Contract for the provision of services by a specialist (translator). Agreement for the provision of services for the translation of materials from a foreign language (translator - individual)

in a person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as " Customer”, on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as “ Executor”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as “ Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”, as follows:

1.1. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor assumes the provision of services for the implementation of oral and written translation from Russian into foreign languages ​​and / or from foreign languages ​​into Russian, as well as other services by mutual agreement of the Parties (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"), in in accordance with Supplementary Agreement No. 1 to this Agreement.

1.2. The Customer pays for the services and / or their result of proper quality (in the absence of any omissions, terminological and grammatical errors, semantic distortions that arose through the fault of the Contractor, as well as compliance of the submitted text with the formatting requirements established by this Agreement) in accordance with the terms actual agreement.


Supplementary agreement- a document, or one of several documents, which indicates the cost of the order, its volume or any changes to this Agreement. Acceptance and delivery certificate - a document fixing the fact of the order, the total volume and cost.

Dogovo- refers to this Agreement.

Work- means "work" in the general sense of the word on the translation of material carried out under this Agreement, resulting in a translated text of the document, fixed on paper and / or electronic media.

Glossary– glossary of terms, abbreviations and abbreviations accepted by the Customer.

Check- a document issued by the Contractor to the Customer, fixing the cost of services.

Services- means translation services and related services under this Agreement, including notarization of a document, digitization of material, basic editing and basic computer layout.


3.1. The Contractor is obliged:

3.1.1. Provide services for the translation of documentation with the proper quality and within the agreed timeframe in accordance with the requirements for these materials / media, and transfer the completed result to the Customer in the agreed form, in accordance with this Agreement, unless other written agreements have been reached.

3.1.2. The Contractor is obliged, at its own expense and as soon as possible, to make amendments and changes to the text of the translation or the processed video / audio medium in the event that the Customer makes reasonable claims in writing regarding their quality within working days from the date of submission of the statement of such claims by the Customer.

3.1.3. The translation must be adequate to the received material and not distort the meaning of the translated material.

3.2. The customer is obliged:

3.2.1. Provide the Contractor with the original text material. The customer bears full responsibility for errors and incomplete content of the material in the source text.

3.2.2. If necessary, provide the Contractor with terminological Glossaries and/or Additional materials and information to decipher questionable abbreviations and/or terminology.

3.2.3. Make payment for the services provided by the Contractor in accordance with Article 5 of this Agreement.

3.3. The customer has the right:

3.3.1. Refuse to execute the Contract at any time before signing the Acceptance and Delivery Certificate by paying the Contractor a part of the price established in accordance with Supplementary Agreement No. 1 to this Contract in proportion to the part of the Services rendered performed prior to receiving notice of the Customer's refusal to perform the Contract.


4.1. The Contractor is not responsible for the non-use of the Customer's special terminology in the text and interpretation and does not accept any claims in this regard if the Customer has not provided the Contractor with his special Glossary, provided that such a document was requested.

4.2. In accordance with clause 4.1 of this Agreement, in the absence of a Glossary, the Contractor relies solely on own experience and knowledge and at its own discretion uses the translation of terms contained in public / specialized dictionaries. In the absence of the Glossary, the Contractor reserves the right to contact the Customer for advice on the translation of special industry terms, abbreviations and abbreviations. If, in accordance with this paragraph, the Customer does not provide an approved term or abbreviation, the Contractor has the right to use any translation of the term contained in the above dictionaries, taking into account the context.

4.3. Measures of responsibility of the Parties not provided for in this Agreement shall be applied in accordance with the norms of civil legislation in force in the territory Russian Federation.

4.4. The Customer may refuse to pay or change its amount if the delay in the completion of the translation is caused by force majeure or other circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor.

4.5. The Customer has the right to submit a reasoned claim to the Contractor regarding the quality of the translation within working days from the moment the service is rendered. The claim must contain specific comments of the Customer regarding the quality of services provided, indicating significant shortcomings. If the Customer's claim regarding the quality of the translation is justified, the Contractor shall eliminate the deficiencies at its own expense. This agreement does not provide for the payment by the Contractor of the Customer's services related to the independent elimination of deficiencies by the latter, including in the form of discounts.

