Vladimir diocese Bogolyubsky monastery. Holy Bogolyubsky Monastery. Train station Bogolyubovo

We visited this monastery literally on the eve of the widely publicized scandal with the pupils of the local orphanage. More precisely, the scandal was already in full swing, but had not yet reached the press. Later it became clear why the local inhabitants were so gloomy and unfriendly. However, now is not about that.
So. On the outskirts of Vladimir, near the confluence of the Nerl and Klyazma rivers, in 1158-1164. spread out on a high coastal ridge "the city of stone named Bogolyuby". Tradition links its foundation and choice of location with the patronage of the Virgin. On June 18, 1155, Prince Andrei Yurievich passed through here, moving from Kyiv to Suzdal, his patrimony. The prince carried with him a miraculous image of the Mother of God of the Byzantine letter, later called Vladimir. Suddenly the horses stood up, refusing to move. And so it went on until dark, until the prince ordered to pitch a tent for the night. And at night he fervently prayed before miraculous icon and so strong and fervent was his prayer that the Mother of God herself appeared to him. At this place, the prince founded a castle and ordered to paint the image of the Mother of God revealed to him. The icon of the Bogolyubskaya Mother of God became a local shrine. And the brought icon was placed in the newly built Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir.

If you get to the town of Bogolyubovo by train, you will get off at this station. The monastery is clearly visible from here.

Crossing the railroad...

...five minutes later we are at the monastery.
Behind a stone fence with towers, the ensemble of the Bogolyubov Monastery rises. Its oldest part is the white-stone monuments of the prince's palace of the 12th century. The prince's palace in Bogolyubovo was distinguished by its fabulous splendor, which the chronicle compares with Solomon's temple. In the ring of earthen ramparts, ditches and stone walls, a white-stone cathedral in the name of the Nativity of the Virgin grew. With the same galleries and towers, he connected with the residential quarters of the prince and with the fortress.
The cathedral, like the Assumption Church, was decorated with carved reliefs and frescoes, copper and gilding, ceramic floors and stained-glass windows. Round, marble-painted columns supported the vaults. In front of the entrance to the temple stood a white-stone consecrated bowl under a tent, a sacred pillar with four faces of the Theotokos. The area in front of the palace was lined with white stone slabs with gutters.

Prince Andrey spent 17 years of Vladimir's reign in his country castle - a continuation of the capital Vladimir. Here he was martyred at the hands of political rivals - the boyars Kuchkovichi. The murder took place on the night of June 29, 1174 in the stair tower. It is this two-tiered tower and the gallery adjoining it that are the only thing that has been preserved from the vast palace building.

The place where Andrei Bogolyubsky was killed.

And this is how he was, Andrei Bogolyubsky. Reconstruction of Gerasimov.

The appearance of the ancient cathedral and palace became known thanks to many years of archaeological research by N.N. Voronin. Bogolyubovo is now a nunnery. A unique monument of civil architecture - the chambers of Prince Andrei, as well as the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, are jointly used by the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve and the monastery; included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Cathedral in honor of Christmas Holy Mother of God.
Built in 1751-1758. on the site of a temple erected, perhaps, in 1157-58. Initially, the cathedral was the center of the Bogolyubov palace ensemble, probably in the last quarter of the 12th century. became a monastery.

Walls of the 12th century cathedral preserved along the entire perimeter at the level of 3 rows of masonry. The ancient cathedral was single-domed, three-apse, four-column, round pillars-columns topped with carved capitals, "koruns", were painted in marble. The pillars were answered from the inside by flat shoulder blades.
Fragment of the pavement of the palace square of the XII century.

The light and spacious interior volume was luxuriously decorated using copper and gilding (“from the outside of the church from top to bottom, and along the walls, and along the pillar, it was forged with gold, and the doors and the rim of the church were forged with gold, and the byashet and canopy were decorated with gold, from the top to the deesis", according to "The Tale of the Murder of Andrei Bogolyubsky" - PSRL. T. 2. St. 581-582).
The floor was lined with polished red copper slabs (on the choir stalls - glazed colored tiles depicting birds and ornaments); zakomaras and portals were covered with sheets of gilded copper (nails with fragments of gilded copper fittings were preserved on jambs and columns of the western portal).
The temple was painted with frescoes (obviously made in the 50s of the 12th century by Greek icon painters) and saturated with “church building”: icons, sacred vessels (including the famous “Jerusalim gold with precious stones”), fabrics, books and others (“with many-valued icons, gold and precious stones and great priceless pearls”).

