Kopeck herb - the amazing properties of the red root, photo. Red root (forgotten kopeechnik) Forgotten kopeechnik tincture red root

Forgotten kopeechnik(red root) belongs to the genus Kopecks of the legume family. These plants were called kopecks because of the fruits - beans consisting of several flat seed plates similar to small one-kopeck coins.

Often forgotten kopeck called the red root for the dark brown color of the root and for the reddish-brown color of decoctions from the root, which, in the habitats of the root, the locals used from ancient times as often as our contemporaries use tea.

In Altai, where in the highlands it is most often found forgotten kopeck, a popular name for this plant - bear root. It has been observed by locals that bears regain their strength after hibernation by digging red root and eating them.

With the name " bear root» related legend:

Long ago, in search of paradise on earth, where milk and honey rivers flow, where there are no diseases and one can live in peace and harmony with oneself and with God, people came to Altai. The dark forces did not want to let mere mortals through to the gates of Paradise and sent pestilence and weakness on people. The Lord of the Mountains saved people - a big brown Bear. He brought people a huge green bush with succulent leaves and a large long red root. People began to add the leaves of this bush to food, and brew and drink decoctions from the root. And pestilence and weakness left the people.

Indeed, since ancient times in Altai, decoctions from the red root have been used as a tonic to increase strength and as a medicine for the treatment of a wide range of diseases: anemia, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, anemia, impotence, colds, diseases of the genitourinary system, headaches, epilepsy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, neuroses, diseases of the mammary gland, oncological diseases.

In Siberia, the cleansing properties of tea from the root of the forgotten kopek are well known. It is especially useful to drink it during a visit to the bath to cleanse the liver, kidneys, improve metabolic processes in the body, and quickly restore strength during heavy physical exertion.

Infusions from the root of the forgotten kopek are useful for the elderly to stimulate the work of the heart and cerebral circulation, and support physical activity.

Traditional medicine has recognized that the root of the forgotten kopek has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, vasodilating, antispasmodic, anti-exudative, general tonic, vasoprotective effects.

The root of the forgotten kopek is widely used as a general tonic in the complex treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in men: prostate adenoma, urethritis, acute and chronic prostatitis, impotence.

The experience of using the red root by Russian healers and modern research by physicians and biologists suggests that the root of the forgotten kopeck:

Activates the work of the respiratory system;
restores sexual functions in men and women;
normalizes water-salt metabolism;
normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
provides anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the urogenital area;
increases immunity in adults and children;
serves as a prevention of the development of malignant neoplasms;
stimulates and strengthens cardiovascular activity;
improves and purifies the blood.

Useful properties are possessed not only by the root of the forgotten kopek, but also by the grass of the plant, from which antiviral, antiherpes drugs are obtained.

An experienced herbalist, resource botanist, candidate of biological sciences, Gennady Mikhailovich Sviridonov, talks about this useful plant in a video.

Thanks to its restorative and tonic properties forgotten kopeck used in the products of Siberian Health Corporation: Pantoral, and from the Siberian Propolis series.

The herbaceous plant red root belongs to the genus Kopeck from the legume family. The popular name of the kopeck is a forgotten bear root. The herb is famous for its unique properties, which are used to treat disorders in the genitourinary system, oncology, anemia, and is used as a general tonic and stimulant in folk medicine. Herbal tinctures are used by emperors in China, which confirms its uniqueness.

Forgotten kopeechnik (red root) is a perennial herb, sometimes at first glance as a low shrub or less often as a semi-shrub.
Visually, the plant can be described as follows: the stem is strongly pronounced, the flowers are in dense racemes, the leaves are pinnate and the beans are segmented.

The main advantage of the kopeck is the root, which is hidden underground, it has a length of about 11 m, and a thickness of about 13 cm, as for the color, it is clear from the name. It is rich in a huge amount of oligomeric catechins of a separate condensed type. They are worth paying attention to, as they belong to the unique bioflavonoids that give the red root tincture its red color.

You can also come across the name as the Bear root - there are opinions because the bears who eat it like it, and also the squirrel root - it was called that because it grows near the "squirrels" - accumulations of snow in the mountains.

"Peeing is the only pleasure you don't have to pay for." Socrates

Medicinal properties of the herb

The medicinal properties of kopeck are influenced by the constituent elements:

  • xanthines;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • retinol;
  • phytoestrogens;
  • pectin;
  • starch.

