How do bees prepare for winter? Preparing bee colonies for wintering and building nests for the winter. Formation of a bee ball and maintenance of temperature

Previously, beekeepers believed that the preparation of bees for wintering was to hide the hives in a closed room or basement, but today a new trend has begun to be traced, according to which these insects, under certain conditions, can stay in the cold season on the street.

How to prepare bees for winter - for beginners

In order for the bees to survive the cold safely, they will need help in preparing for winter. Beginners should especially carefully study the features of the preparatory process in order to avoid the most banal mistakes.

You need to start preparing with the arrival of autumn, before the onset of cold weather. The main task is to determine the degree of readiness of the hives for winter. To properly assess the condition, you need to pay attention to some nuances:

  • the age of the maternal individual, since the level of fertility of the whole family will depend on it;
  • brood volume;
  • volume of honey and bee bread;
  • the amount of prepared feed;
  • how honeycombs are suitable for wintering;
  • what condition is the bee colony in, are there sick individuals.

How to prepare bees for winter

The inspection must be carried out carefully so as not to miss details that could lead to the death of the swarm.

How do bees winter in a multi-hull hive

Almost every beekeeper will say that wintering in a double-hull hive, or rather a multi-hull hive, is the most the best option which has a lot of advantages. Namely:

  • they are easy to use;
  • it has a compact size and low weight;
  • it is convenient to transport;
  • it is possible to independently remove the case in which the frame is installed without the help of an outsider;
  • you can buy such hives in specialized stores, but it will be much easier and cheaper to do it yourself.

The main feature can be called the fact that an apiary of such a plan is an opportunity to significantly strengthen bee families. If you use a sunbed, there may not be enough space, and this will affect the health and development of insects. In turn, in cramped hives, after the uterus has laid a new clutch, she begins to look for a new place, and in such conditions this is completely impossible. This leads to a decrease in the number of brood of new bees.

How do bees winter in a multi-hull hive

On average, a multi-hull design with a 230mm or 140mm frame will need to gradually install new hulls to eliminate unwanted swarming. The main difference between such a hive is the absence of the need to perform insulation, but do not forget about the climatic conditions of the region. As for the location, they are left on the street and cleaned in warm places. Experts categorically do not recommend making too much insulation in the hive in order to fully grow brood. The pollen that is collected during the summer and spring is left in the nest.

One bee family needs about 2 frames, in which there is both bee bread and honey, and after the end of wintering, the optimal amount of bee bread will remain, sufficient for the female to lay new eggs.

How bees hibernate in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Few beginners in beekeeping know that an ordinary polycarbonate greenhouse can become a place for wintering bees, and this option is more suitable, competent, environmentally friendly and safe.

Among the main functions that this room performs are:

  • protection from external noise, which can be a serious irritant for insects;
  • shelter from sudden changes in temperature, strong gusts of wind and exposure to other atmospheric phenomena;
  • maintaining optimal level air temperature and humidity;
  • feed savings;
  • increase the life of the hive.

It is important to understand that the placement of insects requires proper preparation, otherwise the winter quarters of the bees will turn into real hard labor. Namely: on a sunny day, the room will warm up too much, unlike cloudy days, and this will cause temperature drops. The situation is quite correctable - sheets of opaque material, for example, roofing felts or parchment, are laid on the greenhouse.

How bees hibernate in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Also, to prevent sudden changes in temperature inside the structure, additional insulation must be made. This is done in September, and polystyrene foam or sheet foam is used for this.

It is important to understand that additional insulation is protection not only from frost. As soon as spring comes and the air temperature rises, coolness will remain inside the greenhouse - this will eliminate the premature departure of insects. To regulate the heat inside the room, you can use the door and the ventilation window, and it is especially important to be extremely careful at the very beginning of the season.

Important! Due to the large temperature difference inside the hive, high humidity can occur. Its level must be monitored through a special measuring device. The optimal value is considered to be 75-80%. You can adjust the indicator by increasing or decreasing the amount of fresh air coming from the street.

