Finger game hedgehog 2 junior group. Finger gymnastics for children in verse. Finger gymnastics "Furniture"

Fingers are a friendly family.

They cannot live without each other.

(Squeeze the fingers of each hand into fists and unclench them).

Here's a big one! And this is the average.

Nameless and last - our little finger, baby!

Woo! Index forgotten.

So that the fingers live together,

(Alternately raise the fingers of both hands up)

We will connect them and perform movements ...

(We connect each finger of the hand in turn to the thumb).

This finger is the thickest, thickest and biggest,

This finger is for showing it,

This finger is the longest and it stands in the middle,

This finger is nameless, this one is the spoiled one,

And the little finger, although small, is also dexterous and daring.

We drew today

Our fingers are tired.

Shake our fingers

Let's start drawing again.

(Raise your hands in front of you, shake your hands and stomp)

One, two, three, four, five,

All so necessary

Strong and friendly


Place your hands horizontally. Cross your thumbs.

Mahi with hands, depicting butterfly wings.

Ah, what a beauty

This butterfly is big!

I flew over the flowers

And instantly disappeared.


The palms are straightened, the fingers are pressed to each other.

Smooth movements of the palms, depicting fish in the water.

The fish in the lake frolic

They circle among the pebbles.

They float up and down,

How fun they are, look.

"Autumn leaves"

One, two, three, four, five

Let's collect the leaves (clench and unclench fists)

birch leaves (bend fingers, starting with the big one)

rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

Mom will take an autumn bouquet (walk on the table with the middle and index fingers)

"In a basket"

At the girl Zinochka

Vegetables in a basket (make hands "basket" )

Here's a fat squash

I put it on the barrel

Pepper and carrot laid deftly,

Tomato and cucumber (bend fingers, starting with the big one).

Our Zina is well done! (show thumb)

"Fruit Palm"

This finger is an orange,

He is certainly not alone.

This finger is a plum

Delicious, beautiful.

This finger is an apricot.

It grew high on a branch.

This finger is a pear

Requests: "Come on, eat!"

This pineapple finger

Fruit for you and for us.

(alternately unbend the fingers from the cam, starting with the big one. They point with their palms around and at themselves).


Bagel, (thumb and forefinger form a circle),

bagel, (thumb and middle fingers form a circle),

Baton (big and nameless)

And a loaf (big and pinky)

dough baker (imitation of bread making)

Bake early.


Berries are gooseberries,

Cranberries, blueberries, cranberries,

Raspberry, strawberry, rosehip,

Currant and strawberry

(count with the index finger of one hand, bending the fingers on the other hand)

I remember, finally.

What does it mean?

(shoulders up, surprised)

I'm fine fellow!

(thumb extended forward)


The hen has a chick

The goose has a goose

The turkey has a turkey,

And the duck has a duckling.

(thumb alternately touch the rest, starting with the little finger)

Every mother has babies

All are beautiful, good!

(show fingers while playing with them).


One two three four! (clap hands)

Who lives in my apartment?

One, two, three, four, five! (clap hands)

Dad, mom, brother, sister, cat Murka,

two kittens, my goldfinch, cricket and me (alternate stroking - massage of all ten fingers).

That's my whole family!


I knock with a hammer, I knock, (tap the fist of one hand on the straightened palm of the other hand)

I'll hammer a hundred nails. (same, just change hands)

I will build a house, a house, (put alternately cam on cam)

We will live in it, in it. (connect the tips of all fingers of both hands, depicting a roof)

Educator: Grandmother is old, you need to help her stock up on firewood.

After breakfast we are with you

Let's go to the forest for firewood.

We sip, we sip, we sip!

We will quickly master the log! (ribs of the palms of both hands "saw" , depicting a saw)

Chop, chop, chop, chop!

We will work with an ax (ribs of the palms of both hands "knock" draw an ax)

We bring home firewood

Let's put it in the middle of the yard. (Alternately tapping palm on palm)

Educator: Well done, good helpers!

Grandmother: Let's see who lives with me? It's a little rabbit!

Little rabbit with big ears (Press the brushes to the head like ears)

pink nose, (Index fingers touch nose)

funny mustache (Index fingers pressed to lips)

He digs a deep mink for himself

Strong paws in soft ground. (Dig a mink (knees)

He cleans his fur ("We clean the fur")

Or sleeping. (We fold our hands, put them under the cheek)

The rabbit always wiggles its ears. (We move our "ears")

Hears steps and foxes and wolves,

Hiding in its mink from enemies. (squeeze into a ball)

Here's a fist (Squeeze right hand)

And here is the palm (show left hand)

A cat sat on the palm (We scratch with the right hand on the left palm)

And scratching slowly (Scratching palm)

Our cat has 10 kittens (wave 10 fingers)

Now all the kittens are in pairs: (we connect the fingers of the same name with pads in pairs)

Two fat ones

two dexterous,

two long,

two cunning,

The two smallest and most beautiful.

Educator: Let's call the kittens. They all sit on the stove.

Kitty, kitty, kitty (we connect the thumb with the index finger,

Kitty, kitty, kitty (large with medium,

Kitty, kitty, kitty (with a nameless,

Kitty, kitty, kitty (with a little finger,

Meow! (we unbend our fingers and scratch like cats)

Friends - gardeners

The finger is thick and large. He went to the garden for plums. (The palm is gathered into a “cam”. We bend the thumb, straighten it, then bend it in half. Bend again and so on several times) Pointer from the threshold Showed him the way. (Bend the index finger, then "bend-unbend") The middle finger is the most accurate, He knocks plums off the branch. (We bend the middle finger, “bend-unbend” it. At the same time, you should try not to bend the index and thumb) Nameless picks up (We also bend the nameless one, try not to move the previous fingers) And the little finger-master Throws bones into the ground! (Bend off little finger)


A boat is sailing on the river (We press the lower parts of the palms to each other, the upper ones are open - we show the "boat") He swims from afar (We put the left hand horizontally to the eyes - "look into the distance") There are four very brave sailors on the boat. (show 4 fingers) They have ears on top (We put both palms to our ears) They have long tails (We connect the fingertips of both hands together and then slowly spread our arms to the sides) And they are only afraid of cats, only cats and cats! (We show two palms open from ourselves, then we bend the fingers slightly - we get "claws") At the end of this game, you can ask the child: - What kind of sailors were on the boat? Answer: mice

I will press two palms, And I will float on the sea. (Press both palms together, while not connecting the thumbs) Two palms, friends, - This is my boat. (Make wave-like movements with your hands - "the boat is floating") I'll raise the sails (For hands joined together in the shape of a "boat", raise your thumbs up) I will swim in the blue sea. (Continue wave-like movements with your hands - "boat") And on the stormy waves Fish swim here and there. (Completely connect two palms with each other to imitate fish and again wave-like movements - "fish swim")

Mouse The mouse made its way into the mink, (We make creeping movements with two handles) Locked up with a padlock. (Slightly wiggle fingers crossed in the castle) She looks into the hole (make ring with fingers) The cat is sitting on the fence! (We put the handles to the head like ears and move our fingers)


(Hand clenched into a fist) We shared an orange. (Turn the fist left and right) There are many of us, and he is one! (With the other hand, we unbend the fingers folded into a cam, starting with the big one) This hedgehog slice (Extend index finger) This slice is for a siskin, (Unbend the middle finger) This slice is for ducklings, (Unbend the ring finger) This slice is for kittens (Unbend the little finger) This slice is for the beaver (Turn your open palm left and right) Well, the wolf is peeled. (With two hands we show the wolf's mouth) He is angry with us - trouble! (We fold our hands like a house) Hiding in the house - here!

(First, the fingers are folded into a lock. We begin to slowly spread them) Inflate the balloon quickly. (The fingertips of both hands are in contact with each other - the balloon is inflated) He gets big. (We touch the palms with each other completely) Suddenly the balloon burst, the air came out - (Close fingers together) He became thin and thin!

The owl flew

(We wave our hands) An owl flew, a cheerful head. I flew, I flew (put hands on head) She sat on her head. She sat down, sat down, turned her head (Waving hands again) And flew again.

