This invisible gas is light and transparent. He is a transparent invisible, Light and colorless gas. He envelops us with a weightless scarf. It is thick, fragrant in the forest, Like a healing infusion. It smells of resinous freshness, It smells of oak and pine. Interesting facts about

He is a transparent invisible, Light and colorless gas. He envelops us with a weightless scarf. He is in the forest - thick, fragrant, Like a healing infusion, It smells of resinous freshness, It smells of oak and pine. In summer it is warm, It blows cold in winter, When frost colors the glass And lies on them with a border. We don't notice it, We don't talk about it. We just breathe it in - We need it!

slide 4 from the presentation "Air". The size of the archive with the presentation is 3152 KB.

The world around 3 class

summary of other presentations

"The Human Body" - Lesson Plan. What is more important for a person - wealth or fame. Working process. Human organism. Crossword "Organism". The world around us. Practical work. Human organism. Proverbs about health. Anatomy is the science of the structure of the human body.

"Wind" - The movement of warm air. I.K. Aivazosky "The Ninth Wave". How will the wind blow in the area day and night. Vane. Aivazovsky I.K. B. Shcherbakov "Fresh breeze". wind characteristic. Wind. Air compresses as it cools. How to prove that warm air takes up more space than cold air. Correct answer. Storm. Warm air expands when heated. Warm air takes up more space than cold air.

"Chaos and Order" - Stolen Sun. The sun. Chaos and order. Give the numbers of the squares. The game "Believe - do not believe." Universe. World. Order. Earth. Planets.

"Human skin" - Saprophyte. What an interesting feature our skin has. observation. The skin must be washed. The skin is a reliable defense of the body. Cleanliness is the key to health. Outer covering of a person. What do you think we will study, explore in the lesson. Press your finger on the skin, you will see that this place will first turn white. The structure of the skin. Can a person do without skin. Can the skin be called a respiratory organ? Statement of the educational task.

"History of the Kuban" - Peoples of the Caucasus. Beginning of XX century. War between Russia and Turkey. Monument to Catherine II. Caucasian war. There is no future without the past. Eternal possession. Gold of the Kuban. Herodotus. Annexation of Crimea. Letter of Companion from Empress Catherine II. Russian Tmutarakan principality. Giants and dwarfs. Resettlement of the Cossacks to the Kuban. Greek settlements in the Kuban. Ancient people. The country is huge. Winter Olympics in Sochi.

"Dogs in Space" - Veterans of space flight. Among all animals, the largest group of astronauts are dogs. Gypsy did not fly into space anymore. A squad of space mongrels. Tests began with flights to an altitude of 100-150 km. First orbital flight - Laika. At the beginning of space exploration, the risk was too great. Dog suits. The spacecraft did not have a descent vehicle, it was doomed. Belka and Strelka. 9 dog flights.

"Air Magician"
(middle group)
Compiled by: Melyakina
Elena Vladimirovna
(teacher of the 1st category)
He is a transparent invisible
Light and colorless gas.
He envelops us with a weightless scarf.
He is thick, fragrant in the forest,
Like a healing potion.
It smells of resinous freshness,
Smells like oak and pine.
In summer it is warm
It blows cold in winter.
When the frost lay on the glass
Lush white fringe.
We don't notice it
We don't talk about him.
We just breathe it in
We do need him.
Relevance of the project: Relevance and effectiveness of the project
is that directly to the child
given the opportunity not only to express themselves, but also
replenish knowledge. At the same time, developing creative abilities
and communication skills, the initial prerequisites are formed
project activities, as well as providing
individual developmental trajectory of the child, where
opportunity to participate in the project
according to his abilities and interests.
Thus, the actions of the educator are to
to help every child to believe in himself, to create
"success situation", evaluate your capabilities, lay
foundations of intellectual education.
Project object: air.
Subject of the object: how, using the properties of air, to show
Project goals:

develop the child's creative abilities, activating
thinking in the process of expanding specially-modeled
air problems.