Modern wall painting was made in 1891 by a painter from the village. Palekh by Lev Parilov, in a technique close to an ancient fresco. The Vladimir Assumption Cathedral served as a model for painting.

After the death of the prince, a monastery was established in Bogolyubovo. The ancient cathedral collapsed from dilapidation and inept alterations and in the 18th century. has been replaced with a new one. A belfry tent was built over the staircase tower. The place of the prince's quarters was taken by the private building. In the 19th century the ancient gate with the gate church was replaced by a new building - the Assumption gate church with a bell tower, at the same time a huge five-domed cathedral was built. They now define the Bogolyubov panorama.

Cathedral in honor of the Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God. It was founded on May 19, 1855 and consecrated on May 20, 1866 by Bishop Vladimir. St. Theophan the Recluse.
The temple in the Russian-Byzantine style was erected according to the project of K. A. Ton under the supervision of the provincial architect. Ya. M. Nikiforov, most of the funds for the construction were donated by the Moscow merchant A. G. Alekseeva and her sons. The temple had chapels in the name of Saints Simeon the God-Receiver and Anna the Prophetess (consecrated June 18, 1866) and the Apostles Peter and Paul (consecrated May 20, 1867). The building of the cathedral is cross-domed, with 5 domes closely adjacent to each other on faceted drums and pedestals, the central dome is distinguished by height and volume. The facades of the cathedral are decorated with pilasters, cornices and zakomaras with archivolts and round niches.
The vaults of the central arms of the cross exceed the lateral compartments in height and width, which is emphasized by the size of the zakomara. The iconostasis of the temple was created according to the drawings of Acad. F. G. Solntseva. Interior paintings in the academic style were made in the 70s. 19th century
In 1907-1908. the wall painting was updated, a new carved gilded iconostasis was installed in the main altar.

Holy tent (kivorium).
IN modern form built in the 17th century, first mentioned in the inventory of the monastery in the 80s. 17th century Voronin's excavations (1934-1938) made it possible to restore the appearance of this building in the 12th century: it was a white-stone carved 8-column arcade, under which stood a white-stone bowl with a cross carved at the bottom. According to legend, from the bowl of the book. Andrei took money for distribution to the workers who built churches and other buildings of Bogolyubov, from which he gave money to the poor. In B. m. annually on June 18, on the day of the celebration of the Bogolyubskaya icon, the consecration of water was performed in this bowl.

One of the entrances to the monastery.

That's all)))
Information used.

Among the endless waters, at the confluence of the two rivers Nerl and Klyazma, there is a world-famous monument of ancient Russian architecture - the snow-white Church of the Intercession. It was built in 1165, during the reign of Prince Bogolyubsky. It is known from chronicle sources that the church was erected in honor of the victorious campaigns of the Vladimirians against the Bulgars, as well as in memory of the death of the prince's son.

For more than 8 centuries, people have been amazed by the snow-white color of the temple and its graceful forms. Although initially the temple was surrounded by a gallery, and the hill on which the temple towered was lined with white stone. As archaeological research has shown, the temple was built on an artificially raised hill, a kind of protection from the spring flood. At the base of the hill, foundations-substructures of about 5.30 meters were laid.

Until the 21st century, this masterpiece of art was preserved by a miracle, because the abbot of the Bogolyubsky monastery decided to dismantle this unprofitable temple, and use the brick to build another bell tower. But, fortunately, this did not happen. Only the interior painting of the temple has not been preserved due to incorrect restoration work in 1877. And now tourists and pilgrims can admire the skill of our ancestors, admire the amazing beauty of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Currently, regular services are held for believers and excursions for tourists.

Bogolyubsky Monastery

The Bogolyubsky Monastery was built in honor of the apparition of the Bogolyubsky Icon Mother of God in the village of the same name.

The monastery was built on the site of the castle of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who was brutally murdered in his residence. The architectural ensemble of the monastery consists of the Bogolyubsky Cathedral built in 1866, the Nativity Cathedral built in 1751, the remains of the Andrey Bogolyubsky Palace built in 1165, the Church of the Annunciation in 1683, the Bogolyubsky Cathedral in 1866, and the Gate Bell Tower built in 1841.

The Cathedral of the Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God with a granite and marble floor has been completely restored. Since 2002, a new three-tier carved gilded iconostasis has been made. Outbuildings were erected around the monastery, an orchard was planted, cell buildings were restored. On the territory of the monastery there are sewing, icon painting, carpentry. The monastery bells weigh 1,050, 2,500 and 8,000 kilograms.

