Polyakov, Leonid Mikhailovich. General work experience

Novodevichy cemetery, 2nd section, 30th row);

  • Tombstone monument to Dunaevsky I. O. at the Novodevichy cemetery (sculptor Melnikova P.);
  • Gravestone monument to Aksenov V.N. at the Novodevichy cemetery (sculptor Markova N.);
    • Monument to M. I. Kutuzov. Smolensk

      Monument to I. V. Stalin. Stalingrad

      Monument to V. I. Lenin. Volgograd

      Monument to A. N. Tolstoy. Moscow

    Unrealized projects

    • Residential building of the Bolshoi Bolshoi Theater in Bryusovsky Lane (1933; handed over to Shchusev A.V.);
    • Residential building RZhSKT "Engineer-drummer" on the Leningrad highway, 12-14-16 (1934);
    • Reconstruction of Sukharevskaya Square to preserve the Sukharev Tower (1934; under the direction of I. A. Fomin);
    • Development project of the Government Square in Kyiv (together with I. A. Fomin; 1935, competition);
    • Sanatorium of the Commission for Assistance to Scientists (KSU) in Sochi (together with I. A. Fomin; 1935, competition);
    • USSR pavilion at the international exhibition of 1937 in Paris (1936; co-authored with V. A. Shchuko, V. G. Gelfreikh, A. P. Velikanov, Yu. V. Shchuko, competition);
    • metro station "Paveletskaya" (1937-1938; together with Rozhin I.E., competition);
    • metro station "Zavod im. Stalin” (1937-1938, together with I. E. Rozhin, competition);
    • metro station "Pervomayskaya" (1937-1938; competition);
    • Pavilion of the Moscow, Voronezh, Kursk regions and the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (1939; competition);
    • Residential building near the Kursk railway station Chkalov (1939-1940);
    • Novaya Solyanka - highway construction (1940);
    • The Second House of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in Zaryadye (1940; with the participation of A. B. Boretsky, E. N. Stamo; competition);
    • Combine "Izvestia" at the Kyiv railway station (1940; together with Boretsky A. B., Stamo E. N., competition);
    • Novo-Arbatsky bridge (1939-1940; competition);
    • Monument to the sailors-defenders of Leningrad and a house for veterans of the Patriotic War in the vicinity of Oranienbaum (1943; competition);
    • Admiralty - Ministry of the Navy in Moscow on Frunzenskaya nab. (1945; competition);
    • House of Soviets in Stalingrad (1946-1947; co-author Boretsky A. B.; competition);
    • Monument to A. S. Pushkin in Leningrad (1946-1949; artist Motovilov G. I.; custom-made competition);
    • Stalingrad hydroelectric complex (1951-1955; head of the Hydroproject group; the project was not implemented);
    • Volga-Baltic shipping canal (1952-1953; head, co-authors - employees of the Leningrad branch of Hydroproject: Banshchikov L. M., Goritsky A. I., Ikonnikov A. V., Kostylev R. P., Lipatov L. T., Mitrofanov K. M., Nikulin G. S., Perestoronina G. F., Petrov V. A., Semenova Z. F., Smagina M. V., Sharovarov G. A., Yasensky P. R.; after the death of I. V. Stalin, the construction was frozen; the canal was built according to a different project in 1956-1964);
    • Main Turkmen Canal (1951-1953; director; co-authors - employees of Hydroproject);
    • Monument in honor of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia (1953; sk. Motovilov G.I., the highest prize at the all-Union competition);
    • Covered collective farm market in Moscow (1954);
    • Ministry of the Oil Industry of the USSR in Moscow (co-author Pelevin V.V.);
    • Pantheon - Monument of the eternal glory of the great people of the Soviet country (1954; co-authors: E. P. Vulykh, V. V. Pelevin, A. G. Rochegov; competition);
    • Palace of Soviets on the Lenin Hills (competition 1957-1958).

    Articles by L. M. Polyakov in print

    • October gave me everything. Architectural newspaper. November 7, 1938, No. 62 (291). Page 2.
    • "New Solyanka". Architecture of the USSR, 1940, No. 4. Pp. 53-55.
    • What do architects work on? L. M. Polyakov. Moscow". Architecture of the USSR, 1940, No. 8. Pp. 71.
    • "Thoughts on Synthesis". Architecture of the USSR, 1941, No. 1. Pp. 42-44.
    • "Metro stations of the third stage". Architecture of the USSR, 1941, No. 3. Pp. 47-51.
    • "On the profile of an architect". USSR architecture. Journal, 1941, No. 5. Pp. 4-8.
    • "Architecture of the structures of the Volga-Don Canal". Architecture of the USSR, 1951, No. 1. Pp. 2-7.
    • "Architecture of the Volga-Don Shipping Canal named after V.I. V. I. Lenin. Truth. Newspaper. July 21, 1952


    St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad

    • Glazovskaya st. (since December 1952 - Konstantin Zaslonov St.), 36.
    • Kirochnaya st. (from 1932 to 1998 - Saltykov-Shchedrin St.), 43-b, apt. eleven.


    • Lenivka, d. 4. Dormitory of the Construction Department of the Palace of Soviets (USDS).
    • Mozhayskoye highway, 57, apt. 28. In different years, the same house was listed both on 2nd Izvoznaya Street and on Studencheskaya Street.
    • st. Tchaikovsky, d. 16-20, apt. eighteen.
    • Tryokhprudny lane, 5/15, apt. 26.
    • Academic degree:  PhD
    • Academic title:  Assistant professor
    • Date of birth:  March, 3rd

    Born on 03/03/1959 in Moscow.

    In 1982 he graduated with honors from MIEM, department. Cybernetics.
    In 1995 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on the topic "Development of parametric identification algorithms with limited sensitivity to initial data."

    In 1999 he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.

    Teaching activity

    I have been engaged in pedagogical work since 1986 under contracts in various educational institutions.

    Since 1996, he worked at the Department of Mathematical Economics at MIEM.

    Currently I work at the Department of Applied Economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and at the department. Faculty of Informatics Mathematical Economics, Statistics and Informatics of the PRUE G.V. Plekhanov

    Subjects taught:

    AIS design;

    design of information systems;

    design practice.

    General work experience

    ​29 years old

    Work experience in the specialty

    ​29 years old

    Advanced training / professional retraining


    "Extended features of MS Excel package"

    "English language. In-depth study of General English, Pre-Intermediate level»

    "English language. In-depth study of General English, Intermediate level»

    "English language. In-depth study of General English, Upper-Intermediate level»

    Scientific research

    ​Mathematical modeling in various subject areas, in particular in economics

    Applied Statistics

    Multivariate statistical analysis

    Additional Information

    Main publications:

    Polyakov KL, Polyakova MV Methodology for diagnosing the financial instability of banks // Questions of statistics. 2014. No. 12. S. 47-61.

    Polyakov K. L., Polyakova M. V., Zhukova L. V. Methodology for improving the efficiency of some types of direct marketing for retail business // Bulletin of the Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics. 2014. No. 54. S. 63-70.

    Zhukova L. V., Polyakov K. L., Polyakova M. V. Methodology for improving the efficiency of some types of direct marketing for retail business // Modern Science and Innovations. 2013. No. 3. S. 75-81.

