What are the runes and their meaning. Are you earning enough? Rune Raido straight position

The interpretation of the runes is an attempt in simple words to designate the energies behind each runic sign, in order to understand and explain the runes that have fallen out during divination, having received answers to the questions asked. The interpretation of runes requires a certain experience and skill. At first, the study of the key meanings of runic symbols will help in this. This is one of the stages of entering the Northern runic tradition for further work with runes.

RUNE Fehu. Fehu.

The direct position of the rune Fehu.

Rune of property. The key word is happiness, prosperity, success, wealth, values, movable property. Rune of prosperity and prosperity, fulfillment of desires. This is profit, success in every sense, providing further development and multiplying what has been achieved.

The inverted position of the Fehu rune.

The key word is loss, loss, damage, limitation, failure. The rune warns of troubles, difficulties, obstacles and possible disappointments.

The direct position of the rune Uruz.

Rune of strength. Keywords- perseverance, perseverance, power, initiative, health. Uruz destroys old obsolete forms, coming into our lives as a sign of strength, natural power and transformation. Where there is strength, there is no stagnation. The sign can also indicate success, as a result of the action of this force.

The inverted position of the Uruz rune.

Key words - lack or lack of strength, lack of will. The appearance of this sign may indicate missed opportunities or failures and disappointments. You need to analyze the situation and yourself and find out where and why there is an imbalance in your Power, which may turn against you.

The direct position of the Thurisaz rune.

The key word is a thorn, gate, power, not an act - an action, active protection. Turisaz is a personal choice and responsibility of each person. This is reflection, a deep study of the situation, introspection, the search for the only correct solution. Having made your choice, you should act quickly, leaving fear and doubt behind.

The inverted position of the Thurisaz rune.

The key word is uncertainty, weakness, insecurity. Indicates the haste and immaturity of the decision being made, calls for prudence.

The direct position of the Ansuz rune.

The key word is thought, speech, understanding, wisdom, inspiration. Rune Ansus is the receipt of gifts, someone's appearance or news from someone, the acquisition of new knowledge. The appearance of this rune recommends being sensitive and wise, paying attention to the signs. Ansus involves constant development and learning.

Ansuz rune reversed.

The key word is illusions, mistake, misunderstanding, disconnection. Your actions are far from wise, and your analysis of the situation may be erroneous. The reverse rune Ansus can also indicate cunning and deceit.

The direct position of the Raido rune.

The key word is road. These are various journeys and movements. This rune of development and movement at all levels of being, the successful overcoming of difficulties. Start moving, trust the changes, don't hesitate.

The inverted position of the Raido rune.

The key word is the wrong way, stop, indecision, dead end. The appearance of this sign recommends attentiveness and accuracy in everything. Probably, unexpected events, obstacles await you. In any case, you will need some effort, perhaps significant.

The direct position of the rune Kenaz.

A very powerful rune. Key words - torch, energy, passion, sexuality, transformation, embodiment of the plan. The appearance of this rune speaks of a powerful surge of energy, which matured for a certain time and went to disclosure. The rune Kenaz favors any realization, changes the worldview, views, but its power and swiftness should be taken into account.

The inverted position of the rune Kenaz.

Key words - ashes, lack, loss of energy, wandering in the dark. The inverted meaning of Kenaz speaks of the end of a period, a process. You should accept the changes, let go of everything obsolete, old.

The upright and inverted position of the Gebo rune is the same..

The key word is partnership, cooperation. The sign testifies to the union in various manifestations. If you are striving for the successful completion of a business that interests you, know that success here is associated precisely with joint, partnership activities. If you asked for advice, the advice is to strive for unity, remembering the need for freedom.

The direct position of the Wunjo rune.

The key word is joy, luck, perfection. Rune Vunyo is a symbol of joy and pleasure. In all respects, it is a kind and positive sign. Under the sign of Vunyo, life is arranged in the best way, joyful events and changes occur almost without our participation.

The inverted position of the Wunjo rune.

The key word is approaching crisis, disharmony, illusions. With the rune inverted, try to perceive what is happening calmly and prudently, this will help overcome the crisis and turn the situation in the right direction.

The upright and inverted position of the Hagalaz rune is the same.

Rune of destruction, uncontrolled natural processes, unpredictable events, catastrophes and revolutions. Hagalaz destroys with its energy, forces one to abandon the habitual and go in a different direction, starting literally from scratch, experiencing a sense of loss and parting with the past. Having destroyed the old, the new enters life and it depends on the person how he will accept, what place he will take in the changed world.

The direct position of the Nauthis rune.

The key word is difficulties, need, necessity, poverty. The appearance of this sign says that the time has come for the necessary restrictions and discipline, when development (growth) is slowed down or impossible. This is a test of endurance through patience, endurance, self-control. It is important not to despair and not give up, this period will end, and patience and work will grind everything.

Reversed position of the Nauthis rune.

The key concept is internal evil. In an inverted position, Nautiz indicates that all difficulties and restrictions are caused by the person himself. Determine the cause, deal with the inner world, get rid of dogmas, admit your own mistakes, only then changes in life will be possible.

The upright and inverted position of the Isa rune is the same.

The key word is ice, freeze, stop. The rune means the stop of all processes. Isa often implies an obstacle that should not be overcome. She recommends rest, rest, avoidance of active actions and irritation. Observe what is happening from the side, reflect, allow yourself to be inert, take a break to accumulate strength for the further path.

The upright and inverted position of the Jera rune is the same.

Key words - year, harvest, repetition, cycle. This is the rune of completion, harvesting, evaluating the result of previous efforts. Hyera symbolizes the cyclical process of gradual but steady development, gives wisdom and experience.

The upright and inverted position of the Eihwaz rune is the same.

The key word is interconnection, interaction, assistance in overcoming obstacles. The rune is complex and ambiguous, you can call it as the unity and struggle of opposites, a combination of the incompatible. Rune of deep synthesis, transformations and metamorphoses. Combining logic and intuition, combining activity and passivity, the right decisions and the right directions are chosen.

The direct position of the rune Perth.

The key word is search, mystery, intuition. The rune of initiation and secret knowledge radically changes the consciousness and inner world of a person. In a practical sense, Perth means obtaining hidden information, the emergence of new people who can significantly affect both the personal and the event plan, the return of the lost, the search for objects.

Reversed rune Perth.

Keywords - regret about the past, unfinished situations, unwanted surprises, disappointment, mistakes.

The direct position of the rune Algiz.

The key word is protection, patronage, friendship. Favorable, good rune of passive protection, guarding and warning of danger. To this day, Algiz is often used for amulets and amulets. This rune gives calmness, attention, sensitivity and flexibility, positively affects the environment of a person, attracting friends and patrons to life.

The inverted position of the Algiz rune.

The inverted rune Algiz means weakness, vulnerability, lack of protection. You should be careful and attentive.

The upright and inverted position of the Sowulo rune is the same.

The key meaning is the sun, light, life force, love, energy, self-realization. This is the rune of success, victory, volitional action. It also symbolizes good health, luck, inspiration. This rune helps in the performance of any task, makes a person strong, confident and powerful.

The direct position of the rune Teiwaz.

The key word is victory, perseverance, courage. This is the rune of warriors, defenders, pioneers. Teyvaz reveals the process of rivalry, competitive struggle, active confrontation, defending one's interests. Teyvaz is also the ability to take risks, take responsibility, take an active life position, and be courageous.

The inverted position of the Teiwaz rune.

Key words - loss, failure, defeat, loss of energy, weak character. An inverted rune speaks of wrong or untimely actions, the wrong direction.

The direct position of the rune Bercana.

The key word is growth, birth, fertility, increase, femininity, motherhood. This is a very soft, gentle, delicate rune, embodying the image of maternal love and protection, appeasement, meekness and humanism. Berkana means birth, steady growth and harmonious development.

The inverted position of the Bercana rune.

An inverted position means - slowdown, cessation of growth, an obstacle to development, feeling unwell both physical and emotional.

The direct position of the rune Ehwaz.

The key word is forward movement, happy change, progress, off the ground, speed. Evaz is a favorable positive rune that brings fresh ideas and projects to life, opens up new horizons and perspectives, and takes you to another level.

The inverted position of the Ehwaz rune.

The key word is slowing down, difficulty, obstacle, inertia, lack of initiative, unwillingness to change.

The direct position of the rune Mannaz.

The key word is me, ego, person, personality. This is the rune of self, personal identification. Mannaz involves inner honesty, self-knowledge, self-improvement, self-learning to find one's place in the world.

The inverted position of the Mannaz rune.

The inverted rune Mannaz indicates internal discord, contradictions, difficulties, clamps.

The direct position of the Laguz rune.

Key words - water, flow, penetration, emotions, intuition. Runa Laguz gives the ability to feel, the ability to be flexible and adaptive at all levels of being, reveals talents and increases creativity. When making decisions, listen to your intuition, trust your inner voice.

The inverted position of the Laguz rune.

The key word is an incorrect assessment of the situation, a mistake, deceit or self-deception, illusions, an obstacle.

The upright and inverted position of the Inguz rune is the same.

Key words - abundance, well-being, fertility, fertility, realization, reward. Very strong and favorable rune. Inguz is vitality, potential, easy problem solving, transition to a qualitatively new level, success and good luck.

The direct position of the rune Otal.

Key words - family, clan, property, inheritance, house, territory. The rune is focused on protecting the clan, family, property. The rune contributes both to obtaining real estate and the transfer of spiritual heritage, traditions of the clan, family.

The inverted position of the rune Otal.

Key words - loss, loss, losses, rejection of foundations, traditions, connection with the clan is interrupted.

RUNE - Dagaz. Dagaz.

The upright and inverted position of the Dagaz rune is the same.

Key words - day, breakthrough, transformation. The rune denotes rapid and decisive changes, cardinal transformations, a quantum leap. Dagaz - the rune of action, courage, implies a high awareness of a person and confidence in change.

Futhark and terms

Old Norse and Anglo-Saxon run, Old Norse runar and Old German runa are related to the Germanic root en and gothic runa, meaning "mystery", as well as the Old German runen (modern raunen), meaning "mysteriously whisper". This name, apparently, is due to the fact that the ancient Germans attributed certain mystical properties to the runes.

Side of a runestone from Denmark. The inscription reads like zusi: kubl: ub: biruti, which translates as "The sorcerer will be the person who destroys this monument"

The Elder Futhark is the main, all-Germanic runic system. To date, it is generally accepted that it arose by the beginning of the II century and lasted until the VIII.

There are all-German runes - "senior", Scandinavian - "younger", and Anglo-Saxon runes.