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Bogolyubovsky meadow

Bogolyubovsky Meadow is a historical and landscape complex formed to protect the architectural monument "The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl", which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and the adjacent natural landscape - Bogolyubovsky Meadow.

For tourists, two routes have been developed here - pedestrian and ecological.

The walking route is paved with tiles imitating natural stone, thanks to which the trail is as close as possible to the natural landscape.

The ecological route starts at the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, passes through meadows, zones of moderate moisture and inland waters, after which it ends a hundred meters from the Klyazma River. The length of the trail is 1786 meters.

In the Suzdal region of the Vladimir region, in the village of Bogolyubovo, one of the oldest monasteries of Russia rises - the Holy Bogolyubsky Monastery. According to the chronicle legend, the place for the construction of the city and the monastery was indicated to Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky by the Mother of God herself, appearing to him during prayer.

On the southern slope of the hill, which descends steeply from the walls of the Bogolyubovsky Monastery to the oxbow lake of the Klyazma River and the monastery ponds, there is a miraculous spring with a font. During the period of active restoration of the monastery, starting in 2001, a chapel appeared above the source in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring". The snow-white building of the chapel under the blue roof is hidden under the canopy of trees. The place here is quiet, beautiful, bringing peace to the heart. Believers come to the spring for the healing of soul and body.

The stone building of the chapel has two separate fonts: one for the nuns of the monastery, the other for pilgrims. You can enter the worldly font only with the blessing of the sister on duty, she will also give you the keys. In order to get to the source, you have to go around the almost two-kilometer monastery fence and go down the steep iron stairs. The sisters themselves walk through the gate in the southern wall of the monastery.

Water from the source is supplied upward to the monastery, including to the kivorium (water-blessing tent), so you can drink holy water or fill a stored container with it right on the territory of the monastery.

Pedestrian bridge at Bogolyubovo station

In the Vladimir Region, an innovative high-tech pedestrian bridge across the railway tracks of the Gorky Railway was opened at the Bogolyubovo station. The bridge made it easier for tourists to access the meadow, which houses a masterpiece of ancient Russian architecture, an ancient shrine - the famous Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, built in the 12th century.

The pedestrian bridge, more than 150 meters long, which is a tinted glass gallery, is equipped with comfortable gentle slopes for pedestrians. You can climb it by stairs, as well as with the help of two elevators located from the side of the Bogolyubovo station and from the side of the Bogolyubovsky meadow. The wide opening of each elevator allows you to drive inside on wheelchair which makes it possible to use the bridge for people with disabilities.

Stair tower with passage. Cathedral of the Nativity

The city of Bogolyubov during the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky played a rather significant role. The residence of the prince was the second most important political center after Vladimir. Here he received his guests from remote lands and Russian principalities. Immediately the prince was killed by the boyars in 1174.

The palace ensemble combines the prince's palace and the Nativity Cathedral, interconnected by towers and arched passages.

Part of the white-stone palace ensemble, built in 1158-1165 by order of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, is a passage and a stair tower. The latter served as an entrance from the courtyard to the choirs of the palace cathedral, a hipped bell tower was built over it in the 17th century, and at the beginning of the 19th century, the Andreevsky chapel was added, which hid the arch of the passage.

Located between the Nativity Church and the stair tower, the passage consists of two parts. On the lower floor there is a through arch, consisting of four pylons, with imposts in the form of the fourth shaft. On the second floor there is a small rectangular room, which is covered with a full vault.

Cathedral of the God-loving Icon of the Mother of God

The Cathedral of the God-Loving Icon of the Mother of God, as the legend says, the architect K. Tona had previously erected such a building - it was the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

The temple is provided with air heating, which today does not require improvement and it is not possible to surpass such technologies.

In the 1980s, the cathedral served as the State Archive for Film and Photo Documents, at which time the building required restoration. Soon work began to be done, but they had to be suspended for a while due to the departure of the archive.

In 1985, a one-story enclosure was erected inside the cathedral, with an area of ​​800 sq.m.

Soon the Bogolyubsky Cathedral was transferred to a new customer who wanted to improve it, but this did not happen in 1990, the monastery was given to the Vladimir Diocese.

To date, new facades have been built, and frescoes have been restored from the inside.