    Polyakov KL Estimation of the hedonic function for cars taking into account market segmentation. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. The economics of the firm. 2013. No. 3-4 (4-5). pp. 74-81.

    Polyakov K. L., Zhukova L. V. Assessment of human capital in professional football // Applied Econometrics. 2013. V. 29. No. 1. S. 29-44.

    In 2011 he was awarded the title of "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation".


    Leonid Mikhailovich Polyakov(1906-1965) - Russian Soviet architect. Laureate of two Stalin Prizes of the second degree (1949, 1950).

    Leonid Mikhailovich Polyakov (1906-1965) - Russian Soviet architect, photo


    Born in St. Petersburg on August 8 (21), 1906 in a family (according to family tradition, Old Believers) of immigrants from the city of Soltsy, Porkhov district, Pskov province. In 1923 he began his studies at the Faculty of Architecture of the Second Petrograd Polytechnic Institute. After the abolition of the institute in August 1924, he was transferred to the Leningrad Higher Art and Technical Institute (LVKhTI, formerly the Academy of Arts), among whose teachers: A. E. Belogrud, L. N. Benois, L. V. Rudnev, I. A. Fomin, V. A. Schuko, V. G. Gelfreikh, S. S. Serafimov.

    While studying at the institute, he began working in the Sevzaples trust, first as a draftsman, and since 1928 as an architect. He defended his thesis work - "Onega sawmill and paper mill" on November 5, 1929.

    In 1933, among the designers of the Palace of Soviets, headed by V. A. Shchuko and V. G. Gelfreikh, Polyakov moved to Moscow. He worked in the Construction Department of the Palace of Soviets (USDS) and the architectural workshop of the Moscow City Council No. 3 (led by I. A. Fomin).

    • In October 1939, he was transferred from the USDS and enlisted as the head of workshop No. 9 of the Moscow City Council.
    • On June 2, 1941, he headed Workshop No. 3.
    • In September 1941 - April 1943 he was at the construction site of the factories of the People's Commissariat for Armaments (trust No. 24 NKV) in the cities of Zlatoust and Mednogorsk. He had the rank of military engineer of the 3rd rank. In May 1943 he was seconded to Moscow at the disposal of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR.
    • At the beginning of 1944, he was transferred to the Committee for Architecture under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and was appointed senior inspector-architect of the Inspectorate for the Protection of Architectural Monuments of the Main Directorate for the Protection of Architectural Monuments.
    • From July 1944 to December 1948 he was the head of the workshop of the State Workshops of the Committee for Architecture.
    • From December 1948 to December 1950 he was the chief architect of Sevastopol, a member of the Collegium of the Administration for the Restoration of Sevastopol under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
    • In 1950-1957 he was Chief Architect of the Hydroproject Institute.
    • In 1947-1951, concurrently, he was the chief architect of the Voenmorproekt-2 Institute of the Ministry of Construction of Military and Naval Facilities. Released from the post of chief architect of the Mosproekt workshop by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of November 4, 1955.
    • From October 1957 to April 1958 he was the chief architect of the GIPRONII of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
    • 1958-1961 - Chief Architect of the Mosoblproekt Institute, head of the Mosoblproekt workshop.
    • He taught at the Moscow Architectural Institute (April - December 1937 - acting assistant professor; 1943-1945 - senior teacher, associate professor) and the Moscow Higher Art and Industrial School (formerly Stroganov) in 1947-1950 and in 1958-1965, professor with 1963
    • By the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of November 4, 1955, L. M. Polyakov, together with the co-author Boretsky A. B., were deprived of the prize awarded to them for the project of the Leningradskaya Hotel. There is an opinion that the initiator of this was E. A. Furtseva, who did not forgive Polyakov for pointing out her incompetence in matters of architecture during her visit to the construction site.

    Hotel "Leningradskaya" in Moscow, photo

    • Corresponding member of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR (1947), full member of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR (1950).
    • L. M. Polyakov died on June 19, 1965. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery (site No. 6). The monument on his grave was designed by the architect E. N. Stamo (the tombstone is an identified object of cultural heritage).

    Awards and prizes

    • Stalin Prize of the second degree (1949) - for the architecture of the 17-storey building of the Leningradskaya Hotel on Kalanchevskaya Square in Moscow
    • Stalin Prize of the second degree (1950) - for the architecture of the Kaluzhskaya station of the Moscow Metro named after L. M. Kaganovich
    • Order of Lenin (1952)
    • Order of the Red Star
    • Order of the Badge of Honor (1939)
    • medal "For labor distinction" (1939)

    Leningrad segment of life. Projects and buildings

    The first projects were executed by L. M. Polyakov in Leningrad in collaboration with teachers and comrades from the Leningrad Higher Art Institute - Academy of Arts:

    • House of Industry in Sverdlovsk (1928; co-authored with V. A. Shchuko, V. G. Gelfreich - leaders; A. P. Velikanov; custom-made competition);
    • Crematorium at the Volkovo Cemetery (1929; with the participation of R. A. Puring; All-Union competition, 4th prize);
    • Residential area "Leningrad Printer" on Revolution Square (1928-1929; with the participation of Puring R. A., Vogel V. B.; competition; 3rd recommendation);
    • Residential building in Leningrad on Bolshaya Posadskaya street, No. 7-7a. (1928; together with Khryakov A.F., Abrosimov P.V.; built in 1932);
    • Central Park of Culture and Leisure (1931; together with E. I. Katonin, V. V. Danilov, T. I. Ichugina, V. A. Gaikovich; competition);
    • Dynamo Stadium with the Palace of Physical Education on Krestovsky Island (1931; together with Katonin E.I., Gaikovich V.A.; competition);
    • The building of the Moscow Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. (1931; in collaboration with Shchuko V. A., Gelfreikh V. G. - leaders; Velikanov A. P.);
    • Restaurant and steamship pier in TsPKiO im. S. M. Kirov in Leningrad (1931; together with A. P. Velikanov and A. F. Khryakov);
    • Plant management of a metallurgical plant in Kuzbass (1931; together with architects P. V. Abrosimov and A. F. Khryakov).
    • Zoo in Shuvalovo-Ozerki (1932; together with Velikanov A.P., Vitman V.A., Stepanov V.V., 1st and 2nd prize at the all-Union competition);
    • Children's Musical Theater of the Gosnardom (1933; together with Velikanov A.P., Khryakov A.F.; implemented);
    • Red Theater in the garden of the Gosnardom (1933; together with Velikanov A.P., Khryakov A.F.; competition);
    • American mountains - an attraction in the garden of the Gosnardom (1932-1933, together with A. P. Velikanov, A. F. Khryakov, engineer P. V. Startsev; opened in May 1934, burned down on October 16, 1941 );
    • Academy of Light Industry Kirov (Industrial Academy) on Suvorovsky Prospekt in Leningrad (1932, together with A. P. Velikanov, A. F. Khryakov, with the participation of R. A. Puring; built in two phases).
    • The building of the Red Banner Military Academy of the Red Army. M. V. Frunze on the Maiden's Field in Moscow (1932; co-authored with V. A. Shchuko, V. G. Gelfreich - leaders, A. P. Velikanov; custom-made competition);
    • Palace of Soviets in Moscow - III and IV stages of design (1932-1933, in collaboration with Shchuko V. A., Gelfreikh V. G. - leaders; Velikanov A. P., Rozhin I. E., Selyugin G. V., Selyakova-Shukhaeva E. N., Khryakov A. F., Shchuko G. V. (Yuri) and others; competition).

