Financial group life entrance to the client bank. Life financial group. Company: Why did the group “Life. Terms of cooperation with Life

Banks of the Life group will not be easy to survive the "death" of the parent bank

Photo: Donat Sorokin/TASS

On August 12, the Bank of Russia revoked the license from the head bank of the Life financial group, Probusinessbank, which was in the top 60 in terms of assets, according to The other five banks of the group - Express-Volga, VUZ-Bank, Podem!, Gazenergobank and Solidarity - will be sanitized by the Russian Capital bank controlled by the Deposit Insurance Agency. However, these measures do not yet mean a guaranteed rescue, experts say.

About the bank business. Posthumously

On August 12, the Bank of Russia revoked the license from Probusinessbank due to non-compliance with federal laws regulating banking activities, as well as Bank of Russia regulations. According to a press release from the Central Bank, the value of all equity (capital) adequacy ratios for the bank was below 2%, the amount of capital was below the minimum value of the authorized capital established on the date of state registration of a credit institution.

“JSC “AKB “Probusinessbank” pursued a high-risk policy associated with the placement of funds in low-quality assets. As a result of the formation of reserves adequate to the accepted risks, the credit institution has completely lost its own funds (capital). The heads and owners of the credit institution have not taken effective measures to normalize its activities,” the regulator said in a statement.

A plan for the participation of the Deposit Insurance Agency in settling Probusinessbank's obligations was approved. The plan provides for the agency to conduct a competitive selection of a bank - the acquirer of a part of the property and obligations of Probusinessbank. It is explained that one of the requirements for participation in the competition is to ensure the start of servicing bank depositors at the points of its presence or in the same settlements no later than 14 days after the approval of the plan.

The DIA said that if the competitive selection takes place, depositors will be able to resume access to funds in their account with the acquiring bank.

Probusinessbank, according to the Central Bank, ranked 51st in terms of assets as of August 1, 2015. banking system and was the head bank of the Life financial group. The volume of deposits of private clients in Probusinessbank is estimated at almost 30 billion rubles.

The Central Bank also announced the approval of plans for the participation of the DIA in preventing the bankruptcy of other banks - Express-Volga, VUZ-Bank, Let's Go! and Gazenergobank. The DIA should, at the expense of a loan from the Bank of Russia, provide funds "to maintain the liquidity of banks in an amount sufficient to ensure their uninterrupted operation and timely settlements with creditors." “To ensure the liquidity of banks, JSCB Rossiyskiy Kapital is involved, which, using the funds provided by the agency, will carry out operations aimed at maintaining the liquidity of banks,” the regulator said in a release.

“The primary task of the provisional administrations is to conduct a survey of the financial situation of banks. After the Agency completes the assessment of the financial condition of banks, including determining the real value of assets and liabilities, bringing the authorized capital of banks to a real value (with a negative value - up to 1 ruble), the Agency will conduct a competitive selection of investors for measures to prevent the bankruptcy of banks, including their capitalization, "- according to a press release from the Central Bank.

The powers of shareholders related to participation in the authorized capital, as well as the powers of the management bodies of all banks for the period of the temporary administration, have been suspended.

According to, Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Mikhail Sukhov, the excess of liabilities over the value of Probusinessbank's assets, based on available documents, is at least 67 billion rubles. The “hole” is caused by the presence of various financial assets in the bank, which have signs of fictitiousness. Among them, according to Sukhov, are securities in foreign depositories, financial claims on a foreign “pseudo bank”, unsecured letters of credit that do not make obvious economic sense, obviously fictitious futures transactions, as well as other transactions, the nature of which makes it impossible to determine the true value of assets.

“For this reason, the financial recovery of Probusinessbank as an independent legal entity is not economically feasible, given the amount of insurance liability of the Deposit Insurance Agency for citizens' obligations. We hope that from the remaining 62.8 billion rubles of assets, during the liquidation procedures, funds will be generated sufficient for full payments to first priority creditors. Other creditors of the bank will receive the fair value of their claims, determined based on the results of liquidation procedures,” Mikhail Sukhov comments. According to him, it is obvious that “as information about operations that have signs of fictitiousness is documented, the relevant information will be sent to law enforcement agencies and the recovery of assets totaling about 60 billion rubles will be carried out by legal methods of criminal and civil law.”

Probusinessbank was founded in 1993. The holding structure of the group with the participation of regional banks began to form in 2003, later it was transformed into the financial group "Life" . According to the official website of the group, in addition to Probusinessbank, it included Express-Volga (Saratov), ​​VUZ-Bank (Yekaterinburg), National Savings Bank (Ivanovo), Gazenergobank (Kaluga), Let's Go!, Solidarity (Samara), factoring company "Life", "Probusiness Development", brand "Life Bank" in Ivanovo. In February 2014, the group received the Samara bank "Solidarity" for reorganization.

The main beneficiaries of Probusinessbank as of March 2015 were Sergei Leontiev (41.50%) and Alexander Zheleznyak (11.44%), who control the bank through the Cypriot Alivikt Holdings, (41.50%). Eduard Panteleev, through Rodina LLC, owns a 5.43% stake.

