Lunar calendar for March is growing. Astrological forecast for the month

Table: Moon in the signs of the zodiac, phases of the moon and types of work

March sows snow and warms the sun.

March is the first month of spring. Touching first sprouts of seedlings delight, filling the soul with warmth and hope... The sowing of seeds for seedlings of vegetables (peppers, tomatoes, etc.) continues. Sowing for seedlings of flower seeds for every taste and color begins (asters, annual dahlias, nasturtiums and marigolds, petunias, zinnias). In the garden at this time it is important to keep the snow at the roots of the trees. To do this, put sawdust on the snow. Start pruning trees and shrubs. In the garden, they begin to prepare warm ridges for sowing cold-resistant vegetable crops and planting seedlings.

In March 2020, the lunar phases were distributed so that most auspicious days for sowing seedlings of all flower crops (flowers), as well as such vegetable crops as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and cabbage occur at the beginning of the month, then at the very end of the month (from 1 to 6 March and from 26 to 31 March) when planning seedling sowing, pay special attention to this, perhaps some of the sowing should be done as early as possible (for example, sowing seeds of peppers for seedlings should be done with the Moon in the sign of Taurus and the sign of Cancer at the beginning of the month).

Folk signs about the weather:
Early March has April thawed patches (in the sense that if the beginning of March is warm, then spring will drag on)
No water in March - no grass in April.

Based on an interesting folk omen together with you we will try to draw up, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the upcoming garden season 2020

Thematic tables - selections from the main, universal gardener-gardener calendar:

Based on one interesting folk sign, it was compiled, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan gardening work.

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is maintained by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time *)

Moon calendar

Garden work, plant care activities

from 01 March 2020 00:00 (Sun)
to 01 March 2020 22:21 (Sun)
Favorable time for soaking and sowing for seedlings of tall seeds indeterminate and determinant tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis, cabbage(early ripe colored and white cabbage, broccoli, Beijing), spicy-aromatic and medicinal crops. Sowing parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing on a window. Transplanting seedlings of indeterminate tomatoes and tall varieties of pepper into large containers.
Sowing flower seeds for seedlings, leaf lettuce for greens.
Watering plants and applying mineral fertilizers.
It is possible to lay out potatoes for germination. Spring garlic and onion sets are placed in a warm room for heating. Graft fruit trees and shrubs.

March 1, 2020 It is planned to sow tomatoes for seedlings for a greenhouse (soaking seeds).

(There is a blog about working with plants according to the lunar calendar:, entry only from the calendar)

March 1 (17.02 st. style) - Sun Festival "Maslenitsa", Forgiveness Sunday, "Cheese Week".

from March 01, 2020 22:21 (Sun)
to 04 March 2020 07:25 (Wed)
Do not water the plants these days. Only possible " dry watering" indoor plants- loosening of the surface crust of the soil, destroying the capillaries that draw moisture from the depths. Seedling picking is possible. Inspection of dahlia tubers and gladiolus corms. A favorable period for planting, dividing and transplanting indoor flowers that bloom in spring. Grafting of fruit trees and shrubs.
from 04 March 2020 07:25 (Wed)
to 06 March 2020 12:27 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

It is strictly forbidden to trim trees and shrubs and pinch houseplants. Irrigation and application of mineral fertilizers. Favorable period for sowing determinant tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, physalis. Favorable time for soaking and planting seeds cabbage(early and mid-ripening white and cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi and Beijing) for seedlings, aromatic and medicinal crops, bush beans, parthenocarpic cucumbers for window growing. Favorable is the sowing of watercress and turnip on a feather in heated greenhouses; sowing on seedlings of petiole celery, leeks, onions. Grafting of fruit trees and shrubs. Sowing seeds of annual flowers (asters, marigolds, annual dahlia, petunia, zinnia, etc.) for seedlings. .
March 5, 2020 Planned sowing of tomatoes for seedlings for open ground, and partially early varieties for the greenhouse.
from 06 March 2020 12:27 (Fri)
to March 08, 2020 13:47 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Leo

Unfavorable time for sowing seeds and transplanting plants. Shelter of greenhouses and hotbeds with a film for the rapid melting of snow and warming the soil. Convenient time for loosening seedlings and working with the ground in closed ground. Favorable "dry watering" indoor plants. Grafting of fruit trees and shrubs.