The oldest runes are known as "elder futhark" - this name comes from the first six characters of the runic alphabet


The modern version of the Elder Futhark, unlike the ancient one, has the following assumptions:

1. Rune graphemes are standardized - although in reality this has never happened.
2. Rune names have been standardized - although, most likely, they were never called that way.
3. Standardized the order of runes in Futhark - although there were also several options.

Home distinctive feature the runic alphabet is the order of the letters. Such an alphabetical order was not found in any other script.

The alphabet was divided into three genera (Isl. Ættir - ettir, Norwegian Ætt - att), 8 runes in each.

The first ettir included runes f, u, þ, a, r, k, g, w.

In the second - h, n, i, j, é (ih-wh), p, R (z), s.

The third ettir included runes t, b, e, m, l, ?, d, o.

Each rune had its own name. The original names of the runes have not survived, but here are their conjectural names, restored from the names of the runes in later alphabets:

1 ettir
Fehu "cattle, property" f, v
Uruz "bison" u
Jurisaz "thorn, damn" þ
Ansuz "the God" a
Raidu "way" r
Kauna "torch" k
Gebu "gift" g, γ
Wunju "joy" w
2 ettir
Hagalaz "grad" h
Naudiz "need" n
Isaz "ice" i
Jara "year, harvest" j
Iwaz "yew" e (ih-wh)
Peru The meaning is not clear p
Algiz "Elk" -R (-z)
or Sowilu "The sun" s
3 ettir
Tiwaz "Tyur" t
Berkana "Birch" b
Ehwaz "horse" e
Mannaz "Human" m
Laguz "lake" l
I?waz "Yngwie" ?
Dagaz "day" d, ð
Oþila "heritage" o

The direction of writing is from left to right, but boustrophedon is found in early inscriptions. So, on a spear from Kovel, the inscription is read from right to left, and the runes themselves are also turned in the opposite direction, like the North Etruscan letters and Greek letters in the early monuments of ancient Greek writing. Words were separated by periods, colons, or crosses.

The natural order of the runes

The sequence of runes in their natural order differs from the so-called traditional construction not only by the movement of the PU rune to the point of culmination, but also by the rearrangement of some other runes. PETRAS and YO change places, the same thing happens with ODAL and DAGAZ.

The alphabetical order of the Futhark runes was intended primarily to disguise their original sequence. According to oral tradition in modern Sweden, the original order began with the UR, U-rune, and ended with the FE, F-rune. In fact, “beginning” and “ending” are also not entirely correct terms, since the runes were originally arranged in a circular or spiral, and not in a linear sequence, where the “last” member of the series was directly adjacent to the “first”. Each rune had its own serial number. PU can be compared with an ace in a deck of playing cards, giving the most or least number of points, depending on the rules of a particular game. The Futhark order corresponds to a card game in which the ace scores the most points, so the UR counts as one and the PU equals 24. Many of those who studied runes in the Futhark system may, like me, wonder why the first rune should be associated with the climax wealth and power, while the second rune is associated with primary substance or potential. In my opinion, the order of the sequence is clearly violated here. In the natural order, UR R is the primary potential, followed by everything else, and PU is the rune of fulfillment and completion, as I will demonstrate shortly.

Runes arranged in a circular, or cyclic, order.

The Futhark order of the runes also had magical significance. They were divided into three groups of eight runes; the binary code indicated in which figure eight the rune appeared and determined its position in the group. In other words, it was an order that put the Mind above all else, to draw power from the Will and make changes in order to satisfy the Ego.

The Uthark order is a natural and original system that reveals the process of creation of the Universe and the various qualities inherent in its manifestations, because it emphasizes the activity of the Spirit.

Thus, the runes reveal the very process of creation and the qualities inherent in nature and ourselves.

Rune shamans have always treated the Futhark order with care and respect, prompted by Love and Harmony. They contributed to the runic power; their common intention was to bring harmony and order, to avoid; intentional harm, regardless of the purpose for which the runes were asked. The main goal of what we can call "personal development" was the cultivation of the Spirit - the innermost "I" - and the well-being of the whole person.

Uthark order of runes and their meanings

24 statutory styles with their names, letters of the alphabet and place in a natural sequence.

The first runes UR, TERS, ASS and KEN contain the potential activated in the first phase of Creation and work at the deepest levels of the subconscious, generating creative forces that create the whole world of phenomena.

U-rune, UR

At the beginning of all things was the great primary Chaos, which the northern peoples called Ginnungagap, which was the "space" between two extremes or opposites: Fire and Ice, Yin and Yang. UR symbolizes Chaos, the primary material of creation. The inscription of the rune resembles the horns of a cow, lowered down when she grazes in a meadow. This rune is also the symbol of the sacred mythological cow Audumbla - which means "nurse" - a powerful, primary creative force created from the first mixture of Cosmic Fire and Ice, Yin and Yang. According to the myth, in the “womb” of Ginnungagap, an androgynous giant was born, called Umr and fed by the milk of Audumbla. This act symbolizes the alchemical process of evaporation, condensation and purification; this is how the power of UR works

T-rune, TERS

Is the primitive force that formed the Umrah. "Ters" really means "giant" or "strong man". In Norse myths, Umr was the father and mother of the gods, the entities that control and direct the natural forces that operate in a gradual process of organic development.

A-rune, ACC

Is a creative force. In northern myths, three gods - Odin, Vili and Be - defeated Umr and created the Universe as we know it from his body. The word "ace" means "god", and in the Anglo-Saxon dialect it also means "mouth". It is the power that breathed in the word of Creation that created physical reality; power that manifests the Unmanifested.

R-rune, REID

It is the power of movement and order expressed in the four directions and the four elements. Therefore, it is the fourth rune. In legend, it is considered the rune of Thor, the god of thunder and lightning, since Thor personifies the power that prevents the Cosmic Order from returning to the original Chaos. It is the protector of order and the creator of laws. R-rune - illuminating power; lightning that brings sudden flashes of inspiration. It is also the power of direction and movement contained in the first phase of Creation.

K-rune, KEN

Fire is born from lightning, and K-rune, KEN - personifies spiritual fire, clear and bright, like the flame of a torch, with which it is sometimes associated. This rune is the illumination of the Spirit, illuminating the path. This is the energy of light, coming from the “inner” fire and making any accomplishments possible.

G-rune, GIFU

Symbolizing the six directions and the center of the universe. It is the power of harmony and balance. The charter mark reflects an equal exchange of energy between different directions. This is the divine gift of Life - the giving and receiving of life force.

W-rune, VINA

The power of joy resulting from the exchange of energy. It is the joy of satisfaction and completion that accompanies orgasm. Therefore, it is the seventh rune, for seven is the number of perfection.

N-rune, HAGAL

Represents the rainbow, or the bridge between the worlds. With it, we are approaching the material world, since this rune serves as the completion of the first octave and at the same time the transition to the next. This is the rune of the primary crystal, which contains all the colors of the spectrum and carries the potential for realization, like a DNA molecule in a human cell. The N-rune can also be represented by the snowflake symbol representing the eight directions.

N-rune, NIID

With the NIID rune, entities appear, weaving the Network of the Universe, spinning a thread human life. These entities in mythology were represented by three goddesses or Norns: Urd (what-is), Verdandi (what-becomes) and Skald (what-should-be). The Norns are usually defined as Past, Present and Future, but it should be taken into account that this division of time is a historical concept of Western culture that emerged under Greco-Roman influence. The shamans of antiquity had a completely different idea of ​​time; they saw it as a tightly intertwined unity, the ever-changing Now, flowing from what was to what is coming into being. In this understanding, everything that has ever happened is still active and affects the present, in which the future is being formed. The statutory mark of the N-rune looks like two sticks folded to make fire. It denotes the force of friction and the need for resistance inherent in the energy of this rune.

I-rune, ISS

The tenth rune of the ISS - a force that slows down energy vibrations and condenses the structure of matter. It has the properties of clarity and massiveness, and therefore is sometimes identified with ice.

The first ten runes denote the primary Creation and the forces that create the inner spiritual structure of the Universe. The next ten runes refer to physical manifestations.

Y-rune, YARA

Starting with the Y-Rune YARA, we enter the world of "ordinary" reality for the first time. The word "yara" means "year", since this rune is a cyclic force, as well as energy that gives birth and sustains life. The statutory inscription symbolizes the seasons of two half-years, summer and winter, constantly interacting with each other. Summer harvest is winter food; seeds hidden in the ground with the onset of winter germinate by the beginning of summer. Thus, the Y-rune is the power of translating intention into a tangible result.

The next three runes are associated with the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms.

R-rune, PETRA

The energy of transformation that is present in earth minerals, metals, such as iron, which can be absorbed into thousands of things, yet remains iron. It is the binding force that keeps things strong and stable.

El rune, yo

Growth energy supporting wild plants. It is present in the cerebrospinal fluid, which gives strength to the spine. Possesses qualities of flexibility and endurance.

Z-rune, OLGIZ

An instinctive protective force prevalent among wild animals. It provides the intention of survival.

S-rune, SOL

Meaning "solar force". This is the energy of the spiral development of life and light vibrations, as well as an energizing factor at the birth of the “light” of consciousness in the process of personality isolation.

Then there are human beings.

The human element appears in the plan of Creation along with the T-rune TIR (male) and the V-rune BYARKA (female). They also represent heaven and earth, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

T-rune, TIR

Is an male power expressing courage, decisive action, power and pressure. It has the shape of a spear - a symbol of determination and the intention to succeed.

V-rune, BJARKA

A symbol of female power that nourishes, cherishes and protects. This is the mother force of the Earth, expressing unconditional care and support. The rune has the form of a female breast, personifying love, beauty and feeding.

EH rune

It can be seen as communication or connection of the feminine and masculine. This is the power inherent in ecstatic uplift. She also represents the energy experienced in the shamanic "journey" - an altered state of awareness that allows one to explore other planes of reality. This rune is sometimes associated with a horse, since in Norse mythology Odin's steed Sleipnir transported him to other realms of existence. It has the property of cohesion.

M-rune, MADR

In the M-rune, MADR, this binding force manifests itself most deeply. This creative interaction is the basis of unity and harmony. The same force brings together the activity of the right and left hemispheres of the brain, provides their mutual support, so that the intellectual faculty of reason and intuitive insight develop harmoniously and harmoniously.

L-rune, LAGU

The power of fluidity. This is the force that drives the lunar tides and energy flows of all kinds. The L-rune marks the end of the next cycle of the runic sequence.

ING rune, ING

Considered a symbol of fertility. At the same time, it is an impulse moving from physical existence to the Cosmic. This is a comprehending power, the ability to perceive and realize the new.

O-rune, ODAL

It is the force that makes us human beings. It is inherited, and we carry it with us from previous lives. Sometimes it is associated with heritage and a sense of security found in tradition and under one's own roof.

