Teaching fortune telling on Lenormand cards. Learning Lenormand: a fairy tale for better memorization of card names. Practical work "My attitude to fortune-telling"

What are the good cards of Madame Lenormand?

Of the prediction methods, this is the simplest and most accessible.

Useful for both beginners and serious practitioners.

Lernorman prediction system for a beginner this is a simple structure where everything is intuitively understood, accessible and easily implemented. At the same time, the range of questions that the deck answers is very wide.

For a specialist another prediction method that can test a complex situation quickly and clearly. Especially the situation of life - household.

Who can master the Lenormand cards?
All. The system is available at any age. It is easy to understand, does not require rituals and refusals from anything. you always guaranteed clear and understandable answer cards.

The Lenormand deck is in second place in popularity in the ranking of fortune-telling systems
after the tarot cards. She overtook even the Runes.
There is a lot of mysticism in the legends about the origin of the deck. Someone says that Madame Lenormand created the deck herself, someone that she received from some persons shrouded in mystery.
From the irrefutable: on this deck Madame Lenormand predicted the future of many famous people 19th century. Her predictions came true.

The deck has created a strong egregor located towards people. The potential of which helps beginners and supports serious practitioners.

The Lenormand deck is a base of symbolic images, the structure of which has not yet been fully disclosed, but which always draws the associations necessary for the fortuneteller from the fortuneteller.

Lenormand cards are focused on the intuitive perception of the image from the picture. Therefore, they are easier for a beginner than Tarot, and they have a softer - your energy.

When compared with the Tarot, the main difference is that the Lenormand method interprets the current situation from the point of view of the everyday level, and the interpretation of the Tarot is the level of the Universe.

Here's a really simple example: You need to find out whether or not to call you Vasya.

From Taro to the question of what the call to Vasya will give me, you will receive an answer: Everything will be fine - the call will teach you to correctly assess people and the world, give you awareness of yourself in the task, continue the Path to Perfection of the Personality.

From the Lenormand deck: You will scare Vasya with your call and he will avoid you. Simply put, you will not receive Vasya if you call him yourself.
So what do you think you should do? call?

It is easy to work with Lenormand on issues that can be called intrusive. Something on the level of "buy an elephant" or "travel of an elephant in a cockroach". Something worries you and you have already "wound" the universe with this question, but the answer you need is not obtained. The Tarot will tolerate you a little and give you the Fool or the Ace of Pentacles - in general, it will send you.
The Lenormand deck will "chew" the task with you until you get bored.

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand trains and develops intuition. Teaches to perceive the language of symbols. A useful skill not only for Lenormand, but also for Tarot.

Some tarot decks, such as the Tarot of the Forest Tarot, or the Tarot of Doors, are also based on an intuitive interpretation of symbolic images.

You can work with Lenormand cards right away by understanding the logic of their language.

The author's course, taught in our club, has the main emphasis on the practice of working with the deck. To create it, a combined analysis was carried out, based on domestic and foreign interpretations of both the deck and the method of Ms. Lenormand. It contains the results of a long practice of the master. All this will make it easy for you to master the course. Will expand the range of understanding of the symbolic language of the cards. It will give you the opportunity to have a full dialogue with your deck.

Training individually or in a group.

At the end of the course you:

  • be able to predict on the Lenormand deck
  • create your own layouts



  • Historical background - Marie-Anne Adelaide Lenormand.
  • Decks Lenormand. The basis of interpretation is the Etteila system.


  • Getting Started with Maps. Deck preparation. Deck care.
  • Basic meaning of the cards. Various aspects of meanings. Basic combinations of cards.
  • Symbolic language of maps. The simplest interpretations of cards. (Couples, couples with explanation)
Analysis of simple layouts:
"Attitude Analysis"


Analysis of complex layouts:
"Fateful Cross"
"Rainbow of Happiness"
"Gypsy alignment", etc.

Making your own schedules

P.S. The plan may change in terms of studying layouts. During the thematic sessions
layouts are selected at the discretion of the teacher and the requests of students.

Maria Anna Adelaide Lenormand (Le Normand or Lenormand) was born on May 27, 1772 in Alençon, a small town fifty leagues from Paris. Her father was a wealthy textile merchant. Even in the boarding school of the Benedictine monastery, where her father sent her, she became famous for her successful predictions: for example, the boss, whom little Mary predicted that she would not be long in the monastery, was indeed soon transferred to another place.

With the death of his father, the wealth in the family ended, and the Lenormans moved to Paris. There she first worked as a saleswoman, but soon her unusual talent for fortune-telling manifested itself, and in 1790, together with her friend, she opened her own "salon" on the Rue de Tournon, in which she predicted fate to willing ladies and gentlemen using cards, astrology and other methods.