ATTENTION! There comes a rather long period without favorable days for sowing seedlings of plants, the purpose of growing which is "tops" - above-ground fruits. If you can't wait, this blog post will help you find alternative days:

from March 08, 2020 13:47 (Sun)
to 08 March 2020 16:12 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

It is best not to sow anything other than annual and perennial flowering plants. Planting previously sown flowers. Planting dahlias for growing and receiving cuttings. Favorable time for planting aromatic and medicinal crops, green. The mother liquors of chrysanthemums in pots are transferred to a warm room and watered. according to weather conditions, roses gradually open from winter shelter. Transplanting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis into large containers. Grafting fruit trees. Whitewashing tree trunks, spraying against pests and diseases. Transplanting indoor flowers.
from 08 March 2020 16:12 (Sun)
to March 10, 2020 19:20 (Tue)


It is not recommended to sow, plant, transplant, cut anything. Preparation of soil soils and containers for seedlings. It is possible to thin seedlings, loosen the soil in planting containers. Snow removal from greenhouses and film greenhouses. Purchase of fertilizers, stimulants, plant protection products against pests and diseases, seeds.

March 09, 2020 20:47 Moscow time - astronomical full moon.

March 9 (21.02 style) - Midsummer Day (Finding)
"If snow (fell) on Finding, then trample it until April (spring will drag on)"

from March 10, 2020 19:20 (Tue)
to March 12, 2020 12:28 (Thursday)

Waning Moon in Libra

Favorable time for sowing black onions and leeks for seedlings. Sowing potatoes from seed. Laying out potatoes for sprouting. Picking seedlings of flowers, seedlings tomatoes and peppers.
from 12 March 2020 12:28 (Thursday)
to March 14, 2020 14:09 (Sat)

Waning Moon in Scorpio

In spring, sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs is prohibited in this sign. It is possible to soak cuttings of cultivated grapes for subsequent rooting. Watering and foliar feeding organic fertilizers seedlings and indoor flowers. Spraying plants with growth stimulants. Favorable time for sowing black onion and radish seedlings in heated greenhouses. Laying out potatoes for sprouting.

March 13 (28.02 style) - Vasily Teply (Drip)
"By the thawed patches around the trees they determine: Steep edges - spring is friendly. If it rains on Vasily, it will be a wet summer"

from March 14, 2020 14:09 (Sat)
to March 16, 2020 19:25 (Mon)

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Loosening the earth, thinning seedlings. Possible transplant, pick and seedling nutrition. Favorable time for transplanting vines.
Pest control of fruit bushes. Formative pruning of trees and shrubs.
In those regions where the snow is already melting, cleaning greenhouses and film greenhouses from snow residues and covering them with a film. Sheltering with a film of ridges of carrots, perennial onions and parsley of the second year, sorrel, rhubarb and other perennial vegetable crops.

March 14 (01.03 old style) - Evdokia (Avdotya) Vesnyanka
"What is Avdotya - such is summer. Rain on Evdokia - to a wet summer"

March 15 (02.03 old style) - Fedot Vetronos
"Fedot is evil - do not be with the grass. (If the weather is bad, the wind, then the spring will drag on)"

from March 16, 2020 19:25 (Mon)
to March 19, 2020 04:16 (Thursday)

Waning Moon in Capricorn

Favorable time for sowing black onions and leeks for seedlings. Sowing potatoes from seed. Laying out potatoes for sprouting. Sowing root celery for seedlings. Picking flower and vegetable seedlings in large containers. Spraying seedlings with growth stimulants. Application of fertilizers for fruit trees and berry bushes. Formative pruning of trees and shrubs. auspicious days for soaking cuttings of cultivated grapes for later rooting. (the most favorable time in terms of the vegetative form of the plant: - this is a fruit-bearing bush.)
from March 19, 2020 04:16 (Thu)
to March 21, 2020 15:33 (Sat)

