Symbols for soil protection. Negative consequences for all mankind, which are caused by pollution of the soil layer of the earth. Residential buildings and utilities

Soil resources of the globe are limited. As a result of improper exploitation of the soil cover, soils are destroyed, their fertility is lost, and land is alienated from active agricultural use. All this emphasizes the need for careful and rational use of soil resources, soil protection.

- the most acute global problem of today, which is directly related to the problem of providing food to the ever-increasing population of the planet. The protection and use of land is a system of measures aimed at the protection, qualitative improvement and rational use of land resources. necessary for the conservation and enhancement of soils, to maintain sustainability in the biosphere.

The main losses of productive lands and their fertility are associated with the re-population of irrigated soils, the destruction of vegetation and soils in connection with the development of minerals, various construction works, as well as due to pollution by various harmful substances, loss of humus, etc.

Soil erosion causes the greatest damage to the soil cover. Prevention of the development of erosion processes, specific measures to combat erosion are the most important link in soil protection (these issues are discussed in the corresponding section).

Secondary salinization causes significant damage to soil fertility, leads to a sharp decrease in the productivity of fields or their complete exclusion from active agricultural use. Distributed in arid areas with irrigated agriculture.

The main causes of secondary (anthropogenic) soil salinization are non-drainage irrigation and uncontrolled water supply, leading to a rise in the groundwater level and vigorous salt accumulation due to water evaporation. This is also facilitated by irrigation with water with high salinity.

To prevent secondary salinization, constant monitoring of the water-salt regime on irrigated lands is necessary.

Soil pollution - the process of entry and accumulation (up to toxic amounts) different kind substances, chemical elements that worsen the properties of the biota habitat.

Sources of soil pollution are industrial centers, transport, agricultural production.

Every year, a huge amount of various substances from the atmosphere enters the soil surface when various kinds of pesticides and ballast substances with fertilizers are applied. Due to its properties, the soil is the recipient of most of the chemicals involved in the biosphere. It is the main accumulator, sorbent and destroyer of toxicants. The scale of toxicants entering the biosphere is increasing. There is a problem of soil pollution. The total area of ​​agricultural land polluted with emissions from urban enterprises, industrial centers and vehicles exceeds 0.6 million hectares in Belarus.

Man's production activity has turned into a global geochemical activity, called technogenesis.

Mineral technogenic emissions result from fuel combustion or from gaseous and aerosol wastes from industrial enterprises. Pollutants enter the soil surface with technogenic emissions environment. Among them, mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, selenium and fluorine are considered the most dangerous. The negative consequences of this pollution are associated with the deterioration of soil properties (changes in the reaction, microbiological and biological regime in general), as well as in connection with the entry of toxic elements into plants and then into the body of animals and humans. The intake of toxic elements with food into the human body causes serious diseases.

In areas where there is a significant fallout from the atmosphere of substances containing sulfur (SO2, etc.), there is a sharp acidification of the soil.

A serious source of lead pollution is road transport, which is associated with its addition to gasoline to suppress detonation. With exhaust gases, lead in the form of dispersed sulfates, nitrates and others is released into the air. Most of the emissions settle along highways on the surface of soils and vegetation. This is how natural geochemical anomalies of lead are formed, depending on the traffic intensity, from several tens of meters to 300–400 meters wide.

Soil pollution associated with agricultural production in the conditions of Belarus is manifested in the excessive accumulation of chemicals as a result of the use of pesticides, the application of mineral fertilizers, as well as excessive irrigation of farmland with wastewater from livestock complexes.

Pesticides save a significant part of the crop, so their use has become rapidly introduced into agriculture. However, numerous negative consequences of their use were soon discovered: the possibility of intoxication of humans and animals; violation of the composition of populations of biocenoses and oppression of useful fauna; emergence of populations of pests resistant to pesticides; changes in the biological activity of soils, etc. In Belarus, about 3.5 million hectares of agricultural land are treated with pesticides annually.

The intensive use of mineral fertilizers is a factor in the positive impact on the agrochemical properties of soils. At the same time, it can also cause the manifestation of negative consequences associated with the excessive accumulation of chemical compounds in the soil, plants, and water bodies. Of particular danger is environmental pollution with nitrates, chlorine.

Soil contamination with radioactive substances is mainly due to testing of atomic and nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, accidents at nuclear power plants. Falling out with radioactive fallout, Sr, 137Cs and other nuclides enter plants, and then with food into the human body, causing radioactive contamination. By selecting crops, applying mineral fertilizers, plowing the topsoil to a depth of 40–50 cm, and other agricultural practices, the adverse effects of radioactive contamination of the soil can be significantly reduced.

