Runic formulas for the attractiveness of finding female happiness. Rune formula of attractiveness. Runes that help in love


Love is a thing that no amount of money can buy. How much happiness this word brings when feelings are mutual, and how much pain - when they are unrequited. Each of us has encountered problems in our personal lives at least once, but few people know that if something goes wrong in love, runic formulas can come to the rescue to restore love relationships.

Runes that help in love

In runic magic, there are a number of symbols that are used for rituals related to love and relationships. Most often, such runes do not act on their own, but as part of formulas and staves, interacting with other symbols, complementing them. Let's figure out what these runes are.

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Laguz is associated with female attractiveness, so she is often included in formulas aimed at getting rid of loneliness and speeding up the meeting with her true soulmate.


Eyvaz is often used in talismanic magic. Look at this rune more closely - it looks like two Laguz reflecting each other, isn't it? The properties of Eyvaz are most pronounced when a person wants to achieve complete understanding and harmony with his partner. Also, this rune helps to reconcile quarreling spouses.


In runic formulas for love, Otala is often found. If the very meaning of the symbol is associated with the fencing of the territory, then it is easy to guess that in love matters this rune helps a person find his home, family, build strong, serious relationships.


Inguz, which is a symbol of completion, can be used when the situation requires specific actions from your partner: when you are tired of uncertainty, want to “stir up” your loved one, help him overcome shyness and make him show inner desires.


Gebo - the rune of equal partnership - becomes indispensable when you not only want to achieve reciprocity, but are also ready to invest in relationships. But the symbol will work only if the partner really has feelings for you, but in runic formulas for the love of a man who does not pay attention to you, this rune is useless.


Soulu symbolizes victory in everything, including love affairs, because it adds self-confidence and attracts the sympathy of others to a person.


In runic formulas, it will also help to restore relationships - it removes existing barriers and establishes mutual understanding between partners.


And the power of the Yera rune will come in handy when a woman wants to give birth to a child from her beloved man, but for some reason she does not succeed.

In what situations will runic formulas for love help?

There are no such circumstances that could not be turned in your favor with the help of the power of the runes. The main thing is to know which symbols and in what combination with each other can be used in your particular situation.

Runes can

  • Enhance your personal attraction to the opposite sex
  • Relieve you of loneliness
  • Contribute to the harmonization of existing relationships
  • “Hurry up” with the decision of a too modest or shy person who sympathizes with you
  • Reconcile a couple who quarreled
  • Return the departed man, but on condition that he still has feelings for you

In theory, with the help of runes, you can even turn love without an answer into mutual, i.e. to carry out a love spell, but thinking about it, one must not forget that such an impact will always have its negative consequences. Therefore, it is better to use runic formulas for a man's love and marriage only when the implementation of the plan does not require destroying someone's life.

Runic formulas to attract love

Runic formulas for attracting love into your life are usually drawn either directly on a person's skin (in this case on someone who suffers from loneliness), either on his own photograph or on a piece of paper, natural stone or any other talisman. In the latter case, it is important to carry the “spellbound” amulet with you in any situation, because if you leave it at home, it will not work that day. There are two strong and proven staves that we invite you to familiarize yourself with.

Runic formula "My red rose"

The working title of this runic stav or formula is "Charming, charming, the most beautiful." It is not difficult to guess that the ritual is used to enhance personal magnetism. It makes a girl or woman sexually attractive in the eyes of men. The formula looks like a Gebo rune, surrounded on all four sides by Kenazes.

When applying a formula, it is important to “intention” it correctly, i.e. invest during the drawing of symbols a message about how you want to appear to the men around you. During the reservation, you must clearly pronounce the necessary words, among which may be the definitions of “interesting”, “sexy”, “beautiful”, “charming”, etc.

It is also important to say when becoming will finish his work - after erasing the inscription, burning the photo, or simply at the moment when you stop carrying the amulet with runic script. Activated by becoming any traditional way: breath, fire, elements.

Runic formula for a man's love and marriage "Find a betrothed"

This complex runic combination will help single women find their soul mate as quickly as possible. It consists of runes: Raido, Soulu, Odal, Gebo, Eyvaz, Laguz, three Teyvaz and.

