How to grow seedlings of cabbage at home. Proper cultivation of seedlings of cabbage. Preparation of soil mixture for seedlings of cabbage

We are simply nowhere without cabbage, because without it we cannot cook cabbage soup, cook cabbage rolls, bake our favorite cabbage pies. Yes, and vitamins in the winter from sauerkraut will also be very useful there. Therefore, it is not for nothing that she is called the queen of the garden. But in order to have time to grow it, you have to grow it through seedlings. Someone uses nurseries for this, others grow seedlings in a greenhouse, and someone at home on a windowsill. Cabbage seedlings are grown in several ways, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. More about everything in the article.

Cabbage can be grown by sowing seeds directly into the ground, or through seedlings. The seedling method of growing cabbage is more often used in those regions where the summer is short. Therefore, gardeners grow seedlings in greenhouses, on windowsills or nurseries. In order to plant seedlings in time, it is necessary to take into account some features of this culture.

  • Climatic conditions, seedlings in open ground should be planted when the soil warms up to 10-15ºС. It is not necessary to plant cabbage early, because the seedlings will outgrow, stretch out and the cabbage will be worse tied into heads;
  • The timing of the ripening of cabbage, since there are early, mid-season, late varieties;
  • Where will you grow cabbage - in a greenhouse or at home. In a greenhouse, for example, cabbage is planted 2-3 weeks earlier, since the soil warms up faster there than open;
  • The type of cabbage also matters. Many varieties of cabbage, for example, white cabbage seedlings, tolerate short-term frosts down to -5ºС. Red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, broccoli are also cold-resistant crops. But cauliflower is more thermophilic, you plant it on seedlings later for 2 weeks.
  • Growing conditions for seedlings, seedlings require daylight hours lasting 12-15 hours. Daylight hours of this duration are not earlier than mid-April.

On each package with seeds from sowing to technical ripeness. To determine the optimal sowing time, consider the average time from sowing seeds to germination - 7-10 days. It takes approximately 30-55 days to grow seedlings, depending on the variety, when 4-6 true leaves appear on the plant. After picking, add 7-10 days to adapt seedlings.

Please note that the growing season is different varieties different.

  • Early cabbage - 75-120 days;
  • Mid-season - 120-130 days;
  • Late varieties - 130-180 days or more.

By counting back from the moment of transplanting seedlings, it is possible to calculate the optimum for sowing seeds for seedlings. The timing of planting seeds for seedlings depends on the region. So, in the Urals and Siberia, seeds should be sown around mid-April, in central Russia - in the first decade of April, in the southern regions - early April.

When to plant seedlings according to the lunar calendar in 2019

Those who orient their plantings according to the lunar calendar should be aware that the growing moon is the time for planting crops that use the above-ground part of the plants, and the waning moon is the time for root crops. New Moon and Full Moon are the phases of the Moon when you should not do any work with plants at all.

Favorable days for cabbage in 2019:

  • 8-12, 15-17, 27-29 March;
  • 6-13, 15-18, 24-26 April;
  • 1-4, 8-10, 12-14, 17, 18, 21-23, 26-31 May;
  • 5, 6, 9-15, 22-25 June.

Bad days:

  • March 6, 7, 21;
  • April 5, 19;
  • May 5, 18;
  • 3, 4, 17 June.

Cabbage seedlings - growing in cassettes at home

First of all, prepare:

  • Deep cassette containers or 100-gram disposable plastic cups;
  • Soil mixed with humus 1: 1, in its absence, you can use purchased good soil;
  • Pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • cabbage seeds.

When to plant cabbage seedlings

First, we determine the sowing time. It usually takes an average of 6-7 days to germinate seeds and about 40 days to grow seedlings. That is, from seed germination to planting seedlings in the ground, it will take about 47-50 days.

Of course, in different regions, the timing of planting seedlings of cabbage in the ground will differ. Seedlings of cabbage are planted in the ground when warm weather is established without the threat of frost. Therefore, each gardener, knowing his weather conditions, calculates the time for planting seedlings. For this, 47-50 days are deducted from the estimated landing date. In central Russia, this will be the beginning - the middle of May, in the south - the end of April.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

  1. Be sure to disinfect the seeds in a pink solution for 20-30 minutes before sowing, so that various rots do not form on the roots.
  2. Spread the seeds evenly on a damp cloth, cover with another layer of a damp cloth on top and leave for 2-3 to peck the seeds.
  3. We make small holes (with a nail) at the bottom of disposable cups so that there is no stagnation of water in the future. We fill the cups with the prepared soil and spill the potassium permanganate remaining from the disinfection of the seeds before planting the seeds.
  4. After the seeds have hatched and planted in the ground in cups. It is preferable to sow 1 seed, so as not to resort to picking later. Embedding depth - 1 cm.

Seedling growing regime

After sowing, we put the cups in a vegetable box, and then on a warm windowsill. However, cabbage does not like high temperatures, the optimum temperature during the germination period is 20-22ºС during the day, and 17-18ºС at night.

If the seedlings were planted in February, then the seedlings must be illuminated with a phytolamp or fluorescent around the clock. Later, when the senets get stronger and the daylight hours increase, shorten the daylight hours for seedlings to 12 hours.

top dressing

If the soil for seedlings was nutritious, fertilizing can be omitted, although they will not interfere.

The 1st top dressing is carried out when the first seven-lobed leaves appear, they appear on the 10th day after sowing. Yeast feeding is carried out: 10 g of dry yeast and 3 tbsp are added to 1 liter of water. l. Sahara. We wait 5 hours until the yeast is activated and multiplies, and then we spill the soil in cups with an undiluted solution.

The 2nd top dressing is carried out 15 days after the first, you need to give nitrogen top dressing. It is better to use herbal infusion. In its absence, they are fed with nitrogen fertilizer bought at the store. Dilute it according to the instructions for use.

When to plant seedlings in open ground

It is not necessary to keep seedlings for a long time. If the house becomes warm, boxes with seedlings are taken out to the greenhouse, to the loggia, to the veranda. They are planted in the ground as soon as warm weather sets in.

Before planting in the ground, a glass with seedlings is placed in a bucket of water for a few seconds so that the earth is saturated with water, and then, slightly squeezing the glass, by transshipment, the plant, together with a clod of earth, is transplanted to a permanent place.

Growing seedlings in this way is good because cabbage grows without a pick, as it always tolerates it very painfully.

Growing seedlings of cabbage in diapers

Disposable cups can be replaced with diapers. To do this, on plastic bags sized 18x23 cm, folded in half, we apply soil, consisting of a mixture of wet sawdust and earth. We roll the soil together with the diapers tightly into a roll, leaving the bottom not wrapped. Such rolls - diapers tightly put to each other in a box.

Then we make a depression of 1 cm in the soil with our finger and plant 1-2 seeds each (the second seed is for safety, suddenly one will not sprout). When both seeds with cotyledons sprout, one of them is carefully cut out with scissors.

We cover the box with a film on top and put it in a dark, warm place. We are waiting for the seedlings to begin to hatch. As soon as the “hooks” begin to appear, we remove the film from above, and put the box in a bright place - on the window so that the seedlings do not stretch out.

seedling care

As soon as the cotyledons grow well, the seedling box is transferred to a greenhouse or balcony so that the seedlings get stronger. When forecasting frosts, the box is covered with several layers.

Feeding seedlings can be omitted, there will be enough nutrients in the soil until the moment when the seedlings are transplanted into open ground. Watering is carried out when the top layer dries up, while watering is carried out not in the pan, but the plants are watered from above, cabbage loves this very much.

Video "A good way to grow cabbage"

Growing seedlings of cabbage under bottles in the beds

It is good to plant cabbage in late April - early May in open ground under plastic bottles. It turns out much better than the one that is planted with seedlings. Cabbage is not sick. It grows strong, hardy, various pests are not afraid of it. And if even between the cabbage or along the edges of the beds, the cabbage will be even better.

What will be needed?

  1. Prepare plastic, preferably white transparent bottles of water or soda in advance. The bottom of the bottles must be cut off, and the lids, on the contrary, must be left;
  2. Prepare a powder from half a pack of baking soda and 1 tsp. ground hot pepper. soda is very good remedy from clubroot and blackleg, it disinfects the soil near the cabbage roots and neutralizes the soil in the hole. Pepper protects the plant from all kinds of flies;
  3. Humus, if it does not appear, you can buy fertile land in the store;
  4. Glass 0.5 liter bottle;
  5. cabbage seeds.

Growing cabbage seedlings from seeds

First, we prepare the bed, make the bed not wide, so that the plants are arranged in 1 row on the bed. Spill the soil well, it will be better if it rains well on the eve of the bed. Next, we proceed as follows.

  • With a 0.5 liter bottle we make depressions in the soil no more than 2-3 cm and lightly tamp the earth with a bottle so that later the seeds do not go deeper into the ground;
  • Pour half a spoonful of powder from soda and pepper into the recess around the perimeter, and plant 2-3 seeds in the middle (again, for safety net, extra shoots are removed later, 1 seedling is left);
  • We cover the seeds in the hole with nutrient soil or humus.
  • We cover the holes on top with bottles, slightly deepening them, or adding earth to them.

We make holes for cabbage at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. And in the future you can sow lettuce between them, but not radishes (they are from the same cruciferous order, they have common pests and diseases).

Growing cabbage seedlings in a polycarbonate greenhouse

As soon as the snow melts in the greenhouse and the earth warms up, you can sow cabbage seeds for seedlings. Growing in a greenhouse for cabbage also has a number of advantages. Before planting seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers in the greenhouse, there is still a lot of time, since the weather has not yet settled on the street, and the nights are still cool and there is a possibility of return frosts. And such weather is just right for cabbage, the seedlings do not stretch, they grow strong.

  1. Preparing, we sowed the soil in the greenhouse, so we dig up the beds. If necessary, add humus or compost;
  2. We spill the beds well with warm water;
  3. We make shallow (2-3 cm) grooves, where we sow seeds at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. The grooves with the seeds sown there are leveled with earth or covered with humus.
  4. To make the seeds sprout faster, plantings can be covered with covering material.

seedling care

Care consists in regular watering, loosening row spacing. As the plants grow, seedlings can be sprinkled with earth a little.

Landing in the ground is carried out as soon as warm weather is established. Before transplanting to a permanent place, the bed with seedlings is well shed with water. Then, with a small spatula, they carefully dig out the plant along with a clod of earth and transfer it to the garden.

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Features of the selection and planting of seedlings

To do this, I advise you to warm them up for 15-20 minutes in hot water (about 40-50 degrees, but not higher), and then lower them into cold water. Then put the seeds in a damp cloth and leave for 2-4 days in a warm place. When you see that most of the seeds have sprouted, feel free to plant them in a prepared container.