It is very important not to forget about protection against rodents. To do this, special metal stands are installed under the hive, and in the summer they are protected with a metal mesh. If there are too many hives, then it is advisable to arrange them in 2 tiers, and houses with the strongest families are installed from below, and the rest go to the top.

How to prepare a bee colony for winter in September

Preparing bee colonies for wintering is an activity without which insects will simply die, as they can freeze, get sick or be in unsuitable conditions, by the beginning of spring they will become weak, lethargic and with low immunity, and this is unlikely to bring a large number of honey in the new season. What to do first:

  • it is required to investigate the norms for wintering;
  • you need to study the types of winter houses and places for the location of bees to make their stay as comfortable as possible;
  • as soon as the first heat comes, the hive is processed;
  • it is imperative to have a plan according to which the layering will be carried out, which is considered one of the most important stages in the development of the bee family;
  • food is harvested only in summer, and it is important that it be of high quality;
  • the main part of the work is carried out in the fall, namely, they equip places for wintering, carry out processing with chemicals that can prevent the occurrence of harmful bacteria and provoke their extinction.

How to insulate a hive for wintering

What is the best way for bees to overwinter? It is important to correctly insulate their houses, for which you can use a variety of types building materials. Namely, some beekeepers use:

  • plywood;
  • expanded clay for the bottom;
  • burlap;
  • straw;
  • worn out warm clothes;
  • polyethylene;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • polystyrene, which is recognized as more popular (it is easy to work with, it is cheaper and allows you to get an excellent effect).

Warming is carried out in stages, so as not to miss any important point:

  1. The nests are grouped in such a way that the walls are less ventilated, and inside the hive structure, the outpost frame acts as a heater.
  2. Outside, the heaters are fixed with nails, and if work is carried out with foam, then it can be glued to the surface of the walls of the house.
  3. With the help of foam or any other material, the sides and bottom are first covered (it is very important that there are no gaps), and the corners of the houses are covered with a canvas in two layers. This will 100% prevent freezing and blowing. Sheathing on each side is strictly prohibited, since the upper part must have holes that provide natural ventilation.
  4. A good enough solution would be to install the hives on special props, for which wooden stakes or bricks 2-3 pieces in height are suitable. This will prevent freezing from the ground and protect against rodent attacks.
  5. If prolonged cold and severe frosts set in in winter, then walls are made of snow along the perimeter of the hives.
  6. After a strong snowstorm has passed, each hive needs to be dug up, which is extremely important. Bees can only survive when there is no food in their homes. high humidity, respectively, leaving snow mounds before the onset of a thaw can provoke the penetration of water inside, and this will lead to mass death.

Important! It is forbidden to dig the hives, making powder with snow. A snow mound is formed at a distance of 20 cm, and the height should reach the middle of the house. With such preparation, the bees are not afraid of any frost.

How to organize the wintering of bees: preparing an apiary

Preparing bees for winter is a responsible process, and the correct formation of a nest is considered an especially important step. Work begins, as noted above, with the onset of cold weather and preferably when the insects begin to cluster into balls.

Preparation of the apiary

You also need to study the frames on which the food is collected, and how full they are. The level of filling of the frames determines the calmness of insects, their immunity in winter and whether they can harm the beekeeper in preparation for winter. Namely: if there are no frames with food in the vicinity of them, then this can cause the death of insects. Therefore, if the frames are not filled, then this is done manually. They are placed around the perimeter of the house.

  • If the family of bees is too strong, then nests are installed only on two sides, and 2 frames are placed in the central part, each of which contains at least 2 kg of honey. Then, completely filled frames with 4 kg of honey on each are placed around the nests. In general, 1 hive should have at least 40 kg of honey.
  • Can be placed in corners. To do this, a frame completely filled with honey is placed on one edge, and frames are also placed behind it, but with each subsequent one, the amount of food placed on it is reduced. The last of them should have about 2.5 kg of feed.
  • There is a placement technology called "beard", the essence of which is the location of full-copper frames in the central part, and frames with a decreasing amount of food are installed in different directions from them. In general, about 15 kg of feed should be present. This technique is used only for growing a young family.

In order for the bees to feel as comfortable as possible in the hive and there were no problems with movement, wooden bars are made inside their houses, located perpendicular to the frames.

