Can they attack the shelter 88. Social experiment in the Vault

Just the other day, a new addition for Fallout 4 called Vault-Tec Workshop was released, in which we were given the opportunity to become a caretaker and rebuild our cool shelter at number 88, as well as to perform "inhuman" Vault-Tec experiments on our inhabitants. Is it worth its 460 rubles and do you need it if you are an active mod user? Let's see.

The expansion begins traditionally for Bethesda, with the receipt of a radio signal from Vault 88, in which we are once again called to a new location in the Quincy Quarry, where we find a female ghoul caretaker named Valerie Barstow, who lives surrounded by wild ghouls and who directly - I can't wait to start recreating the Vault and start experimenting. It should be noted that the beginning was quite promising and could interest me. Judge for yourself - at the entrance to the location of the future construction and after clearing it of rubbish, I found a huge room for multi-storey construction. However, to my surprise, this was far from all. In addition to the main building, a huge dungeon with branches and cuts was waiting for me, where, under certain conditions, you can also build. And a bunch of high level monsters that were pretty fun to shoot. And even though the construction limit was half full, I was already prepared for the large-scale construction of the century, experiments, the revival of mankind and other pleasant things. How wrong I was.

In total, there are four (4) experiments in the add-on, which cannot even be called experiments, because their implementation requires a minute of real time, no more, and they are such ... that it would be better if they did not exist at all. Seriously, if it weren't for running around to the HalluciGen corporation, all four "experiments" could have been completed in a few minutes. The essence of the experiment: create an object in the workshop menu, power it up, connect a terminal to it, select "ethical" or "unethical" settings and send a vault dweller to use it. And, I'm afraid, even if you choose the worst option, you will not be able to feel like a villain. Here are some experiments. After that, you become the caretaker of the newly appeared shelter and can build. It's not that you can't rebuild the hideout before then - no, you can rebuild it from the very beginning of the expansion - it's just that after completing the so-called "quests" there is absolutely nothing else to do in this expansion.

The whole point of inhuman experiments, according to Bethesda

By the way, about the inhabitants of the shelter, on which we experiment. In most (hehe, out of four) cases, this is a fool named Clem and a little bit more nameless nouns. To be honest, I have no idea why Bethesda hates their players so much that they include such "plots" in addition for 460 rubles.

Okay, let's say it's a building addition. In the end, after beating the game, it's not like there's much left for us to do. And one of these things is the construction and arrangement of their settlements. What can give us a new addition for these purposes? And here the set is already not so modest - there are really a lot of modules for building a new shelter, they are diverse and with their help it is quite possible to build something tolerable. In addition to modules for the direct construction of shelters, the add-on adds other objects, among the interesting innovations (finally) two Vault-Tek generators that can perfectly provide your settlements with energy. How do you like the generator for 500 energy? Now you have it. There are also all kinds of decorations, furniture and other stray for beautiful construction. Clean building items? Oh really!

However, do not rush to rejoice in this case. So many of the objects added by the expansion were already in my game, since I play with one of the best building mods, Homemaker. This applies, for example, to most of the furniture from the shelters. Pure objects? We have been using them for many months now. Yes, it's nice to have them as an "official" add-on, but by and large they worked just fine, added by mods. Therefore, in the case of added objects, everything turned out to be not so unambiguous.


The new addition turned out to be frankly a failure, and only 33% of positive reviews on Steam show this perfectly. Having promised, as usual, with three boxes and more, Bethesda, in fact, did not live up to the expectations of its players. And after all, the point is not at all that the company cannot create something worthwhile, because the same Automatron came out quite good, and Far Harbor can generally be called a worthy addition to Fallout 4. Against the background of these two additions, Vault Tec Workshop looks emphatically miserable and there is no justification for Bethesda for releasing and selling such content. Especially at this price. One can only hope that Nuka World, the latest expansion coming out in August, can be something worthy.



