Event for Pushkin's day at school. Event in the library on Pushkin's day in Russia. "The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! Good fellows have a lesson"

One of the favorite national occupations of Russians, as well as people of many nationalities of our country, is reading and studying Pushkin. And may this bright spirit of love for Pushkin's poetry, its reverent veneration among us, be alive as a symbol of national pride, as a sign of the high dignity of peoples.

A.T. Tvardovsky

There is one name that is dear to the heart of every Yelchan. This name is familiar to us since childhood. The kid still does not know how to read, but he is already repeating after the adults: “The wind is walking along the sea and the boat is urging ...”. The memory of the great Russian poet is captured in Yelets in the names of Pushkin Street, School No. A.S. Pushkin, children's library. A.S. Pushkin, square them. A.S. Pushkin, in which there is a monument to the poet.

On June 6, the whole country celebrates Pushkin's Day in Russia. Every year, events for their readers (children and their parents, youth, adults) are held by librarians of all CLS libraries. Preparations for the Pushkin Day, of course, begin with the design of book exhibitions: “Like ever Pushkin’s word ”, “Light of Russian Literature”, “Pushkin Day of Russia”, “The Sun of Russian Poetry”, "Recognition of descendants", and etc.

Media quiz based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin "On a visit to the glorious Saltan" for students in grades 1-5 NOU "Development" (30 people) was held on June 6 in children's library-branch №2.

The introductory conversation "Fairy Tales and Reality" reminded young readers of the life and creative path of the poet. The guys took an active part in various rounds of the quiz: they remembered the endings of phrases from fairy tales (“Tell me a word”) and their content (“Experts on fairy tales”), continued the proposed passages (“What happened next?”), Relaxed at a fun physical education session “Become the hero of a fairy tale”, recalled all the numbers that met in the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin on "Fairy-tale arithmetic". In the last round of the Black Box, images of various objects were offered, and the guys had to name a fairy tale in which this object was found.

The best connoisseur of fairy tales A.S. Pushkin, following the results of the quiz, Gurov Vadim (Grade 3) was named. The second place was taken by Belykh Masha (grade 2), and the third place was taken by Kirill Kosyakov (grade 3).

No less diverse are the events of the Pushkin Days in the city's libraries. These are the literary drawing room “Lyceum Years of a Genius” (library-branch No. 1), the literary festival “Centuries go by, but Pushkin remains” (library-branch No. 8), etc.

AT branch library №8 A book exhibition "The Sun of Russian Poetry" was arranged, which introduced the readers of the library to the life and work of the great poet. Near the exhibition, reviews of the presented publications were held, and here, during the literary festival, a literary quiz was held based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin.

Events in branch libraries No. 6, 9, Central City Library became bright and memorable.

June 6 at branch library №9 a game-journey through the works of A.S. Pushkin took place "On the sunny meadow of Lukomorye". The event was attended by children from school camps of school No. 10 and gymnasium No. 11 (75 people in total). The children made a journey through fairy tales, competed in the quiz "Do you know Pushkin's fairy tales?", guessed a fairy-tale crossword puzzle, learned fairy tales from illustrations. Contests were offered to children: “Draw and color the picture” and “Show the fairy tale”. The event was accompanied by a presentation.

All the children took an active part in the game and showed good knowledge of Pushkin's works. The teams were awarded certificates for their active participation in the event.

To the birthday of Pushkin branch library №6 The book exhibition "Like the everlasting Pushkin's word" was arranged.

During the day, for the children who visited the library, a quiz "There, on unknown paths" was held. The children recalled Pushkin's tales with pleasure, answered the questions of the first stage of the quiz "Tales from Lukomorye", guessed his poems at the 2nd stage of "Troubles from a Magic Barrel". At will, the children read their favorite poems by A.S. Pushkin " Winter morning”, “Winter road”, “Green oak near the seashore”, etc.

In total, 15 young readers aged 8 to 11 took part in the quiz. All participants were awarded sweet prizes.

Dedicated to A.S. Pushkin on June 6 was the next meeting of the club "Communication" in the branch library №6. Members of the literary magazine “Do we know everything about Pushkin?” became 17 people.

Club member Varvara Nikolaevna Kozlova, a big fan of the poet's work, spoke interestingly about the little-known pages of his biography, introduced V.M. Rusakov "Descendants of A.S. Pushkin" (about the fate of the sons and daughters of the great Russian) poet, his grandchildren and great-grandchildren), which is not in the library. The story was accompanied by a slide presentation. The audience learned that the appearance of the eldest daughter was captured by L.N. Tolstoy in the guise of Anna Karenina; the tragic death of Maria Alexandrovna's husband gives the writer material for creating the last scene of The Living Corpse.

We celebrated Pushkin's Day in Russia and Central G city ​​library. M. Gorky. On June 6, a literary and musical evening "The Immortal Genius" was held in the library's reading room. The participants of the event were students of the Yelets Industrial and Economic College.

The story of the hosts about the life and work of the poet was accompanied by the reading of the poems “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands”, “What is in my name for you?”, “Golden autumn has come”, “I loved you ...”. An excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin" was staged. With great pleasure, the students listened to the romance "I remember a wonderful moment ...". The evening was accompanied by a show of thematic slides.

The most crowded was a joint event children's library №1 them. A.S. Pushkin and School Houses.

The children's library team. A.S. Pushkin also held a traditional meeting at the bust of A.S. Pushkin in the children's park as part of the "Meetings at the monuments of Yelets" program.

More than 100 people from the summer camp MBOU secondary school No. 1 named after. MM. Prishvin gathered here on June 7 for the “Great Poet of Russia” matinee. They talked about the life and fate of the poet, the significance of his poetry for every Russian person, Pushkin's poems were performed by children, adults, and the librarians themselves. The children actively answered the questions of the quiz “We love and read Pushkin”. The holiday ended with the laying of flowers at the foot of the monument.

Not the first year in the park to them. A.S. Pushkin, as part of Pushkin's Day in Russia, lines from the poet's immortal works are heard near the monument. Events are hosted by the team branch library №2.

Traditionally, the holiday begins in the library, and ends in the square named after him. A.S. Pushkin at the monument to the great poet in costume performances. This year, on June 6, 48 children from the summer camp of school No. 17 named after A.I. T. N. Khrennikova.

The video report was prepared by the library staff and reader Vadim Karyukov. June 2012

Pushkin is one of the most significant poets who ever lived in our country. His work is read by both children and adults. It was Pushkin who instilled in the Russian people love for their native language. After all, before him, all the bohemia of our society spoke French. In honor of the great poet, who did so much for his homeland, our contemporaries organized days of the Russian language, which were called Pushkin Days.