For the food that fills the frames, honey is used from the main bribe, which is recognized as being of higher quality and not subject to crystallization. This food will allow insects to endure the winter perfectly.

As for the amount of food, it is harvested on average 25 kg per 1 family, but in addition to honey, there should be honey-bee-bread frames. For winter, it is much better to prepare a light variety of honey, which practically does not crystallize, unlike dark, and most importantly, check the composition for the presence of honeydew. This can be done at home, but it is better to use laboratory services.

Bees can be very useful for a person who prefers to be in the honey business. However, in order to get a good result, you need to take care of all the conditions for keeping such insects, starting with the hive, wintering, food, care, etc.

One of the most time-consuming and responsible stages in beekeeping is the preparation of bees for winter. Low temperatures hinder the development of the bee family and do not have the best effect on the development of bees. An autumn increase in carbon dioxide concentration contributes to their physiological aging, and a decrease in temperature increases the energy costs of insects for regulating the microclimate inside the nest.
Therefore, ideally, wintering should take place without the loss of members of the bee colony. And the bees should not lose their health and energy. For detailed information on the sequence of actions to prepare your pets for the cold season, you can watch the video. Conditions conducive to the preservation of the activity of the overwintered bee colony and the good collection of honey include:
1) building up the strength of the bee colony;
2) harvesting benign food by bees;
3) nest assembly and creation necessary conditions for the maintenance of the family in winter.

In winter, bee colonies must go prepared.

Growing bees in autumn

It is quite difficult for bees exhausted during the main flow to build up young individuals in the amount necessary for a successful wintering. Therefore, the end of the honey collection should be marked by the autumn build-up of bees. First of all, in the fall, every beekeeper must make a thorough audit of bee colonies.
If any of the strong colonies have neither testicles in the comb nor brood, it is worth checking it for the presence of a queen. At the end of the honey collection period, worker bees become much smaller, so in the fall the number of nests should be reduced. To do this, first of all, combs containing a small amount of honey are removed, and low-copper combs with brood are placed on the edge of the nest so that the queen bee cannot occupy them with new brood. For the unhindered transfer of honey from the removed frames to the nest by your pets, they are placed one by one behind the diaphragm of the hive.
The nest contains two or three frames partially occupied by honey with good cells. It is desirable that the honeycombs be light brown in color. Such combs affect the reproductive instinct of queens, which will begin to lay eggs much more actively.
Skilled beekeepers use various methods to increase the strength of the bee colony during the absence of honey flow in nature. For example, they carry out stimulating feedings from sugar syrup (2 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water). And some take out apiaries to the territory with a late honey plant.
In order for colonies to winter safely, it is necessary to replace unproductive and old queen bees in a timely manner. Only young queens lay a large number of eggs and are able to create strong bee colonies by winter. In the apiary of each beekeeper, there must be cores with spare queen bees, which can quickly replace the missing queen from the family.

Procurement of quality feed

The most optimal time for harvesting food by bees is July, that is, the first half of the main flow. As a rule, for the winter-spring period, bees need about 25-30 kg of honey product. Beekeepers leave two honeycomb frames with honey on each side of the nest, or put them in storage. The frames are returned to the hive when the bees are preparing for wintering in October.
For the winter, 20 kilograms are usually left in the nest. The rest is removed in a room with a stable temperature and humidity. Uniform indicators prevent unwanted crystallization of honey reserves.
Bees hibernate much more successfully on light varieties of honey containing less minerals (meadow, sweet clover, fruit, linden). If the beekeeper failed to procure a quality product in sufficient volumes, then it is better to replace 50-60% of the reserves with sugar. Blanks should not contain honeydew impurities. In winter, honeydew causes diarrhea in bees and leads to the death of entire colonies.
Therefore, at the end of the honey plant, fodder reserves must be checked for the presence of honeydew. Of course, it is more reliable to contact the field laboratories of the Institute of Beekeeping. But if this is not possible, you can make an independent analysis.
First you need to prepare lime water. To do this, quicklime is diluted with distilled or rain water and the composition is shaken until the color of milk is obtained. The clear liquid formed from the settled mixture is poured into a clean container, and taken from different parts nesting honeycombs are mixed in a glass.
Next, mix one part of distilled (rain) water, one part of honey and 2 parts of lime water, and then shake and bring the resulting solution to a boil. Strong turbidity and precipitated flakes are a signal that it is better to replace such honey with a more benign product or sugar. But it must be remembered that this analysis may also show inaccurate results.
The bees easily pick up the syrup from the feeders and seal it as long as the weather is warm. Therefore, the beginning of September is the ideal time for feeding. Feeding of the bee family is carried out from feeders according to the following scheme: 3-4 liters of syrup 2-3 times in 2-3 days. It is important to prevent bee theft.