(Squat down, hands on the belt, do tilts to the right) Piglet Piglet Rested himself a barrel! (We get up, straighten up, raise our hands up - stretch) Get on your feet, stretch! (We squat down and lean forward, keep our hands straight in front of us) And then sat down, Bent over! (We get up, do jumps in place. Hands on the belt, do walking in place) And he galloped a little, And walked on the spot. (Squat down, hands on the belt, do tilts to the left) And then he lay down again, - But already on the left side!

(At the very beginning, the cam is compressed) A squirrel sits on a cart, she sells nuts: (Alternately unbend all fingers, starting with the big one) Chanterelle-sister, Sparrow, titmouse, Mishka fat-fifted, Zainka mustachioed ...

Our family

(Unbend your fingers one by one, starting with the big one) This finger is big - This is dad dear. Next to dad is our mom. Next to my mother is my older brother. Following him sister - Sweet girl. And the smallest strong man - This is our glorious baby.

Winter walk

(Bend fingers one at a time) One, two, three, four, five ("Let's go" on the table with index and middle fingers) We came to the yard for a walk. ("Lepim" a lump with two palms) They sculpted a snow woman, (Crushing movements with all fingers) The birds were fed with crumbs, (We lead with the index finger right hand on the palm of the left hand) Then we rode down the hill, (We put our palms on the table with one side, then the other) And also rolled in the snow. (Shake off palms) Everyone came home in the snow. (Movement with an imaginary spoon, hands under the cheeks) We ate soup and went to bed.

(The arms are crossed. The fingers of each hand "run" along the forearm, and then along the shoulder of the other hand.) The spider walked along the branch, And the children followed him. (Brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement - rain.) Rain from the sky suddenly poured, (Slap hands on table/knees.) Washed the spiders to the ground. (The palms are pressed to each other with their sides, the fingers are spread apart, we shake our hands - the sun is shining.) The sun began to warm (We make the movements the same as at the very beginning.) The spider crawls again ("Spiders" crawl on the head.) And all the children crawl behind him, To take a walk on a branch.

Birch (Smooth movement of the right hand to the side-up) My birch, birch. (Same, but with the left hand) My birch is curly. (raise hands up, inhale) You stand, birch, (Lower hands, exhale) In the middle of the valley (raise hands, inhale) On you, birch, (Lower hands, exhale) green leaves, (Raise hands, inhale) Under you, birch, (Lower hands, exhale) silk grass, (Raise hands, inhale) Around you, birch, (Lower hands, long exhale) Girls red wreaths weave, weave ...

fish (The palms are closed, slightly rounded. We perform wave-like movements in the air.) Five little fish were playing in the river (Hands are pressed to each other. We turn them from side to side.) There was a big log on the sand, (The palms are closed and slightly rounded. We perform a "diving" movement with them.) And the fish said: "It's easy to dive here!" (Swing with closed palms (negative gesture).) The second said: "It's deep here." (The palms turn to the back of one of the hands - the fish is sleeping.) And the third said: "I want to sleep!" (We quickly shake our palms - trembling.) The fourth one started to freeze a little. (The wrists are connected. The palms open and connect - the mouth.) And the fifth shouted: "Here is a crocodile! (Quick wave-like movements with closed palms - float away.) Get out of here so you don't get swallowed!"

There was a cuckoo

(We walk along the table on straightened index and middle fingers, while the rest of the fingers are tucked in.) The cuckoo walked past the market, (The palms are connected by a "ladle" - a basket.) She had a basket (We hit the table / knees with closed palms, we separate our hands.) And the basket on the floor - bang! (We spread our arms to the sides, moving our fingers - flying flies. The number of extended fingers corresponds to the text.) Flew ten (nine, eight) flies!

(One of the hands is on the table, leaning on the elbow, fingers spread out (Christmas tree) On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (hive). The "beehive" is pressed against the "Christmas tree".) A small house on the Christmas tree, A house for bees, but where are the bees? (We look into the "hive".) Gotta knock on the house (We clench our fists, knock them against each other.) One, two, three, four, five. I'm knocking, knocking on the Christmas tree, Where, Where are these bees? (We knock fists against each other, alternating hands.) They suddenly began to fly: (We spread our arms, spread our fingers and move them, the bees fly.) One, two, three, four, five!

Russian game.

Hands in front of the chest, palms closed. The little fingers are children, they speak in a thin voice. Unnamed fingers - mother, speaks in a normal voice. Middle fingers - dad, speaks in a low voice. Index fingers - soldiers, speak in bass. Crossed thumbs - the threshold of the hut. (Night, everyone is sleeping in the hut. There is a knock.) Soldiers: Knock knock! (Index fingers tap each other.) Children: Who is there? (The little fingers tap each other.) Soldiers: Two soldiers came to spend the night! (Index fingers tap.) Children: Let's ask mom. Mother! (Little fingers tapping.) Mom: What are the children? (Nameless tapping.) (Little fingers tapping.) Mom: Ask your dad. (Nameless tapping.) Children: Dad! (Little fingers tapping.) Dad: What, kids? Children: Two soldiers came to spend the night! (Little fingers tapping.) Dad: Let me in! (Middle fingers tap.) Children: Come in! (Little fingers tapping.) Soldiers: Oh, what a grace that they let me spend the night! (Index fingers "dance" making cross movements.) Soldiers: Let's go! (Closed palms turn fingers to the chest. Then a quick half-turn of the arms follows so that the backs of the palms touch.) (Hands stretch forward.) Jellyfish (Children join their palms, spread their fingers.) Two huge jellyfish Cling belly to belly. (After that, the palms are torn off from each other, arching the fingers, while the fingers of the left hand are pressed to the fingers of the right.) Let's bend the tentacles more - That's how we know how to bend!


(Playing this finger game, you can show your imagination. Perform the movements that the plot of the poem will tell you.) Washed hands with soap. Washed feet with soap. Here are some patties, patty palms! Boiled porridge Stirred with a spoon. Here are some patties, patty palms! They built palms House for nesting dolls. Here are some patties, patty palms! Hen Pestrushka They crumbled crumbs. Here are some patties, patty palms! Hands clapped, feet danced. Here are some patties, patty palms! Lay down palms Rest a little. Here are some patties, patty palms!


I play with toys (Hands in front of you, we squeeze-unclench the fingers of both hands.)

I throw the ball to you (We stretch our hands forward - “throw the ball.”)

Collecting a pyramid (Straight brushes with palms down alternately put on top of each other several times.)

I drive the truck everywhere. (We move in front of us with a slightly open right hand - “roll


Finger gymnastics "Toys"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

My funny round ball (We hit an imaginary ball with one hand.)

Do not hide round cheeks! (Change of hands.)

I will catch you (With two hands, connecting fingers of the same name, we show the ball.)

I'll ride in my arms! (Roll an imaginary ball between the palms.)

Finger gymnastics "Berries"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I take off the berries from the branch, (Fingers are relaxed, hanging down. With the fingers of the other hand, stroke

each finger from the base to the very tip, as if removing from

him an imaginary berry.)

And I collect in a basket. (Both palms folded in front of a cup.)

There will be a full basket (One palm folded in a boat, cover the other also folded


I'll try a little. (One folded palm imitates a basket, with the other hand

I'll eat a little more get imaginary berries and put them in your mouth.)

The path to the house will be easy! (Imitating legs, middle and index fingers on both hands

Finger gymnastics "Mushrooms"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Red-red fly agaric- (We connect the fingertips - we depict a mushroom hat.)

White speckled pattern. (One hand is a “mushroom cap”, with the index finger of the other hand

show "specks".)

You are beautiful, but do not tear! (Shake finger.)

And don't take it to the basket! (Straight palm away from you - moving away gesture.)

Finger gymnastics "Autumn"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Autumn came out for a walk

I started collecting leaves. (We “pick up” the leaves with one hand and “put” them in the other.)

Finger gymnastics "Trees"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

hello forest, (Raise both hands, palms facing you, fingers wide apart.)

Dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

Finger gymnastics "Vegetables"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I am green cabbage (Hands in front form a circle.)

Without me, the pan is empty. (They bowed their heads - “we look into the pan.”)

Take the leaves off me (We spread our arms to the sides.)

And only I will remain!

Finger gymnastics "Fruits"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Yellow-yellow our lemon, (Fingers of the same name are connected by pads - we show a lemon.)

It squirts sour juice. (Fingers sharply spread apart.)