D-rune, DAGAZ

inscription D-runes, DAGAZ looks like a butterfly and symbolizes the ability to overcome one's own limitations - like a butterfly crawling out of a cocoon and taking on a different shape, with more wide opportunities perception. This rune contains the transformative power of enlightenment, heralding a new dawn of spiritual awareness.

F-rune, FE

With the F-rune, PU, ​​we are approaching the final stage of Creation. It is the ability to accomplish everything for which we came into existence in this life. The rune symbolizes the end, but when we reach it, we find that this is not the end, but a new beginning. The F-rune is next to the U-rune, and both have a cow as their symbol.

Rune origin

Some historians claim that the runes originated in the Teutonic tribes of Northern Europe in the 5th century BC. BC e.

Others are of the opinion that the Scandinavian Goths adapted the Greek script during their contact with Hellenic culture around the 2nd century BC. AD

Still others suggest that the runes arose much later, in northern Italy, and originate from Latin alphabet. There is an opinion that they were invented by the Vikings in the VIII century. n. e.

But although the views of scientists differ on the issue of the origin of runic writing, most agree that the runes were used by pagan tribes in the vast expanse of Northern Europe. Many of these tribes were descendants of the Teutonic peoples, whose mythology and theology is most fully expressed in later texts known as the Eddas. These loosely related poems, songs and texts were collected together in the Codex Regius (Royal Manuscript), so named because it was kept in the Royal Library of Copenhagen until 1971, and then returned to its homeland, Iceland. This manuscript is from the thirteenth century. It was compiled more than 200 years after the conversion of Iceland to Christianity.

The Elder and Younger Eddas were attempts to preserve on paper the living word of the ancient poets, who depicted in allegorical form the eternal struggle between the beneficent forces of nature and the hostile forces of Chaos. Perhaps not everyone understands that the events described in these texts are related not so much to the origin, but to the rediscovery of the runes, comparable only to the "runic revival" of our days.

According to oral tradition, runes have a much longer history than modern scholarly writings suggest.


In the culture of the Vikings, which flourished from the VI to the XII century. n. e., runes were widely used. The word "Viking" is translated as "traveler" or "pioneer". This Scandinavian people became famous for the exploration of vast sections of mainland waterways and distant sea ​​voyages on sailing galleys or drakkars, very advanced ships for that time. Shamans often accompanied the Vikings on their travels, spreading knowledge about the runes, myths and legends about their origin.

What is hidden under the myth?

A myth is an attempt to explain in allegorical form how life originated and developed on our planet, how the events of past eras influenced humanity. Illiterate people memorized myths and passed them down through oral tradition from generation to generation.

Mythology is an unscientific way of explaining the origin of the universe and the relationship between the fundamental forces of nature. Myth expresses in poetic or narrative form certain basic principles rather than literal truth, and thus appeals to intuition rather than common sense, and stimulates the senses rather than the intellect. The difference between myth and legend is that myths tend to be about non-ordinary reality, while legends are about human activities in ordinary reality. Perhaps the myths are part of the racial memory of a previous civilization and are presented in a form accessible to the descendants of those who survived the global environmental catastrophe. In the verycase: Holy Bible also contains references to a prehistoric civilization that was destroyed as a result of an ecological disaster. An example is the Old Testament tradition of Noah's ark.

In the myths of the Elder and Younger Edda, the runes are presented not as a human invention, but as something already existing, waiting only to be discovered and released. It remains unclear whether Odin received them in divine form, or in the form of a man, subsequently deified for his merits.

Runes and Odin

In the poem "Havamal" (the title means "Song of the High") from the "Elder Edda" tells how Odin, in an attempt to do something valuable for people, voluntarily hung upside down for nine days without food or drink, nailed to a tree with his own spear. As a result, he lost an eye, but gained the runes that were revealed to him as a gift to humanity from the unusual reality of shamanic experience. The runes provided a means of gaining knowledge about the secret forces of nature and the processes that underlie being. They expanded perception beyond the physical senses, allowing them to "see" the Spirit with their inner vision and "hear" the inaudible. The transformation of personality is made possible because the runes themselves are a great transforming force.

The following poetic passage about Odin's experience is taken from the Poetic Edda (c. 1200 AD), translated from Old Norse:

Hanging from this tall tree

Hanging out there nine long nights

Wounded by my own blade

Bloody for Odin

Sacrificed to himself

Nailed to a tree

Whose roots go into the unknown.

Nobody gave me bread

Nobody gave me a drink

I looked into the deepest abysses

Until I tracked down the Runes.

With a shout of victory I seized them,

Then darkness enveloped everything.

I got the blessing for everyone,

And wisdom too.

From word to word

I was led to the Word

From act to act.

Why did Odin hang upside down from a tree? This question is usually ignored by those who write books about runes, but Odin was clearly trying to convey some important knowledge with his gesture.

The legend of Odin hanging from a tree bears similarities to the crucifixion story in the New Testament. Christianity was acceptable to the northern peoples largely because the sufferings of Jesus on the cross reminded them of the suffering of Odin, who was nailed to a tree with a spear. But with the difference that Odin hung upside down!

Such a choice can be seen as a conscious act of the martyr,
ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of achieving truth, as the willingness to give up his "ego" in order to gain wisdom and understanding. Odin's gaze, hanging from the tree, was turned to the roots. This can be interpreted as a vision of the depths of the Subconscious, where the potential of all phenomena is laid, or as a transition from the external activity of physical existence to peace and renewal, preceding rebirth. Odin's self-sacrifice, his rejectionhis "I" for the benefit of the Higher Self, could serve as an impetus for a sudden flash of inspiration - that inner insight that allowed him to comprehend secret meaning runes. But it could also mean something more.

Although there is a certain affinity between humans and trees, their functions and characteristics are opposite. For example, tree leaves absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen. Humans, on the other hand, breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The roots of trees are in the ground, and their reproductive system - flowers and fruits - is located at the top of the trunk. The reproductive organs of a man are at the base of his torso, and the “stem” and “roots” are in his head, because although the food for the physical body comes from the Earth, the source of life is in the Universe. The center of a person's mind is located in his head, and through this center the development of personality is realized. Micho Kushi, in his Book of Macrobiotics, writes: "It would be more accurate to say that we are hanging from the heavens than we are standing on the ground."

Thus, Odin, through his shamanic experience, demonstrates that our "roots" are brain cells, and our body, being a physical object, has a primary spiritual nature, and we are, as it were, suspended between these two states. One in allegorical form expresses understanding of the energy nature of man and teaches us that the purpose of human life is the harmony of the forces of Heaven and Earth, the balance of the body, mind, soul and Spirit. He shows that although in the physical reality development is directed outward, in the reality of the Spirit development is directed inward, towards our seed and source, towards the merging of the physical and the spiritual.

The tree on which Odin hung is called Yggdrasil in northern mythology and symbolizes the Tree of Life. The Old Norse word "ygg", according to some writers, is another name for Odin, but, in my opinion, it is better to translate it as "I", which indicates the presence of the original Spirit within us. The word "drasil" means "steed" in the sense of a carrier or transporter. Therefore, “the horse of my “I” is the force that guides the original Spirit, the creative and creative principle, through life's wanderings and experience of multidimensional reality for the sake of cultivating the human and expanding its limits. Therefore, the Yggdrasil tree is also the Tree of Being of the Spirit, outside and inside time.

Before telling how the runes were revealed to Odin and what he experienced when looking into the depths of the Unconscious, it should be noted that the shaman of the northern tradition was also known as the "bearer of the staff" or "bearer of the charter." The staff can be compared to a magic wand.

There are two different ways to work with runes - either for your own benefit and the achievement of power, even at the expense of others, or for personal development in harmony and balance with the forces of nature. Since each shaman had his own rune skills, the difference was often only seen in the results of their work - for the good or for the evil of themselves and others.

The term runic shaman

The use of the term "rune shaman" is only intended to refer to those people who worked the runes in their natural sequence, detailed below, and not in the "traditional" Futhark order adopted among rune sorcerers.

Runic shamans regarded runes as a divine gift, not simply because they were revealed to Odin in an unusual way, but also because, like any form of writing, runes served as a means of transmitting knowledge and wisdom. The runes were considered a blessing to mankind, given in a spirit of love and meant to understand the forces at work in nature and in human beings.

How Runes Formed

The nine runic sticks that belonged to the shaman reminded him of the Cosmic Law of Creation, whereby matter emerges from invisible energy and eventually returns to it. From Zero, from the abyss of Nothingness (Ginnungagap in northern mythology), everything that exists came into existence. From the great mystery of Nothing came the singular Unity - the Unit, containing within itself the dynamic dualism of opposites. At the merging of the Two, the Third arose, which set in motion the structure of infinite probabilities. Nine is the sum of three triples, denoting the primary cosmic scheme of being and the sequence of processes occurring in nature and in the Universe. Their combination creates integrity. Nine wands of the runic charter represented for the shaman the entire Cosmos - the totality of being - structured in nine worlds or "branches" of reality, in which the perception of life processes is possible.

Ready to sacrifice his "ego" for the purposes of the Soul and the ultimate good of mankind, shaman Odin took nine sticks and threw them to the ground as he hung upside down from a tree. The sticks formed a pattern of vertical and diagonal lines, from which, one after the other, angular symbols began to appear, a total of 24. Thus, the runes were revealed to Odin.

Sequential arrangement of runes

These 24 characters later became known as the "traditional" or "elder" Futhark runes, due to the F-U-Th-A-R-K phonetic combination of the first six characters appearing in the earliest manuscripts, oral rune poems and tales. This is the prototype from which all other runic systems originated. However, it should be taken into account that the sequential order of the runes given in the Eddas does not necessarily have the same order in which they were revealed to Odin. To make information accessible only to a select few and to hide its true meaning from the rest, it was customary to use allegories, symbols, or methods of permutation; at the same time, the meaning of the message became unclear to those who were considered unprepared or even unworthy to perceive it. However, the very number of runic symbols - 24 - contains several important principles shamanism.

Harmony number 24

The number 24 is in agreement with the Cosmic Law of Harmony. It consists of three octaves, or eights, like musical notes. These runic octaves correspond to the movement in the vertical and horizontal plane of the higher, middle and lower levels, as well as the outer, central and inner. They are based on three main aspects of being: physical, mental and spiritual. The number 24 can also be represented as two groups of 12. Twelve is the number of stability and organization at the organic level, while Two represents the duality of the active and receptive principles, complementing each other in the dynamic unity of the Cosmos.

In addition, the 24 runes can be represented as four dice, each containing three pairs of complementary opposites. Four symbolizes harmonic balance, and Three - creativity and change resulting from the merging of the feminine and masculine principles, One and Two.