On April 23 this year, the board of directors of the credit institution terminated the powers of Alexander Zheleznyak, chairman of the board of the bank. Dmitry Dylnov, director of the department of franchising systems of the credit institution, was appointed to the position of head of the bank.

Serious difficulties in servicing the clients of the banks of the Life group began on August 7, after the introduction of temporary administration in Probusinessbank and its disconnection from BESP (Banking Electronic Urgent Payment System of the Central Bank. - Approx. Ed.). However, on August 10, the Central Bank connected Probusinessbank to BESP. There was information about the search for investors for the group. Among the sanators called the Moscow Credit Bank, Sovcombank, Binbank. However, Binbank denied its intention to participate in the competition for the selection of the sanatorium of Probusinessbank. On the eve of the revocation of the license, it became known that the banks of the group introduced a pre-registration mode for receiving deposits over 50 thousand rubles and set a limit of 15 thousand rubles per day for cash withdrawals through ATMs.

Meanwhile, the bank's difficulties did not appear now, experts say. The first problems with liquidity arose at the bank at the beginning of 2014, when the current liquidity indicator began to decline sharply, Vyacheslav Romashchenko, an analyst at the information and analytical service, notes.

He points out that the bank's assets as of July 1, 2015 amounted to 133.7 billion rubles, showing an increase of 30% since the beginning of July last year. In liabilities, there is a high dependence on borrowed funds - 33% of net liabilities. The credit institution attracted funds from the Deposit Insurance Agency, Unicredit Bank AG, Landesbank Berlin, VTB Bank (France) S.A., VTB Bank Germany, Bankgesellschaft Berlin AG. The indicator of attracted interbank loans since the beginning of July 2014 increased by 114%. The bank's capital as of July 1, 2015 amounted to 11.2 billion rubles, the capital adequacy ratio was 11.98% with a minimum of 10%.

“The formation of reserves on the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation affected the amount of capital, which this moment is at a critical level,” Romashchenko comments. He notes that if at the beginning of July 2014 the current liquidity ratio was 94.12%, then at the beginning of July 2015 it was 58.29% with a minimum value of 50%. The bank, according to the analyst, has seen a sharp decrease in the standard (by 35.83%), which indicates an insufficient supply of liquidity from the credit institution.

The expert points out that a high level of overdue debt can be noted in the organization's loan portfolio: more than 20% of the portfolio. This indicator for the period under review showed an increase of 31.4%.

As analysts emphasize, the Bank of Russia's main question for a credit institution was its securities portfolio, which amounted to 42.3 billion rubles as of July 1, 2015 and forms a significant share of assets. According to Romashchenko, about 20 billion securities are under an encumbrance, as a result of which reserves should be created for them. Most of the securities are held outside of Russia in two depositories located in Cyprus, which are subsidiaries of two private Russian brokers.

“Unlike most other banks, Probusinessbank practically did not pledge these securities under REPO transactions with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. According to the reporting data as of July 1, the bank pledged securities for only 3.6 billion rubles. The average maturity of securities in the portfolio is two to three years against the usual year and a half. The economic feasibility of keeping such a large portfolio of securities on the balance sheet is not obvious. In addition, as practice shows, many credit organizations use this tool to finance projects,” Vyacheslav Romashchenko comments. According to him, the bank's shareholders sent money to construction projects, but it was not possible to sell the objects immediately. And at the expense of the remaining funds from the pledged securities, the bank covered the losses.

“Honestly, we are shocked”

Although the problems in Probusinessbank have been known for a long time, the revocation of the license from a bank approaching the top 50, and even taking on the reorganization of another player (Solidarity. - Note ed.), came as a surprise to many. Recall that less than a month ago, on July 24, the Central Bank revoked the license from Rossiyskiy Kredit Bank, which occupied 45th place in the system in terms of assets.

“Honestly, we are shocked. Everyone was counting on reorganization, but here is such news, ”one of the Probusinessbank employees shared with the observer. “The Life Group is a living organism woven from our energy and love. The organism lives by the power of desire of those who love it. To say that it hurts is to say nothing,” another bank employee wrote on her Facebook page.

Clients of a credit institution in Ivanovo, according to Interfax, staged a spontaneous meeting on the afternoon of August 12 at the office of Life Bank (the bank operates under this brand in Ivanovo). They showed dissatisfaction with the fact that the bank's office was closed, and an announcement was posted on its door that the credit organization was not working "for technical reasons."

Competitors also immediately reacted to the withdrawal of such a major player from the market. So Alfa-Bank, Promsvyazbank, Raiffeisenbank, Absolut Bank, Intesa, Loco-Bank, Vladprombank and the Tochka service offered special support programs for entrepreneurs - clients of Probusinessbank.

Arguing why such a large financial institution was not sanitized, Alexei Ilyushchenko, director of strategic development at SMP Bank, suggests that the main players are already busy with sanitation. “In addition, it has repeatedly been found out that during the reorganization procedure, the size of the problems significantly exceeded the initial estimates. Accordingly, potential sanators have become more cautious in assessing the assets of banks in need of financial recovery, and it becomes more difficult to attract an investor to such a project,” Ilyushchenko comments.