Bell tower of the Bogolyubovsky monastery

In the 12th century, Vladimir-Suzdal Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky founded his country residence at the mouth of the Nerl River, which he called "stone city Bogolyubovo". The first building was the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. The ensemble of buildings of the residence of the prince also included a two-story palace and a kiborium, fenced stone walls. In the 18th century, a hipped bell tower and a transition to the choirs appeared above the stair tower.

In 1866, the architect K.A.Ton built a grandiose cathedral dedicated to the icon of the Bogolyubskaya Mother of God. It is the central monument in the complex of buildings of the Bogolyubsky monastery. It was made in the Russian-Byzantine style. Next to the cathedral, the bell tower, built in 1841, rises majestically, the height of which is 58 meters.

The correct name of the bell tower sounds like this - the Bell Tower of All Saints with the gate church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Gates. Outwardly, it looks neat and fresh, as a restoration was carried out some time ago. You can only view the bell tower from below, since access to it is closed for tourists, but even without that it makes an impression. On each of the faces of the bell tower there is a clock. Curious what they all show different time, but all clocks are running.

Gates of the Bogolyubovsky Monastery

Approximately in 1683, in the ancient Bogolyubsky monastery, stone holy gates were built with a gate church of St. Apostle Andrew. A hundred years later, St. Andrew's Church and the gates were dismantled and restored in 1788. But in 1820, both buildings were again dismantled. Those gates in the form of an arch, which appear to the eyes of travelers and pilgrims now, were built at a later time.

The inscription on the Holy Gates reads: "Come to Me, All who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest ...", because everyone who enters the territory of the monastery will find peace and peace of mind here. But even some 30 years ago the monastery was in desolation and devastation. But since the late 1990s, the efforts of the sisters and residents of the monastery have been restoring the shrine.

Since 1995, the monastery has revived the tradition of the annual religious procession with the main shrine - the Bogolyubskaya icon of the Mother of God. The solemn procession that leaves the Bogolyubsky Monastery from the Church of Saints Constantine and Helena in the village of Dobroe enters the arch of the Holy Gates, and the Divine Liturgy begins in the main church of the monastery...

Kivorium of the Bogolyubsky Monastery

The Kivorium of the Bogolyubsky Monastery is a small water-blessing chapel located next to the main Cathedral of St. Bogolyubsky convent.

The Greek word "civorium" itself means a small stationary canopy, under which there is a vessel with holy water. The kivorium of the Bogolyubsky Monastery stands on a square base, and on top of it is covered with a dome resting on four massive columns. This building was built in the 12th century, but its original appearance has not been preserved to our time - the kivorium was rebuilt several times.

The place for this chapel was also not chosen by chance - the kivorium is located exactly where the Mother of God appeared to Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky, and where the village of Bogolyubovo was subsequently founded. Since then, the water consecrated in this kiboria has been considered healing and miraculous, and the chapel itself is covered with many legends.

Train station Bogolyubovo

The small Bogolyubovo station is located in the Vladimir region, on a branch of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway, 10 kilometers from the city of Vladimir.

This is one of the few surviving wooden stove-heated stations. It was built, like all the houses in this area - from a bar upholstered wooden architraves in the form of a Christmas tree. The territory is fenced with an old, slightly rickety fence made of wooden slats. Inside is a small but cozy waiting room. Suburban trains coming from Vladimir stop at the station. Immediately behind the station in the water meadow you can see the local landmark Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

The place Bogolyubovo itself has its own ancient mythical history of origin. It was founded by order of Prince Andrei in the 22nd century. According to legend, it was here that the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to the prince when he was carrying the icon of the Mother of God to Vladimir from Kyiv. A monastery was built on this site. Later, a small settlement was formed around the monastery.

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Bogolyubsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin- female Orthodox monastery in the village of Bogolyubovo, Suzdal district, Vladimir region. The monastery occupies the territory of the palace-castle of Andrei Bogolyubsky - the only civil building Ancient Russia which has come down to our time, at least partially.

Bogolyubsky castle

Vladimir-Suzdal Prince Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky (the second son of the Rostov-Suzdal Prince Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky) around 1158 founded a country residence here - the "castle stone" Bogolyubovo, in which he also erected a temple in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin. Later sources explained the choice of the place by the will of the Mother of God, either through the Vladimir icon, or when it appeared to Prince Andrei (see the Bogolyubskaya icon of the Mother of God).

