Thanksgiving for everything. Thank you for every good deed of God. Thanksgiving Prayers for Holy Communion

All Christians during the day remember God, who does it in vain, who consciously appeals to the Creator. Thanksgiving for the blessings of God - a set of prayers, akathists and written by saints or a sincere appeal in your own words to the Creator, uttered in faith and joy.

Reading, turning to the saints with petitions, believers first of all ask for health, help in resolving family problems and much more, and few people put thanksgiving in the first place.

For what and why Christians should thank God

In his letter to the Thessalonians in chapter 5:16-18, the apostle Paul clearly defined the state of Christian behavior:

  • rejoice;
  • pray without ceasing;
  • thank you for everything.

Here Paul gives the answer why Christians should do this, for this is God's will for those who recognize themselves as followers of Jesus Christ.

Articles on thanksgiving prayers:

The sequence of this instruction is interesting. Waking up, rejoice, be filled with God's presence, and only after that proceed to prayer, constantly thanking God for everything:

  • morning awakening;
  • health;
  • food;
  • relatives and friends;
  • for a roof over our heads and many things so important in our life that have become familiar that we no longer appreciate them.

Perhaps someone will object that there is little reason for joy and thanksgiving in this difficult time, but true joy lies in the promises of Jesus Christ, salvation and eternal life.

Important! It is easy to give thanks when you are loved and have everything, but to thank God at the moment when worldly joys have evaporated, this is faith.

Every doctor will say that a person who knows how to rejoice gets sick less and lives longer, while skeptics are more likely to fall into depression, experience fear and anger that cause illness. According to a study by Boston University professor Bernard Fix among oncology patients, there are 2 times more dissatisfied with life than people who know how to rejoice and thank God for all the blessings.

Read also articles on Christian virtues:

Unceasing prayer is constant communion with the Creator, being in His presence and being led by the Holy Spirit. Prayer can be compared to spiritual breathing. Try not to breathe for several minutes, without breathing a person dies, without prayer he loses his spiritual life, protection.

The main purpose of prayer is constant communication with God

In unceasing prayer, which in itself is a gift that brings us closer to the Almighty God, we gain strength and courage to go through life, overcoming adversity and illness. Morning prayer and thanksgiving works wonders to heal sickness and solve problems.

Reading thanksgiving for all the blessings of God, we can find exactly the prayer in which our gratitude will be expressed in a particular situation, the main thing is to do this with a pure, grateful heart and faith.

What Happens During Thanksgiving

The Apostle Paul emphasizes that we must give thanks for everything. In thanksgiving for every good deed of God, Christians should remember how they lived in darkness, having no Light and no hope. Only in a world where there is the power of Jesus Christ, love, kindness and His wonderful grace to hear and answer prayers live.

Important! Ingratitude is often the root of all problems, because having, not seeing, losing, we begin to cry out to Jesus.

When believers give thanks for every good deed in God's prayer, they open the doors to a new world where there is no place for Satan and his evil deeds.

During the regular reading of the Orthodox prayer book and thanksgiving for every good deed of God, blessings come, and happiness, independent of anything, fills the house. During the period of illness, sadness, disappointment, Christians need to learn to say one word, “Thank you.” Rejoice, pray and give thanks - this is the will of God, which contains the secret of victory over Satan.

Ingratitude is a sin

In Romans 1:21-22, the apostle Paul calls those who, knowing God, do not thank Him, fools. In the story of the lepers, we read that out of ten who were healed, only one returned to thank Jesus (Luke 7:11-18).

Unceasing prayer is constant communion with the Creator

In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, among other vices, the apostle Paul calls ingratitude a sign of the end of peace on earth.

Articles on the Orthodox understanding of sin:

Pride is the main quality of character, it does not allow a person to recognize the power of the Creator, His help in achievements. It is difficult for a proud person to ask and thank someone for something.

Psalm 49:23 says that a person who gives praise and thanksgiving to the Most High prepares the way for God's good deed.

Troparion, tone 4

Give thanks to Thy unworthy servants, O Lord, about Thy great blessings on us who have been, glorifying Thee, we praise, bless, thank, sing and magnify Thy goodness, and slavishly love cry to Thee: Our benefactor Savior, glory to Thee.

Kontakion, tone 3

Your good deeds and gifts to the tuna, like a slave to indecent, having been honored, O Master, diligently flowing to you, we bring thanksgiving according to strength, and we glorify you as a Benefactor and Creator, cry out: glory to you, God the All-Merciful.