4.6. If the Contractor violates the deadlines for the execution of the translation specified in the Additional Agreement No. 1, the liability of the Contractor is limited to a decrease in the cost of a specific order for which the deadlines are violated, by % of the total cost of the services provided for each day of delay, but not more than % of the total cost of services.

4.7. If the Customer imposes requirements for the translation on the use of special terminology (accepted in the Customer's organization), he is obliged to specify this when placing an order, and also provide the Contractor with a glossary.

4.8. If the Customer imposes special requirements on the translation, in particular, indicates that the translated text will be addressed to a wide audience (i.e. will go to print, be placed on websites or other replicated media), he is obliged to specify this when placing an order. At the same time, the Contractor recommends, and the Customer understands that in order to achieve the best result when translating into a foreign language, it is advisable to place an order for editing the corresponding text by a native speaker.


5.1. Translation services are provided by the Contractor upon receipt of an application from the Customer by e-mail or through a courier service. The moment of receipt of the application when sending through the courier service is considered to be the Contractor's mark on the cover letter or on the notification of receipt of the letter. The moment of receipt of the application when sending by e-mail is the time when the Customer receives a response letter (notification) about the reading by the Contractor of his application. The address to which applications can be sent by e-mail: .

5.2. The terms for the translation of the submitted texts and the rates for their payment are set in the Supplementary Agreement No. 1 to this Agreement, which is its integral part.

5.3. Tariffs and rates established in the Addendum No. 1 to this Agreement, in accordance with Chapter 26.2. of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation Value Added Tax is not charged, since the Contractor applies the Simplified Taxation System.

5.4. The Contractor has the right to change the prices for the Services provided, but not more than once a year, in which case it is mandatory to notify the Contractor of the price change no later than days before the actual price change. In case of non-compliance with the specified obligation, the Contractor issues invoices to the Customer in the amount established before the corresponding price change.

5.5. The Customer pays for the services on the basis of the invoices issued by the Contractor within banking days from the moment the invoice is issued and the act of acceptance of the work performed is signed in the absence of quality claims. Upon the provision of the requested service, in the absence of claims to quality, the parties sign an act of acceptance and delivery of services.


6.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is valid for one year with automatic prolongation for one year.

6.2. The contract is made in two copies, having equal legal effect, one copy for each Party.


7.1. The Agreement may be terminated at the initiative of one of the Parties by written notice to the other Party at least calendar days before the expected date of termination.

7.2. Upon termination of the agreement, the Parties make final mutual settlements to the settlement accounts specified in the agreement within a period of not more than days from the date of termination.

7.3. Termination of the contract does not entail the release of the parties from the fulfillment of obligations that arose before the termination of the contract.


8.1. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement, if it was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of this Agreement.

8.2. For the purposes of this agreement, force majeure circumstances, in particular, include: fire, natural disasters, military operations of any nature, epidemics, acts of the legislative and executive authorities that impede the fulfillment of obligations, changes in emigration policy, as well as other circumstances regarded as force majeure circumstances . The term for the fulfillment of obligations is postponed in proportion to the time during which such circumstances will operate. If these circumstances continue for more than a day, each of the parties will have the right to refuse to fulfill obligations under this agreement, and in this case, neither party will have the right to indemnify the other party for possible losses.

8.3. The party for which it became impossible to fulfill obligations under this Agreement is obliged to notify the other party of the occurrence and termination of these circumstances within days. Late receipt of the notice deprives the party of the opportunity to refer to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances in the future.

8.4. In established cases, certificates issued by the competent authorities will serve as appropriate evidence of the existence of the above circumstances and their duration.


9.1. If disputes arise in connection with the performance of obligations under the Agreement, they are resolved by the Parties in the complaint procedure.

9.2. All claims regarding the fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement must be presented by the Parties in writing and sent to the other Party by registered mail or handed over against receipt.

9.3. The party that received the claim is obliged to inform the applicant about the results of its consideration within days from the date of receipt. The answer to the claim is given in writing and sent to the other Party by registered mail or handed over against receipt.