In the very near future, the salon of Mademoiselle Lenormand gained immense popularity. All the “light” of the then revolutionary Paris stayed in it. In 1793 Marat, Saint-Just and Pobespierre visited the salon. She predicted a violent death to all three. And so it happened: Jean-Paul Marat was mortally wounded by Charlotte Corday a few months later, and two others were arrested and executed a year later.

But the greatest fame, of course, was brought to Marie Lenormand by her friendship with Josephine Beauharnais, the wife of the young General Bonaparte. At the first meeting, the fortune teller predicted her a crown. Neither Josephine nor Napoleon himself then believed the fortune-teller, but ten years had not passed before the fortune-telling came true. Having come to power, Napoleon did not forget the lucky soothsayer: he presented her with a million francs, and she became the personal fortuneteller of Empress Josephine. And she predicted not only a divorce from Napoleon, but even the defeat of the French army in Russia.

The cards used by Maria Lenormand during divination were the most common. Only she had her own interpretation, largely based on the rules of divination introduced by Eteyla. After her death (1843), no special cards, let alone notes on divination, survived, although Lenormand wrote a lot.

The most successful reconstruction of the system of Maria Lenormand was undertaken by the Flemish fortuneteller Erna Drusbeke. Erna Drusbeke van Enge was born in 1952 in Antwerp to a Belgian-Dutch family. She is an artist, and she has been drawing different maps since childhood. She owns a divination system (and a deck) called the Isis Tarot. Interested in the history of Maria Lenormand, Erna Drusbeke, who herself has good occult abilities, tried to restore her divination system based on the memoirs of her contemporaries.

When divining the direct and inverted position of the cards, Ern Drusbeke does not take into account. To facilitate the work of intuition, Erna Drusbeke provided 36 cards of an ordinary French deck with symbolic drawings, the interpretation of which is not difficult: it is clear that the sun means joy, warmth and light, the ring means marriage, and the cross means suffering.

For the interpretation of any card, it is also important which cards surround it. So, the relatively neutral card "Clover", meaning expectation or hope, in combination with "Clouds", "Mountain" and "Snake" portends trouble, and with "Garden", "Fish" or "Bouquet" - success and good luck.

To get acquainted with the divination system of Maria Lenormand, we offer you several options for online divination designed for these cards.

Once upon a time they lived in a small French village The male and Female.

The man was a young man, he fell in love with a woman at first sight, his A heart filled with love.

Soon he galloped to the woman's house Rider on a white horse. Of course, it was our Man.

He offered her his hand and heart and put on her finger Ring. The man found a small Key to the woman's heart and soon married her.

He did everything he had to do in life a real man: built a house, planted Wood and raised a son.

Them Child grew up a long time ago and sailed away on a big Ship across the seas and oceans to get an education in another country. There he soon married and "left Anchor".

A man and a woman lived in a large cozy home. Near it was broken a small Garden, which bloomed in spring and filled the air with an unusual aroma. When they appeared in the sky clouds and it began to drizzle, The woman did not want to go into the house and she hid under the branches of trees.

Under the windows of the house there were small flower beds on which all kinds of flowers grew. When they blossomed, the Woman collected from them of extraordinary beauty Bouquet and put it in a vase. But more than other flowers the woman loved lilies. It was these flowers that the Man brought on the first date and since then they have become her favorite.

Their house was reliably guarded from thieves and robbers by a faithful Dog. She loved her owners very much and at a meeting she always happily wagged her tail.

On the roof of the house, a man built a nest and settled in it storks. It was believed that the house on whose roof they settled would bring happiness. And the Man and the woman were really happy. As in all families, it happened, "I found Spit stone", but it was so rare that they did not attach any importance to it.

The only disappointment in the life of a Man and a Woman was that in the basement of the house Rats and began to spoil property and supplies. The hostess wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible by driving them out. broom.

There was a green meadow near the house. The woman loved to walk on it and look for Clover with four leaves. It was believed that the wish of the one who finds it will come true. The woman wanted only one thing: for her son to send them Letter with the news.

Immediately behind the village began a coniferous forest. It was inhabited by nocturnal inhabitants - owls. At night, their cries were heard even to the house of the Man and the Woman.

In the dense forest also lived A fox. After all, not one forest can do without this cheat. She liked to drop in "on a visit" to the villagers for a chicken, a duck or a goose.

In the very depths of the forest lived a brown Bear. Everyone thought so, but not a single inhabitant of the village had ever seen him.

Also lived in this forest Snake. Once she even attacked a Man who came to the forest for firewood. After all, the snake is a very intelligent and insidious creature. No wonder it is considered a symbol of wisdom.

Immediately after the forest, the road turned into fork. One path led to a small pond. It contained a lot Fish. The man often went fishing and returned with a big catch.

Another path led to an abandoned tower. It was so old that the villagers no longer remembered who built it and why. The children often ran away from home and played hide and seek in it, although their parents strictly forbade them to go far from home.