Flavonoids, in particular catechins, are characterized by the fact that they help to remove harmful substances and heavy metals from the human body. They also strengthen and, most importantly, they reincarnate the walls of capillaries and neutralize free radicals.

It can also be used as a melliferous, fodder or ornamental plant.

Applications of kopeechnik tea

The main use of the kopeech forgotten in medicine can be attributed to a number of pathologies:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • sexual impotence;
  • infertility;
  • various oncological diseases;
  • helps to increase male potency;
  • stimulates blood circulation and eliminates congestion in the prostate;
  • restores energy after hard physical work.

In society, the plant symbolizes the “spirit of water”, and therefore normalizes the exchange of fluid in the human body. Science explains this by the fact that - the red root raises diuresis, which has a positive effect on people with kidney diseases, as well as the genitourinary system, normalizes urine output.

Herb Red Root - for potency

Hedysarum root is a natural non-hormonal stimulant for male potency with a safe effect. Flavonoids, which are found in the root, have a beneficial effect on the male prostate; when taken, they relax the smooth muscles of the prostate ducts. Which leads to the resumption of the outflow of prostatic juice, after which blood circulation improves.

It is worth paying attention to the correctness of taking the plant to increase potency, if you violate the rules of taking, you can get diseases of the liver, kidneys or joints.


Medicinal tincture

Chopped root 100 gr., season with good vodka - 1 l., mix, then insist for about 14 days, from time to time you need to mix the medicinal infusion. Take one teaspoon three times a day, half an hour before meals, if desired, can be diluted in 50 ml of water.

  • tuberculosis;
  • inflammation of the bronchial mucosa;
  • inflammation of the lungs;
  • anemia;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • for the treatment of reproductive function;
  • with infectious diseases: influenza, SARS, sinusitis.

medicinal tea

  1. Take 10 gr. crushed root, add to a cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, and take before meals twice a day.
  2. Take 30 gr., red root, add 1 liter of boiling water, after insisting, be sure to strain before taking. Milk or honey can be added to taste.


Recommended for prostatitis, adenoma, sexual impotence, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, neurosis.

You will need 60 grams of grated root and 60 grams of propolis. In our mixture, add 1 liter of honey. alcohol, then mix and shake. Then we let our balm brew for about two weeks in a cold place, after which it must be filtered.

Dose 25 drops three times a day, before meals. Take for a month, after you need to take a break of at least two months, then repeat for another month.

Herb contraindications

You should stop taking if you have an individual intolerance, pregnancy or lactation.

Root-based products are prohibited for children under 13 years of age, as well as with increased nervous excitability, hypertension of 3 and 4 degrees, after myocardial infarction.

Kopeck (lat. Hedýsarum) - legume family. These plants are called Kopecks because of the shape of the beans, tightened across, consisting of several flat segments similar to coins. This is a herbaceous perennial plant, less common are small shrubs, as well as semi-shrubs. Height from 25 to 150 cm with a strong, long woody brown root. Elongated, even stems, developed, branching, are also completely undeveloped, and the flower arrow appears from short shoots rising at the neck of the rhizome.

The leaves are usually paired, but sometimes consist of one unpaired leaf. Flowers are usually in dense racemes, the color is scarlet, lilac and sometimes white. It begins to bloom in May-June, beautiful, bright red-lilac flowers appear on the shoots, grouped in countless inflorescences. When the kopeck blooms, it looks very attractive. Kopeck has over 150 species, growing mainly in low-temperature regions of the planet, in the CIS there are approximately 100 species of kopeck. Eight species grow in the East, but still the bulk grows in Central Asia.

Preparation and storage of kopeck

Roots and stems are used in the preparation. Root collection is carried out in August-September. Collect roots aged 10-80 years, one third are left in the ground. You can collect again in the same place after 10 years. The stems, and indeed the raw materials of the kopek, need to be harvested when the budding phase approaches and the plant is in color, then the highest level of mangiferin and the highest raw mass of the plant were recorded. When harvesting, the leafy stalks of the kopeck are cut off with knives or secateurs.

For the preservation of natural and commercial thickets of this plant, it is desirable to collect it in the same place no earlier than a year later. Grass should be dried in the sun. It needs to be stirred occasionally, the grass dries out in a few days. Rainfall should not be allowed to fall on the grass of the kopeechnik. If the stem breaks when bent, drying is considered complete. The final yield of dry raw materials of kopechnik is 15-20% by weight of fresh grass, the dried grass is ground.