Why June 6

It is not surprising that Pushkin Days always fall on a time period that includes June 6th. After all, it was on this day in 1799 that Alexander Sergeevich was born. On this significant day, Russian President B.N. Yeltsin in 1997 decided to celebrate the Day of the Russian Language. It's so allegorical. Pushkin not only introduced the fashion for his native language in his time, he, unlike his contemporaries, mastered it perfectly. Many vocabulary tests, so fashionable these days, are written on the basis of Pushkin's works. After all, the active stock of the poet was more than 300 thousand words.

The history of the holiday

Pushkin's days began to be celebrated long before the holiday became official. But as mentioned above, it received all-Russian scope in 1997. On this day, the poet would have turned 200 years old. But Pushkin's museums celebrated the writer's birthday long before the holiday took on an all-Russian scale. Particularly widespread festivities took place (and still take place to this day) in the Mikhailovsky estate and in the Pushkin mountains. All people who consider themselves poets, and even those who simply love poetry, gather together on June 6 on Pushkin Days. They do this in order to honor the memory of a man who was able to raise the authority of the Russian language in the eyes of not only his contemporaries, but also many European countries.

In 2007, on the 210th anniversary of Pushkin, June 6 was officially declared the day of the Russian language. Thus, the writer's birthday has become a national holiday.

Where is Russian Language Day celebrated?

Pushkin Days are celebrated in all cities of Russia. This event has great cultural significance. Events in honor of the holiday are organized by the city administration, as well as all cultural institutions, such as libraries, museums, parks, literary cafes, exhibition centers, leisure clubs, literary circles and theaters. Increasingly, June 6 is celebrated in schools and kindergartens. The younger generation is instilled with knowledge and love for fairy tales and poems. Thanks to them, children not only replenish their vocabulary, but also expand their horizons. After all, it is so exciting when they read exciting stories to you, and even better when they fit into the script of the performance. But not only private and public institutions are involved in the education of young creatures. Many parents independently organize June 6 Pushkin Day for their child. They arrange family poetry evenings, where not only parents participate, but also the children themselves. They can recite the poems of a famous poet. Thus, you can train memory, improve diction and broaden your child's horizons.

But Pushkin's Day is actively celebrated not only with schoolchildren and preschoolers. It is also celebrated by students of philological faculties. After all, they study the work of Alexander Sergeevich almost thoroughly, so they have something to discuss at meetings in honor of the great Russian poet.

Events for Pushkin Day

Preparation for the holiday begins in advance. Pushkin's Day, the script for which is written in advance for the city administration, should be eventful and interesting. After all, the main events always have a city significance. Usually, all the events of this day are postponed to the evening, so that as much as possible more people could take part in the celebration. Most often, the celebration is accompanied by costumed animation. Actors in 19th century costumes walk around the park and invite vacationers to take a direct part in the holiday. Competitions that are held are designed for different ages and levels of training.

Often at such a holiday they are asked to quote Pushkin's poems or his famous sayings, tell the biography of the poet or show knowledge of the works of Russian classics. The actors also act out scenes from the life of Pushkin, read poetry, dance at impromptu balls and drink tea from a samovar. Sometimes the holiday takes the form of folk festivals with songs, dances and round dances.

How Pushkin's Day is celebrated in the library

It is very interesting. On Pushkin Day, the most significant events take place in the library. This is not surprising, because it is difficult to find a person who would know the biography of a Russian poet as well as a librarian. People in this profession sometimes spend their whole lives studying and finding new information about the great Russian poet.

Pushkin's day in the library is a solemn event, and people prepare for it in advance. Usually, preparations for a new event begin when all the events organized in honor of the poet this year solemnly end. After all, time does not stand still, every year you can involve more and more participants in events, but only on condition that the program is rich and interesting. The most frequent events organized in the library are Pushkin readings, screenings of feature and biographical films, as well as lectures on the life and work of Pushkin.

It is hard to imagine that an exhibition of books has not been prepared in the library for this solemn day. The subjects of such exhibitions are different. These can be books published in Pushkin's time, a biography of the poet written by his contemporaries, or art albums illustrating the most famous fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich.

How to celebrate a holiday with preschoolers

They try to organize Pushkin's Day for children even in kindergarten. And this is not surprising, because most of the work of the great poet was intended specifically for children. Therefore, educators instill a love for the classics even in their youngest pupils. Children draw pictures and posters based on fairy tales, and also learn poetry. Many kindergartens organize matinees on June 6 to celebrate the holiday of the Russian language with the parents of their wards.

How Russian Language Day is celebrated in schools

Pushkin's Day, the script for which has been written for six months, is widely celebrated in schools. Especially in classes with in-depth study of Russian and literature. Teachers organize a holiday with the help of their students: they put on theatrical performances, teach poetry, study dances of Pushkin's time.

June 6 just falls on school practice. And younger students at this time attend camps organized at the school. Therefore, despite the official holidays, teachers do not leave children without exciting activities.

Why do we need a holiday

Many people wonder why Pushkin's birthday is celebrated so widely. But in our country, people are very fond of holidays, and our culture lacks just those that would be organized in honor of people of art. After all, culture will depend on how the attitude towards the aesthetic education of the population is set in the country.

And people like events that help them get to know their history and learn more about the great Russian poet. The program of Pushkin's Day in all cities is different, but there are also similar points. For example, in all cities there is a celebration of June 6 in libraries, and poetry evenings are held in parks. This is the time when cultural people of our country have the opportunity to meet, get to know each other and communicate. Therefore, this still young holiday has already contributed to the history of our country.

Thanks to Pushkin's Day, the day of the Russian language appeared, in turn, thanks to which spelling dictations began to be carried out within our country. Thus, one insignificant event in its ten-year history was able to raise the level of culture. We need to use this experience in the future so that the people of our country become more educated and cultured every year.

Dear Colleagues!

“Pushkin died in the full development of his powers and undoubtedly took some great secret with him to the coffin. And now we are solving this mystery without him.” ( F. M. Dostoevsky)

February 10 - a sad date in Russian history . February 10, 1837 “The earthly existence of the great poet of the Russian land Alexander Pushkin has ended, but his poetic genius, his glory are immortal,” as the poet’s friend wrote Peter Vyazemsky. This year, February 10 (according to the new style, January 29 - according to the old one) - will be celebrated 180 years since the death of the national Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The poet died in St. Petersburg, in his last apartment on the Moika, 12) at 2 hours 45 minutes. afternoon after the tragic duel with Dantes on the Black River. Since then, this mournful date has become The day of memory of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is celebrated throughout the country.

