Descent of the blessed fire. If the Holy Fire does not come down, then what will happen? When the blessed fire came down in the year

Every year, the ceremony of the convergence of the Holy Fire takes place at the Holy Sepulcher in a temple located in Jerusalem - the only city in the world that is the center of the confluence of the three most common world religions. The process of the direct appearance of the Sacred Fire takes place in Kuvuklia (a small chapel), finished with pink-yellow marble. The entrance to Kuvukliya is through double wooden doors. It is the domed chapel - the birthplace of the Holy Light.

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem is the holy place where Jesus rested, after which his Resurrection took place. The appearance of the Sacred Fire shortly after the Resurrection of Jesus is a symbol of the remission of sins, victory over evil and darkness. Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to get to the ceremony to see this miracle with their own eyes. The temple and the area adjacent to it can accommodate a limited number of people. But everyone can become an eyewitness of the Descent of Fire, because the ceremony of the Descent of the Holy Fire from Jerusalem is broadcast online around the world. You can watch the action on television and on the Internet.

Catholics, Protestants, Syrians, copras and other Gentiles accept the Descent of Fire with great reverence and humility. During the ceremony, a spirit of submission is displayed on their faces. Thus, they pay tribute to the honor and respect for the Orthodox faith in the person of the Patriarch. Before receiving the Holy Fire from the hands of the Patriarch, the Gentiles kneel before him and kiss the finger on his right hand. Even in Islam, watching the Descent of the Holy Fire is not considered a sin, so many Muslims go to Jerusalem to take part in the ceremony.

Preparation for the Descent of the Holy Fire

A few hours before the ceremony, a cordon is set up on the territory adjacent to the Temple. People who come to the ceremony are searched by the police for prohibited items. Journalists who have gathered near the Temple to report on the Christian miracle are also being searched. The patriarch and other clergy are also inspected, checking clothes and ceremonial paraphernalia. All the premises of the temple and the areas adjacent to it are carefully searched. The focus is on the search for explosives. After all, a large crowd of people, especially on the day of a religious holiday, always carries the risk of terrorist attacks and riots.

The domed chapel with the Holy Sepulcher is subjected to special inspection. After the inspection by the police, the doors of the chapel are locked and sealed by representatives of the city hall. The key used to close and open the doors of the domed chapel has been in one of the Arab families throughout the entire time. The head of this family was once appointed the guardian of this shrine. The duties of this person include ensuring the safety of the key and issuing it to the Patriarch once a year for the ceremony.

How is the ceremony of the Descent of the Holy Fire

A solemn and silent atmosphere reigns in the Temple. First, young people enter the chapel, on whose shoulders the same young people sit. They are the first to be instructed to ask Fire for the Descent into Kuvuklia. Then the Patriarch and the clergy, dressed in bright festive clothes, perform procession, three times bypassing the chapel with the Holy Sepulcher. The Patriarch enters the Temple, reciting a special prayer and being in one cassock. In his right hand he holds a lamp with oil, in the other - 33 candles, personifying the age of the crucified and risen Christ. It is in the lamp that the Holy Fire should arise.

A lamp with oil is installed in the center of the Temple, and a special cotton wool with ribbons is laid out around it. When exactly the Holy Fire will appear, no one knows. Sometimes it takes half an hour, and in some cases the Fire descends only after 2-3 hours of prayer. But people are ready to wait for a miracle for hours.

The waiting itself takes place in complete silence. At the same time, all sources of electric lighting are extinguished in the temple. The beginning of the Descent of the Sacred Fire is marked by the appearance of sparkling discharges that can be observed in different parts Edicules. After that, the discharges reach the icon lamp installed in the center of the Temple and light it. Tradition forbids lighting candles from the lampada until the Patriarch leaves the domed chapel. When His Holiness leaves Kuvuklia, pilgrims can set fire to their candles from the Holy Fire. Anyone who wishes to take a handful of Divine Light with them can freely do so. Thus, billions of particles of the Holy Fire scatter to the most remote corners of our planet.

To the territory Russian Federation The Holy Fire in 2017 will be delivered by a special delegation headed by Vladimir Yakunin. The Holy Fire will be delivered to Russia on April 15, for the Patriarch's Easter service at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. He will be brought on a special flight and handed over to Patriarch Kirill.