    Moscow segment of life. Projects and buildings

    Implemented plans

    • Changing the facades of the house, built according to the project of M. O. Barshch and G. A. Zundtblat (1933-1935; Arbat street, 45);
    • Changing the facades of the house built according to the project of Voloshinov (1933-1935, Spiridonievsky lane, 22);
    • Arch of the Main (now Northern) entrance of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (sculptor G. I. Motovilov) (1939; Prospect Mira, 119);
    • The high-rise building of the Leningradskaya Hotel, co-author A. B. Boretsky, engineer E. V. Myatlyuk (1948-1954, Komsomolskaya Square), the project was awarded the Stalin Prize of the 2nd degree.

    Stations of the Moscow metro. Kaganovich:

    • "Kurskaya" of the second stage; (design engineers N. M. Komarov and G. I. Kibardin; opened in 1938);
    • "Oktyabrskaya-Koltsevaya" (until 1961 - "Kaluga"; 1946; sculptor Motovilov G.I.; design engineers Prikot B.M., Dmitriev V.M.; opened on January 1, 1950);
    • "Arbatskaya" of the fifth stage (1953; co-authors: Pelevin V.V., Zenkevich Yu.P.; engineer Pirozhkova A.N.; art. Opryshko G.I.).
    • Completion of the design and supervision of the construction of the station "Sverdlov Square" (since 1990 - "Teatralnaya") - one of the last ideas of I. A. Fomin (1936-1938); .
    • Development project of Nakhimov Avenue and Bolshaya Morskaya Street in Sevastopol (1948-1951; leader; co-authors: E. P. Vulykh, V. V. Pelevin, V. A. Petrov, I. S. Samoilova);
    • Volga-Don Shipping Canal named after V.I. V. I. Lenin (1950-1952; leader; co-authors: Biryukov S. M., Boris G. G., Demidov S. V., Kovalev A. Ya., Musatov V. V., Pankov M. V. ., Rochegov A. G., Topunov F. G., Yakubov R. A.; engineers: Zhuk S. Ya., Marsov V. A., Oskolkov A. G., Shakhov N. V.; designer Motovilov G . AND.).
    • Kuibyshev hydroelectric complex (1952-1957; leader; co-authors: Biryukov S. M., Demidov S. V., Kovalev A. Ya., Rochegov A. G., Yakubov R. A.; architectural processing has repeatedly changed towards " rejection of excesses).
    • Metro station "Pushkinskaya" in Leningrad (1950-1955; with the participation of architect V. A. Petrov; building Anikushin M. K.; artist Engelke M. A.);
    • Embassy of the USSR in Ethiopia in Addis Ababa.
    • Embassy of the USSR in Albania in Tiran

    Arbat, 45, photo

    "Kurskaya" - radialMoscow metro. , opened in 1938, photo

    Oktyabrskaya-Koltsevaya station of the Moscow Metro, photo by A.Savin,

    Standard projects developed in the State architectural workshops

    • Brick four-room mansion. Project No. 112-45 (1946);
    • The house is a two-storey residential building with sixteen apartments. Project No. 1/09-45 (1946);
    • Residential two-story corner eighteen-apartment cinder-concrete house. Project No. 127 (1947);
    • The hostel is a two-story cinder-concrete building. Project No. 111 (1947; co-author P. N. Aranovich);
    • Residential two-story eight-apartment cinder-concrete house. Project No. 109 (1948; co-author Zaltsman A. M.);
    • Residential two-storey twelve-apartment cinder-concrete house. Project No. 110 (1948; co-author Zaltsman A. M.);
    • Nursery for 88 places. Project No. 43 (1948; co-author F. N. Korotkov);


    • Monument to I.V. Stalin at lock No. 1 of the Volga-Don Canal (1952; sk. Vuchetich E.V.; ​​removed in 1961, on the same pedestal in 1973, a statue of V.I. Lenin was installed);
    • Monument "Connection of fronts" at the gateway No. 13 of the Volga-Don (sculptor Vuchetich E.V.);
    • Monument to Lieutenant General Volokh P. V. in Izyum, Kharkov region. (sculptor Motovilov G.I., 1950);
    • Monument to A.P. Chekhov in Yalta (sculptor G.I. Motovilov; 1953, Seaside Park);
    • Monument to M. I. Kutuzov in Smolensk (sculptor G. I. Motovilov; 1954, Bolshaya Sovetskaya Street);
    • Monument to V. G. Belinsky in Penza (sculptor E. V. Vuchetich; 1954; Theater Square);
    • Monument to M. V. Lomonosov in the village of Lomonosovo, Arkhangelsk region (sculptor I. I. Kozlovsky; 1958; square in front of the village administration);
    • Monument to A. N. Tolstoy in Moscow (sculptor G. I. Motovilov; 1957, Bolshaya Nikitskaya street, 36);
    • Monument to N. A. Nekrasov in Yaroslavl (sculptor G. I. Motovilov; 1958, Volga embankment);
    • Monument to I. M. Sechenov in Moscow (sculptor L. E. Kerbel; 1958, Bolshaya Pirogovskaya street, 2/6);
    • Monument-bust to A.P. Chekhov in Melikhovo (sculptor Motovilov G.I. (1951, Moscow region, State Literary and Memorial Museum-Reserve of A.P. Chekhov);
    • Monument-bust to A. N. Ostrovsky in Moscow (sculptor G. I. Motovilov; 1954, Malaya Ordynka, 9);
    • Monument-bust twice Hero of the Soviet Union E. M. Kungurtsev in Izhevsk (sculptor I. I. Kozlovsky; 1950);
    • Monument-bust twice Hero of the Soviet Union A.P. Beloborodov in Irkutsk (sculptor G.I. Motovilov; 1953);
    • Monument-bust twice Hero of the Soviet Union K. A. Evstigneev in the city of Shumikha, Kurgan Region. (sculptor Motovilov G.I.);
    • monument-bust to the Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhailov E.V. in the village. Idritsa, Pskov region (1955; sculptor G. I. Motovilov)
    • Tombstone monument to A. N. Tolstoy (sculptor G. I. Motovilov, 1965, Moscow, Novodevichy cemetery, 2nd section, 30th row);
    • Tombstone monument to Dunaevsky I. O. at the Novodevichy cemetery (sculptor Melnikova P.);
    • Gravestone monument to Aksenov V.N. at the Novodevichy cemetery (sculptor Markova N.);