You can make a small greenhouse in early April and sow cabbage directly under the film in the middle of the month. You can sow cabbage and immediately to the garden, starting in May. And they try to sow kohlrabi and Beijing cabbage until mid-July. According to the lunar calendar better days will be the days of the 2nd and 3rd phases of the moon.​

Features of care


What varieties to choose?

When digging the earth for cabbage in the spring, it is recommended to pour fertilizer into the holes. You can cook it yourself too. In addition, the recipe is simple.

Cooking seeds

And also water abundantly.

Seeds must be planted within 7 days. Thus, you can get seedlings for the entire period, while there is demand. Before planting them

Best neighbors

when picking, it is necessary to throw out seedlings that are weak, affected by a fungus or without an apical bud;

  1. In the main part of the article, we talked about the features of cabbage - preparing the soil for sowing it, growing seedlings and planting them in the ground, and care features. However, in addition to white cabbage, many today also plant varieties such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi or broccoli. Despite the fact that the basic rules for growing different varieties are approximately the same, it cannot do without nuances.
  2. If the site has acidic soil, then it should be prepared in the fall. To do this, when digging, fluffy lime should be added, which can be replaced with dolomite flour or powdered chalk. For one square meter you will need about a glass or two of powder. The bed needs to be dug up in autumn and spring, organic and mineral substances are added to it, and then cabbage is planted. The best option for fertilizing the soil is scattered, however, it is very costly. Do not forget that cabbage is very sensitive to organic fertilizers contained in the earth. However, you can’t do without them, so it’s worth fertilizing the soil correctly.
  3. Any seedlings should not only be properly grown, but also properly planted in the ground. In addition, careful soil preparation plays an important role, after which cabbage, radish or onion are planted. In this article, we will talk about the features of planting cabbage, starting with growing or choosing seedlings and ending with transplanting it into open ground.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Based on this information, and adhering to the basic rules for sowing and growing seedlings, you can count on a high yield.

Preparing the site in advance

It is necessary to sow seedlings for planting in open ground in the last days of April (April 22-27). Transplantation into the ground should be carried out on June 5-10 at the age of 25-30 days. First you need to dig holes at a distance of 300-400 mm, fertilize them and water them abundantly. A bed with planted seedlings is best covered with material and not removed until harvest. In this case, plants are created comfortable conditions- daily temperature fluctuations are reduced.​

To ensure normal functioning, the body requires vitamins such as A, B1, B2, B6, E, K, C, P, PP, iodine. This vegetable is rich in these elements. Beijing cabbage contains fiber, which improves digestion and helps cleanse the body of toxins. It is useful for people suffering from anemia, as cabbage contains a large amount of iron. Due to its peculiarity to neutralize cholesterol and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, it must be included in the diet for cardiovascular diseases.

When and how to plant?

With the ground you need to mix a handful of humus and a tablespoon of wood ash, one teaspoon of superphosphate.

After the seedlings are planted in a permanent place, it must be covered with lutrasil. Thus, you can protect the seedlings from sunlight and the cruciferous flea.

  1. must be soaked in melted water
  2. The water temperature when watering seedlings should be 2 to 3 degrees higher than the ground temperature;

For example, Beijing and Chinese cabbage should be planted directly with seeds immediately in the ground, as the plants do not respond well to transplanting. In addition, their food organ is formed only in early spring or late autumn, that is, when the day is short. Cauliflower seedlings are very capricious and demanding on the quality of the soil: they should be planted in fertile soil saturated with manganese and boron. At the same time, seedlings should have enough moisture and heat. But too high temperatures for cauliflower are harmful, as well as overdried soil.

Care features: watering and loosening

So, manure should be added to poorly cultivated soil - depending on the type of land. In the spring, you can fertilize the land with compost or manure humus at the rate of 3-4 kg per square meter of land. If there is little fertilizer, you can apply them immediately when planting in each hole, where you can then plant seedlings.

Don't forget to feed

If you do not grow cabbage from seeds, but prefer to buy ready-made seedlings, remember some rules. Firstly, you need to choose bushes that are stocky and strong, avoiding stems with black threads - they speak of a vegetable disease. Secondly, you should not take seedlings that have swelling with nodules - this indicates a lesion with a keel.

Level the soil, water, make shallow grooves and sow the seeds after 1–1.5 cm. Cover them with earth (a layer of about 1 cm) and compact the soil a little. Place the box on the windowsill (the optimum temperature is +18 - +20 degrees) and shoots should appear in 3-5 days. Watering should not be very plentiful, as the soil dries.

We plant cabbage in the ground: features of the process

Beijing cabbage contains lysine, so it helps cleanse the blood and increase immunity. According to doctors: with prolonged use, the body normally tolerates stress, and its juice is useful for the prevention of gastritis. Doctors do not recommend abusing this vegetable for people suffering from high acidity and duodenal ulcers. In order not to get an upset stomach, cabbage cannot be combined with dairy products and soft cheeses.

From whom to protect the cabbage?

When planting cabbage in open ground, you should not think about time and weather. Of course, no one will plant during the rain. Although, this could be a mistake. After all

Cabbage is different: Beijing, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower ...

After you have planted the seeds for seedlings, at least five days must pass before planting them in open ground. By the way, such terms are indicated on the package with seeds.

. Add one teaspoon of honey to this water. After half an hour, the seeds must be dried with a fine sieve.

Before planting seedlings, for several days, the temperature in the greenhouse should be maintained during the day close to the air temperature outside;

… kohlrabi and broccoli

A feature of Brussels sprouts is in a tall stem, on which cabbages are formed in the axils of the leaves - there can be up to 90 of them. The growing season of this vegetable is almost 160 days, so it is planted mainly in seedlings. For seedlings, seeds should be sown on the 20th of April in open nurseries. Seedlings appear already on the 5th day, and therefore at this time they need to be treated with ash or tobacco dust to protect the seedlings from the cruciferous flea.

As already mentioned, this process should be carried out depending on the type of variety. Early cabbage can be planted from the end of April to the first week of May, and late varieties can be planted towards the end of May. It is noteworthy that the timing for planting cabbage varies in certain regions of the country, depending on the climatic zone.​

How to plant seedlings of cabbage? To begin with, we select only good and healthy bushes that have at least five strong leaves. We dig these bushes into the ground to the very outlet, while it is important that the roots do not remain on the surface. After planting, the ground should be tamped and then watered.

Features of care and diving

When to plant cabbage for seedlings?

Remember that overgrown seedlings will be sick for a long time after transplantation, and immature seedlings will give a low and late harvest. Therefore, I advise you to roughly calculate when you plan to plant cabbage in your garden and, depending on this, choose the time for sowing seeds for seedlings.

Terms of sowing cabbage for seedlings

If you grow Beijing cabbage without seedlings, then there are 2 periods for sowing seeds: spring-summer and summer-autumn.

This vegetable crop is cold-resistant, its seeds can germinate at a temperature of about 4°C, and the plants can withstand frosts down to -4°C. In order for cabbage to grow and develop, it needs a temperature of 15-22°C. She loves the light, but is resistant to shadow. The formation of a good harvest is ensured in good weather and a shortened day. At the same time, the soil should be fertile, and moisture should be sufficient.

The ideal day for planting cabbage is a cloudy day or evening

One day before planting seedlings, it must be watered. It is necessary to transplant cabbage into open ground exactly with the land in which it was planted and in which it sprouted. This way you won't damage root system and contribute to the rapid adaptation process.​

Crops must be kept under film cover at a temperature of 20 degrees above zero. After the first seedlings appear, the temperature must be reduced to 10 degrees above zero.

Rules for growing and planting seedlings of cabbage

The technology of planting cabbage for seedlings

Planting cabbage for seedlings

. This is easy to explain - in the evening or on a cloudy day there is less sun, which means that the plant will take root faster.

Seedlings need to be dug out along with a clod of earth, the roots should immediately be covered. This is necessary so that the roots of the cabbage do not dry out.

The earth between the rows needs to be loosened and sprinkled with wood ash. This is necessary for the prevention of diseases. The landing site should be sprinkled with dry soil on top. This will prevent excessive evaporation of moisture and protect against the formation of an earthen crust; If broccoli is grown using seedlings, then a soil mixture will be required, which includes peat, soddy soil and sand in a combination of 1: 1: 1. It is undesirable to use old earth from the garden, as it can be infected with a black leg. After sowing seeds, you should strive to maintain a temperature of about 20 degrees, and when shoots appear, the temperature can be reduced to 10 degrees. It is important not to overmoisten the substrate, otherwise the seedlings may get sick. At the age of two weeks, seedlings dive, but seedlings can be planted in open ground gradually so that they get used to sunlight, wind and temperature changes.​

Early varieties are planted like this: there should be a distance of 45 cm between the rows, and in a row the distance should be about 25 cm.

  1. To get strong seedlings, you need to do the proper preparation of a nutritious soil mixture, and then plant cabbage. To do this, it is advisable to prepare the ground since autumn: mix some turf and humus, add ash to them (one tablespoon for each kilogram of land) and mix the resulting substrate well. The ash will allow you to saturate the soil with micro and macro elements, and will also serve as a good antiseptic, so that black legs will not appear on the seedlings.
  2. Then you need to transfer the seedlings to a warmer place. Since cabbage is quite demanding on light, it is necessary to provide additional lighting for seedlings. On average, from the day the seeds are sown until the seedlings are planted in open ground, the following should pass: When growing cabbage, crops in a row can be carried out at a distance of 100 mm from each other, which will make it possible to use the crop throughout the season. As the leaves grow and close in a row, every 2nd plant should be cut for consumption. At the same time, the distance between plants is 200 mm. Then again, when closing the leaves, you should do the same way. As a result, there will be a distance between plants in a row of 400 mm. With the sowing and seedling method, the harvest of heads of cabbage must be carried out on June 25-30.
  3. After the Beijing cabbage forms a head, it begins to shoot, as it is a long daylight plant. That is why there are 2 sowing dates for her. 1 of them is carried out in the spring, in April, and the 2nd - in summer period, in July. To obtain early harvest cabbage, its sowing in the spring should be carried out on March 15-20 with the help of seedlings.
  4. It is best to plant the plant in the form of ribbon-like strips. They should be started in two rows, between which there should be a distance of at least 30 cm. One plant should be at least 25 cm from the other.

How to grow and care for seedlings

As for the landing site, it must be chosen correctly. It should warm up well and be protected from the wind. Land for planting needs fertile. To improve this indicator, you can use compost. After two weeks, seedlings should be watered with a solution of glycoladin. It is grown in open ground with bioheating. Now you need to make a bed 60 cm deep and 100 cm wide. We put fertilizer in there. All this should produce heat for about 60 days. From above it is necessaryIn the first days of planting cabbage should be shaded.