Assembling a bee nest and installing hives for the winter

After removing the bulk of the nest brood, assembly instructions for which can be viewed on the video, it's time to prepare insects for wintering. If your pets are wintering in a cold room or outdoors, it is preferable to leave the nest more compressed. Only honeycombs should remain in it, at least half filled with printed honey. In addition, in the combs, you need to leave two frames filled with honey and sealed bee bread.

Sealed honeycombs are the main source of food for bees in winter

Nucleuses, where spare queen bees are located, should be left with 10 kg of honey in 3-4 frames. The frames that have not yet been released from the brood are temporarily set to the edge of the nest. Nests are insulated from the sides and from above. Before wintering, the bees themselves are treated for braulosis, varroatosis and other diseases. At the end of the assembly of the nest, the family must be treated with an acaricidal preparation.
In regions that do not have severe winters, bees overwinter quite successfully outdoors. In this case, the main condition is the presence of very well-insulated hives with covered boards with notches. Bees feel good in sunny apiaries surrounded by forest, buildings or a fence. The best solution is to put the hives with the front wall to the south.
Wintering in specially constructed winter quarters has a number of undeniable advantages. These include good protection from wind, dampness and temperature changes, saving honey reserves and the convenience of monitoring the state of wintering bees. How to build a winter hut, you can learn from the video.
Preparing a winter hut for bees includes:

  • construction of a winter hut with a temperature of + 4 to + 6 ° and air humidity in the range of 80-85%;
  • providing ventilation in the summer-autumn period;
  • the destruction of mold, the closure of mouse holes;
  • insulation of walls and ceilings.

Cleaning of bees in the winter hut should be carried out when cold weather sets in, when it is no longer possible to count on warm weather for flying bees. The hives are brought into the winter road in dry weather. The movement must be carried out very carefully, otherwise the worried bees may leave the club and crawl away, which is fraught with their death. The hives are placed on racks in two or three tiers.
The strongest colonies should be located at the bottom, and weak bee colonies and nuclei with spare queens should be on the upper tiers. Notches facing the aisle should be opened only after the bees have calmed down. In the first days of wintering, the fans are left open, and then they are regulated in accordance with maintaining the required temperature. In more detail, the process of preparing for a safe wintering is clearly shown in the video.

How do bees prepare for winter? Honey bees do not hibernate for the winter, as many other insects do, but live a normal life. As soon as autumn cold snaps come, the uterus reduces and then stops laying eggs. Bees spend more and more time in the nest. Here, around the brood, they continue to maintain the high temperature necessary for the life of the remaining larvae and pupae. There are a lot of bees here. They no longer perform any work, they sit almost motionless. In shape, this mass of bees resembles a ball or a large ball. Beekeepers call it the bee club. The club is usually located below, not far from the entrance, on empty honeycombs. Only the upper part of it is on honey. But if a warm sunny day falls, the club breaks up and the bees fly out of the hive. Autumn flight is short, friendly. The bees seem to be in a hurry to take advantage of this warmth. As soon as the sun sets behind the cloud, they return home again. This very short, at least for a few minutes, departure from the hive is necessary for the bees in order to cleanse their intestines. And if in autumn the bees empty their intestines from feces, it will be much easier for them to endure the winter. The later the bees fly around, the better. In autumn, the hives should stand with their entrances to the south, so that the sun excites the bees as soon as possible. In the south, bees fly around in winter, and in Siberia they do not leave the hives for 6-7 months