Enrich the child's personal experience and create conditions for
expansion of ideas about the properties of air: "possesses
force”, “transmits odors”, etc.

develop the search activity of the child: the ability
plan the stages of their actions, argue their
choice; ability to find innovative solutions
problematic situations, come up with new variations
ways to use ordinary things; systematization
knowledge about the properties of air; level improvement
accumulated practical skills: experimenting with
objects of inanimate nature; creation of items
substitutes, supplementing them with the appropriate parts

Activate the child's speech;

to teach the child to develop hypotheses, to develop
striving for independent acquisition of knowledge by experienced
Hypothesis: Air is present everywhere and it is not visible, but it
can be used.
Stages of work on the project:
Stage 1 - preparatory (1 week)
At the first stage of the project implementation, search and
analytical or preparatory, we are based on
interests of the child, a survey was conducted
parents, discussion of the goals, objectives of the project with
parents, creating the conditions necessary for
project implementation. Then they identified the problem: where
find invisible-air? What would you like to know about it?
Application of air. How and from what sources do we
can we get information about the air?
Stage 2 - main (2 weeks)
Accumulation of knowledge and skills in various forms
- conversations (where to find the invisibility; properties of the invisibility;
how items work; what the invisible man can do), stories
from encyclopedias, videos (air in nature)
– game, learning and creatively developing situations
different types (what happens to air, what happens to
air when we do actions; why air
moving, etc.)
– labor activity (production of a model
kite, "cunning snake" to determine
air properties);
– experimental research activity
(“How to see the air?”, “Why does the air
ball?”, “Why is it cold in winter and warm in summer?”, “What
can the air? and etc.);
- Problem solving and problem solving
check that the air has power, etc.);
- manifestation of the action of air in nature;
– thematic classes: (“What is the air in our
city?”, “Properties of air”, “Air is invisible).
Stage 3 - presentation (1 week)
- making a kite model;
– activity-entertainment "Air magician";
- a reflection of the acquired knowledge about the properties of air in
drawings "Invisible Away".
Project participants: children, educators, parents.
Equipment and materials: jars, cups, sticks,
soap bubbles, plastic bags, corks, small
toys, plasticine, made kites, hair dryer, sailboat,
balloons, balls, etc.; educational literature,
paintings and illustrations, video footage, camera,
materials for productive activities, computer.
Intended product of the project: activity-entertainment
"Air magician", drawing "Invisible Away".
1. N.A. Ryzhova "Invisible Air" Moscow, 1998
2. E.V. Marudova “Introduction of preschoolers to the environment
peace" St. Petersburg. "Childhood Press", 2011
GCD on the topic: "Air is invisible"
(for middle-aged children)

Give children an idea of ​​what is
air is one of the conditions for the existence of living

Generate interest in experimental
activities, modeling.

Develop logical thinking, interest in
natural phenomena.

· Raise the desire to keep the air clean.
vocabulary work
ta: Enrich the children's vocabulary with the words:
laboratory, transparent, invisible, experiments.
Preliminary work:
- wind observations;
- conducting experiments that prove the ease
Lesson progress:
Educator: - Guys, I will now give you a riddle,
and you try to guess it:
The path goes through the nose
And it's on its way back.
He is invisible, and yet,
We cannot live without it.
Educator: - That's right, it's air.
- Guys, who knows who is studying the air. (Scientists)
- Where do scientists work? (in the laboratory)
- Do you want to play scientists and visit our
The teacher tells the children about the rules of behavior in
- Guys, let's conduct experiments with you:
Experience 1: Blow into a tube lowered into a glass with
Educator: - Blow into a tube lowered into a glass
with water. What's happening?
(bubbles come out)
Educator: - You see! So we have air.
inside. We blow into the tube and it comes out. But to
blow some more, we first inhale new air, and then
exhale through a tube and get bubbles.
Educator: - Guys, what bubbles can you still
let in? (soapy)
Educator: - Do you want to allow soap? (Yes)
- What do you think is inside the soap
Children: - soap.
Educator: Of course, soap!
Educator: - Soap bubbles are obtained from soap
solution and air by inflation. Bubble
increases in size when air enters.
When blowing soap bubbles, we exhale air from
(Each child inflates their own bubble)
Educator: - Look, everyone got a bubble
different, someone has a big one, someone has a small one, but they all
made from soapy water.
Educator: - Tell me, can we see the air with you?
- That's right, we don't see, but what do you think, we catch
can we do it? (no)
Educator: - A
you want me to show you
how can you catch
Experience 2: What's in the package?
Educator: -
Let's take
plastic bag.
- What's in it? (is he
Let's put it together a few times. look,
how thin he is.
- Let's together with you we will draw air into the bag and
twist the open end. Look at the package
elastic, tight.
Educator: - And now, what do you see? (In the package
Educator: - And if you and I let him go, what
will happen to the package?
(it will become flat and thin)
Educator: - Let's take air into the bag together,
and then release it together.
Educator: - There is air around us, only we
we do not see it, but with the help of the nose, we can see it
What can we use to smell? (with
with the help of the wind)
Educator: - And how can you create wind conditions in
our laboratory.
- Correctly with the help of a breeze, a fan, a hair dryer, a turntable.
Educator: - What else do you think can be done
with the wind?
(Waves on the water, let the ships go, make a fan and
blow on face)
Educator: - I wave the fan, push the air,
wind is produced. If I don't spin the turntable, then
the air is not moving and the spinner is not spinning.
- It turns out that the air moves and conveys to us
different smells, although the air itself has no smell.
Educator: - Today we tried to see
air and catch it, and still I offer it to you
- Do you know how it can be done?
- But, before we carry out the following
task, we need to refresh ourselves:
Physical education:
The wind blows from above.
Grasses and flowers bend.
Right - left, left - right
Flowers and herbs sway. (Tilts to the side).
And let's get together
Let's all jump in place. (Jumping).
Higher! Have fun! Like this.
Let's go one step at a time. (Walking in place).
So the game is over, it's time to deal with us. (Children
sit down).
Experience 3: "What does it sound like?"
Educator: - I suggest you now hear
air. Let's take the bottles and put them on
lower lip and blow from the side into the neck.
- What happens to the air? (he whistles)
- Let's take the edge of a piece of thin paper
(you can foil) put it on your lips and blow along
it so that sound is produced.
Educator: - What's going on?
Children exhale a stream of air, the edge of the paper trembles. He
makes the air tremble, so sound is produced.
Educator: - In order to confirm, let's
just put the paper to our lips and try something
to tell.
- What are we feeling? (feel the paper shake)
Educator: - What do you think, what other items
make sounds?
- Of course, this is the rustle of leaves - the rustling of paper;
transfusion of water - the sound of a stream; tapping fingers on
metal - the sound of rain.
Educator: - Well done guys, you coped with
tasks like real scientists, and even managed
the last task, which we will talk about in more detail
with you at the next meeting.