Kohlrabi is distinguished by a juicy and tender stem. This cabbage can be early, as well as medium and late ripening. To receive early varieties you need seedlings, you can plant it at the end of April. As soon as a few true leaves appear, the seedlings can be planted in the ground. If you grow kohlrabi without seedlings, then the seeds should be sown in two or three runs, while the interval should be at least 20 days. The optimal time for this is mid-June-early August. This kind of cabbage should be constantly moistened: after the seedlings are planted, watering should be every 2-3 days. Then you can switch to watering once a week. After each moistening, the soil must be loosened to a depth of 5-8 cm.

When planting late varieties, the distance is greater: between rows - 60 cm, between bushes - 35 cm. If you want to get vegetables as early as possible, pay attention to the Polar, June or Gribovskaya varieties, they will ripen in August "Nadezhda" and "Belorusskaya", but the latest varieties are "Amager" or "Moskovskaya". At the same time, do not forget - cabbage for seedlings should be strong and powerful. By the way, it is not necessary to be limited only to white cabbage. For example, kohlrabi is no less tasty and healthy - this variety can be planted in the corner of a greenhouse, and then the bushes can be planted in about 20 days already in the garden. For 10–14 days, cabbage seedlings must be dived into individual cups or other containers and withstand the following temperature mode: 2-3 days - about 17-18 degrees Celsius, then +14 degrees during the day and +12 degrees at night.​

Early varieties and hybrids - 50-60 days: To do this, you need to prepare a soil mixture of peat and sod land in a ratio of 1: 1. Then, on a bucket of the resulting mixture, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of complex mineral fertilizer and 2 tbsp. spoons of wood ash. For growing seedlings, cups are suitable, the size of which is 80x80 mm. They need to be filled with soil mixture and poured with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Experienced gardeners, when planting in the ground, do not bury the plants, but sprinkle them with earth to the neck of the root. Thus, the cabbage stalk develops faster.

Planting cabbage in open ground

Before planting cabbage in the ground, it must be loosened and fertilized. For this, it is worth using complex fertilizers. It is worth noting that in stores they are most often offered to customers. Besides this,

Sprinkle with a layer of fertile soil and red clay

Vegetables and fruits grown on our own personal plot, are twice as useful. And if you combine them, they will be even more useful. That is why many nutritionists recommend vegetable salads to restore vitamins in the human body. fruit juices, in general, are considered leaders in this indicator. Of course, compared to other vegetables and fruits, they will not enrich the human body with fiber, but they can contribute to the rapid absorption of nutrients. But as for enriching the body with fiber, cabbage does an excellent job with this task.

Cabbage is a healthy vegetable, and therefore beloved by many. To grow a good crop on your site, you need very little - just know when and how to plant seedlings and how to prepare the soil.

Knowing at what distance to plant cabbage, it is important that the vegetables develop well and do not interfere with each other while tying the head. The process of planting seedlings also has a number of nuances. Firstly, it should be planted in cloudy weather, and if it is hot, then only in the afternoon. Secondly, seedlings should be deepened to the first true leaf. Thirdly, for improved engraftment of bushes in the first 5-6 days, cabbage should be sprayed from a watering can. Fourthly, in order to avoid burns of cabbage leaves, bushes should be planted in shady places. Growing cabbage seeds is also a long process. Its success depends on how high-quality planting material is selected. In the event that you come across improperly stored or counterfeit seeds, you should not wait for the harvest. That is why even before planting seeds, you should check them for germination. To do this, they can be wrapped in a damp cloth, and then left for 5 days. After that, the seeds are placed in cold water and soaked in a solution of nitrophoska and water. Now you know when to plant cabbage seeds for seedlings this year. And adhering to the basic planting technology, you are guaranteed to get a good crop of cabbage on your site. Do not forget also about the timing when planting tomato seeds for seedlings in order to enjoy these tasty and juicy fruits.

Mid-season varieties - 35–45 days;

In the summer-autumn period of cultivation, the yield reaches its peak, and heads of cabbage are obtained High Quality. During this period, it is necessary to apply only the sowing method, in which the seeds should be sown in the ground after July 20. The harvest of heads of cabbage should be harvested, without waiting for the first frost, at the end of September. You can dig them up with roots and a clod of earth, for storage at 0-2 ° C in a cellar or basement. To do this, Peking cabbage needs to be dug into a layer of moistened sand, laying as close as possible to each other. After that, it is necessary to sow 3 seeds in each cup. When shoots begin to appear, the container with seedlings should be moved closer to sunlight. The best place for this are glazed balcony or a loggia, since during this period the air temperature there does not exceed 8 ° C. Cabbage loves this temperature regime, but growing seedlings does not require picking. As the plant grows, only 1, the strongest, sprout should be left in each cup. Watering the soil should be carried out as it dries and only with warm water. To restrain the growth of plants, watering must be stopped 3-4 days before planting in the ground. And 2 hours before planting, it is imperative to water the seedlings, which at this time already have about 6 leaves. The soil is pressed against the root system. From above, all this is sprinkled with dry earth. This reduces the risk of soil crusting.​

plant care

It will be useful if you cultivate the land with special chemical active substances

Seedlings aged 25-30 days should be planted in a permanent place in a month, that is, April 15-20.

In the first days of planting, the plant must be protected and watered from a watering can.

. Thus, you will protect the plants from the spring cabbage fly.

There are gardeners who are late in planting cabbage. That is why they need seedlings when the main demand for it is gone. And you have to grow it yourself. There is nothing tragic in this.

Many of us have seedlings grown on windowsills. As a rule, she grows up sick and frail. However, she has a lot of trouble. Indeed, at home it is difficult to maintain a certain temperature for cabbage during the day and at night.

Beijing cabbage: growing seedlings and planting in the ground

When choosing the time for planting cabbage for seedlings, one should proceed from the vegetable variety. Early ripe varieties of cabbage, which are able to ripen in early July, are sown in late February or the first decade of March. Medium and late-ripening varieties should be sown at the end of March. But these are only approximate dates. When sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings, the climate in the area is also taken into account. Agrotechnicians recommend sowing cabbage 50 - 60 days before the intended planting of seedlings in the ground.

In order to grow good and strong cabbage, it is important to feed it. So, for starters, we do our best to make vegetables greener and grow faster. To do this, 20 days after planting, you need to start feeding the seedlings. By the way, for the entire time of growth and development of cabbage, top dressing should be performed at least three to four times. For the first time, we create the following solution: we take 10 liters of water and dilute 2 tablespoons in it. fertilizers (for example, the drug "Effekton"). We carry out top dressing at the rate of about half a liter per bush.

Properties of Chinese cabbage

From a well-chosen neighborhood with other vegetables, cabbage will grow much better. Many gardeners cannot decide where to plant cabbage. To begin with, it is worth saying that it is worth adhering to a few rules:​

Against keel and bacteriosis, you can warm up the seeds for another 20 minutes, while the temperature should be 50 degrees. And after such a heat treatment for 1.5-2 hours, you need to place them in a solution with a concentration of 0.5 g / liter of ammonium molybdate and boric acid. To increase the germination of seeds, they are treated in a 0.5% urea solution.

Knowing when to plant cabbages in the ground, you can easily determine the optimal time for sowing seeds in your climatic conditions.

Growing seedlings correctly

The general sowing dates are as follows:

Peking cabbage will grow poorly on depleted lands, so the soil must be fertilized with mineral additives with nitrogen.

Many amateur summer residents water cabbage as follows: make a furrow around the cabbage and pour water into it.

After you loosen the ground, it should be trampled down, and then walked with a rake. On the bed that you prepared in advance for cabbage, you need to make small holes. How deep to make holes will be indicated on the bag of seeds. If the soil is dry, then it will need to be watered in advance. And it is best to pour water directly into the holes and wait a while for the water to be absorbed. After that, the seedlings need to be lowered into the ground and sprinkled tightly with earth. This procedure can be performed both with a spatula and with my own hands. Then the cabbage should be watered under the root.

Transplanting seedlings in closed ground

Seeds for sowing are processed in the same way as for early cabbage. They are planted in the ground in stages. Before the first shoots

For planting seedlings, it is necessary to take the ground from under the cucumbers. For one square meter

Sowing cabbage for seedlings is done in boxes or cups. The key to a good harvest in the future will be the quality of the seed, so large seeds should be selected. It is recommended to dip the seeds in hot water (+45 ... +50 degrees) for 20 minutes, and then hold them in cold water for a couple of minutes. Seeds are covered with a layer of soil no more than 1 centimeter. Immediately after planting, the seedlings are watered, further watering is carried out as the earth dries up. Optimum temperature in the first week + 6 ... + 12 degrees.​

After 10 days after the first feeding, the second time comes. To do this, again, in 10 liters of water, we dilute half a liter of mullein or chicken manure, where we add a tablespoon of Kemir fertilizer. For one plant, we need about a liter of solution. These two top dressings are needed when planting both early and late varieties of cabbage.

The best predecessors for this vegetable are beans, cereals, root vegetables and cucumbers.

Some gardeners recommend sowing cabbage seeds as early as January 15th. The timing of sowing seeds, when to plant cabbage for seedlings, is determined by the fact that it takes from 8 to 12 days from sowing seeds to the appearance of friendly seedlings, and another 45-50 days pass from seedlings to the formation of full-fledged seedlings. In the same way, the timing is determined when to plant seedlings of cauliflower.

For early varieties - from the first days of March until 25–26 of the same month;

Outdoor cultivation

Land prepared for planting cabbage can be used for other crops. In this case, legumes are well suited.

But your "mission" does not end there. to you Seedlings must be kept under the film

you need to add one bucket of crushed red clay, one glass of wood ash and one spoonful of superphosphate

Shoots appear quite quickly - on the 3rd - 5th day. A few days later, the boxes are identified in a warm place. The appearance of the first true leaf is a signal for a dive, while maintaining a distance between seedling bushes of at least 6 cm. To preserve the root system, it is better to use nutrient cubes or peat pots. The soil mixture is prepared from peat (7 parts), humus (2 parts), soddy soil and mullein (1 part of each component). A well-compacted mixture is cut into small layers, each approximately 6x6x6 cm in size. Traditional cardboard or plastic cups filled with the above ground mixture can also be used, but when growing seedlings of early cabbage, nutrient cubes allow you to get mature heads almost 2 weeks earlier, due to the integrity of the roots plants.​

Gardeners carry out the third top dressing in June. To do this, take 10 liters of water and 2 tbsp. superphosphate, as well as a tablespoon of potassium sulfate. For each square meter, you need to pour about 7 liters of the composition. The fourth feeding should be carried out in August: we make a composition of 10 liters of water and a tablespoon of nitrophoska and spend about 8 liters per square meter. Do not forget about pests in the form of snails, aphids and slugs. They can be fought with wood ash - one glass per square meter.