Prayer 1st

We thank Thee, Lord our God, for all Thy good deeds, even from the first age to the present, in us, unworthy Thy servants (names), who were, theirs is also visible and not visible, about the manifested and unmanifested, even the deeds of the former and the word: loving us, as if and Thy only-begotten Son for us to give, vouchsafe us worthy of being Thy love. Give by Your word wisdom and Your fear, inhale strength from Your strength, and if we sin willingly or unwillingly, forgive and do not blame, and save our holy soul, and present to Your Throne, I have a clean conscience, and the end is worthy of Your humanity; And remember, Lord, all who call upon Your name in truth; the same we pray to Thee, Lord, give us Thy benevolence and great mercy.

Prayer 2

The Cathedral of the Holy Angels and Archangels, with all heavenly powers, sings to Thee, and says: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, heaven and earth are full of Your glory. Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, hosanna in the highest. Save me, Thou art in the highest King, save me and sanctify me, Source of sanctification; From Thee, for all creation is strengthened, To Thee without number howls sing the thrice-holy song. You and I am unworthy, sitting in the light impregnable, everyone is horrified of him, I pray: enlighten my mind, cleanse my heart, and open my mouth, as if I could worthily sing to You: Holy, Holy, Holy are you, Lord, always, now, and ever and in endless ages of ages. Amen.

A prayer of thanksgiving for all the blessings of God, St. John of Kronstadt

I thank You, Lord my God, for giving me life, for giving birth to me in the Christian faith, for the Most Pure Virgin Mary, the Intercessor for the salvation of our family, for Your holy saints, praying for us, for the Guardian Angel, for the public worship that supports us faith and virtue, for the Holy Scriptures, for the Holy Mysteries, and especially Your Body and Blood, for the mysterious grace-filled consolations, for the hope of receiving the Kingdom of Heaven and for all the blessings You have given me.

A song of praise in the likeness of the psalms of David (from the works of St. John of Kronstadt)

The Lord is my being; The Lord is deliverance from eternal death; The Lord is my eternal life; The Lord is cleansing and deliverance from many sins and my sanctification; The Lord is strength in my weakness, space in my narrowness, hope in my cowardice and despondency; The Lord is a light in my darkness, the world is in my confusion; The Lord is an intercessor in my temptations. He is my thinking, my desire, my activity; He is the light of soul and body, food, drink, my garment, my shield, my weapon. All for me the Lord!

Thanksgiving for the love of God and prayer for the increase of love for God

Merciful, merciful, philanthropic and good God! I thank You, Lover of mankind, from the depths of my heart for Your great, inexpressible, fatherly love, with which You, loving God and Father, have always loved me. You care for me, you hear my prayer, you count my tears, you see my sighs, you know all my sorrow. You gave me Your beloved Son through His incarnation, through the holy Gospel You taught and comforted me, through His example showed me the way and the rule of a holy life, through His suffering and death You redeemed me from eternal death, through His ascension to heaven opened paradise to me and prepared a place in heaven. You enlightened me with Your Holy Spirit, sanctified, comforted, strengthened, taught me and gave me joy, and through Him assured me of the children of God and eternal inheritance. You not only showed me great blessings, but also gave me Yourself with Your beloved Son and the Holy Spirit. How can I thank You enough for this great love? Grant me such a heart that I will never forget your love. Don't let her ever fade away in my heart. Ignite my heart, enlighten my mind, sanctify my will, rejoice my memory and unite me with You forever!

Thanksgiving for God's Help in Perils and Preservation from Harm

My God, I thank Thee that Thou hast established my steps in Thy paths, so that my steps do not deviate. You have shown me Your wondrous mercy, You have kept me like the apple of an eye, in the shadow of Your wings you have sheltered me from the enemies of my soul who surround me. What will I repay the Lord for all the good deeds to me? Blessed be, Lord, my God, who works miracles alone, and blessed be Thy holy name forever, and may the whole earth be filled with Thy glory! Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity, St. John of Kronstadt

O Trinity, our God! Simple Being, who created our soul in Your image, but in You we have our life and peace! O Trinity, our Nourisher and Hope! Give us in Thee alone, always our hope to believe, in Thee alone life and peace to find. Oh Trinity! You, like a mother, carry us all in Your arms and feed us all from Your hands, like a most tender mother! You will never forget us, for You Yourself said: if the wife forgets her child, I will not forget you - to nourish, preserve, protect, deliver and save

