Label on the front door. Unknown signs at the door of your house. Mailbox - a godsend for a thief

At this time, a group of people who are scarier than pensioners in line are also activated - apartment thieves. Most of them are drug addicts, homeless and unemployed, but there are real professionals among them.

The greatest danger of thieves is for residents of the capital: here incomes are higher, owners keep more valuables in their homes and often disappear at work. Finding a criminal in this case is almost impossible, since they are most likely burglars.

Residents of other cities should also not relax. Long trips to the sea, to the dacha, to visit relatives endanger your home. Thieves have hundreds of ways in their arsenal to understand if there is an owner in the house and then quickly clean the house. Now let's deal with how villains choose the victim and how not to become one.

Sometimes apartments are opened even by drug addicts and the homeless in search of money for a dose or a bottle. Most often, they do not risk breaking in uninvited, being content with booty from the barns and balconies of the first floors, but incidents do happen.

Another thing is professionals who will not climb into ordinary apartments. They are only interested in the property of wealthy citizens. Then they are ready to take risks to snatch a big jackpot.

Usually they work in groups in which roles are strictly distributed. One monitors the potential client, the other draws up a plan, the third deals directly with the theft. The next link is the dealers of stolen goods.

First of all, they assess the financial situation of a potential victim. They look at the presence of air conditioners, satellite dishes, look into the windows. They also refer to solid doors as a sign of the wealth of their owner.

An expensive car is a sure sign of the victim's wealth. Tracking the owner to the apartment is elementary: the observer simply enters the entrance with the person and follows him to the apartment, passing higher so as not to arouse suspicion.

Neighbors may unknowingly help thieves by providing information about the person they are about to rob. Grannies like to discuss the residents of the house on the bench, they notice every purchase. You just have to stand by, pretending to be waiting for someone, and get the information you need.

Oddly enough, even you can bring thieves into the house. Stories to acquaintances about buying new equipment, jewelry, a fur coat for his wife and other things may be of interest to dark personalities. With such information, you need to be extremely careful.

Another danger is social media. We all love to show off our lives by posting photos on Facebook and Instagram. Villains can be added as friends and start studying you. When you start posting pictures from the resort, they will come to visit uninvited.

If the victim is particularly wealthy, then the criminals set up surveillance, which sometimes lasts for weeks. They schedule tenants, looking for a time when no one will be at home.

The usual method of verification is calls under the guise of communal services, social services and representatives of sociological centers. You should be alerted by such unusual activity.

Also, burglars check if a person lives in the apartment by mailbox: if it is full, then no one has been at home for a long time. The absence of the owner is given out by advertising booklets sticking out of the door. The most cunning ones check the readings of the electric meter, if it is on the site.

The villains can set up “beacons”: stick a match, a hair in the door, hang an advertisement or a thread on the handle. If the position of the "beacon" has changed, then the owner was in the home.

These photos were taken by a vigilant guy who saved a neighbor from thieves.

A rug lying in front of the door can easily "substitute" its owner. A cookie can be placed under it, checking if anyone has entered. They can mark the door lock or handle with paint.

How to protect yourself from the prospect of being robbed?

No need to talk about family wealth, do not brag about new purchases. Ask children not to tell friends about their parents' income. Beware if strange calls begin to arrive at the house. In case of a long departure, ask relatives to look after the accommodation. Close windows and curtains before leaving.

The most reliable way to deal with burglaries is still an alarm system. When outsiders break into the house, sensors are triggered and the system sends an alarm signal to the security console. After 10 minutes, a couple of strong guys will come to the apartment to meet the thieves.

Such a system will seem expensive to ordinary citizens, but if there is something to protect, then it is better to play it safe. You can't skimp on safety. As the saying goes, a miser pays twice.

Home is a place where every person wants to feel safe, completely relax and plunge into positive emotions. Since ancient times, since the time when the cave served as a refuge, people have tried to protect it from interference, both direct physical and mystical. Magical amulets at home are still in high demand today, because with their help you can establish an invisible border that a person who wishes harm to the owner of the home or household cannot cross.

Most of the rites and rituals are connected with the threshold of the house. It is he who is considered the place where the positive energy of family and peace and the negative energy of the external environment meet. The patron of the doors is the two-faced Janus, as a symbol of the collision of energies opposite in strength and the transition from a hostile environment.

Not without reason, from time immemorial, simple traditions have been honored regarding behavior near the front door. In order for peace to reign in the house, all households to be healthy and all things to go smoothly, it is worth observing them today.

