The prefix is ​​significant. Foreign prefixes in Russian and their meaning. Words to be distinguished

The Russian language is incredibly rich and partly due to morphemes, which, participating in word formation, create new words. Prefix, she prefix, - the most important morpheme, without the existence of which half of the words would have disappeared. It is placed before the root and the number of this morpheme in a word can reach three units!

In contact with


Many prefixes of the Russian language are formed from synonymous prepositions. For example: word verbal formed from a combination of a preposition with a noun, from a verb. Some of them are borrowed from other languages. For example, a morpheme "anti-" means "opposite" or "hostility". To be smart and educated person, you need to know not only the spelling of prefixes, but also their meaning. These morphemes in the Russian language are unchangeable and changeable in form.

Invariable prefixes

Even without learning the entire list by heart, it is incredibly difficult to make a mistake in writing invariable prefixes. They are spelled the same under any circumstances, regardless of whether there is a vowel or consonant after them, a dull sound or a voiced one.

  • "about-", for example: call out, turn around, look around;
  • "before-", for example: to reach, to run, to swim;
  • "on-", for example: comprehend, fry, gradually;
  • "pro-", for example: lie down, climb, run;
  • "great-", for example: great-grandmother, great-grandfather, Proto-Slavic (the prefix is ​​​​used if the word has the meaning of kinship, original and ancient);
  • "on the-", for example: raid, attack, people;
  • "behind-", for example: shoot, burn, run;
  • "over-" ("must-"), for example: tear, laugh at, milk;
  • "under-" ("under-"), for example: window sill, undermine, suggest;
  • "from-" ("from-"), for example: hone, tear off, bend;
  • "ob-" ("ob-"), for example: ragged, sprinkled, bypass;
  • "in-" ("in-"), for example: cling to, break in, entrance;
  • "pre-", for example: harbinger, pre-spring, precede;
  • "re-", for example: move, move, wait out;
  • "s-" ("co-"), for example: drive away, run away, move.

It is worth noting that the prefix "z-" does not exist in Russian. At the beginning of a word, the letter “z” is placed before the consonant only in a few words: the building, here, local, health, not a single sight is visible.


remember how they written quite easily. It is important to look at the letter that begins the root following the first morpheme. If the sound is voiced, then the prefix will also end in a voiced consonant. If the sound is deaf, then its ending will be deaf.

It's important to know that this rule does not apply to words in which the prefix is ​​invariable: surrender and group.

"Not-" and "Ni-" are used most often in negative and indefinite pronouns , as well as negative adverbs formed from pronouns. Determining which vowel will be used is quite simple. If the morpheme is stressed, then we write "e", but if the prefix is ​​unstressed - "and".

For example: someone - nobody, something - nothing, once - never, etc.

This rule applies to words of other parts of speech only if they are formed from negative pronouns or adverbs. For example: insignificant, worthless.

Spelling "pre-" and "pri-"

"Pre-" And "at-" perhaps the most difficult to write, because it is necessary to know all their meanings.

Let's start with "pri-". It has the following meanings:

  1. Approximation value. Come, run.
  2. Meaning incomplete action. Tap, tap.
  3. Meaning attachments and fastenings. Attach, solder, sew.
  4. Meaning proximity, adjacent to something, neighborhood. Suburb, coastline.

"Pre-" is used when:

  1. Means a high degree or quality. You can check yourself by replacing it with the word "very". Pretty interesting (very interesting), pretty (very pretty).
  2. Meaning "through" synonymous with "re-". A criminal (i.e. a person who has gone overboard through the law), transformation.

You should carefully analyze the word in order to avoid mistakes, because depending on which letter will be used, the meaning of the words will change. Betray a friend, but give meaning. Stay in the country, but arrive in the country. Bow down at the door, but bow down to talent.

This rule is difficult because as a result of borrowing words have appeared in our language, the meaning of which is not always easy to understand. Here are some of them: preamble, prerogative, precedent, primitive.