According to the requirements, the raw material of the kopek should consist of a mixture of partially ground or whole leaves, inflorescences, small pieces of stems. Raw materials must meet the following criteria:

  • the level of mangiferin is not less than 1%;
  • weight loss during drying is not more than 13%;
  • ash, in general, not more than 9%;
  • stems thicker than 2 mm in diameter no more than 10%;
  • impurities (parts of other non-toxic plants) not more than 3%;
  • mineral impurity is not more than 1%.

The shelf life of the raw material is 2 years.

Application in everyday life

Kopeck is used to make various kinds of decoctions and tinctures, including those with alcohol content.

The composition and medicinal properties of kopechnik

  1. Hemp root is rich in oligomeric condensed type catechins, which belong to the category of bioflavonoids. Their number approximately varies from 10 to 33% per air-dry weight. Therefore, the infusion of kopeck and is painted in a brown-red color.
  2. Also, the composition of this plant includes: triterpene saponins, xanthone hedizaride, tannins, flavonoids, free amino acids, coumarins.
  3. The composition of the Alpizarin preparation includes the herb kopechnik, the drug is effective in the treatment of warts and herpes in adults, it has a high antiviral activity.
  4. Kopeck is an excellent natural remedy for the prevention of the treatment of male ailments. This plant stimulates blood circulation, greatly improves the activity of the urinary system, and helps to eliminate congestion in the prostate gland, it is a stimulant of sexual activity for men.
  5. It is also advised to use the infusion to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as a rule, it helps to treat constipation and liver diseases.
  6. It is especially effective in case of difficulty in the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  7. It gently stimulates the heart muscle, helps with intense coughing, helps fight bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia and bronchitis.
  8. The catechins found in the plant distinguish it from other medicinal herbs by a serious P-vitamin level of activity, thanks to which they contribute to the strengthening and regeneration of capillaries, and by the activity of antioxidants, which sets the stage for the neutralization of free radicals.
  9. These substances contribute to the removal of heavy metals from the human body.
  10. Kopechnik is also used for infertility, uterine bleeding, cancer, epilepsy.
  11. Hemp-based preparations have general strengthening and tonic properties: they help relieve fatigue, restore strength after heavy loads, and help increase endurance levels.
  12. The use of kopeck in folk medicine

    For the best effect, other cleansing herbs should be used along with kopek. To increase the phytotherapeutic effect, along with the red root, which (contains vitamin P), vitamins C and E should also be consumed, which contribute to increased absorption of vitamin P.

    Restorative infusion

    It is necessary to brew a red root in a thermos, a root 10-15 cm long is enough for 1 liter. Pour boiling water, let it brew overnight, in the morning you can already use this healthy drink. The spine can be refilled and insisted 2-3 times.

    Water-alcohol tincture (extract) from kopeck

    You can cook it like this: fill a 500 g jar 1/3 of the volume with dry grass or (1/2 fresh) and fill it to the brim with vodka. We put for 10 days in a cool and dark place, then you will need to strain. Take 1 teaspoon in 100 ml of water 30 minutes before meals 3 to 4 times a day for about 1 month. It is better to take propolis (oil or alcohol extract) before the start of 10 days, then tincture (herbs) of kopeechnik for 1 month, then any immunomodulators (vegetable) from a month to two: calendula, nettle, meadowsweet, burdock, clover, licorice, chamomile, St. John's wort and etc. Then repeat the course: propolis, kopeck (grass), immunomodulators (including kopeck roots). If necessary, conduct two to four courses per year.

    Water infusion of roots (tea)

    We take 25 g of roots and wash, pour 1 liter. boiling water, then pour it into a thermos and wait about an hour. We drink it like tea, you can add honey or milk. Can be used for pouring repeatedly, 4-6 times. Increases immunity, very useful for sinusitis, flu, colds.

    Infusion for micro-enemas: disease of the urinary-genital system, adenoma, fibromyoma, myoma, impotence, acute prostatitis

    1 teaspoon of ground roots, fall asleep in a thermos, pour 1 glass of boiling water, it should stand overnight, then strain. What happened needs to be divided into 2 equal parts, you can do micro-enemas in the morning and in the evening. The course is 10-12 days.

    For eczema and other skin conditions

    Can be treated with water infusion, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of herbs for 2 cups of boiling water, you need to infuse for 1 hour, strain.