The director of the analytical department of the rating agency RusRating, Elena Nikolaenko, sees from Probusinessbank's reports that the retail segment occupied 44%, or 76 billion rubles, in the structure of liabilities. “Apparently, it was not so much the portfolio of securities that caused the actions of the Bank of Russia, but the acceptable level of risks when placing retail deposits,” she said.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of MDM Bank Oleg Vyugin points out that the Central Bank, when revoking a license from Probusinessbank, is acting according to a new scheme, and this, according to him, is a positive moment in the current conditions. "In fact, we are talking about transferring the good assets of Probusinessbank to a bank that will win the competition, but in return provide uninterrupted service in the offices. This is a normal idea. Apparently, it is now difficult for the Central Bank to make a decision on reorganization, ”Vyugin suggests.

What will happen to the rest?

The main question that hung in the air: what will happen to the rest of the group's banks? The chairman of the board of Rossiyskiy Kapital, to which the "diseased" banks were transferred for rehabilitation, Mikhail Kuzovlev emphasized that the financial rehabilitation of problem banks is one of the main activities of the organization. He recalled that Russian Capital belongs to the DIA and "guarantees the protection of the interests of the clients of the banks being rehabilitated." “In the near future, in accordance with the approved plan, we will ensure the normalization of the work of banking institutions transferred to us for rehabilitation, the conduct of uninterrupted settlements and the fulfillment of all previously issued financial obligations to depositors and creditors. Regional banks are an important element in ensuring the stability of the Russian economy,” Kuzovlev said, emphasizing that the task of financial recovery and further development business of the banks of the Life group "is of a fundamental nature."

The Yekaterinburg VUZ-Bank reported that there were no queues and mass panic in the offices. “We are actively working with clients, explaining, advising,” a representative of the credit institution told She also noted that, as before, there is a limit on withdrawals by bank cards - 15 thousand rubles per day, and large amounts of deposits are issued on request. The bank added that the chairman of the board of the organization Andrey Zolotukhin is actively working with the team, interacting with the DIA.

The chairman of the board of another Yekaterinburg bank, Neiva, Pavel Efremov, believes that thanks to the Central Bank's prompt announcement of the reorganization of the members of the FG Life, it was possible to prevent panic in the regional market. “Thanks to the Central Bank for making all the decisions rather quickly and providing information about the rehabilitation of the group's banks after the decision to revoke the license rather quickly. If the uncertainty dragged on, then there would be a possibility of another customer panic,” says Efremov.

However, the approval of plans to prevent the bankruptcy of the banks of the Life group, as practice shows, does not yet mean automatic salvation, experts point out. The fact is that the banks of the Life group were financially closely connected with each other in their work.

According to the reporting data as of July 1, the volume of funds attracted by Probusinessbank from resident banks coincides with the data on the volume of funds issued by the regional banks of the group, Sabina Khasanova, head of the information and analytical service of, notes. “In general, the banks of the group have a similar business model, they specialize in retail lending. At the same time, the main source of funding for the banks of the group is the funds of the population,” Khasanova explains. According to analysts, following the results of six months of 2015, banks Express-Volga, Podem and VUZ-bank showed a loss, the delay in the total loan portfolio of these banks is at the level of 22%, 25% and 27% respectively. Only Gazenergobank made a profit, the overdue debt of which, by the way, is lower than that of other banks of the group - 14%. The standards of the group's banks are at a modest level. In addition, the attracted funds were directed by them to the parent Probusinessbank. “In this regard, it is highly likely that the DIA, upon closer examination, will identify problems that will raise the question of the feasibility of the planned rehabilitation,” the expert suggests.

“As for the other banks of the Life group, given that they kept significant balances on the accounts of Probusinessbank, they may also have serious liquidity problems,” said Artem Deev, head of the analytical department at Amarkets.

Experts expect further systemic "cleansing" of the banking market. “The Central Bank is taking these measures in order to strengthen the banking market and strengthen the participation of the state as an economic entity in the banking system,” says Nikita Isaev, director of the Institute of Actual Economics. In his opinion, the size of the bank's assets is not so significant, but the form of capital and the administrative resource of the shareholder are important. “Of course, the impact on small and medium-sized banks will be more significant due to the tightening of the Central Bank's requirements for the size of equity capital and the reporting system. But large banks from the top 50, as we see in the example of both the Life group and Rossiyskiy Kredit bank, have similar problems and are also at risk of license revocation,” Isaev assures.

According to Pavel Efremov from Neiva Bank, in such a situation, state-owned banks become the main "beneficiaries". “It seems to me that there is a consistent “corral” of enterprises for service in state-owned banks in order to control their financial activities and use their funds,” the banker argues.

Oleg Vyugin has a slightly different point of view: “As a result of the policy of the Central Bank, public confidence is concentrated either in fairly large banks or in banks with strong shareholders.”