The bees are preparing for winter

Left behind the main honey collection - the crown of the entire beekeeping season. It develops differently. As they say, year after year does not fall, but with skill and diligence, the beekeeper usually does not remain at a loss. August for bees is already autumn, when they, without missing a single day, are preparing for a long winter. The number of flowering plants is decreasing. Yes, and they are stingy for nectar. True, where sunflower is cultivated, honey collection continues until autumn. But all the same, the behavior of bees is changing here. They begin to save food, save every drop of it.
The first thing they do in preparation for winter is to drive the drones out of their nest. After all, swarming is over, and during a strong honey flow, it was not up to them.
Bees carry open honey from the lower and outer combs and accumulate it at the top of the hive.
Letki are now heavily guarded. Even at night, the bees do not remove the guard. To help the bees in protecting their homes, the entrances are left small, no more than 5 cm, and the upper ones are completely closed. The bees themselves narrow the notch, if it is large, seal the cracks in the hive with propolis.
During the honey harvest, the bees worked for days: they collected nectar during the day, and made honey from it at night. This difficult work undermined their strength. Many died, and the survivors are so worn out that they are no longer able to endure the winter. The whole burden of wintering and the future of the family falls on the bees that appeared in August and September. The most vital young and strong, until the next season they retain the ability to nurse a new generation, build honeycombs, collect honey and pollen.
And although the uterus, obeying the laws of nature, no longer produces such a large number of eggs as in spring and summer, the bees still take care of her: they feed plentifully, provide a place for laying, freeing the middle of the nest from honey - the warmest place. How younger uterus, the longer, until the very cold, she lays eggs.

Almost every experienced beekeeper knows all the subtleties and features of preparing bees for winter. The success of the apiary will directly depend on how the bees overwinter. It is for this reason that every new beekeeper should carefully read the material presented, and strictly follow the instructions provided.

Remember that only a healthy bee colony can bring much more honey next summer. The number of worker bees, their strength directly depends on the correct hibernation. To do this, beekeepers prepare the hive for wintering almost all summer.

Autumn revision: what is it?

An autumn audit is carried out in order to determine the readiness of the hive for winter. For this it is important draw the following conclusions:

  1. What is the age of the uterus, since the fertility and increase in the bee colony will depend on it.
  2. The amount of brood allows you to understand how the hive will overwinter.
  3. See how much honey and bee bread is available, which the inhabitants of the hive will eat during the winter. And also pay attention to its quality.
  4. View combs, how suitable they are for wintering, and also pay attention to the bees themselves. How active they are, whether there are sick individuals. Almost every beekeeper should pay attention to such details.

When inspecting the hive, it is important to notice all the details, because this is very important.

The revision made in the autumn period is the very first and main preparatory moment of the bee colony for the winter. The main thing is to identify all the shortcomings and clearly understand what needs to be done. Set a clear work plan for yourself in order to be in time by the winter prepare everything. Remember that the revision should be done as early as possible in order to be able to do everything without haste with high quality. The most favorable time is the end of the main bribe. The main thing is not to disrupt the work of the worker bees during all the work.

Preparing bee colonies for wintering: highlights

Most beginners in beekeeping think that the preparation of bees for wintering should be carried out only after an audit. But, this is an erroneous opinion. Remember that everything preparatory work begin literally in the first months of spring.

In this case, the majority have a question: “What is the preparation of bee colonies for wintering in each season?”

Moreover, the conditions must be as comfortable as possible in order for the hive to overwinter well. Remember that everything needs to be done on time in order to be in time for winter.

Preparing food for the winter

The best food for bees in winter is honey taken from the main bribe. This is a light flower honey, as a rule, it rarely crystallizes and it has much less honeydew components, which allow the honey to quickly deteriorate. Therefore, this type of food will avoid the death of bees.

For each street, the bees need about 2 kilograms of honey, for the whole winter the bee family eats up to about 25 kilograms and, in addition, about three frames of honey and bee-bread.

For happy wintering bees it is best to leave exclusively light varieties of honey in the feed. Darker honey crystallizes quickly, which in the first place can negatively affect the insects themselves. This will be noticeable on their first flight in early spring.