  • Disgusting plot
  • Terrible characters in the amount of two pieces
  • Many objects for construction are available in modifications
  • High price
  • Another "construction" instead of plot additions

Site rating: 3 out of 10. Feel free to skip.

Vault 88 becomes the personal shelter of the main character, he can build it up at his own discretion, as well as conduct various experiments in it.

Description of Vault 88

Vault 88, added by the Vault-Tec Workshop add-on, according to the plot of the add-on, is an unfinished facility of the Vault-Tek company, the construction of which was interrupted by the war. Your task, as the new owner of the shelter, is to clear it of mutants, clear it of various rubbish and fill the huge rooms to your liking. You will be able to build everything from hairdressers and clinics to laboratories and pumping stations. The interior of the rooms can be filled with furniture, all furniture is in the pre-war style.

Before the release of this add-on, many players were intrigued by the information that in Vault 88, after the construction is completed, it will be possible to conduct experiments on its settlers. Everyone rubbed their hands and drove away in their heads what terrible, or maybe not terrible, experiments they would carry out. And now the add-on became available and everyone rushed to Vault 88, build, fill, do everything to make the opportunity to conduct experiments available.

To search for shelter 88, you can use our interactive map, on which all Fallout 4 objects are marked.

What experiments are available in Vault 88?

Having gained access to experiences, the players were left, for the most part, dissatisfied. There are several reasons for this, including the impossibility of conducting mass experiments and the lack of diversity in them.

As it turned out, only 1 inhabitant is available for experiments, and there are only 4 experiments through which it can be driven, and in our opinion they are not very interesting, see for yourself:

  • Exercise bike experiment- an ordinary exercise bike is taken, which is attached to a dynamo machine, the experimental person is put behind this unit and you decide in which mode to turn on the exercise bike. He has 3 of these modes, here is their description:
    1. Rigid - subject pedals until he dies, a little brutal and a little interesting;
    2. Medium - when the subject pedals, to increase his endurance, he is given a drug that makes him addicted;
    3. Soft - in this mode, the subject is engaged on the simulator, to the cheerful music and no one controls him.

  • Soda Machine Experiment- in this experiment, the subject will drink soda from the machine, he will not even be aware of the experiment, and at this time various additives will be added to his drink:
    1. A drink with a hallucinogen - long-term use of such a drink will cause some kind of effect, and which one we will learn from this experiment;
    2. Drink with an antidepressant - the subject becomes completely dependent on the machine and the drink;
    3. A drink made from coffee and nuclei-cola - after such a drink it is quite possible “ see time".

  • Experiment “Vision Test”- the subject is invited for a medical “vision test”, in fact, he is put not behind a medical device, but behind a special laboratory one. With this device, you can do the following:
    1. Viewing hypnotic images;
    2. Seeing thoughts through the eyes;
    3. Treatment of subject's vision;

  • Vegas Slot Experiment- the essence of this experiment is that a slot machine is installed for people, but it is “twisted” in advance and gives a result that is beneficial to the leader of the experiment. Here are the modes in which this device operates:
    1. 100% loss - see how losses affect residents;
    2. 50/50 - how many won and lost;
    3. Everyone always wins - look at how sudden wealth affects the settlers.

After wandering around Vault 88 and doing everything possible in it, we can highlight the following interesting facts:

  • Searching room after room, you can find a water pump, when you start it, Vault 88 will be completely supplied with water;
  • Unfortunately, the level of mutants from which you need to clear the premises of your shelter does not depend on the level of the main character, so it is better to go there at high levels;
  • From the shelter there are 2 additional exits to the Milton Hospital location and to the University Point location ;
  • The front door to Vault 88 can be replaced;
  • For other shelters in the Commonwealth, see the article: “All Fallout 4 Vaults“.

This is all the information we know about Vault 88 in Fallout 4, if you know something that is not known to us, then write about it in the comments.