Group Life

Financial Group Life (FGL) is a company that has united under its brand many different financial institutions throughout the territory Russian Federation. Its participants were companies and banks of both regional and federal, as well as international importance.

All members of the Life financial group adhere to the principles of client partnership developed and successfully implemented by the company, which made it possible to create a system of powerful innovative services in the field of finance in Russia.

General principles of the financial group

At a certain stage of its development, the Life financial group made a joint decision to abandon many of the established standards of classical business conduct regarding the policy of business relations with clients


The new logical model primarily assumes:

  1. Complete refusal to use credit committees in the work:
    Maximum implementation of the personalization strategy at all levels of business processes;
  2. Primary conditions for the maximum guarantee of professional investment management for both large companies and individuals - private investors;
  3. Focus on long-term client-partner relationships in all areas of the company's services;
  4. High degree of efficiency and quality of work of financial managers;
  5. Intensive implementation of modern innovative business methods and business models.


The principles laid down in the new model of financial activity of the Life group are reflected in its general logo. It was developed in the Moscow spacecraft "AiS" and is a multi-colored tracing paper of dividing cells.

The elements of the cells mean the multiplicity and development of the group, and the overall picture resembles a human fingerprint - speaking of the fundamental personalization of work with the company's clients. The entire picture at the macro level consists of a set of zeros, which hints at the progressive capitalization of the entire structure of the financial group.


All structural components of the Life group, companies, banks, firms and other institutions, operate on the basis of center-adjusted independence. Financial institutions conduct their work in accordance with the business conditions for their niche and their territory, but with an adjustment from management, through departmental groups that develop the main lines and strategies of financial policy for each unit in accordance with the information flowing to them.

FGL is structured into separate conditionally independent financial institutions with accountability to the main management office. At the head office of Life, special specialized subgroups are organized for each of the key business areas, each of which has its own representative of the top management in the company.

At the moment, Life Group has the following specialized business units - Departments:

  • Express lending;
  • Medium and small business;
  • Retail business;
  • corporate business;
  • Financial Markets.

Such a structure meets the most advanced business management schemes and brings tangible results in its practical application.


For each structural subdivision of the FGL, as well as for each individual employee, the company has developed value guidelines, which must be adhered to as a matter of priority.

Among other things, these guidelines include the following:

  • Effective teamwork with a priority of mutual assistance and mentoring;
  • Full responsibility and deep trust in relation to customers;
  • Client loyalty and business partnership, ensuring the long-term and binding nature of the joint business;
  • Openness, honesty and continuous improvement of professionalism give the Life group the highest level of command staff and an excellent business reputation.

Life financial group ratings

At present, a protracted recession continues in the world financial markets and the markets of Russia, often complicating many financial transactions and increasing risks of various levels. However, despite all this, the world's leading business rating agencies recognized Life Financial Group as a fully economically valid institution.

FLG is rated in general perspective as a quite reliable institution:

  • The quality of the group's assets is assessed as "good";
  • Liquidity level assessed as “sufficient”;
  • The level of debt overdue, assessed as "moderate".
  • High level of factoring portfolio diversification and its quality;
  • The established structure of work and the main lines of its development;
  • The overall profitability and positive balance of the company.

Of course, such success in unhealthy economic times, when many powerful companies are in serious trouble, could not have come from nowhere. In this regard, the FGL was favored by its polystructural structure and the quality of the financial institutions that make up the backbone, which make it possible to redistribute business loads within the entire system profitably and with minimal risks.

The business basis of Life is:

  1. JSCB Probusinessbank (parent company);
  2. JSC Gazenergobank;
  3. OJSC CB "Solidarity";
  4. CJSC JSCB "Express-Volga";
  5. Probusiness Development;
  6. Collection agency Life;
  7. JSCB "VUZ-bank";
  8. Factoring company Life;
  9. ZAO National Savings Bank;
  10. JSC KB "Let's go!".

A system of these and other financial institutions:

  • Covers about 70 regions;
  • It has almost a thousand branches;
  • It has about a quarter of a million client structure of legal entities;
  • Has over 4 million clientele individuals;
  • Has almost 20 thousand employees and maintenance personnel;
  • Included in the top 30 in terms of the number of ATM collateral;
  • Included in the top 10 banking groups;
  • Has been successfully present on the market for over 20 years.

FG Life has the following officially approved ratings:

  1. Top 50 from the Expert RA agency for loans and deposits of individuals of the parent company;
  2. Factoring credit rating from the agency "Rrusrating": "Stable (BBB)" - according to the national scale and "Stable (BB)" according to the international scale;
  3. Online banking rating from Markswebbrank&report agency – 8th place.

Terms of cooperation with Life

FG Life owns a full range of all major services and products in the field of finance and offers them on the most favorable terms in most of the territory of the Russian Federation.

Members of the Life Financial Group structure carry out the whole range of classical and innovative banking:

  • Investment services;
  • Money transfers;
  • Accept deposits of legal entities and individuals;
  • Factoring and leasing;
  • Carry out settlement and cash operations;
  • Provide remote banking;
  • Development services;
  • They lend to both large and medium and small enterprises and companies;
  • Issuing debit-credit cards and consumer loans;
  • Make loans to state employees;
  • Collection services.