When to plant cabbage for seedlings in 2016

When to plant cabbage we choose the optimal time in 2016

You can not grow cabbage for two to three years in a row in the same place.

In sowing boxes, seedlings should grow until the first true leaf appears, then they are dived. During picking, all late-sprouted and weak seedlings, as well as seedlings affected by the “black leg” and with the absence of an apical bud, should be discarded. When picking, seedlings (especially if they are stretched out) are buried almost to the cotyledons so that the seedlings are strengthened by the formation of additional roots. Special seedling soil for growing seedlings of cabbage is not required, it should be the same as for seedlings of other vegetables.

  • Usually two methods are used here: with a transfer and without a dive. I advise you to dive cabbage seedlings, then the root system will be stronger, and the seedlings themselves will not stretch out and take root easier in the open field.
  • Mid-ripening cabbage - March 25 - April 25;
  • Then you need to dig shallow holes at a distance of about 300-400 mm. Planting seedlings more often is not worth it so that it has enough space and nutrients. Therefore, no more than 15 plants should be planted per 1 m2.​

Before planting seedlings, fertilizer is brought into each hole. In order for the root of the plant to absorb all the nutrients, it is necessary to bend the tip of the root up when planting the plant.

It will be necessary to care for and pay attention to seedlings

. If the nights are cold, then the sowing should be additionally insulated.

. Seedlings are planted on the site already at the end of April or in the middle of May.

A week after picking, containers with seedlings are placed in a greenhouse and fertilized. It is preferable to feed with manure or bird droppings. It is possible to use urea or ammonium nitrate. It is recommended to maintain a temperature of +14…+18 degrees in the greenhouse during the daytime, +7…+10 degrees at night. If the temperature in the greenhouse is too high, it is required to ventilate the room, but at the same time exclude drafts. In warm weather during the day, greenhouse frames can be opened for a while.​

When to plant cabbage seedlings

Late varieties of cabbage are usually grown outdoors, however, and this process, which seems simple, actually needs to be carefully calibrated. Moreover, for planting in the spring, not seedlings are used, but seeds. Before sowing, it is necessary to loosen the soil well, carefully rid it of weeds, and then sow the seeds to a depth of about 3 cm. A feature of growing in open ground is that you need to monitor the appearance of the first shoots. The problem is that they can be attacked by fleas, and therefore you need to take care of protecting the bushes in advance. How to do it?​

Soil for cabbage should be fertile and structured, and therefore the ideal option is loam, which has a lot of humus and which retains moisture well. The soil must be neutral.

If the seedlings are grown in a greenhouse under a film, then the light conditions for it are quite favorable, so the plants do not need additional light hardening. It should be borne in mind that cabbage seedlings cannot stand blackout from the moment the first shoots appear until they are ready for planting. In the greenhouse, seedlings are best placed in boxes, and plastic wrap is laid on the surface of the soil under the boxes. The bottom of the boxes is also covered with a film, but holes are made in it so that excess moisture from feeding solutions and watering drains. Such growing seedlings in boxes makes it more convenient to move them around the greenhouse if necessary and makes it easier to reject poor-quality sprouts.

  • Landing preparation
  • Late varieties - throughout April.
  • Add a little fertilizer to the prepared wells, and then pour plenty of water. Transplantation must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the root system of the seedlings. First, the plants must be watered in the morning and in the evening so that the seedlings take root faster. Then watering should be carried out 1 time per day and only with warm water. After it, it is imperative to loosen the soil.

After a few days, you will be able to appreciate the difference, and the cabbage bush will take root. You can accustom seedlings to conditions in the open field with the help of a greenhouse. It needs to be slightly opened during the day and closed at night.

more until it adapts and takes root. Your task is to monitor the watering of cabbage. If the weather is dry and the water no longer helps against overheating, you need to make paper caps for seedlings. Ordinary gardeners use old newspapers for such purposes.

Features of sowing and growing cabbage seeds for seedlings

After the first seedlings have appeared, you need to insert wire arcs and install a film shelter. On hot days, this shelter is removed. Thus, the hardening of plants occurs. If you want to grow seedlings of a certain height, then

Seeding technology is as follows.

In May, seedlings are planted in the beds. The holes are located at a distance of 40 cm. First, about a liter of water is poured into the hole and a bush is planted directly in the mud. To the bottom leaf, the plant is covered with soil.

First, you need to regularly inspect the seedlings. If suddenly you notice holes in cabbage leaves, it's time to act. First, we process the area with ashes, however, this is best done with damp soil. Effective use of infusions based on garlic, onions, tobacco dust. Secondly, plants can be covered with a film in advance, while simultaneously processing chemicals. Thirdly, cabbage planted in open ground requires a sufficient amount of moisture. This is explained by the fact that due to the large leaf surface, too much water evaporates. With a lack of moisture, the yield will decrease, so ideally you need to know how to plant cabbage correctly: it is best to do this in low relief or near water bodies. Fourthly, there should not be too much moisture, otherwise the cabbage will stop growing and become withered. Accordingly, you can not even dream of a harvest.

Experts say that the right combination of crops in the garden is a guarantee that the harvest will be large. This is due to the fact that various plants (vegetables, berries) can have an adverse effect on their neighbors, for example, taking useful material or causing metabolic disorders. It is noteworthy that cabbage, along with cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, celery and onions, takes a lot of nutrients from the ground. Therefore, the question of what to plant cabbage with remains relevant.

Seedlings should be watered abundantly, but not too often. The water temperature for irrigation should be slightly higher than the temperature of the soil in which it is grown. For proper care of seedlings, the temperature regime should also be observed, this will ensure its air hardening. Before planting seedlings in open ground, the temperature regime in the greenhouse should be equalized with the outside temperature for several days.

For sowing seeds, you can use special containers or boxes, the walls of which should have a height of about 4–10 cm. Soddy soil or peat non-acidic soil mixed with humus should be poured into them.

To choose a favorable day for planting, most gardeners use lunar calendar. He will tell you when to plant cabbage seeds according to the phases of the moon.​

In the event that the plants have grown well, it is better not to feed. If they are rather weak, they need to be fed with urea at the rate of 20 g per 10 liters of water. Harvest can already be obtained in 30-40 days. For storage, heads of cabbage should be dug along with the root. The storage location must be cool.​

Beijing cabbage differs from white cabbage in that it contains 2 times more protein, and from leaf lettuce in that it contains 2 times more vitamins. Many are interested in the question: how to grow Chinese cabbage? The technology of its cultivation is no more complicated than that of another crop. The main thing is to choose the most suitable method for yourself, and the harvest will come out well.​

In order to properly plant cabbage in the ground, the following requirements must be considered.

It must be fed with a solution of nitrogen fertilizer

How to plant cabbage seeds?

Rybka Ozernaya

Sowing of seeds takes place 40 days before the implementation date.

Standard seedlings have no more than 5 true leaves;

It is worth remembering that any care errors - incorrect or missed watering or poor ventilation - will affect the appearance of various diseases. The most popular disease is considered to be black leg, which can be combated with a wood ash-based substrate. You can fight root rot by treating the roots with Trichodermin and Rizoplan. These drugs are biologically pure, so they do not have any harmful effects on seedlings. Thanks to the treatment of the first of them, a zone protected from microorganisms is created around the roots, and the Rizoplan preparation allows the seedlings to absorb iron, which means that they will have immunity to the black leg. Means "Trichodermin" must be added to the soil mixture, and then plant cabbage.

Gardeners also adhere to the following rule when planting seedlings: ideally, the neighborhood of plants with a long root structure and those crops that do not have pronounced roots is good. This planting helps the plants not compete for nutrients and water. You can not plant cabbage next to spinach, because the latter requires frequent watering, and for cabbage enough and moderately dry land.

In a pot and in the ground.

Select large cabbage seeds without visible defects and disinfect them.

Larisa Najdenova

Cabbage is good to plant on the growing moon. ​

Beijing cabbage, like any other vegetable crop, is susceptible to pests, so it is necessary to take measures to protect it. After planting, ash should be poured around the seedlings to protect against earthen fleas. When slugs and snails appear, you need to prepare a mixture: for 0.5 cans of ash, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, ground pepper and dry mustard. If a cabbage butterfly was seen above the cabbage, then you need to check the lower leaves for the presence of a colony of eggs and immediately remove them.

kohlrabi cabbage growing seedlings

Cabbage is one of the most important horticultural crops, which is grown in seedlings in many regions. From how correctly the timing of planting cabbage for seedlings was chosen and how the seedlings were cared for before planting them in the garden, the harvest of the crop depends, which, without exaggeration, will feed you all year. We will tell you when to sow cabbage for seedlings, how to grow cabbage seedlings at home and when to plant them in the garden.

When to plant cabbage for seedlings in 2019

If you do not know when to plant cabbage for seedlings, it is best to refer to the lunar sowing calendar.

Consider favorable days for sowing.

  • January: 1, 5-7, 19-21, 24, 25, 28, 29;
  • February: 8-10, 20-22, 25, 26;
  • March: 10, 11, 15, 20, 21, 24, 25;
  • April: 20, 21, 27, 28, 29;
  • May: 18, 19, 24-28;
  • June: 3-5, 10, 11, 15, 23, 24;
  • July: 8, 9, 20-22, 25, 26, 30, 31.

Growing seedlings of cabbage at home

Soil for seedlings of cabbage

For seedlings of all varieties of cabbage, a loose and light substrate is needed, so peat should be its main component. Here are some sample recipes for seedling substrates for cabbage:

  • 75% peat, 20% sod land and 5% sand;
  • equal parts of peat, humus or compost and sod land should be mixed with a small amount of sand;
  • mix equal parts of soddy land and humus with wood ash and add one tablespoon of complex mineral fertilizer per 1 kg of soil mixture.

For growing cabbage seedlings, store soil can also be used.

Whatever substrate you prefer, it must be disinfected before sowing - warm it up for 5 minutes in a microwave oven turned on at full power, or bake it for 15 minutes in an oven at a temperature of 200 ºC. After that, the soil should be cooled, placed in a container treated with a one percent solution of potassium permanganate and allowed to stand in a warm place for a couple of weeks, until bacteria useful for seedlings multiply in the substrate.