Exploring Vault 88 in the new addition Vault-Tec Workshop for supposes unlocking all possible sites for construction in an underground settlement. Also from sectors you can get to the surface in the Commonwealth. Thanks to the new construction elements that are noted gear icon (in the workshop), players were given the chance to create a hideout of their own design. And if before you had to use not the most the best furniture for the arrangement of dwellings, now there are pure objects of the pre-war years. In Vault 88, all settlers can receive matching blue suits and a Pipboy.

Below we will take a closer look at where there are construction sites in the new shelter, and what their features are. For unlocking all three sectors, you can get achievement/trophy Better Living Undergroud ( Better life underground).

Fallout 4: Vault-Tec - all sectors in Vault 88

Vault 88 lobby. To get access, you have to complete the task " Better life underground". Then access to the task " Investigate hideout 88", which will unlock three sectors: northeast, east, north.

In each sector, you need to activate the workshop, for which you will initially need to find the Vault-tech Control Board. Each board is in its own sector. After activating the workshop, go through the sector again with active build mode and clear the rubble and walls in order to open new passages and mines with uranium, bosses, mobs and nuclear material.

Northern sector in Vault 88 Fallout 4: Vault-Tec

In the underground. From the vestibule turn strictly to the left, remove the blockage and go through the cave down and through the tunnels. Get to the subway sooner or later. You will need the second tunnel, where turn left and against the wall on the bedside table near the container there is a Control Board.

Opposite there is a wooden boarded up door. If you remove it and climb the stairs, you can exit the shelter to the surface in the area Milton Hospital (manhole in the road).

Here, located the only source of water for the settlement in Vault 88 - Vault-Tec water pump. There is no quest for it. After you activate the sector and the workshop, connect it to the generator. The peculiarity of the station is that the connection box is very high. Therefore, it is more convenient to put the generator on some hill. Build a small platform from stairs and floors, for example, near the pump itself. After that, click Activate.

For unlocking all three sectors, you can get achievement/trophy Better Living Undergroud. In addition, in each sector in workshop mode, look for walls and remove them. Behind them, passages open into uranium mines and tunnels that will lead, in a short or long way, back to the center of Vault 88.

For the first time in the history of the Fallout series, you have the opportunity to not just visit another vault, but build your own using the Vault-Tec Workshop add-on for Fallout 4, which will be available on July 26, 2016 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Become a real Asylum Overseer with the authority to experiment on residents.

Welcome to Vault 88

Vault-Tec Workshop is the first hybrid add-on that has both a quest part and a part related to the construction and creation of items. It all starts with a call for help from Vault 88, which you will receive if your level is above 20. After arriving at the place and dealing with the raiders trying to enter the shelter, you will meet the caretaker. She is the only survivor of Vault 88, but she is now a ghoul too. Vault 88 was not completed before the war, and the caretaker has been waiting for 200 years to complete it. The long wait has not shaken her devotion to Vault-Tek in the least, and she dreams of starting experiments on unsuspecting residents.

Select the ideal test subjects, set the parameters of the experiment - at the end of the experiment you will receive a new object that you can build at any time using the workshop.

You don't have to complete the quest part - it won't stop you from crafting base versions of each experimental item. Also, it is not necessary to be level 20 in order to receive the task, but it is desirable, since the place in which Vault 88 is located is intended for players of level 35. But here it's up to you.

Interior design

You have to complete the construction of Vault 88 and fill it with items for comfort. In addition to the large building pieces to create the hideout itself, you'll also have clean furniture, new decorations (including Vault Boy and Vault Girl statues), items you craft through experimentation, and armchairs for the barbershop and surgery room. Now you don't have to trudge to Diamond City to change your appearance. Put a villager next to the chair and change yourself for free and at any time (only for your character).

You will not need a bunch of materials for construction, since they are already in place, and you can also sort out the rubbish lying there. But even if they run out, you can just look for them inside Vault 88. Be careful: it may happen that you break through the wall and find evil monsters behind it. True, if you deal with them, you can build there.