The problem of soil contamination with radionuclides is especially acute for the territory of Belarus - as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, 23% of the territory was contaminated with radioactive substances.

The strategy of soil pollution prevention principles is complex and multifaceted. In industry and energy, a transition should be made to low- and waste-free technology (greening the economy). In agriculture, it is necessary to introduce more widely effective agrotechnical and biological means of combating harmful organisms, apply low-hazard pesticides that exclude environmental pollution, observe science-based technologies for the use of mineral fertilizers.

It is important to create a system of continuous control and observation (monitoring) of the state of the natural environment, including the soil cover.

It should be emphasized the exceptional role of environmental education and upbringing (greening of consciousness), environmental legislation.

The message "Rational use and protection of the soil" will briefly tell a lot useful information about how a person protects the surface layer of the earth.

Soil protection message

What is soil?

The soil is the surface layer of the earth, which is heavily polluted and destroyed. It is most strongly affected by wind and water erosion. Unvegetated soils are especially sensitive.

When spring comes, the snow begins to melt and water flows from the fields in torrents. On its way, it erodes the top fertile soil layer, carrying it into various reservoirs. Rainwater also erodes the soil. In flat areas, such as fields, water flows form furrows - depressions. They increase every year, turning into long depressions.

Also, the fertile layer is often blown away by strong winds. Dust storms are a particular danger. They can blow away a layer of earth up to 25 cm. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out some soil conservation measures.

What measures are taken to protect the soil?

To maintain fertile soil, it is necessary to carry out some measures. From wind and water erosion, the land in the fields is protected by pasha - they plow across the recesses that the streams have made after rain or snow melt. Thus, water is retained by the layers of the earth and is absorbed deep into. Deep plowing of the soil will also help retain water. Also, sowing across the slope and cross-seeding crops reduces soil runoff up to 30 times.

Here are some more examples of soil protection measures: those sown areas that have been subjected to water erosion by 2-3 are converted into artificial meadows, as perennial grasses gradually restore soil fertility.

In places where ravines form, it is recommended to plant shrubs. They fix the soil with their roots. In addition, against the destruction of the soil by streams of water, man builds dams, dams and similar structures. On land areas where water stagnates and there is a threat of turning into swamps, deep ditches are made to drain water into nearby water bodies.

To protect the soil from the winds, strips of shrubs and trees are planted, which reduce the force of the wind and retain moisture in the soil. Fertilizer needs to be applied from time to time.

It should be noted that the soil as an object of protection is often included in the list of protected areas in reserves and natural areas. Even the laws contain clauses on the observance and control of the level of fertility and soil quality.

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The soil is an invaluable natural wealth that provides a person with the necessary food resources. Nothing can replace the soil cover: without this colossal natural object, life on earth is impossible. At the same time, today one can observe the improper use of the soil, which leads to an increase in its pollution and, as a result, a decrease in its fertile properties.

Humanity should already seriously think about the problem of soil pollution and take the necessary measures to protect it. What are the main causes and sources of soil pollution?

main reason soil pollution- human activity, sometimes illiterate and careless. As a result of the influence of the anthropogenic factor, in particular the improper exploitation of land, a considerable proportion of the fertile layer is lost every year, which is subject to erosion. Thus, over the past 100 years, the erosion process has captured 27% of the total land area occupied by agricultural land.

Soil pollution is the ingress of various chemicals, wastes into it in quantities exceeding the norm required to participate in the biological cycle of soil ecosystems.

Sources of pollution

The main soil pollutants are classified as follows:

Residential buildings and utilities

These are various food residues; fragments of building materials; waste left after repair work etc.

All this is taken to landfills, which have become the scourge of our time.

The simple burning of this waste in landfills leads to a double problem: firstly, huge areas are clogged, and secondly, the soil is saturated with toxic substances resulting from combustion.

Industrial enterprises

Any industrial enterprise produces many different wastes. The most dangerous among them are toxic substances that, getting into the soil, adversely affect living organisms. For example, the activity of the enterprises of the metallurgical industry is accompanied by the discharge of heavy metal salts, and the machine-building industry - cyanides, arsenic and beryllium compounds. Lead, mercury, cadmium are the three most dangerous metals. Pollution with heavy metals is dangerous because they accumulate in the body of humans and animals. generates wastes that contain phenol, benzene, and during the production of synthetic rubber, harmful catalyst wastes fall into the soil, settling on the soil and plants.

Of particular note is the problem of pollution by oil and oil products. Massive oil spills are already called environmental disasters.

Accidental emissions are also possible, which are accompanied by the deposition of harmful toxic substances, this is how


A growing number of vehicles increase emissions of nitrogen oxides, lead, hydrocarbons. Once in the soil, these substances are involved in the cycle, which is associated with food chains. In addition, transport significantly reduces the total area of ​​land used, including fertile plots. The process of soil erosion is accelerating, and it will take a hundred years to restore a fertile layer 1 cm deep.