You should not greet through the threshold, pass objects through it, especially money. The floor at the door should be washed especially carefully towards the threshold or stairwell, so the caring keeper of the hearth, as it were, pushes out all the negativity.

And magical charms for home, they will not allow negative energy to enter the house and harm the family. Such amulets can be purchased ready-to-use and charmed or made independently, trying to put all the care and desire into them to protect yourself and your household.

The simplest amulet can be a standard broom. This familiar bunch of rods can become the most powerful magical amulet if you put all the creative energy into it. Even in ancient times, special attention was paid to this household item, it was endowed with all conceivable and inconceivable abilities. With its help, they fought against illnesses and financial turmoil, these rules can be adopted today.

It is better to store a broom in a secluded place with the handle down; After the unwanted guest leaves, it is worth sweeping the threshold and throwing garbage outside the house, so all the negative energy will go after the ill-wisher.

You can also combine the energies of two amulets. For example, wormwood has an extremely strong protective energy if it is collected at the appropriate time. She is able to avert all adversity and forever ward off ill-wishers. To unite these two "defenders", you need to prepare a decoction of the charmed wormwood, dip a broom in it and carefully sweep the house, pronouncing the words, as if you were really driving out the enemies.

Also, oak branches tied with a red thread so that they form a cross can act as a talisman. The charmed threads and branches collected by a person who is directly related to the world of magic have special power. Such a home amulet can be hung over door jamb or hide in a secluded place near the entrance.

For those who are interested how to protect your home from negativity it is worth making a coaster doll on your own or purchasing it. Such a simple item can completely block the entrance to the house. evil people or dark spells. Classic dolls are made without a face and do not sew details. You can use twigs from amulets, special charmed threads. The fabric from which the coast will be made can be soaked in a decoction of herbs that protect against negative energy. But the main advantage of such a doll is that it cannot be used to induce damage or other negative energy interventions, it will always bring good to the house.

But salt has the strongest protective energy, even ordinary food can protect against slander, and even the most powerful evil eye can be warded off when spoken. Salt can be used to protect the home in different ways: pour it into glass bowls and arrange around the house, lightly sprinkle it on the threshold of the house. And, of course, salt will help reduce the negative of the spell cast, if, for example, on the doors were found some signs, but their meaning has not yet been clarified, you need to dissolve it in water and thoroughly wash the floor at the door, as if expelling negative energy and evil.

Objects that are unclear how they ended up at the front door should be treated with caution. Most often, ill-wishers who cannot get directly into the home try to harm remotely. If a something is piled near the threshold or stuck in the upholstery of the door in no case should you instantly remove the item, especially with your bare hands.

Such finds are called "lining". They are used to induce damage. Among such witchcraft items that carry negativity, the most common are: earth, ash, needles, pins, tufts of wool or hair, homemade pupae or dead small animals (birds). In no case should one step over such a find and leave it.

Dangerous objects must be carefully collected on a newspaper or piece of cloth without touching, otherwise all the negative energy will reach the addressee. And, without bringing it into the house to burn it, saying: "Where it came from, go there." It is necessary to leave the place of destruction of the lining without looking back. Upon arrival home, it is necessary to wash the floor with water and salt, you can also use a decoction of special charmed herbs.

If such mysterious finds appear with enviable regularity, you can protect your home with the help of a charmed needle. It must be stuck into the door jamb with the tip up and clearly pronounced: “whoever brought it, he took it away.” After conducting this simple but effective magical rite, ill-wishers will no longer be able to harm your home.

Also, once you find out that strange signs painted on the door. Most often they are applied with chalk or ash. This may mean that negative energy has been activated. Most likely, someone decided to resort to the help of witchcraft conspiracies. It is necessary to wash off the mysterious letters with gloves, it is better not to clean water, and with the addition of salt or a decoction of herbs. At the same time, say: "Black becomes white, whispered, whispered, to whom it should be sent." You need to repeat the magic plot all the time while you wash off negative signs. After performing the neutralizing rite, water must be poured into a place where none of the household will definitely touch, it is better to burn the gloves.

It happens that a puddle of water suddenly appears under the door, often soapy. Do not step over it or even wipe it with your hands. Most likely, the deceased was washed with this water and damage was induced on it, which will make itself felt immediately after contact. You need to throw a rag into a puddle that carries the negative and collect water with a stick, after that, take it out into the street without touching it and burn it, saying “All evil has departed from my threshold, returned to the one who sent and wished me bad, as she said, so be it!" So you can neutralize even powerful negative energy.