    Unrealized projects

    • Residential building of the Bolshoi Bolshoi Theater in Bryusovsky Lane (1933; handed over to Shchusev A.V.);
    • Residential building RZhSKT "Engineer-drummer" on the Leningrad highway, 12-14-16 (1934);
    • Reconstruction of Sukharevskaya Square to preserve the Sukharev Tower (1934; under the direction of I. A. Fomin);
    • Development project of the Government Square in Kyiv (together with I. A. Fomin; 1935, competition);
    • Sanatorium of the Commission for Assistance to Scientists (KSU) in Sochi (together with I. A. Fomin; 1935, competition);
    • USSR pavilion at the international exhibition of 1937 in Paris (1936; co-authored with V. A. Shchuko, V. G. Gelfreikh, A. P. Velikanov, Yu. V. Shchuko, competition);
    • metro station "Paveletskaya" (1937-1938; together with Rozhin I.E., competition);
    • metro station "Zavod im. Stalin” (1937-1938, together with I. E. Rozhin, competition);
    • metro station "Pervomayskaya" (1937-1938; competition);
    • Pavilion of the Moscow, Voronezh, Kursk regions and the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (1939; competition);
    • Residential building near the Kursk railway station Chkalov (1939-1940);
    • Novaya Solyanka - highway construction (1940);
    • The Second House of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in Zaryadye (1940; with the participation of A. B. Boretsky, E. N. Stamo; competition);
    • Combine "Izvestia" at the Kyiv railway station (1940; together with Boretsky A. B., Stamo E. N., competition);
    • Novo-Arbatsky bridge (1939-1940; competition);
    • Monument to the sailors-defenders of Leningrad and a house for veterans of the Patriotic War in the vicinity of Oranienbaum (1943; competition);
    • Admiralty - Ministry of the Navy in Moscow on Frunzenskaya nab. (1945; competition);
    • House of Soviets in Stalingrad (1946-1947; co-author Boretsky A. B.; competition);
    • Monument to A. S. Pushkin in Leningrad (1946-1949; artist Motovilov G. I.; custom-made competition);
    • Stalingrad hydroelectric complex (1951-1955; head of the Hydroproject group; the project was not implemented);
    • Volga-Baltic shipping canal (1952-1953; head, co-authors - employees of the Leningrad branch of Hydroproject: Banshchikov L. M., Goritsky A. I., Ikonnikov A. V., Kostylev R. P., Lipatov L. T., Mitrofanov K. M., Nikulin G. S., Perestoronina G. F., Petrov V. A., Semenova Z. F., Smagina M. V., Sharovarov G. A., Yasensky P. R.; after the death of I. V. Stalin, the construction was frozen; the canal was built according to a different project in 1956-1964);
    • Main Turkmen Canal (1951-1953; director; co-authors - employees of Hydroproject);
    • Monument in honor of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia (1953; sk. Motovilov G.I., the highest prize at the all-Union competition);
    • Covered collective farm market in Moscow (1954);
    • Ministry of the Oil Industry of the USSR in Moscow (co-author Pelevin V.V.);
    • Pantheon - Monument of the eternal glory of the great people of the Soviet country (1954; co-authors: E. P. Vulykh, V. V. Pelevin, A. G. Rochegov; competition);
    • Palace of Soviets on the Lenin Hills (competition 1957-1958).

    Articles by L. M. Polyakov in print

    • October gave me everything. Architectural newspaper. November 7, 1938, No. 62 (291). Page 2.
    • "New Solyanka". Architecture of the USSR, 1940, No. 4. Pp. 53-55.
    • What do architects work on? L. M. Polyakov. Moscow". Architecture of the USSR, 1940, No. 8. Pp. 71.
    • "Thoughts on Synthesis". Architecture of the USSR, 1941, No. 1. Pp. 42-44.
    • "Metro stations of the third stage". Architecture of the USSR, 1941, No. 3. Pp. 47-51.
    • "On the profile of an architect". USSR architecture. Journal, 1941, No. 5. Pp. 4-8.
    • "Architecture of the structures of the Volga-Don Canal". Architecture of the USSR, 1951, No. 1. Pp. 2-7.
    • "Architecture of the Volga-Don Shipping Canal named after V.I. V. I. Lenin. Truth. Newspaper. July 21, 1952


    St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad

    • Glazovskaya st. (since December 1952 - Konstantin Zaslonov St.), 36.
    • Kirochnaya st. (from 1932 to 1998 - Saltykov-Shchedrin St.), 43-b, apt. eleven.


    • Lenivka, d. 4. Dormitory of the Construction Department of the Palace of Soviets (USDS).
    • Mozhayskoye highway, 57, apt. 28. In different years, the same house was listed both on 2nd Izvoznaya Street and on Studencheskaya Street.
    • st. Tchaikovsky, d. 16-20, apt. eighteen.
    • Tryokhprudny lane, 5/15, apt. 26.

    see also

    • Stalin Empire


    1. 1 2 To the 100th anniversary of the birth of L. M. Polyakov
    2. Monument to M. V. Lomonosov in the village of Lomonosovo
    3. Photos of the bust in Irkutsk
    4. Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of August 30, 1960 N 1327.

    Archival sources

    • NBA Academy of Arts of the USSR, f. 7, op. 8, d. 2 120. Personal file of student L. M. Polyakov. 1923-1929
    • RGALI, f. 2466, op. 6, d. 252. Personal file of L. M. Polyakov. Moscow branch of the Union of Soviet Architects. 1943-1965
    • MGHPU, op. 27L, d. 152, bundle 27, ll. 2-96. Personal files of employees dismissed in 1965. From the letter "P" to "S".
    • Research Museum of the Academy of Arts (NIMAH).
    • State Research Museum of Architecture. A. V. Shchuseva (GNIMA).
    • TsGALI St. Petersburg, f. 341, op. 1, d. 286. "Architecture of the Volga-Don Canal". Verbatim report. Report of the Chief Architect of Hydroproject...L. M. Polyakova.


    • Yearbook of the Society of Architects-Artists. Issue 13. Leningrad, 1930
    • Yearbook of the Society of Architects-Artists. Issue 14. Leningrad, 1935. Pp. 23-26, 72-74, 233-239, 256.
    • Yearbook of the Leningrad Branch of the Union of Soviet Architects. Issue 1-2 (XV-XVI). Leningrad, 1940. Pp. 63, 350-355.
    • Laureates of the Stalin Prize in architecture, 1941-1950. Kornfeld Ya. A. Moscow: State. publishing house of literature on construction and architecture, 1953. Pp. 134-136, 170-172, 200-203.
    • Architectural newspaper. Appendix to No. 10. February 17, 1939 Golts G.P. “Academy of Light Industry. Kirov.
    • Architecture of the USSR, 1940 No. 11. Pp. 4-19. "Competition for the project of the second house of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR." Isakson A.
    • Yearbook of the Leningrad Branch of the Union of Soviet Architects. Release 3.
    • Monuments built according to the designs of sculptors of the Russian Federation, 1945-1965. Leningrad: "Artist of the RSFSR", 1967. Pp. 7, 12, 26, 29, 30, 35, 38.
    • Polyakova A. L. Architect L. M. Polyakov. Moscow: University. Book House", 2008
    • Polyakova A. L. “The past passes before me...” Moscow: “University. Book House", 2010

