Wheel of Fortune 3 of Wands. Three of staves (3 staves) - the minor lasso of tarot cards. Value in layouts

To understand the ancient magic of the tarot, it is not enough to know the interpretation of all the cards in the deck. To penetrate the veil of secrecy, powerful intuition is also needed. It is especially useful when interpreting the minor arcana, which carry several meanings at once. For example, a card of 3 wands, the prediction of which is favorable, but multifaceted.

Description of the suit of wands

The whole deck of tarot cards is divided into two groups. One includes the major arcana, and the second consists of the minor ones. They are divided into four suits, like a playing deck. Each of the suits belongs to a certain area. Any of them is matched with the corresponding suit in playing cards. The element in the horoscope is also assigned to her.

The suit of wands represents human achievement.. This is the hidden potential and the victories associated with it. Wands also symbolize luck, which is often called fateful. On the way to the conceived, a person always overcomes obstacles. The ability to cope with obstacles and describes this suit.

Wands are often treated as professional cards. These are achievements in career and personal development. However, a person's goals are not always related to work. Wands can also show accomplishments in personal relationships or in overcoming an affliction.

Often the suit is called staves and scepters. In the zodiac series, they correspond to the elements of Fire. Court cards often indicate a person born under the symbols of Fire. They are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Since this element is active and active, the wands also carry the personification of internal energy, already embodied in deeds or just preparing to materialize.

The Fire Triad is also known for its leadership qualities. Wands are also credited with the ability to defend one's point of view and achieve authority.

In any suit, there are cards with a neutral, negative and positive value. But most of them have two different interpretations, they depend on the position in which the lasso was received. One of these symbols is the Three of Wands tarot card, the meaning of which should be read by its orientation and neighboring arcana.

The meaning of the card in the layout

The map depicts a traveler standing over a cliff looking out to sea. He has a staff in his hand. Behind the back are two more sceptres. The character's gaze is directed to the horizon. Ships are sailing on the sea. The person is thoughtful and calm.

The scepters in the figure are shown specifically. They have grown into the ground and have already given rise. With the help of these wands, the most powerful potential that a person possesses is depicted.

The sea in the distance - new horizons. The traveler decided to take a bold step. He abandoned his previous ideas about life and set off on a journey. On the road, obstacles will await him, but this does not frighten a person. The shoots on his staves testify to the great power hidden in this person.

You can set off on a journey only when all doubts and fears of the past are released. The traveler on the map succeeded. The past no longer bothers him.

Looking at the ships, he had already made his choice. The card does not represent doubt, but already decision. It remains only to bring it to life.

Direct interpretation

In the correct orientation, the card symbolizes the internal energy of a person. These are his desires, aspirations and activity. The symbol displays self-confidence, initiative and success in undertakings.

The previous lasso, the Two of Staves, has a similar interpretation, but it demonstrates confusion in desires and a chaotic distribution of forces. In Troika, energy has acquired a clear vector and is directed towards achieving the desired.

Brief description of the map:

  • Foundation for future achievements;
  • Useful help from outside;
  • Self-confidence;
  • Bright prospects for the future;
  • Positive dynamics in relationships;
  • Liberation from the past;
  • Hard work on material wealth;
  • Kindred souls in the professional field;
  • Family values ​​and support of loved ones;
  • Time to realize your talents and abilities.

The card represents a harmonious movement forward when plans coincide with opportunities. The Troika received in the scenario says that everything is going according to plan. Not only according to the plan of the querent, but also in accordance with fate. However, the expected accomplishments will not be easy. You have to work hard for success. Fortunately, the questioner is full of energy and such work will be his pleasure.

Neighboring cards will tell you the vector along which you have to move. The emperor in the layout indicates the receipt of some valuable information.

The Wheel of Fortune speaks of moving forward, which is still invisible. The man has already moved off the dead center, even if the changes are still imperceptible.

Interpretation of an inverted card

In the wrong orientation, the Three of Staves card has a slightly different interpretation. The energy of the questioner is still strong, but it is directed in a destructive direction.

A brief description of the inverted lasso:

  • excessive pride;
  • Tendency to trust unreliable people;
  • Inability to accumulate energy;
  • haughty behavior;
  • The need to postpone plans until better times;
  • Inability to achieve the desired;
  • Loneliness in activities, lack of an assistant;
  • Pause in creative affairs;
  • There are not enough forces or means to start a business.

An inverted card represents the strongest energy that is wasted. If the question concerns the case, then the querent is in an excessive hurry, not having time to pay enough attention to the nuances.

The symbol also indicates missed opportunities that simply went unnoticed. This is groundless self-confidence and unwillingness to accept help. Or it is provided by a person even more inexperienced, but the questioner is inclined to believe him.

In simple words, the inverted Three demonstrates the inconsistency of desires and actions, as well as the inconsistency of goals with possibilities.