Mysterious finds are not to be taken lightly. Even a miniature thing can carry a powerful magical potential. Neutralizing lining of any kind is possible only by acting correctly, observing all precautions. BUT protect the home from further encroachments will help special amulets.

From time immemorial, criminals began to mark houses and apartments that are being raided. Remember the story of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves? From time to time, prosperous areas are seized by panic - they say, mysterious signs of various configurations appear on the walls in the entrances, mailboxes and even doors. And we are talking not only about Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg or, say, Nizhny Novgorod, but also about the cities of Ukraine, Great Britain, Austria and even Chile.

Residents were frightened by advertising stickers pasted on doors with offers of round-the-clock services of a plumber or computer technician, geometric shapes drawn with chalk and charcoal, and other crosses or tac-toes. There was a version that these notes are encrypted information for burglars.

Let's say a crossed out circle means that there is nothing of value in the apartment. A flower or a cross, on the contrary, indicate that good prey awaits here. An open book or a triangle is easy prey, a rich old woman or a lonely defenseless lady lives here. Three parallel lines - “colleagues” have already visited the house and taken everything interesting, a staircase - it is recommended to give this room to another gang. And two intersecting rectangles or the sun - the owner is on the alert, the house is guarded and thieves will be met fully armed. Rhombus - non-residential house. Maybe this is some kind of very numerous and branched gang, almost a mafia, where many of the participants do not even know each other? And they cover entire cities. Some are engaged only in tipping and leave secret signs, while others, having seen and deciphered these signals, commit thefts. Still others take out, store and sell the loot.

According to numerous posts on the Web, these "secret signs" are used by burglars in Chile. But our threat department believes that this is an invention of Internet bloggers, an attempt to arouse the interest of users. Infographics: "RG" / Leonid Kuleshov / Mikhail Faleev

Where is the truth and where is the fantasy?

The detectives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told the correspondent of "RG" that such an encoding is a fictitious "horror story", a legend for naive inhabitants. There is no need for such ciphers - who will set them and for whom? In practice, a gang of apartment thieves rarely exceeds 10 people. They, of course, have a division of labor and duties, but they all know each other perfectly by sight. Therefore, it makes no sense to create some special, moreover, universal cipher. It is always easier to verbally agree among themselves what is what. Moreover, those "secret signs" that apartment thieves actually leave carry completely different information than rumor ascribes to them.

Modern burglars leave the so-called beacons exclusively for themselves in order to find out the life algorithm of the apartment owners. For example, they stick a match, a hair or a thread in the door, throw a coin on the mat, even put a piece of biscuit allegedly dropped by a neighbor. And they look to see if a match or a thread has fallen out, if a coin has been thrown away, if a cookie has been crushed - which means that the owners are not away. Then it remains to find out when they are at home, and indeed, how many inhabitants are here. To do this, visual surveillance is established behind the apartment, which does not require a whole mafia structure at all, 2-4 people are enough, who replace each other. And they certainly do without graphic symbols on mailboxes, walls or doors to convey information. On the contrary, they in every possible way avoid at least something to attract the attention of the owners. They do have punctures though. For example, attentive owners may notice some suspicious marks and stains on the doors. It is possible that the thieves, picking up keys and master keys, made casts from the locks and did not erase the imprints of the thickening mixture in a hurry. Moreover, if they manage to clear one castle completely, then the second one is unlikely.

Often, "secret signs" for thieves appear as if by themselves. Criminal gunners will always notice letters, advertising booklets and other correspondence accumulated in the mailbox - evidence that the owners are away. They can check the readings of the electric meter if it is installed in the entrance in the old fashioned way. They can identify a rich owner by his car. It's simple. A certain gentleman parked in a Mercedes or Lexus and then went to his house. It is enough to bring it to the threshold of the apartment and, as they say, take it into “development”.

The paradox is that the most convincing "secret signs" for thieves are left by the apartment owners themselves. And without suspecting it. Neighbors or friends, even grandmothers on a bench near the house, can become a source of information about the well-being of the owners. It is enough for the gunner to sit next to them, smoke and listen to learn a lot of interesting things. For example, what was bought from furniture a week ago and when the owners went on their next vacation to the Canary Islands. Often, we ourselves brag to our friends about new purchases and share plans for a vacation. And as for children who love to brag to their peers about the "coolness" of their parents, there is nothing to say.