    source: article in the Russian-language Wikipedia on the date of publication

    L.M. Polyakov

    After graduating from high school in 1923, Leonid Mikhailovich entered the architectural faculty of the former Academy of Arts in Petrograd (VKhUTEIN), from which he graduated in 1929 with the title of architect? artist. His teacher was the architect I.A. Fomin, with whom his father worked together even after graduating from the Academy. In the same year, my father married Raisa Alexandrovna Puring, who also graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the Academy of Arts.
    He began working in his specialty in 1927 at the Sevzaples trust. In 1933, as part of a group of Leningrad architects led by Academician V.A. Shchuko and Professor V.G. Gelfreikh, my father moved to Moscow to work on the construction of the Palace of Soviets. Most Leningraders did not have their own housing in Moscow and lived in a hostel on Lenivka Street, so our family was divided: my mother left with my father for Moscow, she worked with him, and I stayed with my grandmother in Leningrad. At this time, my father designed and built a number of other buildings, in particular, the Northern Entrance to the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, residential buildings on Spiridonovka and on the Arbat. In this last house, he designed an apartment for our family, but for some reason they didn’t give it to him.
    In 1937, the Construction Department of the Palace of Soviets built two houses on 2nd Izvoznaya Street (now Studencheskaya) in the area of ​​present-day Dorogomilov. These houses were intended both for the resettlement of a large number of workers involved in the construction of the Palace of Soviets, and for the resettlement of families and houses demolished in the construction area. In 1937, my father received a three-room apartment in house number 26 on Studencheskaya Street. Several families of architects from Leningrad also settled in our entrance. The family of the architect A.P. Velikanov lived on the same landing, below us? the family of academician of architecture V.A. Shchuko, on the fifth floor - architects A.F. Khryakov, Z.O. Brod and others.
    In the pre-war years, architects worked a lot at home, because. There were no workshops then. A large room in our apartment was often turned into a workshop, stretchers were placed on the goats, and the work used to drag on until late at night. I remember cheerful feasts at a large oval table in the dining room. Adults in their free time loved to play funny scenes and charades, built some unusual outfits from improvised materials. It was a company of architects, artists, actors.
    Performances were staged for children, where Yura Schuko was the main ringleader, and Gulya Schuko and I were the actors. We acted out performances, for example, based on the book “The Golden Key”, “Little Red Riding Hood” and other fairy tales. Scenery and costumes were made, texts were written. In 1939, my brother Sasha was born, who also sometimes took part in performances.
    From 1939 until the start of the war, my father was the head of the architectural workshop of the Moscow City Council. During the Great Patriotic War from 1941 to 1943. he worked in the system of the People's Commissariat of Armaments on the construction of various defense structures. At first he was sent to the city of Mednogorsk, Chelyabinsk region, where he moved his whole family. Is our family in this city? mother, me, grandmother and brother Sasha? lived in evacuation until 1943. My father was the deputy chief engineer of the plant. After the construction of the plant was completed, my father was transferred to the city of Zlatoust as the head of the design department of the NKV trust, and we remained in Mednogorsk. The father was very worried about separation from the family. He wrote in a letter to I.V. Zholtovsky: “I had to leave my family to the mercy of fate because of the complete impossibility of transporting it in winter.” He asked him to help him get out of Chrysostom. “I am extremely tired of commanding lazy people who came here in most cases to sit out. Tired of dealing with and being responsible for such interesting and “familiar” things to me as the fuel oil supply of the thermal building or the brickwork project for the Shukhov-Berlin A?7 boiler. Dugout barrack? it's still a treat. Ivan Vladislavovich! What is being heard in Moscow now? Is there any way to get out of here and back? It turns out that it is very scary to be left alone, cut off from the familiar environment and architecture, with which the whole meaning of my existence is connected.
    In 1943, after returning to Moscow, my father worked at the Academy of Architecture, then, from 1944 to 1948, the head of the architectural workshop at the State Architectural Workshops of the Committee for Architecture. After the war, he took an active part in the restoration of the destroyed cities, in particular, Sevastopol. From 1948 to 1950 he was the chief architect, a member of the collegium of the Administration for the Restoration of Sevastopol under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Together with the architects E. Vulykh, I. Samoilova and V. Pelevin, he carried out the construction of Nakhimov Avenue in Sevastopol.

    Metro station "Oktyabrskaya-Koltsevaya"

    I remember how, immediately after the war, I went with my father to Leningrad and the suburbs, which he loved so much. The palace in Tsarskoye Selo lay in ruins. It seemed that nothing could be recovered from these wreckage. However, in the restoration workshops where we were invited, the enthusiastic restorers showed their father some of the preserved details that they were looking for in this garbage, and spoke of the palace as a living person who needs to be treated and collected in parts. My father remembered many details of the interiors of the palace and could assist the restorers.
    Since 1950, L.M. Polyakov became the chief architect and deputy head of the Hydroproject of the USSR MES. Since that time, a lot of work has begun on the design and construction of such gigantic structures as the Volga-Donskoy navigable canal and the Tsimlyansk hydroelectric complex. A large team of Hydroproject architects worked on these structures, dedicating the artistic design of the canal to the memory of the bloody battles that took place on this land during the war and the feat of the Soviet people in the Great Victory.
    In October 1952, the architectural design of the structures of the Volga-Don Shipping Canal named after V.I. Lenin and the Tsimlyansk hydroelectric complex, completed and put into operation in 1952, was nominated for the Stalin Prize.
    I was at the opening of the canal in July 1952 with my father and important people who accepted the work. We solemnly sailed on the ship "Joseph Stalin" from the Volga from Krasnoarmeysk. These magnificent buildings in the middle of the deserted steppe made an amazing impression. The Volga-Don canal was considered the firstborn of the great construction projects of communism, and along the banks, on all the piers and moorings, there were unescorted prisoners who built this canal. Did they shout something to us? it was hardly a greeting. After we got off this beautiful ship, for some reason a fire broke out on it.
    At the same time, under the projects of L.M. Polyakov, metro stations were being built: in Moscow? "Oktyabrskaya" and "Arbatskaya", in Leningrad? Pushkinskaya station. In Moscow, a high-rise building of the Leningradskaya Hotel is being erected on Komsomolskaya Square, but on Volokolamskoye Highway? building of design institutes of Minmashstroy. Now the building of the ground lobby of the Oktyabrskaya station has been mutilated, being included in the hotel building, and the ground lobby of the Arbatskaya station has been completely destroyed by the military department.
    It would seem that his father's life was on the rise, he received the Stalin Prize for the Oktyabrskaya metro station and the Leningradskaya hotel, the architectural design of the Volga-Don Canal and the Tsimlyansk hydroelectric complex is also nominated for the Stalin Prize. However, on December 4, 1955, the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On the Elimination of Excesses in Design and Construction”, signed by Khrushchev and Bulganin, was issued. Following him? decision: “To deprive the architects Polyakov and Boretsky of the title of laureate of the Stalin Prize ... To oblige the Moscow City Executive Committee to dismiss the head of the Architectural Workshop of the Mosproekt Institute, comrade Polyakov, for the excesses and waste of public funds in the design and construction and for the mismanagement of construction organizations.”
    The architects mentioned in this ruling even expected to be put on trial. They were saved by A.I. Mikoyan, who at a meeting of the Politburo said: “We ourselves gave them tasks, so we should not punish them.” Nevertheless, L.M. Polyakov and other "fine" architects were ostracized. My father was sick for a long time, he was in the hospital. He was actually excommunicated from creative work. He also had a conflict with E.A. Fursova, at that time the secretary of the Moscow City Party Committee. She somehow arrived with an inspection at the construction site of the Leningradskaya Hotel and began to make some comments to her father, to which he told her that he was the author of the project and he himself knew what to do. In addition, the poor woman confused "resonance" with "dissonance", and this also did not go unanswered.
    After the Decree was issued, only those organizations that were independent of the Moscow City Party Committee could give work to the father, namely? Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Harassment was conducted both at the professional and at the household level. So, he was offered to vacate a 4-room apartment, changing it to a smaller one, since it is too big for three people!
    In 1956, the Kuibyshevskaya (now Zhigulevskaya) HPP was commissioned, where my father was the author and head of the architectural part, together with the team of architects of the Hydroproject.
    In 1958, K.N. Chernopyatov, who at that time was authorized by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences for construction, invited his father to the GiproNII of the USSR Academy of Sciences for the position of chief architect. At the same time, he was the head of the Mosoblproekt architectural workshop, which actually carried out the assignments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the design of embassies in different countries of the world. My father built embassy buildings in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and in Tirana, Albania. At the same time, L.M. Polyakov was engaged in pedagogical work both at the Moscow Architectural Institute and at the Stroganov School. In 1956, a new direction was organized in Stroganovka, which was associated with architecture. In 1961, at the invitation of the rector of Stroganov Z.N. Bykov, my father headed the interior department. He was actually the organizer and head of this department, and then the dean of the interior faculty. As a teacher, L.M. Polyakov sought to familiarize students with examples of classical architecture and, during his summer practice, arranged trips to Leningrad and its suburbs, as well as to Suzdal and Vladimir. According to the memoirs of L.N. Fedorovsky, a graduate of the Interior Department in 1962, “L.M. Polyakov knew how to involve not only his colleagues, but also students in creative work. He possessed encyclopedic knowledge and an excellent memory, knew the history of Leningrad very well and could spend hours talking about any monument to us, students who came for summer practice. Leonid Mikhailovich was an amazing teacher. It seemed that he did not specifically teach us anything, but with his stories about the great masters he gently introduced us to the temple of architecture. As the head of the "Interior decoration of buildings" department, Leonid Mikhailovich believed that interior specialists are the main assistants to the architect and therefore should become conductors of a group of applied art artists.
    My father worked at the Stroganov School until his death in June 1965. On the front door of Stroganovka there is a memorial plaque indicating that the outstanding architect L.M. Polyakov worked here.
    Father, of course, was very upset by the excommunication from creative work. In the mid-60s, when the grip of the party weakened somewhat, they began to offer him work on large objects. He lamented that his strength was leaving him, saying: “Yes, the trouble is, the squirrel has no teeth!”.