In addition to all of the above, it is worth checking the presence of honeydew in honey reserves. It can be done in the following way:

  • Laboratory research;
  • Independently at home.

Let's talk about the last methods in a little more detail.

Research using lime

For this study, we will need a small portion of honey to feed the bee colonies in winter and filtered water. We take equal proportions. We combine them in a suitable container and dissolve. Then add lime water to the resulting solution. Pour the composition into a suitable pan and wait for a complete boil. If, after boiling, you find a precipitate in the form of brown flakes, then this indicates that the honey must be completely replaced. It cannot be used for feeding.

In order for the correct reaction to manifest itself, it is necessary to take clean water from a well or well. If such water is not at hand, in this case, simply filter the tap water and freeze it completely. This type of liquid can also be used. Sediment from frozen water, it is better not to use.

Research with wine spirit

We combine honey and spring water in a one-to-one ratio. Then pour in 10 parts of wine alcohol 96%. We mix, if a precipitate appears in the form of flakes, in this case, use this honey for feeding bees not worth it.

For what reasons can harmful substances get into honey - insects that collect honey in cultivated fields. Basically sprayed harmful substances plants such as sunflower, buckwheat, sainfoin and others.

What actions should be taken upon detection of honeydew - remove all honey completely and replace it with simple sugar syrup.

They feed them after they have collected and insulated the nest. In terms of time, this mainly happens around September. Just at this time good weather outside, bees actively insulate their house using syrup (seal it in honeycombs).

How to properly prepare feed for the bee family:

How to prepare sugar syrup:

  • First of all, you need to decide on the dishes. It should only be enameled, and in no case iron. Thus, the oxidative process will not occur.
  • Pour pure liquid into it and boil for literally 5 minutes.
  • We turn off the fire, and set the pan itself with the contents on the table. Pour sugar in small portions and mix until completely dissolved. The main thing is not to boil it.
  • The finished syrup needs to be slightly cooled and then vinegar essence is introduced into it (3 ml per 10 kg of granulated sugar). Mix everything again and let cool completely.

Sugar syrup will not only serve as delicious food for the bees, but also heat the house a little, thereby activating the worker bees. Looking in the morning, you will see that all the sugar syrup has been eaten.

After the restoration of all stocks, the bees need to continue to give the syrup, but already much less - 300 ml. This is required in order for them to be well active and be able to continue sealing in honeycombs. food for the winter.

This type of feeding is welcome only in those hives where there is very good ventilation. Otherwise, condensation may form, which will adversely affect the insects themselves.

How to assemble a bee nest?

Today we figure out how to prepare bees for winter, and to be more precise, how to properly form a nest.

It's done mostly during warm weather, in order not to disturb the bee family, at the moment when they begin to form a ball for wintering. It is also worth remembering that during the winter the ball with the bees will move from time to time, therefore, the food frames must be installed in such a way that they can safely consume it. If, for example, on the way while moving in the hive, a small copper frame comes across, then the bees will not be able to overcome it, since they are at rest, therefore they will not survive the winter and die.

It is for this reason that it is important to prepare the nest for the winter, based on all the subtleties and features of the bee family.

So, consider all possible nest formations:

In order for the bees to move carefully along the frames, the beekeeper must install small wooden bars for them, which are located perpendicular to the frame itself, these are small pointers for the bees.

Treatment of the hive and bees from pests and diseases

It is also necessary to treat both the hive itself and its inhabitants from various diseases and pests before wintering. Treat the bees themselves necessary after the nest has been collected and after the release of the last brood, so that all individuals are processed. Processing of houses is carried out in the form of smoke medicines, and can also be found in the form of a vapor. It is not always possible to process bees in this case, you can enter medicines directly into their food. So we answered the question of how to prepare bees for wintering.

Attention, only TODAY!

Every beekeeper knows how bees prepare for winter. And the role that honey collected over the summer plays in the preparation is also known to many. But we must not forget about other important bee affairs. And these tireless workers have a lot of them. Speaking about how bees prepare for winter in nature, one should recall the warming of their habitat, getting rid of drones and careful protection of winter stocks.