  • Raido paired with Soulu symbolizes lighting the path that will lead you to your future lover.
  • Odal will make sure that the new partner will please all your relatives and will not cause them dislike
  • Gebo will establish an equal partnership in a pair, in which both people will give and receive
  • Eyvaz, together with Laguz, activate the subconscious attraction of lovers to each other, connect them with invisible threads of a subtle emotional connection
  • Three Teyvaz and will make a joint life path long and straight. At the same time, the Teivaz will put the man as the head of the family (which, in principle, most women want)

This stav has its own peculiarity: it must be negotiated nine times every nine days - the last reservation is carried out for 81 days. It is better to activate the formula with the fire element - candles.

Runic formulas for restoring relationships

The rituals with the staves below can be used when you already had a relationship, but for some reason broke off, for example, if you quarreled with your loved one or decided to temporarily break up.

A simple formula for reconciliation of lovers

Runic formulas for restoring relationships can consist of only two runes. The simplest example is a bunch of Gebo runes - Vunyo. This combination, applied to a joint photo of lovers and activated in any way, will allow the quarrel to end very quickly and lead the couple to reconciliation. Intends to become any suitable words, preferably without "not" particles. For example, the phrase "so that we do not quarrel" is better replaced by "so that we make peace."

Runic formula "For a truce"

This combination of runes is best applied to your own body or a photograph where the lovers are captured even before the quarrel. The formula is drawn in two lines: on the first there should be a bunch of Gebo - Turisaz - Odal, symbolizing the successful resolution of the problems in the relationship, and on the second - Gebo - - Odal, helping partners find mutual language and understand each other's needs. During the slander and intention, it is necessary to pronounce the names of both lovers, and also to say that with this stave the wall of misunderstanding between them will be destroyed. You can choose any activation.

Runic becoming "Reconciliation"

It is better to use this formula for restoring relations "in hot pursuit", i.e. right after the fight. Its composition:

  • Gebo is a symbol of reconciliation and partnership
  • Two inverted runes - they help lovers quickly forget mutual insults
  • Two Vunyo - fill the couple with a feeling of happiness and joy from reunion
  • Soulu - rekindles a spark of passion, "throws firewood" into the fire of love, fading due to a quarrel

It is believed that the formula written in blood on a joint photo works best. Activation - any.

Runic stakes on the harmonization of relations

This category of formulas should be addressed when you have a relationship, but for some reason they do not suit you: passion has disappeared, they began to move away from each other, a crisis has come, etc. All formulas are applied, negotiated and activated in the same way as most of the above.

Becoming "The Joy of Communication"

It includes three runes:, Gebo and Vunyo. The first helps bring the relationship back to its prime. The second - makes communication between partners mutually beneficial - one that suits both. Vunyo colors life together bright colors, gives joy from mutual love and understanding.

Formula "Harmonization of relations"

This runic formula for love works very gently and delicately. Despite the fact that it is made up of only three runes, the effect is very powerful and necessary, especially for couples experiencing a crisis in family life.

  • Teyvaz enhances truly masculine qualities in a man
  • makes a woman more feminine
  • Gebo, connecting these two runes, allows spouses to better understand each other and realize their roles in the family

Runic becoming "Flower of Love"

This complex formula includes the following runes:

  • Two Gebos responsible for reciprocity in a pair
  • Teyvaz, strengthening the union
  • Soulo, symbolizing mutual warmth between lovers
  • Four Kenaz, causing crazy love and passion as in the "candy-bouquet" period
  • Two Dagaz, personifying changes in a favorable direction
  • Four Eyvaz, forcing spouses to move towards each other and make mutual concessions
  • Two Turisaz destroying all existing problems and disagreements
  • Four as a sign of patronage Higher powers protecting the family from any negativity

How long does it take for the formula to work?

Runic formulas for restoring relationships and love usually begin their action at the moment of activation, but often some time must pass before the desired events are realized - in most cases from a week to a month. Some staves work faster, others slower, because it all depends on what exactly you wanted to achieve.

So, for example, it is possible to reconcile lovers who quarreled over nonsense in a couple of days, but it may take more than one month to organize a meeting of a person with his other half, with whom he is not yet familiar.

