russia or China: at a low cost, they are of quite acceptable quality.

How to start a sewing business: after determining the main assortment of the enterprise, it is advisable to establish contacts with such suppliers and receive a catalog of samples. Depending on the range of products, a wide variety of fabrics are used in production: cotton, wool, viscose or polyester. In addition, when sewing many types of clothing, duplicating and lining materials are used - dublerin, interlining, twill. It should be remembered that natural linen, silk or woolen fabrics are distinguished by the highest price, which directly affects the cost of the product, so it is worth working with them only if there is a guaranteed sale.

Sales of products

Entrepreneurs starting their own clothing business often underestimate the saturation of the market and assume that wholesalers and stores will immediately show interest in new products. However, most often it turns out the other way around: warehouses are filled with unclaimed products, costs are rising, and the new enterprise is gradually approaching bankruptcy. To avoid this, you need to look for distribution channels and conclude agreements with partners at the initial stages of creating a business, at the same time as finding premises and selecting equipment.

Unlike the methods given in the business plans of sewing studios with calculations, activities related to the promotion of industrial production should not be aimed at attracting the end consumer, but at increasing brand awareness. What can be used to stimulate sales:

  • Advertising in specialized print media;
  • Sponsorship in events that are of interest to the target audience;
  • Issuance of POS materials intended for placement at points of sale;
  • Direct contacts with wholesale dealers;
  • Negotiations with owners of regular and online stores;
  • Outdoor advertising on billboards and city lights.

It is advisable to create a corporate website of the enterprise, since it is much easier to promote a sewing business with its help: here you should place information about the assortment, wholesale and retail prices, terms of cooperation, and publish contact information for wholesale buyers. Some entrepreneurs go further and turn the site into a full-fledged online store that delivers not only to neighboring regions, but throughout the country.


It is rather difficult to develop a complete economic model of an enterprise: a large number of variables are used in the calculations, such as the percentage of defects in raw materials and finished products, time and material consumption rates, average labor productivity, and much more. The following sample business plan for a garment production with calculations, drawn up for a workshop that produces the mentioned men's shirts, will help to roughly assess the profitability.

Starting costs

The specified amount of 1.54 million rubles is not final: to launch the production line, it will also be necessary to purchase materials, threads and accessories in order to provide the enterprise with raw materials for at least a month of work. The volume of these stocks is calculated taking into account the assortment and the estimated production capacity; in addition to their monthly replenishment, the entrepreneur will have to allocate a certain amount to pay rent and utility bills.

Current expenses

When calculating the material cost of products, industry-accepted norms for the consumption of fabric and thread, developed for all major types of products, are used. Before starting a sewing business from scratch, it is advisable to study these data and evaluate the profitability of the production of certain items of clothing.

Material consumption rates

Name Fabric, m Threads, m Accessories, rub. Amount, rub.
Straight skirt 0,8 100 90 166,6
Lined jacket 1,5 150 120 885,0
Mens pants 1,3 270 80 216,3
Lined jacket 2,2 200 160 1279,8
Shirt 1,8 120 100 308,5
Knitted blouse 1,6 100 80 264,6
Long sleeve dress 2,2 150 120 316,9
Sleeveless dress 1,5 100 90 224,0

Income and profitability

In addition to the cost of materials, the price of the finished product also includes overhead costs and a trade margin. The value of the latter is determined mainly by the method of sale: in retail sales, the margin can reach 120–200%, while when working with wholesale buyers, a value of 25–35% is considered the limit.

For example, the wholesale price for men's shirts of medium quality made from Chinese fabrics reaches 540 rubles at a material cost of 308.5 rubles. Given the norm of time (21 minutes), the duration of the shift (8 hours) and the number of working days in a month (22 days), it is possible to calculate the monthly output for a team of ten seamstresses: in this case, it will be 5030 products without marriage.