News of the duel and the death of the poet led to great unrest in St. Petersburg. From 10 to 50 thousand people came to say goodbye to Pushkin to his coffin, according to various sources. The poet was buried in the Svyatogorsk monastery.

“The sun of our poetry has set! Pushkin died, died in the prime of life, in the middle of his great career!.. Pushkin! Our poet! Our joy, our people's glory!.. Do we really no longer have Pushkin! You can’t get used to this thought!”

V. F. Odoevsky

“Not to understand the Russian Pushkin means not to have the right to be called Russian. He understood the Russian people and comprehended its purpose in such depth and in such vastness as no one ever did.

F. M. Dostoevsky

“Pushkin is a Russian man in his final development, in which he, perhaps, will appear in two hundred years”

N. V. Gogol.

“The significance of Pushkin is immeasurably great. Through him, literary education spread to tens of thousands of people, while before him, literary interests occupied a few. He was the first to raise literature among us to the dignity of a national cause ... "

N. Chernyshevsky

“There is no riddle more difficult, more complex than the riddle of A. S. Pushkin ... A. S. Pushkin has a lot of secrets behind seven locks,” said the poet Arseniy Tarkovsky.

No other Russian poet has been written about as much as Pushkin. But ... about Pushkin is still left unfinished, thought out, perhaps more than about anyone else. Someone put it paradoxically that Pushkin is the most unknown poet. And this is not far from the truth. For us, the genius of Pushkin, his poetry still remain a mystery and mystery.

All of Pushkin's poetry is his lyrical diary, in which he captures the features of his personality, his worldview. She, poetry, is not only his "monument", but also his "soul in the cherished lyre."

Zhukovsky, sorting through the papers of the recently deceased poet, discovered verses that shocked him:

No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the cherished lyre

My ashes will survive and decay will flee ...

And he kept whispering them like a spell, like a prayer, like a consolation.

Like Requiem...

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention materials to help the work dedicated to A. S. Pushkin:

2) Interesting Facts about Pushkin

3) How to celebrate A. S. Pushkin's Memorial Day?

4) TEST: "From line to line": check how well you know the work of A.S. Pushkin


Pushkin's Memorial Day on TV

February 10 on the TV channel "Russia K" - films and programs dedicated to the great poet.

TV channel "Russia K" is preparing a special program for Alexander Pushkin's Memorial Day.

On this day on the channel - documentary film "Cotillion Prince" (11:15), program "G. Sviridov. "Blizzard". Musical illustrations for the novel by A. S. Pushkin” (12:10), the film “The Stationmaster” (21:25), the author’s program by Sergei Solovyov “Those with whom I am… Nikolai Pastukhov” (22:30). February 11 at 15:45 - Sergei Shakurov in the film-performance "Poltava".

AT film "Cotillion Prince" (February 10, 11:15) Nikolai Prozhogin talks about the duel between Alexander Pushkin and Georges Dantes. According to the surviving documentary evidence, he tries to reproduce the events of those years and lines up the participants in the tragedy that has unfolded like pieces on a chessboard. Anna Akhmatova called Georges Dantes "Cotillion Prince". Did Dantes himself understand what role history had prepared for him? Did he really have a passion for Natalia Goncharova, and why did he subsequently marry her sister Ekaterina? How did the fate of the participants in the tragedy that broke out on the banks of the Black River subsequently develop? These questions are asked by the author of the film, which was filmed in St. Petersburg, where Alexander Pushkin lived and died, in Sulz - the family nest of Dantes, where he returned after the duel, in Paris and Amboise. Participating in the film: Nikita Struve, Christian Gro, Michel Duvernier, Jean-Pierre Brown, Rene's father.

At the end of the movie at 12:10 - the program "G. Sviridov. "Blizzard". Musical illustrations for the novel by A.S. Pushkin» . Vladimir Fedoseev and the State Academic Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra. P. I. Tchaikovsky. The recording was made at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in 2005.

At 21:25 watch the 1972 film The Station Agent » Sergei Solovyov with the participation of Nikolai Pastukhov, Marianna Kushnerova, Nikita Mikhalkov, Gennady Shumsky, Valentina Ananyina. This is one of the best adaptations of the works of Alexander Pushkin. The picture is based on a short story from the cycle "Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin". A genuine drama of the "little man" unfolds before the viewer - fate deprives the stationmaster of only daughter for which he lives. Nikolai Pastukhov performed one of his most striking roles: it is difficult to imagine someone else in the image of Nikolai Petrovich Belkin.

At 22:30 - the author's program of Sergei Solovyov "Those with whom I ... Nikolai Pastukhov" , where the actor talks about his work in the film "The Station Agent" and his acquaintance with Sergei Solovyov, which gradually grew into a strong friendship.

On February 11, the channel will show the film-performance "Poltava" with the participation of Sergei Shakurov. The program was filmed as a recording of an artist in a radio studio, where he comes for four studio shifts. Ukraine and Russia are the central theme of the film-performance.

Interesting facts about Pushkin

Pushkin and the authorities

In 1824, while serving in Odessa, he had a strained relationship with the governor, Count Vorontsov. Somehow he sent the poet to fulfill an impossible task: to fight locusts. Pushkin went, called the peasants together and asked: “Do you know what locusts are?” "God's punishment, your honor." “Is it possible to fight against God’s punishment?” - "Vestimo can not." "Well then, go home." Returning to Odessa, Pushkin answered all the questions of the count last words: "Did you see the locust yourself?" - "Saw". - "What is it, a lot?" - "Lot".

Pushkin and foreign languages

He knew French perfectly. But the German didn't work. “I will learn it,” he said, “and forget it again. It has happened more than once."

Pushkin and good tone

The prince *** asks the poet at dinner: “What do you think of this wine?” - "Nothing, it seems, the wine is decent." “Would you believe that, six months old, it was impossible to take him in your mouth.” - "I believe."

Pushkin and friendship

The poet was sometimes reproached that he exaggeratedly praises the poems of his friends, Delvig and Baratynsky. “God created friendship,” Pushkin answered, “but we concocted literature.”