Waning Moon in Aquarius

Very unfavorable time for planting and sowing seedlings. Preparation of greenhouses and greenhouses for the season. Sprinkling ridges with ashes, covering with a dark film in order to accelerate the melting of snow, and subsequently warming up the soil on them. Thinning of seedlings, spraying against pests and diseases, application of organic fertilizers. Due to weather conditions, removal of shelters from trees, shrubs and perennial flower crops. Rejuvenating and shaping pruning of trees and shrubs.
from March 21, 2020 15:33 (Sat)
to March 24, 2020 03:58 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Pisces

It is not recommended to prune trees and shrubs. Watering and fertilizing seedlings with organic fertilizers, transplanting plants. It is possible to sow early radishes in heated greenhouses. Favorable time for picks seedlings tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, it is possible to soak cuttings of cultivated grapes, while deepening into the ground is recommended at the end of the new moon period.
from March 26, 2020 07:22 (Thu)
to March 26, 2020 16:36 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in Aries

A favorable period for soaking and sowing seeds of parthenocarpic cucumbers for heated greenhouses. Pickling tomatoes, peppers, eggplants into large containers. Sowing and planting plants with a short growing season (watercress), as well as climbing plants. Grafting of fruit trees and shrubs.
from 26 March 2020 16:36 (Thu)
to March 29, 2020 03:38 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Taurus

Favorable time for watering plants, applying mineral fertilizers. Sowing seedlings of determinant and superdeterminant varieties of tomato; early ripe varieties of pepper, physalis. Favorable time for sowing gourds(zucchini, patissons, pumpkins, cucumbers etc.) for seedlings, as well as tomato picks and peppers planted earlier. Treatment of frostbite, damage by mice and hares. Spring inoculation of fruit and ornamental crops.
from March 29, 2020 03:38 (Sun)
to March 31, 2020 14:43 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Gemini

Unfavorable time for watering indoor plants and seedlings. Loosening the earth, thinning seedlings. Depending on weather conditions, the possible time for dividing, planting and transplanting, top dressing perennial flowers. Sowing of annuals, as well as dried flowers and ornamental grasses. Planting dahlias in growing containers. Carrying out inoculations of fruit and ornamental crops.
from March 31, 2020 14:43 (Tue)
to March 31, 2020 23:59 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

Cutting trees and shrubs is prohibited. Pinching vegetables is unfavorable. Sowing on seedlings of superdeterminant tomatoes, early ripe varieties of pepper, physalis. Favorable time for watering plants, applying mineral fertilizers.
Sowing for seedlings of tomatoes, early ripe varieties of pepper, physalis. Sowing seedlings of pumpkin seeds; green, spicy-tasting, medicinal crops, seeds of cold-resistant flowers in a greenhouse under a film. Conducting vaccinations. Possible picking tomatoes and peppers.

An accurate and complete lunar calendar for March 2018 should be of interest not only to farmers and gardeners, but also businessmen, adventurers and travel lovers. Even a simple office worker will benefit from understanding the impact of changing lunar phases on the human energy field. The knowledge obtained through centuries of observation and research confirms that the Moon radiates a force capable of exerting a powerful and directed effect on the Earth, nature, and man. It is enough just to observe your own mood for a month, making appropriate records of observations in your diary, in order to obtain evidence of the impact of the energy of the moon.