In combination with some arcana, the alignment takes on an interesting turn. For example, the Hermit speaks of arrogance and a bad temper, because of which a person was left alone. The tower portends failures, the fault of which will be the stubbornness of the questioner.

Career and Finance

In divination for professional activity, the Three of Staves card has two various interpretations. They differ in the position of the lasso in the layout. The map should be interpreted together with neighboring maps.

In the correct position, the symbol indicates useful cooperation in financial matters. These are favorable deals, the ability to find like-minded people, the support of more experienced partners. The card also describes progress in business when everything goes according to plan.

Support from the side is eloquently confirmed by neighboring cards. The Arcane Priestess speaks of an acquaintance that will help the development of the business. The World map demonstrates the magnificent results of the planned undertaking. The Hierophant suggests that the activity is in accordance with the law.

In the wrong position, the lasso has slightly different interpretations.. The card describes the self-confident behavior of a person, which is not supported by his forces. Querent is confident in the success of his plan, but the desired is unlikely to come true. The symbol speaks of an incorrect distribution of forces and means. The bet is placed on the wrong area. It is worth stopping and considering the situation, as the character on the map peers into the sea.

The reversed Three often demonstrates the difficulties that will follow the first success in business. The questioner may not be ready for such obstacles, so he is advised to weigh all the risks.

In combination with the Jester, the balance is intensified, since such a combination speaks of carelessness in business. Arcana Devil predicts a false path. A person has chosen the wrong area or ways to achieve goals.

An amazing and favorable interpretation in the layout for love has 3 tarot wands. The value in the relationship is positive as the card indicates the clarity of the situation. Both partners are confident in their intentions and plans. The couple stands on a solid foundation. It remains only to start construction.

At the situational level, the lasso speaks of a change that will benefit the union. This may be a move, a change of residence or new living conditions.

In combination with the Beloved, the card predicts a marriage proposal. If the Three fell next to Strength, then the combination speaks of the ability to adapt to new circumstances.

In an inverted position, the lasso of 3 wands in a relationship speaks of a not so rosy prospect. The card describes the unwillingness to follow reasonable arguments and stubbornness. The person behaves like a small child, capricious and self-centered. Before problems, such a character instantly gives in, because he simply does not know how to cope with difficulties.

The interpretation is enhanced by the Five of Cups in the layout. The combination with the Moon lasso is curious, which indicates the fear of change and the desire to leave everything as it is, just not to get used to new circumstances.

Physical health analysis

In matters of health, the Three of Staves card gives a successful prediction. This is especially true for severe, sometimes chronic diseases. But before the disease recedes, complex treatment and the advice of an experienced specialist will be needed.

In an inverted position, the card indicates a slow deterioration in the situation. A certain disease gradually becomes chronic.

The combination of the Three with the Major Arcana

The major arcana, standing next to the Three Staffs, can help in interpreting the alignment. In any divination, symbols should be read together with neighboring ones, since they are always interconnected.

Meaning of the Three of Wands with other cards:

Tarot cards are magic, which intuition will help to understand. Don't take the deck's answer literally. Symbols often give a confusing answer, which can only be understood after some time.

At first glance, the Three of Wands is similar to the previous card, the Two. Even the pictures are a bit similar, in the meaning there is also a direct reference to the minor lasso.

In this article

The meaning of the card in a broad sense

We analyze the meaning of the card traditionally from the figure depicted on it. Let's take the classic Waite deck, because it is with it that beginner tarologists most often work.

We see a man in the rich clothes of a traveler, standing on the seashore. He looks into the distance, leaning on staffs. Please note that the rods he is holding on to have long since grown into the ground and are covered with leaves.

Three of Wands from Waite's deck

We assume that before us is a wanderer who traveled for a long time and finally reached the desired goal.

The sea is traditionally associated with dreams, romance, desires. The man from the Waite Tarot picture achieved what he wanted. He is resting after a long journey alone. The flowering wand symbolizes support and support. This person is not alone, he has someone to rely on. In a broad sense, it can be a friend, colleague, partner. The one who lends a shoulder in a difficult moment of life.
The ships that we see in the distance in the picture symbolize hope.

The key semantic concepts of the map are:

  • moral and material assistance;
  • friendship and partnership;
  • trusting relationship;
  • liberation from problems and shackles in a broad sense;
  • subdued peaks and achievement of the goal;
  • an alliance beneficial to both parties;
  • concentration, the ability to bring the matter to the end;
  • responsibility;
  • strict adherence to plans.

Before proceeding with the interpretation of the card, carefully look at the image. Listen to your inner feelings. Close your eyes and let your inner vision draw associative pictures. So you will penetrate deeper into the symbolism of the Arcana, you will find your own images and interpretations.