9.4. In case of failure to reach an agreement between the Parties, the dispute is referred to the Arbitration Court of the city in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


10.1. Confidential information refers to any information provided in a documentary or oral, or which may be obtained by observing or analyzing any kind of commercial, financial and other activities of the Customer, including, but not limited to, scientific, business and commercial data, know-how, formulas, processes, developments, sketches, photographs, plans, drawings, specifications, sample reports, models, customer lists, price lists, research, findings, computer programs, inventions, ideas, and any other information.

10.2. The Contractor undertakes not to disclose confidential information to third parties, except in cases where confidential information can be disclosed with the permission of the Customer in the course of work under an agreement concluded between the Customer and the Contractor. The Contractor limits the disclosure of confidential information, providing access to it only to those employees of the Contractor whose activities require knowledge of such information. The above employees must clearly understand that they are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of information and limit its use under this Agreement.

10.3. The Contractor acknowledges that confidentiality obligations apply to confidential information transferred to it by the Customer both before and after the date of conclusion of this Agreement.

10.4. Confidentiality obligations remain in force for days after termination of this Agreement. The obligations to maintain the confidentiality of information set forth in this Agreement do not apply to that confidential information that:

  • was known to the Contractor before the Customer provided him with this information;
  • already in the public domain;

11.1. Any changes and additions to this Agreement are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties. Additional agreements to this Agreement constitute its integral part.

11.2. The Contracting Parties undertake to inform each other in a timely manner about changes in bank details, legal and postal (actual) addresses, telephone numbers, etc.

11.3. To provide the services specified in the Addendum No. 1, the Contractor has the right, at its own discretion and at its own expense, to engage specialized specialized organizations or qualified persons.

11.4. Additional works and services may be carried out on the basis of the Annexes, which are an integral part of this Agreement, or on the basis of additional contracts and agreements.

11.5. The parties under this agreement recognize the legal force of documents received through communication channels, on a par with documents executed in simple written form. Exceptions to this rule are:

  • Legal address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Phone fax:
  • TIN/KPP:
  • Checking account:
  • Bank:
  • Correspondent account:
  • BIC:
  • Signature:

Unified Form No. 19

(for legal entities residents of the Russian Federation)

Approved by order of the Omsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry

AGREEMENT No. ______

paid services

for interpretation of documents

Omsk "___" ________ 200_

3.1.4. Immediately inform the Customer of all changes that may affect the execution of this Agreement.

3.2. The customer undertakes:

3.2.1. In advance, no later than three working days before the day of the service, provide the Contractor with a written application and the necessary documents indicating all the required information necessary for interpretation.

3.2.2. Accept the services rendered by the Contractor and sign the relevant act on the provision of services.

3.2.3 Timely pay for the services of the Contractor in accordance with clause 2 of this Agreement. In the event that the volume of actually rendered interpreting services exceeds the volume of services specified by the Customer in the application and actually paid by him in advance payment, the Contractor issues an invoice for the corresponding additional payment for services, which the Customer pays within one banking day from the moment of invoicing.

4. Act on the provision of services

4.1. Services are considered rendered after signing by the parties
act on the provision of services (Appendix 4).

4.2. The fact of the provision of services for each application under this contract is documented separate act about the provision of services.

4.3 If the Customer has any claims to interpretation services, the Customer draws up a list of claims and submits it to the Contractor. In case of agreement with the claims, the Contractor is obliged to eliminate these comments within five working days.

4.4 In case of disagreement with the claims, the Contractor must provide the Customer with a reasoned refusal in writing within three working days

5. Quality of services

5.1. As part of the quality management system in accordance with GOST R ISO

The Omsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry guarantees the quality of the provided interpretation services according to the following criteria:

Provision of interpretation services by professional and competent translators;

Use of means of translation equivalence;

Interpreting should stylistically correspond to the language pair using special vocabulary and phrases; in interpretation, the unity of terminology inherent in this field of knowledge must be observed;

5.2 The Omsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry undertakes to correctly convey the content during interpretation, taking into account all the linguistic features of the language pair.