Foreign prefixes

Studying the meaning of certain foreign parts of a word is not only incredibly useful, but also interesting. Most of them were borrowed from Latin and Greek.

  • "BUT-" has a negative value and indicates the absence of some feature. Achromatism, illogical, immoral;
  • "Anti-" is used in Russian to form words, meaningful opposites. Anti-scientific, anti-bacterial, anti-virus;
  • Meaning the highest degree and superiority has a morpheme "archi-". Archpastor, archival;
  • With the help of an attachment "hyper-" indicate an excess. Hyperactivity, hypersensitivity;
  • "Diz-"(used before vowels) and "dis-"(used before consonants) carry the meaning of separation and negation. imbalance, disharmony;
  • Borrowed "counter-" synonymous with the Russian prefix against. Counteroffensive.

Any word consists of parts, which in linguistics are called morphemes. The most important of these is the root. It contains the main meaning. It is like a house on a foundation, to which various premises are attached in the form of suffixes (affixes) and prefixes (prefixes), and, when possible, an ending is attached. And every time after construction works the purpose of the house can vary significantly. It is worth taking a closer look at the facade, and for this you need to know: what kind of prefixes are there, what new things they give the meaning of the word and whether they are fraught with any danger.

What are prefixes for?

What comes before the root, at the beginning of the word, is the prefix. The prefix belongs to significant morphemes, since its main function is education. that a word can have more than one prefix (two, three), they are all written together. But you can do this without errors, only knowing certain rules.

In modern Russian, there are more than 70 prefixes. Of course, not all of them have spelling rules. What are the consoles for these features, you can find out by considering three main groups:

Uniform spelling. These are prefixes that do not have a consonant pair. For example, v- or o- (after all, there are no prefixes f- or a-). This also includes: for-, co-, pa-, po-, su-, y- and so on;

Features of writing prefixes ending in "z" or "s". These are prefixes such as race- (raz-), nis- (bottom-), bes- (without-). If there is a voiced consonant after the prefix, then you need to write “z” at the end, if it is deaf, then “s”;

Prefix pre- and her sister pre-. The correct use of these prefixes depends on a correct understanding of the meaning they bring to the word.

What are the prefixes by origin

Prefixes are divided into native Russian and foreign. The first ones include:

By-, in-, from-, on-, without-, over, at-, that is, prefixes that can also be prepositions;

Pa- and great- are obsolete, but still found in such words as stepdaughter, flood, great-grandfather;

Inter-, after-, outside-, near-, counter-, once these prefixes were adverbial prepositions, but over time they became part of the word.

Foreign in origin are:

Prefixes with the letter "a" (Greek): anti-people, immoral, archival;

Counter-, de-, dis-, re-, ultra-, ex-, trans-, extra- (Latin): counteroffensive, demobilization, disqualification, regression, ultrafilter, ex-champion;

Eu-, ev- (ev-) - prefixes of Greek origin with the meaning "real". For example, ev-angelia (true news), eu-bacteria (correct bacteria);

Des- (French): disorganization, misinformation.

Both mushrooms and shards have the prefix o-

Very often we do not think about what prefixes are in words. And how they change the original value. For example, everyone knows what a "stump" is. Let's add the prefix o- and the suffix -ok. As a result, we get the word "mushroom". Do not think that this is a mushroom growing on a stump. The real understanding of this word is given precisely by the prefix o-, which denotes the spread of action around something. So mushrooms are not located on the stump, but around it.

If we recall an error, a typo, a typo or an oversight, it is immediately clear that the prefix o- has one more meaning - an indication of an incorrect, reckless action. And if you pay attention to the words: a fragment, a cigarette butt, a stub, a stub, then the new meaning of the same prefix becomes obvious - a particle of an object resulting from some kind of impact on it.

What is the difference between pre- and at-

For the correct spelling of these prefixes, you need to clearly know the meaning of the words in which they are used. For comparison and better memory need to make a table

Prefix pre-. Meaning:Prefix at-. Meaning:

The highest degree of quality. It is possible to replace the prefix with the words “very” or “very”: unpleasant, wise;

Sign, action: prepobedno, overjoyed;

Exceeding the measure: surpass, exalt;

Meaning close to block, convert.