The source of agricultural land pollution is mineral fertilizers, pesticides, some of which contain mercury and other heavy metals.

Also, for several decades, various pesticides have been used to control pests and weeds in agriculture, which accumulate in the soil and remain there for a long time.

The plowing of lands leads to an increase in the process of soil erosion, overgrazing destroys the grass cover, which, in turn, leads to desertification of the lands.

Every year, about 6 million hectares of natural soils turn into a desert. Deforestation contributes to the depletion of the biogenic composition of lands and erosion.

Regular irrigation also negatively affects the soil: salinization occurs.

Soil protection

For many years people have used the earth without thinking about destroying it.

The desire to get the maximum of its capabilities from the soil eventually led to the fact that the degradation of the soil fertile composition began.

Today, people should seriously think about the protection of land, take measures to protect it and correct the consequences of technological progress. It is impossible to rely only on self-purification of the soil: this is a long process.

It is necessary to help our earth return to its natural balance and natural balance. Environmental problems of the soil will primarily harm the person himself.

The control

For the cultivation of agricultural products, an assessment of soil contamination with chemicals is necessary. There are four rating levels: acceptable, moderately dangerous, highly dangerous, extremely dangerous. The same assessment of the degree of pollution is also carried out for soils allocated for settlements.

The hazard class of chemicals polluting the soil is also assessed. General control is exercised by Rosprirodnadzor.

Monitoring can be carried out by organizations that have a license, it consists in determining indicators that have a certain allowable rate.

Samples are taken and the degree of contamination is determined in the laboratory. After that, an appropriate act is drawn up.


Today, soil protection measures are already being taken. In particular, to combat degradation, measures are taken to protect soils from waterlogging and salinization:

  • drainage works to reduce the level of groundwater (installation of drainage structures, open channels, water intake facilities, etc.);
  • flushing of irrigated areas in compliance with irrigation norms.

To combat soil erosion, a number of different measures are envisaged:

  • fixing the soil through the root system of vegetation, the formation of a closed vegetation cover, alternation various kinds vegetation on the slopes;
  • plowing of land across the slope, terracing of slopes;
  • planting protective forest belts that reduce wind speed in the surface layer;
  • minimization of tillage (for example, plowing without turning over);
  • strip rotation of crops;
  • fixing the soil with vegetation.

In order not to damage the soil by excessive use of pesticides, it is necessary to use natural methods of pest control. For example, a ladybug feeds on aphids and insects; Some weeds can be controlled with herbivorous insects. The most important thing is to minimize the introduction of pesticides into the soil.

Land reclamation is a comprehensive measure to restore land plots whose structure has been disturbed as a result of mining, construction or waste storage.
The main methods of reclamation:
  1. Preparation of land for the restoration of farmland (creation of arable land, gardens, hayfields).
  2. Preparation of land for planting forests.
  3. Formation of recreation and sports areas, parks, camp sites, etc.
  4. Carrying out sanitary and hygienic measures in those areas that are unsuitable for use in the national economy.

To prevent desertification of land, it is necessary to optimize the use of natural resources, improve the structure of sown areas, normalize the use of pastures, expand reserves water resources, to stimulate nature-protective production.

Soil, the top layer of the earth, is a very important component in the ecological system of the planet as a whole and in ensuring normal life cycle all living people, animals and plants on the globe. Therefore, soil protection is of great importance for the planet. There is even a separate science - soil science, which studies the soil, influences its structure and condition. external factors and the development of measures to protect the soil from various negative factors.

With the organization of improper soil exploitation, the top layer of the earth is destroyed and its fertility decreases. But the quality and quantity of agricultural products grown for human consumption directly depend on this.

Soil erosion processes such as ravine formation and wind and water leaching of soils caused by natural phenomena can be stopped by planting green spaces and caring for existing vegetation.

But the greatest harm and damage to the condition and quality of soils, of course, is caused by illiterate human economic activity. Soil pollution, the process of accumulation in the upper fertile layer of the earth of various chemicals, their compounds and toxic elements, is global problem world level. Sources of release of these substances are industrial enterprises, vehicles and agro-industrial complexes. Plants and factories, thermal power plants and chemical industries emit toxic substances into the atmospheric air, which then settle on the soil, polluting and destroying its surface layer and living microorganisms. Car exhaust systems emit lead and nitrates into the atmosphere, which has a very detrimental effect not only on the composition of the air, but also on the condition of the soil. Illiterate and excessive application of mineral fertilizers to agricultural fields can completely destroy the arable, fertile soil layer.