6. Liability of the parties

6.1 Disagreements arising under this agreement are considered by the Parties in the complaint procedure. The term for consideration of the claim is 15 days from the date of receipt by the Party of the claim

6.2 In the event of disputes under this Agreement, the Parties undertake to make every effort to resolve them through negotiations.

6.3 If not settled in the negotiation process contentious issues, disputes are resolved in

in a judicial proceeding in accordance with the current legislation at the location of the plaintiff.

6.4 The applicable law is the law of the Russian Federation.

7. Force majeure circumstances

7.1 The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill their obligations under this agreement, if their fulfillment is prevented by an extraordinary and insuperable circumstance under the given conditions (force majeure) in accordance with Art. 401 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

7.2. In the event of force majeure circumstances, the operation of the contract is suspended for the duration of such circumstances and their consequences and is restored after their termination. In the event of force majeure circumstances and their consequences for more than 60 (sixty) days, the parties have the right to refuse further fulfillment of their obligations and terminate the contract. 5 (five) days prior to the termination of the contract, the parties carry out a full settlement of mutual obligations and make appropriate payments.

8. Other terms

8.1. This agreement comes into force from the date of its signing and is valid until December 31, 2010. In the absence of notification by one of the Parties of the termination of this agreement at least 20 (twenty) days before the end of the agreement, it is considered prolonged for the next calendar year.

8.2. This agreement can be terminated at any time both unilaterally by any party that sent the other party a written notice of termination of the agreement at least 15 (fifteen) calendar days before the expected date of termination of the agreement, and by agreement of the parties. In case of unilateral termination, the initiating Party is obliged to reimburse the other party for all actual expenses incurred as part of the execution of this agreement no later than 5 (five) banking days from the date of termination.

Contractor Customer

8.3. All changes and additions to this agreement are valid if they are executed in writing and signed by both Parties.

8.4. Coordinators:

From the side of the Contractor: head of the translation agency of the Omsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry

From the customer side:_

8.5 In all other respects that are not provided for in this agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.6. The Agreement is made in two copies, having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.

8. Legal addresses, bank details and signatures of the parties


Omsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry



Jur. the address:______________________________





r / s ____________________________________

c/s __________________________________________


Omsk, Herzen, 51/53

Omsk branch of Sberbank of Russia

No. 000 Omsk

From the Artist

From customer:




Interpreting Services

in various language pairs

    simultaneous interpreting (simultaneous interpreter services) at conferences, seminars and other events consecutive interpreting (translator services) at negotiations and business meetings provision of an interpreter with travel to any point in Russia and abroad; provision of translators to accompany foreign specialists during installation/adjustment, start-up of equipment.

The provision of interpreters for interpretation is required at the following events:

· Business meeting

· Business forums (consecutive, simultaneous translation)

· Telephone conversations

Participation of an interpreter in a court session

· Educational programs of any level

· Consulting activities

· Guided tours

Contractor Customer

Full name ___________________ Full name


Types of language pairs

Oriental languages


· Armenian



· Kyrgyz

· Tajik

· Tatar

· Turkmen

· Uzbek

Contractor Customer

Full name ___________________ Full name


President of the Omsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry



The address__________________________________




I ask you to interpret from _________________________________ language

In __________________________________________________________________________language

Number of interpreters required for interpretation ______________

Date and place of provision of interpretation services _________________________

The subject of the upcoming interpretation ___________________

Amount of time (hours) for which services will be required

by interpreting __________________________________________________.

We guarantee payment for interpretation services.

"____" _______________ 200___ _______________________________

Contractor Customer

The above services were completed in full and on time, in full. The customer has no claims regarding the volume, quality and timing of the provision of services.



Contractor Customer

Full name ___________________ Full name

AGREEMENT No. _______

city ​​of Moscow "___" ________ 2011

Hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", represented by ________________________________, acting on the basis of __________________________________, on the one hand, and

PEREVODiK.SOM Limited Liability Company, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by Director Mikhail Yuryevich Sukhanovskiy, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", have concluded this Agreement as follows:


1.1. The Contractor undertakes to perform the following works at the request of the Customer:

Performing written translations of materials provided by the Customer from Russian into foreign languages ​​and / or from foreign languages ​​into Russian within the time period agreed by the parties for each order separately.