To the light

You don't have to limit yourself to the Vault set, you can use all the items and structures available to you. Also, do not limit yourself to Vault 88 - go to other settlements and make their world a better place too. You will not be able to dig the ground, but you will have a chance to build a heavenly Vault.

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Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop - how to start the water pump in Vault 88

Find out what needs to be done to start the water pump in Vault 88 and provide water to all the inhabitants of the underground settlement

Vault 88 is a new settlement that has been added to Fallout 4 through the addition Vault-Tec Workshop. If you managed to open a workshop in the eastern sector of the Vault, then you probably wondered: what does this hefty yellow machine do? Here is the unique Vault-Tec water pump - a massive unit, the only one of its kind, which is located exclusively in Vault 88.

There is a small amount of water in the underground village, and the eastern sector is the only place that allows you to expand the water resources of the Vault. If you want to get more than 100 units of water for Vault 88, then check out the information below.

Before you can start the water pump of Vault 88, you must unlock the workshop of the eastern sector. From the central node of Vault 88, complete the quest "A Better Life Underground", remove the debris blocking the path to the eastern sector. The passage is located in a long tunnel, near an abandoned reactor.

Pick up the east sector control board from the room to your right (as you move down the path from the central node). Use the Vault-Tec workshop at the end of the path to the east sector. Note that the Swamp Queen may spawn here.

Now that you have control and can enter the east sector workshop, you can proceed with the steps to restore the water pump to working order. The pump is a massive yellow structure mounted on pipes above the water.

The Vault-Tec water pump is located in the east sector. To use it, you need to unlock the area.

Connect the water pump to the Vault-Tec generator. Pay attention to the tower connector and stilts.

The old generator is located in the central node, next to the passage leading to the eastern sector. There are a lot of useful materials here.

The remaining parts of the reactor, when scrapped, will give you other useful resources that you can use to build power sources for the water pump. Thus, you will not have to leave Vault 88.

This room has a passage to a hidden uranium mine. Don't miss it (read another guide)!

Passage to the uranium mine

You cannot dispose of a Vault-Tec water pump. It will take 20 units of force for it to work. The pump produces over 100 units of water for the residents of Vault 88.

To power the Vault-Tec water pump, you need to build a generator and connect it to the water pump. Below there are several options for building generators, because 20 units of power is a significant indicator.

Power and Materials Required to Build a Generator and Power a Vault-Tec Water Pump

Build four medium generators (a total of 20 power).

Build two large generators (a total of 20 power).

  • 12 gears
  • 10 screws
  • 8 rubber,
  • 20 copper,
  • 24 aluminium,
  • 6 nuclear materials.

Build a Fusion Generator (100 Power in total).

Special Requirements. the fourth level of science, the presence of the Contraptions Workshop add-on.

  • 12 gears
  • 10 screws
  • 20 copper,
  • 25 aluminium,
  • 12 nuclear materials,
  • 8 crystals,
  • 2 tires.

Build a Vault-Tec Reactor (150 Power in total).

  • 15 steel,
  • 15 rubber,
  • 40 nuclear materials,
  • 10 ceramics,
  • 10 copper,
  • 15 aluminium.

So which option is the best? Your best bet is to opt for the Vault-Tec Reactor. You can find most of the parts needed to build it in the central node of Vault 88. Go into workshop mode and destroy any of the large ground engines or construction equipment. In addition, you can destroy the glowing green circular Vault-Tec Reactor.

The Abandoned Vault-Tec Reactor, when destroyed, will give you almost all the parts you need, as well as provide 20 nuclear materials. The rest of the nuclear materials can be found in the uranium mine located in the eastern sector of Vault 88. See the separate guide for more details.

Connecting a water pump to a power source is a much more complicated procedure than building a generator (reactor). The connector for the wire connection on the pump is located very high. To do this, build a tower or place the generator on stilts so that you can easily connect it to the top connector.

After the water pump is running, your calculations water resources will increase by 100 units. Thanks to this, you will be able to quench the thirst of the residents of Vault 88 for a long time.