The main distinguishing condition for cooperation with FGL is deep personalization in the “client-manager” scheme of work. Lending decisions are no longer made by slow-moving credit committees of a few dozen members. Instead, the client is provided with a personal highly professional manager, who himself determines the degree of credit trust of the client and bears full financial responsibility.

Such a scheme gives the best performance, has been widely tested in practice with the most positive results for both clients and FG Life.

Feedback on cooperation with the Life financial group

Employee reviews

Igor, employee of the company.

  • pros: the salary is completely official, paid according to the European system - once every two weeks. Everything is in full accordance with the contract. The workforce is very friendly and responsive.
  • Minuses: no quarterly bonuses and thirteenth salary. Sometimes the paid New Year's bonuses are distributed extremely biased.

Ekaterina, employee of the company.

  • pros: the authorities are not particularly strict and picky about minor violations of labor discipline (they won’t say a word for infrequent delays, as long as the work goes on). The company does not skimp on organizing corporate parties. Congratulations on birthdays. Labor Code is carried out in full: payments, vacations. There is real career growth.
  • Minuses: do not pay processing, the salary does not increase from the length of service. The authorities sometimes directly do not fulfill the given promises.

Dmitry, employee of the company.

  • Pros: do not clamp down on creativity - you can implement and try your own schemes for attracting customers. Luxurious high-rise office with stunning panoramic views through glass panels. Friendly and decent team. Pretty high level of professionalism.
  • Minuses: the client composition is mostly small because large clients all go through bank factoring. The management staff is very bloated, and there is an unhealthy turnover in the core staff.

Anna, employee of the company.

  • Pros: very friendly and young team. A high level of youth ambition. The company does not disdain recruiting inexperienced specialists or no experience at all. All payments are made on time and in full. Strong work discipline.
  • Minuses: some incomprehensibility of the system of workloads relative to salary: the workload is constantly increasing, but the salary is not. In general, it is better not to speak for an increase in salary without close and friendly relations with the authorities.

LIFE Financial Group is a large Russian banking holding founded over 10 years ago.

The parent organization of FG LIFE is JSCB Probusinessbank.

Life financial group unites JSCB Probusinessbank and its subsidiaries and companies: JSCB EXPRESS-VOLGA CJSC (Saratov), ​​VUZ-bank JSC (Yekaterinburg), National Savings Bank CJSC (Ivanovo), Gazenergobank JSC "(Kaluga), JSC KB "Let's go!" (Moscow), OJSC CB Solidarity (Samara), Factoring Company Life LLC (Moscow), Probusiness Development LLC (Moscow), as well as the Life Bank brand in Ivanovo.

The Group's banks serve more than 4 million retail clients and 200,000 corporate clients. The Group has the country's fourth largest physical presence network of more than 800 branches. Currently, the Group employs more than 17 thousand people.

LIFE Group members are guided by common values ​​and business standards, have a single treasury, IT platform, call center, as well as a single banking culture that provides each client with attention and exceptional service.


JSCB Probusinessbank is controlled by top managers of the bank: President and Chairman of the Board of Directors Sergey Leontiev (29.8%), First Vice President Eldar Bikmaev (11.72%), Chairman of the Board Alexander Zheleznyak (11.43%). Senior Vice President Eduard Panteleev owns 5.46% of the bank's shares. The remaining 41.59% of the bank's shares belong to portfolio investors (Swedish investment fund East Capital (19.93%), Blue Crest (7.94%), Rekha Holdings (6.5%), Burmash Holdings (7.22%).


Financial Group LIFE operates in all segments of the banking business. Probusinessbank, VUZ-bank, Express-Volga and Gazenergobank are universal banks and serve individuals, small and medium-sized companies and corporate clients. The rest of the banks are monoliners: Let's Go! offers financial solutions for individuals, the Ivanovo National Savings Bank serves public sector employees. Probusinessbank, through its investment division Life Capital, provides the Group's clients with access to financial markets.


Having become a part of the Group, Solidarity Bank plans to repeat the success of the Kaluga-based Gazenergobank, which, as a result of reorganization, became part of the LIFE Financial Group in 2008, reached the federal level in 5 years, and today is a stable and successful bank. Bank "Solidarity" has no less ambitious plans, and now one of the main tasks for it is to radically change the ideas of its customers about banking. After all, all banks of the LIFE Group are innovations, technologies, quick solutions and independent entrepreneurs focused on results.

More information about FG LIFE can be found on the official website of the group

The history of the holding began in 1993, when JSCB Probusinessbank was founded. At the initial stage, it was a completely ordinary credit organization created by two partners: Sergey Lentiev and Alexander Zheleznyak. In its creation, money was invested, earned in the traditional way for that time - on intermediary and consulting services.

According to the current chairman of the board of Probusinessbank, the first ten years

We did everything: surrogates, bills, offsets, earned on settlements in Indian rupees.