Right behind the tower Mountain. It was very large and it was impossible to bypass it. Therefore, no one has ever walked or traveled further.

Since the village was in the middle of nowhere, the only entertainment for Men and Women in the evenings was. Every winter evening they sat in front of the fireplace and read enthusiastically.

The woman was very fond of clear days and The sun. She rejoiced in every ray of it.

The man loved the night more. When she advanced and appeared in the sky Moon and Stars, he went out into the street, sat on the porch and dreamed about something.

Once there was a misfortune. The dog, which faithfully and devotedly served its masters for many years, died of old age. Words cannot describe how hard it was for the owners to part with her. The man made a small Coffin, put the dog in it and buried it. On the grave he placed a small Cross.

This is how a Man and a Woman lived in those distant times - the times of the life of a famous soothsayer Mary Lenormand.

You are holding in your hands a unique book that contains the most relevant fortune-telling methods on the cards of Madame Lenormand, as well as tells about their origin and describes the meaning of each card. With the help of fortune telling on Lenormand cards, you will be able not only to get independent advice about your own future, but also to find a loss or find out how this or that person treats you. The book may be of interest to many people who want to look behind the veil of secrecy. For experienced practitioners, it will be a good reminder, and for beginners - an excellent guide. The information offered here may turn out to be very relevant in the light of the spread of other systems and traditions of card divination, since the Lenormand system differs in many ways from the already familiar Tarot cards and other oracles. If you wish, it is easy to learn how to guess on the cards yourself, because the information presented in this book is quite detailed: not only the cards themselves are described, but also different methods of fortune telling - from the simplest to the big gypsy layout. From the book you can also learn about how the tradition of divination on these cards was born, and who exactly brought it to us in the form it is at the present time. If you are just starting to guess, then, picking up a deck of cards, trust your intuition, but remember that you yourself are the masters of your own destiny!

A series: Practical Magic (Phoenix)

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by the LitRes company.

On the methods of divination on the cards of Madame Lenormand

Before proceeding with the description various kinds fortune-telling according to the Lenormand system, I would like to make a small digression.

The examples that will be given below intentionally begin with a description simple ways fortune-telling, so that even an unprepared person can understand the fortune-telling system using a deck of cards developed by a famous soothsayer. And it really is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Using simple layouts, over time, you can get used to this unusual deck and remember the meaning of each card. The thing is, with what desire and interest to approach divination, the process of which is somewhat similar to creativity and affects the very depths of the human "I". Therefore, when picking up cards, you must not only want to know the future, but also try to release all the power of intuition and imagination, listening to your inner feelings. This approach will best help to understand what the cards want to say, especially since the images on the cards, as mentioned above, are very conducive to this, that is, they are largely associative.

Next, fortune-telling methods for every taste will be presented, giving the opportunity to know your future. For beginners, the simplest fortune telling is suitable, where only one card can tell you what to expect next and how to act in order to avoid danger or not be caught off guard by impending troubles. At the same time, guessing for the future, a beginner can get acquainted with combinations of cards, as they are laid out in order one after another.

In addition, fortune-telling will be described, which will certainly interest people who want to find their other half or simply want to know what to expect from this or that person entering their life. In this they will be helped by simple layouts for a new person or person.

We will also talk about such specific fortune-telling as the layout for finding the missing thing. It in itself is very interesting and not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and they will help you figure it out. detailed description and the scheme by which it is necessary to lay out the cards.

And then it will be possible to move on to more complex layouts, such as small and large, or gypsy, alignment, which a beginner can start when he fully masters the basics of divination - the meaning and combinations of cards.

A simple divination for the future

Take a full deck of thirty-six cards and shuffle carefully, concentrating on your own thoughts and desires. Then start opening one card from the top, saying to yourself: "Ace, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king." Without stopping to open the cards, after the king, continue the transfer, starting again with the ace. Those cards that match the names, put aside in order.

When the deck is over, start opening the cards from the very beginning, without shuffling them and continuing to pronounce the names in the same order.

After doing this three times, put the rest of the deck aside and begin to interpret the meaning of the matching cards based on their combination with each other.

Divination for a person

This is a fairly simple fortune-telling that will help you characterize a person. Find the Gentleman in the deck if you are guessing for a man, or the Lady if you are guessing for a woman, and place the desired card in the center of the table.

Focus on the image of this person. Then carefully shuffle the remaining cards and randomly draw three cards from the deck and place them around the key card. After that, you can open the cards and see their meaning.

Divination for a wish or for the future

This is quite an interesting way of divination. Take a deck of thirty-six cards and choose the card that corresponds to the current hour, that is, the desired number. For example, the Messenger is the first card, and it corresponds to the hour of the night, and the twenty-fourth card, the Heart, will end the day.