Approximation, attachment, addition or spatial proximity: school, come, stick, add;

Incomplete action or its commission for a short time: sit down, get up, lie down, sit down;

Bringing the plan to the end: nail, attach, come up with;

To commit in someone's interests: hide, save;

An additional action to the main one: sentence, jump, dance.

Similar in sound but different in writing

There are words where the prefix pre- (at-) carries the main semantic load, and here it is important not to make a mistake, otherwise the meaning will completely change. You can only arrive somewhere and on something, but to stay means to be already somewhere. For example, to arrive by train to the station, but to stay carefree in the car.

There are many similar-sounding pairs in Russian. To understand their correct spelling, you can only know the Russian language: what are the prefixes in such and such a meaning, and which ones in another. And then the verbs “contemplate” (shelter) and “despise” (neglect, ignore) will not be confused in the head.

It is worth remembering once and for all that the receiver is what he accepts, and the successor takes over someone's experience, position. You can bow something to the wall, but you should bow only before what is worthy of respect. If the product is recommended to be shaped, then only a friend, dreams, ideals will be betrayed. It will be possible to pretend only a window or a door, but dreams and ideas come true.

More about spelling

In our language, there are prefixes that are separated from the word by a hyphen. There are only three of them: in-, in- (in-) and some-. For adverbs in -ski, -tski, -i, -him, -om - this is a prefix in -: foolishly, in your own way, in the Volga, in a hare. For pronouns without a preposition, something is written with a hyphen: some, some, somehow. Introductory words are made out as follows: “thirdly”, “secondly”, “apparently”.

There is another rule associated with prefixes and which is very often forgotten to apply in writing, guided by only one pronunciation. This is the choice of the vowels "i" or "s" following the prefix. IN this case spelling is not related to what prefixes are, but with which letter to start the root. This applies to all words with “and”: play, search, history, integral, idea, etc.

If a prefix appears in them, at the end of which there is a consonant, then “s” is written after it. for example: play, find, background, unprincipled. This rule has exceptions:

Compound words: sports equipment, pedagogical institute;


Prefixes super- and inter-: superinteresting, inter-institutional;

Foreign language prefixes: counterplay, sub-inspector, post-impressionism.

We tried to dwell on the main points of the life of prefixes, concerning their meanings and spellings, because this little morpheme carries a lot of meaning.

E.A. Makovey, teacher of the Russian language, secondary school No. 1 in Adygeysk,
A.I. Arkhipova, Professor of the Kuban State University

§ 2. Spelling prefixes

Prefix, prefix (from lat. praefixus"attached in front") - part of the word before the root. In Russian words, there can be from 1 to 3 prefixes before the root: tremble, join, open-open. Most Russian prefixes coincide in form and partly in meaning with prepositions (roadless - without a road, verbal - from the verb, from below, from under the brows - from under the forehead), particles (not appearing - not to appear). Among the prefixes of the Russian language there are a number of borrowed ones: but in the meaning of "not", anti - "against", archi - "very", counter - "against", pan - "all", sub - "under", trans - "through" and etc.

2.1. Spelling of invariable prefixes
Most of the prefixes in Russian are invariable, i.e. regardless of the sound in one position or another, they are written in the same way. The spelling of such prefixes should be memorized. See the list of invariable prefixes in the table:

called out, stop, sediment, go numb

reach, reach, guess

belief, courtyard, cut, rely

boil, gap, trick, grow

In a special sense: (meaning of kinship) great-grandmother, proto-language

attack, cover, overtake

ask, prisoner, pick up, score


bite, crack, inscribe, tear


melt, undermine, suggest, wait

OT- (OTO-)

give away, rest, push back, open


cut off, grind off, wipe off, bypass

B- (VO-)

relish, sew, cling to, involve


chairman, predecessor, predetermine


humus, overflow, skew

C- (CO-)

go astray
make friends
bend over

No prefix in words:
never mind
and single roots.