Pushkin and money

Once in a restaurant, Count Zavadovsky, intending to inject Pushkin, said: “However, Alexander Sergeevich, your wallet is stuffed tightly!” “Yes, I am richer than you,” answered the poet, “sometimes you have to live and wait for money from the villages, and I have a constant income from thirty-six letters of the Russian alphabet (in the pre-reform Russian alphabet there were not 33, but 36 letters. - P. B.)".

Pushkin and the poet's pride

Once he brought his poems for the album of Elizabeth Ushakova. When she asked why they were unsigned, the poet was indignant: “So you think that a signature is needed under Pushkin’s poems ?!”

Pushkin critic

Once the poet was asked to write a critical article about the novel by F. V. Bulgarin. He refused: "In order to criticize a book, one must read it, but I do not rely on my own strength."

Pushkin on the lack of education:

“There are thoughts, but there is nothing to put them on.”

Pushkin and writer's jealousy

In 1818, the young Pushkin came to Pavel Katenin, who was almost seven years older than him and had already published the ballads Natasha, Olga, Goblin, and The Killer. They aroused great interest and were discussed as something revolutionary in poetry in comparison with the "Karamzinists". Pushkin handed him his cane and said: "I came to you like Diogenes to Antisthenes: beat - but learn." This story is known. The other one is less known. When Pushkin's uncle, the poet Vasily Lvovich Pushkin, was dying, a quarter of an hour before his death, he picked up the Literary Gazette, where Katenin printed long articles. "How boring Katenin is!" gasped Vassily Lvovich. Pushkin whispered to his family and friends: "Gentlemen, come out, let these be his last words."

Pushkin about mind

“I am of the opinion that there are no fools in the world. Everyone has a mind, I'm not bored with anyone, from the watchman to the king. Amazing words! Only a very smart person could say that! No wonder Nicholas I, after the first conversation with Pushkin, said to Count Bludov: "You know, today I spoke for a long time with the smartest man in Russia."

Pushkin valued not only secular wit, in which he himself was constantly noticed, but also the word of the people, otherwise he would not have become a truly folk poet. Collecting materials for the "History of the Pugachev rebellion", he once entered into such a conversation in the Orenburg region: "Come on, grandfather, tell us about Pugach." - "For whom is Pugach, your grace, but for me the tsar-father Pyotr Fedorych."

Pushkin the wit was very angry. Countess Kossakovskaya said to him: “Do you know that your Godunov might seem interesting in Russia?” The compliment was very dubious and ambiguous. Pushkin immediately replied: “Madame, just as you can pass for a pretty woman in your mother’s house!”

Pushkin valued not only secular wit, but also folk wit.

But he didn't feel sorry for himself either. Once Pushkin met Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich on the street. "Well, what did you experience?" his friend asked. "Meanness in all veins," Pushkin admitted.

Pushkin and principles

Shortly before his death, Pushkin said to one of his friends: “I am reproached for the variability of opinions. Maybe: after all, only fools do not change.

According to V. I. Dahl, Pushkin’s last words were: “It’s hard to breathe, it’s pressing ...” In the article “On the Appointment of the Poet” (1921), Alexander Blok saw a special meaning in them. “Pushkin ... was not killed by a d'Anthes bullet at all,” he wrote. “The lack of air killed him.” The meaning seems to be clear. Pushkin died in an "airless" space, surrounded by "the mob," the crowd. This is how it is usually understood. But the last entry in the diary of Blok himself was this: “It’s hard for me to breathe, my heart occupied half of my chest.” This is a medical case; difficulty breathing due to heart failure. But a poet is a poet before his death. "Heart occupied half of the chest ..."

Every word of a poet is worth its weight in gold!

How to celebrate A. S. Pushkin's Memorial Day?

Pushkin we remember most often June 6 - the poet's birthday, which is declared Pushkin's Day in Russia. It was established in 1998 on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 21, 1997 “On the 200th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin and the establishment of the Pushkin Day in Russia.

But, unfortunately, we rarely pay attention on the anniversary of the death of the poet - February 10. How to celebrate such an event? It's not a holiday... But it's impossible not to celebrate either. We have only one Pushkin. For everyone. Our everything! Librarians, all the more, should remind readers and residents about the work of a brilliant poet.

What can be done on this day, how to remember the poet - bright and interesting, so that children and young people want to read and READ the work of Alexander Sergeevich?

Various events are held at which exhibitions of works by A. S. Pushkin and literature about him, photographs, paintings are organized; reading of excerpts from works is arranged, different kind blitz polls and interviews. Can be held as large events ( memorial evenings, themed evenings), and small ones (hours of reflections and confessions, lyrical revelations, literary discoveries, Pushkin studies, an hour-diving, literary debates, dispute-hours, etc.). Small libraries can Actions of memory, reader actions, library and poetry, actions-reviews etc. Must be completed good exhibition about Pushkin, it is the basis for any event on Pushkin.

We think that on this day you can spend:

Evenings of remembrance:

"He is the glory and love of the fatherland"

“Traces will disappear generations. But talent is alive, genius is immortal! (F. Glinka)

"You, as the first love, Russia's heart will not forget"

"Tribute of grateful love": In memory of Pushkin

“Russia has found everything in him…”

"Centuries go by, but Pushkin remains"

“The folk trail will not grow to it”

"He remained in the hearts of generations": A. S. Pushkin.

Theme nights:

“Poetry, like a comforting angel, saved me, and I was resurrected in soul”

"The road to Pushkin is the road to the people, homeland, fate"

“Sung by a ringing Pushkin line: Women's images in the work of Pushkin"

"Poetry, timeless": A. S. Pushkin

“Be proud, Russia! You gave Pushkin to the world ... "

“And through the centuries and generations, he will not tire of surprising”

"The world of fairy tales, rhymes, poems - all this is Pushkin, the good genius"

Literary evening-portrait“His pen breathes love ...”: The life and work of A. S. Pushkin”

Literary Evening-Confession“The lamp of pure love”: Women in the life and work of A. S. Pushkin”

An hour of reflection and recognition, an hour of lyrical revelations, an hour of literary discoveries:

"We love Pushkin because he is Pushkin"

"Reflecting on Pushkin's word"

"Pushkin is Russia expressed in words"

"Let my soul open..."

"Mysteries of Pushkin's creativity"

"How We Discovered Pushkin"

"Legends and myths around Pushkin"

"Enchanted by Pushkin's verse"

"The mysterious charm of Pushkin's pages"

"... And poetry awakens in me"

“And everything that I suffered, and everything that is dear to my heart ...”

“He is in the thoughts of each of us…”: A. S. Pushkin.