In a straight position, the value of the card is positive. The Three of Staves indicates a person who is confident in his own abilities. He can handle any business and undertaking. Before us is one who boldly takes up work, doubles his energy when faced with difficulties, is devoted to a dream and is ready to follow it to the ends of the world.

The appearance of the card indicates that a period of favorable changes is beginning in life: you will have new loyal friends, strength to implement projects, and powerful outside support.

Upside down

In the reverse position, Arkan loses its positive qualities. Staves sprouted into the ground symbolize routine and stagnation. You are shackled hand and foot, unable to move. Indecisiveness, timidity, lack of initiative - that's keywords cards in reverse position.

Three of Wands from the Tarot deck-93

The inverted three of Scepters is a breakdown, lack of support from friends and close relatives, disbelief in one's own strength, unwillingness to move forward. There are other negative aspects as well:

  • unwillingness to listen to good advice, arrogance, leading to collapse;
  • negative energy of loneliness, melancholy;
  • inaccuracy and negligence in business;
  • inability to focus on one thing - a person is “dispersed” into many things at the same time so that in the end nothing happens;
  • bad friends who don't care what happens to you;
  • lack of support and attention.

If the neighboring Arcana fall out positive, then they will soften the tense aspect of the reverse three.

The video is dedicated to the direct and inverted meaning of the Three of Wands card. It will be interesting for beginners to watch:

The meaning of the card when divining for business and work

When the card falls out in the layouts for finance and work, it says that we have a person who is well versed in his business. He easily finds mutual language with colleagues and management, quickly settles in a new place, makes useful contacts and contacts.

In the presence of positive neighboring cards, the three of Wands says that the plan will be easily realized, there will be no obstacles, and the financial reward will not disappoint the questioner.

In the reverse position, the card recommends the fortuneteller to reconsider plans for life. Probably, somewhere he turned off the intended path and things did not go as expected. Landmarks are lost, there is no interest in work. In monetary terms, the prospects are unfavorable.

The inverted Three of Wands indicates the presence of people and circumstances that prevent you from moving forward. Take a look at your surroundings, there will surely be people who do not want to keep up with the times. Get rid of this ballast, look for partners who can help, support in difficult times, refuse dubious offers and deals. Otherwise, waste money, effort, knowledge. The result will be null.

Meaning in relationships

Questions relating to personal life excite people in the same way as working moments. How to understand what the appearance of a triple of Staves in the layout means? Does it promise a strong marriage and a reliable partnership? Upright - yes. You are on the right track, next to someone you can rely on. The card says that feelings are based on mutual trust, respect, understanding.

In the future, the three portends a long and happy union, a proposal for marriage, joint housekeeping. Flowering staves symbolize stability and prosperity.

Three of Wands from the 78 Doors deck

In reverse position, the card loses a row positive values. The questioner or his lover doubt the choice, do not dare to take a responsible step towards rapprochement, do not know how to find a compromise and understand the partner perfectly.

The card indicates the difficulties that await the couple, but it is impossible to overcome them due to disagreements, infantilism and immaturity of one of the lovers.

To voice the result of fortune-telling to the client does not mean signing the verdict. We are free to do as we see fit. The cards only advise, suggest a favorable course of action, but do not insist on a specific decision. Don't impose on a person own experience and vision, tell me, make it clear that he will have to make a choice on his own.

People and places

As a significator, the card indicates a decisive, strong-willed, purposeful person. Before us is an accomplished, holistic nature, which is difficult to lead astray from the true path. This is an open and positive person who knows what he wants from life. He likes to travel, reads a lot, broadens his horizons, purposefully engages in self-education.

In the reverse position, the card is also negative. Here are her main qualities in this position:

  • lack of will;
  • infantilism;
  • avoidance of responsibility.

The places designated by the three of Wands are associated with vigorous activity and large crowds of people. It can be airports, train stations - from here we go on trips. Large stores, large companies, holdings that promote innovative technologies.

Psychological condition

Let's look at the meaning of the card from the point of view of psychology and the internal state of the questioner. If the triple of Staves falls in a straight position, we can say with confidence that a person has a stable psyche. He is drawn to knowledge, open to everything new, rarely indulges in despondency, and with dignity gets out of difficult situations. Such natures are rarely characterized by bouts of blues, they do not fall into a depressive state.

But there are also disadvantages - often people with a triple of Scepters in character are sharp and uncompromising. They rarely show pity for others, but even less like to be sympathized with them. Well, they are great partners and true friends. Such comrades will not cry with you, but will resolutely get down to business in order to rectify the situation.

Three of Wands from the PsychoTarot deck

Shyness and indecision are the lot of those who have an inverted card. These people do not want to change anything in life, they quickly become overgrown with problems, always doubt, do not know what to do. They do not know how to act decisively, until the last they bear the burden of past grievances and disappointments, until they fall down from depression and do not have to seek help from a doctor.