The main thing is to believe in the magic of runes and not sit back, but try and bring what you want with your own efforts.


Quite often there are situations with unrequited love, with barriers between two lovers, as well as with loneliness and inability to find a soul mate.

In such cases, many begin to look for a way out of the situation with the help of magic, Tarot and Runes. In this article, we will consider how you can attract love with Runes.

It is always worth remembering that a love spell is a violent magical binding that has many negative consequences and you will have to pay for what you have done. The object of the love spell will never express sincere feelings, because they do not exist, he will only present what they have invested in him. It might get boring soon.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about attracting love to life, strengthening and stabilizing existing feelings. Attraction is the act of attracting into your life the right person for you. this moment life, on this stage ways to build personal relationships. The right person can be the only one, that is, from the moment of meeting for life, or just a new partner. Also, the concept of a suitable purely individual criterion, since all people have different tastes and preferences.

Rules for compiling love formulas from runes

When writing staves and runic formulas, the following rules and actions must be observed.

  1. Training. You need to prepare everything you need. Runes, know the meanings of the Runes and their combinations, the place where the stav will be drawn up. Pens, ruler, sheet of paper for writing and compiling a runescript.
  2. Decide where the runescript or formula will be applied.
  3. Candles and incense, bowls.
  4. Try to ensure that no one distracts you during the preparation and writing, as well as during the pronunciation of the slander. Turn off sound and vibration on your mobile phone. Warn relatives not to disturb.
  5. All windows and doors in the room in which you are practicing magic must be closed.
  6. A special napkin or tablecloth must be laid on the table, which is not used anywhere else.
  7. Before compiling a runescript, a short meditation is recommended to calm and set yourself up in a certain way. On average, 10-15 minutes.

After preparation, you can start.

Runic formulas for attracting love consist of Runes that attract the necessary energies and, in their combination, strengthen them with a slander.

Runes of relationships and love: Hagalaz, Isa, Yera, Eyvaz, Inguz, Gebo, Soulu, Dagaz. The rune of Yera can be replaced by Jera in sound. The pronunciation of the name of the Rune can both strengthen the runescript and weaken its effect or soften it.

In runic formulas, it is advised to use the runes Gebo (partnership, relationships) and Hagalaz (need and need for love).

It is best to use red ink, as this color is a symbol of love and all its manifestations.

The main rule that should be observed: in no case should you tell anyone that you made a runic formula or a runescript for love, especially not to speak to any person. It is also forbidden to show your finished runic formulas and slander to strangers.

Runic formulas to attract love.

In all runic formulas, Gebo acts as a relationship, a partnership.

Berkana and Inguz are aimed at family relationships, love, children. Kano stabilizes the situation. Otal creates a platform for common interests, common property, common values. Isa consolidation of the achieved results. Yera is the finale, a happy ending. Uruz is a movement and a manifestation of activity. Eyvaz strengthening the actions of Uruz. Vunyo brings light and joy to relationships, gives harmony and balances emotions. Algiz acts as a defense at all levels. Perth opens a person to search for a soul mate.

The basic formula for attracting love into life

Gebo + Perth + Kano + Gebo + Vunyo + Jera

Find a life partner.

Gebo + Othal


Gebo + Laguz + Vunyo

Saving love.

Isa + Gebo - Gebo is superimposed on the Isa Rune.

Isa - the basis, the trunk of the runescript, freezes, that is, saves what has been achieved.

Gebo - partnership, relationship.

Strengthening relationships, gaining mutual understanding.

Ansuz + Gebo + Otal

Increased sexual desire.

Option 1 - Berkana + Uruz + Inguz

Option 2 - Eyvaz + Uruz + Turisaz + Kano + Gebo

Attracting a partner with the subsequent development of relations.

Perth + Mannaz + Gebo

Kano + Hyera + Othal

Inguz + Gebo + Otal

Removing barriers between loving people.

Turisaz + Kano + Soulu

Turisaz - removes obstacles.

Kano is a symbol of love and warmth, stability.

Soulu - enhances the effect of the first two runes, improving the situation, giving it integrity.

Family creation.

Perth + Algiz + Berkana + Mannaz + Otal + Mannaz + Gebo

Mannaz is a symbol of man.