Table of lunar phases for the third month of 2018:

Date, day of the week, synodal lunar day Phase for a specific day: waxing, new moon, quarter, waning active zodiac sign

(Moscow time)

Synodal Day Energy
March 1, 2018


Synodal days from 14 to 15

Young, in intensive growthFrom 8:50 is in VirgoModerately positive, favorable
March 2, 2018


15th and 16th synodal day

moon fullLocated in the constellation VirgoFavorable start to the day
March 3, 2018


16th and 17th synodal day

Adult, waningAt 11:10 passes into the sign of Libra
March 4, 2018


17 and 18 lunar-synodal days

waningIn the sign of Libra
March 5, 2018


18th and 19th synodal day

in a state of declineHas been in Scorpio since 16:16
March 6, 2018


19 and 20 lunar synodal day

waningLocated in the constellation ScorpioHappy active day
March 7, 2018

20 lunar day

Waning phaseIn the zodiac sign Scorpio
March 8, 2018


20 - 21 synodal days

DecreasesIn the constellation Sagittariuspositive, favorable
March 9, 2018


21 and 22 days

Quarter lunar thirdIn the sign of Sagittarius
March 10, 2018


22 and 23 lunar synodal days

waningIn the zodiac sign Capricorn since 13:06
March 11, 2018


23 and 24 lunar days

declining, oldin Capricorn
March 12, 2018


24th and 25th day

waningLocated in Capricorn
March 13, 2018


25 and 26 lunar synodal day

Old, decliningAt 2:00 passes into the constellation Aquariuspositive, favorable
March 14, 2018

26 and 27 lunar days

waningIn AquariusThe first half of the day is favorable
March 15, 2018


27 - 28 days

waningFrom 13:25 moves in Pisces
March 16, 2018


Day 28 and 29

Waning phaseIn the zodiac sign "Pisces"
March 17, 2018


Days: 29; thirty; one

Moon NewIn Aries since 22:04
March 18, 2018


1 and 2 days

Young, in the growth phaseIn the sign Aries
March 19, 2018


2 - 3 synodal day

growingMoves in Aries
March 20, 2018


In growthMoves into Taurus by 4:03
March 21, 2018

4 - 5 lunar synodal day

Growingin Taurus
March 22, 2018


5, 6 synodal day

GrowingIn Gemini since 8:19Favorable
March 23, 2018


6 - 7 day

growth phaseMoves in the constellation Gemini
March 24, 2018


Quarter One at 18:36In Cancer since 11:44
March 25, 2018


8th and 9th synodal day

young, growingIn the sign Cancer
March 26, 2018


9 - 10 lunar day

growingIn the constellation Cancer
March 27, 2018


10 and 11 synodal days

In the growing phasePasses into Leo at 14:43positive, favorable
March 28, 2018

11 and 12 days

Young, in the growth phaseAt 17:29 passes into Virgo
March 29, 2018


12 - 13 day

GrowingIn the constellation Virgo
March 30, 2018


13th and 14th synodal day

GrowingMove to Libra at 20:43
March 31, 2018


14 - 15 days

Full Moon at 15:38In the sign of Librapositive, favorable

positive energy days

The days indicated in the lunar calendar as favorable, especially affect the representatives of that zodiac sign in which the Moon moves on that particular day. But the Small Sun also provides support to the rest of the representatives of the celestial kaleidoscope in business and the search for inner harmony. Positive days are charged with beneficial energy, so it is on these dates that serious events, scheduled meetings, and travels should fall.

The beginning of the month is characterized by moderately positive impulses from space. The moon is in Virgo, where it ends its growth. The period of the full moon is always characterized by the release of a powerful energy flow, so such a day requires careful and deliberate behavior. People who are especially sensitive can stop controlling their own mood, going to extremes and showing excessive arousal. This time should be experienced with calm nerves, avoiding alcoholic libations, quarrels and disagreements. The dynamics of the Moon on the March full moon is favorable, but this does not mean that spontaneous actions can be performed.

In the middle of the month, the impulses of the Moon are mostly positive, of moderate severity. This will allow you to live March serenely, calmly. The daily routine will go on as usual, abrupt changes in life are unlikely, global catastrophes are not planned. You can make plans for the future overhaul, change the car, go to visit relatives. The beginning of spring is favorable for creating new projects, changing the image, even changing jobs.