The center card will be the one that is drawn first. Put the deck face down, remove twelve cards from above, and put the thirteenth under the central one - this card will be responsible for the past. After that, shuffle the cards, again remove the thirteenth card and put it to the left of the central one - it will show the events taking place in a person’s life in the present. After counting the next thirteenth card, put it on the right - it will also point to the present. And finally, the last card drawn in this way must be placed on top of the central card - it will represent the future. When the cards run out during the countdown, you will have to take the ones that have already been worked out and, shuffling them, count the thirteenth card from among them.

Divination by desire

Shuffle the deck of thirty-six cards very carefully and, having made a wish and focusing on it, take out one card at random, which will be the answer to the question you asked and tell you whether the wish will come true.

Divination to search

This spread is specifically used to help find what is lost, whether it be a person or thing.

In this scenario, the designation of positions is based on the meaning of houses, which are accepted in astrology.

As in all other cases, before starting fortune-telling, you must carefully shuffle the cards.

But in the layout for the lost thing, there is one caveat - before you start shuffling the deck, you need to find a card that will symbolize the loss. How to do it?

If a we are talking about finding a person, you will need the following cards:

28. Gentleman;

13. Child.

Each of these cards will represent a man, a woman, or a child, respectively. But sometimes other maps are used to search for people, for example:

7. Snake - if you need to find an intruder or intruder;

14. Fox - find a deceiver, a rogue person;

15. Bear - find the missing boss or patron;

18. Dog - find a missing friend.

These cards will more accurately characterize the person you are looking for.

In addition, we often cannot find any thing, the fate of which is very worrying.

Other cards may serve this purpose. Here, some people have difficulty choosing the right cards, so it’s better to turn on the imagination and get creative in fortune-telling.

For those who still find it difficult, we can offer some ready-made notations.

1. Messenger - various means communications (cell phone, fax, and the like), as well as all kinds of storage media (flash card, disk, etc.).

3. Ship - any means of transportation (cars and the like).

9. Bouquet of flowers - universal card, which can be used to designate any lost thing that means a lot to a person or is donated by someone.

11. Scythe - weapons and cutting or stabbing tools.

21. Mountain - precious or semi-precious stones.

25. Ring - any jewelry.

26. Book - actually a book or any other paper medium of information.

27. Letter - correspondence, letters, documents.

33. Key - the actual keys or other small metal objects.

34. Pisces - values, mostly money (if, in combination with this card, you choose, for example, any card of flowers - Clover, Bouquet of Flowers or Lilies, then in this way you can designate any beautiful thing or piece of art).

31. The sun - gold jewelry.

32. Moon - silver jewelry, any silver products.

After the desired card is selected, carefully shuffle the deck. Then the cards are laid out in threes for each of the twelve houses and opened until one of the houses contains the card you need.

It will be necessary to interpret information about the loss based on the combination of this card with two neighboring ones.

Map layout for search

Meaning of the Houses

The First House is the personal space of the one who has lost a thing.

Perhaps this is a house or room where this person spends a lot of time and also stores personal items. What is lost is very close and will definitely be found soon. The time that will be spent looking for things is calculated in hours or even minutes, and the direction in which to look is east.

The Second House - perhaps the thing that cannot be found is not lost in the literal sense of the word, but is lost among other personal items, or may be in a box or safe where cash is usually stored. As a rule, this House directly points to places where money, jewelry cases or other valuables are kept. The search also does not take too much time, you should look in the direction of the northeast.

The Third House is most likely a place belonging to acquaintances, neighbors or relatives, but it can also be a place of study. You should try to look for the lost item in places where books, letters, papers, and writing materials can be stored.

The item may be in mailbox if it is correspondence, or in your own car. It will be found for only a few days, the direction is northeast.

The Fourth House is guaranteed to indicate that the lost is in your own home. It can be either a room where your elderly relatives live, or a kitchen or a place where there is land - a garden or vegetable garden. In addition, there is a possibility that the lost may be in the parental home or the home of close relatives. The thing will be found for several days, the direction is north.

Fifth House - the place of loss can be a children's room, and a place for entertainment and relaxation, and a bedroom, and in a broader sense - a theater, an exhibition, a gambling house, a disco, and even a place for secret meetings of lovers. It is noteworthy that this thing is not in plain sight and needs to be looked for more carefully than before. Search direction - north-north-west.

Sixth House - the place of loss could be a place of work or service, such as a government agency, hospital or clinic, and the room where meetings are held.

It is also possible that the thing is in your own home, but in a place that performs a function personal account. It is also possible that this is a place where pets are kept. To find a lost thing, you need to try hard and spend a lot of time searching for it. The direction in which you should look for it is west of the northwest.

Seventh House - the lost is in the personal belongings of your spouse or partner, or maybe a companion.

But more often than not, finding a thing in this House makes it clear that it is most likely stolen and its return to its rightful owner is very doubtful. The search direction is west.

The Eighth House is very unfavorable for loss. During the search for his thing, a person may be in serious danger, or the thing itself has already fallen into disrepair - dismantled or broken. Search direction - southwest.