Let's put it in tea (We connect the thumb, index and middle fingers of one hand and

"Dip Lemon in Tea"

Along with yellow skin. (Fingers in the same position, making rotational movements -

"Stir the tea"

Finger gymnastics "Vegetables - fruits"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

There are many ridges in the garden,

Here and turnips, and lettuce, (Bend fingers alternately.)

Here and beets, and peas,

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden (Clap hands.)

We will be fed for a whole year.

Finger gymnastics "Clothes"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I'll put on my boots (We point to the legs, torso, head.)

Jacket and hat.

And on each hand (One hand with straightened fingers up, the other - runs along the little finger and rib

palms showing direction of putting on gloves.)

I'll put on a glove. (Change of hands.)

Finger gymnastics "Shoes"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

We put on our feet to run along the path. (Two fingers "walk" on the table.)

Repeat after me the words: (Squeeze and unclench fingers.)

Leg - one, leg - two! (Put two fingers on the table and raise one at a time.)

Buying in the store (Squeeze and unclench fingers.)

And put on the legs

Dad, mom, brother and me - (Bend fingers on hands.)

The whole family loves shoes. ("Step" fingers on the table.)

Finger gymnastics "Dishes"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

From plates, as one, (Palms together in front of you "plate".)

We eat soup with spoons.

We eat cutlets with a fork, (Index and middle fingers extended, thumb

holds the ring and little fingers - “hold the fork.”)

The knife cuts omelettes for us. (“Cut” with a straight palm back and forth.)

Finger gymnastics "Food"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Flour was kneaded into dough (Squeeze and unclench fingers.)

And from the test we blinded (They clap their hands, “sculpt.”)

pies and buns, (Alternately unbend the fingers, starting with the little finger.)

sweet cheesecakes,

Buns and rolls - (Both palms turn up.)

We bake everything in the oven.

Delicious! (Stroking their bellies.)

Finger gymnastics "Winter"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Snow falls on the houses (Arms out to the sides, palms down.)

Streets and roofs. (Hands "house".)

Quietly winter comes to us (Finger to lips. "Let's go" with the index and middle fingers of one hand.)

We don't hear it... (Hand behind ear.)

Finger gymnastics "Winter fun"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

What do we like to do in winter? (Alternately connect the thumb with the rest.)

play in the snow,

to run on skis

Skating on ice

Ride down the mountain on a sled.

Finger gymnastics "New Year's holiday"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Hello Dedushka Moroz! (The palm strokes the chin - the "beard" of Santa Claus.)

What did you bring us as a gift? (Hands forward, palms up.)

loud crackers, (Clap your hands.)

Sweets, toys. (Twirl with brushes.)

Finger gymnastics "Parts of the body"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I have a head (Listen to the poem and point to the corresponding parts of the body.)

Chest, belly, and then the back,

Legs to jump

The handles are for playing.

Finger gymnastics "Pets"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Here, removing the scratches, (“I wash my hands.”)

The cat washes its paws.

Muzzle and ears (Circular movements of the palm over the face.)

On your top. (Slightly bent palms move behind the ears - we show how the cat washes


Finger gymnastics "Baby Pets"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Run along the river (Move index and middle fingers across the table surface from

yourself to the edge. Repeat several times.)

Kittens racing.

Finger gymnastics "Wild animals of our forests"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Hare and hedgehog towards each other (Index and middle fingers of both hands "go" towards

each other.)

We walked along the path through the field, through the meadow.

They met and they got scared. (Bang fists.)

Run fast - go catch up! (The fingers “go” again, but now in different directions.)

Finger gymnastics "Cubs of wild animals"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

This is a bunny, this is a squirrel, (Bend fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.)

This is a fox, this is a wolf cub,

And it's in a hurry, hobbles awake (Twirl with thumb.)

brown, furry,

Funny teddy bear.

Finger gymnastics "Domestic and wild animals"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Bunny - ears on top - (Hands at the temples, index and middle fingers straightened - "ears".)

Jumping, jumping on the edge. (Hands pinch down at the chest - “jumps”.)

A prickly hedgehog followed him, (Interlace fingers and move.)

I walked on the grass without paths,

And behind the hedgehog - beauty - (Smooth movements of the hands in front of you.)

Red-tailed fox.

Finger gymnastics "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Ilya Muromets - (Sit down.)

Good fellow. (Show biceps.)

Looks sharply into the distance (Hand with a visor.)

Yes, it smashes enemies. ("Throw the spear.")

Finger gymnastics "Wild animals of hot countries"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Only he wears a trunk - (We smoothly move our hand in front of us - we depict a trunk.)

Lop-eared gray elephant. (Put hands to ears.)

Finger gymnastics "Mom's holiday"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Mommy is good (Air kiss over the palm.)

Mommy beloved! (Kiss over the other palm.)

I love her very much (Blow a kiss from the palm of your hand.)

Give her kisses! (Blow a kiss from the other palm.)

Finger gymnastics "Poultry"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

The hen pecks the grain, (We reject both palms together.)

And the chickens are right there. (The pinches "peck" in turn.)

The duck dives into the water (Palms together “dive” forward.)

And chickens don't dive. (Shake finger.)

Finger gymnastics "Poultry and their cubs"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

The hen has a chick (Thumb alternately touch the rest, starting with the little finger.)

The goose has a gosling

The turkey has a turkey,

And the duck has a duckling.

Every mother has babies (Throwing fingers in turn.)

All are beautiful and good.

Finger gymnastics "Wild birds"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

The woodpecker is chiseling the tree: (One straight palm is a “tree”, the other is a “woodpecker” - with a fist

knock on it.)


All day long in the forest (Change of hands.)


Finger gymnastics "Our house"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

This house is one storey. (Unbend the fingers from the fist, starting with the little finger.)

This house is two stories.

This one is three stories high.

This house is the most important:

It's five stories high.

Finger gymnastics "Furniture"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

We slept on the bed (Hands under the cheek.)

Things have already been removed from the closet. (We move our hands freely - “we remove things.”)

We sat on a chair (The palm of one hand covers the fist of the other.)

And we ate at the table. (Rotational hand movements with an imaginary spoon.)

Finger gymnastics "Transport"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Cars go down the highway (We turn the imaginary steering wheel.)

Tires run on asphalt. (Elbows pressed to the body, palms move parallel to each other.)

Don't run down the road (Shake a finger.)

I'll tell you: "Beep." (The hand is clenched into a fist, the thumb is straightened - “beep”.)

Finger gymnastics "Spring"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

It's been two weeks (We lower our hands down in turn, fingers together.)

Drops are dripping.

Snow melts in the sun (Hands out to the sides, palms down.)

And flows like a stream. (Both hands, palms down, move in the same direction.)

Finger gymnastics "Insects"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

We went for a walk in the meadow ("Let's go" with the index and middle fingers of both hands.)

And a beetle crawled across the meadow! (One hand “creeps” along the thigh or along one arm.)

Finger gymnastics "Summer"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Warmed by the gentle sun ("Let's go" with the index and middle fingers of one hand.)

After spring comes summer.

Let's dive in the lake (“We dive” with palms joined together from the chest forward.)

And collect flowers. (“We tear off” with one hand and “collect” in the other.)

Finger gymnastics "Flowers"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Chamomile white flowers (Palm forward, fingers apart - this is a "daisy".)

Like the fingers of a small hand.

And here come the beetles (We sort through the fingers of the "chamomile hand" one at a time.)

Finger gymnastics "Cosmos"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Morning - the sun rises. (Raise outstretched hand.)

Night - the moon comes. (Raise the other hand, fingers in a semicircle - "month".)

Finger gymnastics in verse and finger games not only affect the development of speech, but their beauty is also that they instantly switch the baby's attention from whims or nervousness to bodily sensations - and soothe. This is a great activity when the child is larger (for example, on the road or in line).

The influence of manual (manual) actions on the development of the human brain was known as early as the 2nd century BC in China.

Experts argued that games involving hands and fingers like our "White-sided Magpie" help to find harmony in the body-mind tandem, keep the brain systems in excellent condition. Based on such reasoning, the Japanese doctor Namikoshi Tokujiro created a healing technique for influencing the hands. He argued that the fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the central nervous system person. There are many acupuncture points on the hands, massaging which can affect internal organs reflexively associated with them. In saturation with accapuncture zones, the hand is not inferior to the ear and foot. So, for example, massage of the thumb increases the functional activity of the brain; the index finger has a positive effect on the state of the stomach, the middle one - on the intestines, the ring finger - on the liver and kidneys, the little finger - on the heart. And if finger gymnastics is also diversified with FINGER THEATER, then this will give you a lot of positive emotions!