According to Professor Sven BF Jansson, a leading Swedish runologist, these 24 symbols were used by all the Teutonic peoples and tribes of Northern Europe. His book Shamanic Runes states that of the 3,500 inscriptions on stones and other artifacts found in modern Sweden, the vast majority belong to this archaic system.

Professor Jansson and other research historians have concluded that in most cases the runes were not used for the sinister purposes of magic and sorcery, although sorcerous intent may explain why the meaning of some of the inscriptions remains unclear. By this I mean that, although the runes were used by people who sought power over the invisible forces of nature, they were opened to mankind for completely different purposes.

Rune use

Presence in Sweden a large number runestones and artifacts indicates that runes were widely used in Everyday life with good intentions: to improve well-being, to protect against diseases and the elements, to bring people into harmony with nature and with themselves.

Like all natural powers, runic power can be used for good or for evil. For example, fire can be used to heat a house or cook food, but it can also set fire to anything that can burn. Nuclear energy can be used to run powerful factories and light up large cities, but as a weapon, it can bring death to millions of people and devastate the Earth. The end result is determined by the intention of the one who sets the force in motion and gives it direction. The same is true for runes.

What is a rune?

The truth is that runes are not inherently magical symbols or secret ciphers. Each rune is a receptacle of the transcendental potential, originally inherent in nature and in ourselves, which determines the qualities and characteristics of the forces that act on the physical plane and outside. Being qualities of the Soul, the runes express what is entering our human experience, affecting our lives now, or is in the process of change and transformation.

What were the runes on?

Since runes are made up of only two simple components - vertical and diagonal lines, they are easy to draw, cut with a knife or burn on wood, apply to skin, engrave on stone and metal. Runic symbols were applied to rings, bracelets, belts and personal items; on shields, swords, daggers and other weapons; for staves and shamanic tools, for amulets and talismans. Large boulders inscribed with runes, which served as memorials and landmarks, were especially popular in Scandinavia. Runic patterns were also used in the arrangement of facing beams on the facades of houses, which became a characteristic feature of German architecture. They were included in trademarks, monograms, and even in heraldic accessories - coats of arms and banners. In other words, runes played a significant role in everyday life.

Rune slander

In times of religious persecution, in the Middle Ages and later, the runes were slandered along with the old pagan beliefs. Those who used them were accused of heresy. Attempts were made to destroy the doctrine of the runes and to exterminate everyone who had anything to do with them. The knowledge hidden in the runes threatened the dogmatism of the "new" religion, which sought to convert everyone to its faith. Masters, writers, sorcerers and shamans who used runes were subjected to severe persecution. Within a few generations, the knowledge of the runes was almost blotted out of human memory.

What gives the use of Runes?

Runic practice inevitably deepens all visions and makes understanding and perception multidimensional and multicolored. The energy of all life becomes special, mysterious and magically charming. Existence acquires additional dimensions, new overtones of the music of life appear. In fact, the Runes unite the practitioner over space and time with the legendary world of the ancients - the forefathers. Everyday life more and more begins to resemble the magical spaces described in fantasy literature. However, it must be remembered that the result of the application of the Runes significantly depends on the sense of proportion and sanity of the one who decided to use this magic tool, which we inherited from the patriarchs of the northern civilization.

The runes are too powerful to allow a person to handle them frivolously and irresponsibly. Runes can accompany a practitioner to any of the upper and lower worlds of the universe, but they may well send a careless and licentious to a clinic for the mentally ill. Thus, the result of the application of the Runes depends almost entirely on the moral maturity and spiritual responsibility of the one who turned to them for help.

Fundamental postulate of Rune Philosophy

24 runes of the Elder Futhark can describe any process, any thing, as a sequence of semantic concepts, as a sequence of Runes. The great mission of the god Odin is that he gave people a certain number of certain concepts. These are the bricks of the universe, the details of the world constructor. And none of these bricks is superfluous. And all the bricks together give a whole, complete picture that does not require additional elements.

All concepts were defined many centuries ago. A lot of time has passed, but they are ideal for all modern situations and processes. Although, why be surprised! What are several centuries and even several tens of centuries for the universe… An instant.

Each of the concepts should be displayed in a short form, as a symbol. And so Odin gives us the symbolism of concepts. Runes-symbols appear. Interestingly, the human body is able to display each runic symbol. And isn't the Gymnastics of the Runes, consisting of poses that display one or another rune, the oldest way of addressing a person, both to another person and to the gods? We can talk about a system so ancient that it existed even when there was not only no written language, but even no spoken language! Isn't this system a system of commands transmitted from gods to people, a system of controlling people with the help of command-concepts, expressed in a short form with the help of runes? When the need for writing arose, the rune system formed the basis of the alphabet. We perceive the runic system as a system of global concepts expressed in a concise form with the help of symbols.

If we create a runic symbol, following a certain technology and a certain ritual, then we are already using runes as magical elements. We not only communicate information in the form of a global concept, or a list of concepts, but we are already launching a mechanism for influencing the existing reality in accordance with the reported concepts. We create magic!

One threw nine sticks on the ground. The sticks formed a matrix of vertical and diagonal lines. By selecting certain segments of the matrix, 24 symbols appeared - Runes. The sticks fell to the ground and formed a matrix, a matrix of runes. It is quite possible that, considering this or that concept, Odin took a pose corresponding to this concept. Perhaps a certain posture contributed to a fuller sense of a certain concept. Then, in order to depict the pose in the form of a symbol, he threw the sticks on the ground, making up a symbol from them. The symbol repeated the outlines of the pose, and became a reflection of a certain concept. The original nine sticks are the whole Cosmos - the cosmic tree. It represents nine worlds. This is typical both for the whole universe and for the micro - universe - man. The most accurate and accessible description of the nine worlds and the cosmic tree itself was given by the famous rune researcher Kenneth Meadows in his book "Rune Magic".

Cosmic Tree of nine "worlds" with Earth reality in the center ( northern tradition)

Kenneth Meadows "Rune Magic"

In the cosmic Tree there are nine "worlds", or nine planes of being, where toEach of the worlds is isolated from the others and functions differently, its existence makes an important contribution to the well-being and harmony of all things. This is true of the entire universe, and since each person is a miniature universe, we are built in a similar way.

Midgard, key rune YARA

Let's start with the Middle World, whose name Midgard literally means "Middle Earth". It is called so because it is located in the center of the cosmic structure, at the point of interaction of all other worlds. Here, all aspects of our integral being - physical, energetic, mental and spiritual - are in dynamic balance, influencing each other. This is the realm of everyday reality, reason and emotion.

Here where Time rules, and the temporary “I” of the human personality also lives. Here, the forces we call Good and Evil are present in equal numbers, and every act is done as a result of choice or tacit consent.

Midgard - the habitat of mankind, "home in the midst of all things."

The key rune of Midgard is YARA closely related to the earth element. Its main property is the "rotation" of time, since this force controls the change of seasons. It is expressed in gradual changes and development, clearly pointing to the true purpose of our earthly life: this is a period for the development of all aspects of our integral being for the perfection of the Spirit.

Alfheim, SOL key rune

Above Midgard on the vertical axis is Lightalfheim, which in short is usually called

Alfheim - that is, the place of enlightenment, where the light of reason reigns. This is the realm of the intellect and imagination. This is our mental Universe, and we are well acquainted with it, without even suspecting its existence in an alternative reality.

In northern myths Alfheim served as the abode of elves- tiny creatures that rarely caught the eye of people, but had a strong (beneficial, but more often insidious) effect on the human mind. The reason for this is that they are collective thoughtforms that are not really easy to "see".

The key rune of Alfheim is SOL - the potential of solar energy, allowing you to perceive the hidden. This rune is usually associated with the rising sun and with the element of Fire, although in northern mythology the solar deity also had a feminine aspect. This aspect represented not the sunshine of the day, but the reflected light of the night moon. Alfheim is the realm of the Mind, but the Mind itself is only an emanation of the Soul and reflects its light. The rune SOL, although associated with the movement of the Sun and the Soul, is associated here with the Mind, as with a reflection of the Soul.

Svartalfheim, YO Keystone Rune

Under Midgard on the vertical axis is located

Svartalfheim meaning "kingdom of the gnomes". In northern mythology, the gnomes are a kind of counterpart of the elves, but they are creators. They process the raw material of the earth's interior (for example, gems), giving it a complete shape. In the Disney classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the gnomes are shown as miners busy mining gems. Mythological gnomes personify the creative principle of the Lower World: they are processors and shapers of everything that comes into being in Midgard. Thus,

Svartalfheim is realm of "becoming" where the future is formed from mental images of the present; it is associated with subconscious activity that takes place below the surface of consciousness and maintains the structure of our "ordinary" reality.

The key rune of Svartalfheim is YO, whose statutory mark symbolizes the spinal column, tree trunk or plant stem: the central axis that supports the physical body. Therefore, Svartalfheim represents the level of consciousness corresponding to the subconscious aspect of Mind, the servant of the conscious self.

Hel, key rune HAGAL

At the very base of the vertical axis of the Yggdrasil tree is Hel. However, this is not hell in the Christian sense, as the name might suggest. The Christian underworld is an interpretation of the Jewish Gehenna: a public dump in ancient Israel where waste and dead plants were burned. According to the ideas of our northern ancestors, Khel served as the abode of the dead. In the natural cycle, life leads to death, and death leads to new life or rebirth. Hel was never depicted as a "fiery Gehenna". Fire for the ancient northern peoples had a completely different meaning than for the inhabitants of hotter countries located closer to the equator. In the north, the threat of death for a person was brought with it by cold, not heat!

The word "hel" means "sheath". Hel really "envelops" the natural forces that function at the deepest levels of the Unconscious.

This is the realm of stillness and inertia, a resting place associated with death. This is the abode of impulses and instincts, where the essence of the physical body is located - the bodily "I".

In pre-Christian northern religion, Hel had a dual nature. His personification was the goddess Hela, who, on the one hand, was depicted as a corpse, and on the other, as a beautiful, desirable woman. Thus, one aspect of the deity indicated the entrance to the tomb, and the other to the entrance to the female womb. The dual nature of the goddess implies that everything "dead" is reborn in the next cycle of being.

The key rune of Hela is HAGAL, ​​a transforming power contained in the seed of living beings. It is the power of becoming in an inert state. It is like a bridge that allows you to cross from one side to the other.

Asgard, key GIFU rune

At the top of the vertical axis of the Cosmic Tree is Asgard, the celestial the realm of the "gods" or "shining entities". Although Asgard is located at the highest point of the Tree, almost out of reach, it is in fact the most intimate part of the human being.