I would add one more touch to this characteristic: the inverted three of Wands is an attempt to escape from reality. A person believes that the world is cruel and unfair, therefore, does not want to have anything to do with it. The position has the right to exist, but until it begins to affect socialization and relationships with friends and family members.

Classic combination with Major Arcana

With Major Arcana

Consider how the three of Wands interacts with the Major Arcana.

  • The jester symbolizes actions, the result of which is unpredictable. The questioner treats the matter easily, carelessly, hence the consequences.
  • The magician recommends acting deliberately, advises seeking help from a knowledgeable person. Option - rigged results, wrong answer, false.
  • The High Priestess speaks of great experience and deep knowledge.
  • The Empress speaks of a good result.
  • The emperor promises that efforts will be rewarded.
  • The hierophant indicates that the situation is given to a person for a reason. This is a kind of strength test.
  • Lovers offer to make a choice, guided by knowledge and intuition. Everything is in your hands, says this combination.
  • The chariot is an unforeseen situation that can get out of control. Option - learning new knowledge that will be useful in life.
  • Strength recommends lowering the level of claims, you want too much from people and circumstances.
  • The hermit says that the result will have to wait a long time.
  • Wheel of Fortune - the process is started, it remains only to hope that luck will be on the side of the fortuneteller.
  • Justice promises to resolve issues in favor of the questioner.
  • Hanged Man - instability, failure, collapse of hopes, vain illusions. Option - do not sacrifice your aspirations and dreams for the sake of other people, they will not appreciate it.
  • Death - you cannot prevent certain events. Just be patient and watch.
  • Moderation recommends thinking about a compromise solution that will suit both parties. You should not be concerned solely with your own benefit and well-being.
  • The devil warns of the intrigues of enemies. Option - your plans are too selfish.
  • Tower - reality collapsed and buried the questioner under the rubble. We'll have to rebuild our lives.
  • Star - follow your dream, do not quit what you have started.
  • The moon is all fragile, unsteady, incomprehensible and ghostly. Option - the dark side of the night star keeps many secrets. Whether the questioner has them will tell other Arcana.
  • The sun symbolizes the light of reason, achievement, victory.
  • Court - important changes in life are coming, you will have to make responsible decisions on your own.
  • The world is luck, success, ambitious plans that will come true in the shortest possible time.

All combinations are given for the direct positions of the cards. If they fall out in the opposite position, the interpretation is already different.

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

With cups

Cups and the Three of Wands - what does this combination promise when it falls out in a layout?

  • The Ace of Cups paired with the Three of Wands symbolize the perfect partnership in love. You are understood perfectly, do not lose such a friend and lover.
  • The deuce speaks of an imminent wedding, engagement, declaration of love. In work matters - promotion, good reviews.
  • Troika - a sweet family celebration, a meeting with friends, the successful completion of a business that needs to be celebrated.
  • Four advises to look at life in a new way.
  • Five predicts losses from the project, even if at first glance it is profitable. Do not get involved in a business, it will not bring good luck, success, recognition.
  • The six symbolizes hope, the desire for a dream. You will wake up, there will be a desire to create and win.
  • The seven says that you are following the wrong path.
  • Eight - efforts are futile, there will be no reward.
  • Nine - what you have planned will come true, the main thing is to believe.
  • Ten - relationships that will be formalized.
  • The Page of Cups hints at romantic relationships, flirting, pleasant meetings.
  • The knight says that the sympathy is mutual.
  • Queen - a strong relationship.
  • The king is stability.

Classic combination with the suit of Pentacles

With Pentacles

The money suit of Pentacles and the three of Wands - can these combinations be called successful?

  • Ace promises financial stability, fortune is on the side of the questioner.
  • Two does not recommend rushing from one extreme to another.
  • The three symbolizes the correct approach to the work begun. You are a professional and people appreciate it.
  • Four advises to proceed with caution.
  • Five speaks of big expenses that will not pay off.
  • Six recommends asking friends and family for help. Option - debts, loans.
  • Seven advises making long-term investments.
  • Eight says that fertile times are coming.
  • Nine - you will reach the goal.
  • Ten - prosperity and well-being in the family. Good prospects for business and long-term cooperation.
  • The page advises to be a practical and diligent host. Don't throw money away.
  • The knight recommends showing pressure, putting pressure on partners or leadership.
  • The queen symbolizes a reliable friend and ally.
  • The king recommends building up a financial safety cushion.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Let's see what combinations are most often found in layouts, and how Swords affect the value of the three of Wands.