But the most surprising thing is that many themselves invite the robbers to visit them. They do it in social networks. Colorful albums with photos of where they are, what they buy and how they live well in general, literally scream: come and steal all this from us! What is happening is that experienced thieves have been literally living in social networks for a long time, pretending to be friends, liking photos and finding out addresses where you can “successfully enter”.

How they steal in Moscow

Up to 2,000 burglaries are committed annually in Moscow. Of these, 80% on weekdays, when the owners are at work or study, from 9 to 17 hours. Every fourth is revealed. 90% of thefts are committed by non-working people, 60% by non-residents, and the same number by professional organized groups.

How to protect yourself from apartment thieves?

It is clear that it is desirable not to brag about your wealth, then there will be no criminal applicants for it.

But best defense- signaling, that is, centralized security, when a message about an intrusion into a protected object is sent to the control panel of the operational duty officer for the unit - either the police or the private security company. That is, the light bulb lights up, the address is displayed, and an immediate response group is sent there. These are well-trained strong guys, dressed in body armor and armed with automatic weapons. Representatives of private security, in addition, recommend installing an alarm button in their homes. Better yet, get a remote control that you should always carry with you. If there was a sudden attack, it is possible to press the button without the villains noticing.

Even the so-called false alarm, that is, its layout, can scare away thieves. After all, not every burglar will dare to check the authenticity of the equipment.

It will create fear for robbers and the presence of a dog in the apartment - no one needs noise and extra hassle with aggressive animals.

Dossier "RG"

Under the protection of non-departmental security today there are 1 million apartments and 166 thousand places of storage of property of citizens (mainly garages). There are 266,000 such apartments and houses in the Moscow region and 33,000 places where property is stored. Last year, there was not a single successful theft from an apartment, a private house and other objects, the owners of which entered into an agreement with private security. However, if this does happen, private security will compensate the owners for damage - this is separately stated in the contract.

I learned how burglars mark the doors of potential victims and how you can protect your apartment.

Preliminary check

First of all, thieves will find out if there is something to profit from in the apartment. Often they work on a tip. It is given by employees of housing departments, women checking meters, gas workers and so on.

Often, neighbors or acquaintances of the owners of the apartment give a tip to attackers. Last year, through the fault of former partners, a tenant of a house on Bogdan Khmelnitsky Avenue died.

It happens that they simply choose a specific entrance and try to find apartments in it where the owners are not at home during the day.

Once a victim has been chosen, burglars try to determine when is the best time to come for prey. They ring the doorbell, intercom, introduce themselves as employees of the post office, social services or a company that offers plastic windows and warming. The main task of burglars is to choose a good time for a robbery.

Invisible signs

The British police have a whole classification of signs that gunners leave in small pieces for burglars so that they rob the right apartment at the right time. There are symbols that mean that a single woman lives in the house or the owners are never home at lunchtime.

In the Dnieper, everything is much simpler. Our burglars do not have a generally accepted secret system of signs. They label the apartments as they see fit. One of the most common ways is multi-colored small stickers, which are often used as price tags in bazaars. They are glued either somewhere in the corner by the door, or on the mailbox. Sometimes a plus sign or a circle is drawn near the bell. Usually residents do not pay attention to this.

In the summer of 2017, an apartment at the intersection of Embankment and Voskresenskaya was almost robbed. The hostess returned home from work earlier than usual, because the lights were turned off in the office. Around two o'clock in the afternoon, the doorbell began to ring. She did not react, deciding that these were some regular sellers of plastic utensils. There were 4 long calls. Then some strange sounds were heard, someone was busy in the castle. The woman was frightened and ran to the video surveillance system. Indeed, two men in hooded windbreakers were bustling about at the door.

The hostess began to scream that she was already calling the police. The robbers heard her and fled. Soon the woman's son returned from school. Together they saw that there were two pink stickers taped to the bottom of the door.

Sometimes burglars stick pieces of tape or even human hair on the door. The latter is fixed in such a way that it breaks if the door is opened. This is a sign that the owner returned home earlier than usual.

How to save an apartment

Today there is a special type of locks that cannot be opened if a key is inserted into them from the inside. It's impossible to push it out. But even such locks have already learned to bypass with the help of acid.

Not so long ago it was believed that if there are plastic windows on the first or second floor, then you can not spend money on lattices. In fact, opening such a window is not difficult. All you need is a long steel screwdriver. It is inserted where the handle is near the window, picking off the plastic trim, and simply rotated. Therefore, the bars on the windows should not be abandoned.

If you returned home and saw signs of a break-in, do not rush to enter the apartment. Better call the police right away and wait outside. If you come across one-on-one with criminals in an apartment, they will not stand on ceremony with you.