In the views of the shamans of Central America, there is a similarity with the views of their northern "colleagues": they believed that all living beings have a Spirit that lives both in spiritual reality ("nagual") and in physical reality ("tonal"). According to their concepts, after death and renunciation of the flesh, awareness continues to exist in the spiritual reality, where it is surrounded by energy fields created within the human being during his earthly life. Therefore, we create our own hell!

The supreme position of Asgard meant that this place could only be reached after determined, persistent efforts and (in the shamanic tradition) with the help of Valkyries. The mythological Valkyries were the daughters of Odin, who accompanied the souls of the dead Viking heroes in kingdom of happiness and eternal life. The word "valkyrie" means "one who chooses among the dead." Valkyries symbolize the perfection of the human "I", which, valiantly fighting in earthly life, deserved a happy afterlife for itself. Key rune of Asgard - GIFU

In the horizontal plane there are four "outer" worlds.

Nifelheim, ISS key rune

Nifelheim (the name means "abode of fogs") - a place of illusions, where the external forms are in accordance with the internal essence of the observer. It has a magnetic force that draws things into itself, like a "black hole" in the universe.

It was claimed that water is "born" in Nifelheim. Mist is water in a vapor state, and water has the ability to solidify as ice, so it refers to a state between tangible and intangible. The key rune of Nifelheim is ISS.

Muspelheim, key rune DAGAZ

Muspelheim (the name means "abode of fire" or "realm of passion") is the opposite of Nifelheim, mutually complementing it. This place is like electrical energy constantly expanding from its source. The mythical creatures associated with this realm were called thurses.. They were of great age and wielded both transformative and destructive power. The key rune of Muspelheim is DAGAZ - the power of transfiguration and transformation.

Vanaheim, key rune ING

Vanaheim is the home of the Vanir. The Vanir are intelligent forces that govern organic processes and natural abundance, which is why Vanaheim was sometimes called " a place of peace and abundance". Its key rune is ING, the energy of conception and organic growth.

Jotunheim, NIID keystone

Jotunheim is home of the giants endowed with gigantic size and great strength. This is realm of intellect and imagination; both of them are terrifyingly powerful. The key rune of Jotunheim is NIID, which is associated with the necessary changes.

Bridges between worlds

Existing outside of us, these nine "worlds" also form our inner universe. Cosmos - the integrity of collective and individual being - includes the inner and the outer, the known and the unknown.

According to the teachings of some mystics, the nine "worlds" are connected by twenty-four "lintels" or "bridges" holding the Cosmos as an indivisible whole. Each of the worlds is controlled by an irreversible rune that protects the entrance, like a door or gate, and at the same time opens access to another level.

An irreversible rune looks the same in normal and inverted form.

There are nine such runes:


Inner conductor

The 24 bridges between the worlds are explored through a method called "shamanic dreaming". It is similar to the methods used by the Kabbalists and those involved in the study of the deep esoteric aspects of the Tarot book. Shamanic dreaming cannot be carried out without an inner guide. This is not a spiritual leader, not a guru, and not an external force, like spirit guides at séances. The inner conductor is on the inner levels of being. This is the entity that guides and protects the physical body during its incarnation; it exists in the form of energy and has intelligence.

You cannot find the inner guide simply by calling on it, because it is already with you. You must allow it to reveal itself to you, and this can only be achieved through intent expressed in the shamanic journey, an altered state of awareness in which higher levels of our multidimensional being are reached. The inner guide takes care of you: it is a friend, companion, adviser and protector, rejoicing at your achievements in the process of spiritual development.

24 transitions in the structure of the Cosmic Tree Yggdrasil

The nine realms are also the levels of awareness experienced by runic shamans during their "journey" with the runes. A shamanic journey is a movement into another reality, usually with the help of a shamanic tambourine or rattle. This is a deliberate act of shifting awareness to another area of ​​multidimensional being in order to perform a specific task, solve a particular problem, or gain knowledge. During the journey, the shaman plunges into a dream-like state, perceiving the properties and attributes of the rune as visual images, sounds, feelings, and even physical sensations. Such journeys can be as vivid and "real" as in everyday life.

Roots of the Yggdrasil tree

According to legend, the roots of the Yggdrasil tree, though firmly rooted in the soil of reality, go deeper, receiving water from the subterranean or "unconscious" levels.

First root

The first of the three roots is immersed in the Mimir spring (the name means "memory"). But this is not a simple demand for information contained in the human mind and related to our mortal self. Rather, it is the knowledge of the Soul, where the memories of life before our birth are stored. In order to drink from this source, Odin sacrificed his "eye of reason", associated with the mind. He strengthened the intuitive vision associated with the Soul, and thus was able to "see" inaccessible to the intellect. The memories received from the Mimir source are information about the potential talents inherent in our holistic energy system. They have manifested in previous incarnations, and now they can be revived for use and development.

The waters rising from the root of the Yggdrasil tree symbolize the introduction of the unconscious into conscious experience. The branches of its immense crown symbolized the realm of Reason and thoughts, which move like air and are also intangible. The top of the tree reached the heavens, symbolizing the path to the realm of even more subtle energies of the Soul and Spirit, access to which is opened through a vertical pillar connecting the Upper and the Lower.

In northern mythology, Mimir was also called the wisest of the ethins, who gained knowledge by drinking water from a sacred spring. The waters of Mimir's knowledge are the ancestral memory of our ancestors and memories from past lives, each of which influenced the next. Each separate life can be considered as a stage in the process of perfection of one immortal Spirit. Like pearls in a pearl necklace, the line of life continues in the Spirit.

Second root

The second root of the Yggdrasil tree took water from the well of Urd, where, according to myth, three Norns lived, spinning the thread of Wyrd. Although the word "wurd" is most often translated as "fate", it does not mean something predetermined. It is not identical with the concept of karma, which states that certain privileges or trials in the present life are a reward or punishment for deeds committed in a past life. The Norns represent the natural process by which the energy of our individual actions is distributed, transformed, and returned to its original source. In other words, each of us decides our own destiny with our thoughts and actions.

third root

The third root of the Cosmic Tree descended into the bottomless pool of Hvergelmir, where it was tirelessly gnawed by a huge dragon, personifying the endless process of absorbing the past into the present and transforming the present into the future.

The water coming from the roots nourishes the trunk and branches of the tree down to the smallest leaves. It then soaks into the soil and returns to the source for a new cycle of activity. Thus, each of us has a personal wurd: the integrity of the experience of our past lives and the conscious actions taken in the present life. Each of us weaves the web of our destiny.

Each of the nine worlds has its own key, irreversible rune. An irreversible rune looks the same in its normal and inverted positions. Worlds - nine, irreversible runes - nine.

The nine worlds are connected by 24 "lintels" or "bridges" holding the Cosmos as a whole.

Rather, 9 worlds are connected by 20 jumpers, four vertical jumpers are the trunk of the Tree. Four horizontal jumpers are controlled by two runes. In fact, each horizontal jumper consists of two parts. Why are they displayed with two lines. Each part is controlled by its own rune. The remaining jumpers consist of one part and are controlled by one rune.

Runes of the Magi

Having done a colossal work, Yuri Larichev found a connection between the letters of the alphabet, the Futhark runes with the arcana of the Tarot and the tree of life (Sephiroth).

The runes reveal the forgotten knowledge of our ancestors and allow us to comprehend the bright path of the Magi. In his books, he reveals the significance of the origins of the Russian language as a sacred one, allowing one to think with absolute purity, being a mirror of the human Soul and a ray to the light of knowledge. You can burn all the manuscripts, get rid of the magicians, but it is not possible to erase the information that is in every person. Look at the root, become pure in spirit and you will find everything you are looking for in yourself.

Roman - arcana.
Green - alphabet letters
To the right of the runes - the numerical value of the runes, letters of the alphabet and Hebrew.

The arcana of the Tarot, as the oldest scripture, known as the "Holy Book of Thoth", is a set of philosophical doctrines, the harmonious connection of which allows us to plunge into the science of knowledge, both of ourselves and of the entire universe. The meaning of the arcana is very well revealed in the fundamental work of V. Shmakov “The Holy Book of Thoth. Great Arcana Tarot. The Absolute Principles of the Synthetic Philosophy of Esotericism. Moscow. 1916. The book is reprinted ed. "Sofia" (Kyiv) in 1993

Man is the universe in miniature

The system of worlds can be applied to humans as well.

Vanaheim (earth element) - the physical body.

Nifelheim (ice element)- ethereal body. Energy body. An ethereal counterpart that almost coincides with the physical body. After the death of the physical body, the etheric double is discarded and a slow disintegration begins. The ethereal sheath remains a few meters from the decaying physical body, and since it is easily visible even to those who are even a little sensitive, it is the cause of many walking stories about graveyard ghosts. A psychically developed person passing through one of our large cemeteries may observe many of these bluish-white, misty forms hanging over the graves where the physical shells they recently left lie.

Muspelheim (fire element)- astral body. Every physical object has its astral counterpart.

Jotunheim (intellect) is the mental body. The mental body consists of even finer degrees of matter belonging to those levels of the mental plane that still have form.

Alfheim (soul) - Causal (causal) body. Guide of the Higher Self, demonstrating the stage of development of the true Ego on its way from birth to birth.

Svartalfheim - subconscious.

Midgard is the assemblage point. Here everything is harmoniously combined. When they say about a person that he passes from one of these worlds to another, they mean not only his movement in space, but a change in consciousness.

When we focus on the mind, we shift the assemblage point to Jotunheim.

Working with the subconscious, we shift the assemblage point to Svartalfheim.

By establishing a connection with the soul, we shift the assemblage point to Alfheim.

With excessive earthiness (the power of instincts), we shift the assemblage point to Vanaheim.

With increased energy, the assemblage point shifts to Muspelheim.

At rest, the assemblage point shifts to Nifelheim.

Astral travel is a journey through the Nifelheim system of worlds.

Every man contains within himself the matter belonging to each of these planes, and has for each of them a corresponding vehicle or body. Each of these bodies responds only to the vibrations of its own world. For example, while a person's consciousness is concentrated in the astral body, he will perceive only the astral world. Our consciousness, using only physical senses, feels only the physical world, although these worlds, as well as many others, surround us all the time.

And a certain civilization (or a part of this civilization) can simply abandon Vanahem and exist in all other worlds. They will be, but we simply will not see them, because we are focused on the physical world, on Vanaheim and fixated on it. And while ordinary human civilization does not affect the interests of a more developed civilization in subtle worlds(without realizing it at all), then there is no conflict of interest. Otherwise, there is a conflict of interest. And here it is obvious that a more developed civilization, having the ability to explicitly operate on a subtle plane (for example, energy and astral) can very easily change the existing physical reality.

And if we move away from such global concepts and turn to the level of a person through projection, then we will see that a highly developed person who has the ability to operate on subtle planes is able to change the existing physical reality through these subtle planes. Here it is - the mechanism of psi-reality.