Pushkin Poetry Hour“I will rise invisibly and sit between you, and I will listen myself ...”: A. S. Pushkin

Literary conversation-cognition"An inexhaustible source of inspiration": Pushkin and the world"

Hour of Pushkin Studies“We have been accustomed to honoring you since childhood, and your noble image is dear to us.

Literary hour-diving"An Image Carefully Preserved": Childhood of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin"

Literary debates, dispute-hours, dispute, discussion

“Pushkin taught me to love Russia”

“Oh no, it’s not for nothing that life and the lyre were entrusted to me by fate”

“Involvement of time, or is Pushkin relevant today?”

Poetic podium invitation"Can you read Pushkin's poem right now?"

Dispute-situation on erudition and creative imagination:"And I had a dream that Pushkin was saved."

(Imagine for a moment that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin came to the library. He wants to become a reader of the library and take books home. Think about what you would recommend to him, suggest 2-3 books that the poet would be interested in today).

Do we know everything about Pushkin?

Reading Pushkin today

"Sound, Divine verb!"

literary quiz for readers"About the first poet of Russia: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin"


Reader action"I'm reading Pushkin's lines again..."

At will, library readers recalled their favorite poems of Alexander Sergeevich, if they didn’t remember, they could reproduce them according to the poet’s collections of poems.

Poetry action“Pushkin’s lines are for centuries, they contain the spirit of Russia and the power of God…”

library action"Reading Pushkin Today".

In it, in gratitude for the donated books to readers in honor of Pushkin's Day, they had to read their favorite Pushkin poem.

Express survey“Is it prestigious today to know Pushkin’s poems by heart?”

dedication exhibition"There are names like the sun!": Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin"

Exhibition-view"And the wealth of Pushkin's style will not be forgotten in Russia"

Exhibition-memory "Faded like a beacon, wondrous genius ..."

The poet died - a slave of honor -

Pal, slandered by rumor,

With lead in my chest and a thirst for revenge,

Hanging your proud head!

(To the 180th anniversary of the death of A.S. Pushkin)

The exhibition presents informational material about the poet's duel with Dantes, last days life of Pushkin, stories of friends about Pushkin, monuments erected to the poet. The shelves are decorated with illustrations: pistols from Pushkin's time, the place of the duel, the poet before his death, a mantel clock showing the time of A.S. Pushkin's death, a memorial obelisk at the place of the duel, a monument in Ethiopia with the inscription "To Our Poet" and a model of a pistol. Also on the shelf are books: Pushkin in the memoirs of contemporaries, articles, essays, stories of Russian writers about the great poet. On one of the shelves are art books by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", "Shot", " Captain's daughter”, which describes the duel and illustrations for them.Tryanina G.N., Leading Librarian of the Central Library for Children

"From line to line": check how well you know the work of A.S. Pushkin


Alexey Pleshcheev. In memory of Pushkin

We have been accustomed to honor you since childhood,

And your noble image is dear to us;

You are silent early; but in the memory of the people

You will not die, beloved poet!

Immortal is the one whose muse is to the end

Goodness and beauty did not change,

Who knew how to excite people's hearts

And in them to awaken the desire for the ideal;

Who is pure in heart in the midst of human vulgarity,

Among the lies, who remained true to the truth

And who jealously guarded his torch,

When a dull darkness descended on the world.

And that light still burns for us,

All the genius of your way illuminates us;

So that we do not lose heart in the midst of adversity,

He speaks of beauty and truth.

All the best impulses to devote

Fatherland you call us from the grave;

In the corrupt age, the age of lies and brute force

You call for goodness and truth to serve.

That is why, beloved poet,

So dear to us is your noble image;

That's why the indelible mark

You left in the memory of the people!


Poems by Alla Goltseva

Cruel romance

Snow crimson under a white glove,

The chest is tight - unbutton the vest!

Look, baron, what have you done

Do not rush to throw the gun:

You still have a moment to repent:

On your way to eternal sleep

Struggling to overcome pain and despair,

He asks: "Take away your wife."

A blizzard howls at the Konyushennaya church,

Sweeping tracks of skids.

That Russia is crying over Pushkin

African fires will not flare up

On a lifeless, pale brow!

Champagne goes out in friendly goblets,

Punch freezes in expensive crystal!

You will never find an excuse!

You have no forgiveness from God!

It's a pity, the gypsy is already for the prediction

Gold will not receive coins!

You have fulfilled an evil prophecy!

You have sealed his fate!

But the beautiful widow of loneliness

Neither God will forgive you, nor she.

It's done, Your Excellency:

Fate favors you again!

What is your honor? Se la vie - circumstances!

You will leave the ball in disgrace!

The deed is done, your insignificance -

Alien handsome blond!

There are so many of you!

He was in Russia - one!

Pushkin's fairy tales come to us,

Bright and kind, like dreams.

Words are pouring, words are diamonds

On the evening velvet of silence.

Magic pages rustle.

All we want to know is soon.

Children's eyelashes tremble,

Children's eyes believe in miracles.

Even if we are no longer children,

At 20, at 30 and 45

We sometimes run away to childhood,

We run away to Pushkin again.

We run away into a riot of fresh colors,

In the triumph of good over dark evil,

We run away to Pushkin's fairy tales,

To become kinder and better later.

(I. Akulinina)


Frost and sun! Wonderful day!

Double joy - he is resurrection!

And quietly I take the sled

I run down the hill.

On June 6, 2019, our country celebrates the Day of the Russian Language, which is also called the Pushkin Day of Russia. This holiday was established in 2011 "in order to preserve, support and develop the Russian language as a national heritage of the peoples Russian Federation, a means of international communication and an integral part of the cultural and spiritual heritage of world civilization”.

In museums, libraries, exhibition halls, theaters, cultural centers, children's leisure centers and other institutions throughout the country, events dedicated to this holiday are held for the younger generation.

On Pushkin Day, theatrical performances, performances of poetic works, musical and literary concerts, etc. are held for children. Conferences and seminars are held on various poetic trends and authors; published poetry collections and almanacs.

Pushkin Day - script for children in the library

You can start the Pushkin event for children with a speech by the presenters:
- Dear Guys! Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Pushkin's Day or the Day of the Russian Language. We are glad to welcome you in our hall and would like to invite you to visit Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. It is difficult to imagine our life without the works of the great Russian poet.

- Pushkin's work accompanies us from early childhood- throughout life. The books of this poet, which are in almost every Russian family, unite people of all ages, religions and nationalities. And the language of his works, which combine the norms of bookish and living spoken language, still remains the basis of Russian literary speech.