    Hotel "Leningradskaya"

    My father had a big library. Besides classical literature? both Russian and Western, he had many books on architecture and art. On the shelves were large folios, folders with engravings, he was especially fond of Piranesi. My father knew a lot by heart and often quoted Pushkin, Chekhov, Ostrovsky. There was a favorite book "Gardens and Parks", which he could re-read and look at many times. While working, he often sang songs and classical arias. For example, he loved the song "Stitches overgrown? Paths where cute legs passed."
    My father was characterized by the desire to introduce people to art. I remember trips to Vladimir, Suzdal, Bogolyubovo, his stories about the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, about the church in Dubrovitsy. Somehow I was with him in the workshop of Korin, whom my father highly appreciated. Korin showed his latest works and a collection of icons that were then banned.
    Father is the author of a number of monuments to various people and events, including? I.A. Fomin and Al.N. Tolstoy at the Novodevichy cemetery, A.N. Tolstoy in Moscow, A.P. Chekhov in Yalta and Melikhovo. He won the competition for a monument in honor of the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia on the square of the Kyiv railway station. I asked him when they would put it on, he said: “Never!”, And he was right ...
    Anna Polyakova,
    architect's daughter

    Leonid Mikhailovich Polyakov
    Years of life
    Date of Birth
    Place of Birth
    Date of death
    Place of death
    Works and achievements
    Worked in cities
    Architectural style

    neoclassicism, Stalinist Empire

    Leonid Mikhailovich Polyakov at Wikimedia Commons

    Leonid Mikhailovich Polyakov(8 (21) August 1906, St. Petersburg - June 19, 1965, Moscow) - Soviet architect.


    Born in St. Petersburg on August 8 (21), 1906 in a Jewish family of immigrants from the city of Soltsy, Porkhov district, Pskov province. In 1923 he began his studies at the Faculty of Architecture of the Second Petrograd Polytechnic Institute. After the abolition of the institute in August 1924, he was transferred to the Leningrad Higher Art and Technical Institute, among the teachers of which: A. E. Belogrud, L. N. Benois, L. V. Rudnev, I. A. Fomin, V. A. Schuko, V. G. Gelfreikh, S. S. Serafimov.

    While studying at the institute, he began working in the Sevzaples trust, first as a draftsman, and since 1928 as an architect. He defended his thesis work - "Onega sawmill and paper mill" on November 5, 1929.

    In 1933, among the designers of the Palace of Soviets, headed by V. A. Shchuko and V. G. Gelfreikh, Polyakov moved to Moscow. He worked in the Construction Department of the Palace of Soviets (USDS) and the architectural workshop of the Moscow City Council No. 3 (led by I. A. Fomin).

    • In October 1939, he was transferred from the USDS and enlisted as the head of workshop No. 9 of the Moscow City Council.
    • On June 2, 1941, he headed Workshop No. 3.
    • In September 1941 - April 1943, he was at the construction site of the People's Commissariat of Arms (NKV Trust No. 24) in the cities of Zlatoust and Mednogorsk. He had the rank of military engineer of the 3rd rank. In May 1943 he was seconded to Moscow at the disposal of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR.
    • At the beginning of 1944, he was transferred to the Committee for Architecture under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and was appointed senior inspector-architect of the Inspectorate for the Protection of Architectural Monuments of the Main Directorate for the Protection of Architectural Monuments.
    • From July 1944 to December 1948 he was the head of the workshop of the State Workshops of the Committee for Architecture.
    • From December 1948 to December 1950 - chief architect of Sevastopol, member of the Board of Directorate for the restoration of Sevastopol under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
    • In 1950-1957. - Chief Architect of the Hydroproject Institute.
    • In 1947-1951, concurrently, he was the chief architect of the Voenmorproekt-2 Institute of the Ministry of Construction of Military and Naval Facilities. Released from the post of chief architect of the Mosproekt workshop by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of November 4, 1955.
    • From October 1957 to April 1958 - chief architect of the GIPRONII of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
    • 1958-1961 - Chief Architect of the Mosoblproekt Institute, head of the Mosoblproekt workshop.
    • He taught at the Moscow Architectural Institute (April - December 1937 - Acting Associate Professor; 1943-1945 - Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor) and the Moscow Higher School of Industrial Art (former Stroganov School) in 1947-1950. and in 1958-1965, professor since 1963.

    Twice winner of the Stalin Prize, 1949 and 1950.

    By the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of November 4, 1955, L. M. Polyakov, together with the co-author Boretsky A. B., were deprived of the prize awarded to them for the project of the Leningradskaya Hotel. There is an opinion that the initiator of this was E. A. Furtseva, who did not forgive Polyakov for pointing out her incompetence in matters of architecture during her visit to the construction site.

    • Cavalier of the Order of Lenin (1952), the Order of the Badge of Honor (1939), the Order of the Red Star, the medal for labor distinction (1939).
    • Corresponding member of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR (1947), full member of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR (1950).
    • L. M. Polyakov died on June 19, 1965. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow. The monument on his grave was designed by the architect E. N. Stamo (the tombstone is an identified object of cultural heritage).