Ninth House - the place of loss of the thing you are looking for can be a temple, institute or church. It may also be located in the boss's office or in a building belonging to a higher organization.

In any case, what you are looking for is very close. And, nevertheless, several months can be spent on searches. The direction in which you should look for your loss is south-southwest.

Tenth House - the missing thing is at your employers, at your workplace. However, it can be any place where you usually work or do business. Searches in this case can last a few days, and the direction in which to look is south.

The Eleventh House is the place where securities or financial documents. True, there is a possibility that this place may be a club or any other institution where friends meet. It is possible that the lost item is in your own home and it makes sense to look for it in the living room. It can take weeks to find a lost item. The direction to look for is south-southeast.

Twelfth House - the missing thing is located in a remote, rather isolated place, perhaps where chemicals and various medicines are stored.

This House can be dangerous, as it represents secret enemies, hospitals and prisons. If the card you chose suddenly ended up in this house, then the chance of finding the loss is very small - it is well hidden. Look for it to the east of the southeast.

Map of the day

This is a fairly simple fortune-telling that will help determine what to expect in the very near future - a kind of forecast for the day. Shuffle the cards carefully and arrange them all around the circle in a clockwise direction. Then focus on your desire to know what to expect from the new day, and open the card that you are drawn to.

By interpreting the meaning of the chosen card, you will be able to determine what awaits you on this day.

Alignment for a new person entering life

Very often, when meeting or meeting someone, a person wonders what impression he made, what to expect from a new relationship, what other people think about it, what can happen in terms of feelings, friendship or partnership.

Lenormand cards will help answer these questions. To do this, you need to relax, clearly formulate your question and shuffle the cards.

The first card taken will answer the question: “What does this person think about me?”, The second - to the question: “How does this person (name) really feel about me?”, The third - to the question: “Will anything happen between us?".

It is the third card that will help get rid of the ambiguity in the relationship and clearly determine which direction the new acquaintance will take.

A simple layout for the situation

This layout is really very simple. In order to start fortune-telling, you need to take a form - the card of the questioner - which will mean you or the person you are guessing for, and then, focusing on the problem, randomly select four cards from the deck and spread them around the form.

The first, topmost card will tell you what preceded the current situation.

The second card, to the left of the form, will show what options a person has in this situation. This may be an indication of some obstacles or help from the outside.

The third card, lying on the right, will reflect the wishes and plans of the fortuneteller. She can also suggest the answer to a question tormenting a person.

And finally, the fourth card shows the future and the result that should be expected after the resolution of the situation as a whole.

Complex layouts

Large, or gypsy, alignment on the small lasso Lenormand

This alignment is more complex, has separate interpretations and includes two methods.

Usually, the so-called big eight-card layout is used first, when they are laid out in four rows of eight cards each, and four more cards below. After that, if necessary, the second option for laying out the cards follows - in four rows of nine in each.

It is probably right to remind you that you should not lay out cards in two ways just out of curiosity. This is done only if the first scenario does not give exact answers and leaves many doubts.

Big alignment

Usually the gypsy layout gives a lot of information, and from this it follows that it is quite enough to lay out the cards in one of two ways and simply carefully interpret their combinations. Before starting fortune-telling and laying out cards, it is necessary to guess a specific time period of interest. And only after that you can begin to carefully shuffle the cards, remove them and lay them out according to one of the above schemes.

How to lay out cards - opening immediately or first upside down, and only then open - is of no fundamental importance, this is a matter of personal preference and habit.

In the gypsy spread, less attention is paid to how the cards fit together. It is much more important to consider in which House the card lies. Thus, the interpretation of divination depends not only on which House the other card is combined with, but also on which direction it is located. You need to count in order, starting from the very first, upper left card and moving to the right.

House Meanings

House 1 - Messenger: The house of good news, as well as all kinds of contacts and communication.

House 2 - Clover: modest happiness, little joy, transience of happiness, as well as little money.

House 3 - Ship: travel, travel, all kinds of changes, an irresistible desire to visit foreign countries and travel long distances.

House 4 - House: family, constancy.

House 5 - Tree: health, age, duration of something.

House 6 - Clouds: negative emotions, doubts, fear, insecurity, uncertainty, worries.

House 7 - Snake: wise woman, treason, deceit, insincerity, detours and complications.

House 8 - Coffin: completion, sadness, depression, problems, the end or the beginning of something new.

House 9 - A bouquet of flowers: gifts and invitations, flirting, a wonderful person, creative hobbies.

House 10 - Spit: parting, separation, danger, suddenness of events.

House 11 - Broom: vanity, disputes and disagreements, gossip.

House 12 - Owls: nervous tension, talking on the phone or receiving messages, anxiety.

House 13 - Child: a new beginning, purity and naivety.

House 14 - Fox: cunning, lies and deceit, concealment and mystery.