August is a hot time

Despite the fact that according to the calendar it is still summer, the bees begin an active time to prepare for winter. Not missing a single day, hardworking insects continue to collect nectar, processing it into honey. And even if there are not enough flowering plants, and they are stingy for nectar, the honey flow does not stop, as the bees are preparing for winter, stocking up for a long period of cold weather, when it will be almost impossible to find food.

Savings help preserve winter stocks

In August, swarming already stops. Therefore, drones become a burden, for which honey, which is so valuable now, is wasted. Since the bees prepare in winter and begin to intensively save food, the "parasites" are ruthlessly expelled from the hives. Of course, this could have been done earlier, but during the period of increased honey collection, there was no time left for this.

How bees prepare for winter

Like people, bees diligently prepare their homes for wintering in autumn. It is important to keep warm in the cold season and protect winter supplies from uninvited guests. In the fall, bees diligently close up all the cracks in the hive with propolis, reduce the notches. Now, even at night, the gates have guards that guard the entrance - it’s not worth squandering such valuable winter reserves! Therefore, bees become angry in the fall, intolerant of any encroachment from the outside. Often, combat guards will sting to death a naughty puppy and poultry that have crept too close to the hive. They are unaware that these creatures do not at all claim the honey in the honeycombs.

The best place is the uterus!

Of course, with the onset of autumn, the uterus is no longer so actively laying eggs, but this process still continues. After all, bees worn out over the summer are unlikely to endure a long winter. Yes, and a huge number of them died over the summer. Therefore, the burden of wintering will fall on the wings of young bees that appear in August and September. It is they who will take care of the future offspring, which, with the beginning of spring, will make their first flight from the hive. That is why the bees continue to take care of the uterus - the successor of the genus, feed plentifully, free up enough space for oviposition, place it in the warmest place - in the middle of the nest. And the younger and stronger the uterus, the more honey harvested by the bee family, the better the dwelling is insulated, the longer it is able to lay eggs, sometimes until the very cold.

To make it more convenient for the uterus and the bees-educators of the young, caring workers drag the honey not sealed in the combs from the extreme and lower sections to the upper part of the hive.

Children about bees

In classes with preschoolers and younger students, adults often touch on the topics of preparing animals for winter. It is very important to tell children how bees prepare for winter, to convey to them the idea that in nature everything is interconnected, everything plays an important role. And intervention in the life of the human animal world must be justified, cautious, and deliberate. For example, before taking up beekeeping, people studied the habits of these insects for a long time, trying to make sure that the weaning of honey did not harm the family. A good beekeeper will not only receive profit from his pets, but will also be able to help them endure the winter, cure diseases if necessary, and protect them from enemies.

Fairy tale about a bee for kids

A good help in these classes will be the fairy tale of Abdulla Alish called "Nechkebil". After reading the text, you can invite the kids to draw pictures about what they liked or remembered the most from what they read. Also, an adult can ask questions:

  1. Why do bees die after they sting someone?
  2. Why do bees sting?
  3. Why didn't the bees sting the beekeeper?
  4. Why was the name of the main character of the fairy tale Nechkebil, which means “thin waist” in translation?

Riddles about bees

So that the children are not bored during such classes, it is necessary to diversify the process of getting acquainted with the life and habits of these interesting creatures. Riddles for children about bees can be a good option. For example, like this:

"And to whom the whole summer day

Too lazy to collect nectar?

Who is circling over the flowers

And buzz, buzz, buzz?

Who does not receive guests

And, seeing, it stings painfully?

For whom matters are more important

What is the game? This is ... (bee) "

Or like this:

"I am not a bumblebee or a wasp,

Not a hornet, not a dragonfly.

I fly over flowers

And I collect nectar.

I live in a hive with my family,

Do you hear how I buzz there?

Honey - healthy, sweet-sweet,

I do. The one who is greedy

Up to someone else's, will be at times

I've been stung - right in the eye!

Both children and adults should understand that man is only a part of nature. And therefore, his duties include not only consuming everything that she gives us, but also protecting her, taking care of all the inhabitants who inhabit our planet, our common home.