Ego, as the driving force of consciousness, prevents us from building our inner world. For the Ego aims at transformations in physical reality.

Jotunheim (consciousness) "organizes" matter. All changes in matter are described by the laws formulated by Jotunheim. Let's take an example. All the diversity, functionality and beauty of nature would not be possible without natural selection, controlled by Jotunheim. As a result, Jotunheim and Vanaheim cannot exist without each other. There is one more point. Jotunheim needs "recharge" from Jotunheims of biological beings, and first of all people, each of which has its own Jotunheim. The activity and functioning of biological beings in the material world is determined by Jotunheim and Vanaheim. The material world, displayed only by Vanaheim, without Jotunheim, will be devoid of development. You can even say more - he will be deprived of the initial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreation. And the material world, displayed only by Jotunheim without Vanaheim, will be insane. But just above it was said that a certain civilization can abandon Vanaheim and exist in all other worlds. Yes. But their world is not Vanaheim oriented. And we are talking about the world, about a civilization oriented towards physical matter, towards Vanaheim. On the whole, the Universe without Vanaheim is unthinkable.

If a person wants to create something where his Ego will realize what it did not realize in ordinary reality, then this will be an unhealthy mental process. This is madness. Here is a fine line that distinguishes between true inner peace and "woe from the mind." The ego will "push through" ideas that could not and cannot be realized in ordinary reality. And no matter how much you build your inner world, following these positions, you will not achieve happiness. The ego will build a world full of unhappiness. After all, it is not realized in the physical world, which means that it does not fulfill the goals of the Ego - to realize what was conceived in the physical world. This means that the world created with the help of the Ego is obviously not happy.

So we cannot rely on a consciousness that is controlled by the ego. In addition, you must understand that, operating with the concepts and principles of consciousness, we operate with general things to our personality, which have nothing to do with our inner essence. We will build not our inner world, but we will build something public. Public doesn't mean bad. It just won't reflect our inner essence again. We will leave something, and we will find ourselves among what we left. We need to interact with something that will reflect exactly our essence. Therefore, we must carry out a dialogue with our higher "I", as with the most developed aspect of your personality. Alfheim. A special dimension, the dimension of the soul. The Higher Self has the experience of many lifetimes and naturally has higher wisdom than the Ego. The Higher Self is silent and does not interfere with the plans of the Ego, even if these plans are obviously wrong. It does not speak unless asked, but it does not refuse to answer when asked. It reflects our true identity. If you create your own, inner world, receiving information from the higher "I", then this will be a world of true happiness. And this world can then be realized in the real world!

It would seem there is some paradox. The individual may die, but the higher "I" knows everything and is silent. This is just so at first glance. The Higher Self speaks. It speaks, but we just don't understand its language. We understand the language of our ego well. By and large, we have become Ego. We have shifted the assemblage point to Jotunheim. And let the Ego run it. The ego speaks to itself. The dialogue turned into a monologue. But we don't notice it. We are like a traveler who walks ahead and talks to someone who walks behind. He walked and did not notice that there was no one behind him for a long time. The traveler is talking to himself. The traveler sensed this and looked back. You never have to look back. The demons of the past can eat us. There was neither yesterday nor tomorrow. The traveler is blind and deaf. He is still wandering and looking for the one who followed him. This little oriental allegory illustrates the situation very well.

The ego is only the driving force of consciousness. Ego is a pure movement, and consciousness is a movement of understanding, development. No development, no movement. No movement, no consciousness. The ego doesn't want to lose. It will always seek to hide defeat, and even if there is no development, the Ego invents a false development. The horse rushes, biting the bit, the locomotive sways, imitating movement. And with all this, - Ego is not me, not he, not she, not you. Ego. Motion. And nothing more. No one points to a burning fire, and does not say - it's me. But there, too, a fire is burning, - and that's me. Likewise with Ego.

But it's still half the trouble. Let us turn again to the above allegory. Demons of the past. Here is the second half of the trouble. The past teaches us. We live one life, another, we go through certain milestones in the current life. The ego operates only in the current life. The ego is only meant to move forward. But it is not called upon to evaluate the movement, nor to draw conclusions and direct development in accordance with the conclusions drawn. In the current life, this is done by the consciousness, and for the entire time of our incarnations, this is done by the higher "I". The Higher Self knows everything that has happened to us throughout our lives. It knows what our destiny is and what we need to do in the current life. He has true information, in contrast to the consciousness that sees only the situation in the current life and, moreover, is often in an oppressed Ego state. So, the demons of the past. This is one side of the issue, and the Ego is the other side. And we instruct the Ego to deal with them. We are trying to observe the invisible side of the Moon through a telescope. The ego cannot do it. The demons are eating us. Phobias, illnesses, mental illnesses. If we build our inner world with the help of the Ego, we will build this world for the demons of the past. They will come in there and give us a real hell. For the higher "I" - demons something. These are only millstones for making the best flour, these are just rollers for making a perfect product. For the higher "I", the demons are only servants, but for the Ego they are masters. They force the ego to run forward. Building our inner world, we try to neutralize the demons in order to get a break. We need a new movement. Movement from movement. This is peace. The ego cannot stop, but we can. We can withdraw for a while into our inner world, because we need to stop. The time will come when we will go forward again, but now we cannot go. Everything needs to be rethought. You need to wait for the wave, saddle it and boldly ride it into the distance.

We have dealt with Ego. Higher "I". We settled on the fact that we do not understand his language. It speaks, but we do not understand. But in our inner, magical world, we will be able to understand what the higher "I" tells us. The higher "I" speaks the language of symbols, images. Images that reflect global concepts. If we build our inner world on this foundation, we will create opportunities for the higher self to speak to them. But we cannot speak directly to the higher self. To do this, we must be filled with the light of the soul. Then we will merge with the higher "I". This is Nirvana. Now we will not consider processes that are available to very, very few. We consider processes available to any person. We look at our inner world. So, we cannot communicate directly with the higher self. We need an intermediary. The subconscious mind is such an intermediary. It is also called the hidden "I".

Yes, yes, you say. We have been taught all our lives that the subconscious mind does not only perform good functions. The hidden subconscious self is almost incapable of reasoning, but has a good memory and learns skills through commands and repetition. This is a great blessing - to unload consciousness from routine matters. But the subconscious also absorbs the negative. It is in the subconscious that the roots of all diseases, phobias and problems are hidden. Everything that cannot be resolved, everything that was once negative, all this sits in our subconscious. And at any moment it can be "splashed out" into our inner world, instantly filling it with negativity. We open the way for demons to our inner world. We are creating hell. No. This is not true. It was the Ego that turned everything upside down. It is the Ego that fears them. The subconscious mind simply stores information. Yes, this information is endowed with emotions. All the horror created by the demons is stored there. There is often stored such information that is so terrible that the consciousness simply cannot cope with all the fears. Such information is blocked. Otherwise, consciousness will not cope and the person will go crazy. But, for the subconscious itself, this information is not terrible. For him, it is neutral. Zero, one. binary code. The subconscious reacts violently, gives out the most powerful emotions because, this was taught to it by the Ego. The ego programmed him. Here is the demon. Here is the reaction to it. The subconscious obediently and trustingly performs. So, if we pull out such information from the subconscious, then the consciousness will suffer. For him, such information is "poisonous". And for the higher "I" this information simply reflects the conditions in which the individual found himself in order to cultivate certain qualities in him. The Higher Self is above all demons. If we build our inner world, receiving information from the higher "I" through the subconscious, then the demons that have fallen into it are just images completely dependent on you. And images that are obviously weaker than you. Roughly speaking, an unarmed person (consciousness driven by the Ego) collides with a bandit armed with a knife. One on one. Scary. Scary. But in his inner world you are not unarmed. You can use any weapon, up to a nuclear bomb. You can create such conditions for him... You are the master. And the judge, and the authority, and the law. All of you. This is one side of the issue. The other side of the issue is that in addition to images and emotions, your emotions on the image, emotions that may have been the cause of your phobia, there are also comments in the subconscious. These comments are given by the higher "I". What was the reason for the rigid framework in which you found yourself. What a way out. But this is the practical side of the issue. Purely practical. By deciphering the images, you can receive and fix priceless information in your mind. And further to get rid of phobias.

Working with runes in practice

Reunion with the Tree of Genesis

During the nine days and nights spent on the tree, Odin proved one important truth: before we "find" ourselves - to discover who we are and what we really are - we need to open ourselves to our higher Self, the highest and most noble aspect of our whole being. It will, in turn, respond to us and open itself to the benefit of the lesser self.

Find a place where you can be quiet and alone for a while.

Take a pen and notebook with you. Stand facing north, in the direction of the North Star - the turning point around which the universe revolves. Connect your legs and raise your arms at a 45° angle to your body in the form of a Z-rune olgiz.

Focus on the connection with this rune. Through it, you can connect with the Tree of Genesis and expand the boundaries of your awareness. Keeping the initial position, say the following words aloud (they must be learned before completing the task):

Connecting with the Tree of Genesis,

I give myself to myself.

When I take the runes

I am driven by love and harmony.

May I be granted understanding

And those whose lives are connected with me

May they also be blessed.

Pause and try to understand the meaning of what was said. Then wait for a response. It can come through: 1) sensation; 2) mental image; 3) feeling - either in the form of a combination of all three points. When you get the answer, put your hands down, relax, take a few deep breaths, and write down how you feel.

Afterwards, think carefully about your experience and look for the understanding that comes from within. It may not come immediately, but later and unexpectedly, and this too should be recorded. I want you to keep a written record of your personal experience with the runes in a special Journal of Self-Sacrifice, in which you can freely express your experiences and innermost thoughts without worrying about how others will react to it.

Recordings will help you understand who you are, where you came from and where you are going in developing your "ethereal" perception. They will become an integral part of your runic quest - a journey that will lead you to know yourself.

Where you came from?

Having acquired a book to record your rune work, you can now open your Self-Sacrifice Journal. This journal is more than a personal diary. This is a part of your Sacred Space that belongs only to you. It is a safe haven where you can discover your innermost thoughts without worrying about what other people think about it.

Your first entry describes your experience of reconnecting with the Tree of Genesis. It should be supplemented with a short account of the paths you have explored, of your searches and reflections - of every philosophical concept, every religion, sect or cult that has attracted your attention. Start in order - preferably in the order in which you gained experience. What brought you to this? What was the attraction of this or that idea? What doubts did you visit? What experiences have enriched you the most? What caused you the most pain? What are the main lessons you've learned from each path you've taken?

Don't try to complete the task in one go. It is better to move forward step by step for several days, carefully considering each point.