Knowing all the causes of soil pollution, humanity can build the right system for the protection of this unique natural component:

Need to develop technological processes and transfer industrial enterprises to waste-free work cycles.

Agricultural complexes should study and implement technologies for the use of low-toxic substances and fertilizers, with a small amount of pesticides.

The automotive and chemical industries must work to develop new fuels and vehicle engine systems.

And even the purity of our planet as a whole and the soil in particular depends on each person individually. You just need to protect green spaces and not leave garbage and waste in the wrong places, because this will bring the ecological well-being of the earth at least one step closer.

Option 2

The population of some animals and plants is dropping sharply. There are also cases where living beings have completely died out. In order to somehow protect the endangered part of the flora and fauna, people list it in the Red Book and carry out various actions for protection. But not everyone knows that our native soil is also protected. But why? And what measures is humanity taking to conserve land material?

A short digression about what soil is and how important it is.

In short, the soil is the top fertile layer of the Earth. There are several types of land. For example, podzolic or black soil. The definition included the word "fertile". This is a very important property regarding agriculture. But what other properties and functions can soil perform? Firstly, the soil is a kind of habitat for some animals, for example, worms and moles. Secondly, it is water filtration and storage. Thirdly, as already mentioned, the soil plays an important role in terms of yield. You can even take into account the fact that people walk on this soil every day.

So why should the soil be protected?

Quite an interesting question. In fact, the soil is afraid of a lot of things. Here are some examples:

Pesticide pollution.

The fact that they are used is no secret to anyone. But what will happen if they are used by more than half? The answer is simple: poisons will accumulate in the soil and poison it. Because of this, animals and other organisms that settled there will die.

Excessive use of fertilizers.

Due to such an action, an excess of salts will appear in the earth. The result is death for all living things living in the soil. The same, by the way, applies to too frequent watering.

If too abundant watering is a bad idea, then this does not mean at all that it is necessary to reduce their number to a minimum. As a rule, the soil will simply dry out. Such soils are not uncommon in deserts and other very hot places. On such soils, no vegetation will germinate, and it will be very problematic for animals to live because of the temperature and the lack of minerals and nutrients.

So how do people take care of the soil?

Application of organic fertilizers.

Drying out wetlands.


Creation of forest belts.

3, 4, 5, 8 grade

A fire is an uncontrolled combustion process of any organic and some inorganic substances. This element can bring material damage and harm the health of people and animals.

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    We are all familiar with the comedy "Undergrowth", where the author clearly showed readers ignorance and tyranny. This famous work was created by a Russian writer who lived in the 18th century

  • Soil protection is of great importance for our planet. Improper exploitation of this was the cause of the processes of destruction of the upper layer of the earth, as well as the loss of its fertility. As a result, huge territories fell out of use, where it is impossible to achieve the required yield.

    Soil protection today is an acute problem, taking on a global scale. It is directly related to the issues of providing the population of our planet with food.

    Soil protection is a whole system of measures aimed at the implementation of certain actions to protect, improve the quality and rational use of land resources. Carrying out these works allows you to maintain and increase fertility, as well as maintain the stability of the upper layer.

    The main causes of fertility loss are:

    erosion processes;

    Secondary salinization of soils on which it is applied;

    Destruction of growing vegetation and soil layer for the purpose of mining;

    Implementation of construction;

    Pollution with harmful elements;

    Loss of humus, etc.

    The soil layer is subjected to the greatest destruction during the course of erosion processes. The fight against these phenomena, as well as the adoption preventive measures to prevent it, is an important component of the protection of land resources.

    The fertile layer also suffers from secondary salinization. It sharply reduces the productivity of fields, which is the reason for their exclusion from agricultural use. Secondary salinization is especially widespread in areas with an arid climate, where there is a need for watering the land. At the same time, there is an increase in the level of groundwater, which, evaporating, contributes to salt accumulation in the fertile layer. Appropriate measures must be taken to prevent this phenomenon. These include the implementation of control measurements of water-salt regimes and compliance with them normative value.

    Soil protection contains the main strategic directions, which are complex and multifaceted. Industry and energy sectors must gradually move towards the production of products that are eco-friendly, allowing for little or no waste use of available resources. The work of agricultural enterprises is also subject to restructuring. It should be subordinated to the need to take measures to implement the maximum effective means to fight harmful organisms. The criterion for the choice of applied fertilizers should be their low pesticide hazard.

    Soil protection should also consist in constant monitoring of the state of the top layer of the earth. The adoption of preventive measures may include the display of specially designed layouts. Soil protection signs are of a warning nature. According to the samples of the customer, for example, the company "LESPROMDIZAYN" is engaged in their production.