In the photo: Cabbage seedlings

Preparing cabbage seeds for sowing

Cabbage seeds for seedlings of all varieties are prepared for sowing in the same way. First, the seed is sorted, selecting seeds no smaller than 1.5 mm, then they are wrapped in a triple layer of gauze and placed for 15 minutes in a thermos with water at a temperature of 45-50 ºC, and then immediately immersed in cold water for 2 minutes. After water procedures seeds in wet gauze are kept at room temperature for a day, putting them on a saucer, then they are stratified for a day in a refrigerator at a temperature of 1-2 ºC and, finally, dried to a loose state and sown.

If you purchased seed in a store, carefully read the instructions on the package - it is likely that the seeds are already ready for sowing and do not need dressing and stratification. Painted in different colors seeds are sown without any preparation in a dry form.

Cabbage seedlings can be grown with or without picking. When growing with a pick, sowing can be done in one common container - a box or container, and later the grown seedlings are planted in separate pots. But if you want to avoid picking that injures the roots of seedlings, you need to sow the seeds immediately in separate containers - cups, pots, in cassettes with large cells or in peat tablets.

Planting cabbage seeds for seedlings with a pick

In boxes with a depth of 4-5 cm, a layer of soil mixture 3-4 cm thick is laid and watered with a solution of two tablets of Gamair and two tablets of Alirin-B in 10 liters of water. It is better to do this a couple of days before sowing. On the day of sowing, grooves 1 cm deep are made in the soil at a distance of 3 cm from each other, in which the seeds are laid out at a distance of 1-1.5 cm, after which the grooves are sprinkled with soil. Then the surface is slightly compacted, the crops are placed on the windowsill and kept at a temperature of 18-20 ºC. Shoots usually appear in 4-5 days.

How to grow seedlings of cabbage in tablets

If you do not want to injure the roots of cabbage seedlings with a pick, grow them in peat pellets. The tablets consist of pressed peat with the addition of trace elements and nutrients necessary for plants, so you can not feed the seedlings until planting in the garden. The tablets are in a net impregnated with a fungicide that will protect your seedlings from fungal diseases.

In the photo: Cabbage seedlings planted in the ground

Planting cabbage for seedlings is carried out in tablets with a diameter of at least 4 cm, which are preliminarily placed in a deep container and poured with warm water until they are completely swollen. When the tablets grow 7-8 times, the excess water must be drained, the seeds, 2 pieces, spread out into the recesses on the surface of the tablets and fill the holes with peat. After that, the container with tablets is placed in a bright place and kept at a temperature of 18-20 ºC until shoots appear. When the seeds germinate and shoots get stronger, cut off a weak seedling at the root in each tablet, but in no case pull it out so as not to damage the roots of a more developed seedling.

Sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings in cassettes

You can avoid picking by sowing seeds in cassettes for cabbage seedlings.

Choose a cassette with a depth of at least 7-8 cm with cells of the following sizes:

  • for early varieties of cabbage - from 6x6 to 7x8 cm;
  • for mid-season varieties - 5x6 cm;
  • for later - 5x5 cm.

You can fill the cells with one of the substrates we have proposed and sow two seeds in each, or you can sow cabbage seeds in tablets, and then arrange the tablets in the cells. By the way, if roots begin to sprout through the grid of tablets, you need to transplant the seedlings into a pot along with the tablet. If the tablet is in the cell of the cassette, simply add substrate to the cell to fill the space.

Cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse

Good seedlings of cabbage are obtained when grown in a greenhouse, because the sun's rays penetrate well through its transparent coating without harming the seedlings. Yes, and moisture from the soil in the greenhouse does not evaporate as quickly as in the conditions of an apartment, where at this time of the year heating devices operate at full capacity. Growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse also has the advantage that an optimal microclimate for seedlings is created there.

In the photo: Planted seedlings of cabbage

Seeds for sowing in the greenhouse must be dry. Early varieties are sown from late March to mid-April, mid-ripening and late varieties - from early to late April.

Make several rows on the bed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other and water them abundantly, then scatter the seeds into the grooves so that there are no more than 3 seeds per 1 cm². Sow the seeds to a depth of at least 1 cm and not more than 2 cm.

When the seedlings that have appeared acquire the first true leaves, it is advisable to treat them with an insecticide from cruciferous fleas, and at the stage of development of 4 leaves, in order for the seedlings to form an even stem, pour a layer of soil 3-4 cm thick onto the bed. or cutting off less developed seedlings at the root, after which it is imperative to water the garden bed.

Buy cabbage seedlings - is it worth it?

Growing cabbage seedlings is not Newton's binomial, as they say, but if for some reason you could not or did not want to do this, you will have to buy seedlings.

How not to make a mistake in choosing seedlings? Listen to our advice, and do not let yourself be deceived.

Seedlings are selected according to such external signs:

  • the stems of seedlings should not be light green, as when overfeeding with nitrogen, but green with a purple tint;
  • the root system of seedlings should be well developed;
  • do not buy seedlings collected and tied in bunches.

Keep in mind that if the seedlings have round leaves, the heads of cabbage will subsequently also be round or slightly flattened. Seedlings with oval oblong leaves form oblong heads of cabbage. You also need to know that if the stem (the distance from the root neck to the lower leaves) of the seedlings is short, this is the seedlings of early cabbage, and the seedlings of late varieties have a thick and long stem and large leaves.

In the photo: cabbage seedlings

After purchasing the seedlings, pack them in a damp cloth or strong paper, being careful not to squeeze the roots. And keep in mind that if the quality of seedlings can be determined by eye, then you can only find out what kind of variety you purchased from the words of the seller, so buy seedlings not on the market, but at fairs, and only from well-established manufacturers.

Cabbage seedling care at home

Conditions for growing seedlings of cabbage

As soon as shoots appear in the common box, the crops are moved to the most illuminated place, and the temperature of the content is lowered to 10-12 ºC, otherwise the seedlings will begin to stretch. After a week, the temperature is raised to 15-17 ºC, and after another 3-4 days, the seedlings dive into separate cups or pots. As soon as the seedlings take root after picking, the following temperature regime is set for them: during the day - 13-14, and at night - 10-12 ºC. At first, cabbage seedlings grow very slowly, but gradually their growth is gaining momentum, and three weeks after picking, they will already have three leaves.

Keep in mind that seedlings of cauliflower require a temperature regime 6-8 ºC higher than seedlings of white cabbage and other varieties.

Seedlings grown in tablets or in cassettes are not dived; otherwise, the conditions for growing cabbage seedlings are the same as for seedlings grown in a common box. Don't forget to thin out the seedlings leaving one more developed seedling in each container.

Illumination of cabbage seedlings

For normal development, cabbage seedlings need good lighting, and at the end of winter and early spring it dawns late and darkens early. How to grow cabbage seedlings in conditions of short daylight hours and not let it stretch out? It is necessary to install an LED or fluorescent lamp or phytolamp above the seedlings at a height of 20-25 cm, which should work at least 12, and preferably 15 hours a day.

Do not use incandescent lamps for artificial lighting - they do not emit the same light that plants need, and besides, they heat the air.

In the photo: Growing cabbage in a box

Watering cabbage seedlings

Cabbage seedlings at home need watering as the topsoil dries. Both insufficient and excessive soil moisture are dangerous for seedlings, and in order not to have to water seedlings too often, do not neglect loosening the soil. To moisten the soil, settled water at room temperature is used. Be sure to ventilate the room after each watering.

Fertilizing cabbage seedlings

The first time cabbage is fed a week after picking with a solution of 2 g of ammonium nitrate, 1 g of potassium fertilizer and 4 g of superphosphate in 1 liter of water. Two weeks after the first top dressing, you can make a second, doubling the amount of fertilizer for the same amount of water. The third dressing is applied a day or two before planting on the garden, so it is called hardening: 4 g of superphosphate, 2 g of ammonium nitrate and 6-7 g of potassium fertilizer are dissolved in one liter of water. An increased dose of potassium contributes to the rapid establishment of seedlings in open ground.

Picking cabbage seedlings (transplantation)

As we already wrote, only the cabbage that was sown in a common box is dived. One and a half weeks after the emergence of seedlings, the seedlings are planted in separate pots, watered with a solution of one tablet of Alirin-B and one tablet of Gamair in 10 liters of water, and for 2-3 days, until the seedlings take root, the temperature in the room is maintained within 17-18 ºC . Seedlings are deepened along the cotyledon leaves, and the surface of the substrate after planting, in order to prevent the black leg, is covered with a layer of washed river sand 2 mm thick. As soon as the seedlings adapt in a new container, the daytime temperature is lowered to 13-14 ºC, and the night temperature to 10-12 ºC.

Diseases of cabbage seedlings and their treatment

Cabbage seedlings turn yellow

This phenomenon may have several reasons. For example, leaves may turn yellow from a lack of certain elements in the soil: if the seedlings lack phosphorus, the leaves turn yellow on the underside of the plate and may acquire a red-violet hue, the tips of the leaves turn yellow from a lack of potassium, and if the plant lacks iron, the leaves turn yellow throughout the base.

yellowness appears and from excess nutrition- seedlings suffer from poisoning with too large doses of fertilizers. To remedy the situation, you need to shed the soil with plenty of water, setting the container so that the water flows out of it freely. As a last resort, you can transplant seedlings into new soil.

In the photo: Hatched seedlings of cabbage

Sometimes yellowness on the leaves appears due to the fact that you sea ​​sand was added to the soil mixture, containing salt, which poisons the root system of seedlings. It is necessary to transplant the seedlings into a new soil, after washing their roots with water.

Another reason for the yellowing of the leaves may be an infection that has entered the soil along with seeds that have not been disinfected before sowing.

cabbage seedlings rot

Most often, seedling rotting occurs due to black leg damage - a fungal disease that develops against the background of increased acidity and high soil moisture and too high nitrogen content in it. The causative agent of the disease may be in the soil, which was not disinfected before sowing. In a diseased seedling, the lower part of the stem first darkens and rots - it becomes watery and turns brown. Then a constriction is formed at this place, the seedling dies and lies down. It is necessary to remove all diseased specimens, and shed the soil with a pink solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 3-4 g per 10 liters of water, after which do not water the seedlings for a week.

Cabbage seedlings are stretched

The main reasons for this phenomenon are the lack of light and the wrong temperature regime. Moreover, seedlings can stretch even in good light, if the planting density is such that the plants have to literally push their way to the light. And this is another argument in favor of sowing seeds in separate containers.

And, of course, the most important factor in the normal development of seedlings is compliance with the recommended temperature regime.

Diseases of cabbage seedlings

In addition to the black leg, phomosis cabbage seedlings are affected - a fungal disease that is transmitted by seeds. The development of the disease can be prevented by pre-sowing treatment of seeds in hot water or in a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Phomosis is manifested by the formation of black blotches on the stems and leaves of growing seedlings, and since it is impossible to save the affected plants, you have to reseed the cabbage.