Song of Praise of St. Ambrose of Milan

We praise God to you, we confess the Lord to you, all the earth magnifies to you the eternal Father. To you all the angels, to you the heavens and all the powers, to you the cherubim and seraphim with unceasing voices cry out: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of the majesty of your glory. The most glorious apostolic countenance, Thee is a prophetic laudatory number, The brightest martyr army praises Thee, The Holy Church confesses Thee throughout the universe, the Father of incomprehensible majesty, worshiping Thy true and only-begotten Son, and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit. You, Christ the King of glory, you are the ever-present Son of the Father: you, accepting man for deliverance, did not abhor the Virgin's womb. Having overcome the sting of death, you opened the Kingdom of Heaven to the believers. You sit at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father, Judge come believe. We ask you: help your servants, whom you have redeemed with honest blood. Vouchsafe to reign with Your saints in Your eternal glory. Save Thy people, O Lord, and bless Thy inheritance, I amend and exalt them forever: we will bless Thee all the days, and we will praise Thy name forever and ever. Grant, O Lord, on this day, without sin, be preserved for us. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us: be Thy mercy, Lord, on us, as if we put our trust in Thee: in Thee, Lord, let us put our trust in you forever. Amen.

Glory now: Bogorodichen

Theotokos, Christian Helper, Thy intercession has been acquired by Thy servants, we cry out thankfully to Thee: Rejoice, Most Pure Theotokos Virgin, and always deliver us from all troubles with Thy prayers, One who soon intercedes.

Song of Praise to the Most Holy Theotokos

To you, Mother of God, we praise; We confess thee, Mary, the Virgin Mary; Thee, the eternal Father, the Daughter, the whole earth magnifies. All the Angels and Archangels and all the Beginnings humbly serve you; All the Powers, Thrones, Dominations and all the exceeding Powers of heaven obey you. Cherubim and Seraphim rejoicingly stand before you and cry out with an unceasing voice: Holy Mother of God Mother, heaven and earth are full of the majesty of the glory of the fruit of your womb. The Mother praises the glorious apostolic face of her Creator to you; Thee are many martyrs, the Mother of God magnifies; The glorious host of confessors of God the Word calls the temple to you; The dominating half of virginity preach an image to you; All heavenly armies praise the Queen of Heaven to you. The Holy Church glorifies you throughout the universe, honoring the Mother of God; He exalts thee the true King of heaven, the Maiden. You are the Mistress of the Angel, You are the door of Paradise, You are the ladder of the Kingdom of Heaven, You are the King's chamber of glory, You are the ark of piety and grace, You are the abyss of bounty, You are the refuge of sinners. You are the Mother of the Savior, You are the liberation for the sake of a captive person, you perceived God in the womb. You have trampled on the enemy; You opened the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven to the faithful. You stand at the right hand of God; You pray to God for us, Virgin Mary, who will judge the living and the dead. We ask you, Intercessor before Your Son and God, Who redeem us with Your blood, so that we receive retribution in eternal glory. Save Thy people, Mother of God, and bless Thy inheritance, as if we were partakers of Thy inheritance; forbid and keep us even to the age. Every day, O Most Holy One, we wish to praise and please Thee with our hearts and lips. Grant, Most Merciful Mother, now and always from sin, save us; have mercy on us, Intercessor, have mercy on us. Be Thy mercy on us, as if we trust in Thee forever. Amen.

Prayer of thanksgiving for every good deed of God

Everything about religion and faith - "Thanksgiving for every good deed of God's prayer" with a detailed description and photographs.

Troparion, tone 4

Kontakion, tone 3

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.


Prayer one

We thank Thee, Lord our God, for all Thy good deeds, even from the first age to the present, in us, unworthy Thy servants (names), who were, theirs is also visible and not visible, about the manifested and unmanifested, even the deeds of the former and the word: loving us, as if and Thy only-begotten Son for us to give, vouchsafe us worthy of being Thy love. Give by Your word wisdom and Your fear, inhale strength from Your strength, and if we sin willingly or unwillingly, forgive and do not blame, and save our holy soul, and present to Your Throne, I have a clean conscience, and the end is worthy of Your humanity; And remember, Lord, all who call upon Your name in truth; the same we pray to Thee, Lord, give us Thy benevolence and great mercy.