During the first minutes after the Descent, the Fire does not burn the skin when touched, but, on the contrary, gently envelops, renews, and heals. During the silent expectation and the very process of the Descent of Fire, people more than once observed accompanying amazing phenomena. For example, on one Great Saturday in the clear sky for several minutes thunder was heard and lightning flashed, and inside the Temple people felt how their faces were covered with small raindrops. Christians believe that the descended Fire is endowed with unearthly power and is able to work real miracles: to give strength, to get rid of troubles and illnesses.

There are cases when, after the Descent of Fire, the blind began to see, the deaf began to hear, and the gift of speech returned to the dumb. Many people who attended the ceremony in the Jerusalem Temple were cured of severe chronic ailments.

What will happen if the Holy Fire does not come down?

Orthodox Christians are sure that if the Fire does not descend, then the current year will be the last in the life of all people living on Earth. In other words, the end of the world will come. Experts refute this version, because in history there were cases when the fire did not go down, for example, in 1579 and 1101. The descent of the Holy Fire is the personification of the fact that people will be protected all year round Higher Forces. Due to the fact that the Fire that descended on Great Saturday is Divine, its absence cannot entail the onset of world cataclysms and, as a result, the end of the existence of mankind. Knowledgeable people say that if the Fire does not come down, society will begin to degrade mentally, which will lead to serious negative consequences. For the scripture says that it is the sleep of a stifled mind that can give birth to monsters. This means that world upheavals, wars, revolutions, uprisings, strife will begin. The earth will be dominated by greed, anger and violence. Not in vain in scripture it is also said that everyone who has will be rewarded and multiplied a hundredfold, and those who do not have will be taken away from more than they have.

For more than 2000 years, the Sacred Fire has descended to Earth, as if reminding us of the death and resurrection of Christ. The Holy Fire is the Light Divine Mind, which is bestowed upon humanity for salvation. Many believers call this miracle the Lord's sign sent directly from Heaven.

The convergence of the Holy Fire in 2018: date, time, where to watch

The Holy Fire is what almost the whole world is waiting for every year. His convergence takes place right on the eve of Easter, and not only Christians and believers yearn to see him. After all, every person knows that if Fire has appeared, then everything will be fine on Earth for another year. It is believed that if the Holy Fire does not arise at least once, then a big trouble will soon happen. That is why, with bated breath, people are waiting for the appearance of this miracle.

The ceremony of the descent of the Holy Fire, which has existed for more than a thousand years, is strictly regulated and spelled out to the smallest detail.

10:15 Detour around Kuvuklia (chapel) by a procession led by the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem

11:00 Closing and sealing of the marble chapel of the Holy Sepulcher

11:30 Emergence of emotional Arab Christian youth

12:00 Arrival at the Temple of the Greek Patriarch

12:10 Address by representatives of the Armenian clergy, as well as the Coptic and Syrian Orthodox churches to the patriarch

12:20 A closed lamp is brought into the Holy Sepulcher, in which a fire should flare up

12:30 Procession of the Greek clergy with a three-fold detour of Kuvuklia 12:50 Entrance to the Holy Sepulcher of the Patriarch and the Armenian archimandrite

12:55 – 15:00 Exit of the Patriarch with the Holy Fire Traditionally, the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem is filled with pilgrims from all over the world.

Where can you see the Holy Fire

Such a phenomenon as the Holy Fire, as historians and representatives of the Christian church say, arose about two thousand years ago. You can see how it flares up in only one place. In Jerusalem there is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which was built where the cave is located, where the coffin with the body of the Savior was placed. It was there that believers first saw this inexplicable miracle, and it is there that the Fire appears every year. Therefore, about ten thousand people gather in this temple every year to see everything with their own eyes. Other believers observe this phenomenon only on TV. Therefore, there are a lot of questions about when the convergence of the Holy Fire will already take place in 2018. The date, time, where to watch the broadcast - all this interests people, because many believe that even if you are not in the temple, but you can get the blessing of the Lord to see how the flame flares up on TV.