The main purpose of understanding the runes is to continue our individual development and the cultivation of the Spirit. In preparation for working with runes, we first need to work on ourselves. It is very important to do this work before we have enough experience to give advice to others. There is a great shamanic truth in the saying that we need to take the log out of our own eye before helping to take the straw out of our neighbor's eye. Therefore, you have to make a new entry in your Journal of Self-Sacrifice.

First, make a list of everything you like about yourself. These are positive qualities, strengths of your experience, activities that give you pleasure. List them under the heading "My light list."

Then list everything that you don't like about yourself: your flaws, weaknesses and bad habits, activities that you don't like, lack of certain skills or qualities of character that you would like to have. List them under the heading "My Dark List". Be frank. Don't hide anything from yourself.

In the previous exercise, you reflected on where you came from and what brought you to where you are now. This exercise is about assessing your present. Make a "light list" of all your assets, both physical and mental. Then make a "dark list" of your unfulfilled obligations and everything that prevents you from becoming the person you would like to see yourself.

Now consider the Future. Make a "light list" of your hopes and aspirations. What kind of person would you like to become? What would you like to achieve in your life. Then make a "dark list" of things and events that you would rather avoid but are more likely to happen if you don't change your life.

And finally, when all four lists are ready, try to think them over carefully, noting the advantages that direct your life along the most desirable path, and the disadvantages that hinder your development. The result should be a clear definition of those conditions of your life that need to be changed so that you can come into harmony with the “bright” Future.

This task must be completed without haste. Don't try to complete it in one sitting. It is best to do it within a few days. Don't underestimate its importance. When you finish your work, you will have an important experience of self-esteem that will be useful in transforming and improving your life.

Collecting Runestones

While the rune set can be purchased from Way to Yourself stores, it's best if you assemble it yourself. This can be done during a country walk.

Choose a time for a walk in nature - in the forest, on the sea coast, in the countryside - and devote it to finding your stone "helpers". Shamans of all cultures and traditions, who had a deep affinity for the Earth, considered the mineral kingdom to be the most ancient, since it appeared on earth long before plants, animals, birds and people. The stones were considered the "bones of the earth" and, like a skeleton, formed a structure that held everything in place. Rocks are of great age, so they can be considered as wise helpers for people seeking communion with nature. Minerals (including crystals and gems) were considered to be receptacles of energy, since their energy vibrations are very slow, and are in an inert state. Therefore, stones are the most suitable material for a rune set: they firmly and invariably hold the energy vibrations of each rune.

Finding the 25 gems for your set - one for each rune plus the 25th stone of Destiny - should be done without too much haste. It's not just about mindlessly picking up any stones of the right size that you see while walking - you have to let the stones choose you! How to do it? Quite simply, by actively focusing your intent on it as you search. Say to yourself (or rather, instruct your subconscious self): "I went on this shamanic walk so that the stones needed for my rune set could show themselves." Somehow your attention will be drawn to certain places and the stones that are there. Look for small flat stones, about two centimeters in diameter.

When a stone catches your attention, pick it up or carefully remove it from the ground with a penknife. If its shape and size seem suitable to you, take it to right hand, close your eyes and ask yourself if this is the right stone for you. Then wait for an answer. If the stone suits you, you will experience a clear sensation or emotion - an intuitive inner confirmation. If there is no answer, return the stone to the place where you found it. Treat him with care and respect.

You may only get a positive answer on two or three occasions during your search, so you will likely need to take a few walks before you have a complete set. Every time you bring your stones home, wash them thoroughly and store them in a safe place, preferably on a windowsill where they can be lit. Once you have a complete set, you will be ready for the next stage of rune work.

Runes video

One of the most sacred runes of the Futhark. The rune is associated with Odin, as well as with its reverse side - with Loki, the insidious ace. This is the rune of poetry and magic, inspiration, revelations and unexpected discoveries and meetings. It is also the rune of Knowledge. In addition, the Ansuz rune is associated with travel between worlds and the image of the World Tree, Yggdrasil ash.

The rune of the path, the rune of the Road - in every sense of the word. Working with this beautiful rune is extremely effective for people who feel the beauty behind it, who live according to the principle “Via est vita” (Latin “the road is life”). For these people, the Raido rune itself can serve as an excellent talisman. Often, the Raido rune is associated with the Wheel of World Order (Skt. rita). Except

Rune of incarnation and revelation. Ralph Blum characterizes the Kano rune as "a rune of renewed clarity". Very powerful rune; is connected not only with the formation and orientation of human activity (at any level) in the right direction, but also with giving it the necessary strength. The second aspect of this rune is disclosure. It is obvious that both aspects are interconnected - it is impossible to realize the idea without revealing oneself to the world.

The rune of the unity of opposites, the rune of partnership and the rune of the gift, including the gift of the divine. Together with some other runes (for example, Ansuz), the Gebo rune is one of the most difficult to master Futhark signs. To understand it, it is necessary to clearly feel the world law of unity and struggle of opposites, which in this case are, for example, freedom and partnership. sincere and fruitful

Vunyo is a bright, joyful rune. Its main meaning is directly determined by the name - this is the rune of joy. In addition, it is associated with well-being, prosperity, beauty, good luck.

Rune of Destruction. Associated with the natural forces of destruction, destruction, dissolution, rupture, with the energies of the elements. During mass disasters, as well as during floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, there are sharp and significant bursts of energy similar to the energy of this rune. However, it should be remembered that destruction can also be an element of progress.

Rune of coercion, need, constraint and restrictions. Associated with the Nordic concepts of Fate and Doom. A rather complicated rune, since it is not easy for a person to see the possibility of development in the obstacles and restrictions imposed by Fate, as well as to come to terms with these restrictions. Meanwhile, in the North they said that even the gods had no power over Fate. The rune is associated with the Norns, the Nordic goddesses who weave the threads of fate.

Rune of ice in the literal and figurative sense of the word. The main meaning of the rune is freezing, fettering, stagnation. However, it should be remembered that in the Nordic Tradition, ice, along with fire, is one of the creative elements, the unity and opposition of which gives birth to the whole World.

Rune of fruitful completion, obtaining results, cyclical circulation. The rune names are obviously interconnected - both etymologically and in their meaning: it is the change of seasons, including the harvest period, that makes the very existence of the term "year" possible. On the other hand, the concept of the year symbolizes here the full cycle of development, culminating in its "harvest".

One of the complex runes of Futhark. Rune of Protection or, more precisely, the rune of defense (which distinguishes it from the Algiz rune), the rune of "repulsive forces" and overcoming obstacles. At the same time, the Eyvaz rune can also be associated with death or communication with the Lower World.

The rune of magical initiation as a passage through the state of death for rebirth in a new quality. The symbol of the inner content of this rune is the Phoenix, i.e. fiery rebirth from the ashes. It can also mean something hidden, a secret or a gate to the innermost or to the new. The rune has a distinctly feminine character and is associated with Frigg - the Scandinavian goddess of fate, knowledge and power, the wife of Odin.

The rune of victory, the rune of power and the rune of integrity. Some authors tend to define the rune of the Sun as the rune of the total, and in a certain sense this makes sense - indeed, integrity, the synthesis of opposites is the result of any movement. It also means creative energy, the will to win and the victorious completion of any undertaking.

Rune of the Warrior. Dedicated to Tyur (Tiv) - the god of war. Traditions tell about one deed of this ace, which remarkably characterizes both himself and his rune. Once the gods managed to catch Fenrir, the World Wolf - the cause of the coming Ragnarok (End of the World). In order to contain the destructive power of the Wolf, it was necessary to impose on him the strongest fetters specially made for this purpose. But the Wolf, of course, was not given,

Rune of growth. The surviving name, which is a relic of the ancient Germanic-Slavic proto-language, perfectly characterizes the rune at the associative level. The growth symbolized by it can be both purely physical and spiritual. This is the rune of fertile movement, leading to flowering and maturation. The rune is associated simultaneously with senior and junior goddesses of the Nordic Tradition. Some authors also associate the Berkan rune with the reincarnations (rebirths) of a person.

Rune of change and movement (progress, shift from the dead center). This is a very multifaceted rune, symbolizing the magical power that provides movement and development, and victory over death, and transitions between worlds.

A difficult rune, defined by Ralph Bloom as the rune of one's own "I". The rune of internal magical initiation, the accomplishment of inner work, the liberation from all that extraneous that closes the human spirit from the true Light. It also symbolizes thought, reason and understanding.

Rune of the inner circle of magic, "that which leads." Difficult but wonderful rune. The classical translation of the name ("water") does not accurately define its content. The name of this rune means not just water, but - flowing water, moving - the one that forms the stream and drags along. Like Berkana, the Laguz rune has a distinctly feminine character, but is more associated with magic.

One of the most beautiful and powerful Futhark runes. The rune of fertility in its reproductive (generating) aspect. Dedicated to the bright Freyr, the god of fertility (his other name is Ing or Yngwie). His Slavic name is Dazhdbog. Symbolizes male fertile power, light, energy.

The main meaning of this rune is inheritance, both spiritual and material. The rune symbolizes clan, family, homeland, home, property and traditions. Sometimes the rune Othal is defined as the rune of the divergence of paths; this implies the isolation necessary for the preservation of property in any sense of the word.

Very light rune. Combines two global interrelated concepts. In terms of the first of them, Dagaz can be defined as a rune of transformation or a rune of breakthrough. In terms of the second - as a rune of prosperity, "day" (hence the name). It also means well-being, joy, health and strength.

Our distant ancestors have used protective runes since time immemorial. Amulets runes were applied to various objects, thereby turning them into protective talismans. Jewelry, personal items and clothes with runic symbols gave their owner strength and protected from negative magical effects.

Since ancient times, people have used runes in magic to attract some benefits and to protect against others. Amulets runes were used by our ancestors in protective magic. The term "rune" means something mysterious or mystical that can be used in secret deeds.

Some protective runes were depicted on houses, weapons or clothes. Thus, they gave objects and structures a special magical power.

A personal rune amulet or a bunch of several runes was used by a person for personal protection from negative influences and troubles. Our ancestors always carried protective runic talismans with them. If a dangerous business was ahead, magical protection was strengthened by several runes.

Before using the protective power of runes, you should first decide on the type of symbol that suits you best.

Runes amulets are divided into several types according to the number of symbols used:

Single Runes
In such protective talismans, one runic symbol is enough. Such a rune will protect its owner from some specific problem. Single ward runes work quite well in certain protective magic rituals.

Double Runes
Talismans with two protective runes, like the first type, are fairly simple amulets. They, as a rule, consist of runic symbols similar in type and meaning. These runes reinforce each other's action, thereby increasing the protective energy.

Protective talismans, which consist of three or more runic symbols, are called runograms. The writing of symbols on such amulets has a certain order. Before compiling runograms, you should study well the meaning of each runic symbol and its meaning. Usually, the most important is the first and last rune. They, as a rule, convey the main action of the amulet.