slide 1

AIR is our invisible friend. Presentation by Fedorova Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher of GBOU secondary school No. 127 of the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg

slide 2

Guess the riddle He is a transparent invisible, Light and colorless gas. He envelops us with a weightless scarf. He is in the forest - thick, fragrant, It smells of resinous freshness, It smells of oak and pine. In summer it is warm, It blows cold in winter, When frost colors the glass And lies on them with a border, We do not talk about it. We just breathe it in - We need it!

slide 3

What is air It was about the ocean of air. The air surrounding our Earth is its amazing "shirt". In such a "shirt" our planet does not overheat from the sun. The air surrounding our Earth does a very important job - it monitors the climate on our planet. For winter to come after autumn, and spring and summer after winter. As soon as air is not called: air shell, air ocean, atmosphere

slide 4

What is air made of? Air is a mixture of gases. The air contains the most nitrogen, the least oxygen, and the least amount of carbon dioxide.

slide 5

The Significance of Air We are accustomed to calling the ocean of air the sky. The blue sky is a thick layer of air illuminated by the sun. If the Earth were not surrounded by air, we would see the fiery disk of the Sun in the black sky. The air ocean is very important for life. Because the air is breathed by people, animals, birds and plants - all living things on Earth.

slide 6

Properties of air Odorless No shape No color No taste We cannot feel the air, but we cannot live without it.

Slide 7

Wind The earth is heated differently by the sun in different places. The air also heats up from the earth. Warm air is lighter than cold air. Warm air rises. And cold air descends in its place. This is where the wind comes in. So wind is the movement of air.

Slide 8

Warm Air People have noticed that warm air rises. It's easy to see when smoke rises from a chimney

Slide 9

The air retains heat Why do animals put on warm fluffy coats for the winter? In fluffy fur coats between the villi there is more air, which retains heat. Why do animals and birds hide in the snow in extreme cold? Although the snow is cold, there is air between the snowflakes. This air also protects animals from the cold. This means that air has another useful property - to keep warm. Therefore, double frames are made in houses.

slide 10

people and animals, factories and machines - everyone needs air. Why is it not getting smaller on earth? Because there are green plants on Earth. Man breathes in oxygen and breathes out carbon dioxide. And plants, as it were, breathe in carbon dioxide, and exhale oxygen, which is necessary for people and animals.

Sections: Working with preschoolers , Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Purpose of the lesson: to form children's ideas about the air and its properties.