House 15 - Bear: in most cases means a man, trust and support on his part, but sometimes jealousy.

House 16 - Stars: This is a unique House that is most concerned with matters of a magical nature, but can also indicate success and clarification in business.

House 17 - Storks: changes and changes, travel, nepotism.

House 18 - Dog: House of true friendship.

House 19 - Tower: loneliness, separation, separation, isolation.

House 20 - Garden: meetings, public and communication.

House 21 - Mountain: complexity, emerging obstacles and loads.

House 22 - Fork: options, spraying.

House 23 - Rats: unpleasant situations, theft, loss, and also fear.

House 24 - Heart: emotions, love and friendship.

House 25 - Ring: relationship, connection, partnership agreement or marriage.

House 26 - Book: learning, mystery, knowledge.

House 27 - Letter: information in any form and format.

House 28 - Gentleman: a card of a fortune-telling man.

House 29 - Lady: a card of a fortune-telling woman.

House 30 - Lilies: chastity, spirituality, harmony.

House 31 - Sun: great happiness and a lot of energy.

House 32 - Moon: creativity, affection, feelings, past, emotions.

House 33 - Key: The house where problems are resolved.

House 34 - Pisces: the financial sector.

House 35 - Anchor: work or professional field.

House 36 - Cross: karma, religiosity, faith and hope for the future.

In the following figure, the first and last cards are marked (solid line), as well as the cards that will be located in the corners (dashed line).

1. As it is already clear from the above, the very first card will be the one that lies in the House of the Messenger. This combination - House + card - affects the whole layout as a whole.

2. Then, counting the cards from left to right in each row, you should look at the cards that are at the corners of the layout - these are 1, 8, 25 and 32. In this case, card 1 will be located in the upper left corner, card 8 in the upper right, card 25 on the bottom left and card 32 on the bottom right. These cards will indicate the fortuneteller to the present and the current life situation.

3. In the very center will be what a person has in his thoughts and in his heart and worries him in this moment.

4. Now look at the top row. The first four cards will show the future, which should be fulfilled within about a half month, and the remaining four following them, the future is more distant.

5. The bottom four cards, which come last, represent future global events that, most likely, cannot be prevented or changed in any way. These last cards are called Destiny cards.

6. Having decided on where the present and the future are, you need to find a “blank” card that will correspond to the person they are guessing: for a man, this is a Gentleman, and for a woman, a Lady. Find in which house the form lies, and also pay attention to what place it occupies in the layout. If it is shifted to the left, it means that a renewal awaits a person, important changes are coming in his life. This person plans his own future. In the case when the card is on the right side, a person lives in his past, which he does not want to let go, and does not plan for the future at all.

When the card is at the top, then emotions play an important role in a person’s life. Moreover, they guide him and influence absolutely everything he does.

The location of the form at the bottom, on the contrary, will tell you about a person who is guided by logic and makes reasonable, well-considered decisions. But sometimes it can mean that a person thinks too much, and this causes unnecessary doubt and delay.

7. The next step will be to review the personal and financial areas. Look for this information in the respective Houses.

8. To see how this or that situation will change, you should make a “knight’s move” from the desired card, that is, mentally draw the letter “G” and read the combination of cards. They will tell you exactly how events will develop.

10. To see what a person works for, you need to look at what cards will surround the Tower.

11. The father of the fortuneteller will be described by those cards that are between the Tower and the Bear, and between the Tower and the Snake you can read about the character of the mother.

12. The cards at the foot of the form speak of upcoming events and what a person will be doing in the near future. The map above his head reflects his thoughts.

13. According to those cards that are between the Gentleman and the Lady, you can read about the relationship of partners, or rather, what is happening to them at the moment. It is very important whether the cards of the partners are currently looking at each other or not, and how close they lie in the layout. All this helps to get additional information about their relationship.

If the results of fortune-telling did not bring satisfaction, you can lay out the cards nine in four rows.

In other words, the card that was in the ninth place must be moved up to the place after the eighth. The cards of the second row will move only one, i.e. where the ninth card was, the tenth will be. The same, without violating the order, will need to be done with the second, third and fourth row. You just need to remember that in the event that a new alignment is made, the Houses will no longer have an influence, only the place of the cards relative to each other is considered.

Small deal

For this divination, Madame Lenormand's original deck of cards is intended, in which there are more cards than in a regular deck, and each of them has its own meaning. But besides this, what the meaning of the card will be depends also on the place where it is located. This layout is ideal for you if you need to study a topic in more detail.

Before starting fortune-telling, be sure to focus on the situation and the image of the person if you are guessing to someone else. Then, first of all, you need to choose a form, that is, the card that will denote either you or the person you are guessing for.

For a woman, this will be a Lady card, for a man, respectively, a Gentleman. Next, randomly choosing cards from the deck, you need to lay them out in such a way that you get such positions, as indicated in the figure below.