In the photo: Fake leaves of cabbage seedlings

It affects seedlings of kila cabbage - a disease of cruciferous and flower crops. The environment where the causative agent of the disease lives is heavy acidified soil, which is why it is so important to subject the soil to disinfection and liming before sowing. It affects the root system of plants, as a result of which the seedlings cannot feed on their own and die. Sick seedlings must be destroyed, and the holes that remain after them should be treated with ash or charcoal.

Pests of cabbage seedlings

Sometimes, when growing seedlings in a greenhouse, it is struck by a cruciferous flea - the worst enemy of all cabbage crops. To avoid the unpleasant consequences of a pest attack, carry out preventive treatment of seedlings with a solution of the drug Inta-virprepared in accordance with the instructions.

Planting seedlings of cabbage

When to plant seedlings of cabbage in the ground

A couple of weeks before planting cabbage seedlings in the garden, you need to start hardening procedures: seedlings are taken out into the open air under the sun's rays - on a balcony, veranda or garden. At first, they are kept there for no more than an hour, but the duration of the hardening procedure is increased daily, and by the time they are planted in the ground, the seedlings should spend around the clock in the air.

A week before transplanting to the garden, watering the seedlings is reduced, but the seedlings should not be allowed to fade. A day or two before planting, hardening top dressing with a high potassium content is carried out. Seedlings planted in the garden should be stocky, strong, with 6-8 leaves and a well-developed root system. Early cabbage is planted from late April to early May, mid-season varieties are planted in late May or early June, and from mid to late May it is time for late varieties.

How to plant seedlings of cabbage in the garden

The area allotted for cabbage should be well lit. The soil must be prepared in advance: cleared of weeds and plant residues, dug up with the addition of 6-8 kg of rotted manure or compost and 100-200 g of wood ash for each m².

In the photo: Growing cabbage seedlings in an egg box

White and red cabbage are planted according to the following scheme:

  • early varieties and hybrids - 30-35x40-45 cm;
  • mid-ripening cabbage - 50-60x60 cm;
  • late varieties - 60-70x70 cm.

After this article, they usually read

When to plant seedlings of cabbage, transplant it to a garden bed in open ground? These questions are often asked by gardeners. And they do it right, since the quality of the crop depends significantly on the proper cultivation of seedlings and the timing of planting. For growing seedlings, it is important to choose the right soil, fertilizers, planting capacity. Be sure to monitor the plants in order to identify pests and diseases in time.

Features of planting seedlings

At home, growing cabbage seedlings is quite simple for those gardeners who have at least a little experience. If you are doing this for the first time, then get acquainted with certain nuances of sowing seeds, caring for seedlings and planting them in the open. How to plant cabbage for seedlings? Here a number of recommendations, which will help grow healthy and strong cabbage:

If you follow all the rules, then the seedlings will be strong, and the harvest will be plentiful. Let's take a closer look at how to plant cabbage.

Seed preparation

Many gardeners buy seeds from the store. You need to choose a reliable and trusted manufacturer whose seeds have proven themselves in the market. Many of them process the material for sowing in order to increase its germination and protect it from diseases. Information about processing, her agricultural technology, listed on the seed packet. The age of the seed must be no more than a year.

If you grew the seeds yourself, then you also need to prepare yourself. For sowing seedlings select the largest seeds. After they are lowered for a few minutes in a 3% composition of salt. Floating seeds are removed, they are unsuitable for sowing. Seeds can be tested for germination. Approximately 100 grains are laid out on a cloth moistened with water. With regular watering, shoots appear in a week. Determine what percentage of seeds turned out to be suitable for sowing.

To protect against bacteria and fungi, the seeds are disinfected. Why use different methods:

  • Good result shows disinfection warm water, 49-55 degrees. At a lower temperature, disinfection will not occur, and at an elevated temperature, the material will lose its germination. Seeds are soaked for 20 minutes, the temperature must be controlled with a thermometer.
  • The material is soaked in a strong solution manganese for half an hour, then thoroughly washed with clean water.

Before planting seeds, you need to improve their germination. Here are the popular methods:

  • Liter water mixed with 1 tbsp. l. wood ash.
  • Sowing material is soaked in a solution nitrophoska(per liter water 1 st. l.).
  • Normal water lightly cover the seeds for 12 hours.

Seeds are hardened for a day in the refrigerator at a temperature of 5 - 7 degrees. Then they can be planted. Hardening ensures the resistance of seedlings to diseases and temperature extremes.

Soil preparation and planting seeds

Seedlings from seeds grow well in the composition of the earth with humus and sod 1:1. Can be taken peat instead of sod land. It is not necessary to use land from the garden, littered or planted with cruciferous crops, for cultivation, there are many pathogens. To fertilize the land, for 1 kg you need to add 1 tbsp. l. ash.

Seeds should be planted in moist soil with a depth of 5 - 6 mm, in pre-cut grooves. The distance between the seeds is 1.5 - 2.5 cm. Before the formation of the first shoots, they are not watered to avoid rotting of the roots. When the cabbage has risen after sowing, watering begins. After 12 - 14 days, the first bait is made.

Growing seedlings of any variety produced with or without a pick. The first method is much more productive, but it will require additional effort and time. If seedlings grown with pick, then at first the seeds are planted in a box, providing an area of ​​​​2.5 × 2.5 cm for one sprout. When the first leaves are formed, the seedlings are thinned out, the healthiest and strongest are transplanted into a box, taking into account the area of ​​3.5 × 3.5 cm per plant. After another 14 days, the seedlings are transplanted into pots, for one bush it is necessary to provide an area of ​​​​7 × 7 cm. Picking is carried out only once, immediately transplanting plants into pots.

If a grow seedlings without transplants, then it is necessary to calculate an area of ​​​​8 × 8 cm for one plant. It is advisable to plant plants in greenhouses or in cassettes. It is necessary to monitor the number of leaves so that the seedlings do not overgrow. There should be 5-7 of them on the stem. Overgrown plants give weak heads, take root poorly, so they are removed.

When to plant cabbage for seedlings?

What is the optimal time for planting cabbage for seedlings? The calendar will greatly depend on weather outside, climate, varieties. For example, in Siberia or the Urals, seedlings are planted on open ground in early summer, and in warm areas - in early spring. Each variety is characterized maturity and seedling growth. It must be taken into account during planting seeds. Here are the terms that seedlings of various varieties must grow in closed ground:

Taking into account these terms, determine the date of sowing for seedlings of cabbage in greenhouse or balcony. So, when to plant cabbage on seedlings:

  • White cabbage early- March 15–20.
  • White-headed mid-season and late it is desirable to sow on April 12–17.
  • Kohlrabi planted from March to June, taking into account the desired harvest time.
  • Savoy planted late February to late March.
  • cauliflower planted from early to late May.
  • Brussels planted throughout April.

Types of cabbage

Fertilizers and watering

Proper care of cabbage seedlings involves periodic watering. Water in pots should not stagnate, otherwise the stems and roots will rot. However, the earth must be constantly slightly moist, not dry out, in order for the seedlings to develop strong. To reduce the amount of watering, you need to loosen priming. In this case, it will not dry out, the moisture in it will remain much longer. Instead of ordinary water, seedlings can be watered melt water then the seedlings grow better.

In pots with seedlings of cabbage need to add fertilizer. The first bait is performed seven days after picking or 14 days after germination. Mix 4 grams in one liter of water superphosphate add 2 grams ammonia and potash fertilizers. This amount of fertilizer is enough for about 70 bushes. After 1 - 2 weeks, the bait is repeated, but bait should be done with a double concentration. For the third time, bait is added a few days before planting in open ground.

For gardeners who do not want to prepare solutions and mixtures for a long time, a universal ready-made bait is suitable, for example, "Kemira-Lux", this fertilizer has excellent reviews and good fame. If you want to get organic cabbage without "chemistry", then use it as a bait straw or wood ash(per liter of water 1 tablespoon) or bird droppings, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, let it brew for a week, after which this concentrate is diluted another 10 times and the seedlings are watered.

Disease control

Young plants are exposed to various pathogenic bacteria and fungi. To prevent diseases, seeds must be processed before planting, warm the ground. So that last year's illness does not return, cabbage is planted in a new place.

The most common seedling diseases are as follows:

False rot characterized by yellow and gray spots on the leaves. The seedling is thin, weak and small, does not grow well, certain plants die. Bushes are treated with Bordeaux liquid, humidity and temperature are controlled in the greenhouse. Root rot is caused by a fungus that develops in excessively moist soil. They fight it with drugs "Rizoplan» and "Trichodermin» .

quila It's a fungal infection. It is expressed on the roots with round growths that interfere with the nutrition of the bush. It is necessary to carefully select seedlings before planting in open ground, throw away infected seedlings.

Also a fungal disease. It appears due to stagnation of air, high humidity, improper care. It infects the root area on the stem, it turns black and the plant dies. Methods of struggle - proper watering, disinfection of soil and seeds.

Preparing for landing on open ground

Planting cabbage seedlings in the ground needs timely preparation of the land. It is not recommended to plant cabbage in the same place more often than 3-4 years in a row. After the site is planted with other vegetables for four years. It’s great if you grew up in this place before tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, legumes. For cabbage the most favorable soil is loam. If the earth is acidic, then in autumn 2 - 3 glasses per 1 sq.m. are added to it. mixtures dolomite flour with chalk. At the same time, the soil is fertilized manure of animals and poultry. On poorly cultivated beds add 6 - 7 kg / m², lowland - 3 - 4 kg, medium cultivated - 5 - 6 kg.

In April they add to the ground mineral and organic supplements. Apply urea, compost, humus with ash and other mixed baits. Before planting seedlings in the ground, In the hole you need to add the following composition:

  • Nitrophoska - 1 tsp;
  • Ash from straw or wood - 1 tablespoon;
  • Compost - 500 gr.

After adding the bait, the hole is watered with water, it must be warm. The earth must first be fluffed with a rake. Then the water will not evaporate so quickly, and it will be easier to dig out the weeds.

How and when to plant in the beds?

Planting of any variety in open ground is carried out when 5 - 6 true leaves appeared on cabbage sprouts, developed roots, a strong stem 17 - 22 cm long. When you need to plant cabbage on a garden bed, depends largely on the varieties and species.

winter cabbage can be planted in late spring or early summer. Early varieties planted in the first days of May or in the last decade of April. Mediterranean thermophilic varieties frosts harm, they must be planted closer to the beginning of summer. But here chinese cabbage and chinese fully formed only in late autumn and early spring. Because they are planted in September or March, it is advisable to grow these varieties in a seedless way, directly from seeds.