2.2. Spelling of prefixes on ... s - ... s
In Russian, there are prefixes in which letters alternate W And FROM :

In .. click; along .. walking;; ra.. burn.

The choice of consonant is carried out according to the following rule:

2.3. Spelling prefixes PRE- and PRI-

Words starting with pre- And at-, have different origins in Russian.
Some came from Latin. In these words, the Latin prefix prae- became part of the Russian root (president, presidium, presumption, predicate, reward, claim, applicant, prefect, precedent, preparation, presentation). The Russian language also borrowed Latin words with a root starting with at (priority, privilege, private).
Others are of Old Slavonic origin. They are characterized by the Slavic prefix pre-, which is often included in the modern root (obstacle, repose, advantage, beautiful). In the language, these words retain their book character.
Finally, many words pre- And at- are of Russian origin.

It is clear that it is impossible to draw up a clear rule for all cases. Therefore, the spelling rule proposed below is suitable mainly for words in which the meaning of the prefix is ​​​​clearly guessed.

Let's remember some cases:

shape, shine
bride's dowry
aisle of the temple
pretend window
arrive at the train
stick on the door
lay your head on your shoulder
bow at the door
look after an orphan
get down to business
impregnable bastion
visiting doctor
make an effort
downsize (slightly downsize)
put a chair
inapplicable technique
endure hardships
come up with questions
to be present at the meeting

betray a friend, dreams
ancient legend
limit of patience
head successor
the continuity of generations
misrepresentation, vicissitudes of fate
turn ideas into reality
stay on vacation
squabble over trifles
bow your head in respect
inflexible man, advanced age,
bow down to talent
despise cowards
break the law
is of lasting importance
immutable law
downplay (significantly reduce)
to die (to die)
stumbling block
indispensable condition
endure hardship, change
incessant, incessant

2.4. Spelling of vowels in prefixes NE- and NI- in
indefinite and negative pronouns,
pronominal negative adverbs.

Note.The rule applies to words of other parts of speech if they are formed from negative pronouns and adverbs: doing nothing, worthless, worthless, worthless, in a draw.

2.5. Spelling of consonants at the junction of the prefix and the root.

Retelling + tale = retelling (-s-)
race + skaz = story (-ss-)
race + quarrel = quarrel (-ss-)

Remember:calculation (race + even), but: calculate (race + count);
countless (dev + s + even).

In words tear apart, tear apart, ruin write one 3.

The definition of a prefix in Russian is as follows: a significant part of a word that can both change and supplement the meaning of the word. This definition, although brief, is extremely accurate: the prefix in Russian is indeed very, very significant, and it is subject to a complete change in the meaning of the word. Compare: understand pr e wrong (which means wrong), etc. And gatekeeper (at the gate).

There is an opinion that the poorer and easier language, the more primitive and weaker is the mind of the people who own it. If you believe this opinion, then we can conclude that the Russian people are one of the most developed peoples in the world. What are the morphemes alone worth in our language! It is difficult to count all prefixes in Russian, let alone remember. And from foreign languages everyone comes to Russian and new prefixes come, with their own meaning.

Remembering the correct spelling of the prefix in Russian is quite simple, at least when it comes to native Russian prefixes. They are divided into three groups. The first group is prefixes, the spelling of which does not change under any circumstances. Among them is the prefix s-. It should be remembered that in words beginning with the letters "s" and "z", only the letter "s" can be a prefix, and "z" is included in the root of the word.

The second group is prefixes with changing consonants: -raz - -ras. The following should be remembered about this group: the letter "z" (-raz) is written before voiced consonants (as in the word "run") and vowels (as in the word "dressed up"), the letter "s" (-ras) is written before deaf consonants (dawn).

Prefixes with a changing vowel also belong to this group: -ras - -ros. To know the spelling of these prefixes, you need to remember only one rule: the letter "o" is written under stress (as in the word "draw"), and the letter "a" is written without stress (as in the word "cut").