Then, on Pushkin Day, the library will hear an excerpt from poems about the poet written by Nikolai Dorizo:

Russia has found everything in it -
Your ancient human genius,
Living charm Russian speech,
What has been so sweet to us since childhood, -
Russia has found everything in it.

"Frost and Sun" ... The line is an ode.
How bright the white snow burns!
Until now, Russian nature
He speaks in his verses.

Russia has found everything in it -
Any little of its beauty.
And I saw myself in him
And fell in love with him.

And eternity, and a short moment,
And the joy of life, and suffering ...
Harmony is the essence of the universe,
Only he comprehended her!

– Pushkin was the first of the Russian poets to speak in a simple folk language. This language in his poems and fairy tales flows freely and loudly, like a transparent spring. The poet always admired the richness, expressiveness, accuracy of the Russian language, mastered it brilliantly, and yet did not stop studying it all his life.

The script for Pushkin's Day may also include a performance of his works. At an event in the library dedicated to Pushkin, children can arrange a competition of readers who will read poems or excerpts from Pushkin's fairy tales. You can put on a small theatrical performance based on one of his fairy tales.

The power of Pushkin's poems is for all ages.
The power of kindness
High thoughts burning.
Sometimes just a short line
Gives us strength and inspiration.

Sometimes in one line are reflected
Reflections of different generations.
In his poems
And a light splash of a wave
And the noise of oak trees
And the terrible rumble of battles.

Unprecedented open space for them.
They fly freely, relentlessly.
In Moscow they sound
And among the Georgian mountains,
On the streets of Norilsk and Kurgan.
(V. Milyutin)

Pushkin event in the children's library

- And now, guys, let's see how well you know Pushkin's fairy tales.
Pushkin's day according to the scenario will continue with a quiz. At the children's event held in the library, the children will need to name the hero and the work of Pushkin in which he participates, according to the description of the portrait of a literary character.

Sleeping on straw
Eats for four
Works for seven;
Until the light everything dances with him,
The horse will harness, the strip will plow.
(Balda, "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda")

... In an expensive sable shower jacket,
Brocade on the top of the kichka,
Pearls weighed down the neck,
On the hands of gold rings,
On her feet are red boots.
(The old woman, "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

In the daytime, the light of God eclipses,
Lights up the earth at night
The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead a star burns.
(The Swan Princess, "The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

White-faced, black-browed,
I like such a meek ...
And the groom was found by her -
Prince Elisha.
(Young Princess, "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs")

Then, at the celebration in honor of Pushkin's Day in the library, the children will need to continue the line from the poet's poems:

  • I'm sitting behind bars...
  • In a foreign land, I sacredly observe the native custom of antiquity. At will...
  • I remember a wonderful moment...
  • Lived - was a pop ...
  • “If only I were a queen,” the third sister said ...
  • I loved you…
  • Lukomorye has a green oak ...
  • The last cloud of the scattered storm...
  • In front of you is a notebook with verses: “Destroying the thought of love, I try to forget the beautiful…” Whose notebook is this? (Petra Grineva from The Captain's Daughter.)
  • This subject is the main detail of one of Pushkin's stories. And the plot, and the title, and the behavior of the characters - everything is connected with this subject. name it (gun from "The Shot").
  • This item could have connected Masha with Dubrovsky if Troekurov had not found out about it. Name the subject (ring).
  • "Tula signet, which depicted two flaming hearts with a decent inscription." Who owns this talking about the subject? (To Marya Gavrilovna from The Snowstorm.)

After that, at the Pushkin children's holiday in the library, the results of the competition will be summed up, and the guys who gave the largest number of correct answers will receive small prizes.

– It is difficult to find a person in our country who would not know the wonderful works of Pushkin. One hundred and eighty years have passed since the poet died, and his poems are becoming closer and dearer to us. And we can add one more thing to the words of Pushkin's contemporaries and say: "Pushkin is the never-setting sun of Russian poetry."

The event in the library on Pushkin's Day in Russia will be completed by reading poetry:

Sunday afternoon. We will come to the poet.
He is cordially glad to welcome guests.
What happiness to glorify this date -
To meet the birth of the Russian sun!

Let poetry ring and flow
And, like a holy spring, it beats through the stones,
Exciting the soul, a bird breaks into the sky,
Exciting the heart, it always lives in us!
(T. Solovieva)


    to introduce schoolchildren to the values ​​of fiction;

    expand knowledge about the work of A.S. Pushkin;

    expand the vocabulary of children;

    improve reading and listening skills;

    develop attention, memory, imagination, ingenuity and resourcefulness;

    develop the artistic abilities of children;

    to cultivate a sense of friendship and camaraderie in competitions, a sense of collectivism in work.

Materials and equipment:

    Portrait of A.S. Pushkin;

    Drawings of children on the board based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin;

    Cards with cut excerpts from poems for the contest "Restore the poem" (for each team);

    Words for the contest "Depict a fairy-tale hero";

    Cards with the text of fabulous ads.


Guys, today we will talk with you about the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin. He was born in Moscow two centuries ago, from early childhood Alexander Sergeevich was surrounded by the care and attention of his parents. But his nanny took special care of him. She was a master of singing songs and telling stories. She had a special, melodious voice. After all, she was a simple peasant woman. Little Sasha loved his nanny very much and affectionately called her mother. What was the name of Pushkin's nanny? (Arina Rodionovna). Arina Rodionovna will start telling stories, so he won’t move, he’s afraid to miss a word. And the tales that the nanny told him were called “A certain king planned to marry”, “The priest went to look for a worker”, “The princess got lost in the forest”. Based on these fairy tales, Pushkin created his own fairy tales, which you all know and love.Guys, today we have a holiday "Pushkin's Day in Russia". It is dedicated to the work of A. S. Pushkin, the great Russian poet. Sasha Pushkin was born in Moscow on June 6, 1799. From early childhood he was brought up in a literary environment, the nanny Arina Rodionovna told folk tales, which he remembered all his life and composed his own (we will recall some of them today).

In 2011, the President of Russia signed a Decree on the annual celebration of the Day of the Russian Language on June 6. Pushkin's birthday has been declared an official public holiday. Pushkin is the first of all who came so close to the Russian soul, merged with it. We are proud of such a great poet,

1. Student. Poet's birthday

Marks the whole world

After all, better known than Pushkin,

There is no one in the world!

2. Apprentice. I have known Pushkin since childhood,

His poems were read by his mother when he was a child.

That he is the best poet,

I think she knew from the cradle.