How to plant cabbage correctly in open beds? It is better to start planting in the afternoon, when the sun does not bake so much, so that young shoots do not wither. The soil must be fluffed, dig holes with a diameter of 12 - 17 cm and a depth of about 12 cm. Before planting cabbage, they add groundbait. The holes are dug in a row, when planting seedlings of early varieties, the aisles must be 45–60 cm wide, and the distance between the holes is 30 cm. It is necessary to plant late varieties at large intervals, between plants the distance is 35 - 40 cm, between rows - 55 - 60 cm.

After planting cabbage on open ground, seedlings are watered 2-3 times a day for one week, then they switch to watering once a week. If the weather is rainy and cloudy, then you can immediately water the plants once a week. Earth needed loosen after each watering. After about 14 days, when the seedlings are well stretched, the cabbage needs to be fed. In 10 liters of water, knead the following mixture:

You can use 500 grams for bait bird droppings or cow dung and dilute them in 10 liters of water. For the next bait, the same type of fertilizer is used, it is performed 2 to 3 weeks after the first. Late types of cabbage are fed for the third time in early September, thereby increasing the yield.

Even for a beginner gardener, there is nothing difficult when growing cabbage. It is only necessary to learn how to properly plant seeds for seedlings and plant seedlings in open ground. Quite a bit of effort - and with the onset of autumn, the owner's cabbage will thank with a plentiful and generous harvest.

Cabbage is one of the most popular vegetable crops, which is grown by almost every gardener on his plot. It contains a large amount of minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, cabbage can be consumed in any form: cheese, stew, sauerkraut. You can grow it in seedling and seedless way. In most regions of our country, cabbage is planted with seedlings. The main thing is to properly prepare for planting and further provide the sprouts with the necessary care.

Landing preparation

For the cultivation of cabbage through seedlings, it is necessary to prepare containers, soil and seed material.

Soil and container preparation

The choice and preparation of the soil must be approached with special attention. The first soil that comes across is no good. If, for example, we consider the soil from the garden, then it may contain dangerous microorganisms and pest larvae. It is better to buy a mixture for growing seedlings ready-made or make it yourself. You can choose one of the recipes:

  • sod land, peat and humus in a ratio of 1:1:1;
  • peat, sod land and coarse sand - 1:3:1/4;
  • wood ash, lime, coarse sand - 1:1/4:1/4.

For growing cabbage seedlings, the soil mixture is bought or prepared independently

The main qualities that the soil for seedlings must meet are fertility, water and air permeability.

Soil preparation is best done in the fall and stored until spring in a cool place.

For sowing and growing cabbage seedlings at home, you can use:

  • cups,
  • pots,
  • boxes,
  • cassette.

The capacity is selected depending on the expected number of plants to be grown. If the volumes are large, then it is more reasonable to use seedling boxes and cassettes with subsequent picking of seedlings. Regardless of what the sowing will be done in, there should be holes in the bottom of the tank so that water does not stagnate.

Cabbage seedlings can be grown both in seedling boxes and in separate containers.

Seed preparation

Before sowing, seeds need to be prepared:

  • select quality materials
  • disinfect it,
  • increase germination.


Cabbage seeds are calibrated in 3% salt solution for 5 minutes. In salt water, light grains will float, and heavy ones will sink to the bottom: they should be used for planting. Then the seeds are washed in clean water and dried. For sowing, you can use not only large, but also medium planting material.

Cabbage seeds must be calibrated before planting in order to select the highest quality seed

Germination test

To determine the germination of seed material, it is wrapped in a damp cloth, and it is better to take 100 pieces for a more convenient calculation. Germination is carried out in a place where the temperature is maintained at + 20–25 ˚С, while it is necessary to monitor the condition of the tissue and prevent it from drying out. Every day, the seeds are inspected, germinated are counted and removed. From the grains that sprouted in the first 3 days, you can determine how friendly the seedlings will be, and from those that hatched within 7 days - the germination of seed material.


To disinfect seeds from pathogens of fungal and bacterial diseases, in most cases they resort to treatment with a 1–2% solution of potassium permanganate, followed by washing in clean water. You can achieve a greater effect by heat treatment by placing the seeds in a gauze bag in water at a temperature of + 48–50 ˚С for 20 minutes. The indicated temperature should not be exceeded, since the seeds will lose their germination, and at a lower temperature there will be no result from such treatment.

To disinfect cabbage seeds, they are treated in a 1–2% solution of potassium permanganate

How to speed up germination

In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they are soaked in water at room temperature and placed in a warm place where they should be for about 12 hours, while it is recommended to change the water every 4 hours. The amount of liquid should be such that it only covers the seeds. In the process of soaking, the grains swell. If the sowing time has not yet come, then they are wrapped in a damp cloth and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Soaking can also be done in special solutions (for example, wood ash infusion). For its preparation:

  1. In 1 liter of warm water, 2 tablespoons of ash are poured.
  2. Insist for a day, and then filter.
  3. Soak in this solution for 3 hours.
  4. After the seeds are washed with clean water.

You can accelerate the germination of cabbage seeds with the help of ash infusion, in which they are soaked for 3 hours


Before sowing cabbage, it is recommended to harden the seeds to increase resistance to low temperatures. After all the preparatory procedures, the seed material is placed in the lower part of the refrigerator (+1–2 ˚С) for a day. After this time, the seeds are dried and start sowing.

Planting seeds for seedlings

The timing of sowing cabbage for seedlings depends on the crop variety, region and when it is supposed to be harvested.


When growing cabbage of early varieties in some regions, seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of April, which indicates the need to sow seeds in mid-February or early March. Varieties of medium ripening for seedlings must be sown in early April, late-ripening - at the end of the month. In unprotected soil, plants of these varieties are planted from mid-May to early June. As for more precise dates, they will depend on weather conditions for a particular region. It is not difficult to calculate the time for sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings: about 10 days pass from sowing to germination, and 50–55 days from the first sprouts to planting plants in the ground. This indicates the need to plant seeds for seedlings 60–65 days before transplanting into open ground.

How to sow

Sowing the culture in question is quite simple and boils down to the following steps:

Video: sowing cabbage for seedlings

Caring for cabbage seedlings at home

To grow healthy and strong seedlings, she needs to provide proper care. Otherwise, not only growth retardation is possible, but also the occurrence of diseases, and in the worst case, the death of seedlings.


Cabbage seedlings should appear on the 9-10th day after sowing. During this period, the temperature must be reduced to +10 ˚С. At higher rates, young seedlings will stretch. In addition, there is a possibility of developing diseases and death of seedlings.

If seedlings are grown in an apartment, then the most suitable place would be a glazed loggia (balcony).

After 1–2 weeks, the temperature is raised to + 16–17 ˚С, at night it is maintained at + 7–10 ˚С, while ensuring regular ventilation.

When growing cabbage seedlings, it is important to observe the temperature regime depending on the stage of development.

top dressing

Feeding is a mandatory measure in the care of cabbage seedlings. Plants need additional nutrition, which ensures their active growth and development. Fertilizers are applied several times:

  1. 2 weeks after germination - ammonium nitrate (2 g), superphosphate (4 g), potash fertilizers (2 g), which are diluted in 1 liter of water, are used as batteries. The resulting solution is watered with seedlings under the root with preliminary moistening of the soil with water.
  2. 2 weeks after the first feeding - use the same fertilizers and in the same proportions, but based on 0.5 liters of water.
  3. 2 weeks before landing on the site - use saltpeter (3 g), superphosphate (5 g) and potash fertilizers (8 g) per 1 liter of water.


For normal growth, cabbage needs to provide 12–15 hours of daylight. As a source of additional lighting, fluorescent, phyto- or LED lamps are used. They are installed above seedlings at a height of 20–25 cm.

Cabbage seedlings need 12–15 hours of daylight, for which additional lighting is used


Picks are subjected only to those seedlings that were sown in seedling boxes. If the seedlings are grown in separate containers, then they have enough space for normal development. Planting begins 10 days after germination. It must be understood that this is a painful process for plants, since the root system is partially damaged. Consider how to properly transplant seedlings into a separate container (cups, pots):

Since when diving, pathogenic microorganisms can enter the root processes, after removing the seedling from the seedling box, it is recommended to dip it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1 drop per 1 liter of water).

Video: picking cabbage using broccoli as an example

Seedling hardening

2 weeks before planting cabbage seedlings on the site, the plants must be hardened off. This is done so that they adapt to the environment as much as possible. The seedlings are taken out to the veranda, balcony or garden, first for 1 hour, then gradually increasing the residence time. By the time of planting, the plants should be outdoors around the clock. In addition, a week before transplanting, they begin to reduce watering, preventing the seedlings from wilting.

In order for cabbage seedlings to adapt to external conditions, it must first be hardened

Landing in the ground

A well-lit area is chosen for cabbage, and it is prepared in advance:

  • remove weeds and other plant debris;
  • 6–8 kg of compost or rotted manure and 100 g of wood ash per 1 m² are brought in for digging.

The planting scheme depends on the type and variety:

  • early varieties - 35 × 45 cm;
  • mid-season - 60 × 60 cm;
  • late - 70 × 70 cm.

The optimal conditions for planting seedlings in open ground are cloudy weather. Planting containers must first be watered. The process consists of the following steps:

Within a few days after planting, it is necessary to shade the plants from the sun and spray with water in the evening.

How to grow cabbage seedlings

Many garden crops are grown in seedlings. The most common option for gardeners is seedling boxes or separate containers. However, in the conditions of the apartment to provide the necessary conditions plants are not so easy, especially when in large numbers seedlings. Therefore, in recent times Increasingly, new methods of cultivating seedlings are being used, which can reduce labor costs, reduce the area occupied without any damage to the quality of seedlings. Let's consider these methods in more detail.

In peat tablets

To prevent damage to the roots of cabbage seedlings during a pick, seedlings can be grown in peat tablets, which contain all the necessary nutrients. Until the plants are planted on the site, they will not need additional nutrition. The sequence of actions when growing seedlings in tablets is as follows:

If the roots have sprouted through the tablet, the seedlings are transplanted into the planting container along with the tablet, freeing it from the material holding the shape.

In "snail"

The undoubted advantage of seedlings in the "snail" is the small footprint: about 15 seedlings can be grown in one roll, and its size is comparable to an average pot. In addition, the soil mixture for this method will require much less than when planting in the standard way. Shoots in the "snail" are illuminated evenly and do not interfere with each other's development. One of the common materials for this method of obtaining seedlings is a substrate for a laminate. The landing process consists of the following steps:

Video: growing seedlings in a "snail" using pepper as an example

In "diapers"

A fairly simple way to grow cabbage seedlings is in "diapers". In this case, you will need plastic bags 20 × 30 cm or pieces of film, as well as a soil mixture. It is recommended to moisten the soil and add a small amount of sawdust for better formation. Then perform the following steps:

Video: growing seedlings in "diapers" using cucumbers as an example

Growing seedlings without land

Landless cultivation of seedlings of cabbage, which is also called the Moscow method or "hand-rolled", greatly simplifies the receipt of seedlings and their picking to a permanent place. With this method, planting containers and soil are not needed. The absence of contact between seedlings and the ground at the beginning of plant development excludes the occurrence of diseases: such seedlings do not get sick with a black leg. Similar to other modern methods, the landless option allows you to save space and accommodate more planting containers with plants that prefer heat.