Registration of notarization of translations and their copies, as well as intermediary services accompanying notarization.

Other types of services, not specified above, by mutual agreement of the Parties in writing.

The cost of the Contractor's services is determined by Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement, unless otherwise agreed in the Order Form.

1.2. This Agreement does not prohibit the cooperation of the Customer with third parties providing services similar to the Contractor.


2.1. The customer is obliged:

2.1.1. When placing an order, provide the Contractor with the source material for translation in the format agreed with the Contractor.

2.1.2. Accept the result of the services rendered, sign the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate and pay for the Contractor's services within 5 (five) working days from the receipt of the invoice.

2.1.3. In case of violation of the terms of payment, the Contractor has the right to charge, and the Customer, at the request of the Contractor, undertakes to pay penalties at the rate of 1% of the amount not paid on time for each day of delay.

2.2. The contractor is obliged:

2.2.1. To carry out the timely provision of services with proper quality, i.e. ensure the adequacy of the translation to the original provided for the work in compliance with the linguistic norms of the language.

2.2.2. In case of violation of the established deadlines for the performance of work, the Customer has the right to charge, and the Contractor, at the request of the Customer, undertakes to pay penalties at the rate of 1% of the order amount for each day of delay, but not more than 10% of the total cost of services.

2.2.3. Do not disclose confidential information of the Customer provided to the Contractor for the provision of services to third parties, except when confidential information can be disclosed with the permission of the Customer, and also when this is required by the execution of this Agreement, which does not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.2.4. Provide a report on the progress of the provision of services at the request of the Customer.


3.1. The Customer sends the completed Order Form to the Contractor in accordance with Appendix No. 2 in one of the following ways:

3.1.1. The Customer, having agreed on the scope, term and cost of work with the Contractor by phone, sends the completed and signed Order Form to the Contractor by fax or sends a scanned copy to the Contractor's e-mail perevodik@ bk. en.

3.1.2. An authorized representative of the Customer places an order at any representative office of the Contractor.

3.2. The Contractor delivers the order in the format established by the Parties: in electronic form in the .doc format, in electronic form in the format of the source file transferred by the Customer, in printed form at the Contractor's office, in printed form with delivery by courier to the Customer.

3.3. The Customer has the right, no later than 2 (two) working days after receiving the transfer, to submit to the Contractor in electronic form substantiated claims regarding the quality of services, drawn up as follows:

3.3.1. Translation comments are made according to the text of the translation in the "Notes" insertion mode (MS Word: Insert-Note).

3.3.2. Corrections are made according to the text in the Corrections mode (MS Word: Tools-Corrections-Select-Corrections).

3.4. Claims and comments on the translated material are not accepted by the Contractor if such comments are not provided in electronic form (by e-mail), relate to the style of the translation, or relate to errors in the original documentation.

3.5. If the claims and comments of the Customer are justified, the Contractor undertakes to eliminate the deficiencies at his own expense within a period not exceeding 5 (five) business days.

3.6. The material translated by the Contractor on behalf of the Customer under this Agreement becomes the property of the Customer after signing the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate, as well as after correcting claims and comments. If no claims are received from the Customer within 2 (two) working days after the delivery of the order, the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate is considered signed.

3.7. Payment for services is carried out within 5 banking days from the moment of signing the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate drawn up by the Parties. The act is drawn up and sent by the Contractor together with the completed order and must be signed by the Customer within 2 (two) days.


4.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by the Parties and is valid for 1 (one) calendar year, and in terms of payment for the Contractor's services - until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations. The Agreement is automatically extended for the next 1 (one) calendar year, unless one of the Parties notifies the other of the termination of the Agreement 30 (thirty) calendar days before the expiration of the Agreement.

4.2. Obligations under this Agreement shall come into force upon agreement by both Parties of each specific order in the form determined by Appendix No. 2 to this Agreement.