There should be three positions - past, present and future.

Past - 9, 1, 16, 8, 7 and 15 cards. These cards will tell you about what preceded the situation in which the person found himself.

9 card - personifies external non-physical intervention - advice or idea.

1 card - personal ideas and hopes of a fortuneteller in the past.

Small deal

8 and 16 cards - the personification of the physical plane, the events that preceded the current situation and influenced it. In this case, the 8th card is considered stronger, because it is closest to the form.

7 card - the personification of past experiences, emotions and feelings.

15 card - a subconscious plan, actions that were interpreted by the inner "I".

Present - 10, 2, 6 and 14 cards. They talk about how a person feels at a given time.

10 and 2 cards are the feelings and thoughts of a person, while the 2 card has a greater influence than the 10 card.

6 and 14 cards - talk about what is happening in the soul, and reflect the person's feelings in relation to the current situation.

Future - 11, 3, 4, 12, 5, 13 cards that will open the veil of the future.

4 and 12 cards will tell about the main upcoming events of the physical plane, with 4 cards indicating the nearest events, and 14 cards - more distant ones.

3 card - a personal assessment of a person regarding the general situation.

11 card - public judgment about the situation.

5th and 13th cards - emotions and feelings in the future, while the 5th card will reflect stronger feelings and emotions than the 13th card.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Divination by cards by Maria Lenormand (Jan Dikmar, 2014) provided by our book partner -

About the founder of the Lenormand school in Russia

School Lenormand in the center "Your Way"
Reviews about the School School curriculum
Maria Lenormand's love story Lenormand cards - connection with the profession
Gypsy alignment Tarologist Code
School Promotions Pagan Oracle Lenormand Purple and Cherry Twilight Secrets of the Old Castle

About cards

Maps and prediction of the future

A person always wants to know what awaits him in the future - love? wealth? happiness? People turn to cards to find out what's going on. they will be. Fortune telling on cards has become especially popular in last years, probably due to the mystery and exoticism of the cards themselves. Even their very origin is shrouded in a veil of mystery. During the gloomy Middle Ages, the cards were cursed and outlawed as a "book of devilish drawings." And even today they are looked at with suspicion in some places. Such fears are born of ignorance, for anyone who is even slightly familiar with the cards understands that there is nothing evil and sinister in them.

Many people do not understand why card predictions work and how they reflect our current situation in life. Some people believe that when we shuffle the cards and draw them from the deck in one order or another, Our actions are guided by the Higher Mind. Others adhere to Carl Jung's theory of synchronicity. He proposed that everything in the universe is interconnected and that the outside world is a reflection of our own. inner world. Since there is no separate reality, the essence of the question asked will be expressed in an arbitrarily elongated map that answers the question, albeit symbolically, but accurately. Also, we can say that any fortune-telling is based on a person’s intuition, on his ability to feel thin world. Our entire world is energy packed into information.

Perhaps you have heard such a phrase as TORSION MEASUREMENT or LEPTON FIELD, i.e. informational. The torsion field contains information about the past, present and future of the Earth, both as a whole and about each being separately.

The subconscious of a person is directly connected with the torsion field, and a person's intuition is nothing more than the ability to listen to one's own my subconscious.

A professional fortuneteller is none other than a person who has honed this skill and uses it in practice. The fortuneteller uses cards as an auxiliary tool to help his intuition communicate with the subconscious. Be that as it may, it is important to remember that the cards can tell about your past, present and future, they can give you advice or prepare you for change, but they cannot control your free will. It depends only on you what you will do when you receive a prediction.

Divination and symbolism

All over the world, to reveal the secrets of the human psyche, there is a language of symbols. Such a language is called divination, prediction, prophecy. When we consult the cards, we guess, trying to understand what spiritual aspirations, desires, motivations our subconscious is hiding. The symbols and images of the cards serve as a bridge between our conscious and subconscious mind and tell us about our strengths and weaknesses, about our potential and about character traits that can cause irreparable damage or hinder spiritual growth. Cards with their symbolic images tell about a person's spiritual journey through life. These are the archetypes of life experiences that each of us faces. The encrypted symbols of the cards contain the secrets of the human heart and, according to some conclusions, the Divine law of the universe. Unraveling the mystery of the cards, we unravel the mystery of our life and our predestination. Thanks to the cards, we get to know our psyche and character traits, thereby knowing ourselves.

Using maps

Cards can be used for many different things:

  • As a tool to unlock your potential
  • As a way to know the truth through intuition
  • As a method of considering a situation that occupies your imagination
  • As a stimulant to your senses
  • As a powerful tool that gives vent to your intuition in response to subconscious signals that establish a connection between an arbitrary, at first glance, the choice of cards and the events of your life
  • As a tool in predictive practice
  • As an auxiliary tool in psychotherapeutic counseling
  • As a method of spiritual development of a person

A deck of cards is a book of knowledge and wisdom in images and symbols. When we draw a card, it reflects our internal or external, and also explains the essence of a particular situation. Sometimes a card only confirms what you yourself know, but doubt. We all have an innate intuition that we do not always trust. By coming into contact with the symbols and images of the cards, we learn to develop our intuitive knowledge in order to be in harmony with ourselves and rely on our own intuition in Everyday life.