A kind of insight came to the leadership of the future group in 2003, when it was decided to buy several regional financial institutions. And the financial component of this process was provided by cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Interestingly, unlike other banks, the Life group initially chose to focus on the regions. As a result, today the size of its branch network is among the top five banks, more than 700 branches are present in almost every Russian city with a population of 50,000 or more.

When buying banks, the Life group did not just invest in them, but changed the structure of organizations. The staff changed almost completely, and new methods of work were proposed.

As a result, within the holding there is a certain specialization of financial institutions: Express-Volga is the leader in terms of deposits from the population, Let's Go! prefers to work with consumer loans, the National Savings Bank (NBS) lends to state employees. In fact, the heads of departments independently determine which products to give preference to, determine the tariff policy, and so on.

As a result of its innovative approach, the Life Group is considered one of the most profitable and fastest growing in the Russian financial sector. And in terms of total assets, it is already among the 30 largest banking institutions.

Problems of the financial group "Life"

Behind last years in the holding there were not only acquisitions, but also losses. Thus, Bank24, which specializes in servicing small and medium-sized enterprises, lost its banking license. Judging by the reviews, it was one of the most convenient for business.

However, unfortunately, the credit institution was unable to cope with one of the main problems of the Russian reality: to establish relations with the regulator. As a result, the Bank of Russia accused the credit institution of money laundering and revoked its license. At the same time, it is worth noting that Bank24 had enough money to fully pay off absolutely everyone who held accounts with him.

Investment block "Life"

On the stock market, the financial group Life is represented by LLC Life Broker. Its products are offered in all divisions of the holding, so the services are available not only for the capital, but also for the regions.

In addition to the traditional brokerage service for traders, as is always the case with Life, special financial products are also offered to clients. For example, the ability to accumulate money by buying and selling individual shares at quotes set by the company itself.

At the same time, it must be understood that when concluding transactions with the broker itself, the difference between the purchase and sale prices can be almost 5% instead of a tenth or even a hundredth of a percent, as with other exchange intermediaries.

The Life company is a fairly well-known organization that has become public property. Its participants are fairly large banks, such as Express-Volga, VUZ-bank, Ivanovo Regional Bank, and Gazenergobank.

Life financial group - our review

Life Group is the largest operator in the Forex market, which has gained fame and respect for its rapid expansion and ability to work. For all the years of its existence, Life began to represent the maximum favorable conditions trading in the Forex market. This leads not only to successful development, but also to the expansion of the scope of activities. Since 2004, all available banks of the Forex Life broker have become direct participants in the deposit insurance combination. This step made it possible to guarantee the safety of the available funds of the raiders. The procedure for depositing and withdrawing funds takes a minimum amount of time - about a few minutes. This is a great advantage that allows you to turn money transactions without problems and extra time, which was not available before. Life Financial Group is under the laws of the Russian Federation, which allows you to be calm under any circumstances.

Rating position of Life financial group

As for the ratings of this financial group, we can say that they are quite high, which makes it possible to verify the competence and qualifications of the presented group. Life ranks second in terms of the number of its own ATMs in Russia. Also, the Life financial group was included in the rating "500 largest companies Russia", which is held every year. Summing up the results for 2009, we can conclude that the company is rapidly moving forward, improving its position. Already in 2009, the financial group took 206th place in the fundamental rating and thus entered the top five companies that showed the most effective improvement results for the current year.Compared to 2008, the company climbed 201 steps up - this is a stunning result that few achieve, but only the best.There are seven influential commercial banks in the area of ​​the company's merger.Here also includes many specialized subsidiaries.
In terms of the amount of assets available in the financial group, the company is in the TOP-30 of Russian banking associations, and is also in the TOP-5 - as the largest creditor in the small business sector.

Every second Russian knows from his own experience what the use of credit means.

Loans are used to pay off debts, as funds to buy cars and housing, to pay for education, recreation or medical treatment.

in Russian financial market There are many credit organizations that offer citizens to apply for a loan on interesting and favorable conditions for them.

Credit programs of a financial institution:

"Financial Group Life" is a whole holding of regional banking institutions that have been successfully operating in the financial market of the Russian Federation since 1993.

Branches of banks included in this financial group are located in 200 cities and 48 regions of the country. The Life Group includes the following banks:

Bank Express Volga;
VUZ Bank.

The total number of branches of the above banking institutions throughout the country has more than 400 offices. According to the RBC rating, the Life group took 14th place in terms of the number of issued unsecured loans in 2011.

It should be noted that in addition to conventional credit programs, the financial group is actively engaged in issuing microloans.

Loan programs of the Life group:

The financial group "Life" offers citizens to apply for loans without a guarantee and collateral for several programs:

Money Express. Under the terms of this program, the borrower can receive credit funds in the amount of up to 200,000 rubles within 2 hours;

"Personal Credit". The amount is issued in the amount of 5,000 to 1,000,000 rubles within one day;

"Trust Loan". Regular customers of the Life Group of Companies for this product can receive a loan on preferential terms;

"Pension Credit" The program involves the issuance of credit funds to pensioners and the military.