Lesson objectives:

  • to contribute to the enrichment and consolidation of children's knowledge about the properties of air, to expand children's understanding of the importance of air in the life of humans, animals, plants;
  • to develop in children the ability to establish causal relationships on the basis of an elementary experiment and draw conclusions;
  • to consolidate elementary ideas about the sources of air pollution, about the importance of clean air for our health, about some rules of environmental safety, to develop the environmental awareness of children;
  • to develop in children the skills of cooperation through involvement in various activities with children and adults;
  • to cultivate a culture of communication, to intensify the speech activity of children.

Lesson progress

- Guys, listen carefully and guess the riddle:

We need it to breathe
To inflate the balloon.
With us every hour
But he is invisible to us!

- What is it?

Yes, that's right, it's air. And today we will talk about the air like real scientists-researchers. To do this, I invite you to the laboratory.

The teacher shows the picture (slide 2) with the image of the planet Earth.

Our planet Earth is surrounded on all sides by a thick layer of air.

This amazing shell is called the atmosphere. If it were not there, all living things would die in the scorching rays of the Sun during the day, and at night they would die from cosmic cold. Without air, our planet Earth would be a dead desert.

Wherever we go, wherever we go by sea or by land, there is air everywhere.

“Which of you guys has seen the air?” I don't see him in our lab either, but I know he's here. And now, together with you, we will be convinced of this.

OBSERVATION 1. How to detect air.

- Air is easy to detect if you create its movement. Wave your fan in front of your face. What did you feel?

(Air is not visible, but it can be felt by the skin as a light breeze).

OBSERVATION 2 (with sachets)

- And yet, the air can be "caught" in a bag. What's in our bags? (air)

- And what is he? Do we see him? Why don't we see it? (Air is colorless, transparent)

What is the bag filled with air like? (elastic)

– Various soft objects can be inflated (filled) with air. Filling objects, the air becomes elastic, and shapeless objects take shape. (Inflate a soft shapeless ball, let the children touch it). What objects have air inside? (ball, car tires)

OBSERVATION 3. Experience with a straw.

How else can you see the air? Take a straw each and blow through it into a glass of water. What comes out of the water with bubbles?

What other bubbles can you blow? (soapy)

What is inside soap bubbles? (air)

CONCLUSION A: Air is everywhere.

OBSERVATION 4. There is air in all objects.

On the teacher’s table there is a jar of water and small objects (a stone, a button, a sponge, etc.)

Is there air in these objects? (children's answers)

- I will lower these objects into the water, and you carefully observe what happens? (objects sink (fall to the bottom), while bubbles come out of them, which rise up)

- Bubbles are air, it was in the object and left it when the object fell into the water. Air bubbles rose up; air is lighter than water.

OBSERVATION 5. Air takes up space.

I have a glass with a piece of paper at the bottom. What do you think, if you put a glass in water, what will happen to the leaf, will it get wet or stay dry?

Turning the glass upside down, slowly lower it into the water (the glass must be held straight) until it touches the bottom. Then take the glass out of the water. Why is the paper at the bottom of the glass dry?

(children's answers)

- There is air in the glass, it was he who did not let the water wet the leaf, he did not let the water into the glass.

And now I will lower the glass with the leaf into the water, but I will hold the glass a little obliquely. What appears in the water? Air bubbles are visible. Where did they come from? Air leaves the glass and water takes its place. What happened to our piece of paper? He got wet. Water forced the air out of the glass and took its place, occupied all the space and wetted the piece of paper.

So what have we learned about air? (slide 3)

  • Air is everywhere.
  • It is transparent, colorless, tasteless, odorless.
  • Lighter than water.

He is a transparent invisible
Light and colorless gas.
Weightless scarf
He envelops us.


The air itself is odorless, but can carry odors. By the smell transferred from the kitchen, we guess what dish they cooked there.

Close your eyes, hold your nose. I will carry an object past you, and you try to recognize it by smell. Succeeded?

(no, the nose is closed)

Open your nose. And now? Smell travels through the air, which is why we smell it when we breathe in the air.


How does a person breathe? Place your palm on your chest and feel how your breathing is happening?

Inhale - inhales good air (oxygen)

Exhale - exhale bad air (carbon dioxide)

A person breathes all his life, he needs air for life every second.

- Cover your mouth and nose with your hand to stop breathing. What did you feel, what did you experience?

A person can live

Without food - 30 days;

Without water - 14 days;

Without air - a few minutes. (slide 4)

– When we simply inhale and exhale air, do we see it?

When can we see the air we exhale? (in winter, steam comes out of the mouth).