The third group is the prefixes pre- and pre-. The rules for writing them are also extremely simple. The prefix is ​​pre-written if the meaning is "very", or if it can be replaced by the prefix re- (as in the words "excellent", "interrupt"). The prefix is ​​assigned if it is necessary to indicate the incompleteness of the action (get up), approaching something (running up), joining (sewn), proximity to something (coastal).

The use of a foreign prefix in Russian is somewhat more difficult, since one cannot be guided by any general rules, but it is necessary to memorize the spelling and meaning of each prefix. Here are some examples of the most commonly used foreign prefixes.

So, the prefix of Latin origin a- denotes the absence of a sign (immorality, amenorrhea).

The prefix of Latin origin de- denotes the reverse action, removal, termination (defecation).

The prefixes hypo- and hyper- denote, respectively, a decrease and an overestimation of the norm (hypotension, hyperactivity).

The Greek prefixes anti- and archi- denote, respectively, the opposite and superpower (unsanitary conditions, archbishop).

The French prefix dez means the removal or absence of something (disinfection).

The Latin prefix re- denotes the reverse process (regeneration).

The Latin prefixes ultra- and ex- denote, respectively, extreme, ultimate quality (ultrasound) and movement from within or something former (export, ex-husband).

In addition to the role of prefixes, the history of the prefix bes is also interesting. It is known for certain that initially there was no such prefix in the Russian language, the absence of something was indicated by the prefix "without". However, after 1917, the communists who came to power decided to replace the last letter. What caused such a change - the dissonance of many words (such as dishonesty, ignominy) or a simple mockery of the fears of believers (after all, the devil is called a demon) - is unknown.

One way or another, since then, the prefix has been used only in words in which the prefix is ​​followed by a vowel or a voiced consonant. And words with the prefix demon are still ridiculed by many people to this day: dishonorable, dishonest, heartless ...

The meaning of the prefix co-? Words with what meaning form the prefix co-?

What does the prefix co- mean when forming nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs?

Which lexical meaning brings the prefix co- in the formation of words?

Prefix "Co" denotes in nouns and adjectives the presence of some relationship and joint action of several objects.

For example, Co + Friendship = Fellowship, Co + Authorship = Co-authorship, Co + Suffering = Compassion.

Regarding the use of the attachment "Co" in verbs, it can mean:

1) The compatibility of several actions, that is, it is shown that the actions of several people or living beings are the same:

With + Experience = Empathize.

So + Feel = Feel.

So + Suffer = Compassion.

2) Complete removal, destruction of something or bringing any action to an end:

Co + Cut = Cut.

So + Take = Collect.

Co + Warm = Warm.

The prefix co (s) is used in word formation in the formation of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs.

The meaning of the prefix co (s) in the formation of nouns, adjectives:

  • Interrelation, compatibility, a certain commonality. For example: community, consonance.
  • A state or phenomenon that is characterized by the combination of identical objects. For example: inflorescence.

The meaning of the prefix co (s) in the formation of verbs:

  • Joint action, help, feelings. For example: compassion.
  • Removal from the surface, from the place. For example: cut off, scrape off.
  • Connection, rapprochement, bonding of something. For example: connect, touch, compose.
  • Bringing the action to some limit. For example: crush.

The value of the prefix co (s) in adverbs, which have the meaning of the manner of action, place, time. For example: jointly, blindly, conscientiously.


The prefix co(s) is one of the oldest Slavic prefixes denoting a joint action or an action divided by half between two people or many people. This prefix, as it were, also has an additional philosophical meaning:

co-experience, concord, s-elastic, co-living, co-standing, co-performing, co-suffering, co-cooking, s-death - (the last word is a bit controversial, but shows a state when the day is not perfect died)

What is the meaning of the prefix for-? Examples of words with the prefix for-?

The value of the prefix for-?

Prefix "Behind" has several meanings. It can mean:

1) The beginning of the action: to speak (that is, start talking), to shine (that is, start to shine).

2) Being outside of any object: suburban (located outside the city), sky-high (located behind the clouds).