Simple game rules

1. Try to get all fingers involved in the games (especially the ring and little fingers - they are the laziest).
2. Be sure to alternate between three types of movements:

How else to activate the fingers

1. Give a newspaper, sheets of paper - let them vomit (just make sure that you don’t send these “pieces” to your mouth).
2. String large buttons on a strong thread - let them sort through.
3. Give wooden beads, abacus, pyramids.
4. Draw muzzles on plastic plugs, put them on your fingers. You will get a finger theater.

This is only a small fraction of those games and activities that can captivate a child and.

A few exercises finger gymnastics for children in verse!


I want to build a house
(Hands folded into a house, and raised above your head)
To have a window in it,
(Fingers of both hands connect in a circle)
So that the house has a door,
(We connect the palms of the hands together vertically)
Next to the pine tree to grow.
(Raise one hand up and "spread" fingers)
So that there is a fence around
The dog guarded the gate
(We join hands in a lock and make a circle in front of us)
The sun was up, it was raining
(First we raise our hands up, fingers are "spread out". Then we lower our fingers down, we make "shaking off" movements)
And the tulip bloomed in the garden!
(We connect our palms together and slowly open our fingers - "tulip bud")

Friends - gardeners

The finger is thick and large
I went to the plum garden.
(The palm is gathered into a “cam”. We bend the thumb, straighten it, then bend it in half. Bend again and so on several times)
Pointer from the threshold
Showed him the way.
(Bend the index finger, then "bend-unbend")
The middle finger is the most accurate,
He knocks plums off the branch.
(We bend the middle finger, “bend-unbend” it. At the same time, you should try not to bend the index and thumb)
Nameless picks up
(We also bend the nameless one, try not to move the previous fingers)
And little finger mister
Throws bones into the ground!
(Bend off little finger)


A boat is sailing on the river
(We press the lower parts of the palms to each other, the upper ones are open - we show the "boat")
He swims from afar
(We put the left hand horizontally to the eyes - "look into the distance")
There are four very brave sailors on the boat.
(show 4 fingers)
They have ears on top
(We put both palms to our ears)
They have long tails
(We connect the fingertips of both hands together and then slowly spread our arms to the sides)
And they are only afraid of cats, only cats and cats!
(We show two palms open from ourselves, then we bend the fingers slightly - we get "claws")
At the end of this game, you can ask the child:
What kind of sailors were on the boat?
Answer: mice


I will press two hands
And I will swim across the sea.
(Press both palms together, while not connecting the thumbs)
Two palms, friends, -
This is my boat.
(Make wave-like movements with your hands - "the boat is floating")
I'll raise the sails
(For hands joined together in the shape of a "boat", raise your thumbs up)
I will swim in the blue sea.
(Continue wave-like movements with your hands - "boat")
And on the stormy waves
Fish swim here and there.
(Completely connect two palms with each other to imitate fish and again wave-like movements - "fish swim")


The mouse crawled into the hole
(We make creeping movements with two handles)
Locked up with a padlock.
(Slightly wiggle fingers crossed in the castle)
She looks into the hole
(make ring with fingers)
The cat is sitting on the fence!
(We put the handles to the head like ears and move our fingers)


(Hand clenched into a fist)
We shared an orange.
(Turn the fist left and right)
There are many of us, and he is one!
(With the other hand, we unbend the fingers folded into a cam, starting with the big one)
This hedgehog slice
(Extend index finger)
This slice is for a siskin,
(Unbend the middle finger)
This slice is for ducklings,
(Unbend the ring finger)
This slice is for kittens
(Unbend the little finger)
This slice is for the beaver
(Turn your open palm left and right)
Well, the wolf is peeled.
(With two hands we show the wolf's mouth)
He is angry with us - trouble!
(We fold our hands like a house)
Hiding in the house - here!


(First, the fingers are folded into a lock. We begin to slowly spread them)
Inflate the balloon quickly.
(The fingertips of both hands are in contact with each other - the balloon is inflated)
He gets big.
(We touch the palms with each other completely)
Suddenly the ball burst
air came out
(Close fingers together)
He became thin and thin!

The owl flew

(We wave our hands)
The owl flew
Funny head.
I flew, I flew
(put hands on head)
She sat on her head.
Sat down, sat down
She turned her head
(Waving hands again)
And flew again.


(Squat down, hands on the belt, do tilts to the right)
Piglet Piglet
Got a barrel!
(We get up, straighten up, raise our hands up - stretch)
Got up on my feet
(We squat down and lean forward, keep our hands straight in front of us)
And then sat down
Bent over!
(We get up, do jumps in place. Hands on the belt, do walking in place)
And jumped a little
And he walked in place.
(Squat down, hands on the belt, do tilts to the left)
And then lay down again, -
But on the left side!


(At the very beginning, the cam is compressed)
A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts.
(Alternately unbend all fingers, starting with the big one)
Sparrow, titmouse,
Bear fat-fifth,
Zainka mustachioed ...

Our family

(Unbend your fingers one by one, starting with the big one)
This thumb is big
This is papa dear.
Next to dad is our mom.
Next to my mother is my older brother.
Following him sister -
Sweet girl.
And the smallest strong man -
This is our lovely baby.

Winter walk

(Bend fingers one at a time)
One, two, three, four, five
("Let's go" on the table with index and middle fingers)
We came to the yard for a walk.
("Lepim" a lump with two palms)
They sculpted a snow woman,
(Crushing movements with all fingers)
The birds were fed with crumbs,
(We run the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand)
Then we rode down the hill,
(We put our palms on the table with one side, then the other)
And also rolled in the snow.
(Shake off palms)
Everyone came home in the snow.
(Movement with an imaginary spoon, hands under the cheeks)
We ate soup and went to bed.


(The arms are crossed. The fingers of each hand "run" along the forearm, and then along the shoulder of the other hand.)
The spider walked on a branch,
And the kids followed him.
(Brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement - rain.)
Rain from the sky suddenly poured,
(Slap hands on table/knees.)
Washed the spiders to the ground.
(The palms are pressed to each other with their sides, the fingers are spread apart, we shake our hands - the sun is shining.)
The sun began to warm
(We make the movements the same as at the very beginning.)
The spider crawls again
("Spiders" crawl on the head.)
And all the children crawl after him,
To walk on a branch.


(Smooth movement of the right hand to the side-up)
My birch, birch.
(Same, but with the left hand)
My birch is curly.
(raise hands up, inhale)
You stand, birch,
(Lower hands, exhale)
In the middle of the valley
(raise hands, inhale)
On you, birch,
(Lower hands, exhale)
green leaves,
(Raise hands, inhale)
Under you, birch,
(Lower hands, exhale)
silk grass,
(Raise hands, inhale)
Around you, birch,
(Lower hands, long exhale)
Maidens are red
Wreaths are twisted, weaved ...


(The palms are closed, slightly rounded. We perform wave-like movements in the air.)
Five little fish were playing in the river
(Hands are pressed to each other. We turn them from side to side.)
There was a big log on the sand,
(The palms are closed and slightly rounded. We perform a "diving" movement with them.)
And the fish said: "It's easy to dive here!"
(Swing with closed palms (negative gesture).)
The second said: "It's deep here."
(The palms turn to the back of one of the hands - the fish is sleeping.)
And the third said: "I want to sleep!"
(We quickly shake our palms - trembling.)
The fourth one started to freeze a little.
(The wrists are connected. The palms open and connect - the mouth.)
And the fifth shouted: "Here is a crocodile!
(Quick wave-like movements with closed palms - float away.)
Get out of here so you don't get swallowed!"

There was a cuckoo

(We walk along the table on straightened index and middle fingers, while the rest of the fingers are tucked in.)
The cuckoo walked past the market,
(The palms are connected by a "ladle" - a basket.)
She had a basket
(We hit the table / knees with closed palms, we separate our hands.)
And the basket on the floor - bang!
(We spread our arms to the sides, moving our fingers - flying flies. The number of extended fingers corresponds to the text.)
Ten (nine, eight) flies flew!