4.3. In the event of force majeure circumstances, qualified in international law as force majeure (government decrees, natural disasters, etc.) and preventing the fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement, the Parties shall not be liable for non-compliance with the terms of the Agreement for the entire duration of the above circumstances.

4.4. This Agreement may be amended or terminated either by mutual agreement of the Parties, or unilaterally if the actions of one of the Parties contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In case of violation of their obligations, unless otherwise provided by the Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.5. Upon termination of the Agreement, the Customer is obliged to pay the Contractor for the services actually rendered by him until the termination of this Agreement.

4.6. In the event of disputes or disagreements, the Parties will take measures to resolve such a dispute or disagreement amicably. If no agreement is reached, disputes under this Agreement shall be considered by the Moscow Arbitration Court.

4.7. All annexes, amendments and additions to this Agreement, signed by both Parties, are an integral part of it.

4.8. The communication channels of this Agreement are contact information about the authorized persons of the Customer with the telephone number and e-mail address specified in clause 5.

4.9. The Agreement is made in 2 (two) copies having equal legal force, one copy for each of the Parties.



Application No. 1

to the Treatyfor translation services

No. ___________ dated ___________

The cost of the services provided

  1. If the subject of the provision of services is a written translation from foreign language or into a foreign language, the cost is determined by the number of pages in the translation.

A page is understood as 1800 (One thousand eight hundred) printed characters, including spaces.

  1. The Contractor provides the Customer with translation services at the following rates:




English german

French,Spanish, Italian

550 rub.

6 50 rub.

Languages ​​of the CIS countries (Belarusian, Azerbaijani, Armenian, Georgian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Moldavian, Tajik, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Uzbek)

Spanish, Portuguese, Italian

Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Portuguese

Dutch (Dutch), Danish, Norwegian, Finnish

Chinese, Japanese, Korean

Turkish, Arabic

1. Other languages ​​- contractual price per translation page;

2. Correction: making additions and changes to a previously completed translation, provided that the changes do not exceed 20% of the total amount of work - 250 rubles. (per page);

3. Reading of the document, for compliance with the correctness of the translation after making all changes in the document (from 10 pages) - 50% of the cost of the translation page.

4. Notarization of the authenticity of the translator's signature on 1 document:

(typing, text formatting, technical design, use of consumables) - 650 rubles.

5. Re-notarization of the authenticity of the translator's signature on

1 document - 650 rubles.

6. Making copies and notarizing them - 80 rubles. for 1 page

7. Computer copy for APOSTILLE and Consular legalization

400 rub. for 1 page

8. A photocopy (without subsequent notarization) - 10 rubles. for 1 page

Apostille of 1 document - (5 working days) - 3200 rubles.

Consular legalization of 1 document - from 4000 rubles.

9. The terms for the execution of translations are determined by the Parties when placing an order. A non-urgent translation is considered to be a translation of 10 pages per day if it is English, German, French, Spanish, Italian languages ​​​​of a general subject (legal texts also belong to a general subject). In all other cases, prices and terms are negotiated separately and fixed in an additional annex to contract No. 2.

10. If the notary considers it impossible to certify the translation for any reason related to the original document, the performer has the right to refuse to perform the notarization service within 1 (one) business day from the date of issuance of the original documents for their certification, providing a written reasoned refusal .

Application №2

to the Treatyfor translation services

No. ___________ dated __________

Sample order form

The main provisions of the contract for the provision of translation services (the preamble of the contract for translation, the details of the parties and annexes to the contract are omitted).

The completed contract will be provided to you by the manager of the "Flarus" translation agency. To do this, send by e-mail () the name and details of your company and the details of the person on whose behalf the company operates.