Perth - opening a stream to find a partner.

Finding harmony in relationships, both in a married couple and in relationships.

Gebo + Algiz + Otal + Vunyo + Gebo

For marriage.

Nautiz + Kano + Gebo + Otal + Vunyo + Yera

Maintaining family and relationships.

Isa + Otal

When these runes are combined (overlaying Otal on Isa), the following runes are additionally formed: Gebo, Raido (in the normal and mirror position), Nautiz (in the normal and mirror position), Vunyo (normal and mirror position), Teyvaz.

Transfer of relations to a new level, development of the situation.

Gebo + Kano + Inguz

When the Runes are combined, an additional Otal Rune is formed, which enhances the effect of the runescript.

Runic love and friendship formulas

Dagaz, Gebo, Soulu, Inguz - creates an atmosphere of sociability, attracts friendly contacts.

Soulu, Gebo, Teyvaz - good relations in society, attractiveness.

Gebo, Mannaz, Gebo - be in the spotlight.

Kano, Vunyo Kano - love.

Kano, Uruz, Gebo, Vunyo, Kano - excites passion, creates sex appeal.

Soulu, Berkano, Soulo, Kano, Teyvaz - enhances femininity, sexuality.

Dagaz, Evaz, Raido, Gebo, Vunyo, Gebo, Kano - increase the circle of acquaintances, search for friends, chances for love.

Soulu, Feu, Raido, Gebo, Eyvaz - search for friends, like-minded people, chances for love.

Vunyo, Raido, Gebo, Berkana, Kano, Yer - love and marriage.

Anzus, Gebo, Vunyo - the joy of communication, the return of contact.

Gebo, Kenaz, Vunyo - a love affair, bright feelings.

Dagaz, Kennaz, Gebo - the return of love.

Each runic formula has its own clause. Which is read during the activation of the runes. Your intention is embedded in the clause. Read clearly, with faith, with a focus on what you want.

Make an appointment for your goals. You can find ready-made ones.

"Let this formula, by the power of runes, attract happy people into my life love relationship. let the runes act without harm to me and my loved ones. The formula is activated by breathing and deactivated by burning."

How to apply runescripts and formulas correctly.

Runescript is the combination of several Runes into one sign. In this case, other Runes can also be obtained. In this case, it is necessary to carefully consider the outline of the runescript, because the resulting runes can both strengthen the runescript and make it the opposite in effect.

A runic formula is simply writing runes one after the other. The order of writing also matters.

First, what needs to be achieved is written, then it is fixed with the corresponding Runes.

Runescripts and runic formulas can be applied to:

Photo of the object,

joint photo,

Talisman (wood, stone),

A blank sheet of paper (preferably landscape without rulers and cells), with the name of the object written on the back, its date of birth and the characteristics necessary for the achievement.

There are also several options for writing runes, different teachers and authors teach in different ways. Therefore, find a more convenient way for yourself and follow it as the main one.

Activation of the runescript and runic formula.

The activation of the runic formula consists in pronouncing a slander, expressing one's intentions. Activation is needed to bring the formula into action so that it starts working.

Runescripts and formulas can be activated in several ways.

  1. The sequential pronunciation of the name of each Rune involved in the formula:

When writing. Written, spoken.

After writing. Have written all the Runes, then mentally concentrate on the question or object and pronounce each Rune.

  1. Writing a special slander in poetic form. Here the intentions and goals set for the solution by this formula are expressed.
  2. The pronunciation of the name of each Rune, the stipulation that this rune must fulfill, what role is assigned to it in the formula.
  3. The spontaneous method.

After activating the rune formula, it begins to act. Be prepared for the fact that you have to wait a while, the action is not lightning fast.

The average duration of the formula is about a month. If for a month or more the formula has not yielded results, then it is necessary to either improve it, formulate your thoughts more clearly and charge it again.

After achieving the result, when love has come into your life, the sheet or photo with the runic formula must be destroyed. That is, burn it. This is done so that the second wave of the runescript does not go, or vice versa, the action in the opposite direction.