Product cost calculation

The development of the economic part of the business plan for a garment factory ends with the calculation of economic indicators - the average profitability and payback period of the enterprise. It should be noted that the second value can be adjusted depending on the degree of production load and the speed of product sales: in practice, the customer base and reaching the design capacity take 3-4 months.

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Economic indicators of the shop


Any sewing business idea should be based on the real needs of the buyers. To track the dynamics of demand and stay ahead of competitors, you need to constantly study fashion trends and the latest design developments, and then adjust the assortment, offering customers only current models of clothing.

Clothing is one of the most sought after products on the market today. It tends to wear out and go out of fashion. And the most relevant product is children's clothing, which parents buy for their children much more often than for themselves. Children grow out of seasonal clothes very quickly, and they are also more likely to get dirty and not worn as neatly as adults. Therefore, the business of selling children's clothing has its own prospects. At the same time, craftsmen who know how to sew clothes on their own can easily establish the production and sale of products. For a competent approach and successful activity, you will need to draw up a business plan for tailoring children's clothing, which will allow you to develop your business with minimal financial risks. We will present an example of such a business plan for a garment production in this article.

Project Summary

The production of children's clothing is relevant in any city in the country, because there are children everywhere. Work in small towns is promising, because the cost of premises and wages for employees is lower. And wholesale deliveries can be arranged in any city of the country. We will consider a business plan for tailoring children's clothing with calculations for launching a project in a small city with a population of about 300 thousand people. The return on investment will be potentially high.

For high production productivity, you will need to rent a small room for the installation of equipment, mannequins for the presentation of models. The sale will be carried out both directly in the atelier and in bulk (to wholesalers and children's clothing stores), as well as on order.

The work schedule of the production shop at the first stage: 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 19:00. If it is necessary to fulfill a large order, there will be a transition to shift work.

  • Clothing for children from 0 to 12 years.
  • Clothing for teenagers from 12 to 16 years.
  • Pajamas for children from 3 to 10 years.
  • Masquerade costumes for preschoolers.
  • School clothes.
  • Holiday outfits (dresses, suits and shirts).

Main clients:

  • Retail customers (women with children under 16 years of age with an average and above average income).
  • Wholesale buyers (wholesale suppliers, children's clothing stores in their own and neighboring regions).
  • Schools, children's centers, recreation centers.

Main risks:

So that risks do not interfere with dynamic development, they should be foreseen in advance and minimize their occurrence.

Business registration

You can also sew clothes for sale at home without registration, however, if you plan to increase production in order to increase profits and build your brand, you will need to register with the tax authorities. For a small production workshop, it will be enough to obtain a certificate of an individual entrepreneur. Investments in registration are minimal, about 1,000 rubles. It is also necessary to choose the optimal taxation system. We choose the STS 15% and indicate the OKVED code 14.1 “Production of clothing, except for clothing made of fur”, corresponding to our activity.

The production of children's clothing is subject to certification. To do this, we need to submit documents to the appropriate authority:

  • IP registration certificate.
  • TIN taxpayer certificate.
  • Lease contract.
  • Copies of certificates and sanitary-epidemiological conclusions for materials.
  • Permission of SES and fire inspection for compliance with the requirements.

It is best to contact a consulting company, where this service will cost about 100 thousand rubles.

Room search

To carry out activities, a room on the ground floor or in a separate building will be required. Active cross is not required, because. this is not a product of impulsive demand, and most buyers will come to advertising or on the recommendation of friends. The cost of the premises is 30 sq. m will be about 15 thousand rubles.

In addition, you will have to spend on repairing the area in order to obtain the appropriate permission from the SES and the fire department. We will carry out minor cosmetic repairs in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.

To pay utility bills, it is necessary to allocate an amount of approximately 5-7 thousand rubles a month. It will increase with the increase in production volumes and will consist of 90% of the payment for electricity, because. equipment requires increased loading.

When choosing a room, we will focus on its condition, price, the presence of large windows, because. natural lighting, serviceable and powerful electrical wiring is necessary, since it is possible to increase the number of electrical equipment over time. There must be no humidity in the room.