We attach great importance protecting the privacy of information received from our customers. By information we mean contact information, source texts and translated documents. 1. The Subject of the Agreement 1.1. The Translation Agency undertakes to provide the Customer with translation services, including the translation of the Customer's documentation into Russian and foreign languages ​​according to the rates specified in the Annex to this Translation Agreement. The application completely copies the current price list. 2. Procedure for the provision of services and settlements between the Parties 2.1. The Customer submits to the Translation Agency the documentation to be translated and issues an assignment for the provision of translation services (hereinafter referred to as the "Order"). The Order must specify the language into which the translation is being carried out. The Customer has the right to indicate in the Order the requirements for the design and format of the translated documentation, otherwise the translation is executed in the format and means of the MS Word 2003 editor. 2.2. After receiving the Order, the Translation Agency calculates the Order: volume in standard pages, deadline in business days and cost. For 1 (one) standard page, 1800 characters with spaces of the source text are accepted. Working days are all calendar days except weekends (Saturday, Sunday) and official holidays of the Russian Federation. The minimum order quantity is 1 (one) standard page. Calculations are rounded to 1 (one) decimal place. 2.3. The data of each Order are recorded in the relevant Annexes to the Agreement for the provision of translation services, which are its integral part. 2.4. The Translation Agency undertakes to inform the Customer of the calculated data of the Order within 3 (three) hours from the receipt of documentation from the Customer in electronic form and within 12 (twelve) hours from the receipt of documentation from the Customer in hard copy. 2.5. The Customer has the right to change the composition and volume of the Order at any time. In the event of a reduction in the cost of the Order, only services already rendered are subject to payment. 2.6. The Translation Agency begins to execute the Order immediately after the Order is approved and the Customer pays the invoice issued by the Translation Agency for an amount equal to the cost of the Order. 2.7. The Order is considered approved after the Parties sign the Appendix corresponding to the Order. 2.8. The obligation to pay is considered fulfilled after the receipt of funds to the settlement account of the Translation Agency. In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, part 2, Chapter 26.2, services are not subject to VAT. 2.9. The Customer has the right to make an advance payment (hereinafter referred to as the "Deposit") on the basis of an invoice issued by the Translation Agency. In this case, the Translation Agency is obliged to proceed with the execution of the Order immediately after the Order has been approved. In this case, the amount of the Deposit is reduced by the cost of the Order. Services are rendered until the moment of full spending of the Deposit funds. The deposit can be returned by written request the Customer within 3 (three) calendar days after receiving the signed request from the Customer. 2.10. The Translation Agency undertakes to provide the Customer with the translated documentation in electronic format by e-mail. 2.11. The translated documentation must comply with the terminology according to the terminological glossary or a specialized dictionary (hereinafter referred to as the Glossary), in the event that the Customer provided his Glossary in electronic form, no later than one day before the start of the translation. In the absence of a Glossary, the Contractor has the right to use the translation of terms available in the dictionaries available to the Translation Bureau. 2.12. The order is considered completed after the signing of the Service Acceptance Certificate by both Parties.

Note: we can supplement the agreement with an annex for the transfer of exclusive rights to the translation. 3. Claims 3.1. If in the process of providing services the Translation Agency made deviations from the terms of the Agreement, which worsened the quality of services, in the event of justified claims of the Customer, the Translation Agency undertakes to eliminate all the shortcomings indicated by the Customer within 3 (three) business days from the date of receipt of them from the Customer. 3.2. The translation agency does not accept complaints and comments on the translated documentation, if the comments are not provided in electronic form (by e-mail), relate to the style of the translation, refer to errors in the original documentation. 4. Responsibility of the Parties 4.1. The parties are responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. The Parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their obligations under the Agreement, which occurred as a result of force majeure circumstances. 4.3. A Party that cannot properly fulfill its obligations under the Agreement due to force majeure circumstances must immediately (but no later than 3 calendar days) notify the other Party about this. In case of failure to notify in time about the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, the Party that does not properly fulfill its obligations is deprived of the right to refer to the relevant circumstances. 5. Duration of the Transfer Agreement 5.1. The Agreement is termless and comes into force from the moment of its signing by authorized representatives of the Parties. 5.2. This Agreement may be terminated at the initiative of any of the Parties after the Parties have fulfilled all their obligations under this Agreement, as well as in cases and in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 6. Ensuring privacy 6.1. The Parties acknowledge that all documentation and information received by the Translation Agency from the Customer under this Agreement is confidential and not subject to disclosure. 6.2. Only those employees of the Translation Agency who are directly entrusted with the performance of work under the Translation Agreement in the part concerning them can get acquainted with the submitted source documentation and information of the Customer. 7. Other terms 7.1. All annexes, amendments and additions to this Agreement are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties. 7.2. Unsettled disputes on the fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement are considered in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the Arbitration Court of Moscow. 7.3. This Transfer Agreement is made in two identical copies, having equal legal force, one copy for each of the Parties. 8. Addresses and details of the Parties