For all products of the group, loans are issued for up to 10 years with a grace period of 55 days at a rate of 40%. The debt is repaid in equal installments.

You can apply for a loan on the website of the Life group online. The application will be reviewed within 15 minutes.

Electronic bank from the Life group:

Becoming a client of the Life group, you get the opportunity to use an electronic bank, which makes it possible, without leaving your home:

Open deposits;
Control all transactions on the account;
Receive account statements;
Pay for purchased services, goods;
Pay for the Internet, utilities and communication services;
Make money transfers;
Arrange insurance;
Apply for loans;
make out virtual cards;
issue credit cards;
Analyze your expenses using the "Card Usage Chart";
Open GIS accounts;
Work on Forex;
Buy, sell securities;
pay off debt;
Pay commissions and fines;
Receive reminders of upcoming mandatory payments;
Receive professional support around the clock online, via Skype and by phone;
Keep abreast of all the new products of the Life group;
Use mobile banks: "SMS-bank", "Life-banking for Android" and "Life-banking for iPhone".

Cash loans from Life Group:

When applying for a loan, each client of the group can receive cash loans under the following programs:

"People's credit without guarantors and certificates." Funds are issued in amounts up to 200,000 rubles. Help 2-NDFL is not required. Money can be received within 2 hours;

People's Cash Loan. The loan amount is from 5,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. Loan term - 5 years. Guarantee and security is not required;

"Social Credit". Under the terms of this program, cash can be received by citizens working in educational and medical institutions at a low rate.

Citizens from 23 to 80 years old who are citizens of the Russian Federation can become a borrower. When obtaining a loan, the group takes into account the income of the borrower's family, which allows you to receive funds in a larger amount. To cooperate with the bank, you must provide a passport, TIN, driver's or pension certificate, for men under 27 years old - a military ID or a certificate confirming the postponement of military service.

Based on the above material, we can conclude that the Life group offers its potential customers profitable and interesting loan products.

Having received a credit card of this group, the client automatically becomes a member of various programs and has the opportunity to receive bonuses and significant discounts when paying with a card for purchased goods and services.

Also, the Life group appreciates its regular customers, offering them better loan offers than new customers.

What failed the oldest banking structure in Russia

Another bank collapsed on the Russian banking market, and not one, but an entire banking group of seven credit institutions - the Life group. The group is old, existing on the market for more than 20 years - its parent structure, Probusinessbank, was founded in 1993, and since then the bank's owners have not changed. Perhaps this was precisely the risk factor - on modern market there are fewer and fewer banks that are not part of large business alliances and do not have external sources of financing in crisis situations.

Probusinessbank today is a rather rare example of a business created by a little-known entrepreneur back in the early 90s and since then has been linearly developing, with almost no expansion into other industries. The founders of the bank are two school friends Sergey Leontiev and Alexander Zheleznyak. The current president of Probusinessbank, Sergei Leontiev, graduated from the Faculty of Economics at MGIMO in the 80s, then for 5 years he headed the foreign economic center Probusiness, which was engaged in intermediary services and consulting. 10 years after the founding of Probusinessbank, in 2003, the Life group was created on its basis, and the purchase of other banks began - Express-Volga, VUZ-bank, Let's Go!, Gazenergobank and Solidarity. Probusinessbank with assets of more than 130 billion rubles. was in the ranking of the largest banks in the sixth ten, but if all Life banks joined it, it would rise by two dozen positions and stand next to such leading credit organizations as Vozrozhdeniye and Absolut Bank. In the rating of the largest banking groups in Russia at the beginning of 2015, the Life group took 15th place. The group covered almost all regions. At the same time, Sergei Leontiev financed growth in approximately the same way as Oleg Tinkov: while maintaining control over the bank, he gradually let in more and more new portfolio investors into its capital - such as the Swedish fund East Capital, CJSC ING Bank (Eurasia) and BlueCrest Strategic Limited fund. There has never been particularly negative news about the Life group, the 2009 crisis was relatively successful and even undertook to sanitize the Samara bank Solidarity in 2014, having received a loan from the state in the amount of 6 billion rubles for this. Sergei Leontiev had only one oddity - he considered scoring to be unscientific and believed that only a loan officer could issue a decision on issuing a loan based on intuitive impressions from the borrower. In the Novosibirsk Investment City Bank (IGB), the management of Life, having fired all employees, recruited female consultants with no experience in the financial sector - psychologists, sociologists, teachers - because a woman knows better than scoring who to give money to.