  • Ace of Swords - authority, strengthening positions.
  • Two - contradictions, ambiguities, vague prospects. Option is a difficult choice on which the future depends.
  • Three - disappointment, problems, painful situation.
  • The Four advises to wait with the implementation of plans.
  • Five - serious problems, defeat, collapse.
  • Six advises to implement new ideas and projects. Take on all the opportunities that fate offers.
  • Seven recommends being cunning.
  • Eight - delay, litigation.
  • Nine - problems, failures.
  • Ten - accept failure.
  • The Page of Swords warns of the presence of envious people and ill-wishers.
  • The knight announces the failure of plans.
  • Queen - a negative result, take the fact for granted.
  • King - be careful, there may be problems with the law.

Classic combination with the suit of Wands

With Wands

How are cards of the same suit combined in traditional layouts? Where is the influence positive and where is it negative?

  • The Ace of Wands and the three of a similar suit speak of a result that will inspire further exploits.
  • Two advises to take time to think. Deal with current affairs, do not take on new projects.
  • The four say it's time to celebrate the victory.
  • Five indicates chaotic, uncoordinated actions leading to failure.
  • Six predicts an excellent result.
  • Seven next to the three Staves - resistance, unwillingness to work in a team.
  • Eight advises to act decisively, make a plan and not be distracted by trifles.
  • Nine - the resistance of those who do not like your methods.
  • Ten advises to moderate the ardor, otherwise there will be problems.
  • Page of Staves - the result will please the questioner.
  • Knight - short-lived success.
  • The Queen of Scepters indicates growing professionalism, continue self-education, improve your skills.
  • The King of Wands promises to climb the career ladder.

It is difficult for a novice soothsayer to immediately capture the entire alignment with his mind's eye. Get a special notebook in which you enter the result. Write down the thoughts that come in the process of divination. This makes it easier to remember the combinations and make a complete picture.

The video is dedicated to the symbolism of the Three of Wands from the Wild Unknown Tarot deck:

Significance in matters of health

Tarologists believe that if the card fell out in a straight position, then the questioner has no health problems. Of course, in matters of health, one cannot completely rely on maps, but the overall picture is realistic.

In the reverse position, the Three of Wands indicates mild ailments that should be identified in time so that they do not become chronic.

I think this card is positive. The appearance of the troika of Scepters tells a person that one should not give up on a dream, no matter how unrealizable it may seem at first glance. Remember - everything depends on us. When a person gives up, the Universe takes it as a signal and stops helping. Those who set goals and boldly achieve their realization, Higher power trying to help.

Good luck loves those who do not succumb to difficulties, says the Arkan three of Wands.

A little about the author:

Esoteric tarot reader for me is universal key, which opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden.

More than 20 years ago, I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then, I have been using them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersed in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.


Mercury in Leo as confidence in the future and breadth of outlook and a harmonious aspect with Saturn as a reliable basis.

Direct position:

Three of Wands: the idea takes shape, the idea takes shape. The Three of Staves symbolizes understanding, awareness. This is practical knowledge, success, audacity.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: dependence in business, betrayal, incorrect attitude towards the offered assistance, reinsurance; end of a streak of difficulties, respite, uncertain social status.

Three of Wands

Card name: Lord of the Affirmed Force (Established (sent down) power)

Correspondences - air of fire; letter Wow; Sephira - Mind

Explanation (general meaning): rapid growth, successful development of the plan. The idea receives a direction in which it will develop (the idea receives a specific outline) (settlement in new territories, realization of a dream)

Event: trip, communication with foreigners. (new discoveries, new acquaintances; practical use their resources)

1. Development, the conquest of new spaces. Mutually beneficial partnership that promotes mutual development. The beginning of profitable long-term projects (reserve for the future). (business trips, trade, including shuttle trade. Rapid construction of cheap but not very good housing (khrushchevkas, makeshift houses). Bringing knowledge and documents into the system, applying knowledge in practice)

2. In general - favorable. But if there is a disease, it speaks of its rapid development. (consecutive diagnostics, complex treatment is necessary)

3. Strong, perspective, perfectly developing. Mutual interest. Relations. Which give energy, encourage something. (based on common business interest, family business. Strong and promising, but without much feeling)

4. Entrepreneurial, collaborative. (curious, enterprising)

5. Advice: act, develop, occupy new territories, change the situation, go. (take new steps, put things in order)

Warning: the current is so strong that it will not turn out of it. (don't push yourself too hard, make your actions less "businesslike")

6. Answer: yes. Everything is developing. Getting what you want.(you will make a small discovery)

Additionally: the beginning of development, dynamics. Activation of creativity, self-awareness. In some cases, it may mean that it is the way of fate, it could not be otherwise.