Prayer two

The Cathedral of the Holy Angels and Archangels, with all heavenly powers, sings to Thee, and says: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, heaven and earth are full of Your glory. Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, hosanna in the highest. Save me, Thou art in the highest King, save me and sanctify me, Source of sanctification; From Thee, for all creation is strengthened, To Thee without number howls sing the thrice-holy song. You and I am unworthy, sitting in the light impregnable, everyone is horrified of him, I pray: enlighten my mind, cleanse my heart, and open my mouth, as if I could worthily sing to You: Holy, Holy, Holy are you, Lord, always, now, and ever and in endless ages of ages. Amen.

Song of Praise of Saint Ambrose of Milan

We praise God to you, we confess the Lord to you, all the earth magnifies to you the eternal Father. To you all the angels, to you the heavens and all the powers, to you the cherubim and seraphim with unceasing voices cry out: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of the majesty of your glory. The most glorious apostolic countenance, Thee is a prophetic laudatory number, The brightest martyr army praises Thee, The Holy Church confesses Thee throughout the universe, the Father of incomprehensible majesty, worshiping Thy true and only-begotten Son, and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit. You, Christ the King of glory, you are the ever-present Son of the Father: you, accepting man for deliverance, did not abhor the Virgin's womb. Having overcome the sting of death, you opened the Kingdom of Heaven to the believers. You sit at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father, Judge come believe. We ask you: help your servants, whom you have redeemed with honest blood. Vouchsafe to reign with Your saints in Your eternal glory. Save Thy people, O Lord, and bless Thy inheritance, I amend and exalt them forever: we will bless Thee all the days, and we will praise Thy name forever and ever. Grant, O Lord, on this day, without sin, be preserved for us. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us: be Thy mercy, Lord, on us, as if we put our trust in Thee: in Thee, Lord, let us put our trust in you forever. Amen.

Prayer of thanksgiving for all the blessings of God, St. John of Kronstadt

God! What will I bring to You, how will I thank You for Your unceasing, Your greatest mercy to me and to Your other people? For, behold, every moment I am enlivened by Your Holy Spirit, every moment I breathe the air, poured by You, light, pleasant, healthy, strengthening - I am enlightened by Your joyful and life-giving light - spiritual and material; I feed on spiritual food, sweet and life-giving, and drinking the same, the holy Mysteries of Your Body and Blood, and food and drinks of material sweetness; You dress me with a bright, beautiful royal robe - by Yourself and material clothes, cleanse my sins, heal and purify my many and fierce passions of sin; you will take away my spiritual corruption in the power of Your immeasurable goodness, wisdom and strength, fill with Your Holy Spirit - the Spirit of holiness, grace; you give my soul truth, peace and joy, space, strength, boldness, courage, strength, and you endow my body with precious health; you teach my hands to fight and my fingers to fight with the invisible enemies of my salvation and bliss, with the enemies of the sanctuary and the power of Your glory, with the spirits of malice in high places; you crown with success my deeds done in your name. For all this I thank, glorify and bless the all-good, fatherly, all-powerful state of Yours, God, Savior, our Benefactor. But be known by Your other people as well, as if Thou appeared to me, Lover of mankind, may they know You, the Father of all, Your goodness, Your providence, Your wisdom and strength, and glorify You, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Another prayer Saint John of Kronstadt

I thank You, Lord my God, for giving me life, for giving birth to me in the Christian faith, for the Most Pure Virgin Mary, the Intercessor for the salvation of our family, for Your holy saints, praying for us, for the Guardian Angel, for the public worship that supports us faith and virtue, for the Holy Scriptures, for the Holy Mysteries, and especially Your Body and Blood, for the mysterious grace-filled consolations, for the hope of receiving the Kingdom of Heaven and for all the blessings You have given me.

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity, St. John of Kronstadt

O Trinity, our God! Simple Being, who created our soul in Your image, but in You we have our life and peace! O Trinity, our Nourisher and Hope! Give us in Thee alone, always our hope to believe, in Thee alone life and peace to find. Oh Trinity! You, like a mother, carry us all in Your arms and feed us all from Your hands, like a most tender mother! You will never forget us, for You Yourself said: if the wife forgets her child, I will not forget you - to nourish, preserve, protect, deliver and save.

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Thanksgiving for every good deed of God

Give thanks to Thy unworthy servants, Lord, about Thy great blessings on us who were, glorifying Thee, we praise, bless, thank, we sing and magnify Thy compassion, and slavishly love cry to Thee: Our benefactor, our Savior.