Presenter 1 . Yes, we met him in childhood. We don't know how to read yet, we just listen. We listen to his stories and poems. And it enchants for life: “An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea ...” Or: “At the seashore, a green oak, a golden chain on that oak ...”

Lead 2. We are growing up. We become students. And a new Pushkin comes to us. The author of wonderful poems about the Motherland, about the desired freedom, about friendship, about nature...

Presenter 1 . 170 years ago, a fatal shot rang out on the Black River. The poet is dead. But the echo of this shot still resounds with unceasing pain in the hearts of millions of people.

Lead 2 . Pushkin is still with us, in the soul of each of us, and his amazing lines, boundless love for the Fatherland, faith in goodness, beauty and justice live.

3. Apprentice. The whole Fatherland is in festive bloom,

Like a song, spring light pours.

Hello Pushkin!

Hello good genius!

Happy birthday, dear poet.

I offer you, dear guys, a trip to the amazing country of Lukomorye, where the fairy-tale heroes of A.S. Pushkin live. I want to know if you know his stories? I have prepared interesting tasks for you.

Guys, the path to the Land of Fairy Tales lies through Lukomorye. We passed it, visited different fairy tales. And who remembers where we first met this name?
(A. S. Pushkin “At Lukomorye there is a green oak ...”)

The first guest at our holiday is a hero from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". He will be my first assistant.

The Scientist Cat enters. The children do their jobs.

1. List the tales of A.S. Pushkin.

(The Tale of the Priest and his worker Balda (1830) - 2 ot.

The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his son, the glorious and mighty hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and of the beautiful swan princess (1831) - 3d.

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish (1833) - 1ot.

The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs (1833) - 5ot.

The Tale of the Golden Cockerel (1834) - 4 from.

The Bridegroom (1825), The Tale of the Bear (1830-1831)

(About the fairy tales "The Bridegroom", "The Tale of the Bear" the students are informed for the first time)).

2. Name the heroes of Pushkin's fairy tales. (Each unit has its own story.)

3. Tasks for fairy tales.

1 squad. one). Which of the fairy tale characters eats for four, works for seven?

A. An old fisherman.

B. Chernomor.

V. Balda.

2). What was wrong with the old man and the old woman from The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish?

A. Mirror.

B. Plates.

B. The windows of the dugout.

G. Koryto.

3). What was the name of the king in The Tale of the Golden Cockerel?

a) Gvidon.

b) Dadon.

c) Saltan.

4). To whom did the prince Elisha from Pushkin's fairy tale not turn in search of the princess?

A. Wind.

B. Month.

B. Sun.

G. Ash.

5). What did the three girls under the window do late in the evening in Pushkin's fairy tale?

A. Weave.

B. Spin.

W. Shiley.

G. Gadali.

2 squad. one). Where did the priest meet his future worker Balda?

A. In the church.

B. At the market.

B. On the road.

2). How does The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish begin?

A. "Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman."

B. "An old man lived with his old woman."

V. "Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman."

G. "By the sea, by the blue sea, where the waves are noisy in the open."

3). Who pecked the tsar to death in A. S. Pushkin's fairy tale?

A. Hen Ryaba.

B. ugly duckling.

V. Firebird.

G. Golden cockerel.

4). What word was missing in the address of the queen from Pushkin's fairy tale to the mirror: “I am in the world of all. "?

A. Mile.

B. Whiter.

B. Slimmer.

G. Rumyanei.

5). Past what island lay the way to the kingdom of Pushkin's Tsar Saltan?

A. Bullies.

B. Buyan.

V. Brawler.

G. Hooligan.

3 squad. one). Which character in Pushkin's fairy tale had a "tolokon forehead"?

A. At Chernomor.

B. At the priest.

V. At Balda.

G. At the old woman's.

2). Why was the old woman punished in The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish?

A. For greed.

B. For lying.

B. For laziness.

D. For poor housekeeping.

3). Where was King Dadon ordered to plant the golden cockerel?

A. In a cage.

B. On the needle. (On the spoke of the spire.)

B. To the throne.

4). Who in the "Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" by A. S. Pushkin helped Elisha find a bride?

A. Wind.

B. Month.

B. Sun.

G. Stars.

5). What grew on the uninhabited island of Buyan before miraculously did the city grow?

A. One oak.

B. Two palm trees.

B. Three pines.

G. Birch Grove.

4 squad. one). Who or what was the pop "chasing" in Pushkin's fairy tale?

A. Behind a bumblebee.

B. For an imp.

B. For cheapness.

G. For the golden cockerel.

2). What did the old man from the fairy tale of A. S. Pushkin do when he caught a goldfish?

A. Cooked an ear.

B. Released to the sea.

B. Went to the market.

G. Placed in an aquarium.

3). Who gave King Dadon a golden cockerel?

(Here, the wise man stood in front of Dadon and took out the Golden Cockerel from the bag.)

Why did the golden cockerel peck to death of King Dadon?

(The cockerel avenged his wise master.)

4). What was the princess doing at the window when the sorceress brought her a poisoned apple in The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs?

a) Spinning.

b) embroidered.

c) knitted

5). What did Prince Gvidon build for his squirrel?

A. The Amber Room.

B. Crystal house.

B. Golden Hollow.

D. The Emerald Pyramid.

5 squad. one). What words begin "The Tale of the Priest and his worker Balda"?

(Once upon a time there was a priest, Tolokonny forehead. The priest went around the market to look at some goods.)

2). How many wishes of the old woman did the goldfish fulfill?

A. Three.

B. Four.

At five.

D. Six.

3). How many sons did King Dadon have?

a) 1.

b) 2.

in 3.

4). What kind of hunting did the bogatyr brothers go on in The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs?

a) Duck.

b) Hunting for wolves.

c) On the fox.

5). What miracle was not across the sea in "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"?

A. Belka.

B. Thirty-three heroes.

V. Princess Swan.

G. The cat is a scientist.

4 task. Match the word and its meaning.(According to the units - they all have the same).

Svetlitsa - a bright front room in the house.

Spinning wheel - a device for hand spinning, set in motion by the foot.

Spinning - twisting fibers, making threads.

A trough is an oblong vessel (basin) made of a hollowed out wide log, made of iron for washing clothes.

A net is a large fishing net.

Astrologer is an astrologer, a person who predicts the future by the stars.

The sword is an ancient stabbing and slashing weapon, a symbol of readiness for battle, a call for just retribution.

5 task. Work with proverbs.