The room will need to be zoned or initially choose a room that is divided into several zones:

  • Work room.
  • Stock.
  • Manager's office.
  • Recreation area for employees.

We pay immediately for 3 months. In total, the initial investment in renting the workshop premises is 45 thousand rubles.


Normal productivity will require at least 2 dressmakers. When choosing a seamstress for the workshop, preference should be given to experienced specialists who have relevant experience. The salary for a seamstress should be piecework, which will depend on the volume of products and their cost. The average salary is 20 thousand rubles per month. If we plan to initially hire 2 seamstresses, we should take into account the payment of wages in the amount of 40 thousand rubles. As soon as the number and volume of orders grow, 2-3 more people will need to be hired.

At the first stage, the entrepreneur will perform the functions of the designer independently, as well as supervise administrative issues.

Procurement of equipment and materials

The production shop needs the appropriate materials and equipment. It is important to purchase high-quality sewing machines that will work smoothly and perform their assigned functions.

With maximum attention and responsibility, we will select and purchase materials for sewing children's clothing, because environmental friendliness and quality of fabrics must be certified, because. we will also sew clothes for children from 0 to 3 years old. The seller of fabrics must have the relevant documents; without them, production cannot be started.

We will need to purchase:

Name Amount, rub.
Sewing machine (3 pcs.) 30 000
Overlock 10 000
Coverlock 7 000
Cover stitching machine 10 000
steam generator 7 000
Iron (2 pcs.) 5 000
Buttonhole and buttonhole machines 20 000
Inventory (scissors, needles, rulers, glue, crayons, etc.) 10 000
Tables for sewing machines (3 pcs.) 15 000
Cutting tables (2 pcs.) 10 000
Chairs 10 000
Shelving 10 000
Recreation area equipment 30 000
Materials (fabrics, threads) 50 000
Table lamps for each seamstress (3 pcs.) 1 500
General lighting lamps 1 500
Commercial equipment (racks, racks with tripoli and several mannequins) 15 000
Total 235 000

Equipment and materials will be the main item of starting costs for opening a children's clothing production.

Advertising and marketing

The entrepreneur himself will be engaged in the search for customers and buyers. The first step is to create an electronic and printed product catalog. Offers will be sent electronically to shops and wholesale buyers. To begin with, we will register a group and an account on social networks, where they will find offers, new products, promotions, manufacturer contacts.

Printed catalogs will be distributed to the administration of retail outlets to study the assortment and prices.

The main sales channel will be online sales and the signing of a cooperation agreement with shops, schools and other children's institutions for the tailoring of school uniforms and costumes for performances. You can distribute flyers in the centers of the target audience (schools, kindergartens, recreation centers, sports and culture palaces).

A small amount should be allocated monthly for the promotion of the group (targeting) and the printing of flyers and 1000 copies of catalogs, a total of 30 thousand rubles.

Income and expenses

In this section, we will summarize all start-up and monthly costs, plan the volume of production, estimated profit and determine the rate of return on investment.

Starting costs


From the first month, it will not be possible to reach the required profitability indicator. Profitability is planned after reaching 50% of the possible load. In the first months, the plans are to sew according to individual orders of individuals and gradually acquire wholesale customers. Also, in the first months, a wide range of clothing models will be developed and formed.

For the third month, the approximate production plan will be:

After deducting the price of materials, about 140 thousand rubles will remain.

Determine the difference between income and expenses:

140,000 - 75,000 \u003d 65,000 rubles.

After deducting taxes, about 55 thousand rubles will remain. The profitability of the project under such conditions will be close to 50%. The payback period will be up to 10 months of active work.


Own production of children's clothing is a very profitable business. Especially if you rush to find buyers and establish uninterrupted work and a full load of masters. The plans for the year are to increase the volume of orders, purchase equipment for another 5 seamstresses, expand the range and work for wholesale buyers. In addition, work will be underway on its own brand of children's clothing. It is planned to create an online store for retail and wholesale in small and medium batches.