(One of the hands is on the table, leaning on the elbow, the fingers are spread out (tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The "beehive" is pressed against the "tree".)
Small house on the tree
Home for bees, but where are the bees?
(We look into the "hive".)
Gotta knock on the house
(We clench our fists, knock them against each other.)
One, two, three, four, five.
I knock, I knock on the tree,
Where, Where are these bees?
(We knock fists against each other, alternating hands.)
They suddenly began to fly:
(We spread our arms, spread our fingers and move them, the bees fly.)
One, two, three, four, five!

Wait a minute

Russian game. Hands in front of the chest, palms closed. The little fingers are children, they speak in a thin voice. Unnamed fingers - mother, speaks in a normal voice. Middle fingers - dad, speaks in a low voice. Index fingers - soldiers, speak in bass. Crossed thumbs - the threshold of the hut.
(Night, everyone is sleeping in the hut. There is a knock.)
Soldiers: Knock knock! (Index fingers tap each other.)
Children: Who is there? (The little fingers tap each other.)
Soldiers: Two soldiers came to spend the night! (Index fingers tap.)
Children: Let's ask mom. Mother! (Little fingers tapping.)
Mom: What are the children? (Nameless tapping.)

Mom: Ask your dad. (Nameless tapping.)
Children: Dad! (Little fingers tapping.)
Dad: What, kids? (Middle fingers tap.)
Children: Two soldiers came to spend the night! (Little fingers tapping.)
Dad: Let me in! (Middle fingers tap.)
Children: Come in! (Little fingers tapping.)
Soldiers: Oh, what a grace that they let me spend the night! (Index fingers "dance" making cross movements.)
Soldiers: Let's go! (Closed palms turn fingers to the chest. Then a quick half-turn of the arms follows so that the backs of the palms touch.)
(Hands stretch forward.)


(Children join their palms, spread their fingers.)
Two huge jellyfish
Sticking belly to belly.
(After that, the palms are torn off from each other, arching the fingers, while the fingers of the left hand are pressed to the fingers of the right.)
Let's bend the tentacles stronger -
That's how we can bend!


(Playing this finger game, you can show your imagination. Perform the movements that the plot of the poem will tell you.)
Washed hands with soap.
Washed feet with soap.
Here are some goodies
Hands of hands!
We boiled porridge
They stirred with a spoon.
Here are some goodies
Hands of hands!

Built palms
House for nesting dolls.
Here are some goodies
Hands of hands!

Hen Pestrushka
They crushed the crumbs.
Here are some goodies
Hands of hands!

clapped their hands
Legs danced.
Here are some goodies
Hands of hands!

Laid down palms
Get some rest.
Here are some goodies
Hands of hands!

Hopefully these few exercises finger gymnastics for children in verse will help your child to start chatting in a year incessantly 😉

P.S. If you like our selection finger games, also pay attention to the selection and.





Your fingers are drummers



There is a loud knock.

The pads of the right and left hands are pressed to the table. Tap them alternately on the surface of the table, like playing the piano.


I play with toys

I throw the ball to you

Collecting a pyramid

I drive the truck everywhere.

Hands in front of you, squeeze-unclench the fingers of both hands.

We stretch our hands forward - "throw the ball."

Straight brushes with palms down alternately put on top of each other several times.

We move in front of us with a slightly open right hand - “roll the car”.



Body parts

I have a head

Chest, belly, and then the back,

Legs to jump

The handles are for playing.

We listen to the poem and point to the corresponding parts of the body.

The porridge was cooked

The porridge was cooked

They stirred with a spoon

The chrysalis was fed

They gave the kitty!

Move your index finger across your palm.


The teacher helps

Us pictures to draw

He plays games with us

And puts him to sleep.

We show a sheet of paper with the index fingers of both hands.

Hold the "brush" and draw.

Hands in front of you, rotation of the brushes.

Hands under the cheek.




Cars go down the highway

Tires run on asphalt.

Don't run down the road

I'll tell you: "Beep."

We turn an imaginary steering wheel.

Threatened with a finger.

My pens are gone

My pens are gone.

Where are you, my hands?

One, two, three, four, five,

Show me again!

Hide your hands behind your back.


This is a very important sign

It doesn't just hang.

Be careful, driver!

Near kindergarten, school yard!



Let's count

One, two, three, four, five -

Bus, boat and moped,

motorcycle, bicycle,

car and plane,

Ship, train, helicopter.

Squeeze and unclench fingers.

Alternately squeeze the fingers of both hands into fists, starting with the little finger of the left hand.

At a gas station

All cars in order

Arriving at the gas station:

fuel truck, garbage truck,

Milk truck with milk

With fresh bread

And a heavy hauler.

With both hands, “turn” the steering wheel in front of you.

Fingers alternately, starting with the little finger, touch the palm.


Cars go down the highway

Tires run on asphalt.

Don't run down the road

I'll tell you: "Beep"

We turn an imaginary steering wheel.

The elbows are pressed to the body, the palms move parallel to each other.

Threatened with a finger.

The hand is clenched into a fist, the thumb is straightened - “beep”.



For mushrooms

We will put in a box

The smallest fungus

Boletus, wave

And funny pig

White, camelina, russula,

Boletus, of course,

A handsome fly agaric

Let decorate the slope!



Don't rain!

Don't rain! You wait!

Come out, come out, sunshine

Golden bottom.

Press the pads of the right and left hands to the table. Alternately tap them on the surface of the table.

Trees in autumn

In summer the trees grew green,

In autumn, the leaves on them turned yellow.

The trees began to lose leaves.

The trees began to shed their leaves.

Quietly falls leaf after leaf.

Soon the leaves will be covered with snow.

Draw trees with your hands.

The hands are "falling".

Press the fingers alternately to the palm.

Fingers in turn tap on the surface of the table.

Gently place your palms on the table.

Cover with one hand the other.


fruit palm

This finger is an orange,

He is certainly not alone.

This finger is a plum

Delicious, beautiful.

This finger is an apricot,

It grew high on a branch,

This finger is a pear

He asks: "Come on, eat!"

This finger is a pineapple.

Fruit for you and for us.

Alternately unbend the fingers from the cam, starting with the big one.

They point with their palms around and at themselves.

apple tree

There is an apple tree by the road

An apple is hanging on a branch.

I shook the branch strongly,

Here we have an apple.

I'll drink into a sweet apple,
Ah, what a nice taste.

Put your wrists together.

In the garden - garden

In the orchard

The raspberry has grown.

The sun warms her

The rain is pouring down.

Raise your hands up.

Connect the wrists, alternately squeeze and unclench the palms.

Make stroking movements with both hands in front of you.



We grew garlic
Pepper, tomato, zucchini,
Pumpkin, cabbage, potatoes

Onions and some peas.
We picked vegetables

They fed their friends
Pickled, ate, salted,
They were taken home from the cottage.

Goodbye for a year

Our friend is the garden!

Massage of the phalanges of the fingers (for each line - kneading the phalanx of one finger; the direction of massage movements - from the nail phalanx to the base of the finger



little finger

little finger


left thumb
right thumb


There are many ridges in the garden,

Here and turnip and lettuce,

Here and beets, and peas,

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden

We will be fed for a whole year.

Squeeze and unclench fingers.

Bend fingers alternately.

They clap their hands.


I am green cabbage

Without me, the pan is empty.

Take the leaves off me

And only I will remain!

Hands in front of you form a circle.

They bowed their heads - "we look into the pan."

We spread our arms to the sides.



This fat piglet wagged its tail all day,
This fat pig scratched its back against the fence.

La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lu, I love the piglet.
This fat pig was picking the ground with its nose,
This fat piglet drew something himself.

La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lu, I love the piglet.

This fat pig is a couch potato and impudent,
He wanted to sleep in the middle and pushed all the brothers aside.

The fingers are outstretched; alternately "go" on the table or knees with each of the fingers.

Little fingers.



We clench and unclench our fists.



We clench and unclench our fists.


We squeeze the hand into a fist, we clamp the thumb inward.


Run along the river

Kittens racing.

Move the index and middle fingers along the surface of the table away from you along the edge. Repeat several times.



Swinging on the waves

The duck is swimming.

It dives, it pops up

Rows with paws.