The ensemble of the princely residence included, in addition to temples, a two-story stone palace and a stone ciborium; the castle is surrounded by stone walls (see one of the reconstructions). “We do not know another such significant complex of white-stone buildings in pre-Mongolian Russia,” states S. V. Zagraevsky. Until the 1950s, the castle was considered lost, until N. N. Voronin in 1954 discovered a passage to the choir stalls and a stair tower, over which a hipped bell tower was built in the 18th century. From the white-stone Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, which collapsed in 1722, only the basement has survived.

History of the monastery

Prince Andrei was killed in his castle. Probably, to atone for this atrocity, the monastery was founded in Bogolyubovo. N. N. Voronin suggested that the monastery on the territory of the castle was built under the successors of Andrei, at the beginning of the XIII century, however, early information about the history of the monastery is very scarce and dates back much more late time. It is not listed in the academic lists of ancient Russian monasteries.

According to the charter of Tsars John and Peter Alekseevich in 1687, the monastery became the Patriarchal House Monastery; in 1753 - synodal; later passed under the jurisdiction of the Vladimir bishops; from 1882 until its closure, it was ruled by the vicars of the diocese of Vladimir. When the states were established in 1763, the monastery received the 3rd class, in 1872 - the 2nd, in 1891 - the 1st. A huge, overweight cathedral in honor of the Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God was erected in 1855-66. in so-called. "Russian-Byzantine style" according to the project of its founder, K. A. Ton.

In 1921-1923, the vicar of the Vladimir diocese of Kovrov Bishop Athanasius (Sakharov) was the rector. On June 3, 1923, the monastery was closed; On September 17 of the same year, the presidium of the Vladimir district executive committee decided to transfer all the property of the former monastery to the district and volost executive committees; By a resolution of the same executive committee of December 21 and the Vladimir Provincial Administration of January 8, 1924, the ensemble of the former monastery with all its property was transferred to the museum department.

Revival of monastic life

In 1991, part of the buildings was handed over to the monastics, headed by Sheikhumen Nikodim. On January 14, 1997, by decision of the hierarchy, 60 sisters were transferred here from the Zadonsk Transfiguration Monastery; 2 monasteries arose: male and female. After that, an active revival of the monastery began.

The Cathedral of the Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God was completely plastered, and steam heating was installed. Chandeliers are hung in the cathedral, the central one weighs about 2 tons, and nine more small side ones; the floor is lined with granite and marble, the solea, the altar, the throne, the altar and the high place are covered with white marble. The restoration of the painting has been completed, since 2002 a new three-tier carved gilded iconostasis has been made. Outbuildings were erected, an orchard was planted, cell buildings were restored. There are sewing, icon-painting, carpentry workshops. The surroundings of the bell weighing 1050, 2500 and 8000 kg are announced with festive ringing. A chapel and two fonts were built on the holy spring near the walls of the monastery.

The tradition of a religious procession with the Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God, established in the 18th century, in memory of the miraculous cessation of prayers before the image of a terrible pestilence, has been revived. Procession from the city of Vladimir to the Holy Bogolyubsky Monastery takes place annually on July 1 - the day of the celebration of the Bogolyubsky Icon of the Mother of God.

With the efforts and means of the Holy Bogolyubsky Monastery, the construction of a farmstead in the tract Spas-Kupalishche, Sudogodsky district, located near the confluence of the Sudogda River with the Klyazma River, was completed. Beginning in 2001, with the blessing of Archbishop Evlogy of Vladimir and Suzdal, a whole monastery complex with a cell building and outbuildings was erected from scratch, a miraculous spring was equipped, the restoration of the Transfiguration Church of the Savior has now been completed, in which divine services have been resumed.

The architectural ensemble of the monastery

  • Nativity Cathedral (1751)
  • Remains of the palace of Andrei Bogolyubsky (1158-1165)
  • Church of the Annunciation (1683), rebuilt in 1804
  • Bogolyubsky Cathedral (1866)
  • Gate bell tower (1841)

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How to find. The Holy Bogolyubsky Monastery is located in the village of Bogolyubovo, Suzdal District, Vladimir Region. It is very close to Vladimir, literally a couple of kilometers.

From the center of Vladimir, go along Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya - this street then turns into a road to Bogolyubovo itself. Highway E22 / M7. The monastery is visible immediately at the entrance to the village. Coordinates N056 11.814, E040 32.118.

The Holy Bogolyubsky Monastery is a very significant place for the history of our country. And I hope if you haven't been there yet, you'll want to go too.


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