We took a deep breath
We breathe easily.
(slow inhale-exhale for 4 seconds)
Breathe in one nostril
And peace will come to you.
(long inhalation-exhalation of one nostril, close the other nostril with the index finger)

Deep breath - hands up
Long exhalation - arms through the sides down.

Why is it important for a person to breathe properly? (To not get sick)

With proper breathing through the nose, the air in the nose is warmed, cleared of impurities and enters the lungs.

Only clean air is good for health. The cleanliness of the air on Earth is monitored by scientists - ECOLOGISTS. They study how a person affects nature, what he can do to reduce air pollution.

- What in our life pollutes the air? (slide 5)

(smoke from factories, factories, fires, exhaust fumes, dust, cigarette smoke…)

What should be done to keep the air clean?

(plants and factories put special filters to clean the air, water the paths, sidewalks; plant trees, bushes, flowers; ventilate the premises, wipe the dust)


Do you know what happens to air when it is heated?

A balloon placed on an empty bottle inflates when the bottle is immersed in warm water, and deflates when immersed in cold water.

The air warms up, expands and exits the bottle. That's why the balloon is inflated. Warm air rises.

- And where does a person use this property of air? (aeronautics) (slide 6)

OBSERVATION 7. Wind is the movement of air.

Turn on the fan, let the children feel the breeze.

Where did the wind come from?

What is a fan for? (in hot weather to freshen the air)

– What is the wind? (air movement)

We cannot see the wind, because the air is transparent, but we can watch the clouds float, the leaves sway on the trees, the tree branches sway)

- Man has long learned to use the properties of air. Where does the air work? (slide 7)


What did you learn about air today? (slide 8)

  • Air is part of nature. It is everywhere around us, we breathe it.
  • Air is invisible, transparent.
  • Air can move.
  • Air is odorless, but it can carry odors as it moves.
  • Air expands when heated and contracts when cooled.
  • We all need air. Without it, there is no life.

Which of the experiments did you like the most, what property of air did he tell us about?

Did you know that air has another amazing property - you can play with air. There are even special toys for playing with air. (Turntables, soap bubbles, kite...)

Today we learned about the properties of air by conducting experiments and experiments with air. I think that you will tell your friends and parents about everything interesting that you learned today in our laboratory. And your moms and dads will be able to tell you about other properties of the air and read about the "great invisible" in encyclopedias.

Thank you guys for the lesson, it was very pleasant and interesting to communicate with you.


  1. "Air" comp. Yu.I. Smirnov. - St. Petersburg: Owl, 1998.
  2. Voronkevich O.A. "Welcome to ecology!" - St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2007.
  3. Kulikovskaya I.E, Sovgir N.N. "Children's experimentation" - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005.
  4. Nikolaeva S.N. “Introduction of preschoolers to inanimate nature. Nature management in kindergarten "- M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003.
  5. Pavlenko I.N., Rodyushkina N.G. “The development of speech and familiarization with the outside world in the preschool educational institution: Integrated classes. – M.: T.Ts. Sphere, 2006.
  6. Parker S., Oliver K. "Man and Nature" (100 questions and answers) / trans. from English. MM. Zhukova, S.A. Pylaeva. - M .: CJSC "Rosmen-Press", 2006.
  7. "Scientific Answers to Children's Whys". Experiments and experiments for children from 5 to 9 years old / Author-compiler Zubkova N.M. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2009.
  8. Tugusheva G.P., Chistyakova A.E. “Experimental activity of children of middle and senior preschool age: Methodological guide - St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2009.
What is the air like? Clean, dirty, transparent, light, colorless, weightless, but also thick, fragrant, resinous, healing. Where can it be found? Under the snow near the fox in the tail and in many other places that you can learn about by reading the lesson of Tatiana SHORYGINA.

He is a transparent invisible
Light and colorless gas.
Weightless scarf
He envelops us.
He is in the forest - thick, fragrant,
Like a healing potion
It smells of resinous freshness,
Smells like oak and pine.
In summer it is warm
Blows cold in winter
When the frost paints the glass
And lies on them with a border.
We don't notice it
We don't talk about him.
We just breathe it in
He's what we need!

You, of course, guessed that we are talking about the air we breathe. Air is needed not only by people, but also by plants, fish, birds and animals.
What properties does air have?
It is a colorless, transparent gas, it has no smell, it consists of various gases: nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide.
When we breathe, we take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. 600 liters of oxygen is necessary for a person to breathe for only one day!
Plants, on the other hand, absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere.
Let's take a closer look at the green leaf.