Thy good deeds and gifts to the tuna, like a servant of unneeded, favored, Lord, zealously flowing to You, we bring thanksgiving according to strength, and to You, as a Benefactor and Creator, glorious, we cry out: glory to You, God the All-Generous.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Bogorodichen: Theotokos, the Christian Helper, Your intercession, having acquired Your servants, thankfully we cry out to You: Rejoice, Most Pure Mother of God Virgin, and always deliver us from all troubles with Your prayers, One who soon intercedes.

Prayers of thanks every day.

Thanksgiving prayer to the guardian angel

Prayer of thanksgiving, St. John of Kronstadt, read after healing from an illness

Thanksgiving Prayers for Holy Communion

Thanksgiving for every good deed of God

It is advisable to read prayers of thanksgiving prayers every day. Thank the Lord for every day you live, for the blessings sent to you, for the great gift - health, for the happiness of children. For everything that you have at the moment, even if, from your point of view, this is not so much.

Saint Gregory the Theologian wrote: “The Lord is thirsty to be thirsty, and He fills those who want to drink; He accepts it as a blessing if they ask Him for a blessing. He is available and generously gives great gifts, gives with more joy than others accept themselves. Only without finding yourself a low soul, asking for what is unimportant and unworthy of the Giver.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men. We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we cry, we glorify Thee, we thank Thee, great for the sake of Thy glory. Lord the King of heaven, God the Father Almighty. Lord Son, Only Begotten Jesus Christ, and Holy Soul. Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, take away the sins of the world, accept our prayer. Sit at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. As you are the only Holy One, You are the only Lord Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Every day I will bless Thee, and I will praise Thy name forever and ever.

Wake, Lord, Thy mercy on us, as if we were relying on Thee.

Blessed be Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy justification (this is repeated three times).

Lord, Thou hast been a refuge for us forever and ever. Az reh: Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul, for I have sinned against You. Lord, I have resorted to You, teach me to do Your will, as You are my God, as You have a source of life, in Your light we will see sowing. Prove Your mercy to those who guide You.

Song to the Lord Jesus Christ:

The only-begotten Son and Word of God, immortal, and deigning our salvation for the sake of being incarnated from the Holy Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, immutably incarnated, crucified Christ God, righting death by death, one of the Holy Trinity, glorified by the Father and the Holy Spirit, save us.

Remember us in Your Kingdom, O Lord, when You come into Your Kingdom.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for those are the Kingdom of Heaven.

Blessed are the weeping ones, for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

Blessed be merciful, for they will have mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

Blessed are the exiles for the sake of righteousness, for those are the Kingdom of Heaven.

Blessed are you, when they reproach you, and they will spit and say all kinds of evil words, against you lying to me for my sake.

Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is many in heaven.

The Lord shepherds me, and will deprive me of nothing. In the place of zlachne, there they instilled me, on the water calmly raised me. Turn my soul, guide me on the paths of truth, for Your name's sake. If I go in the midst of the canopy of death, I will not fear evil, for you are with me: your rod and your club, that consoles me. Thou hast prepared a meal before me against those who are aching for me: Thou hast anointed my head with oil, and Thy cup makes me drunk, as if it were sovereign. And Your mercy will marry me all the days of my life, and let us dwell in the house of the Lord for the length of days.

Thanksgiving prayer to the guardian angel.

Having thanked and glorified my Lord, the One God of the Orthodox Jesus Christ for His benevolence, I appeal to you, holy angel of Christ, Divine warrior. I cry out with a prayer of thanksgiving, I thank you for your mercy to me and for your intercession for me before the face of the Lord. Glory be in the Lord, angel!

A short version of the prayer of thanksgiving to the guardian angel.

Having glorified the Lord, I pay tribute to you, my guardian angel. Glorious be thou in the Lord! Amen.

Prayer of thanksgiving, St. John of Kronstadt, read after healing from illness.

Glory to Thee, Lord, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of the Fatherless Father, heal every disease and every ailment in people, as if you had mercy on me a sinner and delivered me from my illness, not allowing it to develop and kill me for my sins. Grant me from now on, Lord, the strength to firmly do Your will for the salvation of my wretched soul and for Your glory with Your Father without beginning and Your Consubstantial Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Thanksgiving prayers for Holy Communion.

Glory to Thee, God. Glory to Thee, God. Glory to Thee, God.