Make smooth movements with the hands of both hands from right to left, then imitate the movements of the legs of a duck in the water.


Like our street

The chicken ran

Lost all the chickens

Nimble yellow guys.

first chick

Following the frog

Second and third

Near the tub.

The barrel is caught

Fourth and fifth.

Eh, it will hit you

From mom guys!

Bend your fingers alternately, starting with the little finger.


You are an angry white goose

But I'm not afraid of you!

Put your elbow on the table, all fingers are straight. Push four fingers, except for the thumb, forward and press firmly against each other (“goose head”). Thumb down a little. It turns out "Goose" with an open "beak".


The hen pecks the grain,

And the chickens are right there.

The duck dives into the water

And chickens don't dive.

We reject both palms together.

Pinch "peck" in turn.

Palms together "dive" forward.

They threatened with a finger.




Gray bunny, why are you trembling?

You will run away from the fox.

Lean your elbow on the table, spread your index and middle fingers apart, squeeze the rest into a fist.


A squirrel sits in a cart

She sells nuts


Sparrow, titmouse,

Bear fat-fifth,

Zainka mustachioed ...


A gloomy hedgehog walked through the forest,

He did not spare short legs.

He carried mushrooms to the kids,

Lost them near a bump.

The fingers of the right and left hands seem to be walking on the desk. Then, with the fingers of both hands, "collect" the lost mushrooms.

Wild animals

Bunny - ears on top -

Jumping, jumping on the edge.

A prickly hedgehog followed him,

I walked on the grass without paths,

And behind the hedgehog - beauty -

Red-tailed fox.

Hands at the temples, index and middle fingers are straightened - "ears".

Hands with a pinch down at the chest - “jumps”.

They intertwined their fingers and shook.

Smooth movements of the hands in front of you.



The cranes have flown away

Soon white blizzards

Snow will rise from the ground.

Fly away, fly away

The cranes have flown.

Smooth movements of the hands up and down: imitation of the flapping of the wings of birds.


How many birds to our feeder


We will tell.

Two tits, a sparrow,

Six crows and doves

A woodpecker in colorful feathers.

Everyone had enough grains!

Rhythmically clench and unclench fists.

Waving with crossed palms.

For each name of the bird, the children bend one finger on both hands, starting with the big ones.

Rub the thumbs on the index fingers, as if pouring food into the feeder.

Late fall

The sun is already warming,

Migratory birds flew south

Bare trees, deserted fields,

The first snow covered the ground.

The river freezes over in November

Late autumn is in the yard.

Alternately connect, starting with the thumbs, the fingers of both hands (for each sign).

Hands are clenched into a "lock".

They spread their hands in front of them.



cheerful family

Sat down on a bench:

Uncle Grisha,

uncle Misha,

Papa Kolya,

Mother Olya,

And in the arms of my mother

Also Vanya is small!

Open the palm of your hand and with the closed fingers of the other hand, stroke it in a circular motion.

Stroke each finger from base to tip, starting with the thumb and ending with the little finger.

Repeat all steps for the other hand.


The whole family goes home:

Our dad is big, big,

Mom with him is smaller,

And the son is just a baby.

He was very small

Walked with rattles

ding ding, ding ding.

Children walk in place.

Raise your arms above your head.

Hands at chest level.

They squat.

Imitate playing with rattles.


This finger is mommy

This finger is daddy

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is me.

That's my whole family.

Squeeze your hands into a fist.

Unbend your fingers alternately, starting with the thumb.




The master made a locker,

Exactly sawed boards,

Hitting them with a hammer

Just hammered in nails.

Doors made and lock,

He couldn't make a key.

Place your palms on the edge of the table and “cut”, making movements back and forth.


If I get the scissors

Then I'll become a wizard

I cut out of paper

Birds, cars, towers, flags,

I paint them, dry them,

I will show all my friends!

Show cutting with scissors.

Raise your hands up.

Draw a paper cut.

Depict a bird, rudder movement; connect fingers and elbows slightly apart - “tower”; turn the palm away from you and lower the thumb down - “flag”.

Show actions.

Extend your arms to the sides.



Winter has come,

Brought the frost

Winter has come,

Nose freezes.




Everyone on the street - go ahead!

Three palms on each other.

Fingers massage the shoulders, forearms.

Three palms on each other.

Massage the tip of the nose with the palms.

Smooth hand movements.

Fists knock on knees alternately.

The palms scurry across the knees in different directions.

Stretch both hands forward.


Walks the street

Santa Claus,

Hoarfrost scatters

On the branches of birches.

Walks with a beard

White shakes,

stomping foot,

There is only crackling.

Pat your knees.

Perform smooth movements with the palms up and down.

Perform rhythmic head tilts to the sides.



Snow falls on the houses.

Streets and roofs.

Quietly winter comes to us,

We don't hear it...

Extend your arms out to the sides, palms down.

Hands "house".

Finger to lips. "We go" with the index and middle fingers of one hand.

Hand behind ear.



Water, water,

Wash my face

To make your eyes sparkle

To make cheeks blush

To laugh mouth,

To bite your teeth!

Perform circular movements with the palm of your hand in front of your face, as if we were washing ourselves.

Stroke the eyes with your hands from the inner edge to the outer, as if washing.

Rub your cheeks in a circular motion.


Show teeth.


Sun in the eyes

Lights up for the kids.

We will play

With the sun in hide and seek!

Form two circles from the thumbs and forefingers of both hands, connecting them.


Clenched the hand into a fist

Put on the barrel:

Chok-chok, fist

Chok-chok, on the barrel!

Put your hands on the table: press your palms to the table; squeeze two fists at the same time; unclench the fingers of one hand and press the edge of the palm to the table.



Antoshka has toys:

Here is a funny frog

Here is the iron car.

This is a ball. It's made of rubber.

Multicolored matryoshka

And with a tail fluffy cat.

Alternately bend your fingers into a cam, starting with the big one.

The doll is going to walk

(Russian folk amusement)

Fur coat,

Warm up the doll

Put a hat on your head!

Close your ears.


Don't cough, don't sneeze

Wear a scarf around your neck!

Stroking yourself on the shoulders, pretending to put on a fur coat.

"Put on a hat."

Close ears.

Stroke first one hand, then the other.

Forefinger to teach.

"Put on" a scarf.

Jumping gallop

(Russian folk amusement)

Our fingers on the palm

Let's jump a little:


Our fingers on the palm

Let them drown a little:


Put the fingers of the right hand on the palm of the left hand and vice versa. Or raise and lower your fingers in turn.


Christmas toys

Christmas toys

The holiday is coming

Elka is dressing up.

We hung toys:

Beads, balls, crackers.

And here the lanterns hang,

Glitter pleases the guys.

They raise their hands up “to the top of the Christmas tree” and, lowering down, spread

to the sides.

They twist their palms in the air - “flashlights”.

New Year's celebration

- Hello Dedushka Moroz!

What did you bring us as a gift?

- Loud crackers,

Sweets, toys.

The palm strokes the chin - the "beard" of Santa Claus.

Hands forward with palms up.

Clap your hands.

We turn with brushes.

Christmas tree

The tree turns out quickly,

If the fingers are intertwined.

Raise your elbows

Spread your fingers.

Palms away from you, fingers are skipped between each other (palms at an angle to each other). The fingers are pushed forward. The elbows are not pressed against the body.


We went for a walk in the yard

One two three four,

We made snow with you.

Round, strong, very smooth

And not at all sweet.

Once - let's throw up,

Two, we'll catch it.

Three - let's drop

And ... break.

Fingers curl.

The children are "playing".

They show a circle, squeeze their palms, stroke one palm with the other.

They threaten with a finger.

"Throw up"



They stomp.


Sledges are rushing up the mountain,

They include Natashka and Oksanka.

On the other rushing hill

Sledge with Mishka and Yegorka.

Where the mountain ends

There they meet.

With two closed fingers of one hand, “ride” along the inner surface of the other hand down from the elbow joint to the hand.

Do the same with changing hands.

Interlock the fingers of both hands into a “lock” or tightly connect the palms.



Furniture I will begin to count:

Armchair, table, sofa, bed,

Shelf, bedside table, sideboard,

Wardrobe, chest of drawers and stool.

Named a lot of furniture -

Ten fingers pinched!