March promises:

  • Renewal, positive, inner peace.
  • Spiritual and creative upsurge, desire to work.
  • Romantic encounters, love.

For people who have been married for a long time, it may seem that the relationship has exhausted itself. However, small changes in everyday life will help maintain the fire in relationships and the warmth of home comfort. March 2018 is a good month to restore old romantic relationships and love adventures.

Moon in March

In general, the month promises an anticipation of something good. The moon is positive, majestic. Moving from one zodiac sign to another, she completes the full circle of life, repeating it over and over again. The month of March offers an update, peace of mind. This is a wonderful time for new acquaintances, change of residence, broadening one's horizons.

The moon creates its own energy field around the earth, and also sends streams of force towards our planet, the intensity and state of which are constantly changing. Whether a person likes it or not, he experiences all the lunar vibrations on himself. The ability to apply this energy will allow you to better understand yourself, avoid meaningless frustrations and sorrows. This is a great opportunity, bestowed by nature, to learn how to maintain emotional balance and peace of mind.

Watch the impact video lunar calendar for our lives:

The moon in March will begin its movement across the sky in the constellation Leo the day before the full moon. The moon from March 1 to March 4 is visible in the sky at night (March 2 - full moon), March 5-7 - after midnight (March 9 - last quarter), March 8-14 - in the morning (March 17 - new moon), March 18-24 - in the evening (March 24 - first quarter), March 25-31 - at night (March 31 - full moon). The luminary will finish its movement across the March sky in the constellation Virgo in the full moon in the night sky.

The moon in March will pass next to the following bright planets: in the morning sky on March 7, the waning crescent moon will pass next to Jupiter, on March 10 - next to Mars, on March 11 - next to Saturn. On March 18, during the rising phase, the crescent moon will pass near Venus in the evening sky.

The material contains a summary of all the most interesting phenomena of the Moon: sunrises, sunsets, the passage of perigee and apogee, the onset of the main lunar phases and eclipses (lunar and solar), the dates of occultations and conjunctions of the Moon with bright stars and planets, the dates of the greatest librations in latitude and longitude, and also the onset of such popular phenomena as the Supermoon and the Blue Moon.

MOON IN THE CONSTELLATION. The moon moves across the sky near the ecliptic and during the month passes through all twelve constellations of the zodiac, sometimes running into constellations adjacent to them, for example, into Orion or Ophiuchus. The moon moves every hour by about 0.5 ° relative to the stars (by the size of the diameter of the lunar disk), and in a day it shifts by 13 degrees to the east. During the month, the Moon travels about 390 degrees in the celestial sphere and thus manages to visit some constellations twice during the month.

March 03 - Virgo
March 06 - Libra
March 09 - Scorpio, Ophiuchus
March 10 - Sagittarius
March 13 - Capricorn
March 15 - Aquarius
March 18 - Pisces, Whale
March 19 - Pisces
March 20 - Whale
March 21 - Aries
March 22 - Taurus
March 24 - Orion
March 25 - Gemini
March 26 - Cancer
March 28 - Leo
March 30 - Virgo

MAIN PHASES OF THE MOON. The change in the phase of the Moon is due to changes in the conditions of illumination by the Sun of the dark ball of the Moon as it moves in orbit. Although the Moon rotates around its axis, it always faces the Earth with the same side, that is, the rotation of the Moon around the Earth and around its own axis is synchronized. Below are the moments of the onset of the main phases of the moon: new moon (0.00), first quarter (0.5), full moon (1.00) and last quarter (0.5).

Change of lunar phases during the month

Time - universal UT:

02 March 00:52 - full moon
07 March 11:00 - last quarter
March 17 13:14 - new moon
March 23 16:00 - first quarter
March 31 12:38 - full moon

Moon phases in March 2018

Depending on cultural sources and folk beliefs, there was a tradition in some countries to give proper names to full moons. For example, in the customs of Native Americans, the full moon in February was called Snowy, and in August - Sturgeon. Read more about the North American folk names of full moons in the material Full moon. Names and their meanings...