Varieties of rune amulets

In protective magic, both Scandinavian and Slavic runes are used as personal talismans. First of all, you must like the magical thing. So choose for yourself the mascot that you like.

Runes of General Impact

To protect your home from fire and other natural disasters, you can make a wooden talisman with two runes - Inguz and Algiz. The union of these runes of amulets contributes to the fact that there will always be prosperity and comfort in your home.

The action of these runic symbols in the amulet will be according to the following principle. Runa Ansuz helps to move through a career. Teyvaz is considered the rune of victory and will help to cope with the toughest competitors.

Runa Raido motivates and makes you go forward. Fehu promotes good earnings and attraction of finance. Runa Vunyo makes you a professional expert in your chosen subject.

It is advisable to make a talisman with these runic signs from natural wood species - beech, oak or chestnut. On a small piece of wood, runic symbols must be burned out or scratched with a sharp object.

This set of runes is ideal for ambitious and self-confident men. The set includes the following characters: Rune Teyvaz + Rune Uruz + Rune Soulu.

As you know, there are two types of energy - Yin and Yang. If a man has a weak Yin energy or a strong Yang energy, then it will be difficult for him to achieve his goal.

This runic formula allows you to eliminate the imbalance of these energies and works according to a certain principle.

Runa Teyvaz will help a man achieve his goals. Uruz rune will add confidence to him and help him control any situation. The rune of Soulu will add Yang energy to a man's life.

These runic signs must be engraved on stone or metal. It is desirable to wear a talisman on the wrist of the right hand.

A set of these runes is most suitable for loving men. It looks like this: Runa Berkana + Runa Laguz + Rune Eyvaz + Rune Vunyo.

These rune amulets will help you meet on life path the woman who is perfect for you. Perhaps in the future, you will have an ideal relationship with her.

The runes in this bundle work like this: The Berkana rune determines the woman you want to attract. Laguz will bring love and harmony to your relationship.

Runa Eyvaz creates balance in emotional and intimate relationships. Vunyo will help you meet exactly the woman who will suit you according to all criteria.

The amulet is made from a piece of red silk fabric. Runic symbols are embroidered by hand. It is desirable to wear a talisman closer to the heart.

Talismans with protective runes can be purchased at special stores that sell magical and esoteric paraphernalia. However the greatest force have runic amulets and talismans made by hand.

Material for runic amulets

For the manufacture of magical runes of amulets, it is desirable to use natural materials.

However, in the modern world, these components can be difficult to find. Therefore, all improvised components are used.

It is desirable that the material from which you are going to make a magical amulet is a conductor of nature in one form or another.

In our modern conditions, suitable components would be:

  • non-ferrous metals, gold, silver,
  • glass or hardened tree resin,
  • paper, cardboard
  • fabric (preferably linen)
  • Genuine Leather,
  • bones of animals and birds,
  • stones or burnt clay,

However, if you decide to apply a protective rune, for example, to a plastic object, then you will only waste your time in vain. This is an artificial material and it is not a conductor of natural forces.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of a magical little thing, it is necessary to conduct a simple energy rite.

Sit on a chair in the middle of the room and close your eyes. Try to relax as much as possible and drive away all bad thoughts.

Think about something good, mentally imagining your future talisman. How it will work directly depends on the purity of your thoughts.

The day of manufacture of your amulet must be chosen relative to what the magic item will be intended for.

  • Monday - for love talismans;
  • Tuesday - to protect business and career growth;
  • Wednesday - for amulets from ailments, troubles and the evil eye;
  • Thursday - to attract money and wealth;
  • Friday - for the manufacture of children's and love talismans, as well as for a successful marriage;
  • Saturday - for amulets that change fate;
  • Sunday - for talismans for health and improving relationships with loved ones.

As you can see, all days are favorable for making a magical amulet. Most importantly, try to creative process with a positive attitude and pure thoughts.

The activation of a runic amulet is the process of uniting the energy of a person with runes, each of which has its own element.

Charm runes can only be activated in a good state of mind. In no case should you do this if you are sick or nervous.

To endow your talisman with magical energy, you must perform certain rituals. They must be carried out in complete solitude and silence.

It is advisable to remove from the room in which the activation of pets will take place. Before and after the ceremony, be sure to ventilate the room.

To begin with, you will need items that will personify the four natural elements:

  1. Fire - wax candle;
  2. Earth - salt (preferably large);
  3. Water - a cup of clean, unboiled water;
  4. Air is an incense stick.

To charge your runic ward with elemental energy, place it in the middle of the table.

Arrange the remaining components clockwise in a certain sequence. Put a candle in the far left corner, and an incense stick in the right corner. Pour salt in the near left corner, and place water in the right corner.

Light the candle and incense stick. Touch each symbol, calling for help the forces of Fire, Earth, Water and Air. Take your amulet in your right hand and press it to your heart. Imagine that you have become one with him.

Activation completed - the amulet will start working soon!

The activation of the talisman can also be done with the help of air or your breath. These methods are perfect for people of the element of Air.

To do this, you need to put your magical little thing in an almost cooled fire. Having previously thrown wet leaves or grass there. In this way, the talisman is fumigated with smoke.

You can also activate the amulet with your breath. Get more air into your lungs and hold your breath. Close your eyes and mentally formulate the task that you entrust to your amulet. After that, exhale the air on your talisman.

Runes of amulets, which are drawn on paper, can be activated if they are mentally burned. In this way, the runic talisman will gain even more power.

Ancient runes of amulets are endowed with strong energy and can help make all your desires and dreams come true. These runic symbols help develop those character traits that are needed to achieve success. If you use runic amulets correctly, they can help in almost all areas of life.

Runes have a special energy that can protect, attract good luck and even tell about the future. Scandinavian symbols will help everyone if you know their interpretation.

Runic symbols have been used since ancient times to convey information, tell fortunes for the future and protect against any evil. Each rune has its own meaning, and anyone can use them. Site site experts recommend studying the runes before starting divination or making amulets for protection. With the help of symbols, each person can find out the answers to many questions, see the path to prosperity and avoid troubles. All you need is faith in your own strength, as well as an accurate interpretation of each rune, and then you can easily predict your own future.


The rune speaks of success in the business environment, career growth and good deals. In divination, Fehu symbolizes changes for the better that will affect personal life, the completion of problems or a black stripe. The rune helps to fulfill cherished desires and avoid any unforeseen circumstances. The symbol is often used as a talisman against failure.


Uruz symbolizes energy and strength. When fortune telling, it promises excellent opportunities. The rune can bring creation and destruction, and the choice will depend only on the person. In the literal sense, Uruz speaks of rapid career growth, excellent well-being. The rune shows that even with problems that arise, a person will be able to quickly resolve all issues and come to success.


The meaning of Thurisaz lies in destruction for creation. In divination, she points to the need to break stereotypes and walls that a person erects in front of himself. Everything that hinders development and the path to success must be left behind, otherwise regression will not take long. The rune is often used as a talisman when additional support and strength are needed to overcome difficulties.


The rune helps to quickly assimilate knowledge and improves relationships between people. Anzus gives impetus to the development of creative skills, stimulating thinking. The rune is used when concluding deals and contracts, to obtain benefits and to avoid deception. The symbol can be worn to better understand your "I" and find ways of development. In the process of divination, the rune promises difficulties and troubles that will temper and help find the path to prosperity.


The rune promotes development and promotion. Thanks to the Raido symbol, it is easier to find the right solution and make dreams come true. In fortune-telling, the rune indicates that there is a period in life when all desires can come true, if important issues are not postponed. Raido assists with travel, business and litigation.


The symbol contributes to the awakening of abilities, makes it possible to bring success closer. Kenaz helps to achieve goals and fulfill cherished desires. The rune is used to awaken passion in relationships, recover from illness, and search for answers to difficult questions.


The rune is able to attract love, connect hearts. It helps to choose the ideal partner for living together. Gebo strengthens relationships in couples, leading them away from scandals and the influence of ill-wishers. Thanks to this symbol, you can restore spiritual harmony and establish contact with business partners for mutually beneficial projects.


The runic symbol denotes glory and achievement of goals. Thanks to this rune, you can choose the best moment for development and cardinal changes in life. Vunyo gives strength to cope with sadness and apathy, strengthens willpower and helps to achieve success without delay. The amulet with the applied symbol brings the fulfillment of a cherished dream closer.


The rune restores inner balance, pacifying raging emotions. Hagalas helps develop intuition and see clues along the way, provides protection from external negativity directed at a person on purpose or by accident. In divination, a rune can warn of unforeseen difficulties.


The rune signifies endurance and patience. This symbol helps in meditation, when it is important for a person to find inner balance and answers to questions. Nautiz is able to give strength to solve serious problems, and also contributes to the search for love. The rune is used as a talisman in order to protect against trouble and fight financial difficulties.


Isa symbolizes inner strength and self-control. She is able to protect in stressful situations, help to gather strength and emerge victorious from any circumstances. Isa brings the fulfillment of cherished desires closer, makes it possible to avoid conflicts or quickly resolve them peacefully.



The rune frees from fears and helps to cleanse the aura, protects from negativity and makes it possible to make the only right decision. Thanks to the Algiz rune, you can avoid health troubles, quickly achieve success and protect your property from damage and theft.


The rune gives energy and optimism, helps in the assimilation of knowledge and leads to victory in the shortest way. The symbol gives confidence, makes it possible to resist fears and a negative environment. Soulu is used when working with chakras: it is believed that it helps them to work in full force.


Teyvaz awakens resourcefulness and courage, makes it possible to defend one's opinion. The rune relieves fears, instilling courage, protects from envious people and ill-wishers. Thanks to the runic symbol, it is easier to prevent conflicts and rally with like-minded people to achieve a common goal.


The rune is able to protect the family from any evil, helps to find harmony and understanding in relationships. Berkana has been considered a symbol of fertility and abundance since ancient times. It is also used for inspiration and personal development.


The rune symbolizes progress and change. It is used when you need to “stir up” the situation, cope with difficulties, decide to move or make other cardinal changes in life. The rune helps in communicating with people, makes it possible to control emotions and not make hasty conclusions. As a talisman, it helps to get rid of everything that prevents you from achieving your goals.


The rune enhances the desire to improve, think optimistically and motivate yourself for new victories. Helps to reveal hidden potential, eliminates the close attention of ill-wishers. Mannaz is used to improve relationships, including business ones.


The rune symbolizes peace and slowness, helps to deal with emotions and maintain relationships. Laguz is most often used by women to attract the attention of the opposite sex. The rune makes it possible to avoid troubles and accidents, enhances intuitive abilities.