For this method, you need a three-layer toilet paper, pallet for laying cigarettes, cling film and seeds. The whole process boils down to the following steps:

When sowing cabbage of several varieties, immediately mark them, for example, by making an inscription on the “roll-up” with a marker.

After the sprouts appear, the package is removed. During the cultivation of seedlings, it is necessary to fertilize twice: during the period of seed germination and when the first pair of true leaves is formed. For recharge, it is better to use drugs such as Gumi-20, Ideal and the like. When picking, carefully unwind the “roll-up”, remove the seedlings along with the paper and plant them in containers filled with soil mixture.

Video: growing seedlings without land

Diseases and pests of cabbage seedlings

Growing cabbage seedlings is almost impossible without any nuances associated with the appearance of diseases and pests. In order to respond in time to a particular problem, you need to be able to recognize it and take the right measures.


The most common diseases of cabbage seedlings include black leg, downy mildew, fusarium and others.

A fungal infection that affects the stem and root system of a plant. The main symptom is the blackened root neck of the seedling, its thinning, and then drying out. Favorable conditions for the development of this disease are:

  • high humidity,
  • warm soil,
  • dense landings,
  • acidic soil
  • lack of air flow between plants.

To determine the acidity of the soil, use a special device or indicator strips (pH test). Cabbage needs an acidity level between pH 6-8.

To prevent the development of a black leg, you must follow the rules for growing seedlings:

  • prepare the soil with the desired level of acidity;
  • do not overmoisten the soil;
  • avoid crowded landings;
  • treat seeds and soil before sowing.

Black leg - the most common disease of cabbage seedlings, in which darkening forms in the root zone of the stem

If the disease still affects the plants, you can resort to the following methods of dealing with it:

  • remove the damaged sprout from the seedling box along with the earthen clod;
  • transplant healthy plantings into a new disinfected soil, and discard the diseased ones along with the ground;
  • treat healthy plants with a solution blue vitriol, Bordeaux liquid or potassium permanganate;
  • add soda to the soil (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water).

Symptoms of infection of seedlings with powdery mildew are the appearance of white spots on seedlings. Powdery mildew, although not considered a serious disease, especially for adult plantings, can be harmful to young ones, so plants should be treated. One of the best options for these purposes is Fitosporin-M.

With powdery mildew, white spots appear on the plants, which can harm young cabbage seedlings.


With peronosporosis, the leaves are damaged and die prematurely. The disease also occurs when the conditions for growing seedlings are not observed. To combat the disease, you can use a solution of copper sulfate, liquid soap or fungicides like Topaz (1 tablespoon of any of the listed products per 10 water).

Peronosporosis occurs when the conditions for growing cabbage seedlings are not observed.


Fungal disease affects both adult and young plants, manifests itself in the form of black spots on the leaves. When the head is formed, spots cover the outer leaves, on which a soot-like coating can be observed - these are the spores of the fungus. To prevent the disease, the seeds are treated with Planriz before planting, and the rules of crop rotation are observed. If the seedlings were still affected by Alternaria, drugs such as Skor, Quadris should be used.

Alternariosis of cabbage manifests itself in the form of black spots on the cotyledons, and then on the outer leaves

Fusarium wilt

Fusarium wilt affects not only cabbage, but also other cruciferous crops. It is possible to determine that plants are affected by this fungal disease by yellow spots on the leaves, followed by their drying and dying off. On older plants, a small and deformed head of cabbage is formed. If an affected plant was found in the garden, it must be removed and disposed of, and the planting site should be treated with such means as Benomyl, Tekto, Topsin-M.

With Fusarium wilt of cabbage, yellowing of the foliage is observed, followed by drying and dying off.


The following signs indicate the appearance of this disease on a plant:

  • leaves dry and wither;
  • outgrowths in the form of tubers are formed on the roots.

The affected seedling must be removed from the soil along with the root and burned. The reason for the appearance of keel on cabbage is heavy and acidic soil, that is, the inconsistency of the soil for this crop.

The infection of cabbage with clubroot can be judged by the yellowing and wilting of the leaves along the edges, the stop in the development of the head

seedling pests

Pests can cause no less harm to young plants, so they need timely and proper control.


Cabbage aphids are small insects that damage the leaves of the crop. You can judge the defeat of the plant by this pest by a white or brown coating on the leaves with their subsequent twisting. You can fight aphids in various ways:

  • decoction of tobacco leaves,
  • insecticidal soap,
  • Deltamethrin.

Aphids on cabbage infect the leaves, causing them to curl

cabbage moth

The pest is a butterfly that feeds on plant sap. Caterpillars cause the greatest harm to seedlings: they eat leaves, ovaries and stems. As a result of such damage, the metabolism of the leaves is disturbed, and in hot weather they get sunburned. After eating the ovaries, the future harvest is noticeably reduced. Of the chemicals for pest control, you can use Decis, Aktellik, Ripcord. You need to collect caterpillars and eggs from plants, weed weeds. There are also folk recipes, however, such processing must be repeated several times to achieve the effect:

  • wood ash solution (2 cups of ash and 1 cup of crushed laundry soap per 10 liters of water), which is used to spray plants;
  • infusion of celandine or wormwood (shredded bushes are diluted with boiling water in a ratio of 1/5 and infused for half an hour).

The caterpillar of the cabbage moth eats the leaves, ovaries and stalks of cabbage, which leads to the death of the plant

cruciferous fleas

This is a small beetle (2-4 mm), which is distinguished by good jumping ability and eats leaves and stems of young plants, and insect larvae damage the roots of seedlings. With a large number of fleas, the plant may die in a few days. If the plantings can be saved from the bug, then appearance will be corrupted. So preventive measures It is recommended to take in advance:

  • prevent the growth of cruciferous weeds (shepherd's purse, colza, wild radish);
  • carry out weeding, loosening and top dressing in a timely manner;
  • plant cabbage near phytoncide plants.

Phytoncides plants, which include calendula, marigolds, nasturtium, emit an odor that repels the cruciferous flea.

When a pest invades, they resort to the use of drugs such as Decis, Karbofos, Aktara.

Cruciferous flea in large quantities can kill cabbage by eating leaves

The female insect lays her eggs in the heated ground near the plants, and the hatched larvae damage the root of the seedlings, which leads to their withering and death. Used to fight chemicals Topaz, Zemlin, Iskra, Karbofos or Rovikurt. You can also resort to folk methods, for example, dilute 5 ml of ammonia in a bucket of water and water the cabbage beds.

When the cabbage fly damages cabbage sprouts, the plants wither and get sick

cabbage white

This pest is known to everyone as cabbage (butterfly), but it is not she who is dangerous, but her caterpillars, which eat cabbage leaves. Caterpillars are easily recognizable by their yellow-green color with transverse dots on the body. Most effective way pest control is the inspection of cabbage leaves, the destruction of eggs and caterpillars. It is also advisable to examine the plants planted near the cabbage. Various insecticides can be used against whitefish, but Fitoverm and Kinmiks are the most effective. You can prepare an infusion of mustard:

  1. 100 g of dry powder pour 10 l hot water and insist for several days.
  2. Before use, dilute the solution in a 1:1 ratio with water and spray the plants.

Cabbage white caterpillars eat cabbage leaves, often leaving only large veins

Growing problems

Cabbage is quite sensitive to growing conditions, as a result of which certain problems arise with improper care.

Seedlings stretched out

Pulling seedlings is a common occurrence. There are usually several reasons for this problem:

To ensure normal lighting, it is necessary not only to install an additional source, but also to use reflective materials (white paper, foil). As for temperature, cabbage does not like heat, and even more so heat. Under inappropriate conditions, it not only stretches, but dies altogether. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the appropriate temperature regime.

If plants receive an excess amount of nitrogen, then the leaves develop to the detriment of the root system. This indicates the need to stop feeding with nitrogen content until the seedlings are planted in the ground.

Seedling not growing

The reason why cabbage seedlings do not grow indoors is usually due to low humidity and high temperatures. To provide normal conditions, seedlings are best placed in a greenhouse, where it is much easier to create the necessary microclimate.

The lower part of the stem dries up

The problem of drying the lower part of the stem is caused by a lack of moisture in the soil, dense plantings and too dry air. All these factors indicate the need to create and maintain optimal conditions for young plants. Cabbage is a moisture-loving crop that requires regular and moderate watering, and if planted too densely, the seedlings simply lack moisture. In this case, the seedlings need to be thinned out, and the stems lightly sprinkled with soil.

Cabbage is a moisture-loving crop

To increase the level of humidity, plants need to be sprayed periodically.

Seedlings wither

There are also situations when the leaves of young cabbage wither. The reason may be excessive watering and lack of loosening of the soil, resulting in the formation of a soil crust through which the supply of oxygen to the roots is difficult. In this case, the roots of the plants rot and the leaves wither. In addition, it would be useful to inspect the drainage holes of the landing tanks. If they are clogged, then the water simply has nowhere to drain. The cause of wilting can also be caused by inappropriate soil acidity.

The reason for the wilting of cabbage seedlings can be caused by a lack of oxygen, a lot of moisture in the soil, or inappropriate acidity.

Seedlings turn yellow

If the seedlings turn yellow, the reason is a lack or excess of fertilizers. If complex fertilizers are used for top dressing, then there is no need to use any other batteries. If the soil is oversaturated with fertilizers, it must be washed with a large amount of clean water with the possibility of its free flow. In extreme cases, seedlings can be transplanted into another soil.

With a lack of fertilizer, seedlings may also turn yellow. You can find out what kind of fertilizer is missing by the following signs:

  • lack of phosphorus - yellowing of the leaves on the underside;
  • lack of potassium - yellowed tips of the leaves;
  • lack of iron - the leaves turn yellow all over.

Cabbage seedlings may turn yellow due to a lack or excess of fertilizers.

The yellowness of the seedlings may also be due to the appearance of an infection that was introduced along with the seeds. If the seed was processed in potassium permanganate, then this option can be excluded.

To grow healthy seedlings of cabbage, you need to create plants optimal conditions. Cultivation of a crop has its own nuances, but, following the necessary rules and recommendations, as well as taking measures to combat diseases and pests, almost every gardener can grow it.