    With prostatitis and prostate adenoma

    50 g of ground or crushed root pour 0.5 l of 40% alcohol. We insist 3 weeks in a cool and dark place, stir occasionally. We take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, you need it in the morning and afternoon.


    Violation of the norm of the use of this plant can lead to heaviness in the liver, nervousness, headache, swelling and allergies. There may be individual intolerance to preparations from the plant. Drugs should not be taken during lactation, pregnancy. They are prohibited for children under 14 years of age. And also with hypertension of 3 and 4 degrees, after myocardial infarction. When using medicines based on kopeck, you must strictly follow the dosage.

In the age of the development of chemistry and chemicals, the gifts of nature - various plants and herbs - have passed into the background. But many medicines are made on their basis, but with the addition of chemicals, which is not always beneficial for the human body. With regular use, traditional medicine has a more effective effect than drugs based on chemical compounds. So, for example, a kopeck was unfairly sent to the far shelf.

Description of the tea pot

Kopeck (Hedýsarum, lat) is a perennial herb, sometimes a low subshrub, belonging to the legume family. It got its name because of the round-elliptical shape of flat-compressed beans, having a screed in the middle, and consisting of flat, coin-shaped segments.

Kopechnik has about 200 species. On the territory of the Russian Federation there are about 125 species.

Kopeck has a developed branching stem, and not brightly developed with a pedicel growing from the shoot at the neck of the rhizome. The leaves of the kopeechnik are unpaired, more often 5–9-paired, sometimes 1–3-paired, and are found with one unpaired leaflet. The flowers are in racemes, bell-shaped calyx, with teeth in the form of long tubes. Seeds (beans) are segmented, some of the ovules are not developed, the bean has from 1 to 3 segments.

Bean Segments:

  • Compressed or slightly convex;
  • smooth;
  • They come with a light fluff;
  • May be mesh or with ribs;
  • Located across.

Kopeck grows everywhere: meadows, steppes, forests, tundras, mountain slopes and high in the mountains, along rivers. It is confused with grass under the grass, because its foliage shape is similar to the shape of the kopeck, you can distinguish it by the stem: the grass under the grass spreads, forming a carpet. In addition, they have similar properties.

Ways to use the forgotten kopeck

In industrial pharmaceutical production, tablets and tinctures are made on the basis of kopeck. The roots of the kopeechnik, forgotten, are used at home and in pharmaceuticals.

At home, from the root, leaves and flowers do:

  • Infusion;
  • Decoction;
  • Alcohol tincture.

One of the types of kopeck growing in Siberia and Altai is tea or forgotten, it is also called red, bear or squirrel root. Approximately 13 species of kopek grow in Western Siberia, about 8 in the Altai Territory.

In these parts, the kopeck is also common in cedar forests. Thanks to its developed rhizome, the kopeck is able to strengthen the sandy loose slopes of the mountains.

The use of tea kopeck is wide, for example:

  1. As a fodder plant in the form of hay, silage or green fodder for sheep and other cattle.
  2. As a honey plant that produces viscous nectar with a high sugar content.
  3. As an herb used in food: most often boiled in milk, getting a nutritious and tonic drink with a pleasant taste.
  4. As an ornamental plant.

The ground part and the root of the kopeck are suitable for harvesting. Leaves and flowers are harvested during its flowering period, cut off at a distance of about 30 cm from the root and dried in the sun. Kopeck root is harvested after fruit ripening in the autumn season.

Forgotten kopeck: medicinal properties

The roots of an adult shrub are suitable for harvesting. Cut off about one third of the rhizome every 10 years. It is not recommended to cut more often in order to preserve the plant. Dried tea kopek is stored for up to three years in places protected from direct sunlight and moisture.

For traditional medicine, the following medicinal properties are valuable:

  • General strengthening;
  • soothing;
  • Tonic;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Diuretic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-aging;
  • expectorant;
  • Hemostatic;
  • Antipyretic.

Kopeck tea or forgotten is the most popular among other species. Forgotten kopeck has a positive effect for women and men. Women are prescribed the use of kopeck for prolapse of the uterus, myoma, uterine bleeding. In addition, due to the anti-inflammatory properties of this herb, women take infusions for preventive action for mastitis, seals and tumors in the breast.

These beneficial properties of the forgotten kopeck are due to the composition of chemicals, such as:

  • Tanning;
  • Selenium;
  • Alkaloid;
  • Saponin;
  • catechin;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Coumarin;
  • Flavonoids.