It is worth saying that when the Fire appears exactly, no one can say. The fact is that this inexplicable phenomenon occurs every year in different time. But, as a rule, it happens on Great Saturday. This time it falls on April 7th. If we talk about time, then from the very morning the believers, together with the ministers of the church, gather in the temple so as not to miss such a significant event. In addition, the procession and several other religious rituals are held first. And often the Holy Fire can be seen only in the late afternoon. It is first given to all believers in the temple, and then sent in lamps to churches located in other countries.

Where to watch live broadcasts of the convergence of the Holy Fire

Every year, several TV channels broadcast live from the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. But most often the occurrence of this miracle is shown in the record. The film crew records the entire ceremony, then the best moments are selected, and all this is mounted into an hour or an hour and a half program. It is then often shown on Sunday.
But if there is a desire to see everything in real time, then you can turn on the NTV channel. The live broadcast will begin at 13.15 Moscow time on April 7th. Also, the appearance of Fire can be viewed on the Internet. Some resources will also broadcast online.
As for Channel One and Russia TV, they will not broadcast this event, but they will broadcast from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior at 19.30.

The descent of the Holy Fire is a very bright event that all people rejoice at. As those who managed to observe the phenomenon with their own eyes say, often candles and icon lamps in their hands light up by themselves, flashes appear at the place where the tomb of Christ stood, and dew also appears on the cotton wool, which is laid out in the temple. Such miracles, of course, deserve attention!

Published on 15.04.17 12:01

Holy Fire 2017: when the live broadcast, the history of convergence, and much more, read the TopNews material.

Tens of thousands of Christians around the world are praying these days for the descent of the Holy Fire on the pre-Easter Great Saturday in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

According to Christian tradition, blessed fire appears miraculously in Kuvuklia - the chapel above the Holy Sepulcher. Its convergence takes place annually on the eve of the holiday. Orthodox Easter.

Live broadcast of the convergence of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem 2017 will be intcbatch available on the web.

The Holy Fire will be delivered to our country by the delegation of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, which in 2017 included the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova.

Descent of the Holy Fire 2017

The convergence of the Holy Fire in 2017 will take place in the renovated Kuvuklia chapel, which was restored for about a year. During the repair, for the first time in 500, scientists removed the marble slab covering the burial bed of Christ and studied it.

The Holy Fire symbolizes the miraculous light of the Resurrection of Christ, about which the Apostle Peter spoke. This fire appears in Kuvuklia every year precisely on the eve of Orthodox Easter, thanks to the prayers of the Orthodox clergy and tens of thousands of pilgrims in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and at its walls.

However, the debate continues in society about whether the convergence of the Holy Fire is an annual miracle or simply a traditional Easter religious rite of the Jerusalem Church.

At noon, a procession to the Holy Sepulcher begins from the Jerusalem Patriarchate, ending in front of the entrance to Kuvuklia. A large lampada is brought into it, in which a fire should ignite, and 33 candles (according to the number of years of the Savior's earthly life).

The Patriarch of Jerusalem traditionally enters the Kuvukliya in one linen cassock, so that it can be seen that he does not carry matches or anything else with which to make fire. After that, the entrance to the chapel is sealed, and a period of tense waiting for the convergence of the blessed fire begins.

According to popular tradition, if the fire does not come down, it will be a terrible omen for all mankind, and those who are in the temple will die.

Waiting for a miracle lasts from several minutes to several hours. At this time, the lights are extinguished in the temple, and the faithful hold unlit Easter eggs (large holiday candles) in their hands. People pray, repent of their sins and ask the Lord to grant the Holy Fire. According to eyewitnesses, after some time, inexplicable flashes of light appear in the temple, which seem to flow down the walls and columns, and a vertical wide column of light descends from the hole in the dome of the temple onto the Holy Sepulcher.

Soon, a blessed fire appears in Kuvuklia, the patriarch comes out of the cave and passes the fire from candle to candle to the people gathered in the temple. It is noteworthy that at first the Holy Fire does not burn when touched, RIA Novosti notes.

Descent of the Holy Fire VIDEO

Easter is approaching - one of the significant holidays of Orthodox Christians, in 2019 it falls on April 28. But the day before, on Great Saturday, it became a tradition to wait in Jerusalem at the Holy Sepulcher for the descent of the Holy Fire.