In the case when the runic formula is not created for a short period or for a specific purpose, but for use long years, then in this case it is enough to simply maintain the action of the runescript. This can be done with your breath or pronunciation of the repeated slander. Period, so-called recharging, once a month or two months.

When destroying the rune formula, you must thank the Runes for their work, say thank you to them.

by Dante

Becoming a "Gold fish" not only attracts romantic relationships, but also attracts a beginning into your life. true love. And if you're not ready to suffer the tender pain and fly with delight again, then you can just use the stripped-down version for easy romance "Silver Fish".
A goldfish (outwardly becoming similar to it) fulfills only one desire, but what a wish!

First draw two CANO(charm) as a strong initial impulse (e.g. eye contact)
Then finished drawing GEBO as a mutual (partnership) flow of energies with increasing attraction to each other. A symbol of gratuitous giving of increased attention to you without expecting anything in return, that is, without accounting in feelings like "you to me - I to you")
Then the left one is drawn VINA- joy, fulfillment of desires.
Next, draw the right VINA+SOULO+URUZ- delight and exultation, the joy of achievement with a surge of strength marked by the radiance of the Sun.
And finally becoming ends in the lower right corner PETER- hidden changes (colossal internal transformations take place in lovers) Rune PERTH of course, it is sometimes unpredictable, but on the other hand, it is so similar to the capricious and illogical nature of Love, which only adds more sharpness to the sensations.
INGUZ(manifested from KANO and GEBO) gives steady growth and stability to relations.
OTAL manifested in the tie (lower part INGUZ) speaks of the presence (help) of the energy of ancestors (relatives), which are always present at a serious union of two and give their blessing.
Becoming very unusual in terms of impact ...
For reinforcement, use SOULO or TEYVAZ(not TURISAZ) and of course invocations to Odin, Thor or Freya

Becoming " Diamond Fish"

New version of "Gold Fish" stav! Increased the effectiveness of the stav due to the placement of the rune Laguz right on the axle Peter, which means seeking and finding the STREAM OF LIFE.
When the long-awaited feeling comes, everything changes and you seem to find yourself in a swift stream of joyful events, everything seems to be accelerating. Rune Laguz has always been used in love magic, meaning, in addition to the flow and a graceful, strong woman, also intuition, which will help you recognize your soul mate in time and not miss her (and also not blurt out too much, because the woman who knows how to be a fool is smart)
If someone wants to use Runes-accelerators, then, of course, you can, but very carefully.
I don’t want to overload myself by becoming the runes of transformation, because the tonality of its sound will change, but you can intuitively use them next to it.
Runes of transformation are runes of changing events such as Evaz(push to change and transition to a happy layer of reality), Eyvaz(overcoming obstacles (self-esteem, fear, external obstacles) on the way to what was conceived) and Dagaz(a sharp change in events, as if from night to day) You can at least overlay the fish with the indicated runes with a palindrome, just don’t overdo it, don’t crush Rybka with these “heavyweights” and it will be necessary to soften their presence of feminine Vinay or Algiz.

Rune formula of attractiveness

What girl does not dream of being the center of attention of men? Yes, we all want this, especially when the place of the second half is completely vacant. In order to increase interest in their person, female representatives go to all sorts of tricks: they sit on, make stunning, carefully choose an outfit, visit beauty salons. But what if all our efforts do not find a response in men's hearts? Are we not getting the attention we deserve? There are actually two ways out: continue to stubbornly watch yourself and believe in the Miracle, or lure this Miracle to yourself in one very cunning way ...

You've probably heard of runes before. It is not known for certain how old these ancient signs are and who their creator is, but one thing is undeniable - the runes have magical properties and are able not only to show the future, but also to attract what they want.

Today you will learn about one very effective runic formula that helps enhance natural charm and female love magnetism. It has already been tried by a very good friend of mine and gave an amazing result.

On the very first day, a friend fell into the epicenter of male attention: on the bus, the guys gave way, colleagues became more courteous and courteous, and in line at the store, a complete stranger began to flirt with her.

Do you think it's a coincidence? We also thought so ... and decided to try the runic formula on another unmarried girl. After that, she admitted that the runes that day did not give her a new acquaintance or meeting with her soulmate, but filled her day with small pleasant surprises. I quote verbatim: “I haven’t caught so many male glances on myself for a long time ... I even ran into the toilet in the shopping center, looked in the mirror, maybe where something was torn, dirty ... no, I’m just such a princess.”