Men use the forgotten kopeck for prostatitis, urethritis, adenoma, ailments of the genitourinary system, infertility and impotence. Therefore, the forgotten kopeck is also called the male root. Tinctures and infusions on the root help to increase blood circulation, reduce pain in the perineum, normalize hormonal levels and increase sexual activity.

Since kopeechnik infusions are not addictive, repeated use of the course is often prescribed to maintain the therapeutic result.

In addition, the red root herb helps with diseases of the respiratory system, stimulating the excretion of sputum in pneumonia, asthma and bronchitis. Decoctions of kopechnik contribute to lowering the temperature with ARVI or flu. With problems of the urinary system, this herb is used, due to its diuretic properties. For example, with cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis, enuresis and swelling.

Characteristics of the Alpine Kopeck

In diseases of the digestive system, use the root of the kopek, which has an antispasmodic effect. In addition, it helps to relieve inflammation in the digestive organs, stop diarrhea.

Since the tea kopech enhances blood circulation, dilating blood vessels, it can also be used for problems of the cardiovascular system.

The presence of antioxidant properties allows you to cleanse the blood and liver of toxins and toxins, thereby improving the composition of the blood. Kopeck tea also has a positive effect on the nervous system, calming and relaxing the nerves, helping to cope with insomnia.

Despite its positive properties, kopeck is not recommended for:

  • Intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy;
  • During lactation;
  • Increased nervous excitability;
  • 3 and 4 degrees of hypertension;
  • After a heart attack.

The red root is used in the prevention of nervous breakdowns and neuroses. In addition, the use of children under 14 years of age is contraindicated.

Plant kopeck tea (red root) and its use (video)

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Alpine kopeck is known for its beneficial properties, the second name is Siberian. It is a perennial herb, differs from tea stem height - up to 1 m, denser inflorescences - brushes have up to 30 flowers. It got its name for its geographical growth - from the Kola Peninsula to Siberia. For the manufacture of medicines and infusions, the ground part of the alpine kopek is used. Grass is harvested during the period of bud formation and flowering, cutting off the stem at a level of 20 cm from the ground. Drugs based on it are used as sedatives, expectorants and antiviral (more often with herpes) agents.

The inhabitants of Altai at one time were looking for Belovodie - a utopian country where milk rivers flow and you can live without illness for many years. Whether they found it is unknown. Part of the Altaians disappeared and, according to rumors, nevertheless reached Belovodie and lives there now. And others remained in Altai. And for something, but their health, male strength (literally and figuratively), longevity and youth can be envied.

So, we will talk about a plant called the red root. The use and contraindications of the root apply to both men and women. Indeed, unlike, it helps women, and unlike, men can also take it (). The red root, as well as useful for both the weak and the strong sex.

Red Root Mystery

This is a half-meter plant, crowned with bright red or purple flowers, collected in a brush. You can meet the forgotten kopeck (another name for the red root) on the slopes of Altai, in the steppes, tundras of Europe. When collecting completely, the root should not be pulled out, leave a third for reproduction. But since the root bear does not grow everywhere, and it is difficult to pull it out, you can buy a red root in a pharmacy, its price is really cheap - about 100 rubles per 50 grams.

The healing power of the red root lurks (who would have thought!) It is in the root. And he is powerful - up to 5 meters long and 10 cm in girth. Try it, pull out such a root without having a heroic silushka. But the Altaians are cunning people and pulled out the root with the help of hand winches or horses.

  • Coumarins, triterpene saponins, amino acids. For the most part, their enumeration does not tell us anything, but, to put it pathetically, they are of great importance for our health.
  • Catechin is a bioflavonoid, a natural dye. It is he who is responsible for the color that gave the name to the root - red.
  • Vitamin P cleans and strengthens capillaries, removes toxins and heavy metals, stops free radicals.
  • Xylose, rhamnose, galacturonic acid stimulate male sexual function, but they do not act like Viagra (quickly and briefly), but sparingly and for a long time.
  • Tannins treat disorders in the intestines and stomach.

The power of the red root

Spreading their hands, they often say: "If not diarrhea, then scrofula." Hemp cures both ailments, and also fever, male debility, dementia and much more. And its action is much more effective than that of the golden root or, otherwise,.