DOC format

DOCX format

Contract for the provision of services by a specialist_translator in RTF format

Contract for the provision of services by a specialist_translator in PDF format

Application No. 3
to the letter of the Federal
tax service
July 17, 2013
No. AS-4-2/ [email protected]

Agreement No. ____
on the provision of services by a specialist (translator)
(contract with a specialist)

(place of compilation)
(the date)

(name of the tax authority)
hereinafter referred to as the Customer, represented by the head (deputy head)
acting on the basis _______
on the one hand, and
* _______
(full name of organization)
hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, represented by
(position, full name)
acting on the basis
(Charter, Regulations)
* This version is provided in case of conclusion of an agreement with a legal entity.

** Individual entrepreneur
hereinafter referred to as the Customer, acting on the basis of
(information is provided from the document on state registration of an individual entrepreneur and license (if any)
** This edition is given in case of conclusion of an agreement with an individual entrepreneur.

on the other hand, the jointly referred to as the Parties have concluded, in accordance with Article 96*** of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Chapter 39 (37) of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) as follows:
*** In the case of the conclusion of an agreement on the provision of services by an interpreter, Article 97 of the Code is indicated.

1. The Subject of the Agreement
1.1. Under this Agreement, the Contractor undertakes, on the instructions of the Customer, to provide services (perform works) _______ (specialist (translator), and the Customer undertakes to pay for these services (works). Services (works) are concluded in _______
(detailed description of services (works) _______ with indication of special knowledge and skills of a specialist (degree of knowledge and knowledge of a particular language by an interpreter) _______.
1.2. Term (period) for the provision of services (works) _______
1.3. The services (works) specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement are considered rendered if the fact of their provision is reflected in the relevant protocol drawn up during the implementation of tax control measures.

2. Cost of services (works) and payment procedure.
2.1. The cost of services (works) is _______
2.2. Settlements between the parties are made in the following order:

3. Responsibility
3.1. The Contractor is liable for improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement:
for the refusal of a specialist (translator) to perform the Agreement, including if such refusal resulted in inaction or otherwise in violation of clause 5.2 of the Agreement - _______
**** for the implementation by the translator of a deliberately false translation, if this fact is established in relation to the Contractor - an individual, or the translator - an individual who is an employee of the Contractor - a legal entity, which has entered into force by the decision (verdict) of the court _______
**** Provided in case of conclusion of an agreement on the provision of services by an interpreter.

3.2. According to paragraph 4 of Article 102 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, for the loss of documents containing information constituting a tax secret, or for the disclosure of such information, the Contractor shall be liable under federal laws.
***** 3.3. The Contractor entrusts the provision of services (performance of work) to a specific specialist (translator) from among its employees.
***** This paragraph is given in case of conclusion of an agreement with a legal entity.

5. The term of the Agreement, the procedure for its amendment and termination
5.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is valid until the full fulfillment of the obligations of the Parties under it.
5.2. Either Party has the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally. The contract is considered terminated not earlier than ______________ from the date of receipt by the other party of a written notice of termination of the contract.
5.3. Changes to the Agreement are considered accepted subject to a written agreement of the Parties, formalized by an additional agreement.
5.4. All disputes and disagreements between the Parties that may arise under this Agreement, if they are not resolved as a result of negotiations, must be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.5. The Agreement is made in two copies, having the same legal force, one of which is kept by the Contractor, the other by the Customer.

6. Additional terms

7. Legal addresses and bank details of the parties:

8. Signatures of the Parties.