    Leningrad segment of life. Projects and buildings

    The first projects were executed by L. M. Polyakov in Leningrad in collaboration with teachers and comrades from the Leningrad Higher Art Institute - Academy of Arts:

    • House of Industry in Sverdlovsk (1928; co-authored with V. A. Shchuko, V. G. Gelfreich - leaders; A. P. Velikanov; custom-made competition);
    • Crematorium at the Volkovo Cemetery (1929; with the participation of R. A. Puring; All-Union competition, 4th prize);
    • Residential area "Leningrad Printer" on Revolution Square (1928-1929; with the participation of Puring R. A., Vogel V. B.; competition; 3rd recommendation);
    • Residential building in Leningrad on Bolshaya Posadskaya street, No. 7-7a. (1928; together with Khryakov A.F., Abrosimov P.V.; built in 1932);
    • Central Park of Culture and Leisure (1931; together with E. I. Katonin, V. V. Danilov, T. I. Ichugina, V. A. Gaikovich; competition);
    • Dynamo Stadium with the Palace of Physical Education on Krestovsky Island (1931; together with Katonin E.I., Gaikovich V.A.; competition);
    • The building of the Moscow Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. (1931; in collaboration with Shchuko V. A., Gelfreikh V. G. - leaders; Velikanov A. P.);
    • Restaurant and steamship pier in TsPKiO im. S. M. Kirov in Leningrad (1931; together with A. P. Velikanov and A. F. Khryakov);
    • Plant management of a metallurgical plant in Kuzbass (1931; together with architects P. V. Abrosimov and A. F. Khryakov).
    • Zoo in Shuvalovo-Ozerki (1932; together with Velikanov A.P., Vitman V.A., Stepanov V.V., 1st and 2nd prize at the all-Union competition);
    • Children's Musical Theater of the Gosnardom (1933; together with Velikanov A.P., Khryakov A.F.; implemented);
    • Red Theater in the garden of the Gosnardom (1933; together with Velikanov A.P., Khryakov A.F.; competition);
    • American mountains - an attraction in the garden of the Gosnardom (1932-1933, together with A. P. Velikanov, A. F. Khryakov, engineer P. V. Startsev; opened in May 1934, burned down on October 16, 1941 );
    • Academy of Light Industry Kirov (Industrial Academy) on Suvorovsky Prospekt in Leningrad (1932, together with A. P. Velikanov, A. F. Khryakov, with the participation of R. A. Puring; built in two phases).
    • The building of the Red Banner Military Academy of the Red Army. M. V. Frunze on the Maiden's Field in Moscow (1932; co-authored with V. A. Shchuko, V. G. Gelfreich - leaders, A. P. Velikanov; custom-made competition);
    • Palace of Soviets in Moscow - III and IV stages of design (1932-1933, in collaboration with Shchuko V. A., Gelfreikh V. G. - leaders; Velikanov A. P., Rozhin I. E., Selyugin G. V., Selyakova-Shukhaeva E. N., Khryakov A. F., Shchuko G. V. (Yuri) and others; competition).

      Arbitral tribunal.jpg

      Academy of Light Industry

    Moscow segment of life. Projects and buildings

    Implemented plans

    • Changing the facades of the house, built according to the project of M. O. Barshch and G. A. Zundtblat (1933-1935; Arbat street, 45);
    • Changing the facades of the house built according to the project of Voloshinov (1933-1935, Spiridonievsky lane, 22);
    • Arch of the Main (now Northern) entrance of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (sculptor G. I. Motovilov) (1939; Prospect Mira, 119);
    • The high-rise building of the Leningradskaya Hotel, co-author A. B. Boretsky, engineer E. V. Myatlyuk (1948-1954, Komsomolskaya Square), the project was awarded the Stalin Prize of the 2nd degree.

    Stations of the Moscow metro. Kaganovich:

    • "Kurskaya" of the second stage; (design engineers N. M. Komarov and G. I. Kibardin; opened in 1938);
    • "Oktyabrskaya-Koltsevaya" (until 1961 - "Kaluga"; 1946; sculptor Motovilov G.I.; design engineers Prikot B.M., Dmitriev V.M.; opened on January 1, 1950);
    • "Arbatskaya" of the fifth stage (1953; co-authors: Pelevin V.V., Zenkevich Yu.P.; engineer Pirozhkova A.N.; art. Opryshko G.I.).
    • Completion of the design and supervision of the construction of the station "Sverdlov Square" (since 1990 - "Teatralnaya") - one of the last ideas of I. A. Fomin (1936-1938); .
    • The project for the development of Nakhimov Avenue and Bolshaya Morskaya Street in Sevastopol (1948-1951; leader; co-authors: E. P. Vulykh, V. V. Pelevin, V. A. Petrov, I. S. Samoilova);
    • Volga-Don Shipping Canal named after V.I. V. I. Lenin (1950-1952; leader; co-authors: Biryukov S. M., Boris G. G., Demidov S. V., Kovalev A. Ya., Musatov V. V., Pankov M. V. ., Rochegov A. G., Topunov F. G., Yakubov R. A.; engineers: Zhuk S. Ya., Marsov V. A., Oskolkov A. G., Shakhov N. V.; designer Motovilov G . AND.).
    • Kuibyshev hydroelectric complex (1952-1957; leader; co-authors: Biryukov S. M., Demidov S. V., Kovalev A. Ya., Rochegov A. G., Yakubov R. A.; architectural processing has repeatedly changed towards " rejection of excesses).
    • Metro station "Pushkinskaya" in Leningrad (1950-1955; with the participation of architect V. A. Petrov; building Anikushin M. K.; artist Engelke M. A.);
    • Embassy of the USSR in Ethiopia in Addis Ababa.
    • Embassy of the USSR in Albania in Tirana.

      Moscow, Arbat 45.JPG

      Arbat, 45

      "Entrance to the VSHV 1939 in 2009".jpg

      Arch of the VSHV 1939

      Oktyabrskaya KL 2010.jpg

      "October" - ring

      Arbatskaja arbpokr Barry Kent2.jpg

      "Arbat" 5th stage

    Standard projects developed in the State architectural workshops

    • Brick four-room mansion. Project No. 112-45 (1946);
    • The house is a two-storey residential building with sixteen apartments. Project No. 1/09-45 (1946);
    • Residential two-story corner eighteen-apartment cinder-concrete house. Project No. 127 (1947);
    • The hostel is a two-story cinder-concrete building. Project No. 111 (1947; co-author P. N. Aranovich);
    • Residential two-story eight-apartment cinder-concrete house. Project No. 109 (1948; co-author Zaltsman A. M.);
    • Residential two-storey twelve-apartment cinder-concrete house. Project No. 110 (1948; co-author Zaltsman A. M.);
    • Nursery for 88 places. Project No. 43 (1948; co-author F. N. Korotkov);


    • Tombstone monument to A. N. Tolstoy (sculptor G. I. Motovilov, 1965, Moscow, Novodevichy cemetery, 2nd section, 30th row);
    • Tombstone monument to Dunaevsky I. O. at the Novodevichy cemetery (sculptor Melnikova P.);
    • Gravestone monument to Aksenov V.N. at the Novodevichy cemetery (sculptor Markova N.);