Explanation (general meaning): Delay in implementation. (opening of the already open, lack of dynamics, development)

Event: A decision has been made or the trip has been postponed. Help with a selfish purpose (according to some sources). The situation “We will call you” or “come tomorrow”. (return to some topic, discovery of new details in an old situation)

1. Ideas do not develop as we would like (not there, not in this way and not with those). Difficulties in trading, signing contracts. (multiple resales of the same item, returning the item to the previous owner after a complex chain of events)

2. Sluggish processes that turn into chronic ones. The person is not very sick, but he cannot live normally either. (chronic cyclic diseases)

3. Inconsistency in actions. A collaboration in which you are not free. (a situation when they say to a mistress: I will definitely get married, only the children will grow up, the wife will recover, etc.) (an attempt to refresh the relationship, look at the partner with new eyes)

4. Inaction, postponing for tomorrow, some kind of dishonesty. (knows how to shine in society with his acquaintances or stories about the past)

5. Tip: wait it out. Release on the brakes. (try to find new shades in the old situation)

Caution: all sorts of delays, uncertainty in decisions. (don't be fooled by the appearance of novelty)

6. You don't get what you want. The situation freezes, but if desired, it can be overcome(you weren't told "no"). (there will be no new, there is no or little movement).

General meaning:

The Three of Wands combines two important images. Firstly, this is a person who has traveled a long and difficult path and finally reached the top, and, secondly, this is someone who has a wide view of the world around him from a height. A solid foundation is our support, and the prospect of a bright future, our goal - these are the two meanings of this card.


We have reached a certain turning point, beyond which begins our land, which belongs only to us, where we ourselves can decide what and how to do, and now we can make our own plans for the future. The Three of Wands, as already mentioned, combines two aspects - a solid foundation and a broad perspective.


We have reached the summit from which wide horizons are visible. Now that we have accomplished something important in our lives, we have reached the next peak, we can give ourselves a break - and look into the distance to find out what goal lies ahead of us. The fact that we have managed to achieve our goal gives us confidence in ourselves, and we know that we can achieve the next goal.

Personal relationships:

Your union is built on a solid, creative foundation that allows you to boldly plan for the most distant future. Unions subordinate to this card are easy, reliable and rich in creative potential. If you are still alone, this card means that you have already laid the foundation for a strong relationship with another person, and now it remains only to wait a little for this relationship to be realized.

Three of Wands combined with other Tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - an unstable result; carelessness in business.

With the card "Magician" - juggling.

With the card "High Priestess" - experience.

With the card "Empress" - an impressive result.

With the "Emperor" card - a stable result.

With the card "Hierophant" - a test for maturity.

With the card "Lovers" - the result of the choice.

With the "Chariot" card - driving lessons.

With the card "Strength" - lower the waiting threshold.

With the Hermit card - an imperceptible result.

With the "Wheel of Fortune" card, the process has begun.

With the card "Justice" - to settle legal issues.

With the Hanged Man card - failure.

With the card "Death" - an irreversible process.

With the card "Moderation" - find a compromise.

With the "Devil" card - a result that did not live up to expectations.

With the Tower card - losses; process out of control.

With the Star card - astrological forecast.

With the card "Moon" - intricacies.

With the "Sun" card - a creative achievement.

With the card "Court" - making a decision, a sentence.

With the Mir card - access to a new market


With the Ace of Wands card, inspiring results.

With the card "Two of Wands" - suspension of business; study of the obtained results.

With the Four of Wands card - results that are not a sin to celebrate.

With the Five of Wands card - inconsistency in actions.

With the Six of Wands card - stunning results.

With the Seven of Wands card - actions that meet resistance.

With the "Eight of Wands" card - actions that are gaining momentum.

With the card "Nine of Wands" - efforts taken "with hostility."

With the "Ten of Wands" card - earn yourself a "headache".

With the Page of Wands card, a small but inspiring result.

With the card "Knight of Wands" - a fleeting success.

With the card "Queen of Wands" - the growth of professionalism.

With the "King of Wands" card - promotion.


Three of Wands combined with other Tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - an unstable result; carelessness in business.
With the card "Magician" - juggling.
With the card "High Priestess" - experience.
With the card "Empress" - an impressive result.
With the "Emperor" card - a stable result.
With the card "Hierophant" - a test for maturity.
With the card "Lovers" - the result of the choice.
With the "Chariot" card - driving lessons.
With the card "Strength" - lower the waiting threshold.
With the Hermit card - an imperceptible result.
With the "Wheel of Fortune" card, the process has begun.
With the card "Justice" - to settle legal issues.
With the Hanged Man card - failure.
With the card "Death" - an irreversible process.
With the card "Moderation" - find a compromise.
With the "Devil" card - a result that did not live up to expectations.
With the Tower card - losses; process out of control.
With the card "Star" - an astrological forecast.
With the card "Moon" - intricacies.
With the "Sun" card - a creative achievement.
With the card "Court" - making a decision, a sentence.
With the Mir card - access to a new market

With the Ace of Wands card, inspiring results.
With the card "Two of Wands" - suspension of business; study of the obtained results.
With the Four of Wands card - results that are not a sin to celebrate.
With the Five of Wands card - inconsistency in actions.
With the Six of Wands card - stunning results.
With the Seven of Wands card - actions that meet resistance.
With the "Eight of Wands" card - actions that are gaining momentum.
With the card "Nine of Wands" - efforts taken "with hostility."
With the "Ten of Wands" card - earn yourself a "headache".
With the Page of Wands card, a small but inspiring result.
With the card "Knight of Wands" - a fleeting success.
With the card "Queen of Wands" - the growth of professionalism.
With the "King of Wands" card - promotion.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarova "The Great Book of Combinations".