The previous "blue moon" rose on January 31, 2018, the next - on March 31, 2018.

MOON COVERAGES -when the moon passes in front of a star or planet as it orbits the earth. There are coverages with a dark and light edge, as well as discoveries when a star appears due to the dark or light edge of the Moon. Coverings by the dark edge of the Moon look most impressive. Since the Moon has no atmosphere, the disappearance of a star during occultation is almost instantaneous - as if someone had "turned off" the star. The ability to see the coverage significantly depends on the location of the observer on Earth - depending on the geographic longitude, one can observe the disappearance of the same stars (planets) at different distances from the center of the lunar disk.

Differences in the circumstances of the occultation of the planet Venus by the Moon in 2012 in different cities of Russia

In March, the Moon in its movement across the sky will cover the following planets:
- no coatings

In March, the Moon will cover the following bright stars in the sky:
-Regulus(alpha Leo) - March 1 at 6:00 and March 28 at 14:00 UTC. Visibility beyond the Arctic Circle North America(March 1) and in Chukotka, Kamchatka (March 28). The Regula coating series, which began in December 2016, will continue until April 2018.
- Aldebaran(alpha Taurus) - March 23 at 23:00 UTC. Visibility in Greenland. The Aldebaran coating series, which began in January 2015, will continue until September 2018.

The area of ​​visibility of the coverage of the Moon * Regulus and * Aldebaran in March 2018

MOON ECLIPSE - the phenomenon when the moon enters the cone of the shadow cast by the earth into space. A lunar eclipse can be observed on half of the Earth's territory (where the Moon is above the horizon at the time of the eclipse). The diameter of the spot of the Earth's shadow at a distance of 363,000 km (the minimum distance of the Moon from the Earth) is about 2.5 times the diameter of the Moon, so the entire Moon can be obscured.

The previous total lunar eclipse occurred on January 31, 2018, with a depth of 1.32 lunar diameters into the southern part of the earth's shadow. The eclipse was observed in most of the territory of Russia. Best conditions visibility has developed in Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

The next lunar eclipse will be total and will occur on July 27, 2018 with a depth of 1.62 lunar diameters in the central part of the earth's shadow. The eclipse will be observed in most of Russia. The best visibility conditions will develop in Western Siberia and the countries of Central Asia.

SOLAR ECLIPSE - the phenomenon when the Moon completely or partially covers the Sun from an observer on Earth. The shadow of the moon on the earth's surface does not exceed 270 km in diameter, therefore solar eclipse observed only in this narrow band in the path of the shadow.

The previous solar eclipse on Earth occurred on February 15, 2018 and it was partial with visibility from the southern polar latitudes (Antarctica) and in the south of the South American continent. The maximum phase reached 0.60 on Queen Maud Land.

The next solar eclipse will also be partial and visible from the subpolar latitudes of the southern hemisphere on July 13, 2018 with a maximum phase (Ф=0.336). Observers on the coast of South Australia near the city of Melbourne and on the island of Tasmania will be able to catch a partial phase of this eclipse. In Russia, the eclipse is not observed.

CONNECTING THE MOON WITH.... Sometimes for an earthly observer, the Moon and other luminaries (bright stars, planets) in the sky line up in such a way that it seems that they are approaching each other at a close distance, this phenomenon is called a conjunction. Such compounds are especially interesting when they can be observed in one field of view of ordinary binoculars, i.e. from 6 degrees apart and closer.

The moon will pass next to the following planets in the solar system this month:

March 7 in the morning with a decreasing phase of 0.74 - with Jupiter,
March 10 in the morning with a decreasing phase of 0.45 - with Mars,
March 11 in the morning with a decreasing phase of 0.35 - with Saturn,
March 17 in the afternoon at the new moon - with Neptune,
March 18 in the evening with a growing phase of 0.01 - with Venus,
March 19 in the evening with a growing phase of 0.04 - with Uranus.