Do you want to try the attraction rune formula? If yes, then take a pen of any color and write the signs of Laguz-Berkana-Gebo-Soulo on any shoulder. They look like this:

While applying the formula, say each rune correctly aloud. And it sounds like this: Lo-guuz + Be-con-o + Gay-bo + So-vi-lo.

Yes, at the moment the runes can be pronounced differently, but the Russian version of the same rune "Berkana" is not entirely correct. Plus, the girls used exactly the pronunciation that I gave you.

Then blow on the inscription and say: “The runes are activated. I am the most charming and attractive. These words, as it were, complete the ritual, bringing the rune formula into action.

Please note: if the formula begins to fade, you can’t “finish” anything, you need to wash it off completely with words of gratitude. After that, you can apply the runes again.

Anastasia Volkova for the site

August 27, 2016

Gebo, runic formulas

Runic formula "female love amulet"

The meaning of the runic formula:
Laguz- intuition, changeability
Berkana- development, fertility, femininity

It is used to attract male attention to a woman. Applying this formula, you can immediately notice the increased interest of men in themselves. However, using the formula Laguz - Gebo - Berkana - Soulo it is necessary so that it is hidden from prying eyes; to do this, you can write this runic formula on a small piece of paper or cloth and carry this amulet with you. It is not recommended to use this formula to attract male attention too often, as with constant or frequent use, it loses its magical properties.

Runic formula "male love amulet"

The meaning of the runic formula:
Teyvaz- activity, determination, achievement
Gebo- association, mutual understanding
Inguz- fertility, light, energy
soulo- vitality, luck, victory

Used to attract female attention to a man. This is a love amulet with which you can improve relationships, make them more harmonious. runic formula Teyvaz - Gebo - Inguz - Soulo can be used to strengthen existing relationships. This formula can be effective for the treatment of male infertility (in combination with the main therapy).

Runic formula "strengthening relations"

The meaning of the runic formula:
Nautiz- need, necessity
Gebo- association, mutual understanding

Nautiz - Gebo - Nautiz used to strengthen relationships. The magical energy of this formula is aimed at making partners need each other. However, the runic formula Nautiz - Gebo - Nautiz must be used with caution; before you come to this method of strengthening relationships, you should make sure of your feelings for a person, understand why you need this relationship and understand whether you are ready to accept a person as he is. runic formula Nautiz - Gebo - Nautiz gives a rather strong magical effect - it connects two people with an invisible thread so that they cannot live a day without each other. However, this formula cannot contribute to changes in the relationships themselves, to make them harmonious. Therefore, this formula is best used as an addition to the runic formula aimed at harmonizing and improving relations.

Runic formula "strengthening the family"

The meaning of the runic formula:
Gebo- association, mutual understanding
Algiz- protection, security
otal- family, estate

Gebo - Algiz - Otal has a powerful magical effect aimed at strengthening family relationships. This formula is used in cases where spouses need to learn to understand each other, avoiding conflicts, misunderstandings and disagreements. Gebo - Algiz - Otal- it is also a good amulet for the family, protecting from negative influences from the outside - envy, damage, evil eye, etc. This runic formula can be used as an amulet and a talisman, stored in the place where the spouses spend the most time together, away from prying eyes. You can make an amulet (amulet) to strengthen the family yourself; for this it is enough to write a runic formula on a piece of paper, cardboard, a wooden board.

Runic formula call a person "Magic pendel"

The meaning of the runic formula:
Eyvaz - rune of protection, defense, overcoming difficulties
Uruz - endurance, stamina, strength
Kenaz - embodiment, disclosure
Gebo - association, mutual understanding
Turisaz - new opportunities

It is used in situations when it is necessary to call a person, get some news from him, a phone call, a letter, etc. This formula helps speed up a meeting, date, both love, friendship and business, depending on the situation. With the help of the runic formula Eyvaz - Uruz - Kenaz - Gebo - Turisaz the person you want to see overcomes the obstacles that may be in his way. This formula helps to dispel doubts and gives decisiveness.

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