Three of Wands (Staffs) upright with the Major Arcana

Mage pr and lane - Success that does not bring satisfaction, joy
Priestess - Friendship with a smart person will bring results
Empress - Stabilization in business
Emperor - Help of a high patron / The appearance in the life of a new person, communication with which will bring a lot of happiness
Priest - Concerted Action
Lovers - Nice try
Chariot - Acquired Success
Justice - Legal grounds
Hermit pr and lane - Secret power
Wheel of Fortune - Completion of what has long been begun
Strength - Success in business
The Hanged Man - "Failed" case, attempt
Death - Daring attempts to secure
Moderation - Intelligent attempts to reconcile
Devil - Failure in all areas
Tower - Losses, great destruction
Star - Doubtful forecast
Moon - Cunning of loved ones
Sun - Success in creativity
Court - Fair Judgment
World - Successful attempts / The appearance in the life of a new person, communication with which will bring a lot of happiness
Jester - Inappropriate impudence, courage

Three of Wands (Staffs) upright with the Minor Arcana

Queen of Wands - Literary Achievement
King of Wands - Literary Achievement

Three of Wands (staves) reversed with Major Arcana

Hanged Man - Failure

Wands, or the so-called staves in Tarot cards, are associated with the fiery element, which carries the masculine principle. The staves represent movement and energy forces. The suit of the wand refers to active, creative, creative individuals. Wands help to be more decisive in their actions, enterprising and courageous. This suit is one of the fastest of the Minor Arcana.

Wands in Tarot help you be more decisive in your actions.

General characteristics of the suit

When the suit of the wand occupies the predominant position in the layout of the cards, this means that the upcoming events will have rapid and dynamic growth, and the person who directly raises the question does not belong to the indecisive people who are used to sitting back. This person copes well with difficulties, is used to achieving goals, defending his interests, and is capable of worthy competition.

Staff Element: Fire. The fiery suit shows the will and energy forces. As well as hard work and development. Staves are able to add self-confidence and achieve success. The element of fire is able to endow with straightforwardness and irresistibility, however, fire can also be dangerous, because it entails danger, inconsistency and prohibitions. Such things can be expressed in someone's hostile, negative attitude, pressure and faux pas. Thanks to the staves, a person acquires not only determination and firmness, but also the strength to conquer new peaks in life.

Map Description

The Three of Wands tarot card personifies a person who is on a hill, in the form of a hill, and looks at the expanses of the sea, stretching to the horizon. Next to the figure there are 3 wands that have grown into the soil and have already managed to sprout.

Key Ideas:

  • the past is behind and it has come to a logical end, and the new has not yet begun, but awaits us in the future;
  • based on the mistakes of the past, it is necessary to build the foundation of the future;
  • realistically assess the current situation and their strength to solve certain problems;
  • control the course of events, or let everything take its course.

There are several decoding cards of this suit. Let's look at each description separately.

Tarot Book for Beginners by Teresa Francis-Chong and Terry Silvers

The trinity of tarot wands is represented in a human form, standing on the ground of stones, and looking at the sea surface. The stones lying underfoot represent human success, and the ships seen in the distance symbolize ideas and goals. Human ships have already been launched to the surface of the water and they still have a difficult journey ahead of them, during which they will need to analyze in detail what is happening and control the process so that everything goes exactly as planned.

The person represented on the map looks somewhat lonely, because throughout his life a person has never asked for help and support from other people, and as a result he was left alone. The Three of Wands in itself symbolizes success, but it can also portend frustrated plans, the destruction of a dream, or simply symbolize the occurrence of difficulties on the way to achieving your goal.

What questions need to be answered if you were lucky enough to draw a card of this suit: you make new plans, projects, plan to make your dream come true, you need the help and support of other people, become much bolder, if you are sure of something, you can see the outcome further developments waiting for you in the future and waiting for some action from other people?

The Three of Wands on its own symbolizes success.