We alternately clamp the fingers of both hands into fists and raise the clamped fists up.


without hammer

And without nails

We will make a chair

For guests!

left hand lift vertically up. Press straight fingers tightly against each other. Press the right hand in the cam position to the left palm with the thumb towards you.


We slept on the bed

Things have already been removed from the closet.

We sat on a chair

And we ate at the table.

Hands under the cheek.


We slept on the bed

Things have already been removed from the closet.

We sat on a chair

And we ate at the table.

Hand under the cheek.

We freely move our hands - we “remove” things.

Cover the fist with the palm of one hand with the other.

Rotational hand movements with an imaginary spoon.



The girl Irinka put things in order,

The girl Irinka said to the doll:

“Napkins should be in a napkin holder,

The oil must be in the oiler,

Bread should be in the breadbasket,

What about salt?

Well, of course, in the salt shaker!

Show thumb.

Alternately connect the thumb with the rest.


Our Antoshka washes the dishes.

Washes a fork, a cup, a spoon.

I washed the saucer and glass.

And closed the faucet.

They rub their palms together - they wash the dishes.

Perform a simulated movement.


From plates, as one,

We eat soup with spoons.

We eat cutlets with a fork,

The knife cuts omelettes for us.

Palms together in front of you "plate".

Rotational hand movements with an imaginary spoon.

The index and middle fingers are straightened, the thumb holds the ring and little fingers - “hold the fork”.

“Cut” with a straight palm back and forth.



Only he wears a trunk -

Lop-eared gray elephant.

We smoothly move the hand forward - we depict the trunk.

We put our hands to our ears.


Crocodile swims in the river

By bulging your eyes.

He is green all over, like mud,

From crown to tail.

Palm forward horizontally. Thumb under palm. Bend the index and little fingers (“eyes”) and press them against the middle and ring fingers, respectively.

a lion

The lion is the king of beasts, but still

There is also a quiet lion.

Quiet is a lion with a lioness,

Because he is afraid of her.

Tighten and round your fingers; put your palms on top of each other so that all fingers are visible.

Put your thumb on your palm, tighten the rest and round.



Hey Nikolka!

Get a needle soon.

We will sew Katya

New dress.

Hands are clenched into fists. For each word, fingers are unclenched in turn, starting with the little finger of the left hand.


I wash clean, really

Shirt, jacket and t-shirt

Sweater and trousers -

My hands are tired!

Make movements with fists that imitate washing. The fingers of the right hand alternately shake the fingers of the left hand. Repeat the same with the other hand. Shake both hands.


I'll put on my boots

Jacket and hat.

And on each hand

I'll put on a glove.

We show the legs, torso and head.

One hand with straightened fingers up, the other - runs along the little finger and the edge of the palm, showing the direction of putting on gloves.

Change of hands.



In yellow hats we became chickens,

In white hats, we became hares,

In red hats we became mushrooms,

In black hats - blueberries on bumps,

In blue hats, they became raindrops

And the paths easily galloped.

The child flaps its arms like a chicken wings.

Shows bunny ears

Joins hands above head.

He squats down.

He gets up, puts his hands on his belt.

Jumps forward on two legs.


One, two, three, four, five

Let's count the shoes:

Once - shoes,

Two - boots,

Three - boots,

Four - sandals,

And, of course, slippers - five.

Legs need to rest.

The child bends his fingers on his hand.


Fingers are soldiers

The commander called the soldiers:

"Stand together in a row!"

The first stood up, followed by the second.

"Nameless - quickly into action!"

And the little finger is very small,

He was a little late.

Fingers stood up - "Hurrah!"

It's time to go to the parade.

Unbend your fingers alternately, starting with the thumb. Then thumb touch everyone else

- "wake up". Simultaneously with the exclamation of "Hurrah!" unclench the cam, fingers wide apart.


Put it down, buddy

Finger flag!

We'll take the flag

Let's go to the holiday.

Press four straight fingers of the right hand, except for the thumb, tightly against each other. Take your right hand to the side. Expand it so that the thumb, pulled to failure, is at the bottom.

Ilya Muromets

Ilya Muromets -

Good fellow.

Looks sharply into the distance

Yes, it smashes enemies.

Sit up.

Show biceps.

Hands with a visor.

"Throw a spear."



There are many noble professions,

Both useful and enjoyable.

Cook, doctor, painter, teacher,

Vendor, miner, builder...

I don't name everyone at once.

I suggest you continue.

Connect the fingers of the right hand with the thumb.

Connect the fingers of the left hand with the thumb . Consistently connect the fingers of both hands with the thumb .

Clench and unclench your fists.

Extend your arms forward with palms up.


Master, master, help -

The boots were worn out.

Hammer the nails harder -

We're going to visit today!


Aunts - hedgehogs -

Cool tailors!

They can sew everything in the world

And give as a keepsake

Open both palms and alternately pass the fingers of one hand between the fingers of the other.


Mom's holiday

Mommy is good

Mommy beloved!

I love her very much

Give her kisses!

Air kiss over the palm.

Kiss over the other palm.

We blow a kiss from the palm of our hand.

We blow a kiss from the other palm.


We help mom together

We wash our own laundry.

One two three four.

stretched out

Bent over.

Well, we've worked hard.

Get up, bending down; hands move left and right.

They stretch, as if wiping sweat from their forehead with their right hand.

Again "rinse".

Wiping hand in hand.



I need things like this:

Hammer, vise and tongs,

Key, file and hacksaw,

And all you need is skill.

Squeeze and unclench fingers.

Bend alternately fingers on the hands.

Squeeze and unclench the fingers on the hands.


Everyone knows the master -

diligent needle,

Will never agree

She lie useless.

The fingers are clenched into a fist, the index finger is straightened, imitating a needle.


Tuki-tuki with a hammer,

I'm building a new house.

He will be big, like a spruce,

There will be windows, there will be a door.

We knock fists in turn one on the other.

We show a roof over our heads.

We stretch our hands up.

We spread our arms to the sides.



We appeared from the kidney

- Leaves are shaking in the wind.

Alternately bend and unbend all fingers, starting with the little finger.


It's been two weeks

Drops are dripping.

Snow melts in the sun

And flows like a stream.

We lower our hands down in turn, fingers together.

The hands are spread out to the sides, palms down.

Both hands, palms down, move in the same direction.

Spring came

Spring came. The sky became blue, blue.

Cloud, cloud, fly away.

Give the sky to the sun!

The sky became clear

Radiant from the sun!

Snow is melting everywhere

And runs away with water.

Blow, at the same time make movements with your hands forward and to the sides.

Raise your arms up and down through the sides.

Bring the arms bent at the elbows to the chest, then spread them apart with wave-like movements.


Migratory birds

Tili-teli, tili-teli -

Birds have come from the south!

A starling flew to us -

Gray feather.

Lark, nightingale

In a hurry: who is faster?

Heron, swan, duck, swift,

Stork, swallow and siskin -

Everyone returned, flew in,

Ringing songs sang!

Cross your thumbs, wave your hands.

Alternately bend the fingers on both hands, starting with the little finger of the left hand.

Again, with their thumbs crossed, they wave their hands.

Forefinger and thumb make a beak - "birds sing."


We built a birdhouse

For a cheerful starling.

We hung a birdhouse

Right next to the porch.

The whole family of four

Lives in Tom's house:

Mother, father and starlings -

Little black feathers.

Alternately tap your fists against each other and on the table.

Raise your hands above your head.

Alternately tap fist on fist and palm on palm.

Connect each finger with the thumb on both hands at the same time, 2 times.



Take a look at the window:

We have geraniums here.

And here is the handsome balsam,

Amaryllis next to him.

Fuchsia, begonia -

We remember all the names!

Open the palm.

We will loosen the flowers, water them,

Wiggle fingers down.

Let them grow day by day!

Bend your fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.

Both palms are connected with a “bud”, raised above the head and opened with a “flower”.


It's closed early in the morning

But closer to noon

Opens the petals

I see their beauty.

By evening the flower again

Closes the whisk

And now he will sleep

Until the morning, like a chick.

Draw a flower with the hands. "Petals" close tightly.

Take the palms away from each other, press the pads of the thumbs to the index fingers, the hands resemble a half-opened bud.

Connect the hands at the wrist, and gently spread the fingers to the sides, depicting an opened flower.