Connections of bright stars and planets with the Moon for the point Bratsk (Irkutsk region):

March 1 (evening) * Regulus (1.35) at 4 ° 04 'above the Moon (Ф = 1.00)
March 5 (morning) *Spica (0.98) 6° south of the Moon (Ф=0.90)
March 7 (morning) Jupiter (-2.0) 5 ° to the left of the Moon (Ф = 0.74)
March 10 (morning) Mars (+0.7) 3°04’ below the Moon (Ф=0.45)
March 11 (morning) Saturn (+0.6) 1°59’ below the Moon (Ф=0.36)
March 18 (evening) Venus (-3.9) 6 ° above the Moon (Ф = 0.01)
March 22 (evening) *Aldebaran (0.85) 6° to the left of the Moon (Ф=0.27)
March 28 (evening) * Regulus (1.35) 50 'below the Moon (Ф = 0.89)

PERIGEE AND APOGEE. Accordingly, the passage by the Moon of the nearest and most distant point of the lunar orbit from the Earth.

The date and time of the passage of the Moon's apogee and perigee of the lunar orbit. Time is universal UT.

March 11 09:15 - apogee (404681 km from the Earth)
March 26 17:19 - perigee (369103 km from Earth)

SUPERMOON and MINIMOON - the coincidence of the passage of the Moon, respectively, perigee and apogee with the phase of the full moon. The moon in the supermoon (Supermoon) is at the very minimum distance from the Earth and has the largest angular diameter in the sky on the full moon of the year, in the minimoon (micromoon) - vice versa (the maximum distance from the Earth and, accordingly, smallest size in the sky in a year). When the full moon passes perigee, the Earth's satellite looks 14% larger and 30% brighter than when it passes the most distant point - the apogee.

Differences in the apparent size of the Moon when it is at its apogee (micromoon) and perigee (supermoon):

Dates of the next super/mini moons:

Year Apogee/Perigee Distance Minimoon/Supermoon
.... (time - UT) from Earth (time - universal UT)

2017 08.06 22:22 406 401 km (A) 08.06 13:11 (M)
2017 04.12 08:43 357 495 km (L) 03.12 15:49 (S)

2018 01.01 21:56 356 565 km (M) 02.01 02:25 (S)
2018 27.07 05:45 406 222 km (A) 27.07 20:22 (M)

In 2018: Supermoon - in the winter on January 2, Minimoon - in the summer on July 27th.

LUNAR LIBRATIONS. Although the Moon rotates around its axis, it always faces the Earth with the same side, that is, the rotation of the Moon around the Earth and around its own axis is synchronized. The phenomenon of libration makes it possible to observe about 59% of the lunar surface. The fact is that the Moon rotates around the Earth with a variable angular velocity due to the eccentricity of the lunar orbit (it moves faster near the perigee, slower near the apogee), while the rotation of the satellite around its own axis is uniform. This allows the observer to "look" a little into the hemisphere turned away from the Earth alternately from the eastern and western edges (libration in longitude). In addition, due to the inclination of the axis of rotation of the Moon to the plane of the Earth's orbit, from the Earth one can see either the south or the north pole of the Moon (libration in latitude).

Apparent oscillatory motion of the Moon as seen from Earth

The sun heats up more and more, and the human soul froze in anticipation of spring, because the thought that the cold winter months are left behind can inspire strength and fill with vitality. But, not everyone is waiting for it with trepidation - someone, on the contrary, wants solitude and silence, and some are tired of the cold and crave relaxation.

According to astrologers, the horoscope for March 2019 will not be similar to any of the previous ones. It seems that the stars, having fun from the heart, shuffled the deck with human destinies. But, having learned what they promise, you will know what awaits in the future, which means you will prepare for any changes.

It would be useful to look into the lunar horoscope for each day of the upcoming month - it will also be able to tell a lot.

Information about what the phase of the moon is now and what lunar day is today is of great importance for many natural factors. The influence of the Moon on the human body will help to correctly distribute your forces for the implementation of plans in the near future, and avoid unforeseen losses, take care of your health in time.