  1. Basic ideas. Positive thoughts, a positive attitude, the right approach to business will help you successfully achieve your goals. In order to enhance the effect, you need to imagine how you achieve what you want, find yourself where you dream of being, visualize your ideas, be focused on the tasks at hand, all this in combination will strengthen your strength and energy.
  2. Friendship. Direct position of the card: you can look for new acquaintances, but to maintain good relations with old friends there should not be situations of choice between old friends and new acquaintances. The three of wands inverted says that you do not need to show your pride to everyone, rejecting any advice and support. It is better to ask for help or practical advice from loved one in order to avoid making the next rash decisions. Asking for help is not a manifestation of weakness and helplessness, but rather a manifestation of wisdom and strength.
  3. Relations. The direct position of the card means that a person is serious and ready to work fruitfully, to put all his strength into building strong relationships. You need to be decisive and firm in your actions in order to achieve positive results. A trio of staffs upside down means that you are putting in almost no effort to strengthen the relationship. You need to think carefully about what you are doing wrong, and are you doing anything at all? If you are unable to make your soulmate happy, then maybe you should let her go and give the person the opportunity to find that very feeling of complete happiness with someone else.
  4. Health and appearance. If the card is in a direct position, then this means that a person is in harmony with himself and with the world as a whole. The card in an inverted position means that you are distorting yourself, and you see yourself in a completely different way than the environment perceives you. You are too critical of yourself and demanding, you need to learn to love yourself.

Tarot book. Practical Psychology, Annie Lyonnet

According to this book, the meaning of the three of wands is as follows: the figure represented on the map in the form of a person resting means that the first steps of the upcoming project are completed. The inspirational energy of the Ace of Staves and the decisive readiness for action of the Two cards found their naturally flowing result in the Three of Wands. In the Tarot of Herbs, the card shows a person peering into the open spaces in front of him, where, in addition to a large, blossoming saffron flower, there are no other plants. The flower itself represents the upcoming opportunities that are gradually being expressed.

  1. Designation. Three represents the discovery of new potentials, the possibilities of which we did not think before. The person is determined to follow the previous route and achieve the goals. New ones appear on the horizon interesting ideas, which you certainly want to realize, without neglecting the chances that have turned up. The card warns that in order to achieve the desired result, maximum strength and energy should be applied. It is necessary to focus entirely on the goal and throw all your strength into its implementation. This will certainly bring a successful result. The Three of Wands warns that it is time to step forward and show yourself in all its glory to the world around you.
  2. Interpretation. The presence of three tarot wands in the layout means: the personality is filled with creative ideas. There is an opportunity to increase in career growth, or the opening of a new important life period. Your head is filled with optimism, faith in yourself and your strengths. Everything takes time, but if you stay on track, you can achieve a lot by working hard. The three of the staff warns that the time for rest has not yet come. You can consult with loved ones, tell about your plans. The person to whom this card fell is already ready for a serious step and he should definitely move on. The excitement before the upcoming jump should not be an obstacle in your way. After all, self-confidence will surely bring you what you want.

Compatibility with other cards

The Three of Wands in combination with other cards represents the following:

  • with the Jester card, it promises disorder in work, and hence the likelihood of obtaining a dual, shaky result;
  • magician means cheating, which means the likelihood of deception;
  • the High Priestess indicates the possibility of acquiring invaluable experience;
  • empress - a stable course of events;
  • hierophant means that there can be various tests for maturity and wisdom;
  • lovers denotes the result of your choice;
  • chariot - upcoming driving lessons are possible;
  • strength suggests that you should moderate your expectations a little;
  • the hermit testifies to a result that will be subtle;
  • wheel of fortune means running process finally started his work.

The trinity of the staff warns that the time for rest has not yet come.

Fairness warns of possible legal problems that you have to resolve. The Hanged Man portends an unsuccessful completion, nothing more than a failure. Death denotes a process that cannot be corrected and prevented. Moderation advises finding other ways to solve the problem that will suit all interested parties. The devil means a result that did not justify hopes. The tower promises the possibility of losing control over the situation. The star represents the forecast of the astrologer. The moon means a tricky combination. Sun - success in the creative field. The court foreshadows the verdict, or any decision. Peace means discovery opportunities in a new field

The Ace of Staves promises inspiring results. The Two of Wands portends a probable pause in the work begun and a detailed study of the results obtained. The Four of Staves is a probable success in business, worth celebrating. The Five of Wands denotes lack of coherence. The Six of Wands portends the receipt of amazing fruits. The Seven of Wands means that unforeseen obstacles may be encountered in the way of your deeds. The Eight of Wands promises a swift course of events. The Nine of Wands can portend a negative perception of your efforts. Ten Staffs - extra problems. The Page of Wands can signify a small victory in one's actions. The Knight of Wands denotes achievement, joy, which will pass quickly. Queen of Wands - professional growth. The King of Wands means probable career growth.

The card of the three staffs shows problem situations that can be solved with ease, but if everything is done in a measured and balanced way, remain calm and do not rush into making important decisions. Listen to yourself, your heart, look at previous experience and do not repeat past mistakes.