Thanksgiving Prayer, 1st

I thank you, Lord, my God, as if you did not reject me as a sinner, but you made me worthy of being a companion of Your holy things. I thank Thee, as if I were unworthy to partake of Your Most Pure and Heavenly Gifts, thou hast vouchsafed me. But the Lord, Lover of mankind, for our sake died and rose again, and granted us this terrible and life-giving Sacraments for the good deed and sanctification of our souls and bodies, let me be this and me for the healing of the soul and body, for driving away every opposing one, for enlightening the eyes of my heart , in the world of my spiritual strength, in shameless faith, in love without hypocrisy, in fulfillment of wisdom, in keeping Thy commandments, in the application of Thy Divine grace and appropriation of Thy Kingdom; yes, in Thy sanctuary we preserve them, I always remember Thy grace, and I do not live for myself, but for Thee, our Lord and Benefactor; and tacos of this life have come about the hope of the eternal belly, I will reach eternal peace, where the unceasing voice of celebrating, and endless sweetness, beholding Your face, kindness inexpressible. You are the true desire, and the inexpressible joy of those who love You, Christ our God, and all creation sings to You forever. Amen.

Prayer 2, Saint Basil the Great

Lord Christ God, King of the ages, and Creator of all, I thank Thee for all who gave me the good, and for the communion of Your most pure and life-giving Sacraments. I pray to Thee, O Better and Lover of mankind: keep me under Thy shelter, and in the canopy of Thy wings; and grant me with a pure conscience, even until my last breath, worthy to partake of Your holy things, for the remission of sins, and for eternal life. You are the bread of animals, the source of the holy, the Giver of the good, and we send glory to You, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 3, Simeon Metaphrastus

Giving food to me the flesh of Thy will, this fire and scorching the unworthy, but do not scorch me, my mate; rather, go into my heart, into all the compositions, into the womb, into the heart. The thorns of all my sins fell. Purify the soul, sanctify the thoughts. Approve the compositions with the bones together. Feelings enlighten a simple five. Nail me all to Your fear. Always cover, keep, and save me from every deed and word of the soul. Cleanse and wash, and adorn me; fertilize, enlighten, and enlighten me. Show me Your village of one Spirit, and not to anyone the village of sin. Yes, like Your house, the entrance of communion, like fire, every villain, every passion runs to me. I bring prayer books to You all the saints, the officials of the incorporeal, Your Forerunner, the wise Apostles, to these Your undefiled pure Mother, accept their prayers graciously, my Christ, and make Your servant a son of light. Thou art the sanctification and one of ours, Blessed, souls and lordship; and it is beautiful to Thee, as to God and the Master, we send up all the glory for every day.

Thy Holy Body, Lord, Jesus Christ, our God, may it be with us in eternal life, and Thy Honorable Blood for the remission of sins: be this thanksgiving to me in joy, health and joy; in your terrible and second coming, vouchsafe me a sinful statue at the right hand of your glory, with the prayers of your Most Pure Mother, and all the saints.

Prayer 5, to the Most Holy Theotokos

Most Holy Lady Theotokos, the light of my darkened soul, hope, protection, refuge, consolation, my joy, I thank Thee, as you have vouchsafed me to be unworthy, a partaker of being the Most Pure Body and Honest Blood of Your Son. But giving birth to the true Light, enlighten my intelligent eyes of the heart; Even the Source of immortality gave birth, revive me, mortified by sin; Even the merciful God, compassionate Mother, have mercy on me, and give me tenderness and contrition in my heart, and humility in my thoughts, and an appeal in the captivity of my thoughts; and vouchsafe me to the last breath, uncondemnedly accept the most pure Mysteries, sanctification, for the healing of the soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and confession, in a hedgehog and glorify Thee all the days of my belly, as if you are blessed and glorified forever. Amen.

Now let your servant go, Master, according to your word, in peace: as my eyes have seen your salvation, if you have prepared before the face of all people, the light for the revelation of tongues and the glory of your people, Israel.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us (thrice).

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

Lord, have mercy (three times).

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Troparion of St. John Chrysostom, tone 8

Your lips, like the lordship of fire, having shone grace, enlighten the universe: not the love of money of the world, the treasures of the world, the height of our humility of wisdom, but punishing us with your words, Father John Chrysostom, pray for the Word of Christ God to be saved to our souls.