The lower surface of the sheet, covered with a transparent film, is dotted with very small holes. They are called stomata, you can clearly see them in a magnifying glass. They open and close to absorb carbon dioxide. In sunlight, from the water that rises from the roots along the stems of plants, and carbon dioxide in green leaves, sugar, starch are formed and oxygen is released.
No wonder plants are called the green lungs of the planet.
What wonderful air in the forest! Thick, healing infusion. It contains a lot of oxygen and nutrients. After all, trees emit special volatile substances - phytoncides, which kill bacteria.
The resinous smells of spruce and pine, the aroma of birch, oak, larch are very useful for humans.

But in cities, the air is completely different: it smells of gasoline and exhaust gases, is polluted with soot and dust particles, because there are a lot of cars in cities, there are factories and factories. Breathing such air is harmful to humans. To purify the air, we plant trees and shrubs: lindens, poplars, lilacs.
Tall, slender poplars with greenish-gray trunks adorn the squares and streets, squares and parks of our cities. When the wind blows, fresh and shiny poplar foliage boils like a wave of the sea, runs in silvery waves, and the green noise of poplars resembles the surf.
Poplars are planted in the city more often than other trees, firstly, because they perfectly clean the city air from dust and soot, and secondly, they emit more oxygen into the atmosphere than other trees.
One poplar allocates as much as three lindens, four pines, seven firs.
But that's not all! Poplars are unpretentious, grow very quickly. If in the spring a cutting 30 cm long is planted in the ground, then by autumn a meter-long tree will grow.
Why are poplars good for purifying the air?
Yes, because the poplar leaf is very smooth and small particles of dirt and dust easily fly off or are washed off by rain. It hangs down on a long petiole, slightly compressed laterally. Thanks to this form of petiole, poplar leaves are very mobile, flutter and tremble even with light gusts of wind and capture dust well.

Air has another interesting property - it does not transmit heat well.
Many plants that winter under the snow do not freeze because there is a lot of air between the cold particles of snow, and the snowdrift resembles a warm blanket covering the stems and roots of plants.
In autumn, the squirrel, hare, wolf, fox and other animals molt. Winter fur is thicker and more luxuriant than summer fur. More air is trapped between thick hairs, and animals in a snowy winter forest are not afraid of any frost!
Hear how the squirrel prepares for the long, harsh winter.

The autumn forest flies around
Red leaf fall is pouring.
Soon the squirrel will change
Golden attire.
Winter coat on her
Get thicker and thicker
Becomes gray, silvery
The tail of the squirrel is fluffy.

The gray wolf has a large, fluffy tail. When the beast goes to bed right on the snow, he covers his nose and paws with his magnificent tail.
And what a magnificent, thick, shiny tail the fox has! In the most severe frosts, she is not cold in a snowy bed, because she takes cover, like a warm blanket, with her tail, between the long hairs of which there is a lot of air that does not let the cold through.
In winter, thick, thick hair grows on the paws of the red beauty, it seems as if the fox put on warm felt boots and she is not cold to walk on snow and ice.
Vole mice hide in burrows under high snowdrifts, where they are both warm and comfortable.
And birds - black grouse, capercaillie - in the most severe frosts burrow into deep snow. So warmer!

January is chilly.
Hazel grouse, black grouse, capercaillie
Buried deep in the snow
He warms them like fur.
A fox roams the forest
Looking for something to eat.
The forest froze, there was no sound around,
But the fox with sensitive hearing
Hears: fiddling, squeaking
In minks, broods of mice.
And cheat fast, fast
Rakes fluffy snow
And the mice are on the run,
Once - and hid under a haystack!

Let's think together what the wind is. Correctly! Wind is the movement of air. The wind sways the leaves on the trees, in summer it brings coolness and freshness. In autumn, strong, gusty winds blow, they tear off yellowed leaves, shake the branches of trees.


Do you know, children?
I am the autumn wind
Bold and free
But sometimes cold.
I am impetuous, cheerful, quick,
I tore off the hat from the maples.
Everywhere spinning, flying
golden leaves
And wrap the garden
Red fox fur.

In winter, the winds whirl snowflakes and sweep high snowdrifts. We say that a snowstorm is sweeping, and we call a snowstorm a blizzard or snowstorm.

Questions and tasks.

1. Tell us about the properties of air.

2. What gases does air consist of?

3. Why are trees called the green lungs of the planet?

4. Draw a tree leaf.

5. Why are poplars planted more often than other trees in cities?

6. How does thick and lush fur protect animals from the cold?

7. Why do some birds burrow into the snow in winter?