So, the Holy Fire in Jerusalem 2019: the history of the event, how the ceremony goes, and much more - later in the article. Pay attention, and why in many churches the sacrament is not performed on the day of the holiday.

The Holy Fire has been known to people for thousands of years. It was first mentioned in the 4th century. The witnesses were the Apostles, the holy fathers. They claimed that before the resurrection of Jesus, an unusual light illuminated the Holy Sepulcher after he was resurrected.

Reasons to see the Holy Fire

Most Christians dream of being in Jerusalem on this day. After all, it is believed that if you see the fire, or at least you are present in the temple, then all sins will be forgiven. There are a lot of people who want to get in, but the temple can only accommodate about 10 thousand people.

This is interesting! Not only Christians, but also people who profess Islam dream of seeing and taking the Holy Fire with them.

People of different nationalities and religions gather here. On the way to the temple, you will have to go through a line of soldiers who carefully examine the pilgrims so that no one carries explosives to avoid a terrorist attack.

Holy Fire Meeting Ceremony

The ceremony of the descent of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem 2019 is a real miracle. But everything happens gradually. First, the procession takes place, with a detour of the memorial places associated with the name of Jesus Christ, it is led by the clergy. The procession is closed by patriarchs from the local temple and Armenia, as well as priests.

The procession reaches the chapel near the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which is called the Cuvuklia. Then everyone walks around it three times. The local and Armenian patriarchs, in front of everyone, are examined by the mayor of the city and the head of Jerusalem, so that they cannot carry sources of fire with them. After the inspection, both patriarchs enter the Kuvukliya, and the door is sealed behind them with wax and a red ribbon.

Important! A little earlier, a lamp is placed in the middle of the bed of the Holy Sepulcher, oil is poured into it, but not set on fire. Then cotton wool is placed everywhere, the edges are framed with tape.

The lights go out in the temple. People hold interconnected candles in their hands, pray, ask the Lord for the Holy Fire. Waiting is always different. Sometimes the wait takes several minutes, and sometimes the Holy Fire is expected for hours. No one knows how long to wait for the Holy Fire in Jerusalem in 2019.

Note! Sometimes miracles can happen before the fire appears. The pilgrims heard thunder, although the sky was cloudless or rain was dripping on them right in the temple.

The accomplishment of a great miracle

But the most long-awaited miracle is still considered the Holy Fire. No one knows where it will appear from, every year in a different way: it can appear above the dome of the temple or on the altar, slide down the walls like a snake. Believers, as it were, grab the fire, setting fire to their candles, many touch it with their hands. Surprisingly, it does not burn the body within 10 minutes.

At the moment of the convergence of fire, the temple begins to be illuminated by the Holy Fire, thanks to small lightning. They pass almost through people without harming them. The temperature of the fire reaches 45-50 degrees. In this turmoil, sick people are trying to be cured by fire. Eyewitnesses say that they manage to regain the health lost on long years: the blind see, the crippled become healthy, incurable wounds heal.

If it is not possible to visit Jerusalem, then on television they always broadcast the convergence of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem 2017 online. And everyone who wishes has the opportunity to get in touch with this event and see a miracle. This miraculous fire is transported to different countries by plane, so it ends up in Russia. You know, it's not just Sunday.

This is interesting! Usually, exactly 33 candles are used to light the Holy Fire. This is not a random number, because Jesus Christ lived with people for just so many years.

Many skeptics try to refute that such a fire really exists, although it has been known for millennia, and it has become a reliable historical event. At the same time, this fire is a great symbol of gaining divine light. This is a miracle that gives people hope for goodness and faith.

♦ Heading: , .

Holy Fire in Jerusalem 2017

Easter is indeed a great holiday, because every year it is accompanied by a real miracle - the descent of the blessed fire. Believers all over the world are waiting for this event, but only a few manage to see this fire and the very moment of its appearance with their own eyes.
The fact is that the flame appears only in one place - in the temple, which is located in Jerusalem. This church, despite its impressive size, is always packed to capacity, and everyone, of course, cannot get there. Therefore, basically people watch how the flames appear on TV, it is good that some channels broadcast live to many countries. You can also watch live streaming on some sites.