      Kutuzov smolensk.jpg

      Smolensk. Monument to Kutuzov

      Monument to Lenin at the entrance of the Volga-Don canal. Volgograd 001.jpg

      Monument to V. I. Lenin, Volgograd

      Monument to A.N. Tolstoy.jpg

      Monument to A. N. Tolstoy

    Unrealized projects

    • Residential building of the Bolshoi Bolshoi Theater in Bryusovsky Lane (1933; handed over to Shchusev A.V.);
    • Residential building RZhSKT "Engineer-drummer" on the Leningrad highway, 12-14-16 (1934);
    • Reconstruction of Sukharevskaya Square to preserve the Sukharev Tower (1934; under the direction of I. A. Fomin);
    • Development project of the Government Square in Kyiv (together with I. A. Fomin; 1935, competition);
    • Sanatorium of the Commission for Assistance to Scientists (KSU) in Sochi (together with I. A. Fomin; 1935, competition);
    • USSR pavilion at the international exhibition of 1937 in Paris (1936; co-authored with V. A. Shchuko, V. G. Gelfreikh, A. P. Velikanov, Yu. V. Shchuko, competition);
    • metro station "Paveletskaya" (1937-1938; together with Rozhin I.E., competition);
    • metro station "Zavod im. Stalin” (1937-1938, together with I. E. Rozhin, competition);
    • metro station "Pervomayskaya" (1937-1938; competition);
    • Pavilion of the Moscow, Voronezh, Kursk regions and the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (1939; competition);
    • Residential building near the Kursk railway station Chkalov (1939-1940);
    • Novaya Solyanka - highway construction (1940);
    • The Second House of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in Zaryadye (1940; with the participation of A. B. Boretsky, E. N. Stamo; competition);
    • Combine "Izvestia" at the Kyiv railway station (1940; together with Boretsky A. B., Stamo E. N., competition);
    • Novo-Arbatsky bridge (1939-1940; competition);
    • Monument to the sailors-defenders of Leningrad and a house for veterans of the Patriotic War in the vicinity of Oranienbaum (1943; competition);
    • Admiralty - Ministry of the Navy in Moscow on Frunzenskaya nab. (1945; competition);
    • House of Soviets in Stalingrad (1946-1947; co-author Boretsky A. B.; competition);
    • Monument to A. S. Pushkin in Leningrad (1946-1949; artist Motovilov G. I.; custom-made competition);
    • Stalingrad hydroelectric complex (1951-1955; head of the Hydroproject group; the project was not implemented);
    • Volga-Baltic shipping canal (1952-1953; head, co-authors - employees of the Leningrad branch of Hydroproject: Banshchikov L. M., Goritsky A. I., Ikonnikov A. V., Kostylev R. P., Lipatov L. T., Mitrofanov K. M., Nikulin G. S., Perestoronina G. F., Petrov V. A., Semenova Z. F., Smagina M. V., Sharovarov G. A., Yasensky P. R.; after the death of I. V. Stalin, the construction was frozen; the canal was built according to a different project in 1956-1964);
    • Main Turkmen Canal (1951-1953; director; co-authors - employees of Hydroproject);
    • Monument in honor of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia (1953; sk. Motovilov G.I., the highest prize at the all-Union competition);
    • Covered collective farm market in Moscow (1954);
    • Ministry of the Oil Industry of the USSR in Moscow (co-author Pelevin V.V.);
    • Pantheon - Monument to the eternal glory of the great people of the Soviet country (1954; co-authors: E. P. Vulykh, V. V. Pelevin, A. G. Rochegov; competition);
    • Palace of Soviets on the Lenin Hills (competition 1957-1958).

    Articles by L. M. Polyakov in print

    • October gave me everything. Architectural newspaper. November 7, 1938 No. 62 (291). Page 2.
    • "New Solyanka". USSR architecture. 1940 No. 4. Pg. 53-55.
    • What do architects work on? L. M. Polyakov. Moscow". USSR architecture. 1940 No. 8. Pg. 71.
    • "Thoughts on Synthesis". USSR architecture. 1941 No. 1. Pg. 42-44.
    • "Metro stations of the third stage". USSR architecture. 1941 No. 3. Pg. 47-51.
    • "On the profile of an architect". USSR architecture. Magazine. 1941 No. 5. Pg. 4-8.
    • "Architecture of the structures of the Volga-Don Canal". USSR architecture. 1951 No. 1. Pg. 2-7.
    • "Architecture of the Volga-Don Shipping Canal named after V.I. V. I. Lenin. Truth. Newspaper. July 21, 1952


    St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad

    • Glazovskaya st. (since December 1952 - Konstantin Zaslonov St.), 36.
    • Kirochnaya st. (from 1932 to 1998 - Saltykov-Shchedrin St.), 43-b, apt. eleven.


    • Lenivka, d. 4. Dormitory of the Construction Department of the Palace of Soviets (USDS).
    • Mozhayskoye highway, 57, apt. 28. In different years, the same house was listed both on 2nd Izvoznaya Street and on Studencheskaya Street.
    • st. Tchaikovsky, d. 16-20, apt. eighteen.
    • Tryokhprudny lane, 5/15, apt. 26.

    see also

    • Stalin Empire


    Archival sources

    • NBA Academy of Arts of the USSR, f. 7, op. 8, d. 2 120. Personal file of student L. M. Polyakov. 1923-1929
    • RGALI, f. 2466, op. 6, d. 252. Personal file of L. M. Polyakov. Moscow branch of the Union of Soviet Architects. 1943-1965
    • MGHPU, op. 27L, d. 152, bundle 27, ll. 2-96. Personal files of employees dismissed in 1965. From the letter "P" to "S".
    • Research Museum of the Academy of Arts (NIMAH).
    • State Research Museum of Architecture. A. V. Shchuseva (GNIMA).
    • TsGALI St. Petersburg, f. 341, op. 1, d. 286. "Architecture of the Volga-Don Canal". Verbatim report. Report of the Chief Architect of the Hydroproject ...L. M. Polyakova.


    • Yearbook of the Society of Architects-Artists. Issue 13. Leningrad. 1930
    • Yearbook of the Society of Architects-Artists. Issue 14. Leningrad. 1935 pp. 23-26, 72-74, 233-239, 256.
    • Yearbook of the Leningrad Branch of the Union of Soviet Architects. Issue 1-2 (XV-XVI). Leningrad. 1940 Page 63, 350-355.
    • Laureates of the Stalin Prize in architecture. 1941-1950. Kornfeld Ya. A. Moscow: State. publishing house of literature on construction and architecture. 1953 pp. 134-136, 170-172, 200-203.
    • Architectural newspaper. Annex to No. 10. February 17, 1939 Goltz G.P. “Academy of Light Industry. Kirov.
    • USSR architecture. 1940 No. 11. Pg. 4-19. "Competition for the project of the second house of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR." Isakson A.
    • Yearbook of the Leningrad Branch of the Union of Soviet Architects. Release 3.
    • Monuments built according to the projects of sculptors of the Russian Federation. 1945-1965. Leningrad: "Artist of the RSFSR". 1967 pp. 7, 12, 26, 29, 30, 35, 38.
    • Polyakova A. L. Architect L. M. Polyakov. Moscow: University. Book House. 2008
    • Polyakova A. L. “The past passes before me…” Moscow: “University. Book House. 2010
    • Notification: The preliminary basis for this article was a similar article in http://ru.wikipedia.org , under the terms of CC-BY-SA, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0 , which was subsequently changed, corrected and edited.