In Russian, proverbs are often used (short sayings with an instructive meaning). Tell me, the actions of the heroes of which Pushkin's fairy tale (which we watched today) fit the proverb:

1 from. - Grows by leaps and bounds (growing fast)

2 from.- To be at a broken trough (to lose everything that he had, acquired).

Children "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish."

3 from.- A bargain is a bargain. (Reminder to respect verbal agreements).

Children: "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

4 from. -"Debt good turn deserves another? » Which fairy tale is it suitable for?

Children: " The Tale of the Pope and his worker Balda.

5 from.- It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. (The impression from what he saw is much stronger than from what he heard)

Children: "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ..."

6 task. Games and songs.

1) Meow a song to the indicated motive, and others must guess.

(“I am lying in the sun”, “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”, “From a smile”, “Two funny geese”,

"Let run clumsily").

2) Song from the detachment.

The Scientist cat says, "Thank you," and leaves.

My next assistant is found in the tale of Tsar Saltan.

He also loves to sing songs and chew nuts.

Belka enters.

1 task. "Carousel of Mysteries"

Who reads Pushkin's fairy tales,
Riddles quickly guess, ie. what fairy tale are you talking about?

1. At the queen of the evil, evil
The neighbor is not easy.
Inanimate but speaking
Tell the real truth.

2. A little danger lurks -
Faithful guard on a thin needle
Moves, shakes
Will turn to that side.

3. The fish is not easy
Scales sparkle.
Floats, dives.
Fulfills wishes.

4. A laborer lives in a priest's house,
Sleeps usually on straw.
Spelled eats for four,
Works for seven.

5. Stargazer to King Dadon
The cockerel offered with a bow ...
- Answer, dear friend,
What then guarded the rooster?

6. Prince Gvidon on the ocean
Sailed three times to Tsar Saltan.
Arrived unnoticed.
Who did he become?

2 task. The character of Pushkin's fairy tale from each detachment.

The hero of what fairy tale is in front of you?

3 task. Depict fairy tale characters. (Squirrel distributes tasks in "nuts").

(One of the squad members portrays a fairy-tale hero using only gestures)

1 from. - Goldfish, mosquito,

2 from. - Squirrel, old man,

3 from. - Sleeping princess, golden cockerel;

4 from. - Swan, old woman,

5 from. - Cook, 7 heroes.

4 task. fabulous ads,(Squirrel distributes tasks in "nuts").

one). Announcement:

Who wants to change the old, broken trough for a new one or an apartment on new house? Contact ... (To the goldfish from "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

Contact at: "To the golden fish from "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" ".


One uncle and thirty-three ruddy brave guys offer border protection services.

Contact at: "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ".

2). Announcement:

I rent a room for 3 thousand rubles. The room has: benches covered with carpet; oak table under holy images; oven with tiled stove bench.

Contact at: " The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs.


Red animal for sale. Likes to sing songs and chew nuts.

Contact at: "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ".

3). Announcement:

A qualified craftsman is looking for a job. I can be a nanny, a cook, a groom, a carpenter. Salary by agreement.

Contact at: " Story about the priest and his worker Balda ".


Trading company "Palmira" offers imported goods: sable, black-brown foxes, Don stallions, pure silver, gold. And all this by affordable prices! Palmyra is waiting for you! Company address

Contact at: " The Tale of Tsar Saltan ".

4). Announcement:

The School of Healers and Psychics conducts monthly paid courses. Diseases such as: bites of the right and left eyes, blisters on the nose are cured. Beginning of next course...

Contact at: " The Tale of Tsar Saltan ".


Fashionistas and fashionistas! Who wants to buy a magic mirror that can speak? Our address… Contact…

Contact at: « The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs.

5). Announcement:

For those who cannot wake up in the morning by the sound of an alarm clock, we suggest purchasing a pure gold cockerel that will help you out anytime and anywhere.

Contact at: "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

Who wants to change an old, broken trough for a new one or an apartment for a new house? Contact ... "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish."

5 task. Games from the fabulous Belka.

"Jumping in reverse."

"Transfer the golden nut."

"Hit the target."

6 task. Game "Guess the melody".

For each detachment, a soundtrack sounds.

The squirrel leaves. The next assistant is the fulfiller of desires, but as it turned out, not all. Enter Goldfish.

1 task. Reading competition. Poems by A. S. Pushkin.

2 task. Pick a rhyme for the words.

The words are the same for everyone. Perform on leaves.

Pop - forehead, clap, top.
Squirrel - arrow, plate, heating pad.
Cockerel - scallop, staff
The queen is a girl, a pigtail, a hospital.
Devil - child, calf
3 task. Collect a poem by A.S. Pushkin.

1 from. - A storm covers the sky with darkness,

Whirlwinds of snow twisting;

2 from. - Fog fell on the fields,

The noisy geese caravan stretched south.

3 from. - Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.

Snow fell only in January

4 from. - Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less...

5 out.- Under blue skies

splendid carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies.

4 task. "Guess the tale."

1. What work of A. S. Pushkin begins like this: “At the seashore there is a green oak ...”? (The poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila".)

2. What fairy tale is this from?

I chose my wife

Daughter obedient to you. ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan.)

3. What kind of grandmother are we talking about?

And the prince, though angry,

But he regrets

His old grandmother ... (About the woman Babarikha.)

4. What fairy tale is this from?

The king and queen said goodbye,

Equipped on the road,

And the queen at the window

She sat down to wait for him alone ... (From "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs.")

5 Task. "Return the object to the fairy tale."

Cockerel, crown, apple, mirror, hare,..

6 task. Game "Stool" to the music of "Golden Fish".

The goldfish is leaving.

Our journey is coming to an end. And now let's answer a few questions:

1) Who were you talking about today?

2) Why?

3) In what family was he born and raised?

4) What was the name of Pushkin's nanny?

5) What favorite time year of the poet

One can talk about A.S. Pushkin endlessly, but the time for our holiday trip is up.

4. Apprentice.This is Pushkin, this is a miracle. It's a beauty without end.
In our lives there will always be voices of these fairy tales.
How many fairy tales does the poet have? They are few and far between,
But all Pushkinskies are our eternal beginning.
Reading Pushkin's fairy tales, we can rightfully be proud that we are the children of the country that gave the world one of the great poets A. S. Pushkin.

Guys, you know Pushkin's fairy tales, you played roles well today, everyone had fun and interesting. As long as there is Russia, in the soul of each of those living here, Pushkin's line will respond with a kind and endless echo.

And our holiday is over!