Since it constantly falls on different dates, and the fire appears on the eve of this holiday, not everyone knows exactly when to expect the Holy Fire in Jerusalem. 2017 is notable for the fact that Easter is celebrated quite early, on April 16, which means that magical flames should be expected from April 15.

The appearance of blessed fire

The Holy Fire appears annually in the Church of the Resurrection. It is located in Jerusalem. This is a big church. The roof of the temple covers Golgotha, as well as the Cave to which Jesus was resurrected and even the garden where the resurrected Jesus was met by Mary Magdalene.
The temple where the miracle takes place was erected by Emperor Constantine and his mother, whose name was Elena, back in the fourth century. Therefore, researchers argue that the tradition of meeting magical fire existed even then. However, other historians say that it arose only ten centuries after the construction of this temple.

Features of the ritual today
The emergence of the sacred fire occurs in a fraction of a second, but it takes a very long time to prepare for this event. Already at twelve o'clock in the afternoon, the Patriarch with several clerics leaves the Patriarchate and makes a procession to the temple. Then the column goes to the chapel, which is built over the Holy Sepulcher and goes around it three times.
At this time, there are already many people in the temple. In the crowd you can see many foreigners who come to see a real miracle at least once in their lives. All the lights in the temple are extinguished and people silently watch what the Patriarch will do next.
The clergyman takes off unnecessary things and remains only in simple attire. Several policemen approach him and search the Patriarch. Then the guards conduct a search in the Holy Sepulcher. The police are looking for nothing more than objects that can contribute to the emergence of a flame.
After that, the Patriarch in a tunic kneels in front of the Coffin and begins to pray. Very often a prayer lasts a very long time, but all people patiently wait, stare intently and at the same time do not talk to each other so as not to miss important point.
No one can predict exactly how long the fire will descend. At some point, prayers become heard and balls with a bluish tint appear on the slab of the coffin. The patriarch immediately brings a piece of cotton wool to them, and it immediately begins to burn. This fire is not hot, but cool.
Then the Patriarch brings fire to the lamp and candles, and then the temple goes to convey the magical flame to the Armenian Patriarch. And he, in turn, then transfers the magic fire to people. Thousands of candles are lit under the dome. People begin to rejoice, pass on the fire, and gradually the temple becomes brighter and brighter.

Each person who comes to this temple must hold thirty-three candles in his hand, that is how old Jesus was when he was crucified. Believers are not afraid of this flame, so they spend it on parts of the body that are easily ignited by ordinary fire.
After a while, this property is lost, and the fire loses this property, so it can burn. Law enforcement officers ask the parishioners to put out the candles, but the joy of the people does not subside from this.
It is worth remembering that such a wonderful phenomenon occurs only once a year, before. Moreover, the Patriarch must pray for the appearance of fire.
There is a story about how once the Armenians, who preach Orthodoxy, once bribed the Turks, who at that time had power and came to the cave of the Holy Sepulcher before Easter.
Whatever the Armenian priests did, they did not succeed. And at the same time, the Patriarch, who was supposed to light the fire, was at closed doors and wept. And after a while there was lightning. She hit a column made of marble. At the same moment, the column broke up, and huge tongues of flame poured out of it, which themselves lit the candles of all those present.
After this event, no one is trying to take away the right to conduct the ceremony of lighting the sacred fire from the Orthodox Patriarch.

Holy fire in every home
Since the Holy Fire appears only in one country, it is customary to transport it. Usually a group of people, consisting of church ministers and ordinary people, carries the fire straight to Moscow. But often it is sent directly by plane.
It is expected that the Holy Fire in Jerusalem in 2017 in the temple will be met by about ten thousand people. People believe that if they see this miracle, the Lord will forgive them all their sins. But every time it is an exciting event, because there is a prophecy that one day the fire will not appear. And for people it will be a warning that the end of the world is near.
It is also worth mentioning that not everyone believes that this is really a miracle. Some people believe that it's all about technology and mirrors are used to make fire. And the unusual property of fire, that is, that it does not burn, is attributed to the fact that it burns the ether.
But even if this is just a work of technology, people still rejoice at such an event, because the Holy Fire is a symbol of the fact that life after death does not end, because every year it is reborn anew. Hard to imagine