Glory: Thou hast received Divine grace from heaven, and with thy mouth teaches all to bow in the Trinity to the one God, John Chrysostom, all-blessed, reverend, worthy of praise to you: thou art a mentor, as if divine.

troparion to Basil the Great, tone 1:

Your broadcast has gone out into the whole earth, as if you had received your word, and thou hast taught it divinely, thou hast clarified the nature of beings, thou hast adorned human customs, royal sanctity, reverend father, pray to Christ God, save our souls.

Glory: Thou hast appeared an unshakable foundation to the church, giving all unstolen dominion by man, imprinting with your commands, unrevealed Basil the Reverend.

And now: The intercession of Christians is shameless, an immutable intercession to the Creator, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but precede, as if Good, to the aid of us, faithfully calling Ty: hasten to prayer, and rush to supplication, intercession ever, Theotokos, honoring Thee.

Even from God from above we perceive divine grace, glorious Gregory, and we strengthen Him by strength, deigned to march like the gospel, from there, from Christ, you received the retribution of labors all-blessed: God pray that save our souls.

Glory: Thou didst appear to the Chief as the shepherd of Christ, the monks of the line, Father Gregory, instructing the heavenly fence, and from there taught the flock of Christ by His commandment: now rejoice with them, and rejoice in heavenly blood.

And now: The intercession of Christians is shameless, an immutable intercession to the Creator, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but precede, as if Good, to the aid of us, faithfully calling Ty: hasten to prayer, and rush to supplication, intercession ever, Theotokos, honoring Thee.

Lord have mercy (12 times). Glory: And now:

The most honest cherubim and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify You.

Thank you for every good deed of God.

Give thanks to Thy unworthy servants, O Lord, about Thy great blessings on us who have been, glorifying Thee, we praise, bless, thank, sing and magnify Thy goodness, and slavishly love cry to Thee: Our benefactor Savior, glory to Thee.

Your good deeds and gifts to the tuna, like a slave to indecent, having become worthy, O Master, diligently flowing to you, we bring thanksgiving according to strength, and glorifying you, like a Benefactor and Creator, we cry out: glory to you, God the All-Merciful.

Theotokos, Christian Helper, Thy intercession has been acquired by Thy servants, we cry out thankfully to Thee: Rejoice, Most Pure Theotokos Virgin, and always deliver us from all troubles with Thy prayers, One who soon intercedes.

Song of Praise, St. Ambrose, Ep. Mediolan

We praise God to you, we confess the Lord to you, all the earth magnifies to you the eternal Father. To you all the angels, to you the heavens and all the powers, to you the cherubim and seraphim with unceasing voices cry out: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of the majesty of your glory. To you the glorious apostolic face, to you a prophetic laudatory number, to you the bright martyr army praises, to you throughout the whole universe the Holy Church confesses, the Father of incomprehensible majesty, worshiped

Your true and only begotten Son, and Holy Comforter of the Spirit. You are the King of Christ glory, You are the ever-present Son of the Father: You, accepting man for deliverance, did not abhor the Virgin's womb. Having overcome the sting of death, you opened the Kingdom of Heaven to the believers. You sit at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father, Judges come and believe. We ask you: help your servants, whom you have redeemed with honest blood. Vouchsafe to reign with Your saints in Your eternal glory. Save Thy people, O Lord, and bless Thy inheritance, I amend and exalt them forever: we will bless Thee all the days, and we will praise Thy name forever and ever. Grant, O Lord, on this day, without sin, be preserved for us. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us: be Thy mercy, Lord, on us, as if we put our trust in Thee: in Thee, Lord, let us put our trust in you forever. Amen.

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Thanksgiving for every good deed of God

Troparion, tone 4th

Lord, we are Your unworthy servants, we thank You for Your great and good deeds that were with us. We praise You, bless, give thanks, sing and magnify Your goodness, faithfully and with love we exclaim to You: Benefactor and our Savior, glory to You!

Kontakion, voice 3?

We, unworthy servants, have been undeservedly honored with your blessings and gifts, Master. We diligently bow down to You, we offer all possible gratitude, as we glorify the Benefactor and the Creator, and we exclaim to You: Glory to You, God, generous in everything.

Glory, and now


Mother of God, Helper of Christians, having received Your intercession, Your servants sing with gratitude to You: Rejoice, Most Pure Mother of God Virgin, and always deliver us from all troubles with Your prayers, faithful and unceasing Intercessor!

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