You can try to close the attacker inside the apartment.

If you're at home and you hear someone picking at the lock, make a noise and call 102, alert the burglars that the cops have already left.

If the rustle outside the door has not subsided, do not waste time and barricade the entrance. A nightstand or closet from the corridor that blocks the door can save your life. It would be nice to store personal protective equipment (at least a gas canister) in the hallway. Don't stop screaming. You can open the window and turn to passers-by for help.

Doodles with chalk or a marker, stickers on mailboxes and doors are not at all pranks of children, this is how criminals signal each other

The thief is watching you

Broken matches stuck in the gap between the door and the jamb, tiny chips, scraps of paper, hair or thread sticking out of the keyhole, and similar methods by which criminals often check whether the residents of the house are there, whether the door opens - this is not even yesterday, but the day before yesterday. Modern burglars have developed a whole system of signs - thieves' marks. They are left by accomplices-gunners who mark the houses and apartments of potential victims. Such signs are left on the front doors, gates, fences, garage doors, mailboxes, walls that are clearly visible from the street, sidewalks and curbs at the entrance to the dwelling. From the outside, they often look like children's scribbles or hieroglyphs - and indeed, children who work as gunners for adult bandits can really draw them. AT different countries thieves' marks are different, each gang may have its own conventional symbol system, but very often they are repeated, there is a certain international "language". Recently, the British police even published a whole list of such marks, urging citizens to be vigilant. And, as it turned out, many signs from the British "Da Pinci code", as it is called in thieves' circles, coincided with or were very similar to those that the criminals left in Germany, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Latin America. For example, a crossed out circle meant that there was nothing of value in the apartment, a cross was a good target, the letter “w” meant that the owners like to leave at night, three parallel lines or a triangle indicated that the house had already been robbed, the Roman “deuce” - there is something profit. There is also a special thieves' "macrame": on gates and fences country houses and summer cottages are tied with multi-colored shoelaces - their color and knots can also tell a lot to an insider about the owners and their well-being.

Black label for hosts

Especially often, thieves' marks appear on the eve of vacation and holiday seasons, as well as weekends, when many people like to leave. The gunner who left a sign for the bandits can be not only outsiders like unfamiliar teenagers loitering in the yard or pseudo-workers, but also “their own” - a janitor, a cleaner, a concierge. The latter are even more dangerous, because they know very well where lonely pensioners live, which of the tenants are richer, when someone leaves for work, who went on vacation ... Of course, if in every suspicious case you run to the police in a panic and talk about your suspicions - They will soon advise you to see a psychiatrist. However, it is worth being vigilant: inform the neighbors, the district police officer, and at the same time try to trace the pattern. If it turns out that only the apartments of neighbors who are away are marked, the district police officer should definitely be aware of such suspicions. And, of course, it is desirable to destroy such suspicious signs as soon as possible - to erase and so on. If these were indeed thieves' marks, this could save uninvited guests with criminal tendencies from visiting the home.

Mailbox - a godsend for a thief

According to unofficial information from law enforcement agencies, in Russia and Ukraine burglars in last years especially fond of marking mailboxes. This is understandable: you can quickly find out from them whether the owners are in place, because if the box is full, most likely, the tenants are away. Yes, and leaving secret information on them is much easier than on doors - we traditionally pay less attention to mailboxes, and if children live in the house, signs can always pass for their pampering. They can draw “childish” scribbles on the boxes, mark them with multi-colored stickers like those that are glued on price tags in stores. The “black mark” can also be supposedly advertisements pasted on boxes or doors, especially if they are invisible and stuck in a very strange place.

Last year, strange multi-colored marks on mailboxes that appeared in several districts of Moscow at once alarmed Muscovites so much that it came to the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation. And then different areas were marked differently - the center of the capital - with black dots, residents of eastern Moscow found strange blue checkmarks on their mailboxes, and some mailboxes in houses in the VDNH area were marked with red circles. As a result, the Public Chamber appealed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a request to oblige district police officers, together with management companies, to pay attention to the cleanliness of mailboxes. As Anton Tsvetkov, head of the security commission of the Public Chamber of Russia, suggested, these marks could easily indicate the apartments of potential victims. According to him, painting on mailboxes is an old criminal trick. But whether these secret signs gave the necessary information to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and whether a gang of burglars was really operating in the city at that time was not subsequently reported. It is only known that after the hype raised, the district police officers were ordered to be more attentive and respond promptly to all such messages.