Now, however, it turns out that the credit policy was not correct enough - the Central Bank revokes the license from the parent Probusinessbank, guided by the fact that Probusinessbank "pursued a high-risk policy associated with the placement of funds in low-quality assets", as a result of which the credit institution completely lost its own funds. At the same time, as Sabina Khasanova, head of the information and analytical service of the portal, clarified for Ko, the main problem of Probusinessbank was the presence of a number of various fictitious financial assets, including a portfolio of securities placed in a Cypriot depository, unsecured letters of credit, supposedly fictitious futures transactions, arrears, and insufficient provisioning. In the case of other banks of the group, an important role was played by the fact that the funds of individuals attracted by them, which are the main source of funding, were directed to the parent Probusinessbank. Almost a third of Probusinessbank's assets are investments in securities (46.2 billion rubles). According to Moody's, 28% of corporate and 20% of consumer loans of the bank were problematic. That is why, at the end of 2014, the bank recorded a loss of 3.2 billion rubles according to IFRS against a profit of 2.4 billion rubles a year earlier - the reason loss was the impairment of the loan portfolio, as well as financial guarantees and development projects.

What does such a strange credit policy mean? The deputy chairman of the Central Bank, Mikhail Sukhov, said that we have either a withdrawal of money from the bank, or camouflage of missing assets. “Investing in such assets may indicate either the incompetence of the personnel who made the decisions, or the deliberate withdrawal of funds,” Sabina Khasanova agrees. “I believe that so far we are talking about these abuses, namely: the creation of “fake” assets in the bank, which would formally be the basis for assuming additional obligations,” suggests Alexander Bolomatov, partner at the law firm YUST.

Sergey Leontiev himself categorically denies this, he offendedly stated that Russia has not yet “grown up” to the point that such a financial group as Life could work normally in it: “Apparently, the time for Life in this country has not yet come . Therefore, in the next 50 years, I will be doing Life in other parts of the globe.

Interestingly, it is on Life that the Central Bank will test two new algorithms for working with problem banks. First, a "megasanator" will be put into operation, the DIA-owned bank Rossiyskiy Kapital, which, according to reports, will undertake to sanitize the group's secondary banks. Secondly, for the first time in recent years a new algorithm will be tried - the transfer of part of the clientele of the problem bank to another bank. The latter decision is designed to save DIA funds, the realization of the bank's obligations on deposits of individuals will be sold to another bank, which will assume all obligations to depositors, and DIA, in return for reimbursement of funds to consumers, will provide certain financial assistance to a credit institution that buys these assets. As Nikita Kulikov (Heads consulting group), the former team of Bank24.Ru, which was part of the Life financial group before the license was revoked, told Ko, now it works under the brand of the Tochka online bank, which is part of the Otkritie ", already offers everyone who wants to leave Probusinessbank to open current accounts on preferential terms. Thus, the Otkritie group will expand its client base, and former clients of the Life financial group will have the opportunity to painlessly change a bank with a similar service and range of services. The BIN group and Sovcombank were also invited to participate in the rehabilitation of Life. If the entire Life group went bankrupt, this would devastate the DIA fund, demanding about 100 billion rubles. expenses.

As for the reorganization of the secondary banks of the group, they themselves had no problems: as Anton Soroko, an analyst at Finam, clarified, the problems of the banks included in the Life group stem from the fact that they all used the head bank as a settlement center and, consequently, kept their correspondent accounts in it. After the license was revoked, access to them was blocked, and the banks of the Life group faced a lack of instant liquidity for operating activities and an influx of depositors.

According to Sabina Khasanova, revocation of Probusinessbank's license will not have any impact on the banking market. The policy pursued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in order to strengthen the banking market will continue. Market participants understand this, as they understand that there are no inviolable. As far as customers are concerned, little will likely change here either: those who are determined to make a profit will continue to place funds in banks offering higher interest rates, hoping for the DIA. Those who want peace of mind will go to the big banks.

The Life company is a fairly well-known organization that has become public property. Its participants are fairly large banks, such as Express-Volga, VUZ-bank, Ivanovo Regional Bank, and Gazenergobank.

Life Group is the largest operator in the Forex market, which has gained fame and respect for its rapid expansion and ability to work. For all the years of its existence, Life began to provide the most favorable trading conditions on the Forex market. This leads not only to successful development, but also to the expansion of the scope of activities. Since 2004, all available banks of the Forex Life broker have become direct participants in the deposit insurance combination. This step made it possible to guarantee the safety of the available funds of the raiders. The procedure for depositing and withdrawing funds takes a minimum amount of time - about a few minutes. This is a great advantage that allows you to turn money transactions without problems and extra time, which was not available before. Life Financial Group is under the laws of the Russian Federation, which allows you to be calm under any circumstances.

Rating position of Life financial group

As for the ratings of this financial group, we can say that they are quite high, which makes it possible to verify the competence and qualifications of the presented group. Life ranks second in terms of the number of its own ATMs in Russia. Also, the Life financial group was included in the rating of "500 largest companies in Russia", which is held every year. Summing up the results for 2009, we can conclude that the company is rapidly moving forward, improving its position. Already in 2009, the financial group took 206th place in the fundamental rating and thus entered the top five companies that showed the most effective improvement results for the current year. If we compare with 2008, the company has climbed 201 steps up - these are stunning results that few achieve, but only the best. There are seven influential commercial banks in the area of ​​the company's merger. This also includes many specialized subsidiaries.
In terms of the amount of assets available in the financial group, the company is in the TOP-30 of Russian banking associations, and is also in the TOP-5 - as the largest creditor in the small business sector.