  • Head and brain activity. The red root acts as an antidepressant, improves the psycho-emotional state, cerebral circulation. Ladies and gentlemen of age, take heed!
  • A heart. The heart muscle becomes stronger and can carry more oxygen through the blood.
  • Bronchi and lungs. Helps to cough, removes phlegm, reduces cough symptoms.
  • Stomach. It has an astringent effect on the walls of the stomach, relieves spasms.
  • Intestines. The red root copes with diarrhea.
  • Urogenital system. Treats any diuretic problems, reduces pain.
  • For men. It cures prostatitis, impotence, improves hormonal levels, although the root itself is not a hormonal remedy.
  • For women. Fights infertility and some gynecological diseases.
  • Blood. Cleanses, removes toxins.
  • . Not found in the roots, but this does not prevent the plant from protecting against beriberi, increasing endurance, and recovering from illnesses.
  • General state. Fights high temperature, relieves fatigue.

And oncologists recognized the red root. Reviews of doctors and patients are encouraging, because at an early stage, the substances contained in kopeck have a destructive effect on tumors. It is recommended as a prophylactic against the development of breast cancer.

Alpizarin (an antiviral agent) is produced on the basis of Alpine kopek. This root has almost the same effect as the red tea root. Their application is also similar. The use of Alpine kopek is associated with its greater prevalence.

One red root and the family is saved

The red root, as we found out, is useful for both men and women. Let's pay more attention to our men, namely the problems inherent in them, but which they do not talk about, but stoically endure. Show the article, and they will believe that the red root will help them too. The reviews of men, although laconic, confirm the effectiveness of this spine.

Dedicated to men

Prostatitis is a scourge of men, and if there is also sedentary work, and in the evening “rest” in front of the computer, and with a bottle of beer ... Do not be surprised if there are painful sensations in the genitals, urinary system, kidneys, perineum - blood circulation is disturbed, Yes, the liquid is stagnant. And prostatitis already leads to dysfunction of the genital organs, infertility, urethritis and other diseases of the genitourinary system.

The active substances of the red root, including vitamin P, and flavonoids cleanse the ducts, strengthen the vascular walls and normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs, relaxing the muscles of the ducts. And this is the guarantee of the continuity of the notorious male power: both the erection is normal, and the response to beautiful ladies is also in order.

A huge help is the red root for men. The instruction is simple - drink as a decoction, tea or infusion a couple of hours before bedtime. To be fully armed by the time we “dance”.

And about femininity

The red root will help to cope with some serious disorders in the gynecological field and improve reproductive function. This is the prolapse of the uterus, and mastopathy, and uterine bleeding, and infertility. He will paint the sexual life of a woman in new colors.

Let's not forget about the general improvement. Kopeck tea, removes excess water, treats the liver, dropsy, cystitis and diseases such as rectal prolapse. And the headache goes away and a good mood comes.

Note Recipes

The red root, when infused in hot water, stains the latter in a reddish hue. The dye is quite powerful, so do not be alarmed if you see that the urine is also stained. Used in the form of teas, infusions, decoctions red root. Application and recipes are already given.


Half a liter of boiling water requires a tablespoon of crushed roots. It is better to insist in a thermos. Drink no more than two cups of tea, adding honey or milk if you like.

Tea is drunk for beriberi, colds, heart rhythm disturbances, edema, to relieve fatigue and increase vitality.

In more serious diseases, tea prepared differently will be useful. Here, a teaspoon is already poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for about an hour. Drink a glass of tea, dividing it into 4 servings.

Tea is useful for urethritis, uterine bleeding, cystitis, kidney and bladder diseases, migraine, prostatitis, epilepsy.


A decoction of the red root will be more effective if other herbs are added to it.

2 hours of red root, 1 hour of herb istoda, roots of Rhodiola rosea, and. We mix the herbs and pour boiling water at the rate of 0.8 liters of water per 2 large tablespoons of the mixture. Boil over low heat for half an hour and insist in a thermos for 2 hours.

Drink before meals with fever, chills, hemoptysis, tuberculosis, 100 grams.


Warm up for half an hour in a water bath a spoon with the top of a crushed root in half a liter of boiling water. Then insist another 2 hours, removing from the stove. Strain.

Drink with cystitis, infertility, urethritis, impotence, gynecological diseases, prostatitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis. Divide the amount of infusion into three doses.


The red root is strong, its medicinal properties and contraindications, however, cannot be without each other. Here is a list of restrictions.