Close your fingers - "an unopened flower."

Hands in starting position.

Hands under the cheek.



apple tree

There is an apple tree by the road

An apple is hanging on a branch.

I shook the branch strongly,

Here we have an apple.

I'll drink into a sweet apple,
Ah, what a nice taste.

Weave your hands above your head, fingers unclenched.
Put your wrists together.
Hands over head, moving back and forth.

Palms in front of the chest, imitate that they are holding an apple.
Connect the wrists, spread the palms.


Bell blue

He bowed to you and me.

bluebell flowers

Very polite... And you?

Point the back of the palms up, cross the fingers. Lower the middle finger of the right hand down, shake it freely.


Undersea world

Look around quickly!

What do you see, dear friend?

There is clear water here.

A seahorse swims here.

Here is a jellyfish, here is a squid.

And this? This is a ball fish.

And here, straightening eight legs,

Guests are greeted by an octopus.

They make a palm at the forehead with a “visor”.

Put fingers with rings at the eyes.

Unbend fingers from the cam, starting with the little finger.


The fish are having fun

In clean warm water.

They will shrink, they will unclench,

They will bury themselves in the sand.

Imitate the movements of the fish with your hands in accordance with the text.


Our house

This house is one storey.

This house is two stories.

And this is a three-story building.

This house is the most important one:

It's five stories high!

Unbend the fingers from the fist, starting with the little finger.


On the mountain we see a house.

Lots of greenery around.

Here are the trees, here are the bushes,

Here are fragrant flowers.

All around a fence.

Behind the fence is a clean yard.

Fold the "house" of the palms, connect the pads of all fingers - the "roof".

Perform undulating movements.

Cross the hands, open the fingers; first the right hand on top, then the left.

Cams to squeeze and connect; slowly open the fingers on both hands, imitating a bud.

The hands are pointing down.

Spread your arms out to the sides, palms down.



This is a very important sign

It doesn't just hang.

Be careful, driver!

Near kindergarten, school yard!

Show a triangle with your fingers, with your index and middle fingers walk around the table like a “pedestrian”.


Cars go down the highway

Tires run on asphalt.

Don't run down the road

I'll tell you: "Beep."

We turn an imaginary steering wheel.
The elbows are pressed to the body, the palms move parallel to each other.

Threatened with a finger.
The hand is clenched into a fist, the thumb is straightened - “beep”.

My pens are gone

My pens are gone.

Where are you, my hands?

One, two, three, four, five,

Show me again!

Hide your hands behind your back.


We are firefighters

We must fight fire

We are brave workers

We are partners with water.

We are very much needed by all the people.

So who are we? … Firefighters.

Alternate connection of all fingers, starting with the little finger and ending with the thumbs, then squeeze the fingers into a fist and straighten the fingers.

Fire safety

Guys, they tell you not in vain!

You can't play with matches!

Fire is dangerous unfortunately

For all people without exception!

Raise index finger up

Stretch your arms forward and spread your arms to the sides.



Master, master, help -

The boots were worn out.

Hammer the nails harder -

We're going to visit today!

Imitate the movements of a shoemaker hammering nails: the fingers of one hand hold the nails, the other a hammer.


On a ship from far away

The brave captain is sailing.

From the close cabin at the helm

He saw a lot through binoculars.

Connect the palms together - “ship”.

Perform smooth movements with the "ship" from side to side.

Depict the movement of the steering wheel.

Raise your hands to your eyes - "binoculars".


The master made a locker,

Exactly sawed boards,

Hitting them with a hammer

Just hammered in nails.

Doors made and lock,

He couldn't make a key.

Place your palms on the edge of the table and “saw”, moving back and forth.

Clench your hands into fists and knock on the table, "hammering nails."

Connect the side surfaces of the thumbs, open and close the "doors".

Connect the fingers of both hands in the "lock".




Warmed by the gentle sun

After spring comes summer.

Let's dive in the lake

And collect flowers.

"We go" with the index and middle fingers of one hand.

We “dive” with palms joined together from the chest forward.

We “tear” with one hand and “collect” with the other.


Chamomile white flowers

Like the fingers of a small hand.

And here the bugs intertwine

Count chamomile petals.

Palm forward, fingers apart - this is a "chamomile".

We sort through the fingers of the “chamomile hand” one at a time.


We went for a walk in the meadow

And a beetle crawled across the meadow!

"We go" with the index and middle fingers of both hands.

One hand "crawls" along the thigh or along one arm.

Lyubov Naumova
Finger gymnastics for children of younger groups

The main goal of finger games is to switch attention, improve coordination and fine motor skills, which directly affects the mental development of the child. In addition, when repeating poetic lines and simultaneously moving their fingers, children develop the correct sound pronunciation, the ability to speak quickly and clearly, improve memory, and the ability to coordinate movements and speech.

I hope that you and your children will like the poems and game movements, give the joy of communication and bring tangible benefits.

It's me

These are eyeballs. Exactly.

These are ears. Exactly.

This is the nose, this is the mouth.

There is a back. Here is the belly.

These are pens. Clap clap.

These are legs. Top-top.

Oh, tired, wipe your forehead!

(Children show body parts and perform movements in accordance with the text)


(With each line, the children bend one finger, starting with the thumb)

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is mommy

This finger is daddy

This finger is me.

Together friendly family


Once upon a time there were gnomes (Forefinger and thumb indicate size)

In a wonderful house. (palms folded in the form of a roof)

Dwarf dad chopped wood (We hit the palm with the edge of the brush)

The dwarf son carried them to the house, (grasping hand movements)

Dwarf mom cooked soup (Brushes are rounded, spherical movements)

Dwarf daughter salted him, (Fingers folded into a pinch)

Gnome-grandmother knitted, (Imitate knitting)

The gnome-aunt was washing, (Rubbing hands together)

Grandfather opened the window

Invited all my friends to visit! (With both hands we make an inviting gesture to ourselves)


Stands in the field Teremok (We connect the palms with a house)

The door is locked (fingers are closed in the "castle")

Smoke comes out of the chimney (close fingers in rings)

There is a fence around the tower (hands in front of you, fingers straight and closed)

To prevent a thief from getting in.


Knock-Knock (fist taps on palm)

Open up, I'm your friend! (hands apart)


Look: a rainbow is above us, (Draw a semicircle above the head with a hand, swinging movement)

over the trees, (Hands up, fingers open)

houses, (Hands folded over head roof)

And over the sea, over the wave, (Draw a wave with your hand)

And a little over me. (Touch your head)


Snow falls on the houses (Arms out to the sides, palms down)

Streets and roofs. (Hands "house")

Quietly winter comes to us (Finger to lips. "Let's go" with the index and middle fingers of one hand)

We don't hear it... (hand behind ear)

New Year's celebration

Hello Dedushka Moroz! (The palm strokes the chin - the "beard" of Santa Claus)

What did you bring us as a gift? (Hands forward, palms up)

loud crackers, (Clap your hands)

Sweets, toys. (Twirl with brushes)

Like snow on a hill, snow.

Like snow on a hill, snow (Stand on tiptoes, hands up)

And under the hill (We squat)

And on the tree (Get up, hands to the sides)

And under the tree Grab your hands)

A bear sleeps under the snow (Finger to lips)

Hush, hush, don't make noise (Whispers, turning around)


I play with toys (Hands in front of you, squeeze-unclench the fingers of both hands)

I throw the ball to you (We stretch our hands forward - “throw the ball”)

I collect a pyramid (Straight brushes with palms down alternately put on top of each other several times)

I drive the truck everywhere. (We move in front of us with a slightly open right hand - “we roll the car”)

We slept on the bed (Hands under the cheek)

Things have already been removed. (We move our hands freely - “put things away”)

We sat on (The palm of one hand covers the fist of the other)

And we ate at the table. (Rotational hand movements with an imaginary spoon)


Here, removing the scratches,

The cat washes its paws. ("Washing my hands")

Muzzle and ears (Circular movements of the palm on the face)

On your top. (Slightly bent palms move behind the ears - we show how the cat washes its ears)


We chop cabbage, chop, (Movement with straight palms up and down)

We salt-salt the cabbage, (Alternately stroking the fingertips)

We three or three cabbage (Rubbing fist on fist)

We are eating cabbage. (Squeeze and unclench fists.)

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