3) Completion of the action completely: conquer, braid, capture.

4) Completion of the action in advance (that is, the action is aimed at the future tense): prepare (that is, prepare some supplies).

5) An action that is carried out, as it were, along the way: bring it in.

6) A certain development of the action, while it is clearly visible when it ends: spend the night (the action takes place only during the night), hibernate (the action takes place only during the winter period).

Firstly, the presence of this prefix means the completion of some action - to shoot, complete, close. And, then, this prefix denotes the presence of something behind the object - a curtain (behind a canopy), beyond (beyond), etc. Among other things, this prefix (as

and all others), serve to form new words.

The meanings of the invariable prefix for-:

  1. The beginning of the action is to sing, sing, think, etc.
  2. Completion of the action - protect, record, etc.
  3. Finding further than something, behind something, behind (as a rule, in nouns and their derivatives) - district (beyond the river), Zarechensky.

What does the prefix "a" mean, what are the words with the prefix "a-"?

foreign language prefix a- in the morphemic composition of the words of the Russian language expresses negation, the absence of any quality, for example:

moral - but moral;

logical - but logical;

social - but social;

typical - but typical.

The adjective "illogical" has the meaning "contrary to logic", that is, illogical.

Immoral means "devoid of morality", that is, immoral.

As you can see, in terms of meaning, the foreign prefix a- is synonymous with Russian prefixes not-, bez-.


The prefix "a" is a prefix of foreign origin. Just like the prefixes "super", "hyper", "pseudo", "des" and many others.

The meaning of the prefix is: "absence".

A synonymous prefix is ​​the prefix "not".

For example:

symmetrical - asymmetric, this is the same as asymmetric.

moral - immoral,

logical - illogical (illogical).

Another point: the prefix "a" is used only in borrowed words.

Z v e n k a

The foreign prefix "a-" is called a derivational prefix. What does it mean? The fact is that if there is any word without a prefix, but to the left add the prefix " but-", you get a completely different word, often with the opposite meaning.

Thus, if you get creative with the terms, then you can call "a-" an "antonymous prefix". This prefix, appearing in words, begins to deny a certain quality or indicate the absence of this quality, which is present in the semantics of the original word.

For example:

One has only to add "a-" to the adjective "synchronous", and the result is "asynchronous" (that is, not possessing synchronicity).


The prefix a- means negation in Greek, as well as in some other Indo-European languages ​​(in particular, in Sanskrit). In the same meaning, it was borrowed into the Russian language (the Greek language served as the source) and is usually used in words with Greek roots, but this rule is often violated in the process of language play. Before vowels, it has the form en-.

Examples of words are anarchy, apathy, illogical.


In our rich language, sometimes there may be "borrowed" from other peoples foreign prefixes. As a rule, they are of Greek and Latin origin.

These attachments include prefix "a-".

What is the meaning of this prefix?

Using the prefix "a–" - words are formed that have negative meaning as well as the lack of quality. The prefix a- in Greek means negation.

Examples are:

  • social - asocial;
  • logical - illogical;
  • moral - immoral.

The prefix "A" is borrowed, according to most linguists, from the Greek language.

It is used to form words with the meanings of negation, the absence of any properties or characteristics.

For example, Symmetrical -> lack of this quality: A + Symmetrical.

Another example: lack of involvement in politics: A+Political.


All prefixes of the Russian language on A are of Greek origin.

A very archaic Slavic prefix a- (in Russian - i-, for example, sycamore). Possible etymology - from the prefix o-, which began to be pronounced as a- under the influence of the prefix za-, because. a similar meaning was transmitted (hypothetically): wrap - wrap - turn around, go in - get around - go.

A- is a union that has grown together with other words and therefore has become, as it were, a prefix: see the words anyhow, ife.

International prefixes actively used in Russian:

A- / an- - of Greek origin (conveys negation). An analogue of Russian prefixes "not-", "without-".

Anti - Greek origin (gr. "against"). An analogue of the Russian root prefix "anti-". It can also be attached to Russian roots.