Intuition is one of the keys to success in mastering card work. And you need to start developing this quality from the moment you choose your first working deck. It is very important to choose a deck that is right for you.

Which deck to choose

For beginners in this matter, I advise you to start your acquaintance with a small Lenormand deck - this will be a great start to learning kart.

Unlike Tarot, the number of cards in a deck is 36 and can be compared with Minor Arcana Tarot that illustrate the events of our daily life. They are incredibly accurate, concise, clearly and clearly reflect everyday, "earthly" human issues that occupy us all the time and require everyday decision-making. The cards are simple, clear, but at the same time elegant, colorful and positive. Even cards that carry a negative meaning do not frighten, are perceived without fear and, as well as possible, reveal the law of the duality of the world, which is the interaction of two polarities behind the created universe (light and darkness, good and evil, etc.).

The classical school does not use reversed card values. The Lenormand deck will not create difficulties in interpretation. They are easy to remember, and even if you pick up these cards for the first time, it will be enough just to feel and understand what the image on the card carries and its meaning.

You will be able to appreciate the ease of use, ease of interpretation, the atmosphere Have a good mood, genuine interest, the softness of the energy inherent in this amazing deck.

Of course, I recommend this School not only to beginners. If you are already Initiate into various other divinatory systems, the Lenormand deck will become another step in self-development and will open another facet of the Unknown. A professional needs to know and use several divination systems and have in his arsenal a choice of auxiliary tools used in his work.

Training Lenormand

In our Center "Your Way" you can be trained from the first steps to a serious deep level of knowledge.

At the heart of the basic course lies the training of the classical Lenormand School, developed and systematized by the famous tarologist and psychologist Anna Anatolyevna Kotelnikova, who was one of the first to adapt this system for the modern Russian-speaking society.

The first stage of education is the basics, the beginning, the foundation on which then the whole of your further work. And it is very important what this foundation will be. The program includes questions that concern everyone who begins to enter the world of cards: “How does it work?”, “Is it a sin or not?”, “Where does the information come from?”, “What is the difference between divination and forecasting?”, “Who can be given information, and who cannot, and why?”… Invasion of privacy, ethical restrictions, safety precautions when working with cards, and many other important issues.

The course itself is focused specifically on teaching the basic principles of working with the Lenormand predictive system. Divided by topics corresponding to the lessons, adhering to the principle "from simple to complex". For the successful assimilation of information, theoretical lectures alternate with practical exercises, so that you can immediately apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Detailed information about the course program

continuing education - This is an author's special course based on many years of practical work as a tarologist in consulting and accumulated experience. There are a lot of developments, author's layouts, interesting approaches to studying the Lenormand system, which I share with my students with pleasure. The course is built in the form of convenient mini-blocks: "Business and career", "Health", "Identification of negative programs and magical influences on a person", "Love and partnerships" and much, much more.

The second stage of training is an in-depth study of the Lenormand system. If the first one is elementary School, then the second is higher education, after the end of which the Listener has the opportunity to put his work on a professional level and receive a certificate confirming the qualification of a “tarot reader-consultant”.
Stage II includes an additional study of the “Old Castle” deck, which is the best suited for diagnosing magical influences and for all other issues where it is necessary to find out the cause and effect relationship, everything secret and unmanifested, everything that is hidden and remains in the shadows. Also, we will touch upon the issues of Karma and approach the study of the Kabbalistic system of the Western Esoteric Tradition, the foundation of which is the Tree of Life.

On a continuing course we are also getting acquainted with the new versions of the Lenormand Oracle, which are now being released in in large numbers, but which are based on all the same classical meanings, only with shades and various nuances interpretation.

At the end of each stage, an appropriate nominal certificate is issued with the right to further practical work with maps of the Lenormand system.

You can apply the acquired knowledge, both for your own development and self-knowledge, and continue your education to a professional level.

Our Center trains professional specialists with qualifications " Tarot Consultant and Tarot Teacher , which includes all levels of tarot education plus the passage of psychological trainings conducted by professional psychologists of our Center: "General psychology of fortune-telling"; "The use of Tarot cards in psychological counseling"; "Ethics of behavior in work with clients".

To qualify as a "Tarot Teacher" - a mandatory higher psychological education.

In both cases - mandatory practical experience with cards for at least one year (we provide students of our Center the necessary conditions for internship).

After successful completion of training and passing the qualifying exam*, an International Certificate is issued with the qualification "Tarot Teacher" and the graduate can be invited as a teacher or practical consultant to our Center.